Example #1
 def evaluate_linear(self, expression):
     if len(expression) == 0:
         return "Enter valid expression"
         exp = expression.split("=")
         sy_exp = kernS(exp[0])
         if exp[1].isdigit():
             req = int(exp[1])
             req = kernS(exp[1])
     except SyntaxError:
         return "Not a valid expression"
     return sy.solveset(sy.Eq(sy_exp, req))
Example #2
def test_kernS():
    s = "-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))"
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert -1 - 2 * (-(-x + 1 / x) / (x * (x - 1 / x) ** 2) - 1 / (x * (x - 1 / x))) == -1
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = "-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))".replace("x", "_kern")
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 3588
    assert kernS("Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))") == Interval(-1, 10)
    assert kernS("_kern") == Symbol("_kern")
Example #3
def test_kernS():
    s = '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert -1 - 2 * (-(-x + 1 / x) / (x * (x - 1 / x)**2) - 1 /
                     (x * (x - 1 / x))) == -1
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'.replace(
        'x', '_kern')
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 3588
    assert kernS('Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))') == Interval(-1, 10)
    assert kernS('_kern') == Symbol('_kern')
Example #4
def test_kernS():
    s =   '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert -1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x))) == -1
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'.replace(
        'x', '_kern')
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 6687
    assert kernS('Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))') == Interval(-1, 10)
    assert kernS('_kern') == Symbol('_kern')
    assert kernS('E**-(x)') == exp(-x)
    e = 2*(x + y)*y
    assert kernS(['2*(x + y)*y', ('2*(x + y)*y',)]) == [e, (e,)]
    assert kernS('-(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))*y/2') == \
        -y*(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))/2
Example #5
def test_kernS():
    s =   '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert -1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x))) == -1
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'.replace(
        'x', '_kern')
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 3588
    assert kernS('Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))') == Interval(-1, 10)
    assert kernS('_kern') == Symbol('_kern')
    assert kernS('E**-(x)') == exp(-x)
    e = 2*(x + y)*y
    assert kernS(['2*(x + y)*y', ('2*(x + y)*y',)]) == [e, (e,)]
    assert kernS('-(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))*y/2') == \
        -y*(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))/2
Example #6
def test_kernS():
    s =   '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert -1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x))) == -1
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = '-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))'.replace(
        'x', '_kern')
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 6687
    assert (kernS('Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))')
        == Interval(-1, Add(-2, Mul(12, 1, evaluate=False), evaluate=False)))
    assert kernS('_kern') == Symbol('_kern')
    assert kernS('E**-(x)') == exp(-x)
    e = 2*(x + y)*y
    assert kernS(['2*(x + y)*y', ('2*(x + y)*y',)]) == [e, (e,)]
    assert kernS('-(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))*y/2') == \
        -y*(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))/2
    # issue 15132
    assert kernS('(1 - x)/(1 - x*(1-y))') == kernS('(1-x)/(1-(1-y)*x)')
    assert kernS('(1-2**-(4+1)*(1-y)*x)') == (1 - x*(1 - y)/32)
    assert kernS('(1-2**(4+1)*(1-y)*x)') == (1 - 32*x*(1 - y))
    assert kernS('(1-2.*(1-y)*x)') == 1 - 2.*x*(1 - y)
    one = kernS('x - (x - 1)')
    assert one != 1 and one.expand() == 1
    assert kernS("(2*x)/(x-1)") == 2*x/(x-1)
Example #7
# In[ ]:

eqn_str = '1 / (1 + x**2 + y**2)'
#x = Symbol('x')
#y = Symbol('y')
#i,j,k = symbols('i, j, k')
function = sympify(eqn_str)
symbols = list(function.free_symbols)
sym_val_dict = {k: np.random.rand() for k in symbols}
deriv = function.diff(x)
eqn_str2 = 'x+y+x+2*y-i-j*k+1'
function2 = kernS(eqn_str2)
deriv2 = function2.diff(x)
print(function + function2)
print(2 * function2)
function.evalf(subs={x: 0, y: 1})
f = lambdify((x, y), function)
print(f(1, 1))
##inequality = 'x <= 2'
##ineq_func = sympify(inequality)
##ineq_func.evalf(subs = {x: 1})
zero = sympify('0')
zero.evalf() + 1
absolute = sympify(-x)
Example #8
    def optimize(self):
        f1 = kernS(self.function1.get())
        f2 = kernS(self.function2.get())
        u1 = kernS(self.u1.get())
        u2 = kernS(self.u2.get())
        e = float(self.e.get())
        # d lambda
        dl = 0.5

        f = (u1*f1 + u2*f2).expand()

        # let's begin

        # preparations

        x1, x2 = symbols("x1 x2")
        # direction vector
        ej = [0, 0]
        # initial approximations for solution matrix and value
        X = [1, 1]
        F = f.subs({x1: X[0], x2: X[1]})
        print("F " + str(F))
        # optimal solution matrix and value, set as initial ones
        opt_X = X
        opt_F = F

        while True:
            # step 3
            # checking if precision conditions met

            j = 0
            while j < len(X):
                # step 2
                # repeating this cycle for each direction toward each variable (x1, ..., xn)

                # step 1
                # optimizing initially approximated solution matrix toward current direction

                # changing vector direction according to current argument
                ej[j] = 1
                print("ej " + str(ej))
                # setting approximations for optimals
                X = opt_X
                F = opt_F

                # forming 3 points for parabola approximation
                # Y - points, lam - points for parabola, P - f(Yi)
                Y = []
                lam = []
                P = []
                # first point is current point
                print("Y " + str(Y[0][0]) + " " + str(Y[0][1]))
                P.append(f.subs({x1: Y[0][0], x2: Y[0][1]}))
                # second point is current point + offset dl in ej direction
                Y.append([X[0] + dl * ej[0], X[1] + dl * ej[1]])
                P.append(f.subs({x1: Y[1][0], x2: Y[1][1]}))
                # third point is chosen according to first 2
                if P[0] < P[1]:
                    Y.append([X[0] - dl * ej[0], X[1] - dl * ej[1]])
                    lam.append(-1 * dl)
                    P.append(f.subs({x1: Y[2][0], x2: Y[2][1]}))
                    Y.append([X[0] + 2 * dl * ej[0], X[1] + 2 * dl * ej[1]])
                    lam.append(2 * dl)
                    P.append(f.subs({x1: Y[2][0], x2: Y[2][1]}))

                # setting new lambda
                print("lam " + str(lam))
                print("P " + str(P))
                opt_l = parabolic_interpolation(lam, P)
                print("dl " + str(dl))
                # getting new optimal solution matrix and value
                opt_X = [X[0] + opt_l * ej[0], X[1] + opt_l * ej[1]]
                opt_F = f.subs({x1: opt_X[0], x2: opt_X[1]})
                print("opt_F " + str(opt_F))

                # resetting direction
                ej[j] = 0
                j += 1

            if (sqrt((opt_X[0]-X[0])**2+(opt_X[1]-X[1])**2) <= e) or (abs(opt_F - F) <= e):
                # if precision conditions are met, then optimals are found
        # rounding to one-thousandth for output
        for i in range(0, len(opt_X)):
            opt_X[i] = round(opt_X[i], 3)
        opt_F = round(opt_F, 3)
        answer_string = "Оптимальное значение достигнуто \nв точке " + str(opt_X) + " и равно " + str(opt_F)
        self.answer.grid(row=self.current_row, column=self.current_col, columnspan=4)
Example #9
    # sympy solution (autosimplification alters the order and the brackets)
    from sympy import Symbol, sympify

    scale_f = Symbol("scale_f")
    Vmax_bA = Symbol("Vmax_bA")
    Km_A = Symbol("Km_A")
    e__A = Symbol("e__A")
    c__A = Symbol("c__A")

    from sympy.core.sympify import kernS

    s = 'scale_f * (Vmax_bA / Km_A) * ((e__A - c__A) / (1 + e__A / Km_A + c__A / Km_A))'
    expr = sympify(s)
    expr = kernS(s)

    expr = sympify("(e__A - c__A)")
    latex_str = latex(expr,
                          e__A: 'A_{(e)}',
                          c__A: 'A_{(c)}',

    # Equation solution, necessary to make replacements
Example #10
def test_kernS():
    s = "-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))"
    # when 1497 is fixed, this no longer should pass: the expression
    # should be unchanged
    assert (-1 - 2 * (-(-x + 1 / x) / (x * (x - 1 / x)**2) - 1 /
                      (x * (x - 1 / x))) == -1)
    # sympification should not allow the constant to enter a Mul
    # or else the structure can change dramatically
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    s = "-1 - 2*(-(-x + 1/x)/(x*(x - 1/x)**2) - 1/(x*(x - 1/x)))".replace(
        "x", "_kern")
    ss = kernS(s)
    assert ss != -1 and ss.simplify() == -1
    # issue 6687
    assert kernS("Interval(-1,-2 - 4*(-3))") == Interval(-1, 10)
    assert kernS("_kern") == Symbol("_kern")
    assert kernS("E**-(x)") == exp(-x)
    e = 2 * (x + y) * y
    assert kernS(["2*(x + y)*y", ("2*(x + y)*y", )]) == [e, (e, )]
    assert (kernS("-(2*sin(x)**2 + 2*sin(x)*cos(x))*y/2") == -y *
            (2 * sin(x)**2 + 2 * sin(x) * cos(x)) / 2)
    # issue 15132
    assert kernS("(1 - x)/(1 - x*(1-y))") == kernS("(1-x)/(1-(1-y)*x)")
    assert kernS("(1-2**-(4+1)*(1-y)*x)") == (1 - x * (1 - y) / 32)
    assert kernS("(1-2**(4+1)*(1-y)*x)") == (1 - 32 * x * (1 - y))
    assert kernS("(1-2.*(1-y)*x)") == 1 - 2.0 * x * (1 - y)
    one = kernS("x - (x - 1)")
    assert one != 1 and one.expand() == 1
Example #11
    # sympy solution (autosimplification alters the order and the brackets)
    from sympy import Symbol, sympify

    scale_f = Symbol("scale_f")
    Vmax_bA = Symbol("Vmax_bA")
    Km_A = Symbol("Km_A")
    e__A = Symbol("e__A")
    c__A = Symbol("c__A")

    from sympy.core.sympify import kernS

    s = 'scale_f * (Vmax_bA / Km_A) * ((e__A - c__A) / (1 + e__A / Km_A + c__A / Km_A))'
    expr = sympify(s)
    expr = kernS(s)

    expr = sympify("(e__A - c__A)")
    latex_str = latex(expr, order=None, mode='equation', itex=True,
                          e__A: 'A_{(e)}',
                          c__A: 'A_{(c)}',

    # Equation solution, necessary to make replacements
    import Equation
    from Equation import Expression