Example #1
    def __init__(self, conf_file):
        self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(conf_file)

        "Info for common section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'common')
        self.user = self.conf.get('ssh_user', 'swiftops')
        self.key = self.conf.get('ssh_key', '/home/swiftops/.ssh/id_rsa')
        self.apt_opts = self.conf.get('apt_options', '-y -qq --force-yes')
        self.swift_generic = self.conf.get('swift_generic')
        self.swift_proxy = self.conf.get('swift_proxy')
        self.swift_storage = self.conf.get('swift_storage')
        self.swift_others = self.conf.get('swift_others', '')

        "Info for versioning section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'versioning')
        self.ver_system = self.conf.get('versioning_system', 'git')
        self.repo_base = self.conf.get('repository_base', '/srv/git')
        self.repo_name = self.conf.get('repository_name',

        "Info for swift section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'swift_common')
        self.admin_ip = self.conf.get('admin_ip', '')

        "Some Fabric environmental variables"
        env.user = self.user
        env.key_filename = self.key
        env.warn_only = True
        env.parallel = True
        env.pool_size = 5

        "Keyring packages that might be needed"
        self.keyrings = ['ubuntu-cloud-keyring']

        "Utilities that will be install on all systems by the common setup"
        self.general_tools = ['python-software-properties', 'patch',
                              'debconf', 'bonnie++', 'dstat', 'ethtool',
                              'python-configobj', 'curl', 'subversion',
                              'git-core', 'iptraf', 'htop', 'syslog-ng',
                              'nmon', 'strace', 'iotop', 'debsums',
                              'python-pip', 'snmpd', 'snmp', 'bsd-mailx',
                              'xfsprogs', 'ntp', 'snmp-mibs-downloader',
                              'exim4', 'screen']

        if not os.path.isfile(self.key):
            status = 404
            msg = 'SSH private key could not be located [%s]' % self.key
            raise ResponseError(status, msg)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, conf_file):
        self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(conf_file)

        "Info for common section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'common')
        self.user = self.conf.get('ssh_user', 'swiftops')
        self.key = self.conf.get('ssh_key', '/home/swiftops/.ssh/id_rsa')
        self.apt_opts = self.conf.get('apt_options', '-y -qq --force-yes')
        self.swift_generic = self.conf.get('swift_generic')
        self.swift_proxy = self.conf.get('swift_proxy')
        self.swift_storage = self.conf.get('swift_storage')
        self.swift_others = self.conf.get('swift_others', '')

        "Info for versioning section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'versioning')
        self.ver_system = self.conf.get('versioning_system', 'git')
        self.repo_base = self.conf.get('repository_base', '/srv/git')
        self.repo_name = self.conf.get('repository_name',

        "Info for swift section"
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file, 'swift_common')
        self.admin_ip = self.conf.get('admin_ip', '')

        "Some Fabric environmental variables"
        env.user = self.user
        env.key_filename = self.key
        env.warn_only = True
        env.parallel = True
        env.pool_size = 5

        "Keyring packages that might be needed"
        self.keyrings = ['ubuntu-cloud-keyring']

        "Utilities that will be install on all systems by the common setup"
        self.general_tools = [
            'python-software-properties', 'patch', 'debconf', 'bonnie++',
            'dstat', 'ethtool', 'python-configobj', 'curl', 'subversion',
            'git-core', 'iptraf', 'htop', 'syslog-ng', 'nmon', 'strace',
            'iotop', 'debsums', 'python-pip', 'snmpd', 'snmp', 'bsd-mailx',
            'xfsprogs', 'ntp', 'snmp-mibs-downloader', 'exim4', 'screen'

        if not os.path.isfile(self.key):
            status = 404
            msg = 'SSH private key could not be located [%s]' % self.key
            raise ResponseError(status, msg)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, conf_file, base_dir):
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file)
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.tmpl_dir = base_dir + '/templates'

        if not os.path.isdir(self.tmpl_dir):
            status = 404
            msg = 'Template directory not found [%s]' % self.tmpl_dir
            raise ResponseError(status, msg)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, conf_file, base_dir):
        self.conf = readconf(conf_file)
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.tmpl_dir = base_dir + '/templates'

        if not os.path.isdir(self.tmpl_dir):
            status = 404
            msg = 'Template directory not found [%s]' % self.tmpl_dir
            raise ResponseError(status, msg)