Example #1
    def test_recon_fail(self):
        mock_json = Mock()
        mock_json.side_effect = ValueError('error')
        mock_server_type = Mock(spec=ServerType)
        mock_server_type.name = 'servertype'
        mock_server_type.is_instance = True

        with patch(BUILTIN_OPEN):
            with patch('json.load', mock_json):
                actual = replication._recon_check(mock_server_type)

        self.assertIsInstance(actual, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), 2)
        actual = [m.metric() for m in actual]

        expected1 = replication.BASE_RESULT.child(
        expected1.value = 0

        self.assertIn(expected1.metric(), actual)

        expected2 = CheckFailure.child(dimensions={
            'check': expected1.name,
            'error': 'error',
        expected2.value = Severity.fail

        self.assertIn(expected2.metric(), actual)
Example #2
def check_details():
    Parses ntp data in the form:

        remote           refid   st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
    bindcat.fhsu.ed .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    origin.towfowi. .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    time-b.nist.gov .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    services.quadra .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
    version="ntpd [email protected] Fri Apr 10 19:04:04 UTC 2015 (1)",
    processor="x86_64", system="Linux/3.14.44-1-amd64-hlinux", leap=11,
    stratum=16, precision=-23, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=26.340, refid=INIT,
    reftime=00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  0:00:00.000,
    clock=d94f932a.13f33874  Tue, Jul 14 2015 13:54:50.077, peer=0, tc=3,
    mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
    clk_jitter=0.000, clk_wander=0.000
    results = []
    cmd_result = run_cmd('ntpq -pcrv')

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(dimensions={
            'check': BASE_RESULT.name,
            'error': cmd_result.output,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return [failed]

    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'stratum'))
    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'offset'))

    return results
Example #3
    def test_recon_fail(self):
        mock_json = Mock()
        mock_json.side_effect = ValueError('error')
        mock_server_type = Mock(spec=ServerType)
        mock_server_type.name = 'servertype'
        mock_server_type.is_instance = True

        with patch(BUILTIN_OPEN):
            with patch('json.load', mock_json):
                actual = replication._recon_check(mock_server_type)

        self.assertIsInstance(actual, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), 2)
        actual = [m.metric() for m in actual]

        expected1 = replication.BASE_RESULT.child(
        expected1.value = 0

        self.assertIn(expected1.metric(), actual)

        expected2 = CheckFailure.child(dimensions={
            'check': expected1.name,
            'error': 'error',
        expected2.value = Severity.fail

        self.assertIn(expected2.metric(), actual)
Example #4
def check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, fact_name):
    fact_result = BASE_RESULT.child(fact_name)

    # This regex will pick out the value after a fact. e.g
    #   stratum=16,
    # will match and the value '16' will be stored in 'match.groups()[0]'.
    # If output does not match the regex 'match' will be None.
    fact_regex = re.compile(fact_name + '=(.*?),')

    match = fact_regex.search(cmd_result.output)
    if match is None:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(
                'check': fact_result.name,
                'error': 'Output does not contain "%s"' % fact_name,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return failed
        fact_level = match.groups()[0]
        fact_result.value = fact_level

    return fact_result
Example #5
def check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, fact_name):
    fact_result = BASE_RESULT.child(fact_name)

    # This regex will pick out the value after a fact. e.g
    #   stratum=16,
    # will match and the value '16' will be stored in 'match.groups()[0]'.
    # If output does not match the regex 'match' will be None.
    fact_regex = re.compile(fact_name+'=(.*?),')

    match = fact_regex.search(cmd_result.output)
    if match is None:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(
                'check': fact_result.name,
                'error': 'Output does not contain "%s"' % fact_name,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return failed
        fact_level = match.groups()[0]
        fact_result.value = fact_level

    return fact_result
Example #6
def check_details():
    Parses ntp data in the form:

        remote           refid   st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
    bindcat.fhsu.ed .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    origin.towfowi. .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    time-b.nist.gov .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    services.quadra .INIT.       16 u    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
    associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
    version="ntpd [email protected] Fri Apr 10 19:04:04 UTC 2015 (1)",
    processor="x86_64", system="Linux/3.14.44-1-amd64-hlinux", leap=11,
    stratum=16, precision=-23, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=26.340, refid=INIT,
    reftime=00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  0:00:00.000,
    clock=d94f932a.13f33874  Tue, Jul 14 2015 13:54:50.077, peer=0, tc=3,
    mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
    clk_jitter=0.000, clk_wander=0.000
    results = []
    cmd_result = run_cmd('ntpq -pcrv')

    if cmd_result.exitcode != 0:
        failed = CheckFailure.child(
                'check': BASE_RESULT.name,
                'error': cmd_result.output,
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        return [failed]

    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'stratum'))
    results.append(check_ntpq_fact(cmd_result, 'offset'))

    return results
Example #7
def _recon_check(st):
    Parses the blah.recon file and returns the last replication.

    :param st: ServerType, Used to determine the metric names and recon
        file name.
    :param replication_field_name: string, name of the field in the json
        file that hold the last replication data.
    results = []
    if not st.is_instance:
        return results
    r = BASE_RESULT.child(name=st.name + '.last_replication')
    recon_file = st.name + '.recon'
        with open(RECON_PATH + recon_file) as f:
            j = json.load(f)

        last_replication = j.get('replication_last')
        if last_replication is None:
            last_replication = j.get('object_replication_last')

        last_replication = int(last_replication)
        last_replication = timestamp() - last_replication
    except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
        c = CheckFailure.child(dimensions={
            'check': r.name,
            'error': str(e)
        c.value = Severity.fail
        last_replication = 0

    r.value = last_replication
    return results
Example #8
    def test_details_fail(self):
        mock_command = Mock()
        mock_command.return_value = CommandResult(0, 'stratum=1,')

        with patch('swiftlm.systems.ntp.run_cmd', mock_command):
            with patch('swiftlm.systems.ntp.check_status', lambda: []):
                actual = ntp.main()

        self.assertIsInstance(actual, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), 2)
        actual = [a.metric() for a in actual]

        failed = CheckFailure.child()
        failed.value = Severity.fail
        failed['check'] = ntp.__name__ + '.offset'
        failed['error'] = 'Output does not contain "offset"'

        expected = [
            MetricData.single(ntp.__name__+'.stratum', '1', ''),

        for e in expected:
            self.assertIn(e.metric(), actual)