Example #1
  def _find_circle_center(self, start0, start1, end0, end1, radius):
    """each circle defines all possible coordinates the arc center could be
        the two circles intersect at the possible centers of the arc radius"""
    c1 = sp.Circle(sp.Point(start0, start1), abs(radius))
    c2 = sp.Circle(sp.Point(end0, end1), abs(radius))

    intersection = c1.intersection(c2)

    if len(intersection) < 1:
      raise Exception(
          "radius circles do not intersect")    # TODO : proper way of handling GCode error (?)
    if len(
        intersection) < 2 or radius > 0:    # single intersection or "positive" radius center point
      return intersection[0].x, intersection[0].y
    return intersection[1].x, intersection[1].y    # "negative" radius center point
Example #2
 def __init__(self, x, y, radius, estimateRadius=None, key=None):
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.radius = radius
     #self.area = math.pi * radius**2
     self.estimateRadius = estimateRadius
     self.key = key
     self.circle = sympy.Circle(sympy.Point(self.x, self.y), radius)
Example #3
def read_dial(config, idx, img):
    offset, clockwise = config
    offset_r = offset * (np.pi / 180)

    height, width = img.shape[:2]
    center = [width / 2, height / 2]
    radius = int(width / 2)
    circle = sp.Circle(sp.Point(center), radius)

    offset_ray = sp.Ray(sp.Point(center), angle=mp.radians(offset))
    offset_img = img.copy()
    origin_point = [center[0], 0]
    offset_point = [
        math.cos(offset_r) * (origin_point[0] - center[0]) -
        math.sin(offset_r) * (origin_point[1] - center[1]) + center[0],
        math.sin(offset_r) * (origin_point[0] - center[0]) +
        math.cos(offset_r) * (origin_point[1] - center[1]) + center[1]
    cv2.line(offset_img, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])),
             (int(offset_point[0]), int(offset_point[1])), (0, 255, 0), 2)
    write_debug(offset_img, f"dial-{idx}")

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0)
    write_debug(blurred, f"blurred-{idx}")

    edges = cv2.Canny(blurred, 50, 200)
    write_debug(edges, f"edges-{idx}")

    edge = find_hand_edge(edges)

    hand_edge_img = img.copy()
    cv2.line(hand_edge_img, (edge[0], edge[1]), (edge[2], edge[3]),
             (0, 255, 0), 2)
    write_debug(hand_edge_img, f"hand-edge-{idx}")

    hand_ray = generate_hand_ray(center, edge)
    circle_intersection = hand_ray.intersection(circle)[0]

    cv2.line(img, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])),
             (int(circle_intersection.x), int(circle_intersection.y)),
             (0, 0, 255), 2)
    write_debug(img, f"intersection-{idx}")

    angle_r = math.atan2(circle_intersection.y - center[1],
                         circle_intersection.x - center[0]) - math.atan2(
                             origin_point[1] - center[1],
                             origin_point[0] - center[0])
    angle = angle_r * 180 / np.pi
    if angle < 0:
        angle = 360 + angle
    angle_p = angle / 360
    if not clockwise:
        angle_p = 1 - angle_p

    return int(10 * angle_p)
Example #4
    def transform_sequence(self, operTypes, operVals, operRefs):
        ArcModified class

        this method performs a sequence of transformation processes expressed by

        * operTypes: defines the type of each transformation
        * operVals: the values for each transformation
        * operRefs: the reference point for each transformation
        -- reference point is irrelevant for translation, still should be provided for consistency

        obj.transform_sequence( operTypes='TTRST',
        operVals=( (.5,-.5), (2,0), np.pi/2, (.5,.5), (3,-1) ),
        operRefs=( (0,0),    (0,0), (2,2),   (0,0),   (0,0)  ) )

        order: ordering of transformation
        e.g. 'TRS' -> 1)translate 2)rotate 3)scale
        e.g. 'RTS' -> 1)rotate 2)translate 3)scale

        for opIdx, opType in enumerate(operTypes):

            if opType == 'T':  # and all(operVals[opIdx]!=(0,0)):
                tx, ty = operVals[opIdx]
                self.obj = self.obj.translate(tx, ty)

            elif opType == 'R':  # and operVals[opIdx]!=0:
                theta = operVals[opIdx]
                ref = operRefs[opIdx]

                # Important note ideally I would like to do this:
                # self.obj = self.obj.rotate(theta,ref) but as rotate
                # is not effective for circles (don't know why!)  and
                # since I can not set the attributes of the circel as:
                # self.obj.center = self.obj.center.rotate(theta,ref)
                # I am left with no choice but to define a new circle
                # and assign it to the obj fortunately this won't be a
                # problem, as this obj instance is an attribute to the
                # modifiedCircle instance, and that's what I want to
                # maintain a reference to
                c = self.obj.center.rotate(theta, ref)
                r = self.obj.radius
                self.obj = sym.Circle(c, r)

                # TODO: too many consequtive rotation might carry t1
                # and t2 out of the predefined interval correct them
                # if there is going to be any valid interval for t1
                # and t2
                self.t1 += theta
                self.t2 += theta

            elif opType == 'S':  # and all(operVals[opIdx]!=(1,1)):
                sx, sy = operVals[opIdx]
                ref = operRefs[opIdx]
                self.obj = self.obj.scale(sx, sy, ref)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, args):
        ArcModified class

        self.obj = sym.Circle(*args[:2])

        # the radial distance of t1 to t2 can not be more than 2pi
        # assert max(args[2])-min(args[2]) < 2*np.pi
        if not (max(args[2]) - min(args[2]) < 2 * np.pi):
            raise AssertionError()

        # make sure t1 and t2 are sorted CCW (t1<t2)
        self.t1 = min(args[2])
        self.t2 = max(args[2])
Example #6
def _clip_path(origin, radius, path):
	path = np.array(path)
	prev_pt = origin
	while len(path) > 0:
		next_pt = path[0]
		d = np.linalg.norm(next_pt - origin)
		if d < radius:
			path = path[1:]
			intersections = sympy.intersection(
				sympy.Segment(prev_pt, next_pt),
				sympy.Circle(origin, radius))

			# intersection might not actually happen due to limited
			# fp precision in np.linalg.norm. if not, continue.

			if intersections:
				pt = intersections[0].evalf()
				origin = np.array([pt.x, pt.y], dtype=path.dtype)
				return np.vstack([[origin], path])
				path = path[1:]

	return path
Example #7
File: g2.py Project: soldocode/g2
 def to_sympy(self):
     return sympy.Circle(self._center.to_sympy, self._radius)
Example #8
 def __init__(self, args):
     CircleModified class
     self.obj = sym.Circle(*args)
Example #9
import sympy as sy

c1 = sy.Circle(sy.Point(0, 0), 3)
c2 = sy.Circle(sy.Point(3, 0), 3)
