Example #1
 def apply(self, r: RewriteRule):
     """Apply a rewrite rule to the current step."""
     if not isinstance(r, RewriteRule):
         raise ValueError("apply must be given a RewriteRule")
     x_new = r.apply(self.premise)
     if x_new is None:
     self.current_step = x_new
     return x_new
Example #2
 def _process_subgoals(self):
     Go through all subgoals,
     if proven then remove subgoal and
     add to hypothesis list.
     for i, subgoal in reversed(list(enumerate(self.unproven_subgoals))):
         # Add proven subgoals to internal hypotheses list
         if subgoal.proven:
             new_rule = RewriteRule(subgoal.premise, subgoal.conclusion)
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem, narrow, is_finite, Variants

f = Function("f", 2)
x = Variable("x")
a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")

r = RewriteRule(f(x, x), x)
r2 = RewriteRule(f(a, x), b)
print("Rewrite Rule 1:", r)
print("Rewrite Rule 2:", r2)
term = f(a, f(b, b))
rs = RewriteSystem({r, r2})
vt = Variants(term, rs)
print("Variants of", term, ":", list(vt))

print("Variants Finite?", is_finite(vt, -1))

print("Rewrite rule from", term, "to", f(a, b), narrow(term, f(a,b), rs, -1))
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem
from .inductive import Inductive, TheorySystem

class Prop(TheorySystem):

A = Variable("A", sort=Prop.sort)
B = Variable("B", sort=Prop.sort)
C = Variable("C", sort=Prop.sort)

Not = Function("not", 1, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(Not, RewriteSystem({RewriteRule(Not(Not(A)), A)}))

And = Function("and", 2, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(And, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(And(A, A), A),

Or = Function("or", 2, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(Or, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(Or(A, A), A),

Implies = Function("implies", 2, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(Implies, RewriteSystem({RewriteRule(Implies(A, B), Or(Not(A),
Example #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule

a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")
c = Constant("c")
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
f = Function("f", 2)
g = Function("g", 2)

r = RewriteRule(f(y, g(x, a)), g(y, a))

term = f(b, g(c, a))
print("Applying " + str(r) + " to " + str(term))
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Now to show what happens when you can't apply a term...")
term = f(a, b)
print("Applying " + str(r) + " to " + str(term))
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Applying f(x, x) -> x to f(f(x, x), f(x, x))")
term = f(f(x, x), f(x, x))
r = RewriteRule(f(x, x), x)
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Applying f(x, x) -> x to f(f(x, x), f(x,x)) at position 2")
print("Result:", r.apply(term, '2'))
Example #6
"""Definition and properties for two-arity tuple."""
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem
from .inductive import TheorySystem, Inductive

class Pair(TheorySystem):
    pair = Function("pair", 2)

# Fix domain of pair to take anything
Pair.pair.domain_sort = None

# Variables for later rules
_a = Variable("a", sort=Pair.sort)
_b = Variable("b", sort=Pair.sort)

fst = Function("fst", 1, domain_sort=Pair.sort)
Pair.define(fst, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(fst(Pair.pair(_a, _b)), _a),

lst = Function("lst", 1, domain_sort=Pair.sort)
Pair.define(lst, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(lst(Pair.pair(_a, _b)), _b),
Example #7
        """Converts a Boolean to an bool."""
        if not isinstance(x, FuncTerm) or x != Boolean.trueb or x != Boolean.falseb:
            raise ValueError("to_bool function expects a simplified Boolean.")
        return x == Boolean.trueb

# Variables for later rules
_n = Variable("n", sort=Boolean.sort)
_m = Variable("m", sort=Boolean.sort)

# Negation
neg = Function("neg", 1, domain_sort=Boolean.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
        RewriteRule(neg(Boolean.trueb), Boolean.falseb),
        RewriteRule(neg(Boolean.falseb), Boolean.trueb)

# Boolean And
andb = Function("andb", 2, domain_sort=Boolean.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
        RewriteRule(andb(Boolean.trueb, _n), _n),
        RewriteRule(andb(Boolean.falseb, _n), Boolean.falseb)

# Boolean Or
Example #8
class Ring(TheorySystem):
    A ring is an abelian group with another binary
    operation that is associative, distributive over the
    abelian operation, and has an ientity element.
    add = Function("add", 2)
    mul = Function("mul", 2)
    negate = Function("neg", 1)
    zero = Constant("0")

_x = Variable("x", sort=Group.sort)
_y = Variable("y", sort=Group.sort)
_z = Variable("z", sort=Group.sort)
# TODO: Make Group.rules.rules match what the function symbols are
Ring.rules = RewriteSystem(Group.rules.rules | {
    ## Associativity Rules
    # (x * y) * z → x * (y * z)
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(Ring.mul(_x, _y), _z), Ring.mul(_x, Ring.mul(_y, _z))),
    ## Zero rules
    # 0 * x → 0
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(Ring.zero, _x), Ring.zero),
    # x * 0 → 0
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(_x, Ring.zero), Ring.zero),
    ## Distributivity rules
    # x * (y + z) → (x * y) + (x * z)
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(_x, Ring.add(_y, _z)), Ring.add(Ring.mul(_x, _y), Ring.mul(_x, _z))),
    # (y + z) * x → (y * x) + (z * x)
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(Ring.add(_y, _z), _x), Ring.add(Ring.mul(_y, _x), Ring.mul(_z, _x)))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A thought experiment on how to define
recursive MOOs.
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem, normal
from symcollab.xor import xor
from symcollab.theories.nat import Nat

C = Function("C", 1, domain_sort=Nat.sort)
P = Function("P", 1, domain_sort=Nat.sort)
f = Function("f", 1)
IV = Constant("IV")
n = Variable("n", sort=Nat.sort)

r0 = RewriteRule(C(Nat.zero), IV)
rn = RewriteRule(C(Nat.S(n)), f(xor(P(Nat.S(n)), C(n))))
moo_system = RewriteSystem({r0, rn})
print("Cipher Block Chaining:", moo_system)

three = Nat.from_int(3)
print("Simplified form of the 3rd ciphertext:", normal(C(three), moo_system)[0])
Example #10
            return 0
        if isinstance(x, FuncTerm) and x.function == Nat.S:
            return 1 + cls.to_int(x.arguments[0])
        raise ValueError("to_int: Only accepts signature {0, S}")

# Variables for later rules
_n = Variable("n", sort=Nat.sort)
_m = Variable("m", sort=Nat.sort)

# Decrement
dec = Function("dec", 1, domain_sort=Nat.sort, range_sort=Nat.sort)
        RewriteRule(dec(Nat.S(_n)), _n),
        RewriteRule(dec(Nat.zero), Nat.zero)

## Parity Test

even = Function("even", 1, domain_sort=Nat.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
        RewriteRule(even(Nat.zero), Boolean.trueb),
        RewriteRule(even(Nat.S(Nat.zero)), Boolean.falseb),
        RewriteRule(even(Nat.S(Nat.S(_n))), even(_n))

odd = Function("odd", 1, domain_sort=Nat.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
Example #11
# Variables for later rules
_element = Variable("element")
_list = Variable("alist", sort=Listing.sort)
_list2 = Variable("blist", sort=Listing.sort)

# Repeat
_count = Variable("n", sort=Nat.sort)
repeat = Function("repeat",
                  domain_sort=[None, Nat.sort],
        RewriteRule(repeat(_element, Nat.zero), Listing.nil),
        RewriteRule(repeat(_element, Nat.S(_count)),
                    Listing.cons(_element, repeat(_element, _count)))

# Length
length = Function("length", 1, domain_sort=Listing.sort, range_sort=Nat.sort)
        RewriteRule(length(Listing.nil), Nat.zero),
        RewriteRule(length(Listing.cons(_element, _list)),

# Extends
Example #12
    A group is a set G with an operation op that contain the
    closure and associative properties, as well as contains
    an identity and inverse element.
    identity = Constant("e")
    op = Function("op", 2)
    inverse = Function("inv", 1)

_x = Variable("x", sort=Group.sort)
_y = Variable("y", sort=Group.sort)
_z = Variable("z", sort=Group.sort)
# From page 184 of Term Rewriting and All That
Group.rules = RewriteSystem({
    ## Associativity
    # (x * y) * z → x * (y * z)
    RewriteRule(Group.op(Group.op(_x, _y), _z), Group.op(_x, Group.op(_y, _z))),
    ## Identity Rules
    # 1 * x → x
    RewriteRule(Group.op(Group.identity, _x), _x),
    # x * 1 → x
    RewriteRule(Group.op(_x, Group.identity), _x),
    ## Inverse Rules
    # x * i(x) → 1
    RewriteRule(Group.op(_x, Group.inverse(_x)), Group.identity),
    # i(x) * x → 1
    RewriteRule(Group.op(Group.inverse(_x), _x), Group.identity),
    # i(1) → 1
    RewriteRule(Group.inverse(Group.identity), Group.identity),
    # i(i(x)) → x
    RewriteRule(Group.inverse(Group.inverse(_x)), _x),
    # i(x * y) → i(y) * i(x)
Example #13
    add = Function("add", 2)
    mul = Function("mul", 2)
    negate = Function("neg", 1)
    inverse = Function("inv", 1)
    zero = Constant("0")
    unity = Constant("1")

_x = Variable("x", sort=Field.sort)
_y = Variable("y", sort=Field.sort)
# TODO: Fix symbols of Ring and Field rules
Field.rules = RewriteSystem(
    Ring.rules.rules | {
        ## One and Zero
        # 1 * 0 -> 0
        RewriteRule(Field.mul(Field.unity, Field.zero), Field.zero),
        # 0 * 1 -> 0
        RewriteRule(Field.mul(Field.zero, Field.unity), Field.zero),
        # 1 + 0 -> 1
        RewriteRule(Field.add(Field.unity, Field.zero), Field.unity),
        # 0 + 1 -> 1
        RewriteRule(Field.add(Field.zero, Field.unity), Field.unity),
        ## Unity Rules
        # 1 * x → x
        RewriteRule(Field.mul(Field.unity, _x), _x),
        # x * 1 → x
        RewriteRule(Field.mul(_x, Field.unity), _x),
        # -1 * x → -x
        RewriteRule(Field.mul(Field.negate(Field.unity), _x), Field.negate(_x)
        # x * -1 → -x