def get_one_swapi(id=None, nome=None): n = 1 output = [] result = [] mensagem = {'Erro': 'Nenhum planeta encontrado'} #SWAPI planets = swapi.get_all("planets") for r in planets.order_by("created"): output.append({ '_id': n, 'nome':, 'clima': r.climate, 'terreno': r.terrain, 'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ': len(r.films) }) n += 1 if id != None: for i in output: if i['_id'] == id: result.append({ '_id': i['_id'], 'nome': i['nome'], 'clima': i['clima'], 'terreno': i['terreno'], 'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ': len(swapi.get_planet(i['_id']).films) }) if nome != None: for i in output: if i['nome'] == nome: result.append({ '_id': i['_id'], 'nome': i['nome'], 'clima': i['clima'], 'terreno': i['terreno'], 'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ': len(swapi.get_planet(i['_id']).films) }) if len(result) == 0: return mensagem else: return result
def getPLanetByID(self, idPlanet): planet = swapi.get_planet(idPlanet) print(planet) if (planet is None): return None return planet
def index(): # Initialize the context context = {"found": False, "search": False} qp_term = request.args.get('search_term') if request.method == "POST" or qp_term: # If a multiple was found, then we need to grab from the query parameter # Did you say ‘ex-leper’? if qp_term: term = qp_term else: # Grab the client's search term from form term = request.form["search_term"] # The helper library doesn't have a search function so we'll make the request ourselves. search_response = get( f"{term}").json() count = search_response["count"] # Only one result returned. That’s right, sir. 16 years behind a veil and proud of it, sir. if count == 1: person = search_response["results"][0] planet = int("".join(n for n in person["homeworld"] if n.isdigit())) homeworld = swapi.get_planet(planet) # Population can be a number or "unknown" try: population = "{0:,d}".format(int(homeworld.population)) except ValueError: population = homeworld.population.title() # Create content response to send back to client context = { "search": True, "found": True, "name": person["name"], "homeworld_name":, "homeworld_population": population, "homeworld_climate": homeworld.climate, } # Multiple results returned elif 1 < count: # Send list of found names to the client results = list() for r in search_response["results"]: results.append(r["name"]) context = { "found": True, "search": True, "name": term, "multiples": results, "multiples_count": len(results), } # No results returned elif count < 1: context = {"found": False, "search": True, "name": term} return render_template("index.html", context=context)
def test_repr_(self): starship = swapi.get_starship(3) self.assertEquals('<Starship - Star Destroyer>', starship.__repr__()) vehicle = swapi.get_vehicle(4) self.assertEquals('<Vehicle - Sand Crawler>', vehicle.__repr__()) film = swapi.get_film(1) self.assertEquals('<Film - A New Hope>', film.__repr__()) planet = swapi.get_planet(1) self.assertEquals('<Planet - Tatooine>', planet.__repr__()) species = swapi.get_species(1) self.assertEquals('<Species - Human>', species.__repr__())
def gen_dict_info_from_movie(id): movie = swapi.get_film(id) characters = [] planets = [] species = [] spaceships = [] vehicles = [] """ get all characters from a movie and store them """ for person in movie.characters: person_id = person.split('/')[5] characters.append((swapi.get_person(person_id)).name) #print (characters) #print(len(characters)) """ get all planets from a movie and store them """ for planet in movie.planets: planet_id = planet.split('/')[5] planets.append((swapi.get_planet(planet_id)).name) #print (planets) """ get all species from a movie and store them """ for specie in movie.species: specie_id = specie.split('/')[5] species.append((swapi.get_species(specie_id)).name) """ get all starships from a movie and store them """ for spaceship in movie.starships: ship_id = spaceship.split('/')[5] spaceships.append((swapi.get_starship(ship_id)).name) """ get all vehicles from a movie and store them """ for vehicle in movie.vehicles: vehicle_id = vehicle.split('/')[5] vehicles.append((swapi.get_vehicle(vehicle_id)).name) dict = { 'title': movie.title, 'characters': characters, 'planets': planets, 'species': species, 'spaceships': spaceships, 'vehicles': vehicles } return dict
def main(): search = input(str("Please input a Star Wars character: ")) data = read_api(search) # read in single value attributes attributes = ("name", "birth_year", "eye_color", "gender", "hair_color", "height", "mass", "skin_color") for x in attributes: print(x + ": " + data[x]) # homeworld print("Homeworld: " + (swapi.get_planet(get_external(data["homeworld"]))).name) # read in multi value attributes attributes = ("films", "species", "starships", "vehicles") for x in attributes: print(x + ":") for j in range(0, len(data[x])): print(" " + str(get(x, get_external(data[x][j]))))
def swapi_to_action(text): try: if get_match(text, 'swapi')[0]: index = get_match(text, 'swapi')[1] if index == 0: i = swapi.get_planet(randint(1, 61)) print i if index == 1: i = swapi.get_film(randint(1, 7)) print i if index == 2: i = swapi.get_vehicle(randint(1, 39)) print i if index == 3: i = swapi.get_starship(randint(1, 37)) print i if index == 4: i = wapi.get_specie(randint(1, 37)) print i if index == 5: i = swapi.get_person(randint(1, 87)) print i except: pass
def test_get_person_homeworld(self): luke = swapi.get_person(1) home = luke.get_homeworld() tatooine = swapi.get_planet(1) self.assertEquals(type(home), Planet) self.assertEquals(,
def get_one_swapi(id=None,nome=None): n = 1 output = [] result = [] mensagem = {'Erro':'Nenhum planeta encontrado'} #SWAPI planets = swapi.get_all("planets") for r in planets.order_by("created"): output.append({'_id':n,'nome','clima':r.climate,'terreno':r.terrain,'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ' : len(r.films)}) n+=1 if id != None: for i in output: if i['_id'] == id: result.append({'_id':i['_id'],'nome':i['nome'],'clima':i['clima'],'terreno':i['terreno'],'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ': len(swapi.get_planet(i['_id']).films)}) if nome != None: for i in output: if i['nome'] == nome: result.append({'_id':i['_id'],'nome':i['nome'],'clima':i['clima'],'terreno':i['terreno'],'quantidade de aparições em filmes: ': len(swapi.get_planet(i['_id']).films)}) if len(result) == 0: return mensagem else: return result
def test_planet_get_films(self): planet = swapi.get_planet(1) self.assertEquals(type(planet.get_films()), FilmQuerySet)
def test_planet_get_residents(self): planet = swapi.get_planet(1) self.assertEquals(type(planet.get_residents()), PeopleQuerySet)
ocL = len(film.opening_crawl) tL = len(tweet) tot = (ocL if ocL + tL <= 276 else 276 - tL) tweet += film.opening_crawl[:tot] + "..." elif (opc == 2): #people try: person = swapi.get_person(randint(1, 87)) except: person = swapi.get_person(1) home = person.get_homeworld() tweet = "#StarWars\nPerson\nName: " + + "\nHeight: " + person.height + "\nMass: " + person.mass + "\nHair Color: " + person.hair_color + "\nSkin Color: " + person.skin_color + "\nEye Color: " + person.eye_color + "\nBirth Year: " + person.birth_year + "\nGender: " + person.gender + "\nHomeworld: " + elif (opc == 3): #planets try: planet = swapi.get_planet(randint(1, 61)) except: planet = swapi.get_planet(1) tweet = "#StarWars\nPlanet\nName: " + + "\nRotation Period: " + planet.rotation_period + "\nOrbital Period: " + planet.orbital_period + "\nDiameter: " + planet.diameter + "\nClimate:" + planet.climate + "\nGravity: " + planet.gravity + "\nTerrain: " + planet.terrain + "\nSurface_water:" + planet.surface_water + "\nPopulation:" + planet.population elif (opc == 4): #starships try: starship = swapi.get_starship(randint(1, 37)) except: starship = swapi.get_starship(10) tweet = "#StarWars\nStarship\nName: " + + "\nModel: " + starship.model + "\nManufacturer: " + starship.manufacturer + "\nMax Atmosphering Speed: " + starship.max_atmosphering_speed + "\nStarship Class: " + starship.starship_class + "\nCargo Capacity: " + starship.cargo_capacity elif (opc == 5): #vehicles try: vehicle = swapi.get_vehicle(randint(1, 39)) except:
def planet(): swapi.get_planet(randint(1, 61))