Example #1
def symbolicForCurrentLoop():
    import sympy as sp

    from sympy.functions.special.elliptic_integrals import elliptic_k, elliptic_e

    from sympy import sympify, lambdify, Eq, sqrt, diff

    z = sp.symbols('z', real=True)
    rho, R, m = sp.symbols('rho R m', positive=True)

    Bz = 1 / sqrt((R + rho)**2 +
                  z**2) * (elliptic_k(m) + (R**2 - rho**2 - z**2) /
                           ((R - rho)**2 + z**2) * elliptic_e(m))
    Brho = z / (rho * sqrt(
        (R + rho)**2 + z**2)) * (-elliptic_k(m) + (R**2 + rho**2 + z**2) /
                                 ((R - rho)**2 + z**2) * elliptic_e(m))

    mExpr = (4 * R * rho) / ((R + rho)**2 + z**2)

    Bz = Bz.subs(m, mExpr)
    Brho = Brho.subs(m, mExpr)

    def _doLambdify(expr):
        return lambdify((z, rho, R),
                            "elliptic_k": special.ellipk,
                            "elliptic_e": special.ellipe
                        }, "numpy"])

    return _doLambdify(Bz), _doLambdify(Brho), _doLambdify(
        diff(Brho, rho)), _doLambdify(diff(Brho, z)), _doLambdify(diff(
            Bz, rho)), _doLambdify(diff(Bz, z))
Example #2
def test_circumference():
    M = Symbol('M')
    m = Symbol('m')
    assert Ellipse(Point(0, 0), M, m).circumference == 4 * M * elliptic_e((M ** 2 - m ** 2) / M**2)

    assert Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 4).circumference == 20 * elliptic_e(S(9) / 25)

    # circle
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, None, 0).circumference == 2*pi

    # test numerically
    assert abs(Ellipse(None, hradius=5, vradius=3).circumference.evalf(16) - 25.52699886339813) < 1e-10
Example #3
def test_circumference():
    M = Symbol('M')
    m = Symbol('m')
    assert Ellipse(Point(0, 0), M, m).circumference == 4 * M * elliptic_e((M ** 2 - m ** 2) / M**2)

    assert Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 4).circumference == 20 * elliptic_e(S(9) / 25)

    # degenerate ellipse
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, None, 1).length == 2

    # circle
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, None, 0).circumference == 2*pi

    # test numerically
    assert abs(Ellipse(None, hradius=5, vradius=3).circumference.evalf(16) - 25.52699886339813) < 1e-10
Example #4
def test_manualintegrate_special():
    f, F = 4*exp(-x**2/3), 2*sqrt(3)*sqrt(pi)*erf(sqrt(3)*x/3)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = 3*exp(4*x**2), 3*sqrt(pi)*erfi(2*x)/4
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = x**Rational(1, 3)*exp(-x/8), -16*uppergamma(Rational(4, 3), x/8)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = exp(2*x)/x, Ei(2*x)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = exp(1 + 2*x - x**2), sqrt(pi)*exp(2)*erf(x - 1)/2
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f = sin(x**2 + 4*x + 1)
    F = (sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(-sin(3)*fresnelc(sqrt(2)*(2*x + 4)/(2*sqrt(pi))) +
        cos(3)*fresnels(sqrt(2)*(2*x + 4)/(2*sqrt(pi))))/2)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = cos(4*x**2), sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*fresnelc(2*sqrt(2)*x/sqrt(pi))/4
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = sin(3*x + 2)/x, sin(2)*Ci(3*x) + cos(2)*Si(3*x)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = sinh(3*x - 2)/x, -sinh(2)*Chi(3*x) + cosh(2)*Shi(3*x)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = 5*cos(2*x - 3)/x, 5*cos(3)*Ci(2*x) + 5*sin(3)*Si(2*x)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = cosh(x/2)/x, Chi(x/2)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = cos(x**2)/x, Ci(x**2)/2
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = 1/log(2*x + 1), li(2*x + 1)/2
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = polylog(2, 5*x)/x, polylog(3, 5*x)
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = 5/sqrt(3 - 2*sin(x)**2), 5*sqrt(3)*elliptic_f(x, Rational(2, 3))/3
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
    f, F = sqrt(4 + 9*sin(x)**2), 2*elliptic_e(x, Rational(-9, 4))
    assert_is_integral_of(f, F)
Example #5
    def circumference(self):
        """The circumference of the ellipse.


        >>> from sympy import Point, Ellipse
        >>> p1 = Point(0, 0)
        >>> e1 = Ellipse(p1, 3, 1)
        >>> e1.circumference

        if self.eccentricity == 1:
            # degenerate
            return 4 * self.major
        elif self.eccentricity == 0:
            # circle
            return 2 * pi * self.hradius
            return 4 * self.major * elliptic_e(self.eccentricity**2)
Example #6
    def circumference(self):
        """The circumference of the ellipse.


        >>> from sympy import Point, Ellipse
        >>> p1 = Point(0, 0)
        >>> e1 = Ellipse(p1, 3, 1)
        >>> e1.circumference

        if self.eccentricity == 1:
            # degenerate
            return 4 * self.major
        elif self.eccentricity == 0:
            # circle
            return 2 * pi * self.hradius
            return 4 * self.major * elliptic_e(self.eccentricity**2)
Example #7
    def magneticFunctionsFromCoils(self):
        Calculate the poloidal magnetic flux function psi = -R*A_phi, where A_phi is the
        toroidal (anti-clockwise) component of magnetic vector potential due to coils.
        See for example http://physics.usask.ca/~hirose/p812/notes/Ch3.pdf

        The currents in the coils are taken to be positive in the anti-clockwise
        direction here.

        Note e_R x e_phi = e_Z

        A radially increasing psi results in Bp going clockwise in the poloidal plane.
        import sympy
        from sympy.functions.special.elliptic_integrals import elliptic_k, elliptic_e
        import scipy.special

        R, Z = sympy.symbols("R Z")
        mu0 = 4.0e-7 * sympy.pi

        A_phi = 0 * R

        for coil in self.coils:
            # little-r is the vector position from the centre of the coil to (R,Z)
            # sinTheta is the angle between r and the axis through the centre of the coil
            rSquared = R**2 + (Z - coil.Z)**2
            r = sympy.sqrt(rSquared)
            sinTheta = R / r
            kSquared = (4 * coil.R * r * sinTheta /
                        (rSquared + coil.R**2 + 2 * coil.R * r * sinTheta))
            A_phi += (
                coil.I * coil.R /
                sympy.sqrt(r**2 + coil.R**2 + 2 * coil.R * r * sinTheta) /
                kSquared * ((2 - kSquared) * elliptic_k(kSquared) -
                            2 * elliptic_e(kSquared)))

        # multiply by costant pre-factor
        A_phi *= mu0 / sympy.pi

        psi = -R * A_phi
        dpsidR = sympy.diff(psi, R)
        dpsidZ = sympy.diff(psi, Z)
        modGradpsiSquared = dpsidR**2 + dpsidZ**2
        B_R = dpsidZ / R
        B_Z = -dpsidR / R
        d2psidR2 = sympy.diff(psi, R, R)
        d2psidZ2 = sympy.diff(psi, Z, Z)
        d2psidRdZ = sympy.diff(psi, R, Z)

        self.psi = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.f_R = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
            dpsidR / modGradpsiSquared,
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.f_Z = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
            dpsidZ / modGradpsiSquared,
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.Bp_R = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.Bp_Z = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.d2psidR2 = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.d2psidZ2 = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,
        self.d2psidRdZ = sympy.lambdify(
            [R, Z],
                    "elliptic_k": scipy.special.ellipk,
                    "elliptic_e": scipy.special.ellipe,