Example #1
def test_harmonic_rewrite():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(digamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(trigamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(0, n + 1) + EulerGamma

    assert harmonic(
        3).rewrite(polygamma) == polygamma(2, n + 1) / 2 - polygamma(2, 1) / 2
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(polygamma) == (-1)**m * (
        polygamma(m - 1, 1) - polygamma(m - 1, n + 1)) / factorial(m - 1)

    assert expand_func(
        harmonic(n + 4)
    ) == harmonic(n) + 1 / (n + 4) + 1 / (n + 3) + 1 / (n + 2) + 1 / (n + 1)
    assert expand_func(harmonic(
        n -
        4)) == harmonic(n) - 1 / (n - 1) - 1 / (n - 2) - 1 / (n - 3) - 1 / n

    assert harmonic(n,
                    m).rewrite("tractable") == harmonic(n,

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum).dummy_eq(Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n)))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum).dummy_eq(Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n)))
Example #2
def test_slow_expand():
    def check(eq, ans):
        return tn(eq, ans) and eq == ans

    rn = randcplx(a=1, b=0, d=0, c=2)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        ri = S(2*randint(-11, 10) + 1) / 2  # half integer in [-21/2, 21/2]
        assert tn(besselsimp(besselx(ri, z)), besselx(ri, z))

    assert check(expand_func(besseli(rn, x)),
                 besseli(rn - 2, x) - 2*(rn - 1)*besseli(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besseli(-rn, x)),
                 besseli(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besseli(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselj(rn, x)),
                 -besselj(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselj(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselj(-rn, x)),
                 -besselj(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*besselj(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(besselk(rn, x)),
                 besselk(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*besselk(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(besselk(-rn, x)),
                 besselk(-rn + 2, x) - 2*(-rn + 1)*besselk(-rn + 1, x)/x)

    assert check(expand_func(bessely(rn, x)),
                 -bessely(rn - 2, x) + 2*(rn - 1)*bessely(rn - 1, x)/x)
    assert check(expand_func(bessely(-rn, x)),
                 -bessely(-rn + 2, x) + 2*(-rn + 1)*bessely(-rn + 1, x)/x)
Example #3
def test_airyai():
    z = Symbol('z', real=False)
    t = Symbol('t', negative=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)

    assert isinstance(airyai(z), airyai)

    assert airyai(0) == 3**Rational(1, 3)/(3*gamma(Rational(2, 3)))
    assert airyai(oo) == 0
    assert airyai(-oo) == 0

    assert diff(airyai(z), z) == airyaiprime(z)

    assert series(airyai(z), z, 0, 3) == (
        3**Rational(5, 6)*gamma(Rational(1, 3))/(6*pi) - 3**Rational(1, 6)*z*gamma(Rational(2, 3))/(2*pi) + O(z**3))

    assert airyai(z).rewrite(hyper) == (
        -3**Rational(2, 3)*z*hyper((), (Rational(4, 3),), z**3/9)/(3*gamma(Rational(1, 3))) +
         3**Rational(1, 3)*hyper((), (Rational(2, 3),), z**3/9)/(3*gamma(Rational(2, 3))))

    assert isinstance(airyai(z).rewrite(besselj), airyai)
    assert airyai(t).rewrite(besselj) == (
        sqrt(-t)*(besselj(Rational(-1, 3), 2*(-t)**Rational(3, 2)/3) +
                  besselj(Rational(1, 3), 2*(-t)**Rational(3, 2)/3))/3)
    assert airyai(z).rewrite(besseli) == (
        -z*besseli(Rational(1, 3), 2*z**Rational(3, 2)/3)/(3*(z**Rational(3, 2))**Rational(1, 3)) +
         (z**Rational(3, 2))**Rational(1, 3)*besseli(Rational(-1, 3), 2*z**Rational(3, 2)/3)/3)
    assert airyai(p).rewrite(besseli) == (
        sqrt(p)*(besseli(Rational(-1, 3), 2*p**Rational(3, 2)/3) -
                 besseli(Rational(1, 3), 2*p**Rational(3, 2)/3))/3)

    assert expand_func(airyai(2*(3*z**5)**Rational(1, 3))) == (
        -sqrt(3)*(-1 + (z**5)**Rational(1, 3)/z**Rational(5, 3))*airybi(2*3**Rational(1, 3)*z**Rational(5, 3))/6 +
         (1 + (z**5)**Rational(1, 3)/z**Rational(5, 3))*airyai(2*3**Rational(1, 3)*z**Rational(5, 3))/2)
Example #4
def test_airybiprime():
    z = Symbol('z', real=False)
    t = Symbol('t', negative=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)

    assert isinstance(airybiprime(z), airybiprime)

    assert airybiprime(0) == 3**Rational(1, 6)/gamma(Rational(1, 3))
    assert airybiprime(oo) is oo
    assert airybiprime(-oo) == 0

    assert diff(airybiprime(z), z) == z*airybi(z)

    assert series(airybiprime(z), z, 0, 3) == (
        3**Rational(1, 6)/gamma(Rational(1, 3)) + 3**Rational(5, 6)*z**2/(6*gamma(Rational(2, 3))) + O(z**3))

    assert airybiprime(z).rewrite(hyper) == (
        3**Rational(5, 6)*z**2*hyper((), (Rational(5, 3),), z**3/9)/(6*gamma(Rational(2, 3))) +
        3**Rational(1, 6)*hyper((), (Rational(1, 3),), z**3/9)/gamma(Rational(1, 3)))

    assert isinstance(airybiprime(z).rewrite(besselj), airybiprime)
    assert airyai(t).rewrite(besselj) == (
        sqrt(-t)*(besselj(Rational(-1, 3), 2*(-t)**Rational(3, 2)/3) +
                  besselj(Rational(1, 3), 2*(-t)**Rational(3, 2)/3))/3)
    assert airybiprime(z).rewrite(besseli) == (
        sqrt(3)*(z**2*besseli(Rational(2, 3), 2*z**Rational(3, 2)/3)/(z**Rational(3, 2))**Rational(2, 3) +
                 (z**Rational(3, 2))**Rational(2, 3)*besseli(Rational(-2, 3), 2*z**Rational(3, 2)/3))/3)
    assert airybiprime(p).rewrite(besseli) == (
        sqrt(3)*p*(besseli(Rational(-2, 3), 2*p**Rational(3, 2)/3) + besseli(Rational(2, 3), 2*p**Rational(3, 2)/3))/3)

    assert expand_func(airybiprime(2*(3*z**5)**Rational(1, 3))) == (
        sqrt(3)*(z**Rational(5, 3)/(z**5)**Rational(1, 3) - 1)*airyaiprime(2*3**Rational(1, 3)*z**Rational(5, 3))/2 +
        (z**Rational(5, 3)/(z**5)**Rational(1, 3) + 1)*airybiprime(2*3**Rational(1, 3)*z**Rational(5, 3))/2)
Example #5
def test_jn():
    z = symbols("z")
    assert jn(0, 0) == 1
    assert jn(1, 0) == 0
    assert jn(-1, 0) == S.ComplexInfinity
    assert jn(z, 0) == jn(z, 0, evaluate=False)
    assert jn(0, oo) == 0
    assert jn(0, -oo) == 0

    assert mjn(0, z) == sin(z)/z
    assert mjn(1, z) == sin(z)/z**2 - cos(z)/z
    assert mjn(2, z) == (3/z**3 - 1/z)*sin(z) - (3/z**2) * cos(z)
    assert mjn(3, z) == (15/z**4 - 6/z**2)*sin(z) + (1/z - 15/z**3)*cos(z)
    assert mjn(4, z) == (1/z + 105/z**5 - 45/z**3)*sin(z) + \
        (-105/z**4 + 10/z**2)*cos(z)
    assert mjn(5, z) == (945/z**6 - 420/z**4 + 15/z**2)*sin(z) + \
        (-1/z - 945/z**5 + 105/z**3)*cos(z)
    assert mjn(6, z) == (-1/z + 10395/z**7 - 4725/z**5 + 210/z**3)*sin(z) + \
        (-10395/z**6 + 1260/z**4 - 21/z**2)*cos(z)

    assert expand_func(jn(n, z)) == jn(n, z)

    # SBFs not defined for complex-valued orders
    assert jn(2+3j, 5.2+0.3j).evalf() == jn(2+3j, 5.2+0.3j)

    assert eq([jn(2, 5.2+0.3j).evalf(10)],
              [0.09941975672 - 0.05452508024*I])
def test_erfi():
    assert erfi(nan) is nan

    assert erfi(oo) is S.Infinity
    assert erfi(-oo) is S.NegativeInfinity

    assert erfi(0) is S.Zero

    assert erfi(I*oo) == I
    assert erfi(-I*oo) == -I

    assert erfi(-x) == -erfi(x)

    assert erfi(I*erfinv(x)) == I*x
    assert erfi(I*erfcinv(x)) == I*(1 - x)
    assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x)) == I*x
    assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x, evaluate=False)) == I*x # To cover code in erfi

    assert erfi(I).is_real is False
    assert erfi(0, evaluate=False).is_real
    assert erfi(0, evaluate=False).is_zero

    assert conjugate(erfi(z)) == erfi(conjugate(z))

    assert erfi(x).as_leading_term(x) == 2*x/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(x*y).as_leading_term(y) == 2*x*y/sqrt(pi)
    assert (erfi(x*y)/erfi(y)).as_leading_term(y) == x
    assert erfi(1/x).as_leading_term(x) == erfi(1/x)

    assert erfi(z).rewrite('erf') == -I*erf(I*z)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('erfc') == I*erfc(I*z) - I
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnels') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('hyper') == 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('meijerg') == z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], -z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == (sqrt(-z**2)/z*(uppergamma(S.Half,
        -z**2)/sqrt(S.Pi) - S.One))
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('expint') == sqrt(-z**2)/z - z*expint(S.Half, -z**2)/sqrt(S.Pi)
    assert erfi(z).rewrite('tractable') == -I*(-_erfs(I*z)*exp(z**2) + 1)
    assert expand_func(erfi(I*z)) == I*erf(z)

    assert erfi(x).as_real_imag() == \
        (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)
    assert erfi(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \
        (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)

    assert erfi(w).as_real_imag() == (erfi(w), 0)
    assert erfi(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erfi(w), 0)

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfi(x).fdiff(2))
def test_polylog_expansion():
    assert polylog(s, 0) == 0
    assert polylog(s, 1) == zeta(s)
    assert polylog(s, -1) == -dirichlet_eta(s)
    assert polylog(s, exp_polar(I*pi*Rational(4, 3))) == polylog(s, exp(I*pi*Rational(4, 3)))
    assert polylog(s, exp_polar(I*pi)/3) == polylog(s, exp(I*pi)/3)

    assert myexpand(polylog(1, z), -log(1 - z))
    assert myexpand(polylog(0, z), z/(1 - z))
    assert myexpand(polylog(-1, z), z/(1 - z)**2)
    assert ((1-z)**3 * expand_func(polylog(-2, z))).simplify() == z*(1 + z)
    assert myexpand(polylog(-5, z), None)
Example #8
def test_yn():
    z = symbols("z")
    assert myn(0, z) == -cos(z)/z
    assert myn(1, z) == -cos(z)/z**2 - sin(z)/z
    assert myn(2, z) == -((3/z**3 - 1/z)*cos(z) + (3/z**2)*sin(z))
    assert expand_func(yn(n, z)) == yn(n, z)

    # SBFs not defined for complex-valued orders
    assert yn(2+3j, 5.2+0.3j).evalf() == yn(2+3j, 5.2+0.3j)

    assert eq([yn(2, 5.2+0.3j).evalf(10)],
              [0.185250342 + 0.01489557397*I])
def myexpand(func, target):
    expanded = expand_func(func)
    if target is not None:
        return expanded == target
    if expanded == func:  # it didn't expand
        return False

    # check to see that the expanded and original evaluate to the same value
    subs = {}
    for a in func.free_symbols:
        subs[a] = randcplx()
    return abs(func.subs(subs).n()
               - expanded.replace(exp_polar, exp).subs(subs).n()) < 1e-10
def test_erfc():
    assert erfc(nan) is nan

    assert erfc(oo) is S.Zero
    assert erfc(-oo) == 2

    assert erfc(0) == 1

    assert erfc(I*oo) == -oo*I
    assert erfc(-I*oo) == oo*I

    assert erfc(-x) == S(2) - erfc(x)
    assert erfc(erfcinv(x)) == x

    assert erfc(I).is_real is False
    assert erfc(0, evaluate=False).is_real
    assert erfc(0, evaluate=False).is_zero is False

    assert erfc(erfinv(x)) == 1 - x

    assert conjugate(erfc(z)) == erfc(conjugate(z))

    assert erfc(x).as_leading_term(x) is S.One
    assert erfc(1/x).as_leading_term(x) == S.Zero

    assert erfc(z).rewrite('erf') == 1 - erf(z)
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('erfi') == 1 + I*erfi(I*z)
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('fresnels') == 1 - (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == 1 - (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/sqrt(pi)) -
        I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/sqrt(pi)))
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('hyper') == 1 - 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], -z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('meijerg') == 1 - z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], z**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == 1 - sqrt(z**2)*(1 - erfc(sqrt(z**2)))/z
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('expint') == S.One - sqrt(z**2)/z + z*expint(S.Half, z**2)/sqrt(S.Pi)
    assert erfc(z).rewrite('tractable') == _erfs(z)*exp(-z**2)
    assert expand_func(erf(x) + erfc(x)) is S.One

    assert erfc(x).as_real_imag() == \
        (erfc(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfc(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)

    assert erfc(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \
        (erfc(re(x) - I*im(x))/2 + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x))/2,
         -I*(-erfc(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x)))/2)

    assert erfc(w).as_real_imag() == (erfc(w), 0)
    assert erfc(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erfc(w), 0)
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfc(x).fdiff(2))

    assert erfc(x).inverse() == erfcinv
def test_beta():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    t = Dummy('t')

    assert unchanged(beta, x, y)

    assert beta(5, -3).is_real == True
    assert beta(3, y).is_real is None

    assert expand_func(beta(x, y)) == gamma(x)*gamma(y)/gamma(x + y)
    assert expand_func(beta(x, y) - beta(y, x)) == 0  # Symmetric
    assert expand_func(beta(x, y)) == expand_func(beta(x, y + 1) + beta(x + 1, y)).simplify()

    assert diff(beta(x, y), x) == beta(x, y)*(polygamma(0, x) - polygamma(0, x + y))
    assert diff(beta(x, y), y) == beta(x, y)*(polygamma(0, y) - polygamma(0, x + y))

    assert conjugate(beta(x, y)) == beta(conjugate(x), conjugate(y))

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: beta(x, y).fdiff(3))

    assert beta(x, y).rewrite(gamma) == gamma(x)*gamma(y)/gamma(x + y)
    assert beta(x).rewrite(gamma) == gamma(x)**2/gamma(2*x)
    assert beta(x, y).rewrite(Integral).dummy_eq(Integral(t**(x - 1) * (1 - t)**(y - 1), (t, 0, 1)))
def test_erf2():

    assert erf2(0, 0) is S.Zero
    assert erf2(x, x) is S.Zero
    assert erf2(nan, 0) is nan

    assert erf2(-oo,  y) ==  erf(y) + 1
    assert erf2( oo,  y) ==  erf(y) - 1
    assert erf2(  x, oo) ==  1 - erf(x)
    assert erf2(  x,-oo) == -1 - erf(x)
    assert erf2(x, erf2inv(x, y)) == y

    assert erf2(-x, -y) == -erf2(x,y)
    assert erf2(-x,  y) == erf(y) + erf(x)
    assert erf2( x, -y) == -erf(y) - erf(x)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('fresnels') == erf(y).rewrite(fresnels)-erf(x).rewrite(fresnels)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('fresnelc') == erf(y).rewrite(fresnelc)-erf(x).rewrite(fresnelc)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('hyper') == erf(y).rewrite(hyper)-erf(x).rewrite(hyper)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('meijerg') == erf(y).rewrite(meijerg)-erf(x).rewrite(meijerg)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('uppergamma') == erf(y).rewrite(uppergamma) - erf(x).rewrite(uppergamma)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('expint') == erf(y).rewrite(expint)-erf(x).rewrite(expint)

    assert erf2(I, 0).is_real is False
    assert erf2(0, 0, evaluate=False).is_real
    assert erf2(0, 0, evaluate=False).is_zero
    assert erf2(x, x, evaluate=False).is_zero
    assert erf2(x, y).is_zero is None

    assert expand_func(erf(x) + erf2(x, y)) == erf(y)

    assert conjugate(erf2(x, y)) == erf2(conjugate(x), conjugate(y))

    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erf')  == erf(y) - erf(x)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erfc') == erfc(x) - erfc(y)
    assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erfi') == I*(erfi(I*x) - erfi(I*y))

    assert erf2(x, y).diff(x) == erf2(x, y).fdiff(1)
    assert erf2(x, y).diff(y) == erf2(x, y).fdiff(2)
    assert erf2(x, y).diff(x) == -2*exp(-x**2)/sqrt(pi)
    assert erf2(x, y).diff(y) == 2*exp(-y**2)/sqrt(pi)
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erf2(x, y).fdiff(3))

    assert erf2(x, y).is_extended_real is None
    xr, yr = symbols('xr yr', extended_real=True)
    assert erf2(xr, yr).is_extended_real is True
Example #13
def test_expand_func():
    # evaluation at 1 of Gauss' hypergeometric function:
    from sympy.abc import a, b, c
    from sympy.core.function import expand_func
    a1, b1, c1 = randcplx(), randcplx(), randcplx() + 5
    assert expand_func(hyper([a, b], [c], 1)) == \
        gamma(c)*gamma(-a - b + c)/(gamma(-a + c)*gamma(-b + c))
    assert abs(expand_func(hyper([a1, b1], [c1], 1)).n()
               - hyper([a1, b1], [c1], 1).n()) < 1e-10

    # hyperexpand wrapper for hyper:
    assert expand_func(hyper([], [], z)) == exp(z)
    assert expand_func(hyper([1, 2, 3], [], z)) == hyper([1, 2, 3], [], z)
    assert expand_func(meijerg([[1, 1], []], [[1], [0]], z)) == log(z + 1)
    assert expand_func(meijerg([[1, 1], []], [[], []], z)) == \
        meijerg([[1, 1], []], [[], []], z)
def test_binomial():
    x = Symbol('x')
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    nz = Symbol('nz', integer=True, nonzero=True)
    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
    kp = Symbol('kp', integer=True, positive=True)
    kn = Symbol('kn', integer=True, negative=True)
    u = Symbol('u', negative=True)
    v = Symbol('v', nonnegative=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    z = Symbol('z', zero=True)
    nt = Symbol('nt', integer=False)
    kt = Symbol('kt', integer=False)
    a = Symbol('a', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    b = Symbol('b', integer=True, nonnegative=True)

    assert binomial(0, 0) == 1
    assert binomial(1, 1) == 1
    assert binomial(10, 10) == 1
    assert binomial(n, z) == 1
    assert binomial(1, 2) == 0
    assert binomial(-1, 2) == 1
    assert binomial(1, -1) == 0
    assert binomial(-1, 1) == -1
    assert binomial(-1, -1) == 0
    assert binomial(S.Half, S.Half) == 1
    assert binomial(-10, 1) == -10
    assert binomial(-10, 7) == -11440
    assert binomial(
        n, -1) == 0  # holds for all integers (negative, zero, positive)
    assert binomial(kp, -1) == 0
    assert binomial(nz, 0) == 1
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, 1)) == n
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, 2)) == n * (n - 1) / 2
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, n - 2)) == n * (n - 1) / 2
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, n - 1)) == n
    assert binomial(n, 3).func == binomial
    assert binomial(n, 3).expand(func=True) == n**3 / 6 - n**2 / 2 + n / 3
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, 3)) == n * (n - 2) * (n - 1) / 6
    assert binomial(n, n).func == binomial  # e.g. (-1, -1) == 0, (2, 2) == 1
    assert binomial(n, n + 1).func == binomial  # e.g. (-1, 0) == 1
    assert binomial(kp, kp + 1) == 0
    assert binomial(kn, kn) == 0  # issue #14529
    assert binomial(n, u).func == binomial
    assert binomial(kp, u).func == binomial
    assert binomial(n, p).func == binomial
    assert binomial(n, k).func == binomial
    assert binomial(n, n + p).func == binomial
    assert binomial(kp, kp + p).func == binomial

    assert expand_func(binomial(n, n - 3)) == n * (n - 2) * (n - 1) / 6

    assert binomial(n, k).is_integer
    assert binomial(nt, k).is_integer is None
    assert binomial(x, nt).is_integer is False

    assert binomial(
        gamma(25), 6
    ) == 79232165267303928292058750056084441948572511312165380965440075720159859792344339983120618959044048198214221915637090855535036339620413440000
    assert binomial(
        1324, 47
    ) == 906266255662694632984994480774946083064699457235920708992926525848438478406790323869952
    assert binomial(
        1735, 43
    ) == 190910140420204130794758005450919715396159959034348676124678207874195064798202216379800
    assert binomial(
        2512, 53
    ) == 213894469313832631145798303740098720367984955243020898718979538096223399813295457822575338958939834177325304000
    assert binomial(
        3383, 52
    ) == 27922807788818096863529701501764372757272890613101645521813434902890007725667814813832027795881839396839287659777235
    assert binomial(
        4321, 51
    ) == 124595639629264868916081001263541480185227731958274383287107643816863897851139048158022599533438936036467601690983780576

    assert binomial(a, b).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(-1, 2, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(10, 5, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(10, -3, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(-10, -3, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(-10, 2, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is True
    assert binomial(-10, 1, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is False
    assert binomial(-10, 7, evaluate=False).is_nonnegative is False

    # issue #14625
    for _ in (pi, -pi, nt, v, a):
        assert binomial(_, _) == 1
        assert binomial(_, _ - 1) == _
    assert isinstance(binomial(u, u), binomial)
    assert isinstance(binomial(u, u - 1), binomial)
    assert isinstance(binomial(x, x), binomial)
    assert isinstance(binomial(x, x - 1), binomial)

    #issue #18802
    assert expand_func(binomial(x + 1, x)) == x + 1
    assert expand_func(binomial(x, x - 1)) == x
    assert expand_func(binomial(x + 1, x - 1)) == x * (x + 1) / 2
    assert expand_func(binomial(x**2 + 1, x**2)) == x**2 + 1

    # issue #13980 and #13981
    assert binomial(-7, -5) == 0
    assert binomial(-23, -12) == 0
    assert binomial(Rational(13, 2), -10) == 0
    assert binomial(-49, -51) == 0

    assert binomial(19,
                             2)) == S(-68719476736) / (911337863661225 * pi)
    assert binomial(0, Rational(3, 2)) == S(-2) / (3 * pi)
    assert binomial(-3, Rational(-7, 2)) is zoo
    assert binomial(kn, kt) is zoo

    assert binomial(nt, kt).func == binomial
    assert binomial(nt, Rational(
        6)) == 8 * gamma(nt + 1) / (15 * sqrt(pi) * gamma(nt - Rational(3, 2)))
    assert binomial(Rational(20, 3), Rational(-10, 8)) == gamma(Rational(
        23, 3)) / (gamma(Rational(-1, 4)) * gamma(Rational(107, 12)))
    assert binomial(Rational(19, 2), Rational(-7,
                                              2)) == Rational(-1615, 8388608)
    assert binomial(Rational(-13, 5), Rational(-7, 8)) == gamma(Rational(
        -8, 5)) / (gamma(Rational(-29, 40)) * gamma(Rational(1, 8)))
    assert binomial(Rational(-19, 8), Rational(-13, 5)) == gamma(
        Rational(-11, 8)) / (gamma(Rational(-8, 5)) * gamma(Rational(49, 40)))

    # binomial for complexes
    assert binomial(I,
                             8)) == gamma(1 + I) / (gamma(Rational(-81, 8)) *
                                                    gamma(Rational(97, 8) + I))
    assert binomial(I,
                    2 * I) == gamma(1 + I) / (gamma(1 - I) * gamma(1 + 2 * I))
    assert binomial(-7, I) is zoo
    assert binomial(Rational(-7, 6), I) == gamma(Rational(
        -1, 6)) / (gamma(Rational(-1, 6) - I) * gamma(1 + I))
    assert binomial(
        (1 + 2 * I),
        (1 + 3 * I)) == gamma(2 + 2 * I) / (gamma(1 - I) * gamma(2 + 3 * I))
    assert binomial(I, 5) == Rational(1, 3) - I / S(12)
    assert binomial((2 * I + 3), 7) == -13 * I / S(63)
    assert isinstance(binomial(I, n), binomial)
    assert expand_func(binomial(3, 2, evaluate=False)) == 3
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, 0, evaluate=False)) == 1
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, -2, evaluate=False)) == 0
    assert expand_func(binomial(n, k)) == binomial(n, k)
Example #15
def test_fresnel():
    from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import (fresnelc, fresnels)

    assert expand_func(integrate(sin(pi * x**2 / 2), x)) == fresnels(x)
    assert expand_func(integrate(cos(pi * x**2 / 2), x)) == fresnelc(x)
Example #16
def test_loggamma():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: loggamma(2, 3))
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: loggamma(x).fdiff(2))

    assert loggamma(-1) is oo
    assert loggamma(-2) is oo
    assert loggamma(0) is oo
    assert loggamma(1) == 0
    assert loggamma(2) == 0
    assert loggamma(3) == log(2)
    assert loggamma(4) == log(6)

    n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
    assert loggamma(n) == log(gamma(n))
    assert loggamma(-n) is oo
    assert loggamma(n/2) == log(2**(-n + 1)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(n)/gamma(n/2 + S.Half))

    assert loggamma(oo) is oo
    assert loggamma(-oo) is zoo
    assert loggamma(I*oo) is zoo
    assert loggamma(-I*oo) is zoo
    assert loggamma(zoo) is zoo
    assert loggamma(nan) is nan

    L = loggamma(Rational(16, 3))
    E = -5*log(3) + loggamma(Rational(1, 3)) + log(4) + log(7) + log(10) + log(13)
    assert expand_func(L).doit() == E
    assert L.n() == E.n()

    L = loggamma(Rational(19, 4))
    E = -4*log(4) + loggamma(Rational(3, 4)) + log(3) + log(7) + log(11) + log(15)
    assert expand_func(L).doit() == E
    assert L.n() == E.n()

    L = loggamma(Rational(23, 7))
    E = -3*log(7) + log(2) + loggamma(Rational(2, 7)) + log(9) + log(16)
    assert expand_func(L).doit() == E
    assert L.n() == E.n()

    L = loggamma(Rational(19, 4) - 7)
    E = -log(9) - log(5) + loggamma(Rational(3, 4)) + 3*log(4) - 3*I*pi
    assert expand_func(L).doit() == E
    assert L.n() == E.n()

    L = loggamma(Rational(23, 7) - 6)
    E = -log(19) - log(12) - log(5) + loggamma(Rational(2, 7)) + 3*log(7) - 3*I*pi
    assert expand_func(L).doit() == E
    assert L.n() == E.n()

    assert loggamma(x).diff(x) == polygamma(0, x)
    s1 = loggamma(1/(x + sin(x)) + cos(x)).nseries(x, n=4)
    s2 = (-log(2*x) - 1)/(2*x) - log(x/pi)/2 + (4 - log(2*x))*x/24 + O(x**2) + \
    assert (s1 - s2).expand(force=True).removeO() == 0
    s1 = loggamma(1/x).series(x)
    s2 = (1/x - S.Half)*log(1/x) - 1/x + log(2*pi)/2 + \
        x/12 - x**3/360 + x**5/1260 + O(x**7)
    assert ((s1 - s2).expand(force=True)).removeO() == 0

    assert loggamma(x).rewrite('intractable') == log(gamma(x))

    s1 = loggamma(x).series(x).cancel()
    assert s1 == -log(x) - EulerGamma*x + pi**2*x**2/12 + x**3*polygamma(2, 1)/6 + \
        pi**4*x**4/360 + x**5*polygamma(4, 1)/120 + O(x**6)
    assert s1 == loggamma(x).rewrite('intractable').series(x).cancel()

    assert conjugate(loggamma(x)) == loggamma(conjugate(x))
    assert conjugate(loggamma(0)) is oo
    assert conjugate(loggamma(1)) == loggamma(conjugate(1))
    assert conjugate(loggamma(-oo)) == conjugate(zoo)

    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', positive=True)).is_real is True
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', zero=True)).is_real is False
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', negative=True)).is_real is False
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', nonpositive=True)).is_real is False
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', nonnegative=True)).is_real is None
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', imaginary=True)).is_real is None
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v', real=True)).is_real is None
    assert loggamma(Symbol('v')).is_real is None

    assert loggamma(S.Half).is_real is True
    assert loggamma(0).is_real is False
    assert loggamma(Rational(-1, 2)).is_real is False
    assert loggamma(I).is_real is None
    assert loggamma(2 + 3*I).is_real is None

    def tN(N, M):
        assert loggamma(1/x)._eval_nseries(x, n=N).getn() == M
    tN(0, 0)
    tN(1, 1)
    tN(2, 2)
    tN(3, 3)
    tN(4, 4)
    tN(5, 5)
Example #17
def _gammasimp(expr, as_comb):
    Helper function for gammasimp and combsimp.


    Simplifies expressions written in terms of gamma function. If
    as_comb is True, it tries to preserve integer arguments. See
    docstring of gammasimp for more information. This was part of
    combsimp() in combsimp.py.
    expr = expr.replace(gamma, lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()))

    if as_comb:
        expr = expr.replace(_rf, lambda a, b: gamma(b + 1))
        expr = expr.replace(_rf, lambda a, b: gamma(a + b) / gamma(a))

    def rule_gamma(expr, level=0):
        """ Simplify products of gamma functions further. """

        if expr.is_Atom:
            return expr

        def gamma_rat(x):
            # helper to simplify ratios of gammas
            was = x.count(gamma)
            xx = x.replace(
                gamma, lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()).replace(
                    _rf, lambda a, b: gamma(a + b) / gamma(a)))
            if xx.count(gamma) < was:
                x = xx
            return x

        def gamma_factor(x):
            # return True if there is a gamma factor in shallow args
            if isinstance(x, gamma):
                return True
            if x.is_Add or x.is_Mul:
                return any(gamma_factor(xi) for xi in x.args)
            if x.is_Pow and (x.exp.is_integer or x.base.is_positive):
                return gamma_factor(x.base)
            return False

        # recursion step
        if level == 0:
            expr = expr.func(*[rule_gamma(x, level + 1) for x in expr.args])
            level += 1

        if not expr.is_Mul:
            return expr

        # non-commutative step
        if level == 1:
            args, nc = expr.args_cnc()
            if not args:
                return expr
            if nc:
                return rule_gamma(Mul._from_args(args),
                                  level + 1) * Mul._from_args(nc)
            level += 1

        # pure gamma handling, not factor absorption
        if level == 2:
            T, F = sift(expr.args, gamma_factor, binary=True)
            gamma_ind = Mul(*F)
            d = Mul(*T)

            nd, dd = d.as_numer_denom()
            for ipass in range(2):
                args = list(ordered(Mul.make_args(nd)))
                for i, ni in enumerate(args):
                    if ni.is_Add:
                        ni, dd = Add(*[
                            rule_gamma(gamma_rat(a / dd), level + 1)
                            for a in ni.args
                        args[i] = ni
                        if not dd.has(gamma):
                nd = Mul(*args)
                if ipass == 0 and not gamma_factor(nd):
                nd, dd = dd, nd  # now process in reversed order
            expr = gamma_ind * nd / dd
            if not (expr.is_Mul and (gamma_factor(dd) or gamma_factor(nd))):
                return expr
            level += 1

        # iteration until constant
        if level == 3:
            while True:
                was = expr
                expr = rule_gamma(expr, 4)
                if expr == was:
                    return expr

        numer_gammas = []
        denom_gammas = []
        numer_others = []
        denom_others = []

        def explicate(p):
            if p is S.One:
                return None, []
            b, e = p.as_base_exp()
            if e.is_Integer:
                if isinstance(b, gamma):
                    return True, [b.args[0]] * e
                    return False, [b] * e
                return False, [p]

        newargs = list(ordered(expr.args))
        while newargs:
            n, d = newargs.pop().as_numer_denom()
            isg, l = explicate(n)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:
            isg, l = explicate(d)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:

        # =========== level 2 work: pure gamma manipulation =========

        if not as_comb:
            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # reflection formula gamma(x)*gamma(1-x) = pi/sin(pi*x)
            for gammas, numer, denom in [
                (numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g1 = gammas.pop()
                    if g1.is_integer:
                    for i, g2 in enumerate(gammas):
                        n = g1 + g2 - 1
                        if not n.is_Integer:
                        denom.append(sin(S.Pi * g1))
                        if n > 0:
                            for k in range(n):
                                numer.append(1 - g1 + k)
                        elif n < 0:
                            for k in range(-n):
                                denom.append(-g1 - k)
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

            # Try to reduce the number of gammas by using the duplication
            # theorem to cancel an upper and lower: gamma(2*s)/gamma(s) =
            # 2**(2*s + 1)/(4*sqrt(pi))*gamma(s + 1/2). Although this could
            # be done with higher argument ratios like gamma(3*x)/gamma(x),
            # this would not reduce the number of gammas as in this case.
            for ng, dg, no, do in [
                (numer_gammas, denom_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, numer_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)

                while True:
                    for x in ng:
                        for y in dg:
                            n = x - 2 * y
                            if n.is_Integer:
                    if n > 0:
                        for k in range(n):
                            no.append(2 * y + k)
                    elif n < 0:
                        for k in range(-n):
                            do.append(2 * y - 1 - k)
                    ng.append(y + S.Half)
                    no.append(2**(2 * y - 1))

            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # multiplication theorem (used when n gammas with args differing
            # by 1/n mod 1 are encountered).
            # run of 2 with args differing by 1/2
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S.Half))
            # 2*sqrt(2)*2**(-2*x - 1/2)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(2*x)
            # run of 3 args differing by 1/3 (mod 1)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(2)/3))
            # 6*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*gamma(3*x)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(5)/3))
            # 2*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*(3*x + 2)*gamma(3*x)
            def _run(coeffs):
                # find runs in coeffs such that the difference in terms (mod 1)
                # of t1, t2, ..., tn is 1/n
                u = list(uniq(coeffs))
                for i in range(len(u)):
                    dj = ([((u[j] - u[i]) % 1, j)
                           for j in range(i + 1, len(u))])
                    for one, j in dj:
                        if one.p == 1 and one.q != 1:
                            n = one.q
                            got = [i]
                            get = list(range(1, n))
                            for d, j in dj:
                                m = n * d
                                if m.is_Integer and m in get:
                                    if not get:
                            for i, j in enumerate(got):
                                c = u[j]
                                got[i] = c
                            return one.q, got[0], got[1:]

            def _mult_thm(gammas, numer, denom):
                # pull off and analyze the leading coefficient from each gamma arg
                # looking for runs in those Rationals

                # expr -> coeff + resid -> rats[resid] = coeff
                rats = {}
                for g in gammas:
                    c, resid = g.as_coeff_Add()
                    rats.setdefault(resid, []).append(c)

                # look for runs in Rationals for each resid
                keys = sorted(rats, key=default_sort_key)
                for resid in keys:
                    coeffs = list(sorted(rats[resid]))
                    new = []
                    while True:
                        run = _run(coeffs)
                        if run is None:

                        # process the sequence that was found:
                        # 1) convert all the gamma functions to have the right
                        #    argument (could be off by an integer)
                        # 2) append the factors corresponding to the theorem
                        # 3) append the new gamma function

                        n, ui, other = run

                        # (1)
                        for u in other:
                            con = resid + u - 1
                            for k in range(int(u - ui)):
                                numer.append(con - k)

                        con = n * (resid + ui)  # for (2) and (3)

                        # (2)
                            (2 * S.Pi)**(S(n - 1) / 2) * n**(S.Half - con))
                        # (3)

                    # restore resid to coeffs
                    rats[resid] = [resid + c for c in coeffs] + new

                # rebuild the gamma arguments
                g = []
                for resid in keys:
                    g += rats[resid]
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = g

            for l, numer, denom in [(numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                                    (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                _mult_thm(l, numer, denom)

        # =========== level >= 2 work: factor absorption =========

        if level >= 2:
            # Try to absorb factors into the gammas: x*gamma(x) -> gamma(x + 1)
            # and gamma(x)/(x - 1) -> gamma(x - 1)
            # This code (in particular repeated calls to find_fuzzy) can be very
            # slow.
            def find_fuzzy(l, x):
                if not l:
                S1, T1 = compute_ST(x)
                for y in l:
                    S2, T2 = inv[y]
                    if T1 != T2 or (not S1.intersection(S2) and
                                    (S1 != set() or S2 != set())):
                    # XXX we want some simplification (e.g. cancel or
                    # simplify) but no matter what it's slow.
                    a = len(cancel(x / y).free_symbols)
                    b = len(x.free_symbols)
                    c = len(y.free_symbols)
                    # TODO is there a better heuristic?
                    if a == 0 and (b > 0 or c > 0):
                        return y

            # We thus try to avoid expensive calls by building the following
            # "invariants": For every factor or gamma function argument
            #   - the set of free symbols S
            #   - the set of functional components T
            # We will only try to absorb if T1==T2 and (S1 intersect S2 != emptyset
            # or S1 == S2 == emptyset)
            inv = {}

            def compute_ST(expr):
                if expr in inv:
                    return inv[expr]
                return (expr.free_symbols, expr.atoms(Function).union(
                     for e in expr.atoms(Pow)}))

            def update_ST(expr):
                inv[expr] = compute_ST(expr)

            for expr in numer_gammas + denom_gammas + numer_others + denom_others:

            for gammas, numer, denom in [
                (numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g = gammas.pop()
                    cont = True
                    while cont:
                        cont = False
                        y = find_fuzzy(numer, g)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g:
                                numer.append(y / g)
                                update_ST(y / g)
                            g += 1
                            cont = True
                        y = find_fuzzy(denom, g - 1)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g - 1:
                                numer.append((g - 1) / y)
                                update_ST((g - 1) / y)
                            g -= 1
                            cont = True
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

        # =========== rebuild expr ==================================

        return Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in numer_gammas]) \
            / Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in denom_gammas]) \
            * Mul(*numer_others) / Mul(*denom_others)

    was = factor(expr)
    # (for some reason we cannot use Basic.replace in this case)
    expr = rule_gamma(was)
    if expr != was:
        expr = factor(expr)

    expr = expr.replace(
        gamma, lambda n: expand_func(gamma(n)) if n.is_Rational else gamma(n))

    return expr
Example #18
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe / qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(13944145, 4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe / qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(2422020029, 702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po / qe)
    Aeoe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(11818877030, 4286604231) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po / qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(11669332571, 3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe / qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(779405, 277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe / qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(53857323, 16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po / qe)
    Aooe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(486853480, 186374097) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po / qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            Rational(383693479, 125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]
    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e / a) == 1
        assert abs(h.n() - a.n()) < 1e-12
def test_fresnel():
    assert fresnels(0) is S.Zero
    assert fresnels(oo) is S.Half
    assert fresnels(-oo) == Rational(-1, 2)
    assert fresnels(I*oo) == -I*S.Half

    assert unchanged(fresnels, z)
    assert fresnels(-z) == -fresnels(z)
    assert fresnels(I*z) == -I*fresnels(z)
    assert fresnels(-I*z) == I*fresnels(z)

    assert conjugate(fresnels(z)) == fresnels(conjugate(z))

    assert fresnels(z).diff(z) == sin(pi*z**2/2)

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One + I)/4 * (
        erf((S.One + I)/2*sqrt(pi)*z) - I*erf((S.One - I)/2*sqrt(pi)*z))

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        pi*z**3/6 * hyper([Rational(3, 4)], [Rational(3, 2), Rational(7, 4)], -pi**2*z**4/16)

    assert fresnels(z).series(z, n=15) == \
        pi*z**3/6 - pi**3*z**7/336 + pi**5*z**11/42240 + O(z**15)

    assert fresnels(w).is_extended_real is True
    assert fresnels(w).is_finite is True

    assert fresnels(z).is_extended_real is None
    assert fresnels(z).is_finite is None

    assert fresnels(z).as_real_imag() == (fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z))/2 +
                    fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z))/2,
                    -I*(-fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z)))/2)

    assert fresnels(z).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z))/2 +
                    fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z))/2,
                    -I*(-fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z)))/2)

    assert fresnels(w).as_real_imag() == (fresnels(w), 0)
    assert fresnels(w).as_real_imag(deep=True) == (fresnels(w), 0)

    assert fresnels(2 + 3*I).as_real_imag() == (
            fresnels(2 + 3*I)/2 + fresnels(2 - 3*I)/2,
            -I*(fresnels(2 + 3*I) - fresnels(2 - 3*I))/2

    assert expand_func(integrate(fresnels(z), z)) == \
        z*fresnels(z) + cos(pi*z**2/2)/pi

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**Rational(9, 4) * \
        meijerg(((), (1,)), ((Rational(3, 4),),
        (Rational(1, 4), 0)), -pi**2*z**4/16)/(2*(-z)**Rational(3, 4)*(z**2)**Rational(3, 4))

    assert fresnelc(0) is S.Zero
    assert fresnelc(oo) == S.Half
    assert fresnelc(-oo) == Rational(-1, 2)
    assert fresnelc(I*oo) == I*S.Half

    assert unchanged(fresnelc, z)
    assert fresnelc(-z) == -fresnelc(z)
    assert fresnelc(I*z) == I*fresnelc(z)
    assert fresnelc(-I*z) == -I*fresnelc(z)

    assert conjugate(fresnelc(z)) == fresnelc(conjugate(z))

    assert fresnelc(z).diff(z) == cos(pi*z**2/2)

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One - I)/4 * (
        erf((S.One + I)/2*sqrt(pi)*z) + I*erf((S.One - I)/2*sqrt(pi)*z))

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        z * hyper([Rational(1, 4)], [S.Half, Rational(5, 4)], -pi**2*z**4/16)

    assert fresnelc(w).is_extended_real is True

    assert fresnelc(z).as_real_imag() == \
        (fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z))/2 + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z))/2,
         -I*(-fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z)))/2)

    assert fresnelc(z).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \
        (fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z))/2 + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z))/2,
         -I*(-fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z)))/2)

    assert fresnelc(2 + 3*I).as_real_imag() == (
        fresnelc(2 - 3*I)/2 + fresnelc(2 + 3*I)/2,
         -I*(fresnelc(2 + 3*I) - fresnelc(2 - 3*I))/2

    assert expand_func(integrate(fresnelc(z), z)) == \
        z*fresnelc(z) - sin(pi*z**2/2)/pi

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**Rational(3, 4) * \
        meijerg(((), (1,)), ((Rational(1, 4),),
        (Rational(3, 4), 0)), -pi**2*z**4/16)/(2*(-z)**Rational(1, 4)*(z**2)**Rational(1, 4))

    from sympy.core.random import verify_numerically

    verify_numerically(re(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)
    verify_numerically(im(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)
    verify_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper), z)
    verify_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)

    verify_numerically(re(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)
    verify_numerically(im(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)
    verify_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper), z)
    verify_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)

    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: fresnels(z).fdiff(2))
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: fresnelc(z).fdiff(2))

    assert fresnels(x).taylor_term(-1, x) is S.Zero
    assert fresnelc(x).taylor_term(-1, x) is S.Zero
    assert fresnelc(x).taylor_term(1, x) == -pi**2*x**5/40
Example #20
def _gammasimp(expr, as_comb):
    Helper function for gammasimp and combsimp.

    Simplifies expressions written in terms of gamma function. If
    as_comb is True, it tries to preserve integer arguments. See
    docstring of gammasimp for more information. This was part of
    combsimp() in combsimp.py.

    expr = expr.replace(gamma,
        lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()))

    if as_comb:
        expr = expr.replace(_rf,
            lambda a, b: gamma(b + 1))
        expr = expr.replace(_rf,
            lambda a, b: gamma(a + b)/gamma(a))

    def rule(n, k):
        coeff, rewrite = S.One, False

        cn, _n = n.as_coeff_Add()

        if _n and cn.is_Integer and cn:
            coeff *= _rf(_n + 1, cn)/_rf(_n - k + 1, cn)
            rewrite = True
            n = _n

        # this sort of binomial has already been removed by
        # rising factorials but is left here in case the order
        # of rule application is changed
        if k.is_Add:
            ck, _k = k.as_coeff_Add()
            if _k and ck.is_Integer and ck:
                coeff *= _rf(n - ck - _k + 1, ck)/_rf(_k + 1, ck)
                rewrite = True
                k = _k

        if count_ops(k) > count_ops(n - k):
            rewrite = True
            k = n - k

        if rewrite:
            return coeff*binomial(n, k)

    expr = expr.replace(binomial, rule)

    def rule_gamma(expr, level=0):
        """ Simplify products of gamma functions further. """

        if expr.is_Atom:
            return expr

        def gamma_rat(x):
            # helper to simplify ratios of gammas
            was = x.count(gamma)
            xx = x.replace(gamma, lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()
                ).replace(_rf, lambda a, b: gamma(a + b)/gamma(a)))
            if xx.count(gamma) < was:
                x = xx
            return x

        def gamma_factor(x):
            # return True if there is a gamma factor in shallow args
            if isinstance(x, gamma):
                return True
            if x.is_Add or x.is_Mul:
                return any(gamma_factor(xi) for xi in x.args)
            if x.is_Pow and (x.exp.is_integer or x.base.is_positive):
                return gamma_factor(x.base)
            return False

        # recursion step
        if level == 0:
            expr = expr.func(*[rule_gamma(x, level + 1) for x in expr.args])
            level += 1

        if not expr.is_Mul:
            return expr

        # non-commutative step
        if level == 1:
            args, nc = expr.args_cnc()
            if not args:
                return expr
            if nc:
                return rule_gamma(Mul._from_args(args), level + 1)*Mul._from_args(nc)
            level += 1

        # pure gamma handling, not factor absorption
        if level == 2:
            T, F = sift(expr.args, gamma_factor, binary=True)
            gamma_ind = Mul(*F)
            d = Mul(*T)

            nd, dd = d.as_numer_denom()
            for ipass in range(2):
                args = list(ordered(Mul.make_args(nd)))
                for i, ni in enumerate(args):
                    if ni.is_Add:
                        ni, dd = Add(*[
                            rule_gamma(gamma_rat(a/dd), level + 1) for a in ni.args]
                        args[i] = ni
                        if not dd.has(gamma):
                nd = Mul(*args)
                if ipass ==  0 and not gamma_factor(nd):
                nd, dd = dd, nd  # now process in reversed order
            expr = gamma_ind*nd/dd
            if not (expr.is_Mul and (gamma_factor(dd) or gamma_factor(nd))):
                return expr
            level += 1

        # iteration until constant
        if level == 3:
            while True:
                was = expr
                expr = rule_gamma(expr, 4)
                if expr == was:
                    return expr

        numer_gammas = []
        denom_gammas = []
        numer_others = []
        denom_others = []
        def explicate(p):
            if p is S.One:
                return None, []
            b, e = p.as_base_exp()
            if e.is_Integer:
                if isinstance(b, gamma):
                    return True, [b.args[0]]*e
                    return False, [b]*e
                return False, [p]

        newargs = list(ordered(expr.args))
        while newargs:
            n, d = newargs.pop().as_numer_denom()
            isg, l = explicate(n)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:
            isg, l = explicate(d)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:

        # =========== level 2 work: pure gamma manipulation =========

        if not as_comb:
            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # reflection formula gamma(x)*gamma(1-x) = pi/sin(pi*x)
            for gammas, numer, denom in [(
                numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                    (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g1 = gammas.pop()
                    if g1.is_integer:
                    for i, g2 in enumerate(gammas):
                        n = g1 + g2 - 1
                        if not n.is_Integer:
                        if n > 0:
                            for k in range(n):
                                numer.append(1 - g1 + k)
                        elif n < 0:
                            for k in range(-n):
                                denom.append(-g1 - k)
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

            # Try to reduce the number of gammas by using the duplication
            # theorem to cancel an upper and lower: gamma(2*s)/gamma(s) =
            # 2**(2*s + 1)/(4*sqrt(pi))*gamma(s + 1/2). Although this could
            # be done with higher argument ratios like gamma(3*x)/gamma(x),
            # this would not reduce the number of gammas as in this case.
            for ng, dg, no, do in [(numer_gammas, denom_gammas, numer_others,
                                   (denom_gammas, numer_gammas, denom_others,

                while True:
                    for x in ng:
                        for y in dg:
                            n = x - 2*y
                            if n.is_Integer:
                    if n > 0:
                        for k in range(n):
                            no.append(2*y + k)
                    elif n < 0:
                        for k in range(-n):
                            do.append(2*y - 1 - k)
                    ng.append(y + S(1)/2)
                    no.append(2**(2*y - 1))

            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # multiplication theorem (used when n gammas with args differing
            # by 1/n mod 1 are encountered).
            # run of 2 with args differing by 1/2
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S.Half))
            # 2*sqrt(2)*2**(-2*x - 1/2)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(2*x)
            # run of 3 args differing by 1/3 (mod 1)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(2)/3))
            # 6*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*gamma(3*x)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(5)/3))
            # 2*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*(3*x + 2)*gamma(3*x)
            def _run(coeffs):
                # find runs in coeffs such that the difference in terms (mod 1)
                # of t1, t2, ..., tn is 1/n
                u = list(uniq(coeffs))
                for i in range(len(u)):
                    dj = ([((u[j] - u[i]) % 1, j) for j in range(i + 1, len(u))])
                    for one, j in dj:
                        if one.p == 1 and one.q != 1:
                            n = one.q
                            got = [i]
                            get = list(range(1, n))
                            for d, j in dj:
                                m = n*d
                                if m.is_Integer and m in get:
                                    if not get:
                            for i, j in enumerate(got):
                                c = u[j]
                                got[i] = c
                            return one.q, got[0], got[1:]

            def _mult_thm(gammas, numer, denom):
                # pull off and analyze the leading coefficient from each gamma arg
                # looking for runs in those Rationals

                # expr -> coeff + resid -> rats[resid] = coeff
                rats = {}
                for g in gammas:
                    c, resid = g.as_coeff_Add()
                    rats.setdefault(resid, []).append(c)

                # look for runs in Rationals for each resid
                keys = sorted(rats, key=default_sort_key)
                for resid in keys:
                    coeffs = list(sorted(rats[resid]))
                    new = []
                    while True:
                        run = _run(coeffs)
                        if run is None:

                        # process the sequence that was found:
                        # 1) convert all the gamma functions to have the right
                        #    argument (could be off by an integer)
                        # 2) append the factors corresponding to the theorem
                        # 3) append the new gamma function

                        n, ui, other = run

                        # (1)
                        for u in other:
                            con = resid + u - 1
                            for k in range(int(u - ui)):
                                numer.append(con - k)

                        con = n*(resid + ui)  # for (2) and (3)

                        # (2)
                        numer.append((2*S.Pi)**(S(n - 1)/2)*
                                     n**(S(1)/2 - con))
                        # (3)

                    # restore resid to coeffs
                    rats[resid] = [resid + c for c in coeffs] + new

                # rebuild the gamma arguments
                g = []
                for resid in keys:
                    g += rats[resid]
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = g

            for l, numer, denom in [(numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                                    (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
                _mult_thm(l, numer, denom)

        # =========== level >= 2 work: factor absorption =========

        if level >= 2:
            # Try to absorb factors into the gammas: x*gamma(x) -> gamma(x + 1)
            # and gamma(x)/(x - 1) -> gamma(x - 1)
            # This code (in particular repeated calls to find_fuzzy) can be very
            # slow.
            def find_fuzzy(l, x):
                if not l:
                S1, T1 = compute_ST(x)
                for y in l:
                    S2, T2 = inv[y]
                    if T1 != T2 or (not S1.intersection(S2) and
                                    (S1 != set() or S2 != set())):
                    # XXX we want some simplification (e.g. cancel or
                    # simplify) but no matter what it's slow.
                    a = len(cancel(x/y).free_symbols)
                    b = len(x.free_symbols)
                    c = len(y.free_symbols)
                    # TODO is there a better heuristic?
                    if a == 0 and (b > 0 or c > 0):
                        return y

            # We thus try to avoid expensive calls by building the following
            # "invariants": For every factor or gamma function argument
            #   - the set of free symbols S
            #   - the set of functional components T
            # We will only try to absorb if T1==T2 and (S1 intersect S2 != emptyset
            # or S1 == S2 == emptyset)
            inv = {}

            def compute_ST(expr):
                if expr in inv:
                    return inv[expr]
                return (expr.free_symbols, expr.atoms(Function).union(
                        set(e.exp for e in expr.atoms(Pow))))

            def update_ST(expr):
                inv[expr] = compute_ST(expr)
            for expr in numer_gammas + denom_gammas + numer_others + denom_others:

            for gammas, numer, denom in [(
                numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                    (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)]:
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g = gammas.pop()
                    cont = True
                    while cont:
                        cont = False
                        y = find_fuzzy(numer, g)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g:
                            g += 1
                            cont = True
                        y = find_fuzzy(denom, g - 1)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g - 1:
                                numer.append((g - 1)/y)
                                update_ST((g - 1)/y)
                            g -= 1
                            cont = True
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

        # =========== rebuild expr ==================================

        return Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in numer_gammas]) \
            / Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in denom_gammas]) \
            * Mul(*numer_others) / Mul(*denom_others)

    # (for some reason we cannot use Basic.replace in this case)
    was = factor(expr)
    expr = rule_gamma(was)
    if expr != was:
        expr = factor(expr)

    expr = expr.replace(gamma,
        lambda n: expand_func(gamma(n)) if n.is_Rational else gamma(n))

    return expr
Example #21
def test_expand():
    assert expand_func(besselj(S.Half, z).rewrite(jn)) == \
    assert expand_func(bessely(S.Half, z).rewrite(yn)) == \

    # XXX: teach sin/cos to work around arguments like
    # x*exp_polar(I*pi*n/2).  Then change besselsimp -> expand_func
    assert besselsimp(besselj(S.Half, z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*cos(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besselj(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(bessely(S.Half, z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(2)*sin(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cos(z) - 3*z*sin(z) - 3*cos(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(bessely(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        -sqrt(2)*(z**2*sin(z) + 3*z*cos(z) - 3*sin(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besseli(S.Half, z)) == sqrt(2)*sinh(z)/(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == \
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*sinh(z) - 3*z*cosh(z) + 3*sinh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))
    assert besselsimp(besseli(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(z**2*cosh(z) - 3*z*sinh(z) + 3*cosh(z))/(sqrt(pi)*z**Rational(5, 2))

    assert besselsimp(besselk(S.Half, z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-1, 2), z)) == sqrt(pi)*exp(-z)/(sqrt(2)*sqrt(z))
    assert besselsimp(besselk(Rational(5, 2), z)) == \
        besselsimp(besselk(Rational(-5, 2), z)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(z**2 + 3*z + 3)*exp(-z)/(2*z**Rational(5, 2))

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + 2, z)) == \
        besseli(n, z) + (-2*n - 2)*(-2*n*besseli(n, z)/z + besseli(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + 2, z)) == \
        -besselj(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselj(n, z)/z - besselj(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(besselk(n + 2, z)) == \
        besselk(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*besselk(n, z)/z + besselk(n - 1, z))/z
    assert expand_func(bessely(n + 2, z)) == \
        -bessely(n, z) + (2*n + 2)*(2*n*bessely(n, z)/z - bessely(n - 1, z))/z

    assert expand_func(besseli(n + S.Half, z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        (sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*exp(-I*pi*(n + S.Half)/2) *
         exp_polar(I*pi/4)*jn(n, z*exp_polar(I*pi/2))/sqrt(pi))
    assert expand_func(besselj(n + S.Half, z).rewrite(jn)) == \
        sqrt(2)*sqrt(z)*jn(n, z)/sqrt(pi)

    r = Symbol('r', real=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, p).is_extended_real is True
        assert besselx(i, x).is_extended_real is None
        assert besselx(x, z).is_extended_real is None

    for besselx in [besselj, besseli]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real is True
    for besselx in [bessely, besselk]:
        assert besselx(i, r).is_extended_real is None

    for besselx in [besselj, bessely, besseli, besselk]:
        assert expand_func(besselx(oo, x)) == besselx(oo, x, evaluate=False)
        assert expand_func(besselx(-oo, x)) == besselx(-oo, x, evaluate=False)
Example #22
def mjn(n, z):
    return expand_func(jn(n, z))
Example #23
def myn(n, z):
    return expand_func(yn(n, z))
Example #24
def test_gamma():
    assert gamma(nan) is nan
    assert gamma(oo) is oo

    assert gamma(-100) is zoo
    assert gamma(0) is zoo
    assert gamma(-100.0) is zoo

    assert gamma(1) == 1
    assert gamma(2) == 1
    assert gamma(3) == 2

    assert gamma(102) == factorial(101)

    assert gamma(S.Half) == sqrt(pi)

    assert gamma(Rational(3, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*S.Half
    assert gamma(Rational(5, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*Rational(3, 4)
    assert gamma(Rational(7, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*Rational(15, 8)

    assert gamma(Rational(-1, 2)) == -2*sqrt(pi)
    assert gamma(Rational(-3, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*Rational(4, 3)
    assert gamma(Rational(-5, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*Rational(-8, 15)

    assert gamma(Rational(-15, 2)) == sqrt(pi)*Rational(256, 2027025)

    assert gamma(Rational(
        -11, 8)).expand(func=True) == Rational(64, 33)*gamma(Rational(5, 8))
    assert gamma(Rational(
        -10, 3)).expand(func=True) == Rational(81, 280)*gamma(Rational(2, 3))
    assert gamma(Rational(
        14, 3)).expand(func=True) == Rational(880, 81)*gamma(Rational(2, 3))
    assert gamma(Rational(
        17, 7)).expand(func=True) == Rational(30, 49)*gamma(Rational(3, 7))
    assert gamma(Rational(
        19, 8)).expand(func=True) == Rational(33, 64)*gamma(Rational(3, 8))

    assert gamma(x).diff(x) == gamma(x)*polygamma(0, x)

    assert gamma(x - 1).expand(func=True) == gamma(x)/(x - 1)
    assert gamma(x + 2).expand(func=True, mul=False) == x*(x + 1)*gamma(x)

    assert conjugate(gamma(x)) == gamma(conjugate(x))

    assert expand_func(gamma(x + Rational(3, 2))) == \
        (x + S.Half)*gamma(x + S.Half)

    assert expand_func(gamma(x - S.Half)) == \
        gamma(S.Half + x)/(x - S.Half)

    # Test a bug:
    assert expand_func(gamma(x + Rational(3, 4))) == gamma(x + Rational(3, 4))

    # XXX: Not sure about these tests. I can fix them by defining e.g.
    # exp_polar.is_integer but I'm not sure if that makes sense.
    assert gamma(3*exp_polar(I*pi)/4).is_nonnegative is False
    assert gamma(3*exp_polar(I*pi)/4).is_extended_nonpositive is True

    y = Symbol('y', nonpositive=True, integer=True)
    assert gamma(y).is_real == False
    y = Symbol('y', positive=True, noninteger=True)
    assert gamma(y).is_real == True

    assert gamma(-1.0, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert gamma(0, evaluate=False).is_real == False
    assert gamma(-2, evaluate=False).is_real == False