Example #1
def test_GammaProcess_numeric():
    t, d, x, y = symbols('t d x y', positive=True)
    X = GammaProcess("X", 1, 2)
    assert X.state_space == Interval(0, oo)
    assert X.index_set == Interval(0, oo)
    assert X.lamda == 1
    assert X.gamma == 2

    raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", -1, 2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", 0, -2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", -1, -2))

    # all are independent because of non-overlapping intervals
    assert P((X(t) > 4) & (X(d) > 3) & (X(x) > 2) & (X(y) > 1), Contains(t,
        Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(x,
        Interval.Lopen(2, 3)) & Contains(y, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))).simplify() == \

    # Check working with Not and Or
    assert P(
        Not((X(t) < 5) & (X(d) > 3)),
        Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(2, 4)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(
            7, 8))).simplify() == -4 * exp(-3) + 472 * exp(-8) / 3 + 1
    assert P((X(t) > 2) | (X(t) < 4), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(1, 4))).simplify() == \
                                            -643*exp(-4)/15 + 109*exp(-2)/15 + 1

    assert E(X(t)) == 2 * t  # E(X(t)) == gamma*t/l
    assert E(X(2) + x * E(X(5))) == 10 * x + 4
Example #2
def test_GammaProcess_symbolic():
    t, d, x, y, g, l = symbols('t d x y g l', positive=True)
    X = GammaProcess("X", l, g)

    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X[t])
    raises(IndexError, lambda: X(-1))
    assert isinstance(X(t), RandomIndexedSymbol)
    assert X.state_space == Interval(0, oo)
    assert X.distribution(t) == GammaDistribution(g * t, 1 / l)
    assert X.joint_distribution(5, X(3)) == JointDistributionHandmade(
            (X(5), X(3)),
            l**(8 * g) * exp(-l * X(3)) * exp(-l * X(5)) * X(3)**(3 * g - 1) *
            X(5)**(5 * g - 1) / (gamma(3 * g) * gamma(5 * g))))
    # property of the gamma process at any given timestamp
    assert E(X(t)) == g * t / l
    assert variance(X(t)).simplify() == g * t / l**2

    # Equivalent to E(2*X(1)) + E(X(1)**2) + E(X(1)**3), where E(X(1)) == g/l
    assert E(X(t)**2 + X(d)*2 + X(y)**3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1))
        & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(y, Interval.Ropen(3, 4))) == \
            2*g/l + (g**2 + g)/l**2 + (g**3 + 3*g**2 + 2*g)/l**3

    assert P(X(t) > 3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))).simplify() == \
                                1 - lowergamma(g, 3*l)/gamma(g) # equivalent to P(X(1)>3)

    #test issue 20078
    assert (2 * X(t) + 3 * X(t)).simplify() == 5 * X(t)
    assert (2 * X(t) - 3 * X(t)).simplify() == -X(t)
    assert (2 * (0.25 * X(t))).simplify() == 0.5 * X(t)
    assert (2 * X(t) * 0.25 * X(t)).simplify() == 0.5 * X(t)**2
    assert (X(t)**2 + X(t)**3).simplify() == (X(t) + 1) * X(t)**2