Example #1
def validate_iban(iban):
    iban = normalize_iban(iban)
    if not iban:
        raise ValidationError(_("There is no IBAN code."))

    country_code = iban[:2].lower()
    if country_code not in _map_iban_template:
        raise ValidationError(
            _("The IBAN is invalid, it should begin with the country code"))

    iban_template = _map_iban_template[country_code]
    if len(iban) != len(iban_template.replace(' ', '')):
        raise ValidationError(
            _("The IBAN does not seem to be correct. You should have entered something like this %s\n"
              "Where B = National bank code, S = Branch code, C = Account No, k = Check digit"
              ) % iban_template)

    check_chars = iban[4:] + iban[:4]
    digits = int(''.join(
        str(int(char, 36))
        for char in check_chars))  # BASE 36: 0..9,A..Z -> 0..35
    if digits % 97 != 1:
        raise ValidationError(
            _("This IBAN does not pass the validation check, please verify it."
Example #2
 def _check_sale_line_type(self):
     for project in self:
         if project.billable_type == 'task_rate':
             if project.sale_line_id and not project.sale_line_id.is_service:
                 raise ValidationError(_("A billable project should be linked to a Sales Order Item having a Service product."))
             if project.sale_line_id and project.sale_line_id.is_expense:
                 raise ValidationError(_("A billable project should be linked to a Sales Order Item that does not come from an expense or a vendor bill."))
Example #3
    def _create_payment_transaction(self, vals=None):
        for pay in self:
            if pay.payment_transaction_id:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('A payment transaction already exists.'))
            elif not pay.payment_token_id:
                raise ValidationError(
                    _('A token is required to create a new payment transaction.'

        transactions = self.env['payment.transaction']
        for pay in self:
            transaction_vals = pay._prepare_payment_transaction_vals()

            if vals:

            transaction = self.env['payment.transaction'].create(
            transactions += transaction

            # Link the transaction to the payment.
            pay.payment_transaction_id = transaction

        return transactions
Example #4
 def _check_category_reference_uniqueness(self):
     """ Force the existence of only one UoM reference per category
         NOTE: this is a constraint on the all table. This might not be a good practice, but this is
         not possible to do it in SQL directly.
     category_ids = self.mapped('category_id').ids
         SELECT C.id AS category_id, count(U.id) AS uom_count
         FROM uom_category C
         LEFT JOIN uom_uom U ON C.id = U.category_id AND uom_type = 'reference' AND U.active = 't'
         WHERE C.id IN %s
         GROUP BY C.id
     """, (tuple(category_ids), ))
     for uom_data in self._cr.dictfetchall():
         if uom_data['uom_count'] == 0:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("UoM category %s should have a reference unit of measure. If you just created a new category, please record the 'reference' unit first."
                   ) % (self.env['uom.category'].browse(
                       uom_data['category_id']).name, ))
         if uom_data['uom_count'] > 1:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("UoM category %s should only have one reference unit of measure."
                   ) % (self.env['uom.category'].browse(
                       uom_data['category_id']).name, ))
Example #5
    def set(self,
        """ Defines a default value for the given field. Any entry for the same
            scope (field, user, company) will be replaced. The value is encoded
            in JSON to be stored to the database.

            :param user_id: may be ``False`` for all users, ``True`` for the
                            current user, or any user id
            :param company_id: may be ``False`` for all companies, ``True`` for
                               the current user's company, or any company id
            :param condition: optional condition that restricts the
                              applicability of the default value; this is an
                              opaque string, but the client typically uses
                              single-field conditions in the form ``'key=val'``.
        if user_id is True:
            user_id = self.env.uid
        if company_id is True:
            company_id = self.env.user.company_id.id

        # check consistency of model_name, field_name, and value
            model = self.env[model_name]
            field = model._fields[field_name]
            field.convert_to_cache(value, model)
            json_value = json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False)
        except KeyError:
            raise ValidationError(
                _("Invalid field %s.%s") % (model_name, field_name))
        except Exception:
            raise ValidationError(
                _("Invalid value for %s.%s: %s") %
                (model_name, field_name, value))

        # update existing default for the same scope, or create one
        field = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model_name, field_name)
        default = self.search([
            ('field_id', '=', field.id),
            ('user_id', '=', user_id),
            ('company_id', '=', company_id),
            ('condition', '=', condition),
        if default:
            default.write({'json_value': json_value})
                'field_id': field.id,
                'user_id': user_id,
                'company_id': company_id,
                'condition': condition,
                'json_value': json_value,
        return True
Example #6
 def _check_model(self):
     for action in self:
         if action.res_model not in self.env:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('Invalid model name %r in action definition.') %
         if action.src_model and action.src_model not in self.env:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('Invalid model name %r in action definition.') %
Example #7
 def _check_pattern(self):
     p = self.pattern.replace("\\\\", "X").replace("\{", "X").replace("\}", "X")
     findall = re.findall("[{]|[}]", p) # p does not contain escaped { or }
     if len(findall) == 2: 
         if not re.search("[{][N]*[D]*[}]", p):
             raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": braces can only contain N's followed by D's."))
         elif re.search("[{][}]", p):
             raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": empty braces."))
     elif len(findall) != 0:
         raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": a rule can only contain one pair of braces."))
     elif p == '*':
         raise ValidationError(_(" '*' is not a valid Regex Barcode Pattern. Did you mean '.*' ?"))
Example #8
 def _check_project_and_template(self):
     """ NOTE 'service_tracking' should be in decorator parameters but since ORM check constraints twice (one after setting
         stored fields, one after setting non stored field), the error is raised when company-dependent fields are not set.
         So, this constraints does cover all cases and inconsistent can still be recorded until the ORM change its behavior.
     for product in self:
         if product.service_tracking == 'no' and (product.project_id or product.project_template_id):
             raise ValidationError(_('The product %s should not have a project nor a project template since it will not generate project.') % (product.name,))
         elif product.service_tracking == 'task_global_project' and product.project_template_id:
             raise ValidationError(_('The product %s should not have a project template since it will generate a task in a global project.') % (product.name,))
         elif product.service_tracking in ['task_new_project', 'project_only'] and product.project_id:
             raise ValidationError(_('The product %s should not have a global project since it will generate a project.') % (product.name,))
Example #9
 def _check_grouping(self):
     warning = _(
         'The Separator Format should be like [,n] where 0 < n :starting from Unit digit. '
         '-1 will end the separation. e.g. [3,2,-1] will represent 106500 to be 1,06,500;'
         '[1,2,-1] will represent it to be 106,50,0;[3] will represent it as 106,500. '
         'Provided as the thousand separator in each case.')
     for lang in self:
             if not all(
                     isinstance(x, int) for x in json.loads(lang.grouping)):
                 raise ValidationError(warning)
         except Exception:
             raise ValidationError(warning)
Example #10
 def _check_product_recursion(self):
     for bom in self:
         if bom.product_id:
             if bom.bom_line_ids.filtered(
                     lambda x: x.product_id == bom.product_id):
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('BoM line product %s should not be same as BoM product.'
                       ) % bom.display_name)
             if bom.bom_line_ids.filtered(
                     lambda x: x.product_id.product_tmpl_id == bom.
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('BoM line product %s should not be same as BoM product.'
                       ) % bom.display_name)
Example #11
 def _check_employee(self):
     for sheet in self:
         employee_ids = sheet.expense_line_ids.mapped('employee_id')
         if len(employee_ids) > 1 or (len(employee_ids) == 1 and
                                      employee_ids != sheet.employee_id):
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('You cannot add expenses of another employee.'))
Example #12
 def _check_amount(self):
     # Allow to enter bank statement line with an amount of 0,
     # so that user can enter/import the exact bank statement they have received from their bank in Swerp
     if self.journal_id.type != 'bank' and self.currency_id.is_zero(
         raise ValidationError(
             _('The amount of a cash transaction cannot be 0.'))
Example #13
 def _check_valid_attribute(self):
     if any(not line.value_ids
            or line.value_ids > line.attribute_id.value_ids
            for line in self):
         raise ValidationError(
             _('You cannot use this attribute with the following value.'))
     return True
Example #14
 def check_quantity(self):
     for quant in self:
         if float_compare(quant.quantity, 1, precision_rounding=quant.product_uom_id.rounding) > 0 and quant.lot_id and quant.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
             message_base = _('A serial number should only be linked to a single product.')
             message_quant = _('Please check the following serial number (name, id): ')
             message_sn = '(%s, %s)' % (quant.lot_id.name, quant.lot_id.id)
             raise ValidationError("\n".join([message_base, message_quant, message_sn]))
Example #15
 def _check_communication(self, payment_method_id, communication):
     super(AccountPayment, self)._check_communication(payment_method_id, communication)
     if payment_method_id == self.env.ref('account_check_printing.account_payment_method_check').id:
         if not communication:
         if len(communication) > 60:
             raise ValidationError(_("A check memo cannot exceed 60 characters."))
Example #16
 def _check_lot_product(self):
     for line in self:
         if line.lot_id and line.product_id != line.lot_id.sudo(
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('This lot %s is incompatible with this product %s' %
                   (line.lot_id.name, line.product_id.display_name)))
Example #17
 def _check_filter_product(self):
     if self.filter == 'none' and self.product_id and self.location_id and self.lot_id:
     if self.filter not in ('product', 'product_owner') and self.product_id:
         raise ValidationError(
             _('The selected product doesn\'t belong to that owner..'))
     if self.filter != 'lot' and self.lot_id:
         raise ValidationError(_('The selected lot number doesn\'t exist.'))
     if self.filter not in ('owner', 'product_owner') and self.partner_id:
         raise ValidationError(
             _('The selected owner doesn\'t have the proprietary of that product.'
     if self.filter != 'pack' and self.package_id:
         raise ValidationError(
             _('The selected inventory options are not coherent, the package doesn\'t exist.'
Example #18
 def _stripe_request(self, url, data=False, method="POST"):
     stripe_url = 'https://%s/' % (self._get_stripe_api_url())
     url = urls.url_join(stripe_url, url)
     headers = {
         "AUTHORIZATION": "Bearer %s" % self.sudo().stripe_secret_key,
         "2019-05-16",  # SetupIntent need a specific version
     resp = requests.request(method, url, data=data, headers=headers)
     # Stripe can send 4XX errors for payment failure (not badly-formed requests)
     # check if error `code` is present in 4XX response and raise only if not
     # cfr https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes
     # these can be made customer-facing, as they usually indicate a problem with the payment
     # (e.g. insufficient funds, expired card, etc.)
     # if the context key `stripe_manual_payment` is set then these errors will be raised as ValidationError,
     # otherwise, they will be silenced, and the will be returned no matter the status.
     # This key should typically be set for payments in the present and unset for automated payments
     # (e.g. through crons)
     if not resp.ok and self._context.get('stripe_manual_payment') and (
             400 <= resp.status_code < 500
             and resp.json().get('error', {}).get('code')):
         except HTTPError:
             stripe_error = resp.json().get('error', {}).get('message', '')
             error_msg = " " + (_(
                 "Stripe gave us the following info about the problem: '%s'"
             ) % stripe_error)
             raise ValidationError(error_msg)
     return resp.json()
Example #19
 def _check_timesheet_generate(self):
     for holiday_status in self:
         if holiday_status.timesheet_generate:
             if not holiday_status.timesheet_project_id or not holiday_status.timesheet_task_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('Both the internal project and task are required to generate timesheet for the leaves.'
Example #20
 def _check_validity_dates(self):
     for leave_type in self:
         if leave_type.validity_start and leave_type.validity_stop and \
            leave_type.validity_start > leave_type.validity_stop:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("End of validity period should be greater than start of validity period"
Example #21
 def _check_companies(self):
     if any(
                 lambda pl: pl.company_id.id not in
                 (False, self.company_id.id))):
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The selected pricelists must belong to no company or the company of the point of sale."
Example #22
 def _check_leave_timesheet_project_id_company(self):
     for company in self:
         if company.leave_timesheet_project_id:
             if company.leave_timesheet_project_id.sudo(
             ).company_id != company:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('The Internal Project of a company should be in that company.'
Example #23
 def _check_recursion_associate_member(self):
     level = 100
     while self:
         self = self.associate_member
         if not level:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('You cannot create recursive associated members.'))
         level -= 1
Example #24
 def _check_company_payment(self):
     if self.env['account.journal'].search_count([
         ('id', 'in', self.journal_ids.ids),
         ('company_id', '!=', self.company_id.id)
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The method payments and the point of sale must belong to the same company."
Example #25
 def _check_activity_mixin(self):
     for action in self:
         if action.state == 'next_activity' and not issubclass(
             raise ValidationError(
                 _("A next activity can only be planned on models that use the chatter"
Example #26
 def _check_recursion(self):
     if any(item.base == 'pricelist' and item.pricelist_id
            and item.pricelist_id == item.base_pricelist_id
            for item in self):
         raise ValidationError(
             _('You cannot assign the Main Pricelist as Other Pricelist in PriceList Item'
     return True
Example #27
 def _check_sale_line_in_project_map(self):
     for timesheet in self:
         if timesheet.project_id and timesheet.so_line:  # billed timesheet
             if timesheet.so_line not in timesheet.project_id.mapped(
             ) | timesheet.task_id.sale_line_id | timesheet.project_id.sale_line_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _("This timesheet line cannot be billed: there is no Sale Order Item defined on the task, nor on the project. Please define one to save your timesheet line."
Example #28
 def _check_format(self):
     for lang in self:
         for pattern in lang._disallowed_datetime_patterns:
             if (lang.time_format and pattern in lang.time_format) or \
                     (lang.date_format and pattern in lang.date_format):
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('Invalid date/time format directive specified. '
                       'Please refer to the list of allowed directives, '
                       'displayed when you edit a language.'))
Example #29
 def check_reserved_done_quantity(self):
     for move_line in self:
         if move_line.state == 'done' and not float_is_zero(
                 precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')):
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('A done move line should never have a reserved quantity.'
Example #30
 def _check_session_state(self):
     open_session = self.env['pos.session'].search_count([
         ('config_id.rounding_method', '=', self.id),
         ('state', '!=', 'closed')
     if open_session:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("You are not allowed to change the cash rounding configuration while a pos session using it is already opened."