Example #1
    def rhs(xx, xxd, uu):
        """ Right hand side of the equation of motion in nonlinear state space form
       :param xx:   system states
       :param xxd:  first derivation of system states
       :param uu:   system input
       :return mod:  system class
        m1 = 0.05  # mass of the iron ball in kg
        m2 = 0.1  # mass of the brass ball in kg
        kf = 30  # Spring constant in N/m
        g = 9.8  # acceleration of gravity in m/s^2

        # kinetic energy of the bodies
        T0 = 0.5 * m1 * xxd[0]**2
        T1 = 0.5 * m2 * xxd[1]**2
        T = T0 + T1  # total kinetic energy

        # total potential energy
        V = -g * (m1 * xx[0] + m2 * xx[1]) \
            + kf * 0.5 * (xx[0] - xx[1]) ** 2

        external_forces = [uu, 0]  # magnetic force as input

        # symbolic model of the system
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, xx, external_forces)

        return mod
Example #2
    def test_cart_pole_with_dissi(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        F1, tau_dissi = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1, tau_dissi'))

        params = sp.symbols('m0, m1, l1, g, d1')
        m0, m1, l1, g, d1 = params

        pdot1 = st.time_deriv(p1, ttheta)
        # q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, ttheta, order=2)

        ex = Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = Matrix([0, 1])

        S0 = ex * q1  # joint of the pendulum
        S1 = S0 - mt.Rz(p1) * ey * l1  # center of mass

        # velocity
        S0d = st.time_deriv(S0, ttheta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)

        T_rot = 0  # no moment of inertia (mathematical pendulum)
        T_trans = (m0 * S0d.T * S0d + m1 * S1d.T * S1d) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1 * g * S1[1]

        QQ = sp.Matrix([tau_dissi, F1])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ)

        mod.substitute_ext_forces(QQ, [d1 * pdot1, F1], [F1])
        self.assertEqual(len(mod.tau), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(mod.extforce_list), 1)
        self.assertEqual(mod.tau[0], F1)

Example #3
    def test_triple_pendulum(self):

        np = 1
        nq = 2
        pp = sp.Matrix( sp.symbols("p1:{0}".format(np+1) ) )
        qq = sp.Matrix( sp.symbols("q1:{0}".format(nq+1) ) )
        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        Q1, Q2 = sp.symbols('Q1, Q2')

        p1_d, q1_d, q2_d = mu = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        p1_dd, q1_dd, q2_dd = mu_d = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)

        p1, q1, q2 = ttheta

        # reordering according to chain
        kk = sp.Matrix([q1, q2, p1])
        kd1, kd2, kd3 = q1_d, q2_d, p1_d

        params = sp.symbols('l1, l2, l3, l4, s1, s2, s3, s4, J1, J2, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g')
        l1, l2, l3, l4, s1, s2, s3, s4, J1, J2, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g = params

        # geometry

        mey = -Matrix([0,1])

        # coordinates for centers of inertia and joints

        S1 = mt.Rz(kk[0])*mey*s1
        G1 = mt.Rz(kk[0])*mey*l1

        S2 = G1 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:2]))*mey*s2
        G2 = G1 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:2]))*mey*l2

        S3 = G2 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:3]))*mey*s3
        G3 = G2 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:3]))*mey*l3

        # velocities of joints and center of inertia
        Sd1 = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)
        Sd2 = st.time_deriv(S2, ttheta)
        Sd3 = st.time_deriv(S3, ttheta)

        # energy
        T_rot = ( J1*kd1**2 + J2*(kd1 + kd2)**2 + J3*(kd1 + kd2 + kd3)**2)/2
        T_trans = ( m1*Sd1.T*Sd1 + m2*Sd2.T*Sd2 + m3*Sd3.T*Sd3)/2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]
        V = m1*g*S1[1] + m2*g*S2[1] + m3*g*S3[1]

        external_forces = [0, Q1, Q2]
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces, simplify=False)

        eqns_ref = Matrix([[J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + g*m3*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + m3*s3*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + m3*s3*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)], [J1*q1_dd + J2*(2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 - Q1 + g*m1*s1*sin(q1) + \
        g*m2*(l1*sin(q1) + s2*sin(q1 + q2)) + g*m3*(l1*sin(q1) + l2*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)) + m1*q1_dd*s1**2*sin(q1)**2 + m1*q1_dd*s1**2*cos(q1)**2 + m2*(2*l1*sin(q1) + 2*s2*sin(q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2))/2 + m2*(2*l1*cos(q1) + 2*s2*cos(q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l1*sin(q1) + 2*l2*sin(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l1*cos(q1) + 2*l2*cos(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - \
        s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))/2], [J2*(2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 - Q2 + g*m2*s2*sin(q1 + q2) + g*m3*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)) + m2*s2*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2))*cos(q1 + q2) + \
        m2*s2*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2))*sin(q1 + q2) + m3*(2*l2*sin(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l2*cos(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))/2]])

        self.assertEqual(eqns_ref, mod.eqns)
Example #4
    def test_equilibrium_one(self):
        k1, k2, k3, m1, m2 = sp.symbols('k1, k2, k3, m1, m2')
        F = sp.Symbol('F')
        params_values = [(k1, 10), (k2, 40), (k3, 8), (m1, 0.5), (m2, 1)]
        Np = 2  # number of active coordinates
        pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(Np + 1))  # active coordinates
        ttheta = pp  # system states
        tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)

        # kinetic energy of the bodies
        T = 1 / 2 * (m1 * tthetad[0]**2 + m2 * tthetad[1]**2
                     )  # total kinetic energy
        # total potential energy
        V = 1 / 2 * (k1 * ttheta[0]**2 + k2 * ttheta[1]**2 + k3 *
                     (ttheta[1] - ttheta[0])**2)
        external_forces = [0, F]

        # symbolic model of the system
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces)

        # calculate equilibrium point for external force = 2N
        mod.calc_eqlbr(params_values, etype='one_ep', uu=[2])
        eqrt_point = list(zip(mod.tt,
                              mod.eqlbr))  # equilibrium points of states
        all_vars = params_values + eqrt_point + list(zip(mod.tau, [2]))

        state_eqns = mod.eqns.subz0(mod.ttd, mod.ttdd).subs(all_vars)

        for i in range(len(ttheta)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(0, state_eqns[i], delta=6)
Example #5
    def test_simple_pendulum_with_actuated_mountpoint(self):

        np = 1
        nq = 2
        n = np + nq
        pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
        qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))

        p1, q1, q2 = ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        mud = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)
        params = sp.symbols('l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g')
        l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g = params

        tau1, tau2 = ttau = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2")

        ## Geometry

        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = ex * q1
        S2 = ex * q1 + ey * q2
        G3 = S2  # Gelenk

        # Schwerpunkt des Pendels #zeigt nach oben
        S3 = G3 + mt.Rz(p1) * ey * s3

        # Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
        Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(
            st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2, S3), ttheta))  ##

        # Energy
        T_rot = (J3 * pdot1**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]
        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1] + m3 * g * S3[1]

        external_forces = [0, tau1, tau2]
        assert not any(external_forces[:np])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces)

        #pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1], [qdot1], [qdot2],
                            [g * m3 * s3 * sin(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2)], [0],
        gg_ref_part = sp.Matrix([
            m3 * s3 * cos(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2),
            m3 * s3 * sin(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2)

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg[-3, :], gg_ref_part)
Example #6
    def test_simple_pendulum_with_actuated_mountpoint(self):

        np = 1
        nq = 2
        n = np + nq
        pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
        qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))

        p1, q1, q2 = ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        params = sp.symbols('l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g')
        l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g = params

        tau1, tau2 = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2")

        # Geometry

        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

        # Coordinates of centers of masses (com) and joints
        S1 = ex * q1
        S2 = ex * q1 + ey * q2
        G3 = S2  # Joints

        # com of pendulum (points upwards)
        S3 = G3 + mt.Rz(p1) * ey * s3

        # timederivatives
        Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(
            st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2, S3), ttheta))  ##

        # Energy
        T_rot = (J3 * pdot1**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]
        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1] + m3 * g * S3[1]

        external_forces = [0, tau1, tau2]
        assert not any(external_forces[:np])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces)

        # Note: pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1], [qdot1], [qdot2],
                            [g * m3 * s3 * sin(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2)], [0],
        gg_ref_part = sp.Matrix([
            m3 * s3 * cos(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2),
            m3 * s3 * sin(p1) / (J3 + m3 * s3**2)

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg[-3, :], gg_ref_part)
Example #7
    def test_two_link_manipulator(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        pdot1, qdot1 = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        tau1, = ttau = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        params = sp.symbols('m1, m2, l1, l2, s1, s2, J1, J2')
        m1, m2, l1, l2, s1, s2, J1, J2 = params

        ex = Matrix([1,0])
        ey = Matrix([0,1])

        S1 = mt.Rz(q1)*ex*s1  # center of mass (first link)
        G1 = mt.Rz(q1)*ex*l1  # first joint
        S2 = G1 + mt.Rz(q1+p1)*ex*s2

        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)
        S2d = st.time_deriv(S2, ttheta)

        T_rot = (J1*qdot1**2 + J2*(qdot1 + pdot1)**2) / 2

        T_trans = ( m1*S1d.T*S1d + m2*S2d.T*S2d )/2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = 0

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [tau1, 0])


        w1 = mod.ww[0]

        kappa = l1*m2*s2 / (J2 + m2*s2**2)
        fz4 = - kappa * qdot1*sin(p1) *(w1 - kappa*qdot1*cos(p1))
        fzref = sp.Matrix([[                               qdot1],
                           [                                   0],
                           [ (-qdot1*(1 + kappa*cos(p1) ) ) + w1],
                           [                                 fz4]])

        w_def_ref = pdot1 + qdot1*(1+kappa*cos(p1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.gz, sp.Matrix([0, 1, 0, 0]))

        fz_diff = mod.fz - fzref
        self.assertEqual(fz_diff, sp.Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0]))

        diff = mod.ww_def[0,0] - w_def_ref
        self.assertEqual(diff.simplify(), 0)
Example #8
    def test_simple_pendulum_with_actuated_mountpoint(self):

        np = 1
        nq = 2
        n = np + nq
        pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np+1))
        qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq+1))

        p1, q1, q2 = ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        mud = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)
        params = sp.symbols('l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g')
        l3, l4, s3, s4, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g = params

        tau1, tau2 = ttau= st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2")

        ## Geometry

        ex = sp.Matrix([1,0])
        ey = sp.Matrix([0,1])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = ex*q1
        S2 = ex*q1 + ey*q2
        G3 = S2 # Gelenk

        # Schwerpunkt des Pendels #zeigt nach oben
        S3 = G3 + mt.Rz(p1)*ey*s3

        # Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
        Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2, S3), ttheta)) ##

        # Energy
        T_rot = ( J3*pdot1**2 )/2
        T_trans = ( m1*Sd1.T*Sd1  +  m2*Sd2.T*Sd2 + m3*Sd3.T*Sd3 )/2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]
        V = m1*g*S1[1] + m2*g*S2[1] + m3*g*S3[1]

        external_forces = [0, tau1, tau2]
        assert not any(external_forces[:np])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces)

        #pdot1, qdot1, qdot2 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1], [qdot1], [qdot2], [g*m3*s3*sin(p1)/(J3 + m3*s3**2)], [0], [0]])
        gg_ref_part = sp.Matrix([m3*s3*cos(p1)/(J3 + m3*s3**2), m3*s3*sin(p1)/(J3 + m3*s3**2)]).T

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg[-3, :], gg_ref_part)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, inverted=True, calc_coll_part_lin=True):

        self.inverted = inverted
        self.calc_coll_part_lin = calc_coll_part_lin
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Pendel-Wagen System mit hängendem Pendel
        # -----------------------------------------

        pp = st.symb_vector(("varphi", ))
        qq = st.symb_vector(("q", ))

        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)

        params = sp.symbols('m1, m2, l, g, q_r, t, T')

        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = ex * q  # Schwerpunkt Wagen
        G2 = S1  # Pendel-Gelenk

        # Schwerpunkt des Pendels (Pendel zeigt für kleine Winkel nach oben)

        if inverted:
            S2 = G2 + mt.Rz(varphi) * ey * l

            S2 = G2 + mt.Rz(varphi) * -ey * l

        # Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
        S1d, S2d = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2), ttheta))

        # Energie
        E_rot = 0  # (Punktmassenmodell)
        E_trans = (m1 * S1d.T * S1d + m2 * S2d.T * S2d) / 2

        E = E_rot + E_trans[0]

        V = m2 * g * S2[1]

        # Partiell linearisiertes Model
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(E, V, ttheta, [0, sp.Symbol("u")])

        self.mod = mod
Example #10
    def test_two_link_manipulator(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        pdot1, qdot1 = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        tau1, = ttau = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        params = sp.symbols('m1, m2, l1, l2, s1, s2, J1, J2')
        m1, m2, l1, l2, s1, s2, J1, J2 = params

        ex = Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = Matrix([0, 1])

        S1 = mt.Rz(q1) * ex * s1  # center of mass (first link)
        G1 = mt.Rz(q1) * ex * l1  # first joint
        S2 = G1 + mt.Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * s2

        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)
        S2d = st.time_deriv(S2, ttheta)

        T_rot = (J1 * qdot1**2 + J2 * (qdot1 + pdot1)**2) / 2

        T_trans = (m1 * S1d.T * S1d + m2 * S2d.T * S2d) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = 0

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [tau1, 0])


        w1 = mod.ww[0]

        kappa = l1 * m2 * s2 / (J2 + m2 * s2**2)
        fz4 = -kappa * qdot1 * sin(p1) * (w1 - kappa * qdot1 * cos(p1))
        fzref = sp.Matrix([[qdot1], [0],
                           [(-qdot1 * (1 + kappa * cos(p1))) + w1], [fz4]])

        w_def_ref = pdot1 + qdot1 * (1 + kappa * cos(p1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.gz, sp.Matrix([0, 1, 0, 0]))

        fz_diff = mod.fz - fzref
        self.assertEqual(fz_diff, sp.Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0]))

        diff = mod.ww_def[0, 0] - w_def_ref
        self.assertEqual(diff.simplify(), 0)
Example #11
    def test_unicycle(self):
        # test the generation of Lagrange-Byrnes-Isidori-Normal form

        theta = st.symb_vector("p1, q1, q2")
        p1, q1, q2 = theta

        params = sp.symbols(
            'l1, l2, s1, s2, delta0, delta1, delta2, J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g'
        l1, l2, s1, s2, delta0, delta1, delta2, J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g = params

        QQ = sp.symbols("Q0, Q1, Q2")
        Q0, Q1, Q2 = QQ

        mu = st.time_deriv(theta, theta)
        p1d, q1d, q2d = mu

        # Geometry
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        ex = Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = Matrix([0, 1])

        M0 = Matrix([-r * p1, r])

        S1 = M0 + mt.Rz(p1 + q1) * ey * s1
        S2 = M0 + mt.Rz(p1 + q1) * ey * l1 + mt.Rz(p1 + q1 + q2) * ey * s2

        M0d = st.time_deriv(M0, theta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, theta)
        S2d = st.time_deriv(S2, theta)

        # Energy
        T_rot = (J0 * p1d**2 + J1 * (p1d + q1d)**2 + J2 *
                 (p1d + q1d + q2d)**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m0 * M0d.T * M0d + m1 * S1d.T * S1d + m2 * S2d.T * S2d) / 2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1]

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, theta, [0, Q1, Q2])
        self.assertEqual(mod.fz, None)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gz, None)


        self.assertEqual(mod.fz.shape, (6, 1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.gz, sp.eye(6)[:, 2:4])
Example #12
    def test_simple1(self):
        q1, = qq  = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('q1,'))
        F1, = FF  = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        m = sp.Symbol('m')

        q1d = st.time_deriv(q1, qq)
        q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, qq, order=2)

        T = q1d**2*m/2
        V = 0

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, qq, FF)

        eq = m*q1dd - F1

        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns[0], eq)

        # test the application of the @property
        M = mod.MM
        self.assertEqual(M[0], m)
Example #13
    def test_simple1(self):
        q1, = qq = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('q1,'))
        F1, = FF = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        m = sp.Symbol('m')

        q1d = st.time_deriv(q1, qq)
        q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, qq, order=2)

        T = q1d**2 * m / 2
        V = 0

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, qq, FF)

        eq = m * q1dd - F1

        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns[0], eq)

        # test the application of the @property
        M = mod.MM
        self.assertEqual(M[0], m)
Example #14
    def test_unicycle(self):
        # test the generation of Lagrange-Byrnes-Isidori-Normal form

        theta = st.symb_vector("p1, q1, q2")
        p1, q1, q2 = theta

        params = sp.symbols('l1, l2, s1, s2, delta0, delta1, delta2, J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g')
        l1, l2, s1, s2, delta0, delta1, delta2, J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g = params

        QQ = sp.symbols("Q0, Q1, Q2")
        Q0, Q1, Q2 = QQ

        mu = st.time_deriv(theta, theta)
        p1d, q1d, q2d = mu

        # Geometry
        ex = Matrix([1,0])
        ey = Matrix([0,1])

        M0 = Matrix([-r*p1, r])

        S1 = M0 + mt.Rz(p1+q1)*ey*s1
        S2 = M0 + mt.Rz(p1+q1)*ey*l1+mt.Rz(p1+q1+q2)*ey*s2

        M0d = st.time_deriv(M0, theta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, theta)
        S2d = st.time_deriv(S2, theta)

        # Energy
        T_rot = ( J0*p1d**2 + J1*(p1d+q1d)**2 + J2*(p1d+ q1d+q2d)**2 )/2
        T_trans = ( m0*M0d.T*M0d  +  m1*S1d.T*S1d  +  m2*S2d.T*S2d )/2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1*g*S1[1] + m2*g*S2[1]

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, theta, [0, Q1, Q2])
Example #15
S1 = G0 + mt.Rz(p1)*ey*s1
S2 = G1 + mt.Rz(p1+p2)*ey*s2
S3 = G2 + mt.Rz(p1+p2+p3)*ey*s3

# Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
Sd0, Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S0, S1, S2, S3), ttheta))

# Energie
T_rot = (J1*pdot1**2)/2 + (J2*(pdot1 + pdot2)**2)/2 + (J3*(pdot1 + pdot2 + pdot3)**2)/2
T_trans = (m0*Sd0.T*Sd0 + m1*Sd1.T*Sd1 + m2*Sd2.T*Sd2 + m3*Sd3.T*Sd3)/2

T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

V = m1*g*S1[1] + m2*g*S2[1] + m3*g*S3[1]

mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [0, 0, 0, tau1])

# Zustandsraummodell, partiell linearisiert
x_dot = mod.ff + mod.gg*qddot1

# Zustandsdefinition anpassen und ZRM speichern
replacements = {'Matrix': 'sp.Matrix',
                'sin': 'sp.sin',
                'cos': 'sp.cos',
                'q1': 'x1',
                'qdot1': 'x2',
                'qddot1': 'u1',
                'p1': 'x3',
                'pdot1': 'x4',
                'p2': 'x5',
Example #16
    def test_simple_constraints(self):
        q1, q2 = qq = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('q1, q2'))
        F1, = FF = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        m = sp.Symbol('m')

        qdot1, qdot2 = st.time_deriv(qq, qq)
        # q1dd, q2dd = st.time_deriv(qq, qq, order=2)

        T = qdot1**2 * m / 4 + qdot2**2 * m / 4
        V = 0

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T,
                                         qq, [F1, 0],
                                         constraints=[q1 - q2])
        self.assertEqual(mod.llmd.shape, (1, 1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.constraints[0], q1 - q2)

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # no parameters passed
            dae = mod.calc_dae_eq()

        dae = mod.calc_dae_eq(parameter_values=[(m, 1)])

        ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q1=0.123,

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_1, npy.array([0.123, 0.123])))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_1, npy.array([0.0, 0.0])))

        ttheta_2, ttheta_d_2 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q2=567,

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_2, npy.array([567., 567.])))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_2, npy.array([-100.0, -100.0])))

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong argument
            dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q2=567, q2d=-100, _disp=False)

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # unexpected argument

        A, b = dae.leqs_acc_lmd_func(*npy.r_[ttheta_1, ttheta_1, 1])

        self.assertEqual(A.shape, (dae.ntt + dae.nll, ) * 2)
        self.assertEqual(b.shape, (dae.ntt + dae.nll, ))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(b, [1, 0, 0]))

        # in that situation there is no force
        acc_1, llmd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_accel_lmd((ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(acc_1, [0, 0]))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(llmd_1, [0, 0]))

        # in that situation there is also no force
        acc_2, llmd_2 = dae.calc_consistent_accel_lmd((ttheta_2, ttheta_d_2))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(acc_2, [0, 0]))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(llmd_2, [0, 0]))

        yy_1, yyd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_init_vals(q2=12.7, qdot2=100)

        res = dae.model_func(0, yy_1, yyd_1)

        self.assertEqual(res.shape, (dae.ntt * 2 + dae.nll, ))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(res, 0))
Example #17
    def test_cart_pole(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        F1, = FF = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        params = sp.symbols('m0, m1, l1, g')
        m0, m1, l1, g = params

        pdot1 = st.time_deriv(p1, ttheta)
        # q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, ttheta, order=2)

        ex = Matrix([1,0])
        ey = Matrix([0,1])

        S0 = ex*q1  # joint of the pendulum
        S1 = S0 - mt.Rz(p1)*ey*l1  # center of mass

        S0d = st.time_deriv(S0, ttheta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)

        T_rot = 0  # no moment of inertia (mathematical pendulum)
        T_trans = ( m0*S0d.T*S0d + m1*S1d.T*S1d )/2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1*g*S1[1]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1, 0, 0])

        QQ = sp.Matrix([0, F1])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [0, F1])
        mod_1 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ)
        mod_2 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ.T)
        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_1.eqns)
        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_2.eqns)

        M = mod.MM

        M_ref = Matrix([[l1**2*m1, l1*m1*cos(p1)], [l1*m1*cos(p1), m1 + m0]])
        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)

        rest = mod.eqns.subs(st.zip0((mod.ttdd)))
        rest_ref = Matrix([[g*l1*m1*sin(p1)], [-F1 - l1*m1*pdot1**2*sin(p1)]])

        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)


        pdot1, qdot1 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1],[qdot1], [-g*sin(p1)/l1], [0]])
        gg_ref = sp.Matrix([[0], [0], [-cos(p1)/l1], [1]])

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg, gg_ref)
Example #18
def solve(problem_spec):
    # problem_spec is dummy
    t = sp.Symbol('t')  # time variable
    np = 2
    nq = 2
    ns = 2
    n = np + nq + ns

    p1, p2 = pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
    q1, q2 = qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))
    s1, s2 = ss = st.symb_vector("s1:{0}".format(ns + 1))

    ttheta = st.row_stack(qq[0], pp[0], ss[0], qq[1], pp[1], ss[1])
    qdot1, pdot1, sdot1, qdot2, pdot2, sdot2 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
    tthetadd = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)

    ttheta_all = st.concat_rows(ttheta, tthetad, tthetadd)

    c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, d, g = params = sp.symbols(
        'c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, d, g')

    tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6 = ttau = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6 ")

    # unit vectors

    ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
    ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

    # coordinates of centers of mass and joints
    # left
    G0 = 0 * ex  ##:

    C1 = G0 + Rz(q1) * ex * c1  ##:

    G1 = G0 + Rz(q1) * ex * l1  ##:

    C2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * c2  ##:

    G2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * l2  ##:

    C3 = G2 + Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex * c3  ##:

    G3 = G2 + Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex * l3  ##:

    # right
    G6 = d * ex  ##:

    C6 = G6 + Rz(q2) * ex * c6  ##:

    G5 = G6 + Rz(q2) * ex * l6  ##:

    C5 = G5 + Rz(q2 + p2) * ex * c5  ##:

    G4 = G5 + Rz(q2 + p2) * ex * l5  ##:

    C4 = G4 + Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex * c4  ##:

    G3b = G4 + Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex * l4  ##:

    # time derivatives of centers of mass
    Sd1, Sd2, Sd3, Sd4, Sd5, Sd6 = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6), ttheta))

    # Kinetic Energy (note that angles are relative)

    T_rot = (J1 * qdot1 ** 2) / 2 + (J2 * (qdot1 + pdot1) ** 2) / 2 + (J3 * (qdot1 + pdot1 + sdot1) ** 2) / 2 + \
            (J4 * (qdot2 + pdot2 + sdot2) ** 2) / 2 + (J5 * (qdot2 + pdot2) ** 2) / 2 + (J6 * qdot2 ** 2) / 2
    T_trans = (
                      m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3 + m4 * Sd4.T * Sd4 + m5 * Sd5.T * Sd5 + m6 * Sd6.T * Sd6) / 2

    T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

    # Potential Energy
    V = m1 * g * C1[1] + m2 * g * C2[1] + m3 * g * C3[1] + m4 * g * C4[1] + m5 * g * C5[1] + m6 * g * C6[1]
    parameter_values = list(dict(c1=0.4 / 2, c2=0.42 / 2, c3=0.55 / 2, c4=0.55 / 2, c5=0.42 / 2, c6=0.4 / 2,
                                 m1=6.0, m2=12.0, m3=39.6, m4=39.6, m5=12.0, m6=6.0,
                                 J1=(6 * 0.4 ** 2) / 12, J2=(12 * 0.42 ** 2) / 12, J3=(39.6 * 0.55 ** 2) / 12,
                                 J4=(39.6 * 0.55 ** 2) / 12, J5=(12 * 0.42 ** 2) / 12, J6=(6 * 0.4 ** 2) / 12,
                                 l1=0.4, l2=0.42, l3=0.55, l4=0.55, l5=0.42, l6=0.4, d=0.26, g=9.81).items())

    external_forces = [tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6]

    dir_of_this_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.modules.get(__name__).__file__))
    fpath = os.path.join(dir_of_this_file, "7L-dae-2020-07-15.pcl")

    if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
        # if model is not present it could be regenerated
        # however this might take long (approx. 20min)
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, external_forces, constraints=[G3 - G3b], simplify=False)

        mod.f_sympy = mod.f.subs(parameter_values)
        mod.G_sympy = mod.g.subs(parameter_values)
        with open(fpath, "wb") as pfile:
            pickle.dump(mod, pfile)
        with open(fpath, "rb") as pfile:
            mod = pickle.load(pfile)

    # calculate DAE equations from symbolic model
    dae = mod.calc_dae_eq(parameter_values)


    torso1_unit = Rz(q1 + p1 + s1) * ex
    torso2_unit = Rz(q2 + p2 + s2) * ex

    neck_length = 0.12
    head_radius = 0.1

    body_width = 15
    neck_width = 15

    H1 = G3 + neck_length * torso1_unit
    H1r = G3 + (neck_length - head_radius) * torso1_unit
    H2 = G3b + neck_length * torso2_unit
    H2r = G3b + (neck_length - head_radius) * torso2_unit

    vis = vt.Visualiser(ttheta, xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-.2, 2))

    # get default colors and set them explicitly
    # this prevents color changes in onion skin plot
    default_colors = plt.get_cmap("tab10")
    guy1_color = default_colors(0)
    guy1_joint_color = "darkblue"
    guy2_color = default_colors(1)
    guy2_joint_color = "red"
    guy1_head_fc = guy1_color  # facecolor
    guy1_head_ec = guy1_head_fc  # edgecolor
    guy2_head_fc = guy2_color  # facecolor
    guy2_head_ec = guy2_head_fc  # edgecolor

    # guy 1 body
    vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G0, G1, G2, G3).subs(parameter_values),
    # guy 1 neck
    # vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G3, H1r).subs(parameter_values), color=head_color, solid_capstyle='round', lw=neck_width)
    # guy 1 head
    vis.add_disk(st.col_stack(H1, H1r).subs(parameter_values), fc=guy1_head_fc, ec=guy1_head_ec, plot_radius=False,

    # guy 2 body
    vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G6, G5, G4, G3b).subs(parameter_values),
    # guy 2 neck
    # vis.add_linkage(st.col_stack(G3b, H2r).subs(parameter_values), color=head_color, solid_capstyle='round', lw=neck_width)
    # guy 2 head
    vis.add_disk(st.col_stack(H2, H2r).subs(parameter_values), fc=guy2_head_fc, ec=guy2_head_ec, plot_radius=False,

    eq_stat = mod.eqns.subz0(tthetadd).subz0(tthetad).subs(parameter_values)

    # vector for tau and lambda together

    ttau_symbols = sp.Matrix(mod.uu)  ##:T

    mmu = st.row_stack(ttau_symbols, mod.llmd)  ##:T

    # linear system of equations (and convert to function w.r.t. ttheta)

    K0_expr = eq_stat.subz0(mmu)  ##:i
    K1_expr = eq_stat.jacobian(mmu)  ##:i

    K0_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, K0_expr)
    K1_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, K1_expr, keep_shape=True)

    def get_mu_stat_for_theta(ttheta_arg, rho=10):
        # weighting matrix for mu

        K0 = K0_func(*ttheta_arg)
        K1 = K1_func(*ttheta_arg)

        return solve_qlp(K0, K1, rho)

    def solve_qlp(K0, K1, rho):
        R_mu = npy.diag([1, 1, 1, rho, rho, rho, .1, .1])
        n1, n2 = K1.shape

        # construct the equation system for least squares with linear constraints
        M1 = npy.column_stack((R_mu, K1.T))
        M2 = npy.column_stack((K1, npy.zeros((n1, n1))))
        M_coeff = npy.row_stack((M1, M2))

        M_rhs = npy.concatenate((npy.zeros(n2), -K0))

        mmu_stat = npy.linalg.solve(M_coeff, M_rhs)[:n2]
        return mmu_stat

    ttheta_start = npy.r_[0.9, 1.5, -1.9, 2.1, -2.175799453493845, 1.7471971159642905]

    mmu_start = get_mu_stat_for_theta(ttheta_start)

    connection_point_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta, G3.subs(parameter_values))

    cs_ttau = mpc.casidify(mod.uu, mod.uu)[0]
    cs_llmd = mpc.casidify(mod.llmd, mod.llmd)[0]

    controls_sp = mmu
    controls_cs = cs.vertcat(cs_ttau, cs_llmd)
    coords_cs, _ = mpc.casidify(ttheta, ttheta)

    # parameters: 0: value of y_connection, 1: x_connection_last,
    # 2: y_connection_last, 3: delta_r_max, 4: rho (penalty factor for 2nd persons torques),
    # 5:11: ttheta_old[6], 11:17: ttheta:old2
    P = SX.sym('P', 5 + 12)
    rho = P[10]

    # weightning of inputs
    R = mpc.SX_diag_matrix((1, 1, 1, rho, rho, rho, 0.1, 0.1))

    #  Construction of Constraints

    g1 = []  # constraints vector (system dynamics)
    g2 = []  # inequality-constraints

    closed_chain_constraint, _ = mpc.casidify(mod.dae.constraints, ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)
    connection_position, _ = mpc.casidify(list(G3.subs(parameter_values)), ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)  ##:i
    connection_y_value, _ = mpc.casidify([G3[1].subs(parameter_values)], ttheta, cs_vars=coords_cs)  ##:i

    stationary_eqns, _, _ = mpc.casidify(eq_stat, ttheta, controls_sp, cs_vars=(coords_cs, controls_cs))  ##:i


    # force the connecting joint to a given hight (which will be provided later)
    g1.append(connection_y_value - P[0])

    ng1 = len(g1)

    # squared distance from the last reference should be smaller than P[3] (delta_r_max):
    # this will be a restriction between -inf and 0
    r = connection_position - P[1:3]
    g2.append(r.T @ r - P[3])

    # change of angles should be smaller than a given bound (P[5:11] are the old coords)
    coords_old = P[5:11]
    coords_old2 = P[11:17]
    pseudo_vel = (coords_cs - coords_old) / 1
    pseudo_acc = (coords_cs - 2 * coords_old + coords_old2) / 1


    g_all = mpc.seq_to_SX_matrix(g1 + g2)

    ### Construction of objective Function

    obj = controls_cs.T @ R @ controls_cs + 1e5 * pseudo_acc.T @ pseudo_acc + 0.3e6 * pseudo_vel.T @ pseudo_vel

    OPT_variables = cs.vertcat(coords_cs, controls_cs)

    # for debugging
    g_all_cs_func = cs.Function("g_all_cs_func", (OPT_variables, P), (g_all,))

    nlp_prob = dict(f=obj, x=OPT_variables, g=g_all, p=P)

    ipopt_settings = dict(max_iter=5000, print_level=0,
                          acceptable_tol=1e-8, acceptable_obj_change_tol=1e-6)
    opts = dict(print_time=False, ipopt=ipopt_settings)

    xx_guess = npy.r_[ttheta_start, mmu_start]

    # note: g1 contains the equality constraints (system dynamics) (lower bound = upper bound)

    delta_phi = .05
    d_delta_phi = .02
    eps = 1e-9
    lbg = npy.r_[[-eps] * ng1 + [-inf] + [-delta_phi] * n, [-d_delta_phi] * n]
    ubg = npy.r_[[eps] * ng1 + [0] + [delta_phi] * n, [d_delta_phi] * n]

    # ubx = [inf]*OPT_variables.shape[0]##:

    # lower and upper bounds for decision variables:
    # lbx = [-inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf]*N1 + [tau1_min, tau4_min, -inf, -inf]*N
    # ubx = [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf]*N1 + [tau1_max, tau4_max, inf, inf]*N

    rho = 3
    P_init = npy.r_[connection_point_func(*ttheta_start)[1],
                    connection_point_func(*ttheta_start), 0.01, rho, ttheta_start, ttheta_start]

    args = dict(lbx=-inf, ubx=inf, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg,  # unconstrained optimization
                p=P_init,  # initial and final state
                x0=xx_guess  # initial guess

    solver = cs.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp_prob, opts)
    sol = solver(**args)

    global_vars = ipydex.Container(old_sol=xx_guess, old_sol2=xx_guess)

    def get_optimal_equilibrium(y_value, rho=3):

        ttheta_old = global_vars.old_sol[:n]
        ttheta_old2 = global_vars.old_sol2[:n]
        opt_prob_params = npy.r_[y_value, connection_point_func(*ttheta_old),
                                 0.01, rho, ttheta_old, ttheta_old2]

        args.update(dict(p=opt_prob_params, x0=global_vars.old_sol))
        sol = solver(**args)

        stats = solver.stats()
        if not stats['success']:
            raise ValueError(stats["return_status"])

        XX = sol["x"].full().squeeze()

        # save the last two results
        global_vars.old_sol2 = global_vars.old_sol
        global_vars.old_sol = XX

        return XX

    y_start = connection_point_func(*ttheta_start)[1]
    N = 100

    y_end = 1.36
    y_func = st.expr_to_func(t, st.condition_poly(t, (0, y_start, 0, 0), (1, y_end, 0, 0)))

    def get_qs_trajectory(rho):
        pseudo_time = npy.linspace(0, 1, N)
        yy_connection = y_func(pseudo_time)

        # reset the initial guess
        global_vars.old_sol = xx_guess
        global_vars.old_sol2 = xx_guess
        XX_list = []
        for i, y_value in enumerate(yy_connection):
            # print(i, y_value)
            XX_list.append(get_optimal_equilibrium(y_value, rho=rho))

        XX = npy.array(XX_list)
        return XX

    rho = 30
    XX = get_qs_trajectory(rho=rho)

    def smooth_time_scaling(Tend, N, phase_fraction=.5):
        :param Tend:
        :param N:
        :param phase_fraction:   fraction of Tend for smooth initial and end phase

        T0 = 0
        T1 = Tend * phase_fraction

        y0 = 0
        y1 = 1

        # for initial phase
        poly1 = st.condition_poly(t, (T0, y0, 0, 0), (T1, y1, 0, 0))

        # for end phase
        poly2 = poly1.subs(t, Tend - t)

        # there should be a phase in the middle with constant slope
        deriv_transition = st.piece_wise((y0, t < T0), (poly1, t < T1), (y1, t < Tend - T1),
                                         (poly2, t < Tend), (y0, True))

        scaling = sp.integrate(deriv_transition, (t, T0, Tend))

        time_transition = sp.integrate(deriv_transition * N / scaling, t)

        # deriv_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, full_transition)
        time_transition_func = st.expr_to_func(t, time_transition)
        deriv_func = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition * N / scaling)
        deriv_func2 = st.expr_to_func(t, deriv_transition.diff(t) * N / scaling)

        C = ipydex.Container(fetch_locals=True)

        return C

    N = XX.shape[0]
    Tend = 4
    res = smooth_time_scaling(Tend, N)

    def get_derivatives(XX, time_scaling, res=100):
        :param XX:             Nxm array
        :param time_scaling:   container for time scaling
        :param res:            time resolution of the returned arrays

        N = XX.shape[0]
        Tend = time_scaling.Tend
        assert npy.isclose(time_scaling.time_transition_func([0, Tend])[-1], N)

        tt = npy.linspace(time_scaling.T0, time_scaling.Tend, res)
        NN = npy.arange(N)

        # high_resolution version of index arry
        NN2 = npy.linspace(0, N, res, endpoint=False)

        # time-scaled verion of index-array
        NN3 = time_scaling.time_transition_func(tt)
        NN3d = time_scaling.deriv_func(tt)
        NN3dd = time_scaling.deriv_func2(tt)

        XX_num, XXd_num, XXdd_num = [], [], []

        # iterate over every column
        for col in XX.T:
            spl = splrep(NN, col)

            # function value and derivatives
            XX_num.append(splev(NN3, spl))
            XXd_num.append(splev(NN3, spl, der=1))
            XXdd_num.append(splev(NN3, spl, der=2))

        XX_num = npy.array(XX_num).T
        XXd_num = npy.array(XXd_num).T
        XXdd_num = npy.array(XXdd_num).T

        NN3d_bc = npy.broadcast_to(NN3d, XX_num.T.shape).T
        NN3dd_bc = npy.broadcast_to(NN3dd, XX_num.T.shape).T

        XXd_n = XXd_num * NN3d_bc

        # apply chain rule
        XXdd_n = XXdd_num * NN3d_bc ** 2 + XXd_num * NN3dd_bc

        C = ipydex.Container(fetch_locals=True)
        return C

    C = XX_derivs = get_derivatives(XX[:, :], time_scaling=res)

    expr = mod.eqns.subz0(mod.uu, mod.llmd).subs(parameter_values)
    dynterm_func = st.expr_to_func(ttheta_all, expr)

    def get_torques(dyn_term_func, XX_derivs, static1=False, static2=False):

        ttheta_num_all = npy.c_[XX_derivs.XX_num[:, :n], XX_derivs.XXd_n[:, :n], XX_derivs.XXdd_n[:, :n]]  ##:S

        if static1:
            # set velocities to 0
            ttheta_num_all[:, n:2 * n] = 0

        if static2:
            # set accelerations to 0
            ttheta_num_all[:, 2 * n:] = 0

        res = dynterm_func(*ttheta_num_all.T)
        return res

    lhs_static = get_torques(dynterm_func, XX_derivs, static1=True, static2=True)  ##:i
    lhs_dynamic = get_torques(dynterm_func, XX_derivs, static2=False)  ##:i

    mmu_stat_list = []
    for L_k_stat, L_k_dyn, ttheta_k in zip(lhs_static, lhs_dynamic, XX_derivs.XX_num[:, :n]):
        K1_k = K1_func(*ttheta_k)
        mmu_stat_k = solve_qlp(L_k_stat, K1_k, rho)

    mmu_stat_all = npy.array(mmu_stat_list)

    solution_data = SolutionData()
    solution_data.tt = XX_derivs.tt
    solution_data.xx = XX_derivs.XX_num
    solution_data.mmu = mmu_stat_all
    solution_data.vis = vis

    save_plot(problem_spec, solution_data)

    return solution_data
Example #19
    def test_cart_pole(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        F1, = FF = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        params = sp.symbols('m0, m1, l1, g')
        m0, m1, l1, g = params

        pdot1 = st.time_deriv(p1, ttheta)
        # q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, ttheta, order=2)

        ex = Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = Matrix([0, 1])

        S0 = ex * q1  # joint of the pendulum
        S1 = S0 - mt.Rz(p1) * ey * l1  # center of mass

        S0d = st.time_deriv(S0, ttheta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)

        T_rot = 0  # no moment of inertia (mathematical pendulum)
        T_trans = (m0 * S0d.T * S0d + m1 * S1d.T * S1d) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1 * g * S1[1]

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1, 0, 0])

        QQ = sp.Matrix([0, F1])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [0, F1])
        mod_1 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ)
        mod_2 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ.T)

        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_1.eqns)
        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_2.eqns)


        M = mod.MM

        M_ref = Matrix([[l1**2 * m1, l1 * m1 * cos(p1)],
                        [l1 * m1 * cos(p1), m1 + m0]])
        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)

        rest = mod.eqns.subs(st.zip0((mod.ttdd)))
        rest_ref = Matrix([[g * l1 * m1 * sin(p1)],
                           [-F1 - l1 * m1 * pdot1**2 * sin(p1)]])

        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)


        pdot1, qdot1 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1], [qdot1], [-g * sin(p1) / l1], [0]])
        gg_ref = sp.Matrix([[0], [0], [-cos(p1) / l1], [1]])

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg, gg_ref)
Example #20
    def test_triple_pendulum(self):

        np = 1
        nq = 2
        pp = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("p1:{0}".format(np + 1)))
        qq = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1)))
        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        Q1, Q2 = sp.symbols('Q1, Q2')

        p1_d, q1_d, q2_d = mu = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        p1_dd, q1_dd, q2_dd = mu_d = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)

        p1, q1, q2 = ttheta

        # reordering according to chain
        kk = sp.Matrix([q1, q2, p1])
        kd1, kd2, kd3 = q1_d, q2_d, p1_d

        params = sp.symbols(
            'l1, l2, l3, l4, s1, s2, s3, s4, J1, J2, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g'
        l1, l2, l3, l4, s1, s2, s3, s4, J1, J2, J3, J4, m1, m2, m3, m4, g = params

        # geometry

        mey = -Matrix([0, 1])

        # coordinates for centers of inertia and joints

        S1 = mt.Rz(kk[0]) * mey * s1
        G1 = mt.Rz(kk[0]) * mey * l1

        S2 = G1 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:2])) * mey * s2
        G2 = G1 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:2])) * mey * l2

        S3 = G2 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:3])) * mey * s3
        G3 = G2 + mt.Rz(sum(kk[:3])) * mey * l3

        # velocities of joints and center of inertia
        Sd1 = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)
        Sd2 = st.time_deriv(S2, ttheta)
        Sd3 = st.time_deriv(S3, ttheta)

        # energy
        T_rot = (J1 * kd1**2 + J2 * (kd1 + kd2)**2 + J3 *
                 (kd1 + kd2 + kd3)**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3) / 2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]
        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1] + m3 * g * S3[1]

        external_forces = [0, Q1, Q2]
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T,

        eqns_ref = Matrix([[J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + g*m3*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + m3*s3*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + m3*s3*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)], [J1*q1_dd + J2*(2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 - Q1 + g*m1*s1*sin(q1) + \
        g*m2*(l1*sin(q1) + s2*sin(q1 + q2)) + g*m3*(l1*sin(q1) + l2*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)) + m1*q1_dd*s1**2*sin(q1)**2 + m1*q1_dd*s1**2*cos(q1)**2 + m2*(2*l1*sin(q1) + 2*s2*sin(q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2))/2 + m2*(2*l1*cos(q1) + 2*s2*cos(q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l1*sin(q1) + 2*l2*sin(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l1*cos(q1) + 2*l2*cos(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - \
        s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))/2], [J2*(2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 + J3*(2*p1_dd + 2*q1_dd + 2*q2_dd)/2 - Q2 + g*m2*s2*sin(q1 + q2) + g*m3*(l2*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2)) + m2*s2*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2))*cos(q1 + q2) + \
        m2*s2*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + s2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + s2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2))*sin(q1 + q2) + m3*(2*l2*sin(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))*(l1*q1_d**2*cos(q1) + l1*q1_dd*sin(q1) + l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*cos(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*sin(p1 + q1 + q2))/2 + m3*(2*l2*cos(q1 + q2) + 2*s3*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))*(-l1*q1_d**2*sin(q1) + l1*q1_dd*cos(q1) - l2*(q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(q1 + q2) + l2*(q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(q1 + q2) - s3*(p1_d + q1_d + q2_d)**2*sin(p1 + q1 + q2) + s3*(p1_dd + q1_dd + q2_dd)*cos(p1 + q1 + q2))/2]])

        self.assertEqual(eqns_ref, mod.eqns)
Example #21
    def test_four_bar_constraints(self):

        # 2 passive Gelenke
        np = 2
        nq = 1
        p1, p2 = pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
        q1, = qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))

        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        pdot1, pdot2, qdot1 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        tthetadd = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)
        st.make_global(ttheta, tthetad, tthetadd)

        params = sp.symbols(
            's1, s2, s3, m1, m2, m3, J1, J2, J3, l1, l2, l3, kappa1, kappa2, g'
        s1, s2, s3, m1, m2, m3, J1, J2, J3, l1, l2, l3, kappa1, kappa2, g = params

        parameter_values = dict(s1=1 / 2,
                                s2=1 / 2,
                                s3=1 / 2,
                                J1=1 / 12,
                                J2=1 / 12,
                                J3=1 / 12,
                                kappa1=3 / 2,

        # ttau = sp.symbols('tau')
        tau1, tau2 = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2")

        # unit vectors
        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])

        # Basis 1 and 2
        # B1 = sp.Matrix([0, 0])
        B2 = sp.Matrix([2 * l1, 0])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = Rz(q1) * ex * s1
        G1 = Rz(q1) * ex * l1
        S2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * s2
        G2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * l2

        # one link manioulator
        G2b = B2 + Rz(p2) * ex * l3
        S3 = B2 + Rz(p2) * ex * s3

        # timederivatives of centers of masses
        Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(
            st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2, S3), ttheta))

        # kinetic energy

        T_rot = (J1 * qdot1**2 + J2 * (qdot1 + pdot1)**2 + J3 * (pdot2)**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3) / 2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        # potential energy
        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1] + m3 * g * S3[1]

        # # Kinetische Energie mit Platzhaltersymbolen einführen (jetzt nicht):
        # M1, M2, M3 = MM = st.symb_vector('M1:4')
        # MM_subs = [(J1 + m1*s1 ** 2 + m2*l1 ** 2, M1), (J2 + m2*s2 ** 2, M2), (m2*l1*s2, M3)]
        # # MM_rplm = st.rev_tuple(MM_subs)  # Umkehrung der inneren Tupel -> [(M1, J1+... ), ...]

        external_forces = [0, 0, tau1]

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T,
                                         constraints=[G2 - G2b])

        self.assertEqual(mod.llmd.shape, (2, 1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.constraints.shape, (2, 1))

        dae = mod.calc_dae_eq(parameter_values=parameter_values)

        nc = len(mod.llmd)
        self.assertEqual(dae.eqns[-nc:, :], mod.constraints)

        # qdot1 = 0
        ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q1=npy.pi / 4,

        eres_c = npy.array([-0.2285526, 1.58379902, 0.78539816])
        eres_v = npy.array([0, 0, 0])

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_1, eres_c))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_1, eres_v))

        # in that situation there is no force
        acc_1, llmd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_accel_lmd((ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1))
        # these values seem reasonable but have yet not been checked analytically
            npy.allclose(acc_1, [13.63475466, -1.54473017, -8.75145644]))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(llmd_1, [-0.99339947, 0.58291489]))

        # qdot1 ≠ 0
        ttheta_2, ttheta_d_2 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q1=npy.pi / 8 * 7,

        eres_c = npy.array([-0.85754267, 0.89969149, 0.875]) * npy.pi
        eres_v = npy.array([-3.42862311, 2.39360715, 3.])

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_2, eres_c))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_2, eres_v))

        yy_1, yyd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_init_vals(q1=12.7, qdot1=100)

        res = dae.model_func(0, yy_1, yyd_1)

        self.assertEqual(res.shape, (dae.ntt * 2 + dae.nll, ))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(res, 0))
Example #22
    def test_cart_pole(self):
        p1, q1 = ttheta = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('p1, q1'))
        F1, = FF = sp.Matrix(sp.symbols('F1,'))

        params = sp.symbols('m0, m1, l1, g')
        parameter_values = list(dict(m0=2.0, m1=1.0, l1=2.0, g=9.81).items())
        m0, m1, l1, g = params

        pdot1 = st.time_deriv(p1, ttheta)
        # q1dd = st.time_deriv(q1, ttheta, order=2)

        ex = Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = Matrix([0, 1])

        S0 = ex * q1  # joint of the pendulum
        S1 = S0 - mt.Rz(p1) * ey * l1  # center of mass

        # velocity
        S0d = st.time_deriv(S0, ttheta)
        S1d = st.time_deriv(S1, ttheta)

        T_rot = 0  # no moment of inertia (mathematical pendulum)
        T_trans = (m0 * S0d.T * S0d + m1 * S1d.T * S1d) / 2
        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        V = m1 * g * S1[1]

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1])

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # wrong length of external forces
            mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [F1, 0, 0])

        QQ = sp.Matrix([0, F1])
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, [0, F1])
        mod_1 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ)
        mod_2 = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, ttheta, QQ.T)

        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_1.eqns)
        self.assertEqual(mod.eqns, mod_2.eqns)


        M = mod.MM

        M_ref = Matrix([[l1**2 * m1, l1 * m1 * cos(p1)],
                        [l1 * m1 * cos(p1), m1 + m0]])
        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        rest = mod.eqns.subs(st.zip0(mod.ttdd))
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        rest_ref = Matrix([[g * l1 * m1 * sin(p1)],
                           [-F1 - l1 * m1 * pdot1**2 * sin(p1)]])

        self.assertEqual(M, M_ref)


        # ensure that recalculation is carried out only when we want it
        tmp_f, tmp_g = mod.f, mod.g
        mod.f, mod.g = "foo", "bar"
        self.assertEqual(mod.f, "foo")

        mod.calc_state_eq(simplify=True, force_recalculation=True)
        self.assertEqual((mod.f, mod.g), (tmp_f, tmp_g))

        pdot1, qdot1 = mod.ttd

        ff_ref = sp.Matrix([[pdot1], [qdot1], [-g * sin(p1) / l1], [0]])
        gg_ref = sp.Matrix([[0], [0], [-cos(p1) / l1], [1]])

        self.assertEqual(mod.ff, ff_ref)
        self.assertEqual(mod.gg, gg_ref)

        A, b = mod.calc_jac_lin(base="coll_part_lin",

        Ae = sp.Matrix([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [-4.905, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0]])

        be = sp.Matrix([0, 0, -0.5, 1])

        self.assertEqual(A, Ae)
        self.assertEqual(b, be)

        A, b = mod.calc_jac_lin(base="force_input",

        Ae = sp.Matrix([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [-7.3575, 0, 0, 0],
                        [4.905, 0, 0, 0]])

        be = sp.Matrix([0, 0, -.25, 0.5])

        self.assertEqual(A, Ae)
        self.assertEqual(b, be)
Example #23
    def __init__(self, n_p=1):
        self.n_p = n_p  # passive Koordinate
        n_q = 1
        q = sp.symbols("q")
        if n_p > 0:
            pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(n_p + 1))
            pp = []

        theta = st.row_stack(q, pp)
        thetadot = st.time_deriv(theta, theta)
        mass_sym = sp.symbols(", ".join([f'm{n}' for n in range(n_p+n_q)]))
        damping_sym = sp.symbols(", ".join([f'd{n}' for n in range(n_p+n_q)]))
        stiffness_sym = sp.symbols(", ".join([f'c{n}' for n in range(n_p+n_q)]))
        ttau = sp.symbols(", ".join([f'tau{n}' for n in range(n_p+n_q)]))
        if not isinstance(mass_sym, tuple):
            mass_sym = [mass_sym]
        if not isinstance(damping_sym, tuple):
            damping_sym = [damping_sym]
        if not isinstance(stiffness_sym, tuple):
            stiffness_sym = [stiffness_sym]
        if not isinstance(ttau, tuple):
            ttau = [ttau]

        # Koordinaten der Massenschwerpunkte
        S = [q] + [p for p in pp]
        # Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
        Sdot = [st.time_deriv(s, theta) for s in S]

        # Energie
        # Kinetische Energie
        T = 0.5 * sum([m * sdot**2 for m, sdot in zip(mass_sym, Sdot)])

        # Potentielle Energie
        if n_p > 0:
            #V = 0.5 * sum([c * p**2 for p, c in zip(pp, stiffness_sym)])
            S = [0] + S
            V = 0.5 * sum([c * (S[i+1] - S[i])**2  for i, c in enumerate(stiffness_sym)])
            V = 0

        # Partiell linearisiertes Model
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T, V, theta, ttau)
        Sdot = [0] + Sdot
        F_diss = [d * (Sdot[i+1] - Sdot[i]) for i, d in enumerate(damping_sym)] + [0]
        tau_subs = [[tau, - F_diss[i] + F_diss[i+1]] for i, tau in enumerate(ttau)]
        tau_subs[0][1] += ttau[0]
        mod.eqns = sp.simplify(mod.eqns.subs(tau_subs))

        self.mod = mod
        self.mod.g = self.mod.g[:, 0]