Example #1
def hypsum(expr, n, start, prec):
    Sum a rapidly convergent infinite hypergeometric series with
    given general term, e.g. e = hypsum(1/factorial(n), n). The
    quotient between successive terms must be a quotient of integer
    from sympy import hypersimp, lambdify

    if start:
        expr = expr.subs(n, n + start)
    hs = hypersimp(expr, n)
    if hs is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("a hypergeometric series is required")
    num, den = hs.as_numer_denom()

    func1 = lambdify(n, num)
    func2 = lambdify(n, den)

    h, g, p = check_convergence(num, den, n)

    if h < 0:
        raise ValueError("Sum diverges like (n!)^%i" % (-h))

    # Direct summation if geometric or faster
    if h > 0 or (h == 0 and abs(g) > 1):
        term = expr.subs(n, 0)
        term = (MPZ(term.p) << prec) // term.q
        s = term
        k = 1
        while abs(term) > 5:
            term *= MPZ(func1(k - 1))
            term //= MPZ(func2(k - 1))
            s += term
            k += 1
        return from_man_exp(s, -prec)
        alt = g < 0
        if abs(g) < 1:
            raise ValueError("Sum diverges like (%i)^n" % abs(1/g))
        if p < 1 or (p == 1 and not alt):
            raise ValueError("Sum diverges like n^%i" % (-p))
        # We have polynomial convergence: use Richardson extrapolation
        # Need to use at least quad precision because a lot of cancellation
        # might occur in the extrapolation process
        prec2 = 4*prec
        term = expr.subs(n, 0)
        term = (MPZ(term.p) << prec2) // term.q

        def summand(k, _term=[term]):
            if k:
                k = int(k)
                _term[0] *= MPZ(func1(k - 1))
                _term[0] //= MPZ(func2(k - 1))
            return make_mpf(from_man_exp(_term[0], -prec2))

        with workprec(prec):
            v = nsum(summand, [0, mpmath_inf], method='richardson')

        return v._mpf_
Example #2
def evalf_mul(v, prec, options):
    from sympy.core.core import C

    res = pure_complex(v)
    if res:
        # the only pure complex that is a mul is h*I
        _, h = res
        im, _, im_acc, _ = evalf(h, prec, options)
        return None, im, None, im_acc
    args = list(v.args)

    # see if any argument is NaN or oo and thus warrants a special return
    special = []
    for arg in args:
        arg = evalf(arg, prec, options)
        if arg[0] is None:
        arg = C.Float._new(arg[0], 1)
        if arg is S.NaN or arg.is_infinite:
    if special:
        from sympy.core.mul import Mul
        special = Mul(*special)
        return evalf(special, prec + 4, {})

    # With guard digits, multiplication in the real case does not destroy
    # accuracy. This is also true in the complex case when considering the
    # total accuracy; however accuracy for the real or imaginary parts
    # separately may be lower.
    acc = prec

    # XXX: big overestimate
    working_prec = prec + len(args) + 5

    # Empty product is 1
    start = man, exp, bc = MPZ(1), 0, 1

    # First, we multiply all pure real or pure imaginary numbers.
    # direction tells us that the result should be multiplied by
    # I**direction; all other numbers get put into complex_factors
    # to be multiplied out after the first phase.
    last = len(args)
    direction = 0
    complex_factors = []

    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
        if i != last and pure_complex(arg):
            args[-1] = (args[-1]*arg).expand()
        elif i == last and arg is S.One:
        re, im, re_acc, im_acc = evalf(arg, working_prec, options)
        if re and im:
            complex_factors.append((re, im, re_acc, im_acc))
        elif re:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = re, re_acc
        elif im:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = im, im_acc
            direction += 1
            return None, None, None, None
        direction += 2*s
        man *= m
        exp += e
        bc += b
        if bc > 3*working_prec:
            man >>= working_prec
            exp += working_prec
        acc = min(acc, w_acc)
    sign = (direction & 2) >> 1
    if not complex_factors:
        v = normalize(sign, man, exp, bitcount(man), prec, rnd)
        # multiply by i
        if direction & 1:
            return None, v, None, acc
            return v, None, acc, None
        # initialize with the first term
        if (man, exp, bc) != start:
            # there was a real part; give it an imaginary part
            re, im = (sign, man, exp, bitcount(man)), (0, MPZ(0), 0, 0)
            i0 = 0
            # there is no real part to start (other than the starting 1)
            wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc = complex_factors[0]
            acc = min(acc,
                      complex_accuracy((wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc)))
            re = wre
            im = wim
            i0 = 1

        for wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc in complex_factors[i0:]:
            # acc is the overall accuracy of the product; we aren't
            # computing exact accuracies of the product.
            acc = min(acc,
                      complex_accuracy((wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc)))

            use_prec = working_prec
            A = mpf_mul(re, wre, use_prec)
            B = mpf_mul(mpf_neg(im), wim, use_prec)
            C = mpf_mul(re, wim, use_prec)
            D = mpf_mul(im, wre, use_prec)
            re = mpf_add(A, B, use_prec)
            im = mpf_add(C, D, use_prec)
        if options.get('verbose'):
            print("MUL: wanted", prec, "accurate bits, got", acc)
        # multiply by I
        if direction & 1:
            re, im = mpf_neg(im), re
        return re, im, acc, acc
Example #3
 def summand(k, _term=[term]):
     if k:
         k = int(k)
         _term[0] *= MPZ(func1(k - 1))
         _term[0] //= MPZ(func2(k - 1))
     return make_mpf(from_man_exp(_term[0], -prec2))
Example #4
def evalf_mul(v, prec, options):
    args = v.args
    # With guard digits, multiplication in the real case does not destroy
    # accuracy. This is also true in the complex case when considering the
    # total accuracy; however accuracy for the real or imaginary parts
    # separately may be lower.
    acc = prec
    target_prec = prec
    # XXX: big overestimate
    prec = prec + len(args) + 5
    direction = 0
    # Empty product is 1
    man, exp, bc = MPZ(1), 0, 1
    direction = 0
    complex_factors = []
    # First, we multiply all pure real or pure imaginary numbers.
    # direction tells us that the result should be multiplied by
    # i**direction
    for arg in args:
        re, im, re_acc, im_acc = evalf(arg, prec, options)
        if re and im:
            complex_factors.append((re, im, re_acc, im_acc))
        elif re:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = re, re_acc
        elif im:
            (s, m, e, b), w_acc = im, im_acc
            direction += 1
            return None, None, None, None
        direction += 2 * s
        man *= m
        exp += e
        bc += b
        if bc > 3 * prec:
            man >>= prec
            exp += prec
        acc = min(acc, w_acc)
    sign = (direction & 2) >> 1
    v = normalize(sign, man, exp, bitcount(man), prec, round_nearest)
    if complex_factors:
        # make existing real scalar look like an imaginary and
        # multiply by the remaining complex numbers
        re, im = v, (0, MPZ(0), 0, 0)
        for wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc in complex_factors:
            # acc is the overall accuracy of the product; we aren't
            # computing exact accuracies of the product.
            acc = min(acc, complex_accuracy((wre, wim, wre_acc, wim_acc)))
            A = mpf_mul(re, wre, prec)
            B = mpf_mul(mpf_neg(im), wim, prec)
            C = mpf_mul(re, wim, prec)
            D = mpf_mul(im, wre, prec)
            re, xre_acc = add_terms([(A, acc), (B, acc)], prec, target_prec)
            im, xim_acc = add_terms([(C, acc), (D, acc)], prec, target_prec)

        if options.get('verbose'):
            print "MUL: wanted", target_prec, "accurate bits, got", acc
        # multiply by i
        if direction & 1:
            return mpf_neg(im), re, acc, acc
            return re, im, acc, acc
        # multiply by i
        if direction & 1:
            return None, v, None, acc
            return v, None, acc, None
Example #5
def hypsum(expr, n, start, prec):
    Sum a rapidly convergent infinite hypergeometric series with
    given general term, e.g. e = hypsum(1/factorial(n), n). The
    quotient between successive terms must be a quotient of integer
    from sympy import hypersimp, lambdify

    if prec == float('inf'):
        raise NotImplementedError('does not support inf prec')

    if start:
        expr = expr.subs(n, n + start)
    hs = hypersimp(expr, n)
    if hs is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("a hypergeometric series is required")
    num, den = hs.as_numer_denom()

    func1 = lambdify(n, num)
    func2 = lambdify(n, den)

    h, g, p = check_convergence(num, den, n)

    if h < 0:
        raise ValueError("Sum diverges like (n!)^%i" % (-h))

    term = expr.subs(n, 0)
    if not term.is_Rational:
        raise NotImplementedError("Non rational term functionality is not implemented.")

    # Direct summation if geometric or faster
    if h > 0 or (h == 0 and abs(g) > 1):
        term = (MPZ(term.p) << prec) // term.q
        s = term
        k = 1
        while abs(term) > 5:
            term *= MPZ(func1(k - 1))
            term //= MPZ(func2(k - 1))
            s += term
            k += 1
        return from_man_exp(s, -prec)
        alt = g < 0
        if abs(g) < 1:
            raise ValueError("Sum diverges like (%i)^n" % abs(1/g))
        if p < 1 or (p == 1 and not alt):
            raise ValueError("Sum diverges like n^%i" % (-p))
        # We have polynomial convergence: use Richardson extrapolation
        vold = None
        ndig = prec_to_dps(prec)
        while True:
            # Need to use at least quad precision because a lot of cancellation
            # might occur in the extrapolation process; we check the answer to
            # make sure that the desired precision has been reached, too.
            prec2 = 4*prec
            term0 = (MPZ(term.p) << prec2) // term.q

            def summand(k, _term=[term0]):
                if k:
                    k = int(k)
                    _term[0] *= MPZ(func1(k - 1))
                    _term[0] //= MPZ(func2(k - 1))
                return make_mpf(from_man_exp(_term[0], -prec2))

            with workprec(prec):
                v = nsum(summand, [0, mpmath_inf], method='richardson')
            vf = C.Float(v, ndig)
            if vold is not None and vold == vf:
            prec += prec  # double precision each time
            vold = vf

        return v._mpf_