Example #1
def test_multiplication():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, l)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', n, n)

    assert (2 * A * B).shape == (n, l)

    assert (A * 0 * B) == ZeroMatrix(n, l)

    raises(ShapeError, lambda: B * A)
    assert (2 * A).shape == A.shape

    assert A * ZeroMatrix(m, m) * B == ZeroMatrix(n, l)

    assert C * Identity(n) * C.I == Identity(n)

    assert B / 2 == S.Half * B
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: 2 / B)

    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, n)
    assert Identity(n) * (A + B) == A + B

    assert A**2 * A == A**3
    assert A**2 * (A.I)**3 == A.I
    assert A**3 * (A.I)**2 == A
def test_arrayexpr_array_expr_zero_array():
    za1 = ZeroArray(k, l, m, n)
    zm1 = ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    za2 = ZeroArray(k, m, m, n)
    zm2 = ZeroMatrix(m, m)
    zm3 = ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    assert _array_tensor_product(M, N, za1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, k, l, m, n)
    assert _array_tensor_product(M, N, zm1) == ZeroArray(k, k, k, k, m, n)

    assert _array_contraction(za1, (3,)) == ZeroArray(k, l, m)
    assert _array_contraction(zm1, (1,)) == ZeroArray(m)
    assert _array_contraction(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n)
    assert _array_contraction(zm2, (0, 1)) == 0

    assert _array_diagonal(za2, (1, 2)) == ZeroArray(k, n, m)
    assert _array_diagonal(zm2, (0, 1)) == ZeroArray(m)

    assert _permute_dims(za1, [2, 1, 3, 0]) == ZeroArray(m, l, n, k)
    assert _permute_dims(zm1, [1, 0]) == ZeroArray(n, m)

    assert _array_add(za1) == za1
    assert _array_add(zm1) == ZeroArray(m, n)
    tp1 = _array_tensor_product(MatrixSymbol("A", k, l), MatrixSymbol("B", m, n))
    assert _array_add(tp1, za1) == tp1
    tp2 = _array_tensor_product(MatrixSymbol("C", k, l), MatrixSymbol("D", m, n))
    assert _array_add(tp1, za1, tp2) == _array_add(tp1, tp2)
    assert _array_add(M, zm3) == M
    assert _array_add(M, N, zm3) == _array_add(M, N)
Example #3
def test_issue_7842():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', 2, 1)
    assert Eq(A, B) == False
    assert Eq(A[1, 0], B[1, 0]).func is Eq
    A = ZeroMatrix(2, 3)
    B = ZeroMatrix(2, 3)
    assert Eq(A, B) == True
Example #4
def test_Zero_power():
    z1 = ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert z1**4 == z1
    raises(ValueError, lambda: z1**-2)
    assert z1**0 == Identity(n)
    assert MatPow(z1, 2).doit() == z1**2
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatPow(z1, -2).doit())
    z2 = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    assert MatPow(z2, 4).doit() == z2**4
    raises(ValueError, lambda: z2**-3)
    assert z2**3 == MatPow(z2, 3).doit()
    assert z2**0 == Identity(3)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatPow(z2, -1).doit())
Example #5
 def blocks(self):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     mats = self.args
     data = [[mats[i] if i == j else ZeroMatrix(mats[i].rows, mats[j].cols)
                     for j in range(len(mats))]
                     for i in range(len(mats))]
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix(data, evaluate=False)
Example #6
def test_MatrixSet():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', n, n)

    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set=S.Reals)
    assert M.shape == (2, 2)
    assert M.set == S.Reals
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert X in M
    X = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert X in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: A in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: 1 in M)
    M = MatrixSet(n, m, set=S.Reals)
    assert A in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: C in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: X in M)
    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set={1, 2, 3})
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Y = Matrix([[1, 2]])
    assert (X in M) == S.false
    assert (Y in M) == S.false
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, -2, S.Reals))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2.4, -1, S.Reals))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, 2, (1, 2, 3)))
def test_MatrixPermute_doit():
    p = Permutation(0, 1, 2)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == MatrixPermute(A, p)

    p = Permutation(0, size=3)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p).as_explicit()

    p = Permutation(0, 1, 2)
    A = Identity(3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p, 0).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p, 0).as_explicit()
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p, 1).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p, 1).as_explicit()

    A = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == A
    A = OneMatrix(3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == A

    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 4, 4)
    p1 = Permutation(0, 1, 2, 3)
    p2 = Permutation(0, 2, 3, 1)
    expr = MatrixPermute(MatrixPermute(A, p1, 0), p2, 0)
    assert expr.as_explicit() == expr.doit().as_explicit()
    expr = MatrixPermute(MatrixPermute(A, p1, 1), p2, 1)
    assert expr.as_explicit() == expr.doit().as_explicit()
Example #8
def test_addition():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)

    assert isinstance(A + B, MatAdd)
    assert (A + B).shape == A.shape
    assert isinstance(A - A + 2 * B, MatMul)

    raises(ShapeError, lambda: A + B.T)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: A + 1)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: 5 + A)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: 5 - A)

    assert A + ZeroMatrix(n, m) - A == ZeroMatrix(n, m)
    with raises(TypeError):
        ZeroMatrix(n, m) + S.Zero
Example #9
def test_mixed_deriv_mixed_expressions():

    expr = 3 * Trace(A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == 3 * Identity(k)

    expr = k
    deriv = expr.diff(A)
    assert isinstance(deriv, ZeroMatrix)
    assert deriv == ZeroMatrix(k, k)

    expr = Trace(A)**2
    assert expr.diff(A) == (2 * Trace(A)) * Identity(k)

    expr = Trace(A) * A
    I = Identity(k)
    assert expr.diff(A) == ArrayAdd(
        ArrayTensorProduct(I, A),
        PermuteDims(ArrayTensorProduct(Trace(A) * I, I),
                    Permutation(3)(1, 2)))

    expr = Trace(Trace(A) * A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == (2 * Trace(A)) * Identity(k)

    expr = Trace(Trace(Trace(A) * A) * A)
    assert expr.diff(A) == (3 * Trace(A)**2) * Identity(k)
Example #10
def test_MatMul_postprocessor():
    z = zeros(2)
    z1 = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert Mul(0, z) == Mul(z, 0) in [z, z1]

    M = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Mx = Matrix([[x, 2 * x], [3 * x, 4 * x]])
    assert Mul(x, M) == Mul(M, x) == Mx

    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    assert Mul(A, M) == MatMul(A, M)
    assert Mul(M, A) == MatMul(M, A)
    # Scalars should be absorbed into constant matrices
    a = Mul(x, M, A)
    b = Mul(M, x, A)
    c = Mul(M, A, x)
    assert a == b == c == MatMul(Mx, A)
    a = Mul(x, A, M)
    b = Mul(A, x, M)
    c = Mul(A, M, x)
    assert a == b == c == MatMul(A, Mx)
    assert Mul(M, M) == M**2
    assert Mul(A, M, M) == MatMul(A, M**2)
    assert Mul(M, M, A) == MatMul(M**2, A)
    assert Mul(M, A, M) == MatMul(M, A, M)

    assert Mul(A, x, M, M, x) == MatMul(A, Mx**2)
Example #11
 def _get_zero_with_shape_like(cls, expr):
     if isinstance(expr, (MatrixCommon, NDimArray)):
         return expr.zeros(*expr.shape)
     elif isinstance(expr, MatrixExpr):
         return ZeroMatrix(*expr.shape)
         raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine shape of array-derivative.")
Example #12
    def UDLdecomposition(self):
        """Returns the Block UDL decomposition of
        a 2x2 Block Matrix


        (U, D, L) : Matrices
            U : Upper Diagonal Matrix
            D : Diagonal Matrix
            L : Lower Diagonal Matrix


        >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, block_collapse
        >>> m, n = symbols('m n')
        >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
        >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
        >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
        >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
        >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
        >>> U, D, L = X.UDLdecomposition()
        >>> block_collapse(U*D*L)
        [A, B],
        [C, D]])


            If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix

            If the matrix "D" is non-invertible

        See Also
        if self.blockshape == (2,2):
            [[A, B],
             [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist()
                DI = D.I
            except NonInvertibleMatrixError:
                raise NonInvertibleMatrixError('Block UDL decomposition cannot be calculated when\
                    "D" is singular')
            Ip = Identity(A.shape[0])
            Iq = Identity(B.shape[1])
            Z = ZeroMatrix(*B.shape)
            U = BlockMatrix([[Ip, B*DI], [Z.T, Iq]])
            D = BlockDiagMatrix(self.schur('D'), D)
            L = BlockMatrix([[Ip, Z],[DI*C, Iq]])
            return U, D, L
            raise ShapeError("Block UDL decomposition is supported only for 2x2 block matrices")
Example #13
    def LUdecomposition(self):
        """Returns the Block LU decomposition of
        a 2x2 Block Matrix


        (L, U) : Matrices
            L : Lower Diagonal Matrix
            U : Upper Diagonal Matrix


        >>> from sympy import symbols, MatrixSymbol, BlockMatrix, block_collapse
        >>> m, n = symbols('m n')
        >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
        >>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
        >>> C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
        >>> D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
        >>> X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
        >>> L, U = X.LUdecomposition()
        >>> block_collapse(L*U)
        [A, B],
        [C, D]])


            If the block matrix is not a 2x2 matrix

            If the matrix "A" is non-invertible

        See Also
        if self.blockshape == (2, 2):
            [[A, B], [C, D]] = self.blocks.tolist()
                A = A**0.5
                AI = A.I
            except NonInvertibleMatrixError:
                raise NonInvertibleMatrixError(
                    'Block LU decomposition cannot be calculated when\
                    "A" is singular')
            Z = ZeroMatrix(*B.shape)
            Q = self.schur()**0.5
            L = BlockMatrix([[A, Z], [C * AI, Q]])
            U = BlockMatrix([[A, AI * B], [Z.T, Q]])
            return L, U
            raise ShapeError(
                "Block LU decomposition is supported only for 2x2 block matrices"
def test_arrayexpr_convert_array_to_matrix():

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M), (0, 1))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M)

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M, N), (0, 1), (2, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M) * Trace(N)

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M, N), (0, 3), (1, 2))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M * N)

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M, N), (0, 2), (1, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == Trace(M * N.T)

    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(M * N * P)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == M * N * P

    cg = convert_matrix_to_array(M * N.T * P)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == M * N.T * P

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M,N,P,Q), (1, 2), (5, 6))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == _array_tensor_product(M * N, P * Q)

    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(-2, M, N), (1, 2))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == -2 * M * N

    a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
    b = MatrixSymbol("b", k, 1)
    c = MatrixSymbol("c", k, 1)
    cg = PermuteDims(
                    _array_tensor_product(b, c),
                    _array_tensor_product(c, b),
            ), (2, 4)), [0, 1, 3, 2])
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == a * (b.T * c + c.T * b)

    za = ZeroArray(m, n)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(za) == ZeroMatrix(m, n)

    cg = _array_tensor_product(3, M)
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == 3 * M

    # Partial conversion to matrix multiplication:
    expr = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M, N, P, Q), (0, 2), (1, 4, 6))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(expr) == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(M.T*N, P, Q), (0, 2, 4))

    x = MatrixSymbol("x", k, 1)
    cg = PermuteDims(
        _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(OneArray(1), x, OneArray(1), DiagMatrix(Identity(1))),
                                (0, 5)), Permutation(1, 2, 3))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(cg) == x

    expr = ArrayAdd(M, PermuteDims(M, [1, 0]))
    assert convert_array_to_matrix(expr) == M + Transpose(M)
Example #15
def test_matrixsymbol_solving():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', 2, 2)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert -(-A + B) - A + B == Z
    assert (-(-A + B) - A + B).simplify() == Z
    assert (-(-A + B) - A + B).expand() == Z
    assert (-(-A + B) - A + B - Z).simplify() == Z
    assert (-(-A + B) - A + B - Z).expand() == Z
Example #16
def test_invariants():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, l)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', n, n)
    objs = [Identity(n), ZeroMatrix(m, n), A, MatMul(A, B), MatAdd(A, A),
            Transpose(A), Adjoint(A), Inverse(X), MatPow(X, 2), MatPow(X, -1),
            MatPow(X, 0)]
    for obj in objs:
        assert obj == obj.__class__(*obj.args)
    def expand(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        condition = self._condition

        if not is_random(arg):
            return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)

        if isinstance(arg, RandomSymbol):
            return self
        elif isinstance(arg, Add):
            rv = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if is_random(a):
            variances = Add(
                *map(lambda xv: Variance(xv, condition).expand(), rv))
            map_to_covar = lambda x: 2 * Covariance(*x, condition=condition
            covariances = Add(
                *map(map_to_covar, itertools.combinations(rv, 2)))
            return variances + covariances
        elif isinstance(arg, (Mul, MatMul)):
            nonrv = []
            rv = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if is_random(a):
            if len(rv) == 0:
                return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)
            # Avoid possible infinite loops with MatMul:
            if len(nonrv) == 0:
                return self
            # Variance of many multiple matrix products is not implemented:
            if len(rv) > 1:
                return self
            return Mul.fromiter(nonrv) * Variance(
                condition) * (Mul.fromiter(nonrv)).transpose()

        # this expression contains a RandomSymbol somehow:
        return self
Example #18
def test_subs_Matrix():
    z = zeros(2)
    z1 = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert (x * y).subs({x: z, y: 0}) in [z, z1]
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}) == 0
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}, simultaneous=True) in [z, z1]
    assert (x + y).subs({x: z, y: z}, simultaneous=True) in [z, z1]
    assert (x + y).subs({x: z, y: z}) in [z, z1]

    # Issue #15528
    assert Mul(Matrix([[3]]), x).subs(x, 2.0) == Matrix([[6.0]])
    # Does not raise a TypeError, see comment on the MatAdd postprocessor
    assert Add(Matrix([[3]]), x).subs(x, 2.0) == Add(Matrix([[3]]), 2.0)
Example #19
def test_canonicalize():
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', 2, 2)
    expr = HadamardProduct(X, check=False)
    assert isinstance(expr, HadamardProduct)
    expr2 = expr.doit()  # unpack is called
    assert isinstance(expr2, MatrixSymbol)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    U = OneMatrix(2, 2)
    assert HadamardProduct(Z, X).doit() == Z
    assert HadamardProduct(U, X, X, U).doit() == HadamardPower(X, 2)
    assert HadamardProduct(X, U, Y).doit() == HadamardProduct(X, Y)
    assert HadamardProduct(X, Z, U, Y).doit() == Z
Example #20
def test_NumPyPrinter():
    from sympy.core.function import Lambda
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.adjoint import Adjoint
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.diagonal import (DiagMatrix,
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.funcmatrix import FunctionMatrix
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.hadamard import HadamardProduct
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.kronecker import KroneckerProduct
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.special import (OneMatrix, ZeroMatrix)
    from sympy.abc import a, b
    p = NumPyPrinter()
    assert p.doprint(sign(x)) == 'numpy.sign(x)'
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", 2, 2)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", 1, 5)
    D = MatrixSymbol("D", 3, 4)
    assert p.doprint(A**(-1)) == "numpy.linalg.inv(A)"
    assert p.doprint(A**5) == "numpy.linalg.matrix_power(A, 5)"
    assert p.doprint(Identity(3)) == "numpy.eye(3)"

    u = MatrixSymbol('x', 2, 1)
    v = MatrixSymbol('y', 2, 1)
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u)) == 'numpy.linalg.solve(A, x)'
    assert p.doprint(MatrixSolve(A, u) + v) == 'numpy.linalg.solve(A, x) + y'

    assert p.doprint(ZeroMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.zeros((2, 3))"
    assert p.doprint(OneMatrix(2, 3)) == "numpy.ones((2, 3))"
    assert p.doprint(FunctionMatrix(4, 5, Lambda((a, b), a + b))) == \
        "numpy.fromfunction(lambda a, b: a + b, (4, 5))"
    assert p.doprint(HadamardProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.multiply(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(KroneckerProduct(A, B)) == "numpy.kron(A, B)"
    assert p.doprint(Adjoint(A)) == "numpy.conjugate(numpy.transpose(A))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalOf(A)) == "numpy.reshape(numpy.diag(A), (-1, 1))"
    assert p.doprint(DiagMatrix(C)) == "numpy.diagflat(C)"
    assert p.doprint(DiagonalMatrix(D)) == "numpy.multiply(D, numpy.eye(3, 4))"

    # Workaround for numpy negative integer power errors
    assert p.doprint(x**-1) == 'x**(-1.0)'
    assert p.doprint(x**-2) == 'x**(-2.0)'

    expr = Pow(2, -1, evaluate=False)
    assert p.doprint(expr) == "2**(-1.0)"

    assert p.doprint(S.Exp1) == 'numpy.e'
    assert p.doprint(S.Pi) == 'numpy.pi'
    assert p.doprint(S.EulerGamma) == 'numpy.euler_gamma'
    assert p.doprint(S.NaN) == 'numpy.nan'
    assert p.doprint(S.Infinity) == 'numpy.PINF'
    assert p.doprint(S.NegativeInfinity) == 'numpy.NINF'
def test_zero_matrix_creation():
    assert unchanged(ZeroMatrix, 2, 2)
    assert unchanged(ZeroMatrix, 0, 0)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(-1, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(2.0, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(2j, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(2, -1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(2, 2.0))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(2, 2j))

    n = symbols('n')
    assert unchanged(ZeroMatrix, n, n)
    n = symbols('n', integer=False)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(n, n))
    n = symbols('n', negative=True)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ZeroMatrix(n, n))
Example #22
def test_matrix_derivative_by_scalar():
    assert A.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (A*(X + B)*c).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert x.diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert (x.T*y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(1, 1)
    assert (x*x.T).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, k)
    assert (x + y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, 2).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_power(x, i).diff(i).dummy_eq(
        HadamardProduct(x.applyfunc(log), HadamardPower(x, i)))
    assert hadamard_product(x, y).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert hadamard_product(i*OneMatrix(k, 1), x, y).diff(i) == hadamard_product(x, y)
    assert (i*x).diff(i) == x
    assert (sin(i)*A*B*x).diff(i) == cos(i)*A*B*x
    assert x.applyfunc(sin).diff(i) == ZeroMatrix(k, 1)
    assert Trace(i**2*X).diff(i) == 2*i*Trace(X)

    mu = symbols("mu")
    expr = (2*mu*x)
    assert expr.diff(x) == 2*mu*Identity(k)
Example #23
def test_block_index():
    I = Identity(3)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    B = BlockMatrix([[I, I], [I, I]])
    e3 = ImmutableMatrix(eye(3))
    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B[0, 0] == B[3, 0] == B[0, 3] == B[3, 3] == 1
    assert B[4, 3] == B[5, 1] == 0

    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B.as_explicit() == BB.as_explicit()

    BI = BlockMatrix([[I, Z], [Z, I]])

    assert BI.as_explicit().equals(eye(6))
Example #24
def test_MatrixSet():
    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set=S.Reals)
    assert M.shape == (2, 2)
    assert M.set == S.Reals
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert X in M
    X = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert X in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: A in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: 1 in M)
    M = MatrixSet(n, m, set=S.Reals)
    assert A in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: C in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: X in M)
    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set={1, 2, 3})
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Y = Matrix([[1, 2]])
    assert (X in M) == S.false
    assert (Y in M) == S.false
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, -2, S.Reals))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2.4, -1, S.Reals))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, 2, (1, 2, 3)))
Example #25
def test_hadamard():
    m, n, p = symbols('m, n, p', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', m, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, n)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, p)
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', m, m)
    I = Identity(m)
    with raises(TypeError):
    assert hadamard_product(A) == A
    assert isinstance(hadamard_product(A, B), HadamardProduct)
    assert hadamard_product(A, B).doit() == hadamard_product(A, B)
    with raises(ShapeError):
        hadamard_product(A, C)
        hadamard_product(A, I)
    assert hadamard_product(X, I) == X
    assert isinstance(hadamard_product(X, I), MatrixSymbol)

    a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
    expr = MatAdd(ZeroMatrix(k, 1), OneMatrix(k, 1))
    expr = HadamardProduct(expr, a)
    assert expr.doit() == a
    def expand(self, **hints):
        arg1 = self.args[0]
        arg2 = self.args[1]
        condition = self._condition

        if arg1 == arg2:
            return VarianceMatrix(arg1, condition).expand()

        if not is_random(arg1) or not is_random(arg2):
            return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)

        if isinstance(arg1, RandomSymbol) and isinstance(arg2, RandomSymbol):
            return CrossCovarianceMatrix(arg1, arg2, condition)

        coeff_rv_list1 = self._expand_single_argument(arg1.expand())
        coeff_rv_list2 = self._expand_single_argument(arg2.expand())

        addends = [
            a * CrossCovarianceMatrix(r1, r2, condition=condition) *
            b.transpose() for (a, r1) in coeff_rv_list1
            for (b, r2) in coeff_rv_list2
        return Add.fromiter(addends)
def test_ZeroMatrix():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(n, m)

    assert A + Z == A
    assert A * Z.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert Z * A.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert A - A == ZeroMatrix(*A.shape)

    assert Z

    assert Z.transpose() == ZeroMatrix(m, n)
    assert Z.conjugate() == Z

    assert ZeroMatrix(n, n)**0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):

    assert ZeroMatrix(3, 3).as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseMatrix.zeros(3, 3)
Example #28
 def absorb(x):
     if any(isinstance(c, ZeroMatrix) for c in x.args):
         return ZeroMatrix(*x.shape)
         return x
def test_ZeroMatrix_doit():
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    Znn = ZeroMatrix(Add(n, n, evaluate=False), n)
    assert isinstance(Znn.rows, Add)
    assert Znn.doit() == ZeroMatrix(2 * n, n)
    assert isinstance(Znn.doit().rows, Mul)
Example #30
def test_matrix_add_with_scalar():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Add(0, ZeroMatrix(2, 2)))