Example #1
 def photo(self, uri, lon, lat):
     x, y = self.deg_to_px(lon, lat)
     rel = refTo(base(), uri)
     while 1:
         for x2, y2 in self.marks:
             if sqrt((x - x2) * (x - x2) + (y - y2) * (y - y2)) < 7:
                 x, y = x + 9, y - 9  # shift
     self.marks.append((x, y))
     self.wr("""<a xlink:href='%s'>
                 <rect x='%i' y='%i' width='14' height='8' style='fill:#777;stroke:black'/>
                 <circle cx='%i' cy='%i' r='3'/>
                 </a>""" % (rel, x - 7, y - 4, x, y))
Example #2
 def photo(self, uri, lon, lat):
     x, y = self.deg_to_px(lon, lat)
     rel = refTo(base(), uri)
     while 1:
         for x2, y2 in self.marks:
             if sqrt((x-x2)*(x-x2) + (y-y2)*(y-y2)) < 7:
                 x, y = x + 9, y - 9  # shift
     self.marks.append((x, y))
     self.wr("""<a xlink:href='%s'>
                 <rect x='%i' y='%i' width='14' height='8' style='fill:#777;stroke:black'/>
                 <circle cx='%i' cy='%i' r='3'/>
                 </a>""" %(rel, x-7, y-4, x, y))
Example #3
File: fin.py Project: weyls/swap
def baseRel(uri):
    return uripath.refTo(uripath.base(), uri)
Example #4
def baseRel(uri):
    return uripath.refTo(uripath.base(), uri)
Example #5
def localize(uri):
    """Get URI relative to where this lives"""
    from swap import uripath
    return uripath.refTo("http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/retest.py", uri)
Example #6
def main():
    global verbose, proofs, chatty, normal, no_action
    start = 1
    python_command='python -tt'
    global ploughOn # even if error
    ploughOn = 0
    global verbose
    verbose = 0
    global just_fix_it
    just_fix_it = 0
    if diag.print_all_file_names:
        a = file('testfilelist','w')
        opts, testFiles = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h?s:nNcipf:v",
            ["help", "start=", "testsFrom=", "no-action", "No-normal", "chatty",
                "ignoreErrors", "proofs", "verbose","overwrite","cwm="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # print help information and exit:
    output = None
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "-?", "--help"):
        if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbose = 1
        if o in ("-i", "--ignoreErrors"):
            ploughOn = 1
        if o in ("-s", "--start"):
            start = int(a)
        if o in ("-f", "--testsFrom"):
        if o in ("-n", "--no-action"):
            no_action = 1
        if o in ("-N", "--No-normal"):
            normal = 0
        if o in ("-c", "--chatty"):
            chatty = 1
        if o in ("-p", "--proofs"):
            proofs = 1
        if o in ("--overwrite",):
            just_fix_it = 1
        if o in ("--cwm", "--the_end"):

    assert system("mkdir -p ,temp") == 0
    assert system("mkdir -p ,diffs") == 0
    if proofs: assert system("mkdir -p ,proofs") == 0
    global problems
    problems = []
    WD = base()[:-1] 
    #def basicTest(case, desc, args)

    if verbose: progress("Test files:", testFiles)
    kb = loadMany(testFiles, referer="")
    testData = []
    RDFTestData  = []
    RDFNegativeTestData = []
    perfData = []
    n3PositiveTestData = []
    n3NegativeTestData = []
    sparqlTestData = []
#    for fn in testFiles:
#       print "Loading tests from", fn
#       kb=load(fn)
    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=test.CwmTest):
        verboseDebug = kb.contains(subj=t, pred=rdf.type, obj=test.VerboseTest)
        u = t.uriref()
        ref = kb.the(t, test.referenceOutput)
        if ref == None:
            case = str(kb.the(t, test.shortFileName))
            refFile = "ref/%s" % case
            refFile = refTo(base(), ref.uriref())
            case  = ""
            for ch in refFile:
                if ch in "/#": case += "_"
                else: case += ch  # Make up test-unique temp filename
        description = str(kb.the(t, test.description))
        arguments = str(kb.the(t, test.arguments))
        environment = kb.the(t, test.environment)
        if environment == None: env=""
        else: env = str(environment) + " "
        testData.append((t, t.uriref(), case, refFile, description, env, arguments, verboseDebug))

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=rdft.PositiveParserTest):

        x = t.uriref()
        y = x.find("/rdf-tests/")
        x = x[y+11:] # rest
        for i in range(len(x)):
            if x[i]in"/#": x = x[:i]+"_"+x[i+1:]
        case = "rdft_" + x + ".nt" # Hack - temp file name
        description = str(kb.the(t, rdft.description))
#           if description == None: description = case + " (no description)"
        inputDocument = kb.the(t, rdft.inputDocument).uriref()
        outputDocument = kb.the(t, rdft.outputDocument).uriref()
        status = kb.the(t, rdft.status).string
        good = 1
        if status != "APPROVED":
            if verbose: print "\tNot approved: "+ inputDocument[-40:]
            good = 0
        categories = kb.each(t, rdf.type)
        for cat in categories:
            if cat is triage.ReificationTest:
                if verbose: print "\tNot supported (reification): "+ inputDocument[-40:]
                good = 0
##            if cat is triage.ParseTypeLiteralTest:
##                if verbose: print "\tNot supported (Parse type literal): "+ inputDocument[-40:]
##                good = 0
        if good:
            RDFTestData.append((t.uriref(), case, description,  inputDocument, outputDocument))

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=rdft.NegativeParserTest):

        x = t.uriref()
        y = x.find("/rdf-tests/")
        x = x[y+11:] # rest
        for i in range(len(x)):
            if x[i]in"/#": x = x[:i]+"_"+x[i+1:]
        case = "rdft_" + x + ".nt" # Hack - temp file name
        description = str(kb.the(t, rdft.description))
#           if description == None: description = case + " (no description)"
        inputDocument = kb.the(t, rdft.inputDocument).uriref()
        status = kb.the(t, rdft.status).string
        good = 1
        if status != "APPROVED":
            if verbose: print "\tNot approved: "+ inputDocument[-40:]
            good = 0
        categories = kb.each(t, rdf.type)
        for cat in categories:
            if cat is triage.knownError:
                if verbose: print "\tknown failure: "+ inputDocument[-40:]
                good = 0
            if cat is triage.ReificationTest:
                if verbose: print "\tNot supported (reification): "+ inputDocument[-40:]
                good = 0
        if good:
            RDFNegativeTestData.append((t.uriref(), case, description,  inputDocument))

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=n3test.PositiveParserTest):
        u = t.uriref()
        hash = u.rfind("#")
        slash = u.rfind("/")
        assert hash >0 and slash > 0
        case = u[slash+1:hash] + "_" + u[hash+1:] + ".out" # Make up temp filename
        description = str(kb.the(t, n3test.description))
#           if description == None: description = case + " (no description)"
        inputDocument = kb.the(t, n3test.inputDocument).uriref()
        good = 1
        categories = kb.each(t, rdf.type)
        for cat in categories:
            if cat is triage.knownError:
                if verbose: print "\tknown failure: "+ inputDocument[-40:]
                good = 0
        if good:
            n3PositiveTestData.append((t.uriref(), case, description,  inputDocument))

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=n3test.NegativeParserTest):
        u = t.uriref()
        hash = u.rfind("#")
        slash = u.rfind("/")
        assert hash >0 and slash > 0
        case = u[slash+1:hash] + "_" + u[hash+1:] + ".out" # Make up temp filename
        description = str(kb.the(t, n3test.description))
#           if description == None: description = case + " (no description)"
        inputDocument = kb.the(t, n3test.inputDocument).uriref()

        n3NegativeTestData.append((t.uriref(), case, description,  inputDocument))

    for tt in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=sparql_manifest.Manifest):
        for t in kb.the(subj=tt, pred=sparql_manifest.entries):
            name = str(kb.the(subj=t, pred=sparql_manifest.name))
            query_node = kb.the(subj=t, pred=sparql_manifest.action)
            if isinstance(query_node, AnonymousNode):
                data = ''
                for data_node in kb.each(subj=query_node, pred=sparql_query.data):
                    data = data + ' ' + data_node.uriref()

                inputDocument = kb.the(subj=query_node, pred=sparql_query.query).uriref()
                data = ''
                inputDocument = query_node.uriref()
            j = inputDocument.rfind('/')
            case = inputDocument[j+1:]
            outputDocument = kb.the(subj=t, pred=sparql_manifest.result)
            if outputDocument:
                outputDocument = outputDocument.uriref()
                outputDocument = None
            good = 1
            status = kb.the(subj=t, pred=dawg_test.approval)
            if status != dawg_test.Approved:
                print status, name
                if verbose: print "\tNot approved: "+ inputDocument[-40:]
                good = 0
            if good:
                sparqlTestData.append((tt.uriref(), case, name, inputDocument, data, outputDocument))

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=test.PerformanceTest):
        x = t.uriref()
        theTime = kb.the(subj=t, pred=test.pyStones)
        description = str(kb.the(t, test.description))
        arguments = str(kb.the(t, test.arguments))
        environment = kb.the(t, test.environment)
        if environment == None: env=""
        else: env = str(environment) + " "
        perfData.append((x, theTime, description, env, arguments))

    cwmTests = len(testData)
    if verbose: print "Cwm tests: %i" % cwmTests
    rdfTests = len(RDFTestData)
    rdfNegativeTests = len(RDFNegativeTestData)
    perfTests = len(perfData)
    n3PositiveTests = len(n3PositiveTestData)
    n3NegativeTests = len(n3NegativeTestData)
    sparqlTests = len(sparqlTestData)
    totalTests = cwmTests + rdfTests + rdfNegativeTests + sparqlTests \
                 + perfTests + n3PositiveTests + n3NegativeTests
    if verbose: print "RDF parser tests: %i" % rdfTests

    for t, u, case, refFile, description, env, arguments, verboseDebug in testData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        urel = refTo(base(), u)
        print "%3i/%i %-30s  %s" %(tests, totalTests, urel, description)
    #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(arguments, case)
        assert case and description and arguments
        cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e 's;%s;%s;g'""" % (WD, REFWD,
                                                                                                      cwm_command, '../cwm.py')
        if normal:
            execute("""CWM_RUN_NS="run#" %s %s %s --quiet %s | %s > ,temp/%s""" %
                (env, python_command, cwm_command, arguments, cleanup , case))  
            if diff(case, refFile):
                problem("######### from normal case %s: %scwm %s" %( case, env, arguments))

        if chatty and not verboseDebug:
            execute("""%s %s %s --chatty=100  %s  &> /dev/null""" %
                (env, python_command, cwm_command, arguments), noStdErr=True)   

        if proofs and kb.contains(subj=t, pred=rdf.type, obj=test.CwmProofTest):
            execute("""%s %s %s --quiet %s --base=a --why  > ,proofs/%s""" %
                (env, python_command, cwm_command, arguments, case))
            execute("""%s ../check.py < ,proofs/%s | %s > ,temp/%s""" %
                (python_command, case, cleanup , case)) 
            if diff(case, refFile):
                problem("######### from proof case %s: %scwm %s" %( case, env, arguments))
#       else:
#           progress("No proof for "+`t`+ " "+`proofs`)
#           progress("@@ %s" %(kb.each(t,rdf.type)))
        passes = passes + 1

    for u, case, name, inputDocument, data, outputDocument in sparqlTestData:
        tests += 1
        if tests < start: continue

        urel = refTo(base(), u)
        print "%3i/%i %-30s  %s" %(tests, totalTests, urel, name)
        inNtriples = case + '_1'
        outNtriples = case + '_2'
            execute("""%s %s %s --sparql=%s --filter=%s --filter=%s --ntriples > ',temp/%s'""" %
                    (python_command, cwm_command, data, inputDocument,
                     'sparql/filter1.n3', 'sparql/filter2.n3', inNtriples))
        except NotImplementedError:
        if outputDocument:
            execute("""%s %s %s --ntriples > ',temp/%s'""" %
                    (python_command, cwm_command, outputDocument, outNtriples))
            if rdfcompare3(inNtriples, ',temp/' + outNtriples):
                problem('We have a problem with %s on %s' %  (inputDocument, data))

        passes += 1
    for u, case, description,  inputDocument, outputDocument in RDFTestData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        print "%3i/%i)  %s   %s" %(tests, totalTests, case, description)
    #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(inputDocument, case)
        assert case and description and inputDocument and outputDocument
#       cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^ *$/d'""" % (
#                       WD, REFWD)
        execute("""%s %s --quiet --rdf=RT %s --ntriples  > ,temp/%s""" %
            (python_command, cwm_command, inputDocument, case))
        if rdfcompare3(case, localize(outputDocument)):
            problem("  from positive parser test %s running\n\tcwm %s\n" %( case,  inputDocument))

        passes = passes + 1

    for u, case, description,  inputDocument in RDFNegativeTestData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        print "%3i/%i)  %s   %s" %(tests, totalTests, case, description)
    #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(inputDocument, case)
        assert case and description and inputDocument
#       cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^ *$/d'""" % (
#                       WD, REFWD)
            execute("""%s %s --quiet --rdf=RT %s --ntriples  > ,temp/%s 2>/dev/null""" %
            (python_command, cwm_command, inputDocument, case))
            problem("""I didn't get a parse error running python %s --quiet --rdf=RT %s --ntriples  > ,temp/%s
from test ^=%s
I should have.
""" %
            (cwm_command, inputDocument, case, u))

        passes = passes + 1

    for u, case, description, inputDocument in n3PositiveTestData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        print "%3i/%i)  %s   %s" %(tests, totalTests, case, description)
    #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(inputDocument, case)
        assert case and description and inputDocument
#       cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^ *$/d'""" % (
#                       WD, REFWD)
            execute("""%s %s --grammar=../grammar/n3-selectors.n3  --as=http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document --parse=%s  > ,temp/%s 2>/dev/null""" %
            (python_command, '../grammar/predictiveParser.py', inputDocument, case))
        except RuntimeError:
            problem("""Error running ``python %s --grammar=../grammar/n3-selectors.n3  --as=http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document --parse=%s  > ,temp/%s 2>/dev/null''""" %
            ('../grammar/predictiveParser.py', inputDocument, case))
        passes = passes + 1

    for u, case, description, inputDocument in n3NegativeTestData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        print "%3i/%i)  %s   %s" %(tests, totalTests, case, description)
    #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(inputDocument, case)
        assert case and description and inputDocument
#       cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^ *$/d'""" % (
#                       WD, REFWD)
            execute("""%s %s ../grammar/n3-selectors.n3  http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document %s  > ,temp/%s 2>/dev/null""" %
                (python_command, '../grammar/predictiveParser.py', inputDocument, case))
            problem("""There was no error executing ``python %s --grammar=../grammar/n3-selectors.n3  --as=http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document --parse=%s    > ,temp/%s''
            There should have been one.""" %
                ('../grammar/predictiveParser.py', inputDocument, case))

        passes = passes + 1

    timeMatcher = re.compile(r'\t([0-9]+)m([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)s')
##    from test.pystone import pystones
##    pyStoneTime = pystones()[1]
    for u, theTime, description, env, arguments in perfData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue
        urel = refTo(base(), u)
        print "%3i/%i %-30s  %s" %(tests, totalTests, urel, description)
        tt = os.times()[-1]
        a = system("""%s %s %s --quiet %s >,time.out""" %
                       (env, python_command, cwm_command, arguments))
        userTime = os.times()[-1] - tt
        print """%spython %s --quiet %s 2>,time.out""" % \
                       (env, cwm_command, arguments)
##        c = file(',time.out', 'r')
##        timeOutput = c.read()
##        c.close()
##        timeList = [timeMatcher.search(b).groups() for b in timeOutput.split('\n') if timeMatcher.search(b) is not None]
##        print timeList
##        userTimeStr = timeList[1]
##        userTime = int(userTimeStr[0])*60 + float(userTimeStr[1] + '.' + userTimeStr[2])
        pyCount = pyStoneTime * userTime
        print pyCount
    if problems != []:
        for s in problems:
            sys.stderr.write("  " + s + "\n")
        raise RuntimeError("Total %i errors in %i tests." % (len(problems), tests))
Example #7
from swap import diag
from swap import uripath

### I used to have a main() function
### But that made the stack one longer
### Which changed the progress() output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    diag.print_all_file_names = 1
    import os
    import sys
    if False and len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'delta':
        from delta import main
        sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:]
        from cwm import doCommand
        sys.argv[0] = '../cwm.py'

    file_list = diag.file_list
    file_list = [a for a in file_list if a[0:4] == 'file']
    base = uripath.base()
    file_list = [uripath.refTo(base, a) for a in file_list]
        a = file('testfilelist', 'a')
Example #8
def localize(uri):
    """Get URI relative to where this lives"""
    from swap import uripath
    return uripath.refTo("http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/retest.py", uri)
Example #9
def main():
    global verbose, proofs, chatty, normal, no_action
    start = 1
    cwm_command = '../cwm.py'
    python_command = 'python -tt'
    global ploughOn  # even if error
    ploughOn = 0
    global verbose
    verbose = 0
    global just_fix_it
    just_fix_it = 0
    if diag.print_all_file_names:
        a = file('testfilelist', 'w')
        opts, testFiles = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h?s:nNcipf:v", [
            "help", "start=", "testsFrom=", "no-action", "No-normal", "chatty",
            "ignoreErrors", "proofs", "verbose", "overwrite", "cwm="
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # print help information and exit:
    output = None
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "-?", "--help"):
        if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbose = 1
        if o in ("-i", "--ignoreErrors"):
            ploughOn = 1
        if o in ("-s", "--start"):
            start = int(a)
        if o in ("-f", "--testsFrom"):
        if o in ("-n", "--no-action"):
            no_action = 1
        if o in ("-N", "--No-normal"):
            normal = 0
        if o in ("-c", "--chatty"):
            chatty = 1
        if o in ("-p", "--proofs"):
            proofs = 1
        if o in ("--overwrite", ):
            just_fix_it = 1
        if o in ("--cwm", "--the_end"):
            cwm_command = a

    assert system("mkdir -p ,temp") == 0
    assert system("mkdir -p ,diffs") == 0
    if proofs: assert system("mkdir -p ,proofs") == 0

    tests = 0
    passes = 0
    global problems
    problems = []

    REFWD = "http://example.com/swap/test"
    WD = base()[:-1]

    #def basicTest(case, desc, args)

    if verbose: progress("Test files:", testFiles)

    kb = loadMany(testFiles, referer="")
    testData = []
    RDFTestData = []
    RDFNegativeTestData = []
    perfData = []
    n3PositiveTestData = []
    n3NegativeTestData = []
    sparqlTestData = []
    #    for fn in testFiles:
    #       print "Loading tests from", fn
    #       kb=load(fn)

    for t in kb.each(pred=rdf.type, obj=test.CwmTest):
        verboseDebug = kb.contains(subj=t, pred=rdf.type, obj=test.VerboseTest)
        u = t.uriref()
        ref = kb.the(t, test.referenceOutput)
        if ref == None:
            case = str(kb.the(t, test.shortFileName))
            refFile = "ref/%s" % case
            refFile = refTo(base(), ref.uriref())
            case = ""
            for ch in refFile:
                if ch in "/#": case += "_"
                else: case += ch  # Make up test-unique temp filename
Example #10
    perfTests = len(perfData)
    n3PositiveTests = len(n3PositiveTestData)
    n3NegativeTests = len(n3NegativeTestData)
    sparqlTests = len(sparqlTestData)
    totalTests = cwmTests + rdfTests + rdfNegativeTests + sparqlTests \
                 + perfTests + n3PositiveTests + n3NegativeTests
    if verbose: print "RDF parser tests: %i" % rdfTests

    for t, u, case, refFile, description, env, arguments, verboseDebug in testData:
        tests = tests + 1
        if tests < start: continue

        urel = refTo(base(), u)

        print "%3i/%i %-30s  %s" % (tests, totalTests, urel, description)
        #    print "      %scwm %s   giving %s" %(arguments, case)
        assert case and description and arguments
        cleanup = """sed -e 's/\$[I]d.*\$//g' -e "s;%s;%s;g" -e '/@prefix run/d' -e 's;%s;%s;g'""" % (
            WD, REFWD, cwm_command, '../cwm.py')

        if normal:
                """CWM_RUN_NS="run#" %s %s %s --quiet %s | %s > ,temp/%s""" %
                (env, python_command, cwm_command, arguments, cleanup, case))
            if diff(case, refFile):
                problem("######### from normal case %s: %scwm %s" %
                        (case, env, arguments))