Example #1
def check_dimensions(expr, unit_system="SI"):
    """Return expr if units in addends have the same
    base dimensions, else raise a ValueError."""
    # the case of adding a number to a dimensional quantity
    # is ignored for the sake of SymPy core routines, so this
    # function will raise an error now if such an addend is
    # found.
    # Also, when doing substitutions, multiplicative constants
    # might be introduced, so remove those now

    from sympy.physics.units import UnitSystem
    unit_system = UnitSystem.get_unit_system(unit_system)

    def addDict(dict1, dict2):
        """Merge dictionaries by adding values of common keys and
        removing keys with value of 0."""
        dict3 = {**dict1, **dict2}
        for key, value in dict3.items():
            if key in dict1 and key in dict2:
                dict3[key] = value + dict1[key]
        return {key: val for key, val in dict3.items() if val != 0}

    adds = expr.atoms(Add)
    DIM_OF = unit_system.get_dimension_system().get_dimensional_dependencies
    for a in adds:
        deset = set()
        for ai in a.args:
            if ai.is_number:
            dims = []
            skip = False
            dimdict = {}
            for i in Mul.make_args(ai):
                if i.has(Quantity):
                    i = Dimension(unit_system.get_dimensional_expr(i))
                if i.has(Dimension):
                    dimdict = addDict(dimdict, DIM_OF(i))
                elif i.free_symbols:
                    skip = True
            if not skip:
                deset.add(tuple(sorted(dims, key=default_sort_key)))
                if len(deset) > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "addends have incompatible dimensions: {}".format(

    # clear multiplicative constants on Dimensions which may be
    # left after substitution
    reps = {}
    for m in expr.atoms(Mul):
        if any(isinstance(i, Dimension) for i in m.args):
            reps[m] = m.func(*[i for i in m.args if not i.is_number])

    return expr.xreplace(reps)
Example #2
def test_get_units_non_prefixed():
    from sympy.physics.units import volt, ohm
    unit_system = UnitSystem.get_unit_system("SI")
    units = unit_system.get_units_non_prefixed()
    for prefix in [
            "giga", "tera", "peta", "exa", "zetta", "yotta", "kilo", "hecto",
            "deca", "deci", "centi", "milli", "micro", "nano", "pico", "femto",
            "atto", "zepto", "yocto"
        for unit in units:
            assert isinstance(
                unit, Quantity), f"{unit} must be a Quantity, not {type(unit)}"
            assert not unit.is_prefixed, f"{unit} is marked as prefixed"
            assert not unit.is_physical_constant, f"{unit} is marked as physics constant"
            assert not unit.name.name.startswith(
                prefix), f"Unit {unit.name} has prefix {prefix}"
    assert volt in units
    assert ohm in units
Example #3
def convert_to(expr, target_units, unit_system="SI"):
    Convert ``expr`` to the same expression with all of its units and quantities
    represented as factors of ``target_units``, whenever the dimension is compatible.

    ``target_units`` may be a single unit/quantity, or a collection of


    >>> from sympy.physics.units import speed_of_light, meter, gram, second, day
    >>> from sympy.physics.units import mile, newton, kilogram, atomic_mass_constant
    >>> from sympy.physics.units import kilometer, centimeter
    >>> from sympy.physics.units import gravitational_constant, hbar
    >>> from sympy.physics.units import convert_to
    >>> convert_to(mile, kilometer)
    >>> convert_to(mile, kilometer).n()
    >>> convert_to(speed_of_light, meter/second)
    >>> convert_to(day, second)
    >>> 3*newton
    >>> convert_to(3*newton, kilogram*meter/second**2)
    >>> convert_to(atomic_mass_constant, gram)

    Conversion to multiple units:

    >>> convert_to(speed_of_light, [meter, second])
    >>> convert_to(3*newton, [centimeter, gram, second])

    Conversion to Planck units:

    >>> convert_to(atomic_mass_constant, [gravitational_constant, speed_of_light, hbar]).n()

    from sympy.physics.units import UnitSystem
    unit_system = UnitSystem.get_unit_system(unit_system)

    if not isinstance(target_units, (Iterable, Tuple)):
        target_units = [target_units]

    if isinstance(expr, Add):
        return Add.fromiter(
            convert_to(i, target_units, unit_system) for i in expr.args)

    expr = sympify(expr)
    target_units = sympify(target_units)

    if not isinstance(expr, Quantity) and expr.has(Quantity):
        expr = expr.replace(lambda x: isinstance(x, Quantity),
                            lambda x: x.convert_to(target_units, unit_system))

    def get_total_scale_factor(expr):
        if isinstance(expr, Mul):
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,
                          [get_total_scale_factor(i) for i in expr.args])
        elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
            return get_total_scale_factor(expr.base)**expr.exp
        elif isinstance(expr, Quantity):
            return unit_system.get_quantity_scale_factor(expr)
        return expr

    depmat = _get_conversion_matrix_for_expr(expr, target_units, unit_system)
    if depmat is None:
        return expr

    expr_scale_factor = get_total_scale_factor(expr)
    return expr_scale_factor * Mul.fromiter(
        (1 / get_total_scale_factor(u) * u)**p
        for u, p in zip(target_units, depmat))
Example #4
def quantity_simplify(expr, across_dimensions: bool = False, unit_system=None):
    """Return an equivalent expression in which prefixes are replaced
    with numerical values and all units of a given dimension are the
    unified in a canonical manner by default. `across_dimensions` allows
    for units of different dimensions to be simplified together.

    `unit_system` must be specified if `across_dimensions` is True.


    >>> from sympy.physics.units.util import quantity_simplify
    >>> from sympy.physics.units.prefixes import kilo
    >>> from sympy.physics.units import foot, inch, joule, coulomb
    >>> quantity_simplify(kilo*foot*inch)
    >>> quantity_simplify(foot - 6*inch)
    >>> quantity_simplify(5*joule/coulomb, across_dimensions=True, unit_system="SI")

    if expr.is_Atom or not expr.has(Prefix, Quantity):
        return expr

    # replace all prefixes with numerical values
    p = expr.atoms(Prefix)
    expr = expr.xreplace({p: p.scale_factor for p in p})

    # replace all quantities of given dimension with a canonical
    # quantity, chosen from those in the expression
    d = sift(expr.atoms(Quantity), lambda i: i.dimension)
    for k in d:
        if len(d[k]) == 1:
        v = list(ordered(d[k]))
        ref = v[0] / v[0].scale_factor
        expr = expr.xreplace({vi: ref * vi.scale_factor for vi in v[1:]})

    if across_dimensions:
        # combine quantities of different dimensions into a single
        # quantity that is equivalent to the original expression

        if unit_system is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "unit_system must be specified if across_dimensions is True")

        unit_system = UnitSystem.get_unit_system(unit_system)
        dimension_system: DimensionSystem = unit_system.get_dimension_system()
        dim_expr = unit_system.get_dimensional_expr(expr)
        dim_deps = dimension_system.get_dimensional_dependencies(
            dim_expr, mark_dimensionless=True)

        target_dimension: Optional[Dimension] = None
        for ds_dim, ds_dim_deps in dimension_system.dimensional_dependencies.items(
            if ds_dim_deps == dim_deps:
                target_dimension = ds_dim

        if target_dimension is None:
            # if we can't find a target dimension, we can't do anything. unsure how to handle this case.
            return expr

        target_unit = unit_system.derived_units.get(target_dimension)
        if target_unit:
            expr = convert_to(expr, target_unit, unit_system)

    return expr