Example #1
def rsolve(f, y, init=None):
    Solve univariate recurrence with rational coefficients.

    Given `k`-th order linear recurrence `\operatorname{L} y = f`,
    or equivalently:

    .. math:: a_{k}(n) y(n+k) + a_{k-1}(n) y(n+k-1) +
              \cdots + a_{0}(n) y(n) = f(n)

    where `a_{i}(n)`, for `i=0, \ldots, k`, are polynomials or rational
    functions in `n`, and `f` is a hypergeometric function or a sum
    of a fixed number of pairwise dissimilar hypergeometric terms in
    `n`, finds all solutions or returns ``None``, if none were found.

    Initial conditions can be given as a dictionary in two forms:

        (1) ``{  n_0  : v_0,   n_1  : v_1, ...,   n_m  : v_m}``
        (2) ``{y(n_0) : v_0, y(n_1) : v_1, ..., y(n_m) : v_m}``

    or as a list ``L`` of values:

        ``L = [v_0, v_1, ..., v_m]``

    where ``L[i] = v_i``, for `i=0, \ldots, m`, maps to `y(n_i)`.


    Lets consider the following recurrence:

    .. math:: (n - 1) y(n + 2) - (n^2 + 3 n - 2) y(n + 1) +
              2 n (n + 1) y(n) = 0

    >>> from sympy import Function, rsolve
    >>> from sympy.abc import n
    >>> y = Function('y')

    >>> f = (n - 1)*y(n + 2) - (n**2 + 3*n - 2)*y(n + 1) + 2*n*(n + 1)*y(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n))
    2**n*C0 + C1*factorial(n)

    >>> rsolve(f, y(n), {y(0):0, y(1):3})
    3*2**n - 3*factorial(n)

    See Also

    rsolve_poly, rsolve_ratio, rsolve_hyper

    if isinstance(f, Equality):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    n = y.args[0]
    k = Wild('k', exclude=(n, ))

    # Preprocess user input to allow things like
    # y(n) + a*(y(n + 1) + y(n - 1))/2
    f = f.expand().collect(y.func(Wild('m', integer=True)))

    h_part = defaultdict(list)
    i_part = []
    for g in Add.make_args(f):
        coeff, dep = g.as_coeff_mul(y.func)
        if not dep:
        for h in dep:
            if h.is_Function and h.func == y.func:
                result = h.args[0].match(n + k)
                if result is not None:
            raise ValueError("'%s(%s + k)' expected, got '%s'" %
                             (y.func, n, h))
    for k in h_part:
        h_part[k] = Add(*h_part[k])
    h_part.default_factory = lambda: 0
    i_part = Add(*i_part)

    for k, coeff in h_part.items():
        h_part[k] = simplify(coeff)

    common = S.One

    if not i_part.is_zero and not i_part.is_hypergeometric(n) and \
       not (i_part.is_Add and all(map(lambda x: x.is_hypergeometric(n), i_part.expand().args))):
        raise ValueError(
            "The independent term should be a sum of hypergeometric functions, got '%s'"
            % i_part)

    for coeff in h_part.values():
        if coeff.is_rational_function(n):
            if not coeff.is_polynomial(n):
                common = lcm(common, coeff.as_numer_denom()[1], n)
            raise ValueError(
                "Polynomial or rational function expected, got '%s'" % coeff)

    i_numer, i_denom = i_part.as_numer_denom()

    if i_denom.is_polynomial(n):
        common = lcm(common, i_denom, n)

    if common is not S.One:
        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            numer, denom = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            h_part[k] = numer * quo(common, denom, n)

        i_part = i_numer * quo(common, i_denom, n)

    K_min = min(h_part.keys())

    if K_min < 0:
        K = abs(K_min)

        H_part = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
        i_part = i_part.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        common = common.subs(n, n + K).expand()

        for k, coeff in h_part.items():
            H_part[k + K] = coeff.subs(n, n + K).expand()
        H_part = h_part

    K_max = max(H_part.keys())
    coeffs = [H_part[i] for i in range(K_max + 1)]

    result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)

    if result is None:
        return None

    solution, symbols = result

    if init == {} or init == []:
        init = None

    if symbols and init is not None:
        if isinstance(init, list):
            init = {i: init[i] for i in range(len(init))}

        equations = []

        for k, v in init.items():
                i = int(k)
            except TypeError:
                if k.is_Function and k.func == y.func:
                    i = int(k.args[0])
                    raise ValueError("Integer or term expected, got '%s'" % k)

            eq = solution.subs(n, i) - v
            if eq.has(S.NaN):
                eq = solution.limit(n, i) - v

        result = solve(equations, *symbols)

        if not result:
            return None
            solution = solution.subs(result)

    return solution