Example #1
 def equation(self, xaxis_name='x', yaxis_name='y'):
     Returns the equation for this line. Optional parameters xaxis_name
     and yaxis_name can be used to specify the names of the symbols used
     for the equation.
     x = C.Symbol(xaxis_name, real=True)
     y = C.Symbol(yaxis_name, real=True)
     a, b, c = self.coefficients
     return simplify(a * x + b * y + c)
Example #2
    def __contains__(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, Point):
            x = C.Symbol('x', real=True, dummy=True)
            y = C.Symbol('y', real=True, dummy=True)

            res = self.equation(x, y).subs({x: o[0], y: o[1]})
            res = trigsimp(simplify(res))
            return res == 0
        elif isinstance(o, Ellipse):
            return (self == o)
        return False
Example #3
    def equation(self, x='x', y='y'):
        Returns the equation of the circle.

        Optional parameters x and y can be used to specify symbols, or the
        names of the symbols used in the equation.
        if isinstance(x, basestring): x = C.Symbol(x, real=True)
        if isinstance(y, basestring): y = C.Symbol(y, real=True)
        t1 = (x - self.center[0])**2
        t2 = (y - self.center[1])**2
        return t1 + t2 - self.hradius**2
Example #4
 def __contains__(self, o):
     """Return True if o is on this Line, or False otherwise."""
     if isinstance(o, Line):
         return self.__eq__(o)
     elif isinstance(o, Point):
         x = C.Symbol('x', real=True)
         y = C.Symbol('y', real=True)
         r = self.equation().subs({x: o[0], y: o[1]})
         x = simplify(r)
         return simplify(x) == 0
         return False
Example #5
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     if argindex == 1:
         return 1/self.args[0]
         s = C.Symbol('x', dummy=True)
         return Lambda(s**(-1), s)
         raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
Example #6
    def _eval_expand_trig(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        x = None
        if arg.is_Add:
            from sympy import symmetric_poly
            n = len(arg.args)
            TX = []
            for x in arg.args:
                tx = tan(x, evaluate=False)._eval_expand_trig()

            Yg = numbered_symbols('Y')
            Y = [Yg.next() for i in xrange(n)]

            p = [0, 0]
            for i in xrange(n + 1):
                p[1 - i % 2] += symmetric_poly(i, Y) * (-1)**((i % 4) // 2)
            return (p[0] / p[1]).subs(zip(Y, TX))

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
            if coeff.is_Integer and coeff > 1:
                I = S.ImaginaryUnit
                z = C.Symbol('dummy', real=True)
                P = ((1 + I * z)**coeff).expand()
                return (C.im(P) / C.re(P)).subs([(z, tan(terms))])
        return tan(arg)
Example #7
 def random_point(self):
     """Returns a random point on the ellipse."""
     from random import random
     t = C.Symbol('t', real=True)
     p = self.arbitrary_point('t')
     # get a random value in [-pi, pi)
     subs_val = float(S.Pi) * (2 * random() - 1)
     return Point(p[0].subs(t, subs_val), p[1].subs(t, subs_val))
Example #8
def parse_expr(s, local_dict=None, transformations=standard_transformations):
    Converts the string ``s`` to a SymPy expression, in ``local_dict``


    >>> from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

    >>> parse_expr("1/2")
    >>> type(_)
    <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Half'>


    if local_dict is None:
        local_dict = {}

    global_dict = {}
    exec 'from sympy import *' in global_dict

    # keep autosimplification from joining Integer or
    # minus sign into a Mul; this modification doesn't
    # prevent the 2-arg Mul from becoming an Add, however.
    hit = False
    if '(' in s:
        kern = '_kern'
        while kern in s:
            kern += "_"
        s = re.sub(r'(\d *\*|-) *\(', r'\1%s*(' % kern, s)
        hit = kern in s

    tokens = []
    input_code = StringIO(s.strip())
    for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(input_code.readline):
        tokens.append((toknum, tokval))

    for transform in transformations:
        tokens = transform(tokens, local_dict, global_dict)

    code = untokenize(tokens)
    expr = eval(
        code, global_dict, local_dict)  # take local objects in preference

    if not hit:
        return expr
    rep = {C.Symbol(kern): 1}

    def _clear(expr):
        if hasattr(expr, 'xreplace'):
            return expr.xreplace(rep)
        elif isinstance(expr, (list, tuple, set)):
            return type(expr)([_clear(e) for e in expr])
        if hasattr(expr, 'subs'):
            return expr.subs(rep)
        return expr
    return _clear(expr)
Example #9
def parse_expr(s, local_dict=None, rationalize=False, convert_xor=False):
    Converts the string ``s`` to a SymPy expression, in ``local_dict``


    >>> from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

    >>> parse_expr("1/2")
    >>> type(_)
    <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Half'>

    if local_dict is None:
        local_dict = {}

    global_dict = {}
    exec 'from sympy import *' in global_dict

    # keep autosimplification from joining Integer or
    # minus sign into a Mul; this modification doesn't
    # prevent the 2-arg Mul from becoming and Add.
    hit = False
    if '(' in s:
        kern = '_kern'
        while kern in s:
            kern += "_"
        s = re.sub(r'(\d *\*|-) *\(', r'\1%s*(' % kern, s)
        hit = kern in s

    code = _transform(s.strip(), local_dict, global_dict, rationalize, convert_xor)
    expr = eval(code, global_dict, local_dict) # take local objects in preference

    if not hit:
        return expr
        return expr.xreplace({C.Symbol(kern): 1})
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
        return expr
Example #10
 def plot_interval(self, parameter_name='t'):
     """Returns a typical plot interval used by the plotting module."""
     t = C.Symbol(parameter_name, real=True)
     return [t, -S.Pi, S.Pi]
Example #11
 def arbitrary_point(self, parameter_name='t'):
     """Returns a symbolic point that is on the ellipse."""
     t = C.Symbol(parameter_name, real=True)
     return Point(self.center[0] + self.hradius * C.cos(t),
                  self.center[1] + self.vradius * C.sin(t))
Example #12
 def plot_interval(self, parameter_name='t'):
     t = C.Symbol(parameter_name, real=True)
     return [t, 0, 1]
Example #13
 def arbitrary_point(self, parameter_name='t'):
     """Returns a symbolic point that is on this line segment."""
     t = C.Symbol(parameter_name, real=True)
     x = simplify(self.p1[0] + t * (self.p2[0] - self.p1[0]))
     y = simplify(self.p1[1] + t * (self.p2[1] - self.p1[1]))
     return Point(x, y)
Example #14
 def plot_interval(self, parameter_name='t'):
     """Returns the plot interval for the default geometric plot of line"""
     t = C.Symbol(parameter_name, real=True)
     return [t, -5, 5]
Example #15
    def __new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions):
        expr = sympify(expr).expand()
        if expr is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if symbols:
            symbols = map(sympify, symbols)
            symbols = list(expr.atoms(C.Symbol))


        if expr.is_Order:

            new_symbols = list(expr.symbols)
            for s in symbols:
                if s not in new_symbols:
            if len(new_symbols) == len(expr.symbols):
                return expr
            symbols = new_symbols

        elif symbols:

            symbol_map = {}
            new_symbols = []
            for s in symbols:
                if isinstance(s, C.Symbol):
                z = C.Symbol('z', dummy=True)
                x1, s1 = s.solve4linearsymbol(z)
                expr = expr.subs(x1, s1)
                symbol_map[z] = s

            if symbol_map:
                r = Order(expr, *new_symbols, **assumptions)
                expr = r.expr.subs(symbol_map)
                symbols = []
                for s in r.symbols:
                    if symbol_map.has_key(s):
                if expr.is_Add:
                    lst = expr.extract_leading_order(*symbols)
                    expr = C.Add(*[f.expr for (e, f) in lst])
                    expr = expr.as_leading_term(*symbols)
                    coeff, terms = expr.as_coeff_terms()
                    if coeff is S.Zero:
                        return coeff
                    expr = C.Mul(*[t for t in terms if t.has(*symbols)])

        elif expr is not S.Zero:
            expr = S.One

        if expr is S.Zero:
            return expr

        # create Order instance:
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, *symbols, **assumptions)

        return obj
Example #16
This module mainly implements special orthogonal polynomials.

See also functions.combinatorial.numbers which contains some
combinatorial polynomials.


from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S, C
from sympy.core import Rational, Symbol
from sympy.core.function import Function
from sympy.utilities.memoization import recurrence_memo, assoc_recurrence_memo

_x = C.Symbol('x', dummy=True)

class PolynomialSequence(Function):
    """Polynomial sequence with 1 index

       n >= 0

    nargs = 2

    def canonize(cls, n, x):
        if n.is_integer and n >= 0:
            return cls.calc(int(n)).subs(_x, x)
        if n.is_negative:
            raise ValueError("%s index must be nonnegative integer (got %r)" %
                             (cls, n))