Example #1
def random_poly(x, n, inf, sup, domain=ZZ, polys=False):
    """Return a polynomial of degree ``n`` with coefficients in ``[inf, sup]``. """
    poly = Poly(dup_random(n, inf, sup, domain), x, domain=domain)

    if not polys:
        return poly.as_expr()
        return poly
Example #2
def _minpoly_pow(ex, pw, x, dom, mp=None):
    Returns ``minpoly(ex**pw, x)``


    ex : algebraic element
    pw : rational number
    x : indeterminate of the polynomial
    dom: ground domain
    mp : minimal polynomial of ``p``


    >>> from sympy import sqrt, QQ, Rational
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields import _minpoly_pow, minpoly
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> p = sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))
    >>> _minpoly_pow(p, 2, x, QQ)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minpoly(p**2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> _minpoly_pow(y, Rational(1, 3), x, QQ.frac_field(y))
    x**3 - y
    >>> minpoly(y**Rational(1, 3), x)
    x**3 - y

    pw = sympify(pw)
    if not mp:
        mp = _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom)
    if not pw.is_rational:
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    if pw < 0:
        if mp == x:
            raise ZeroDivisionError('%s is zero' % ex)
        mp = _invertx(mp, x)
        if pw == -1:
            return mp
        pw = -pw
        ex = 1/ex

    y = Dummy(str(x))
    mp = mp.subs({x: y})
    n, d = pw.as_numer_denom()
    res = Poly(resultant(mp, x**d - y**n, gens=[y]), x, domain=dom)
    _, factors = res.factor_list()
    res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex**pw, dom)
    return res.as_expr()
Example #3
def _minpoly_pow(ex, pw, x, dom, mp=None):
    Returns ``minpoly(ex**pw, x)``


    ex : algebraic element
    pw : rational number
    x : indeterminate of the polynomial
    dom: ground domain
    mp : minimal polynomial of ``p``


    >>> from sympy import sqrt, QQ, Rational
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields import _minpoly_pow, minpoly
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> p = sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))
    >>> _minpoly_pow(p, 2, x, QQ)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minpoly(p**2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> _minpoly_pow(y, Rational(1, 3), x, QQ.frac_field(y))
    x**3 - y
    >>> minpoly(y**Rational(1, 3), x)
    x**3 - y

    pw = sympify(pw)
    if not mp:
        mp = _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom)
    if not pw.is_rational:
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    if pw < 0:
        if mp == x:
            raise ZeroDivisionError('%s is zero' % ex)
        mp = _invertx(mp, x)
        if pw == -1:
            return mp
        pw = -pw
        ex = 1 / ex

    y = Dummy(str(x))
    mp = mp.subs({x: y})
    n, d = pw.as_numer_denom()
    res = Poly(resultant(mp, x**d - y**n, gens=[y]), x, domain=dom)
    _, factors = res.factor_list()
    res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex**pw, dom)
    return res.as_expr()
Example #4
def test_FiniteExtension_Poly():
    K = FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 - 2))
    p = Poly(x, y, domain=K)
    assert p.domain == K
    assert p.as_expr() == x
    assert (p**2).as_expr() == 2

    K = FiniteExtension(Poly(x**2 - 2, x, domain=QQ))
    K2 = FiniteExtension(Poly(t**2 - 2, t, domain=K))
    assert str(K2) == 'QQ[x]/(x**2 - 2)[t]/(t**2 - 2)'

    eK = K2.convert(x + t)
    assert K2.to_sympy(eK) == x + t
    assert K2.to_sympy(eK ** 2) == 4 + 2*x*t
    p = Poly(x + t, y, domain=K2)
    assert p**2 == Poly(4 + 2*x*t, y, domain=K2)
Example #5
    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []
        if len(factors) == 1:
            for root in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):
            return (roots, False)

        add_comment("Use the substitution")
        t = Dummy("t1")
        add_eq(t, compose_(factors[1:]).as_expr())
        g = Poly(factors[0].as_expr().subs(f.gen, t), t)
        add_comment("We have")
        add_eq(g.as_expr(), 0)
        for root in _try_heuristics(g):

        # f(x) = f1(f2(f3(x))) = 0
        # f(x) = f1(t) = 0 --> f2(f3(x)) = t1, t2, ..., tn

        i = 1
        for factor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            h = compose_(factors[i:]).as_expr()
            for root in previous:
                add_eq(h, root)

            for root in previous:
                if i < len(factors) - 1:
                    add_comment("Solve the equation")
                    add_eq(h, root)
                    add_comment("Use the substitution")
                    t = Dummy("t" + str(i+1))
                    add_eq(t, compose_(factors[(i+1):]).as_expr())
                    g = Poly(factor.as_expr().subs(f.gen, t), t) - Poly(root, t)
                    g = factor - Poly(root, f.gen)

                for root in _try_heuristics(g):
            i += 1

        return (roots, True)
def random_poly(x, n, inf, sup, domain=ZZ, polys=False):
    """Generates a polynomial of degree ``n`` with coefficients in
    ``[inf, sup]``.

        `x` is the independent term of polynomial
    n : int
        `n` decides the order of polynomial
        Lower limit of range in which coefficients lie
        Upper limit of range in which coefficients lie
    domain : optional
         Decides what ring the coefficients are supposed
         to belong. Default is set to Integers.
    polys : bool, optional
        ``polys=True`` returns an expression, otherwise
        (default) returns an expression.
    poly = Poly(dup_random(n, inf, sup, domain), x, domain=domain)

    return poly if polys else poly.as_expr()
Example #7
def random_poly(x, n, inf, sup, domain=ZZ, polys=False):
    """Generates a polynomial of degree ``n`` with coefficients in
    ``[inf, sup]``.

        `x` is the independent term of polynomial
    n : int
        `n` decides the order of polynomial
        Lower limit of range in which coefficients lie
        Upper limit of range in which coefficients lie
    domain : optional
         Decides what ring the coefficients are supposed
         to belong. Default is set to Integers.
    polys : bool, optional
        ``polys=True`` returns an expression, otherwise
        (default) returns an expression.
    poly = Poly(dup_random(n, inf, sup, domain), x, domain=domain)

    return poly if polys else poly.as_expr()
Example #8
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively. If cubic
    roots are real but are expressed in terms of complex numbers
    (casus irreducibilis [1]) the ``trig`` flag can be set to True to
    have the solutions returned in terms of cosine and inverse cosine

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a list containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True; the list will
    have identical roots appearing next to each other in the result.
    (For a given Poly, the all_roots method will give the roots in
    sorted numerical order.)


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Trigonometric_.28and_hyperbolic.29_method

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    trig = flags.pop('trig', False)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
            if f.length == 2 and f.degree() != 1:
                # check for foo**n factors in the constant
                n = f.degree()
                npow_bases = []
                others = []
                expr = f.as_expr()
                con = expr.as_independent(*gens)[0]
                for p in Mul.make_args(con):
                    if p.is_Pow and not p.exp % n:
                    if npow_bases:
                        b = Mul(*npow_bases)
                        B = Dummy()
                        d = roots(Poly(expr - con + B**n*Mul(*others), *gens,
                            **flags), *gens, **flags)
                        rv = {}
                        for k, v in d.items():
                            rv[k.subs(B, b)] = v
                        return rv

        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, currentroot, k):
        if currentroot in result:
            result[currentroot] += k
            result[currentroot] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for currentroot in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for currentfactor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for currentroot in previous:
                g = currentfactor - Poly(currentroot, f.gen)

                for currentroot in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S(0)]*f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f, trig=trig)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    (k,), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S(0): k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().is_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        dom = f.get_domain()
        if not dom.is_Exact and dom.is_Numerical:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            result[roots_linear(f)[0]] = 1
        elif f.length() == 2:
            roots_fun = roots_quadratic if f.degree() == 2 else roots_binomial
            for r in roots_fun(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()
            if len(factors) == 1 and f.degree() == 2:
                for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                    _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                    if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                        res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                        if res:
                            if res[0] is None:
                                translate_x, f = res[2:]
                                rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                            result = roots(f)
                            if not result:
                                for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                                    _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                            for r in _try_heuristics(f):
                                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                        for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                            _update_dict(result, currentroot, 1)
                    for currentfactor, k in factors:
                        for r in _try_heuristics(Poly(currentfactor, f.gen, field=True)):
                            _update_dict(result, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for currentroot, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff*currentroot] = k


    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: r.is_real,
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k*rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero in ordered(result):

        return zeros
Example #9
def bivariate_type(f, x, y, **kwargs):
    """Given an expression, f, 3 tests will be done to see what type
    of composite bivariate it might be, options for u(x, y) are::


    If it matches one of these types, ``u(x, y)``, ``P(u)`` and dummy
    variable ``u`` will be returned. Solving ``P(u)`` for ``u`` and
    equating the solutions to ``u(x, y)`` and then solving for ``x`` or
    ``y`` is equivalent to solving the original expression for ``x`` or
    ``y``. If ``x`` and ``y`` represent two functions in the same
    variable, e.g. ``x = g(t)`` and ``y = h(t)``, then if ``u(x, y) - p``
    can be solved for ``t`` then these represent the solutions to
    ``P(u) = 0`` when ``p`` are the solutions of ``P(u) = 0``.

    Only positive values of ``u`` are considered.


    >>> from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
    >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import bivariate_type
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> eq = (x**2 - 3).subs(x, x + y)
    >>> bivariate_type(eq, x, y)
    (x + y, _u**2 - 3, _u)
    >>> uxy, pu, u = _
    >>> usol = solve(pu, u); usol
    >>> [solve(uxy - s) for s in solve(pu, u)]
    [[{x: -y + sqrt(3)}]]
    >>> all(eq.subs(s).equals(0) for sol in _ for s in sol)


    u = Dummy('u', positive=True)

    if kwargs.pop('first', True):
        p = Poly(f, x, y)
        f = p.as_expr()
        _x = Dummy()
        _y = Dummy()
        rv = bivariate_type(Poly(f.subs({x: _x, y: _y}), _x, _y), _x, _y, first=False)
        if rv:
            reps = {_x: x, _y: y}
            return rv[0].xreplace(reps), rv[1].xreplace(reps), rv[2]

    p = f
    f = p.as_expr()

    # f(x*y)
    args = Add.make_args(p.as_expr())
    new = []
    for a in args:
        a = _mexpand(a.subs(x, u/y))
        free = a.free_symbols
        if x in free or y in free:
        return x*y, Add(*new), u

    def ok(f, v, c):
        new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c))
        free = new.free_symbols
        return None if (x in free or y in free) else new

    # f(a*x + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d), d)
        b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
        new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a)
        if new is not None:
            return a*x + b*y, new, u

    # f(a*x*y + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        for itry in range(2):
            a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d*y**d), d)
            b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
            new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a/y)
            if new is not None:
                return a*x*y + b*y, new, u
            x, y = y, x
Example #10
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively.

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a tuple containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True.


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, root, k):
        if root in result:
            result[root] += k
            result[root] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for root in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for factor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for root in previous:
                g = factor - Poly(root, f.gen)

                for root in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S(0)]*f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return map(cancel, roots_linear(f))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += map(cancel, roots_linear(f))
        elif n == 2:
            result += map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    (k,), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S(0): k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().has_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        if not f.get_domain().is_Exact:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            result[roots_linear(f)[0]] = 1
        elif f.degree() == 2:
            for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.length() == 2:
            for r in roots_binomial(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()

            if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                for root in _try_decompose(f):
                    _update_dict(result, root, 1)
                for factor, k in factors:
                    for r in _try_heuristics(Poly(factor, f.gen, field=True)):
                        _update_dict(result, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for root, k in _result.iteritems():
            result[coeff*root] = k


    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: r.is_real,
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).iterkeys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).iterkeys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero, k in result.iteritems():

        return sorted(zeros, key=default_sort_key)
Example #11
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively.

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a tuple containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True.


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, root, k):
        if root in result:
            result[root] += k
            result[root] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for root in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for factor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for root in previous:
                g = factor - Poly(root, f.gen)

                for root in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S(0)] * f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    (k, ), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S(0): k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().has_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        if not f.get_domain().is_Exact:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            result[roots_linear(f)[0]] = 1
        elif f.degree() == 2:
            for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.length() == 2:
            for r in roots_binomial(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()

            if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                    res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                    if res:
                        if res[0] is None:
                            translate_x, f = res[2:]
                            rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                        result = roots(f)
                        if not result:
                            for root in _try_decompose(f):
                                _update_dict(result, root, 1)
                    for root in _try_decompose(f):
                        _update_dict(result, root, 1)
                for factor, k in factors:
                    for r in _try_heuristics(Poly(factor, f.gen, field=True)):
                        _update_dict(result, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for root, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff * root] = k


    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: r.is_real,
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k * rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero, k in result.items():
            zeros.extend([zero] * k)

        return sorted(zeros, key=default_sort_key)
Example #12
def roots(f, *gens, **flags):
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively.

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a tuple containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True.


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    auto = flags.pop('auto', True)
    cubics = flags.pop('cubics', True)
    quartics = flags.pop('quartics', True)
    quintics = flags.pop('quintics', False)
    multiple = flags.pop('multiple', False)
    filter = flags.pop('filter', None)
    predicate = flags.pop('predicate', None)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            f = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, root, k):
        if root in result:
            result[root] += k
            result[root] = k

    def compose_(fs):
        r = fs[0]
        for f in fs[1:]:
            r = compose(r, f)
        return r

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []
        if len(factors) == 1:
            for root in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):
            return (roots, False)

        add_comment("Use the substitution")
        t = Dummy("t1")
        add_eq(t, compose_(factors[1:]).as_expr())
        g = Poly(factors[0].as_expr().subs(f.gen, t), t)
        add_comment("We have")
        add_eq(g.as_expr(), 0)
        for root in _try_heuristics(g):

        # f(x) = f1(f2(f3(x))) = 0
        # f(x) = f1(t) = 0 --> f2(f3(x)) = t1, t2, ..., tn

        i = 1
        for factor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            h = compose_(factors[i:]).as_expr()
            for root in previous:
                add_eq(h, root)

            for root in previous:
                if i < len(factors) - 1:
                    add_comment("Solve the equation")
                    add_eq(h, root)
                    add_comment("Use the substitution")
                    t = Dummy("t" + str(i+1))
                    add_eq(t, compose_(factors[(i+1):]).as_expr())
                    g = Poly(factor.as_expr().subs(f.gen, t), t) - Poly(root, t)
                    g = factor - Poly(root, f.gen)

                for root in _try_heuristics(g):
            i += 1

        return (roots, True)

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            add_comment("The polynomial is constant. Therefore there is no root.")
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            add_comment("The root of the equation is zero")
            rr = [S(0)]*f.degree()
            return rr
        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                rr = list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return rr
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()
        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    tmp_ = f
    (k,), f = f.terms_gcd()
    if (tmp_ != f):
        add_comment("Rewrite the equation as")
        add_eq(Mul(f.gen**k, f.as_expr(), evaluate=False), 0)
    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S(0): k}
        if not f.is_ground:
            add_comment("Solve the equation")
            add_eq(f.as_expr(), 0)
            add_comment("The roots are")
            for z in zeros:
                add_eq(f.gen, 0)
            return {S(0): k}

    coeff, fp = preprocess_roots(f)
    if coeff.is_Rational or f.degree() <= 2:
        coeff = S.One
        f = fp

    if (coeff is not S.One):
        add_comment("Use the substitution")
        t = Dummy("t")
        add_eq(f.gen, t*coeff)
        add_comment("We have")
        f = Poly(f.as_expr().subs(f.gen, t), t)
        add_eq(f.as_expr(), 0)

    if auto and f.get_domain().has_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}
    print_all_roots = False
    if not f.is_ground:
        if not f.get_domain().is_Exact:
            add_comment("Use numerical methods")
            for r in f.nroots():
                add_eq(f.gen, r)
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            tmp = roots_linear(f)[0]
            result[tmp] = 1
        elif f.degree() == 2:
            for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
        elif f.length() == 2:
            for r in roots_binomial(f):
                _update_dict(result, r, 1)
            rr = find_rational_roots(f)
            if len(rr) > 0:
                print_all_roots = True
                g = f
                h = 1
                for r in rr:
                    while g(r) == 0:
                        g = g.quo(Poly(f.gen - r, f.gen))
                        h = Mul(h, f.gen - r, evaluate=False)
                        _update_dict(result, r, 1)
                add_comment("Rewrite the equation as")
                add_eq(Mul(h, g.as_expr(), evaluate=False), 0)
                if not g.is_ground:
                    add_comment("Solve the equation")
                    add_eq(g.as_expr(), 0)
                f = g
            if not f.is_ground:
                _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()
                if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                    if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                        res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                        if res:
                            if res[0] is None:
                                translate_x, f = res[2:]
                                rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                            result = roots(f)
                            if not result:
                                td = _try_decompose(f)
                                print_all_roots = td[1]
                                for root in td[0]:
                                    _update_dict(result, root, 1)
                        td = _try_decompose(f)
                        print_all_roots = td[1]
                        for root in td[0]:
                            _update_dict(result, root, 1)
                    print_all_roots = True
                    add_comment("The equation can be rewritten as")
                    eq1 = 1
                    for factor, k in factors:
                        eq1 = Mul(eq1, (factor.as_expr())**k, evaluate=False)
                    add_eq(eq1, 0)

                    for factor, k in factors:
                        add_comment("Solve the equation")
                        add_eq(factor.as_expr(), 0)
                        for r in _try_heuristics(Poly(factor, f.gen, field=True)):
                            _update_dict(result, r, k)

        add_comment("Solve the equation")
        add_eq(f.as_expr(), 0)
        add_comment("Since the polynomial is constant, there are no roots")

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for root, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff*root] = k
            for i in range(k):
                add_eq(tmp_.gen, coeff*root)


    if tmp_ != f or print_all_roots:
        add_comment("Finally we have the following roots")
        for r, k in result.items():
            for i in range(k):
                add_eq(f.gen, r)

    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: r.is_real,
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k*rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero, k in result.items():

        return sorted(zeros, key=default_sort_key)
Example #13
def roots_quartic(f):
    Returns a list of roots of a quartic polynomial.

    There are many references for solving quartic expressions available [1-5].
    This reviewer has found that many of them require one to select from among
    2 or more possible sets of solutions and that some solutions work when one
    is searching for real roots but don't work when searching for complex roots
    (though this is not always stated clearly). The following routine has been
    tested and found to be correct for 0, 2 or 4 complex roots.

    The quasisymmetric case solution [6] looks for quartics that have the form
    `x**4 + A*x**3 + B*x**2 + C*x + D = 0` where `(C/A)**2 = D`.

    Although there is a general solution, simpler results can be obtained for
    certain values of the coefficients. In all cases, 4 roots are returned:

      1) `f = c + a*(a**2/8 - b/2) == 0`
      2) `g = d - a*(a*(3*a**2/256 - b/16) + c/4) = 0`
      3) if `f != 0` and `g != 0` and `p = -d + a*c/4 - b**2/12` then
        a) `p == 0`
        b) `p != 0`


        >>> from sympy import Poly, symbols, I
        >>> from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots_quartic

        >>> r = roots_quartic(Poly('x**4-6*x**3+17*x**2-26*x+20'))

        >>> # 4 complex roots: 1+-I*sqrt(3), 2+-I
        >>> sorted(str(tmp.evalf(n=2)) for tmp in r)
        ['1.0 + 1.7*I', '1.0 - 1.7*I', '2.0 + 1.0*I', '2.0 - 1.0*I']


    1. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.cubic.equations.html
    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function#Summary_of_Ferrari.27s_method
    3. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/GaloisTheoreticDerivationOfTheQuarticFormula.html
    4. http://staff.bath.ac.uk/masjhd/JHD-CA.pdf
    5. http://www.albmath.org/files/Math_5713.pdf
    6. http://www.statemaster.com/encyclopedia/Quartic-equation
    7. eqworld.ipmnet.ru/en/solutions/ae/ae0108.pdf

    add_comment("This equation is quartic")
    _, a, b, c, d = f.monic().all_coeffs()

    if f.nth(4) != 1:
        add_comment("Rewrite the equation as")
        add_eq(f.monic().as_expr(), 0)

    if not d:
        add_comment("Rewrite the equation as")
        add_eq(Mul(f.gen, f.gen**3 + a*f.gen**2 + b*f.gen + c, evaluate=False), 0)
        roots_ = [S.Zero] + roots([1, a, b, c], multiple=True)
        add_comment("Therefore the roots of quartic equation are")
        add_eq(f.gen, roots_[0])
        add_eq(f.gen, roots_[1])
        add_eq(f.gen, roots_[2])
        add_eq(f.gen, roots_[3])
        return roots_
    elif (c/a)**2 == d:
        # x^4 + ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0
        # (x^2 - z1x + c/a)(x^2 - z2x + c/a) =
        #  x^4 - z2x^3 + c/ax^2 +
        #  -z1x^3 + z1z2x^2 + (c/a)^2 +
        #  c/ax^2 - z2c/ax + d =
        # = x^4 - (z1 + z2)x^3 + (2c/a +z1z2)x^2  +(-z1c/a - z2c/a)x + d
        # -a = z1 + z2
        # b - 2c/a = z1z2
        x, m = f.gen, c/a
        z1 = Dummy("z1")
        z2 = Dummy("z2")
        add_comment("Rewrite the equation in the form")
        add_eq(Mul(x**2 - z1*x + m, x**2 - z2*x + m, evaluate=False), 0)
        add_comment("Where z1 and z2 are the roots of equation")
        z = Dummy("z")
        g = Poly(z**2 + a*z + b - 2*m, z)
        add_eq(g.as_expr(), 0)
        z1, z2 = roots_quadratic(g)

        h1 = Poly(x**2 - z1*x + m, x)
        h2 = Poly(x**2 - z2*x + m, x)
        add_comment("Therefore the quartic equation can be rewritten as")
        add_eq(Mul(h1.as_expr(), h2.as_expr(), evaluate=False), 0)
        r1 = roots_quadratic(h1)
        r2 = roots_quadratic(h2)
        add_comment("The roots of the quartic equation is")
        add_eq(f.gen, r1[0])
        add_eq(f.gen, r1[1])
        add_eq(f.gen, r2[0])
        add_eq(f.gen, r2[1])
        return r1 + r2
        a2 = a**2
        e = b - 3*a2/8
        f_ = c + a*(a2/8 - b/2)
        g = d - a*(a*(3*a2/256 - b/16) + c/4)
        aon4 = a/4
        # y^4 + ey^2 + fy + g = 0
        if a != 0:
            add_comment("Use the substitution")
            y = Dummy("y")
            add_eq(f.gen, y - a/4)
            add_comment("We have")
            add_eq(y**4 + e*y**2 + f_*y + g, 0)
            y = f.gen
        if f_ is S.Zero:
            # y^4 + ey^2 + g = 0
            add_comment("This equation is bi-quadratic")
            z = Dummy("z")
            add_comment("Use the substitution")
            add_eq(z, y**2)
            y1, y2 = [sqrt(tmp) for tmp in
                      roots(Poly([1, e, g], z), multiple=True)]
            add_comment("Therefore the roots of the bi-quadratic equation are")
            add_eq(y, y1)
            add_eq(y, -y1)
            add_eq(y, y2)
            add_eq(y, -y2)
            roots_ = [tmp - aon4 for tmp in [-y1, -y2, y1, y2]]
            if a != 0:
                add_comment("We have the following roots of the quartic equation")
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[0])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[1])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[2])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[3])
            return roots_
        if g is S.Zero:
            # y^4 + ey^2 + fy = 0
            add_comment("Rewrite the equation as")
            add_eq(Mul(y, y**3 + e*y + f_, evaluate=False), 0)
            y_ = [S.Zero] + roots([1, 0, e, f_], multiple=True)
            add_eq(f.gen, y_[0])
            add_eq(f.gen, y_[1])
            add_eq(f.gen, y_[2])
            add_eq(f.gen, y_[3])
            roots_ = [tmp - aon4 for tmp in y_]
            if a != 0:
                add_comment("We have the following roots of the quartic equation")
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[0])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[1])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[2])
                add_eq(f.gen, roots_[3])
            return roots_
            # Descartes-Euler method, see [7]
            start_subroutine("Try Descartes-Euler method")
            sols = _roots_quartic_euler(e, f_, g, aon4, f.gen)
            if sols:
                return sols
            # Ferrari method, see [1, 2]
            add_comment("Use Ferrari method")
            p = -e**2/12 - g
            add_eq("P", p)
            q = -e**3/108 + e*g/3 - f_**2/8
            add_eq("Q", q)
            TH = Rational(1, 3)
            if p.is_zero:
                y_ = -5*e/6 - q**TH
                add_eq("Y", y_)
            elif p.is_number and p.is_comparable:
                # with p != 0 then u below is not 0
                root = sqrt(q**2/4 + p**3/27)
                r = -q/2 + root  # or -q/2 - root
                add_eq("R", r)
                u = r**TH  # primary root of solve(x**3-r, x)
                add_eq("U", u)
                y_ = -5*e/6 + u - p/u/3
                add_eq("Y", y_)
                raise PolynomialError('cannot return general quartic solution')
            w = sqrt(e + 2*y_)
            add_eq("W", w)
            arg1 = 3*e + 2*y_
            arg2 = 2*f_/w
            ans = []
            add_comment("We have")
            for s in [-1, 1]:
                root = sqrt(-(arg1 + s*arg2))
                for t in [-1, 1]:
                    add_eq(y, (s*w - t*root)/2)
                    ans.append((s*w - t*root)/2 - aon4)

            if a != 0:
                add_comment("Therefore the roots are")
                add_eq(f.gen, ans[0])
                add_eq(f.gen, ans[1])
                add_eq(f.gen, ans[2])
                add_eq(f.gen, ans[3])
            return ans
Example #14
def roots(f,
    Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial.

    Given a univariate polynomial f with symbolic coefficients (or
    a list of the polynomial's coefficients), returns a dictionary
    with its roots and their multiplicities.

    Only roots expressible via radicals will be returned.  To get
    a complete set of roots use RootOf class or numerical methods
    instead. By default cubic and quartic formulas are used in
    the algorithm. To disable them because of unreadable output
    set ``cubics=False`` or ``quartics=False`` respectively. If cubic
    roots are real but are expressed in terms of complex numbers
    (casus irreducibilis [1]) the ``trig`` flag can be set to True to
    have the solutions returned in terms of cosine and inverse cosine

    To get roots from a specific domain set the ``filter`` flag with
    one of the following specifiers: Z, Q, R, I, C. By default all
    roots are returned (this is equivalent to setting ``filter='C'``).

    By default a dictionary is returned giving a compact result in
    case of multiple roots.  However to get a list containing all
    those roots set the ``multiple`` flag to True; the list will
    have identical roots appearing next to each other in the result.
    (For a given Poly, the all_roots method will give the roots in
    sorted numerical order.)

    If the ``strict`` flag is True, ``UnsolvableFactorError`` will be
    raised if the roots found are known to be incomplete (because
    some roots are not expressible in radicals).


    >>> from sympy import Poly, roots, degree
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y

    >>> roots(x**2 - 1, x)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-1, x)
    >>> roots(p)
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    >>> p = Poly(x**2-y, x, y)

    >>> roots(Poly(p, x))
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots(x**2 - y, x)
    {-sqrt(y): 1, sqrt(y): 1}

    >>> roots([1, 0, -1])
    {-1: 1, 1: 1}

    ``roots`` will only return roots expressible in radicals. If
    the given polynomial has some or all of its roots inexpressible in
    radicals, the result of ``roots`` will be incomplete or empty

    Example where result is incomplete:

    >>> roots((x-1)*(x**5-x+1), x)
    {1: 1}

    In this case, the polynomial has an unsolvable quintic factor
    whose roots cannot be expressed by radicals. The polynomial has a
    rational root (due to the factor `(x-1)`), which is returned since
    ``roots`` always finds all rational roots.

    Example where result is empty:

    >>> roots(x**7-3*x**2+1, x)

    Here, the polynomial has no roots expressible in radicals, so
    ``roots`` returns an empty dictionary.

    The result produced by ``roots`` is complete if and only if the
    sum of the multiplicity of each root is equal to the degree of
    the polynomial. If strict=True, UnsolvableFactorError will be
    raised if the result is incomplete.

    The result can be be checked for completeness as follows:

    >>> f = x**3-2*x**2+1
    >>> sum(roots(f, x).values()) == degree(f, x)
    >>> f = (x-1)*(x**5-x+1)
    >>> sum(roots(f, x).values()) == degree(f, x)


    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_function#Trigonometric_.28and_hyperbolic.29_method

    from sympy.polys.polytools import to_rational_coeffs
    flags = dict(flags)

    if isinstance(f, list):
        if gens:
            raise ValueError('redundant generators given')

        x = Dummy('x')

        poly, i = {}, len(f) - 1

        for coeff in f:
            poly[i], i = sympify(coeff), i - 1

        f = Poly(poly, x, field=True)
            F = Poly(f, *gens, **flags)
            if not isinstance(f, Poly) and not F.gen.is_Symbol:
                raise PolynomialError("generator must be a Symbol")
            f = F
        except GeneratorsNeeded:
            if multiple:
                return []
                return {}
            n = f.degree()
            if f.length() == 2 and n > 2:
                # check for foo**n in constant if dep is c*gen**m
                con, dep = f.as_expr().as_independent(*f.gens)
                fcon = -(-con).factor()
                if fcon != con:
                    con = fcon
                    bases = []
                    for i in Mul.make_args(con):
                        if i.is_Pow:
                            b, e = i.as_base_exp()
                            if e.is_Integer and b.is_Add:
                                bases.append((b, Dummy(positive=True)))
                    if bases:
                        rv = roots(Poly((dep + con).xreplace(dict(bases)),
                        return {
                            factor_terms(k.xreplace({v: k
                                                     for k, v in bases})): v
                            for k, v in rv.items()

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise PolynomialError('multivariate polynomials are not supported')

    def _update_dict(result, zeros, currentroot, k):
        if currentroot == S.Zero:
            if S.Zero in zeros:
                zeros[S.Zero] += k
                zeros[S.Zero] = k
        if currentroot in result:
            result[currentroot] += k
            result[currentroot] = k

    def _try_decompose(f):
        """Find roots using functional decomposition. """
        factors, roots = f.decompose(), []

        for currentroot in _try_heuristics(factors[0]):

        for currentfactor in factors[1:]:
            previous, roots = list(roots), []

            for currentroot in previous:
                g = currentfactor - Poly(currentroot, f.gen)

                for currentroot in _try_heuristics(g):

        return roots

    def _try_heuristics(f):
        """Find roots using formulas and some tricks. """
        if f.is_ground:
            return []
        if f.is_monomial:
            return [S.Zero] * f.degree()

        if f.length() == 2:
            if f.degree() == 1:
                return list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
                return roots_binomial(f)

        result = []

        for i in [-1, 1]:
            if not f.eval(i):
                f = f.quo(Poly(f.gen - i, f.gen))

        n = f.degree()

        if n == 1:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_linear(f)))
        elif n == 2:
            result += list(map(cancel, roots_quadratic(f)))
        elif f.is_cyclotomic:
            result += roots_cyclotomic(f)
        elif n == 3 and cubics:
            result += roots_cubic(f, trig=trig)
        elif n == 4 and quartics:
            result += roots_quartic(f)
        elif n == 5 and quintics:
            result += roots_quintic(f)

        return result

    # Convert the generators to symbols
    dumgens = symbols('x:%d' % len(f.gens), cls=Dummy)
    f = f.per(f.rep, dumgens)

    (k, ), f = f.terms_gcd()

    if not k:
        zeros = {}
        zeros = {S.Zero: k}

    coeff, f = preprocess_roots(f)

    if auto and f.get_domain().is_Ring:
        f = f.to_field()

    # Use EX instead of ZZ_I or QQ_I
    if f.get_domain().is_QQ_I:
        f = f.per(f.rep.convert(EX))

    rescale_x = None
    translate_x = None

    result = {}

    if not f.is_ground:
        dom = f.get_domain()
        if not dom.is_Exact and dom.is_Numerical:
            for r in f.nroots():
                _update_dict(result, zeros, r, 1)
        elif f.degree() == 1:
            _update_dict(result, zeros, roots_linear(f)[0], 1)
        elif f.length() == 2:
            roots_fun = roots_quadratic if f.degree() == 2 else roots_binomial
            for r in roots_fun(f):
                _update_dict(result, zeros, r, 1)
            _, factors = Poly(f.as_expr()).factor_list()
            if len(factors) == 1 and f.degree() == 2:
                for r in roots_quadratic(f):
                    _update_dict(result, zeros, r, 1)
                if len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][1] == 1:
                    if f.get_domain().is_EX:
                        res = to_rational_coeffs(f)
                        if res:
                            if res[0] is None:
                                translate_x, f = res[2:]
                                rescale_x, f = res[1], res[-1]
                            result = roots(f)
                            if not result:
                                for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                                    _update_dict(result, zeros, currentroot, 1)
                            for r in _try_heuristics(f):
                                _update_dict(result, zeros, r, 1)
                        for currentroot in _try_decompose(f):
                            _update_dict(result, zeros, currentroot, 1)
                    for currentfactor, k in factors:
                        for r in _try_heuristics(
                                Poly(currentfactor, f.gen, field=True)):
                            _update_dict(result, zeros, r, k)

    if coeff is not S.One:
        _result, result, = result, {}

        for currentroot, k in _result.items():
            result[coeff * currentroot] = k

    if filter not in [None, 'C']:
        handlers = {
            'Z': lambda r: r.is_Integer,
            'Q': lambda r: r.is_Rational,
            'R': lambda r: all(a.is_real for a in r.as_numer_denom()),
            'I': lambda r: r.is_imaginary,

            query = handlers[filter]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid filter: %s" % filter)

        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not query(zero):
                del result[zero]

    if predicate is not None:
        for zero in dict(result).keys():
            if not predicate(zero):
                del result[zero]
    if rescale_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k * rescale_x] = v
        result = result1
    if translate_x:
        result1 = {}
        for k, v in result.items():
            result1[k + translate_x] = v
        result = result1

    # adding zero roots after non-trivial roots have been translated

    if strict and sum(result.values()) < f.degree():
        raise UnsolvableFactorError(
            Strict mode: some factors cannot be solved in radicals, so
            a complete list of solutions cannot be returned. Call
            roots with strict=False to get solutions expressible in
            radicals (if there are any).

    if not multiple:
        return result
        zeros = []

        for zero in ordered(result):
            zeros.extend([zero] * result[zero])

        return zeros