class AircraftBurn(Audit): APPROVAL_DRAFT = 'DRAFT' APPROVAL_SUBMITTED = 'USER' APPROVAL_ENDORSED = 'SRM' APPROVAL_APPROVED = 'SDO' APPROVAL_CHOICES = ( (APPROVAL_DRAFT, 'Draft'), (APPROVAL_SUBMITTED, 'District Submitted'), (APPROVAL_ENDORSED, 'Region Endorsed'), (APPROVAL_APPROVED, 'State Approved'), ) fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" prescription = models.ForeignKey(Prescription, verbose_name="Burn ID", related_name='aircraft_burns', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT) #prescribed_burn = models.ForeignKey(PrescribedBurn, verbose_name="Daily Burn ID", related_name='aircraft_burn', null=True, blank=True) date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=False) area = models.DecimalField(verbose_name="Area (ha)", max_digits=12, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) est_start = models.TimeField('Estimated Start Time', null=True, blank=True) bombing_duration = models.DecimalField( verbose_name="Bombing Duration (hrs)", max_digits=5, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) min_smc = models.DecimalField(verbose_name="Min SMC", max_digits=5, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) max_fdi = models.DecimalField(verbose_name="Max FDI", max_digits=5, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) sdi_per_day = models.DecimalField(verbose_name="SDI Each Day", max_digits=5, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) flight_seq = models.TextField(verbose_name="Flight Sequence", null=True, blank=True) aircraft_rego = models.TextField(verbose_name="Aircraft Rego", null=True, blank=True) arrival_time = models.TimeField(verbose_name="Arrival Time Over Burn", null=True, blank=True) program = models.TextField(verbose_name="Program", null=True, blank=True) aircrew = models.TextField(verbose_name="Aircrew", null=True, blank=True) rolled = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Fire Rolled from yesterday", editable=False, default=False) #location= models.TextField(verbose_name="Location", null=True, blank=True) @property def regional_approval(self): return True @property def state_duty_approval(self): return True @property def state_aviation_approval(self): return True def __str__(self): return self.prescription.burn_id class Meta: unique_together = ('prescription', 'date') verbose_name = 'Aircraft Burn' verbose_name_plural = 'Aircraft Burns' permissions = ( ("can_endorse", "Can endorse burns"), ("can_approve", "Can approve burns"), )
class PrescribedBurn(Audit): BURN_ACTIVE = 1 BURN_INACTIVE = 2 BURN_MONITORED = 3 BURN_CHOICES = ( (BURN_ACTIVE, 'Yes'), (BURN_INACTIVE, 'No'), (BURN_MONITORED, 'Monitored'), ) IGNITION_STATUS_REQUIRED = 1 IGNITION_STATUS_COMPLETED = 2 IGNITION_STATUS_CHOICES = ( (IGNITION_STATUS_REQUIRED, 'Further ignitions required'), (IGNITION_STATUS_COMPLETED, 'Ignition now complete'), ) APPROVAL_DRAFT = 'DRAFT' APPROVAL_SUBMITTED = 'USER' APPROVAL_ENDORSED = 'SRM' APPROVAL_APPROVED = 'SDO' APPROVAL_CHOICES = ( (APPROVAL_DRAFT, 'Draft'), (APPROVAL_SUBMITTED, 'District Submitted'), (APPROVAL_ENDORSED, 'Region Endorsed'), (APPROVAL_APPROVED, 'State Approved'), ) FORM_268A = 1 FORM_268B = 2 FORM_NAME_CHOICES = ( (FORM_268A, 'Form 268a'), (FORM_268B, 'Form 268b'), ) ''' BUSHFIRE_DISTRICT_ALIASES can be used to override the District's original code from the model. Usage e.g.: BUSHFIRE_DISTRICT_ALIASES = { 'PHS' : 'PH', 'SWC' : 'SC', } ''' BUSHFIRE_DISTRICT_ALIASES = {} fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" prescription = models.ForeignKey(Prescription, verbose_name="Burn ID", related_name='prescribed_burn', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT) # prescription = ChainedForeignKey( # Prescription, chained_field="region", chained_model_field="region", # show_all=False, auto_choose=True, blank=True, null=True) # Required for Fire records fire_id = models.CharField(verbose_name="Fire Number", max_length=15, null=True, blank=True) fire_name = models.TextField(verbose_name="Name", null=True, blank=True) region = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=[ (, for r in Region.objects.all() ], null=True, blank=True) district = ChainedForeignKey(District, chained_field="region", chained_model_field="region", show_all=False, auto_choose=True, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.PROTECT) fire_tenures = models.ManyToManyField(FireTenure, verbose_name="Tenures", blank=True) date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=False) form_name = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( verbose_name="Form Name (268a / 268b)", choices=FORM_NAME_CHOICES, editable=True) status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(verbose_name="Active", choices=BURN_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True) ignition_status = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( verbose_name="Ignition Status", choices=IGNITION_STATUS_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True) external_assist = models.ManyToManyField( ExternalAssist, verbose_name="Assistance received from", blank=True) planned_area = models.DecimalField( verbose_name="Today's treatment area (ha)", max_digits=12, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) area = models.DecimalField(verbose_name="Yesterday's treatment area (ha)", max_digits=12, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) planned_distance = models.DecimalField( verbose_name="Today's treatment distance (km)", max_digits=12, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) distance = models.DecimalField( verbose_name="Yesterday's treatment distance (km)", max_digits=12, decimal_places=1, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0)], null=True, blank=True) tenures = models.TextField(verbose_name="Tenure") location = models.TextField(verbose_name="Location", null=True, blank=True) est_start = models.TimeField('Estimated Start Time', null=True, blank=True) conditions = models.TextField(verbose_name='SDO Special Conditions', null=True, blank=True) rolled = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Fire Rolled from yesterday", editable=False, default=False) latitude = models.FloatField(default=0.0) longitude = models.FloatField(default=0.0) #aircraft_burn = models.BooleanField(verbose_name="Aircraft Burn", default=False) def clean(self): if not self.form_name: if self.prescription and self.area == None and self.distance == None: self.form_name = 1 else: self.form_name = 2 if self.prescription and not (self.region and self.district): self.region = self.district = self.prescription.district def clean_fire_id(self): # set the Lat/Long to Zero, since Bushfire is not assigning these required fields self.latitude = 0.0 self.longitude = 0.0 # def clean_date(self): # today = # tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) # if not and ( < today or > tomorrow): # raise ValidationError("You must enter burn plans for today or tommorow's date only.") def clean_planned_distance(self): if self.planned_area == None and self.planned_distance == None: raise ValidationError( "Must input at least one of Area or Distance") def clean_distance(self): if self.area == None and self.distance == None: raise ValidationError( "Must input at least one of Area or Distance") @property def is_acknowledged(self): if all(x in [i.acknow_type for i in self.acknowledgements.all()] for x in ['SDO_A', 'SDO_B']): return True else: return False @property def user_a_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='USER_A') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def srm_a_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='SRM_A') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def sdo_a_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='SDO_A') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def user_b_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='USER_B') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def srm_b_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='SRM_B') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def sdo_b_record(self): ack = self.acknowledgements.filter(acknow_type='SDO_B') return ack[0].record if ack else None @property def formA_isDraft(self): return not any( x in [i.acknow_type for i in self.acknowledgements.all()] for x in ['USER_A', 'SRM_A', 'SDO_A']) @property def formB_isDraft(self): return not any( x in [i.acknow_type for i in self.acknowledgements.all()] for x in ['USER_B', 'SRM_B', 'SDO_B']) @property def formA_user_acknowledged(self): return True if self.user_a_record else False @property def formA_srm_acknowledged(self): return True if self.srm_a_record else False @property def formA_sdo_acknowledged(self): return True if self.sdo_a_record else False @property def formB_user_acknowledged(self): return True if self.user_b_record else False @property def formB_srm_acknowledged(self): return True if self.srm_b_record else False @property def formB_sdo_acknowledged(self): return True if self.sdo_b_record else False @property def fire_type(self): return "Burn" if self.prescription else "Fire" @property def fire_idd(self): if self.prescription: return self.prescription.burn_id else: return self.fire_id @property def further_ignitions_req(self): if self.ignition_status == self.IGNITION_STATUS_REQUIRED: return True elif self.ignition_status == self.IGNITION_STATUS_COMPLETED: return False return None @property def active(self): # if self.status==self.BURN_ACTIVE: if self.status == self.BURN_ACTIVE or self.status == self.BURN_MONITORED: return True elif self.status == self.BURN_INACTIVE: return False return None @property def has_conditions(self): if self.conditions: return True return False @property def planned_area_str(self): _str = '' if self.planned_area: _str += str(self.planned_area) + " ha {} ".format( '-' if self.planned_distance else '') if self.planned_distance: _str += str(self.planned_distance) + " km" return _str @property def area_str(self): _str = '' if self.area >= 0: _str += str( self.area) + " ha {} ".format('-' if self.distance else '') if self.distance >= 0: _str += str(self.distance) + " km" return _str @property def tenures_str(self): if self.prescription: return self.tenures #', '.join([ for t in self.tenures.all()]) else: return ', '.join([ for i in self.fire_tenures.all()]) @property def had_external_assist(self): if self.external_assist.all().count() > 0: return True return False @property def external_assist_str(self): return ', '.join([ for i in self.external_assist.all()]) @property def name(self): if self.prescription: return else: return self.fire_name @property def get_region(self): return self.prescription.region if self.prescription else self.region @property def get_district(self): return self.prescription.district if self.prescription else self.district @property def can_endorse(self): return (self.status == self.APPROVAL_SUBMITTED) @property def can_approve(self): return (self.status == self.APPROVAL_ENDORSED) @property def last_ignition(self): if self.prescription: area_achievements = self.prescription.areaachievement_set.all() if area_achievements: return max([i.ignition for i in area_achievements]) return None def short_str(self): return self.prescription.burn_id if self.prescription else self.fire_id def copy_ongoing_records(self, dt): """ Copy today's 'active' records to tomorrow 268b - (Automatically) copy all records from yesterday that were Active when 268a Region Endorsement occurs, except for Active and Area Burnt Yesterday dt = from date, copied to dt+1 """ tomorrow = dt + timedelta(days=1) # relative to dt #objects = [obj for obj in PrescribedBurn.objects.filter(date=dt, status=PrescribedBurn.BURN_ACTIVE)] objects = [self] now = admin = User.objects.get(username='******') count = 0 for obj in objects: if obj.fire_id and PrescribedBurn.objects.filter( fire_id=obj.fire_id, date=tomorrow, form_name=PrescribedBurn.FORM_268B): # don't copy if already exists - since record is unique on Prescription (not fire_id) 'Ongoing Record Already Exists (Fire) - not copied (268b today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) continue if obj.prescription and PrescribedBurn.objects.filter( prescription__burn_id=obj.prescription.burn_id, date=tomorrow, form_name=PrescribedBurn.FORM_268B, location=obj.location): # don't copy if already exists - since record is unique on Prescription (not fire_id) 'Ongoing Record Already Exists (Burn) - not copied (268b today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) continue try: = None = tomorrow obj.area = None obj.status = None obj.approval_268a_status = PrescribedBurn.APPROVAL_DRAFT obj.approval_268a_status_modified = now obj.approval_268b_status = PrescribedBurn.APPROVAL_DRAFT obj.approval_268b_status_modified = now obj.acknowledgements.all().delete() obj.rolled = True count += 1 'Ongoing Record copied (268b today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) except: # records already exist - pk (pres, date) will not allow overwrite, so ignore the exception logger.warn( 'Ongoing Record not copied. Record {} already exists on day {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, tomorrow)) def copy_planned_approved_records_adhoc(self, dt): """ Copy today's 'planned' records (268a), that have been SDO approved. to tomorrow ongoing (268b) set Active and Area Burnt fields to None dt = from date, copied to dt+1 """ tomorrow = dt + timedelta(days=1) # relative to dt if not self.formA_sdo_acknowledged: 'Only SDO Acknowledged record can be copied from dt {} to tomorrow {}' .format(dt, tomorrow)) return #objects = PrescribedBurn.objects.filter(date=dt, acknowledgements__acknow_type__in=['SDO_A'], form_name=PrescribedBurn.FORM_268A) objects = [self] now = count = 0 for obj in objects: if obj.fire_id and PrescribedBurn.objects.filter( fire_id=obj.fire_id, date=tomorrow, form_name=PrescribedBurn.FORM_268B): # don't copy if already exists - since record is unique on Prescription (not fire_id) 'Planned Approved Record Already Exists (Fire) - not copied (268a today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) continue if obj.prescription and PrescribedBurn.objects.filter( prescription__burn_id=obj.prescription.burn_id, date=tomorrow, form_name=PrescribedBurn.FORM_268B, location=obj.location): # don't copy if already exists - since record is unique on Prescription (not fire_id) 'Planned Approved Record Already Exists (Burn) - not copied (268a today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) continue try: = None = tomorrow obj.area = None obj.distance = None obj.status = None obj.approval_268a_status = PrescribedBurn.APPROVAL_DRAFT obj.approval_268a_status_modified = now obj.approval_268b_status = PrescribedBurn.APPROVAL_DRAFT obj.approval_268b_status_modified = now #obj.acknowledgements.all().delete() obj.form_name = PrescribedBurn.FORM_268B obj.rolled = True count += 1 'Planned Approved Record copied (268a today to 268b tomorrow). Record {}, today {}, tomorrow {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, dt, tomorrow)) except: # records already exist - pk (pres, date) will not allow overwrite, so ignore the exception logger.warn( 'Planned Approved Record not copied. Record {} already exists on day {}' .format(obj.fire_idd, tomorrow)) def __str__(self): return self.prescription.burn_id + ' (Burn)' if self.prescription else self.fire_id + ' (Fire)' class Meta: unique_together = ('prescription', 'date', 'form_name', 'location') verbose_name = 'Prescribed Burn or Bushfire' verbose_name_plural = 'Prescribed Burns and Bushfires' permissions = ( ("can_endorse", "Can endorse burns"), ("can_approve", "Can approve burns"), )