Example #1
def test_as_explicit():
    Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', 2, 3)
    assert Z.as_explicit() == ImmutableMatrix([
        [Z[0, 0], Z[0, 1], Z[0, 2]],
        [Z[1, 0], Z[1, 1], Z[1, 2]],
    raises(ValueError, lambda: A.as_explicit())
def test_UGate_OneQubitGate_combo():
    v, w, f, g = symbols('v w f g')
    uMat1 = ImmutableMatrix([[v, w], [f, g]])
    cMat1 = Matrix([[v, w + 1, 0, 0], [f + 1, g, 0, 0], [0, 0, v, w + 1],
                    [0, 0, f + 1, g]])
    u1 = X(0) + UGate(0, uMat1)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=2) == cMat1

    uMat2 = ImmutableMatrix([[1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)],
                             [I / sqrt(2), -I / sqrt(2)]])
    cMat2_1 = Matrix([[1 / 2 + I / 2, 1 / 2 - I / 2],
                      [1 / 2 - I / 2, 1 / 2 + I / 2]])
    cMat2_2 = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, I]])
    u2 = UGate(0, uMat2)
    assert represent(H(0) * u2, nqubits=1) == cMat2_1
    assert represent(u2 * H(0), nqubits=1) == cMat2_2
Example #3
def test_Trace_MatAdd_doit():
    # See issue #9028
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2, 3]] * 3)
    Y = MatrixSymbol("Y", 3, 3)
    q = MatAdd(X, 2 * X, Y, -3 * Y)
    assert Trace(q).arg == q
    assert Trace(q).doit() == 18 - 2 * Trace(Y)
Example #4
def test_doit_nonsquare():
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
    assert MatPow(X, 1).doit() == X
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(X, 0).doit())
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(X, 2).doit())
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(X, -1).doit())
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(X, pi).doit())
Example #5
def test_as_explicit_nonsquare():
    A = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
    assert MatPow(A, 1).as_explicit() == A
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(A, 0).as_explicit())
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(A, 2).as_explicit())
    raises(ShapeError, lambda: MatPow(A, -1).as_explicit())
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatPow(A, pi).as_explicit())
Example #6
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = mu.shape[0]
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     return (S.One / sqrt((2 * pi)**(k) * det(sigma)) *
             exp(Rational(-1, 2) * x.transpose() * (sigma.inv() * x))[0])
Example #7
def test_entry_matrix():
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert MatPow(X, 0)[0, 0] == 1
    assert MatPow(X, 0)[0, 1] == 0
    assert MatPow(X, 1)[0, 0] == 1
    assert MatPow(X, 1)[0, 1] == 2
    assert MatPow(X, 2)[0, 0] == 7
Example #8
def test_eq():
    A = Matrix([[1]])
    B = ImmutableMatrix([[1]])
    C = SparseMatrix([[1]])
    assert A != object()
    assert A != "Matrix([[1]])"
    assert A == B
    assert A == C
Example #9
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = len(mu)
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     return  S(1)/sqrt((2*pi)**(k)*det(sigma))*exp(
Example #10
def test_classof():
    A = MutableMatrix(3,3,range(9))
    B = ImmutableMatrix(3,3,range(9))
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', 3,3)
    assert classof(A,A) == MutableMatrix
    assert classof(B,B) == ImmutableMatrix
    assert classof(A,B) == MutableMatrix
    raises(TypeError, "classof(A,C)")
Example #11
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.shape_mat
     v = S(self.dof)
     k = S(len(mu))
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     return gamma((k + v)/2)/(gamma(v/2)*(v*pi)**(k/2)*sqrt(det(sigma)))\
     *(1 + 1/v*(x.transpose()*sigma_inv*x)[0])**((-v - k)/2)
Example #12
def test_classof():
    A = Matrix(3, 3, range(9))
    B = ImmutableMatrix(3, 3, range(9))
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", 3, 3)
    assert classof(A, A) == Matrix
    assert classof(B, B) == ImmutableMatrix
    assert classof(A, B) == ImmutableMatrix
    assert classof(B, A) == ImmutableMatrix
    raises(TypeError, lambda: classof(A, C))
Example #13
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = mu.shape[0]
     if len(args) == 1 and args[0].is_Matrix:
         args = args[0]
         args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     x = args - mu
     density = S.One / sqrt((2 * pi)**(k) * det(sigma)) * exp(
         Rational(-1, 2) * x.transpose() * (sigma.inv() * x))
     return MatrixElement(density, 0, 0)
Example #14
 def pdf(self, x):
     M , U , V = self.location_matrix, self.scale_matrix_1, self.scale_matrix_2
     n, p = M.shape
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     term1 = Inverse(V)*Transpose(x - M)*Inverse(U)*(x - M)
     num = exp(-Trace(term1)/S(2))
     den = (2*pi)**(S(n*p)/2) * Determinant(U)**S(p)/2 * Determinant(V)**S(n)/2
     return num/den
Example #15
 def marginal_distribution(self, indices, sym):
     sym = ImmutableMatrix([Indexed(sym, i) for i in indices])
     _mu, _sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = len(self.mu)
     for i in range(k):
         if i not in indices:
             _mu = _mu.row_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.col_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.row_del(i)
     return Lambda(sym, S(1)/sqrt((2*pi)**(len(_mu))*det(_sigma))*exp(
         -S(1)/2*(_mu - sym).transpose()*(_sigma.inv()*\
             (_mu - sym)))[0])
Example #16
 def _marginal_distribution(self, indices, sym):
     sym = ImmutableMatrix([Indexed(sym, i) for i in indices])
     _mu, _sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     k = self.mu.shape[0]
     for i in range(k):
         if i not in indices:
             _mu = _mu.row_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.col_del(i)
             _sigma = _sigma.row_del(i)
     return Lambda(tuple(sym), S.One/sqrt((2*pi)**(len(_mu))*det(_sigma))*exp(
         Rational(-1, 2)*(_mu - sym).transpose()*(_sigma.inv()*\
             (_mu - sym)))[0])
Example #17
 def pdf(self, x):
     n, scale_matrix = self.n, self.scale_matrix
     p = scale_matrix.shape[0]
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / S(2)
     term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((2**(p*n/S(2))) * multigamma(n/S(2), p))
     term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-n/S(2))
     term3 = (Determinant(x))**(S(n - p - 1)/2)
     return term1 * term2 * term3
Example #18
 def pdf(self, x):
     alpha , beta , scale_matrix = self.alpha, self.beta, self.scale_matrix
     p = scale_matrix.shape[0]
     if isinstance(x, list):
         x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
     if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                 "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
     sigma_inv_x = - Inverse(scale_matrix)*x / beta
     term1 = exp(Trace(sigma_inv_x))/((beta**(p*alpha)) * multigamma(alpha, p))
     term2 = (Determinant(scale_matrix))**(-alpha)
     term3 = (Determinant(x))**(alpha - S(p + 1)/2)
     return term1 * term2 * term3
Example #19
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     mu_T = mu.transpose()
     k = S(mu.shape[0])
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     args_T = args.transpose()
     x = (mu_T*sigma_inv*mu)[0]
     y = (args_T*sigma_inv*args)[0]
     v = 1 - k/2
     return (2 * (y/(2 + x))**(v/2) * besselk(v, sqrt((2 + x)*y)) *
             exp((args_T * sigma_inv * mu)[0]) /
             ((2 * pi)**(k/2) * sqrt(det(sigma))))
Example #20
 def pdf(self, *args):
     mu, sigma = self.mu, self.sigma
     mu_T = mu.transpose()
     k = S(len(mu))
     sigma_inv = sigma.inv()
     args = ImmutableMatrix(args)
     args_T = args.transpose()
     x = (mu_T*sigma_inv*mu)[0]
     y = (args_T*sigma_inv*args)[0]
     v = 1 - k/2
     return S(2)/((2*pi)**(S(k)/2)*sqrt(det(sigma)))\
     *(y/(2 + x))**(S(v)/2)*besselk(v, sqrt((2 + x)*(y)))\
Example #21
    def pdf(self, x):
        from sympy import eye
        if isinstance(x, list):
            x = ImmutableMatrix(x)
        if not isinstance(x, (MatrixBase, MatrixSymbol)):
            raise ValueError("%s should be an isinstance of Matrix "
                             "or MatrixSymbol" % str(x))
        nu, M, Omega, Sigma = self.nu, self.location_matrix, self.scale_matrix_1, self.scale_matrix_2
        n, p = M.shape

        K = multigamma((nu + n + p - 1)/2, p) * Determinant(Omega)**(-n/2) * Determinant(Sigma)**(-p/2) \
            / ((pi)**(n*p/2) * multigamma((nu + p - 1)/2, p))
        return K * (Determinant(eye(n) + Inverse(Sigma)*(x - M)*Inverse(Omega)*Transpose(x - M))) \
               **(-(nu + n + p -1)/2)
Example #22
def MatrixGamma(symbol, alpha, beta, scale_matrix):
    Creates a random variable with Matrix Gamma Distribution.

    The density of the said distribution can be found at [1].


    alpha: Positive Real number
        Shape Parameter
    beta: Positive Real number
        Scale Parameter
    scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix
        Scale Matrix




    >>> from sympy.stats import density, MatrixGamma
    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols
    >>> a, b = symbols('a b', positive=True)
    >>> M = MatrixGamma('M', a, b, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    >>> density(M)(X).doit()
    [-2/3,  1/3],
    [ 1/3, -2/3]])*X)/b)*Determinant(X)**(a - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2))
    >>> density(M)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit()
    3**(-a)*b**(-2*a)*exp(-4/(3*b))/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(a)*gamma(a - 1/2))


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_gamma_distribution

    if isinstance(scale_matrix, list):
        scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix)
    return rv(symbol, MatrixGammaDistribution, (alpha, beta, scale_matrix))
Example #23
def Wishart(symbol, n, scale_matrix):
    Creates a random variable with Wishart Distribution.

    The density of the said distribution can be found at [1].


    n: Positive Real number
        Represents degrees of freedom
    scale_matrix: Positive definite real square matrix
        Scale Matrix




    >>> from sympy.stats import density, Wishart
    >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, symbols
    >>> n = symbols('n', positive=True)
    >>> W = Wishart('W', n, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    >>> density(W)(X).doit()
    [-1/3,  1/6],
    [ 1/6, -1/3]])*X))*Determinant(X)**(n/2 - 3/2)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2))
    >>> density(W)([[1, 0], [0, 1]]).doit()
    2**(-n)*3**(-n/2)*exp(-2/3)/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(n/2)*gamma(n/2 - 1/2))


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wishart_distribution

    if isinstance(scale_matrix, list):
        scale_matrix = ImmutableMatrix(scale_matrix)
    return rv(symbol, WishartDistribution, (n, scale_matrix))
Example #24
def test_nfloat():
    from sympy.core.basic import _aresame
    from sympy.polys.rootoftools import rootof

    x = Symbol("x")
    eq = x**Rational(4, 3) + 4 * x**(S.One / 3) / 3
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq), x**Rational(4, 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(S.One / 3))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq, exponent=True),
                    x**(4.0 / 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(1.0 / 3))
    eq = x**Rational(4, 3) + 4 * x**(x / 3) / 3
    assert _aresame(nfloat(eq), x**Rational(4, 3) + (4.0 / 3) * x**(x / 3))
    big = 12345678901234567890
    # specify precision to match value used in nfloat
    Float_big = Float(big, 15)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(big), Float_big)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(big * x), Float_big * x)
    assert _aresame(nfloat(x**big, exponent=True), x**Float_big)
    assert nfloat(cos(x + sqrt(2))) == cos(x + nfloat(sqrt(2)))

    # issue 6342
    f = S('x*lamda + lamda**3*(x/2 + 1/2) + lamda**2 + 1/4')
    assert not any(a.free_symbols for a in solveset(f.subs(x, -0.139)))

    # issue 6632
    assert nfloat(-100000*sqrt(2500000001) + 5000000001) == \

    # issue 7122
    eq = cos(3 * x**4 + y) * rootof(x**5 + 3 * x**3 + 1, 0)
    assert str(nfloat(eq, exponent=False, n=1)) == '-0.7*cos(3.0*x**4 + y)'

    # issue 10933
    for ti in (dict, Dict):
        d = ti({S.Half: S.Half})
        n = nfloat(d)
        assert isinstance(n, ti)
        assert _aresame(list(n.items()).pop(), (S.Half, Float(.5)))
    for ti in (dict, Dict):
        d = ti({S.Half: S.Half})
        n = nfloat(d, dkeys=True)
        assert isinstance(n, ti)
        assert _aresame(list(n.items()).pop(), (Float(.5), Float(.5)))
    d = [S.Half]
    n = nfloat(d)
    assert type(n) is list
    assert _aresame(n[0], Float(.5))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(Eq(x, S.Half)).rhs, Float(.5))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(S(True)), S(True))
    assert _aresame(nfloat(Tuple(S.Half))[0], Float(.5))
    assert nfloat(Eq((3 - I)**2 / 2 + I, 0)) == S.false
    # pass along kwargs
    assert nfloat([{S.Half: x}], dkeys=True) == [{Float(0.5): x}]

    # Issue 17706
    A = MutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    B = MutableMatrix(
        [[Float('1.0', precision=53),
          Float('2.0', precision=53)],
         [Float('3.0', precision=53),
          Float('4.0', precision=53)]])
    assert _aresame(nfloat(A), B)
    A = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    B = ImmutableMatrix(
        [[Float('1.0', precision=53),
          Float('2.0', precision=53)],
         [Float('3.0', precision=53),
          Float('4.0', precision=53)]])
    assert _aresame(nfloat(A), B)
Example #25
def test_doit_drills_down():
    X = ImmutableMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Y = ImmutableMatrix([[2, 3], [4, 5]])
    assert MatMul(X, MatPow(Y, 2)).doit() == X * Y**2
    assert MatMul(C, Transpose(D * C)).doit().args == (C, C.T, D.T)
Example #26
def test_collapse_MatrixBase():
    A = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
    B = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert MatMul(A, B).doit() == ImmutableMatrix([[4, 6], [4, 6]])
Example #27
def test_MatrixElement_doit():
    u = MatrixSymbol('u', 2, 1)
    v = ImmutableMatrix([3, 5])
    assert u[0, 0].subs(u, v).doit() == v[0, 0]
Example #28
def test_matmul_simplify():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 1, 1)
    assert simplify(MatMul(A, ImmutableMatrix([[sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2]]))) == \
        MatMul(A, ImmutableMatrix([[1]]))
Example #29
def test_dense_conversion():
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    assert ImmutableMatrix(X) == ImmutableMatrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: X[i, j])
    assert Matrix(X) == Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: X[i, j])
Example #30
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     args = list(map(sympify, args))
     for i in range(len(args)):
         if isinstance(args[i], list):
             args[i] = ImmutableMatrix(args[i])
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)