Example #1
 def from_elem(elem):
     type = elem.get('{%s}type' % XMLNS_XSI)
     if type == 'CanonicalUser':
         value = elem.find('./ID').text
         return User(value)
     elif type == 'Group':
         value = elem.find('./URI').text
         subclass = get_group_subclass_from_uri(value)
         return subclass()
     elif type == 'AmazonCustomerByEmail':
         raise S3NotImplemented()
         raise MalformedACLError()
Example #2
def swift_acl_translate(acl, group='', user='', xml=False):
    Takes an S3 style ACL and returns a list of header/value pairs that
    implement that ACL in Swift, or "NotImplemented" if there isn't a way to do
    that yet.
    swift_acl = {}
    swift_acl['public-read'] = [['X-Container-Read', '.r:*,.rlistings']]
    # Swift does not support public write:
    # https://answers.launchpad.net/swift/+question/169541
    swift_acl['public-read-write'] = [['X-Container-Write', '.r:*'],
                                      ['X-Container-Read', '.r:*,.rlistings']]

    # TODO: if there's a way to get group and user, this should work for
    # private:
    # swift_acl['private'] = \
    #     [['HTTP_X_CONTAINER_WRITE',  group + ':' + user], \
    #      ['HTTP_X_CONTAINER_READ', group + ':' + user]]
    swift_acl['private'] = [['X-Container-Write', '.'],
                            ['X-Container-Read', '.']]
    if xml:
        # We are working with XML and need to parse it
            elem = fromstring(acl, 'AccessControlPolicy')
        except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid):
            raise MalformedACLError()
        acl = 'unknown'
        for grant in elem.findall('./AccessControlList/Grant'):
            permission = grant.find('./Permission').text
            grantee = grant.find('./Grantee').get('{%s}type' % XMLNS_XSI)
            if permission == "FULL_CONTROL" and grantee == 'CanonicalUser' and\
                    acl != 'public-read' and acl != 'public-read-write':
                acl = 'private'
            elif permission == "READ" and grantee == 'Group' and\
                    acl != 'public-read-write':
                acl = 'public-read'
            elif permission == "WRITE" and grantee == 'Group':
                acl = 'public-read-write'
                acl = 'unsupported'

    if acl == 'authenticated-read':
        raise S3NotImplemented()
    elif acl not in swift_acl:
        raise ACLError()

    return swift_acl[acl]
Example #3
 def from_header(grantee):
     Convert a grantee string in the HTTP header to an Grantee instance.
     type, value = grantee.split('=', 1)
     value = value.strip('"\'')
     if type == 'id':
         return User(value)
     elif type == 'emailAddress':
         raise S3NotImplemented()
     elif type == 'uri':
         # return a subclass instance of Group class
         subclass = get_group_subclass_from_uri(value)
         return subclass()
         raise InvalidArgument(type, value,
                               'Argument format not recognized')
    def xml(self, max_length, check_md5=False):
        Similar to swob.Request.body, but it checks the content length before
        creating a body string.
        if self.headers.get('transfer-encoding'):
            # FIXME: Raise error only when the input body is larger than
            # 'max_length'.
            raise S3NotImplemented('A header you provided implies '
                                   'functionality that is not implemented',

        if self.message_length() > max_length:
            raise MalformedXML()

        body = swob.Request.body.fget(self)

        if check_md5:

        return body
Example #5
    def xml(self, max_length, check_md5=False):
        Similar to swob.Request.body, but it checks the content length before
        creating a body string.
        te = self.headers.get('transfer-encoding', '')
        te = [x.strip() for x in te.split(',') if x.strip()]
        if te and (len(te) > 1 or te[-1] != 'chunked'):
            raise S3NotImplemented('A header you provided implies '
                                   'functionality that is not implemented',

        if self.message_length() > max_length:
            raise MalformedXML()

        # Limit the read similar to how SLO handles manifests
        body = self.body_file.read(max_length)

        if check_md5:

        return body
    def controller(self):
        if self.is_service_request:
            return ServiceController

        if not self.slo_enabled:
            multi_part = ['partNumber', 'uploadId', 'uploads']
            if len([p for p in multi_part if p in self.params]):
                LOGGER.warning('multipart: No SLO middleware in pipeline')
                raise S3NotImplemented("Multi-part feature isn't support")

        if 'acl' in self.params:
            if CONF.s3_acl:
                return S3AclController
                return AclController
        if 'delete' in self.params:
            return MultiObjectDeleteController
        if 'location' in self.params:
            return LocationController
        if 'logging' in self.params:
            return LoggingStatusController
        if 'partNumber' in self.params:
            return PartController
        if 'uploadId' in self.params:
            return UploadController
        if 'uploads' in self.params:
            return UploadsController
        if 'versioning' in self.params:
            return VersioningController

        unsupported = ('notification', 'policy', 'requestPayment', 'torrent',
                       'website', 'cors', 'tagging', 'restore')
        if set(unsupported) & set(self.params):
            return UnsupportedController

        if self.is_object_request:
            return ObjectController
        return BucketController
Example #7
    def POST(self, req):
        Handles Delete Multiple Objects.
        def object_key_iter(elem):
            for obj in elem.iterchildren('Object'):
                key = obj.find('./Key').text
                if not key:
                    raise UserKeyMustBeSpecified()
                version = obj.find('./VersionId')
                if version is not None:
                    version = version.text

                yield key, version

            xml = req.xml(MAX_MULTI_DELETE_BODY_SIZE, check_md5=True)
            elem = fromstring(xml, 'Delete')

            quiet = elem.find('./Quiet')
            if quiet is not None and quiet.text.lower() == 'true':
                self.quiet = True
                self.quiet = False

            delete_list = list(object_key_iter(elem))
            if len(delete_list) > CONF.max_multi_delete_objects:
                raise MalformedXML()
        except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid):
            raise MalformedXML()
        except ErrorResponse:
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback

        elem = Element('DeleteResult')

        # check bucket existence
            req.get_response(self.app, 'HEAD')
        except AccessDenied as error:
            body = self._gen_error_body(error, elem, delete_list)
            return HTTPOk(body=body)

        for key, version in delete_list:
            if version is not None:
                # TODO: delete the specific version of the object
                raise S3NotImplemented()

            req.object_name = key

                query = req.gen_multipart_manifest_delete_query(self.app)
                req.get_response(self.app, method='DELETE', query=query)
            except ErrorResponse as e:
                error = SubElement(elem, 'Error')
                SubElement(error, 'Key').text = key
                SubElement(error, 'Code').text = e.__class__.__name__
                SubElement(error, 'Message').text = e._msg

            if not self.quiet:
                deleted = SubElement(elem, 'Deleted')
                SubElement(deleted, 'Key').text = key

        body = tostring(elem)

        return HTTPOk(body=body)
Example #8
    def _validate_headers(self):
        if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in self.environ:
                if self.content_length < 0:
                    raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length',
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length',

        if 'Date' in self.headers:
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            date = email.utils.parsedate(self.headers['Date'])
            if 'Expires' in self.params:
                    d = email.utils.formatdate(float(self.params['Expires']))
                except ValueError:
                    raise AccessDenied()

                # check expiration
                expdate = email.utils.parsedate(d)
                ex = datetime.datetime(*expdate[0:6])
                if now > ex:
                    raise AccessDenied('Request has expired')
            elif date is not None:
                epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

                d1 = datetime.datetime(*date[0:6])
                if d1 < epoch:
                    raise AccessDenied()

                # If the standard date is too far ahead or behind, it is an
                # error
                delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60 * 5)
                if abs(d1 - now) > delta:
                    raise RequestTimeTooSkewed()
                raise AccessDenied()

        if 'Content-MD5' in self.headers:
            value = self.headers['Content-MD5']
            if not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2}$', value):
                # Non-base64-alphabet characters in value.
                raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value)
                self.headers['ETag'] = value.decode('base64').encode('hex')
            except Exception:
                raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value)

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in self.headers:
                check_path_header(self, 'X-Amz-Copy-Source', 2, '')
            except swob.HTTPException:
                msg = 'Copy Source must mention the source bucket and key: ' \
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-copy-source',
                                      self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'], msg)

        if 'x-amz-metadata-directive' in self.headers:
            value = self.headers['x-amz-metadata-directive']
            if value not in ('COPY', 'REPLACE'):
                err_msg = 'Unknown metadata directive.'
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-metadata-directive', value,

        if 'x-amz-storage-class' in self.headers:
            # Only STANDARD is supported now.
            if self.headers['x-amz-storage-class'] != 'STANDARD':
                raise InvalidStorageClass()

        if 'x-amz-mfa' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('MFA Delete is not supported.')

        if 'x-amz-server-side-encryption' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('Server-side encryption is not supported.')

        if 'x-amz-website-redirect-location' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('Website redirection is not supported.')
Example #9
 def elem(self):
     Get an etree element of this instance.
     raise S3NotImplemented()
Example #10
 def __contains__(self, key):
     The key argument is a S3 user id.  This method checks that the user id
     belongs to this class.
     raise S3NotImplemented()
Example #11
    def _validate_headers(self):
        if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in self.environ:
                if self.content_length < 0:
                    raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length',
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length',


        value = _header_strip(self.headers.get('Content-MD5'))
        if value is not None:
            if not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2}$', value):
                # Non-base64-alphabet characters in value.
                raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value)
                self.headers['ETag'] = value.decode('base64').encode('hex')
            except Exception:
                raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value)

            if len(self.headers['ETag']) != 32:
                raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value)

        if self.method == 'PUT' and any(h in self.headers for h in (
                'If-Match', 'If-None-Match',
                'If-Modified-Since', 'If-Unmodified-Since')):
            raise S3NotImplemented(
                'Conditional object PUTs are not supported.')

        if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in self.headers:
                check_path_header(self, 'X-Amz-Copy-Source', 2, '')
            except swob.HTTPException:
                msg = 'Copy Source must mention the source bucket and key: ' \
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-copy-source',

        if 'x-amz-metadata-directive' in self.headers:
            value = self.headers['x-amz-metadata-directive']
            if value not in ('COPY', 'REPLACE'):
                err_msg = 'Unknown metadata directive.'
                raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-metadata-directive', value,

        if 'x-amz-storage-class' in self.headers:
            # Only STANDARD is supported now.
            if self.headers['x-amz-storage-class'] != 'STANDARD':
                raise InvalidStorageClass()

        if 'x-amz-mfa' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('MFA Delete is not supported.')

        if 'x-amz-server-side-encryption' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('Server-side encryption is not supported.')

        if 'x-amz-website-redirect-location' in self.headers:
            raise S3NotImplemented('Website redirection is not supported.')
Example #12
 def POST(self, req):
     Handle POST Bucket request
     raise S3NotImplemented()
Example #13
 def __init__(self, app, **kwargs):
     raise S3NotImplemented('The requested resource is not implemented')
 def PUT(self, req):
     Handles PUT Bucket logging.
     raise S3NotImplemented()
Example #15
 def POST(self, req):
     raise S3NotImplemented()