Example #1
def find_zeroes(expr, var):
    """find all zero points of a sympy expression(var).

        expr (sympy.expr): The sympy expression for which the zero points are requested.
        var (sympy.expr): The variable(s) of the expression

        set: a set of floating numbers which are the variable values as the zero points of the expression.

        The most naive way to find zeros is to use sympy.solve(sympy.Eq(expr, 0), var). 
        However, if we use the following expr as an example,
        (1/(x-2)+2) / (1 + 1/x + 1/(x-1))
        sympy.solve can only find the x=3/2 zero point, without the x=0 and x=1. 

        Our custom function is more smart, it can find more complete solutions, {0,1,3/2} in the above example.
        I admit that this find_zeroes function has not been comprehensive due to its simple implementation, yet smart enough for the code author's application. 
    from sympy.core.power import Pow
    from sympy.core.mul import Mul
    from sympy.core.add import Add
    from sympy import solve, Eq, cancel, fraction
    from operator import or_
    from functools import reduce

    # recurse the function on each arg if the top function is an addition
    # e.g. 4 * sqrt(b) * sqrt(c) should also be regarded as a sqrt expression.
    expr = cancel(expr)
    n, d = fraction(expr)
    zeros_from_numerator = set(solve(Eq(n, 0), var))
    return zeros_from_numerator
Example #2
def eval_trigsubstitution(theta, func, rewritten, substep, restriction, integrand, symbol):
    func = func.subs(sympy.sec(theta), 1/sympy.cos(theta))

    trig_function = list(func.find(TrigonometricFunction))
    assert len(trig_function) == 1
    trig_function = trig_function[0]
    relation = sympy.solve(symbol - func, trig_function)
    assert len(relation) == 1
    numer, denom = sympy.fraction(relation[0])

    if isinstance(trig_function, sympy.sin):
        opposite = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        adjacent = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.asin(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.cos):
        adjacent = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        opposite = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.acos(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.tan):
        opposite = numer
        adjacent = denom
        hypotenuse = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 + numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.atan(relation[0])

    substitution = [
        (sympy.sin(theta), opposite/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.cos(theta), adjacent/hypotenuse),
        (sympy.tan(theta), opposite/adjacent),
        (theta, inverse)
    return sympy.Piecewise(
        (_manualintegrate(substep).subs(substitution).trigsimp(), restriction)
def point_on_curve(Xi, Yi):
        Return the (x, y)-coordinates of the point on the curve closest
        to (Xi, Yi)
    global l_function

    # Pythagoras's theorem gives us the distance:
    distance = sp.real_root((Xi - x)**2 + (Yi - function)**2, 2)
    # We're interested in the points where the derivative of the distance equals zero:
    derivative = sp.fraction(distance.diff().simplify())
    derivative_zero = sp.solveset(derivative[0], x)
    # Previous line returns all solutions in the complex plane while we only want the real answers:
    derivative_zero = np.array(
        [n if sp.re(n) == n else None for n in derivative_zero])
    derivative_zero = derivative_zero[derivative_zero != None]

    # Return the result closest to the function
    shortest_distance = np.Inf
    x_new = np.Inf
    for x_i in derivative_zero:
        if r(x_i, l_function(x_i), Xi, Yi) < shortest_distance:
            shortest_distance = r(x_i, l_function(x_i), Xi, Yi)
            x_new = x_i

    return (x_new, l_function(x_new))
Example #4
def PD_controller_gains(desired_pole, open_loop_tf):
    kp, kd, s = symbols('kp kd s')
    PD_controller_tf = kp + kd * s
    gain_product = PD_controller_tf * open_loop_tf
    closed_tf = get_closed_loop_tf(gain_product)
    numerator, char_eq = fraction(simplify(closed_tf))
    find_kp(desired_pole, char_eq.subs(kd, 0))
Example #5
def StrTabVarSimple(classe):
    u = rd.randint(0, 2)
    if classe == "Seconde":
        u = -1
        v = rd.randint(0, 2)
    if u == -1:
        if v == 0:
            A = IdRemarq()
            S1 = StrFexpr(A)
            expr = A
        if v == 1:
            A = racinepib() * AxPb()
            S1 = StrFexpr(A)
            expr = A
        if v == 2:
            A = IdRemarq()
            expr = sp.sqrt(A)
            S1 = StrFexpr(expr)
            deriv = sp.diff(expr, x)
            [a, b] = fraction(deriv)
            resultat = solveset(a >= 0, domain=S.Reals)
    if u == 0:
        expr = AxPbCarreDur() + sgnnbre() + AxPb()
        S1 = StrFexpr(expr)
    if u == 1:
        expr = AxPb() * AxPb()
        S1 = StrFexpr(expr)
    if u == 2:
        expr = AxPbCubeDur()
        S1 = StrFexpr(expr)
    if (u != -1 or v != 2):
        deriv = sp.diff(expr, x)
        resultat = solveset(deriv >= 0, domain=S.Reals)
    return [S1, sp.latex(resultat), sp.latex(deriv)]
Example #6
def symToTransferFn(Y):
    Y = sympy.expand(sympy.simplify(Y))
    n, d = sympy.fraction(Y)
    n, d = sympy.Poly(n, s), sympy.Poly(d, s)
    num, den = n.all_coeffs(), d.all_coeffs()
    num, den = [float(f) for f in num], [float(f) for f in den]
    return num, den
Example #7
def check_3c(answer):

    import sympy
    temp = sympy.Rational(1)
    for i in range(19):
        temp = 1 + 1 / temp
    return answer == sympy.fraction(temp)[0]
Example #8
def symbolic_transfer_function(
        eq: Union[sp.Expr, int, float]) -> ct.TransferFunction:
    Transform a symbolic equation to a transfer function (sympy -> control)
    :param eq: your symbolic sympy based equation
    :return: a control Transfer Function class
    s = sp.var('s')
        if eq.is_real:
        if not isinstance(eq, float) and not isinstance(eq, int):
            used_symbols = [str(sym) for sym in eq.free_symbols]
            if not len(used_symbols) == 1 or "s" not in used_symbols:
                raise Exception(
                    "invalid equation, please use correct transfer function equation (e.g. 1/(s**2+3))"

    n, d = sp.fraction(sp.factor(eq))

    num = sp.Poly(sp.expand(n), s).all_coeffs()
    den = sp.Poly(sp.expand(d), s).all_coeffs()

    num: [float] = [float(v) for v in num]
    den: [float] = [float(v) for v in den]

    return ct.TransferFunction(num, den)
Example #9
    def expand(self, **hints):
        gradient = hints.get('gradient', False)
        prod = hints.get('prod', False)
        quotient = hints.get('quotient', False)

        if gradient:
            if isinstance(self.args[1], Add):
                return VecAdd(
                    *[self.func(a).expand(**hints) for a in self.args[1].args])

            # if isinstance(self.args[1], Mul):
            num, den = fraction(self.args[1])
            if den != S.One and quotient:
                # quotient rule
                return (den * Grad(num) - num * Grad(den)) / den**2
            if prod and den == 1:
                # product rule
                args = self.args[1].args
                if len(args) > 1:
                    new_args = []
                    for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            VecMul(*args[:i], *args[i + 1:], self.func(a)))
                    return VecAdd(*new_args)
        return self
Example #10
    def test_sym2poly(self):
        # setup the test variables
        s, K = sym.symbols("s, K")
        oltf = 1/(s+1)
        cltf = oltf/(1 + oltf)
        num, den = sym.fraction(cltf)

        # num = 1, test that it can handle
        # an expression with no symbols
        res1 = symbolic.sym2poly(num)
        res2 = symbolic.sym2poly(num, var=s)
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # den = s+2, test that it can handle a
        # mono variable expression
        res1 = symbolic.sym2poly(den)
        res2 = symbolic.sym2poly(den, var=s)
        self.assertEqual(res1, res2)

        # assert that you have to specify variable
        # if using symbolic coefficients
        p = K*s**2 + 5*s
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        symbolic.sym2poly(p, var=s)

        # asser that numerator and denominator
        # can be processed at the same time
        numden = symbolic.sym2poly(num, den)
        self.assertEqual(len(numden), 2)
Example #11
def _integrify_basis( basis ):
    Take a vector basis with sympy.Rational in the entries,
    and scale them so they are all integers by finding the least
    common multiple of the denominators and multiplying by that.

    def _gcd(a, b):
	"""Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm."""
	while b:
	    a, b = b, a % b
	return a

    def _lcm(a, b):
	"""Return lowest common multiple."""
	return a * b // _gcd(a, b)

    def _lcmm(*args):
	"""Return lcm of args."""   
	return reduce(_lcm, args)

    #This is intended for lists of type sympy.Rational
    assert( use_symbolic_math )

    new_basis = []
    for vec in basis:
        #Make a list of the denominators
        denominators = [sympy.fraction(e)[1] for e in vec]
        #Find the least common multiple
        least_common_multiple = _lcmm( *denominators )
        #Multiply all the entries by that, make it a python Fraction object
        new_vec = [ Fraction( int(e*least_common_multiple), 1 ) for e in vec]

    return new_basis
def get_candinate_reactive_best_responses(opponents):
    Creates a set of possible optimal solutions.
    p_1, p_2 = sym.symbols("p_1, p_2")
    utility = opt_mo.tournament_utility((p_1, p_2, p_1, p_2), opponents)

    derivatives = [sym.diff(utility, i) for i in [p_1, p_2]]
    derivatives = [expr.factor() for expr in derivatives]

    fractions = [sym.fraction(expr) for expr in derivatives]
    num, den = [[expr for expr in fraction] for fraction in zip(*fractions)]

    candinate_roots_p_one = _roots_using_eliminator_method(num, p_1, p_2)

    candinate_roots_p_two = set()
    if len(candinate_roots_p_one) > 0:
            _roots_solving_system_of_singel_unknown(num, p_2,

    for p_one in [0, 1]:
        coeffs = sym.Poly(num[1].subs({p_1: p_one}), p_2).all_coeffs()
        roots = _roots_in_bound(coeffs)

    candinate_set = candinate_roots_p_one | candinate_roots_p_two | set([0, 1])
    return candinate_set
Example #13
def _integrify_basis(basis: Any) -> Any:
    Take a vector basis with sympy.Rational in the entries,
    and scale them so they are all integers by finding the least
    common multiple of the denominators and multiplying by that.
    def _gcd(a: int, b: int):
        """Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm."""
        while b:
            a, b = b, a % b
        return a

    def _lcm(a: int, b: int) -> int:
        """Return lowest common multiple."""
        return a * b // _gcd(a, b)

    def _lcmm(*args: int) -> int:
        """Return lcm of args."""
        return reduce(_lcm, args)

    new_basis = []
    for vec in basis:
        # Make a list of the denominators
        denominators: List[int] = [sympy.fraction(e)[1] for e in vec]
        # Find the least common multiple
        least_common_multiple = _lcmm(*denominators)
        # Multiply all the entries by that, make it a python Fraction object
        new_vec = [Fraction(int(e * least_common_multiple), 1) for e in vec]

    return new_basis
Example #14
    def fix_expressions(cc_num, common_denom_expr, lmatrix,
                        species_independent, species_dependent):

        fix_denom = SymcaToolBox.get_fix_denom(
        fix = False
        cd_num, cd_denom = fraction(common_denom_expr)
        ret2 = cd_num

        if type(cc_num) is list:
            new_cc_num = cc_num[:]
            new_cc_num = cc_num[:, :]

        for i, each in enumerate(new_cc_num):
             new_cc_num[i] = ((each * cd_denom)).expand()

        for each in new_cc_num:
            for symb in fix_denom.atoms(Symbol):
                if symb in each.atoms(Symbol):
                    fix = True
            if fix: break

        if fix:
            for i, each in enumerate(new_cc_num):
                new_cc_num[i] = (each / fix_denom).expand()

            ret2 = (cd_num / fix_denom).expand()

        return new_cc_num, ret2
Example #15
def eval_trigsubstitution(theta, func, rewritten, substep, restriction,
                          integrand, symbol):
    func = func.subs(sympy.sec(theta), 1 / sympy.cos(theta))

    trig_function = list(func.find(TrigonometricFunction))
    assert len(trig_function) == 1
    trig_function = trig_function[0]
    relation = sympy.solve(symbol - func, trig_function)
    assert len(relation) == 1
    numer, denom = sympy.fraction(relation[0])

    if isinstance(trig_function, sympy.sin):
        opposite = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        adjacent = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.asin(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.cos):
        adjacent = numer
        hypotenuse = denom
        opposite = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 - numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.acos(relation[0])
    elif isinstance(trig_function, sympy.tan):
        opposite = numer
        adjacent = denom
        hypotenuse = sympy.sqrt(denom**2 + numer**2)
        inverse = sympy.atan(relation[0])

    substitution = [(sympy.sin(theta), opposite / hypotenuse),
                    (sympy.cos(theta), adjacent / hypotenuse),
                    (sympy.tan(theta), opposite / adjacent), (theta, inverse)]
    return sympy.Piecewise(
        (_manualintegrate(substep).subs(substitution).trigsimp(), restriction))
Example #16
    def set_primitive_set(self):
        Set up deap set of primitives, needed for genetic programming
        self.pset = gp.PrimitiveSet(self.get_unique_str(), 1)

        # add these symbols into primitive set
        for S in self.series_to_sum.free_symbols - {self.var}:
            self.pset.addTerminal(S, name=str(S))

        # Add basic operations into the
            (operator.mul, 2), (operator.div, 2), (operator.sub, 2), (operator.add, 2)

        # find unique number from series
        unique_num = set()
        for s_term in self.partitioned_series:
            unique_num.update(S for S in sympy.postorder_traversal(s_term) if S.is_Number)

        # convert numbers into fractions and extract nominator and denominator separately
        unique_num = itertools.chain(*(sympy.fraction(S) for S in unique_num))
        self.unique_num = sorted(set(unique_num))

        return self
def fraction2N_negP(x):
    '''N*2**P -> (N,-P) where P<=0'''
    N, D = fraction(x)
    negP = int(D).bit_length() - one
    if not D == 2**negP:
        raise ValueError('x != N*2**P where P<=0')
    assert x == N / 2**negP
    return N, negP
Example #18
def wiener_attack_rsa(public_key):
    N = public_key[0]
    e = public_key[1]
    cf = continued_fraction_periodic(e, N)
    convergents = list(continued_fraction_convergents(cf))

    polynomial_power = 0
    for i in convergents:
        polynomial_power += 1
        n, d = fraction(i)
        if n != 0:
            exp = ((e * d) - 1) / n
            n2, d2 = fraction(exp)
            #if d2 == 1:
            factors = (np.roots([1, -((N - n2) + 1), N]))
            return factors
Example #19
def parse_coefficient(line, dimension_symbol, args):
    '''Decomposes the coefficent into numerator and denominator and \
    calculates the order of epsilon of the coefficient.'''
    d = sp.symbols(dimension_symbol)
    eps = sp.symbols("eps")
    coeff_n, coeff_d = sp.fraction(sp.cancel(sp.together(sp.sympify(line).subs(d,4-2*eps))))
    coefficient = Coefficient([str(coeff_n)],[str(coeff_d)],args['mandelstam_symbols']+args['mass_symbols'])
    return coefficient
Example #20
def convert(Vs):
    Vs = sy.simplify(Vs)
    num, den = sy.fraction(Vs)
    num = np.array(sy.Poly(num, s).all_coeffs(), dtype=np.complex64)
    den = np.array(sy.Poly(den, s).all_coeffs(), dtype=np.complex64)
    Vo_sig = sp.lti(num, den)
    return Vo_sig
Example #21
def to_coeffs_and_denominator(poly):
    g = poly
    g_coeffs, g_gcd = to_coeffs_and_gcd(g)
    g_numerator, g_denominator = fraction(g_gcd)
    assert g_gcd > 0
    assert g_numerator == 1

    r = (g_coeffs, g_denominator)
    return r
Example #22
def solve(a, b):
    s = sympy.fraction(sympy.Rational(a,b))
    if sympy.log(s[1],2) % 1 != 0:
        return 'impossible'
    y = sympy.ceiling(sympy.log(s[1]/s[0],2))
    if y > 40:
        return 'impossible'
        return str(y)
Example #23
 def d1c_roots(self, h_):
     # substitute U_0**2 into eq. 2.8 for given value of h and
     # simplify to create a polynomial in d1c
     d1cp = WHBase.eq28().subs(U0 ** 2, u_squared())
     d1cp = d1cp.subs({h: h_, S: self.S, d0: self.d0})
     d1cp = sp.fraction(d1cp.simplify())[0]
     # get all roots of this polynomial
     d1c_roots = sp.roots(d1cp, filter=None, multiple=True)
     return np.array(d1c_roots, dtype=complex)
def AnalyseLogA(expr):
    S1 = StrFexpr(expr)
    deriv = sp.diff(expr, x)
    sgn = together(deriv)
    [a, b] = fraction(sgn)
    a = a.expand()
    sgn = a / b
    deriv = sgn
    resultat = solveset(sgn > 0, domain=S.Reals)
    return [S1, deriv, resultat]
Example #25
def my_pretty(frac):
    Write a symbolic rational function as a pretty string that can be printed.
    :param frac: A rational function.
    :type frac: A symbolic rational function.
    :return: A pretty version of the input.
    :rtype: A string.
    num, denom = sympy.fraction(sympy.factor(frac))
    return sympy.pretty(num) + "\n" + "/\n" + sympy.pretty(denom) + "\n\n\n\n\n"
Example #26
def check_4a(answer):

    import sympy

    temp = (sympy.sqrt(3) + sympy.sqrt(2)) / (sympy.sqrt(3) - sympy.sqrt(2))
    temp = sympy.fraction(temp)
    temp = (temp[0] * temp[0], temp[1] * temp[0])
    temp = (temp[0].simplify(), temp[1].simplify())
    temp = temp[0] / temp[1]
    return answer == temp
def m2n(fnStr, verbose=True):
    """A function to convert mathematica output into numpy format
    WARNING: suspect this may be buggy.
    Required Inputs
        fnStr :: str :: The mathematica string in FortranFormat
    Optional Inputs
        verbose :: bool :: True prints to screen so it can be copied
    Only supports the output from the two mathematica files in this directory
    The best way to use this is inside iPython: This example assumes the
    `Fn // FortranFormat` output from Mathematica is in the clipboard
        %paste fnStr
        fnStr = '\n'.join(fnStr)
        n,d = m2n(fnStr, verbose=True)

    b = Symbol(r'\beta')
    pa = Symbol(r'\rho')
    phi = Symbol(r'\phi')
    theta = Symbol(r'\theta')
    tau = Symbol(r'\tau')
    x = Symbol('x')
    # list if items to remove and replace: [(new, old)]
    replaceLst = [("E**", "exp"), ("Cos", "cos"), ("/exp(b*tau)", "*x"),
                  ('\n', ''), (' ', ''), ("--", "+")]
    replaceLst.extend([("/exp(%d*b*tau)" % i, "*x**%d" % i)
                       for i in range(2, 5)])
    replaceLst.extend([("exp(-%d*b*tau)" % i, "x**%d" % i)
                       for i in range(2, 5)])

    for old, new in replaceLst:
        fnStr = fnStr.replace(old, new)

    f = mm.sympify(fnStr)
    numerator, denominator = [poly(item, x) for item in fraction(f)]

    # get coefficients starting lowest order to highest order
    numerator = numerator.all_coeffs()
    denominator = denominator.all_coeffs()

    # numpy is in the opposite order
    if verbose:
        print '::: polynomial coefficients: Ordering is 0th -> nth :::'
        print 'Numerator Array:\n', numerator
        print '\nDenominator Array:\n', denominator
        return numerator, denominator
Example #28
def simplify_n_monic(tt):

    num, den = sp.fraction(sp.simplify(tt))

    num = sp.poly(num, s)
    den = sp.poly(den, s)

    lcnum = sp.LC(num)
    lcden = sp.LC(den)

    return (sp.simplify(lcnum / lcden) * (sp.monic(num) / sp.monic(den)))
Example #29
def plot(H, show_actual_plot=True, savefig=None):
    if type(H) == str:
        H_str = H
    else:  # e.g. sympy.core.mul.Mul
        H_str = str(H)

    tf = Tf(TransferFunction(*sympy.fraction(H_str), s))

    tf.plot(show_actual_plot, savefig)
Example #30
def extract_coefficients(func, t):
    tx = (diff(func[0], t))
    ty = (diff(func[1], t))

    eq = together(tx * tx + ty * ty)
    n, _ = fraction(eq)
    poly = Poly(n, t)
    coeffs = poly.all_coeffs()

    return poly, coeffs
Example #31
def currents(model):
    """Extract intrinsic current terms from the model

    This function assumes that the model is biophysical: the model's first
    equation is for voltage, specified by current conservation.

    dV = model["equations"][0][1]
    I_net = sp.fraction(dV)[0]
    forcing_vars = forcing_names(model)
    return (term for term in I_net.args if str(term) not in forcing_vars)
Example #32
def row_sym2dsf(rowsym, names):
    '''Convert a sympy row into a dictionary of keys to (numerator, denominator) tuples'''
    from sympy import fraction

    ret = {}
    assert len(rowsym) == len(names), (len(rowsym), len(names))
    for namei, name in enumerate(names):
        v = rowsym[namei]
        if v:
            (num, den) = fraction(v)
            ret[name] = (int(num), int(den))
    return ret
Example #33
def transfer_function():
	t, s = symbols('t, s')
	f = ( 4*(s+2)*((s+Rational(2))**3) )/((s+6)*( (s+4)**2 ) )
	H = syslin( f )
	# disp( ilaplace(apart(H), s, t) )  # can't direct

	# http://docs.sympy.org/0.6.7/modules/simplify.html
	numer, _denom = fraction(H)

	print roots( numer )  # fixme: !!! complex roots!
	print roots( denom(H) )
def continued_fraction_dc(x):
    int_part = floor(x)
    if x == int_part:
        next_x = None
        next_x = 1 / (x - int_part)
        next_x = together(next_x)
        N, D = fraction(next_x)
        assert D > 0
        assert N > D
        #assert not D > N  # here fire!!!
    return int_part, next_x
Example #35
    def make_internals_dict(cc_sol, cc_names, common_denom_expr, path_to):
        simpl_dic = {}
        for i, each in enumerate(cc_sol):
            expr = each / common_denom_expr
            expr = SymcaToolBox.maxima_factor(expr, path_to)
            num, denom = fraction(expr)
            if not simpl_dic.has_key(denom):
                simpl_dic[denom] = [[], []]

        return simpl_dic
Example #36
    def make_internals_dict(cc_sol, cc_names, common_denom_expr, path_to):
        simpl_dic = {}
        for i, each in enumerate(cc_sol):
            expr = each / common_denom_expr
            expr = SymcaToolBox.maxima_factor(expr, path_to)
            num, denom = fraction(expr)
            if not simpl_dic.has_key(denom):
                simpl_dic[denom] = [[], []]

        return simpl_dic
def nth_pow_continued_fraction(x, n, L, more=False):
    x0 = x**(one / n)
    return continued_fraction_L(x0, L, more)

    ans = cf, x = nth_pow_continued_fraction(2, 3, 102, 1)
    ([1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 8, 1, 14, 1, 10, 2, 1, 4, 12, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 14, 3, 12, 1, 15, 3, 1, 4, 534, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 121, 1, 2, 2, 4, 10, 3, 2, 2, 41, 1, 1, 1, 3, 7, 2, 2, 9, 4, 1, 3, 7, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 9, 3, 1, 1, 69, 4, 4, 5, 12, 1, 1, 5, 15, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 89, 1, 22, 186, 6, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 0], (-133450479581198331510402510274281177418327310779117149571 + 105919715836427477757469402582631193698068222179903783354*2**(1/3))/(-18946643396438422418200496503661148314139229271682874349*2**(1/3) + 23871274840024462774930909433822752859720888716067576820))
    NOTE: the final 0...

    N, D = continued_fraction2numerator_denominator(cf)
    N, D = (fraction(x))
Example #38
    def _print_Pow(self, power):
        from sympy import fraction
        b, e = power.as_base_exp()
        if power.is_commutative:
            if e is S.NegativeOne:
                return prettyForm("1")/self._print(b)
            n, d = fraction(e)
            if n is S.One and d.is_Atom and not e.is_Integer:
                return self._print_nth_root(b, e)
            if e.is_Rational and e < 0:
                return prettyForm("1")/self._print(b)**self._print(-e)

        # None of the above special forms, do a standard power
        return self._print(b)**self._print(e)
Example #39
    def maxima_factor(expression, path_to):
        This function is equivalent to the sympy.cancel()
        function but uses maxima instead

        maxima_in_file = join(path_to,'in.txt').replace('\\','\\\\')
        maxima_out_file = join(path_to,'out.txt').replace('\\','\\\\')
        if expression.is_Matrix:
            expr_mat = expression[:, :]
            # print expr_mat
            print 'Simplifying matrix with ' + str(len(expr_mat)) + ' elements'
            for i, e in enumerate(expr_mat):

                if (i + 1) % 50 == 0:
                    sys.stdout.write(' ' + str(i + 1) + '\n')
                # print e
                expr_mat[i] = SymcaToolBox.maxima_factor(e, path_to)
            return expr_mat
            batch_string = (
                + maxima_out_file + '",factor(' + str(expression) + '));')
            # print batch_string
            with open(maxima_in_file, 'w') as f:

            config = ConfigReader.get_config()
            if config['platform'] == 'win32':
                maxima_command = [config['maxima_path'], '--batch=' + maxima_in_file]
                maxima_command = ['maxima', '--batch=' + maxima_in_file]

            dn = open(devnull, 'w')
            subprocess.call(maxima_command, stdin=dn, stdout=dn, stderr=dn)
            simplified_expression = ''

            with open(maxima_out_file) as f:
                for line in f:
                    if line != '\n':
                        simplified_expression = line[:-2]
            frac = fraction(sympify(simplified_expression))
            # print frac[0].expand()/frac[1].expand()
            return frac[0].expand() / frac[1].expand()
Example #40
    def fix_expressions(cc_num, common_denom_expr, lmatrix, species_independent, species_dependent):

        fix_denom = SymcaToolBox.get_fix_denom(
        #print fix_denom

        cd_num, cd_denom = fraction(common_denom_expr)

        new_cc_num = cc_num[:, :]
        #print type(new_cc_num)
        for i, each in enumerate(new_cc_num):
            new_cc_num[i] = ((each * cd_denom) / fix_denom).expand()

        return new_cc_num, (cd_num / fix_denom).expand()
Example #41
    def _eval_expand_mul(self, deep=True, **hints):
        from sympy import fraction

        expr = self
        n, d = fraction(expr)
        if d is not S.One:
            expr = n / d._eval_expand_mul(deep=deep, **hints)
            if not expr.is_Mul:
                return expr._eval_expand_mul(deep=deep, **hints)

        plain, sums, rewrite = [], [], False
        for factor in expr.args:
            if deep:
                term = factor.expand(deep=deep, **hints)
                if term != factor:
                    factor = term
                    rewrite = True

            if factor.is_Add:
                rewrite = True
                if factor.is_commutative:
                    Wrapper = Basic

        if not rewrite:
            return expr
            plain = Mul(*plain)
            if sums:
                terms = Mul._expandsums(sums)
                args = []
                for term in terms:
                    t = Mul(plain, term)
                    if t.is_Mul and any(a.is_Add for a in t.args):
                        t = t._eval_expand_mul(deep=deep)
                return Add(*args)
                return plain
Example #42
    def _eval_expand_mul(self, **hints):
        from sympy import fraction, expand_mul

        # Handle things like 1/(x*(x + 1)), which are automatically converted
        # to 1/x*1/(x + 1)
        expr = self
        n, d = fraction(expr)
        if d.is_Mul:
            expr = n/d._eval_expand_mul(**hints)
            if not expr.is_Mul:
                return expand_mul(expr, deep=False)

        plain, sums, rewrite = [], [], False
        for factor in expr.args:
            if factor.is_Add:
                rewrite = True
                if factor.is_commutative:
                    sums.append(Basic(factor))  # Wrapper

        if not rewrite:
            return expr
            plain = Mul(*plain)
            if sums:
                terms = Mul._expandsums(sums)
                args = []
                for term in terms:
                    t = Mul(plain, term)
                    if t.is_Mul and any(a.is_Add for a in t.args):
                        t = t._eval_expand_mul()
                return Add(*args)
                return plain
Example #43
def test_radsimp():
    assert radsimp(1/r2) == \
    assert radsimp(1/(1 + r2)) == \
        -1 + sqrt(2)
    assert radsimp(1/(r2 + r3)) == \
        -sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(1 + r2 + r3))) == \
        (-sqrt(6) + sqrt(2) + 2, 4)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(r2 + r3 + r5))) == \
        (-sqrt(30) + 2*sqrt(3) + 3*sqrt(2), 12)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(1 + r2 + r3 + r5))) == \
        (-34*sqrt(10) -
        26*sqrt(15) -
        55*sqrt(3) -
        61*sqrt(2) +
        14*sqrt(30) +
        93 +
        46*sqrt(6) +
        53*sqrt(5), 71)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(r2 + r3 + r5 + r7))) == \
        (-50*sqrt(42) - 133*sqrt(5) - 34*sqrt(70) -
        145*sqrt(3) + 22*sqrt(105) + 185*sqrt(2) +
        62*sqrt(30) + 135*sqrt(7), 215)
    z = radsimp(1/(1 + r2/3 + r3/5 + r5 + r7))
    assert len((3616791619821680643598*z).args) == 16
    assert radsimp(1/z) == 1/z
    assert radsimp(1/z, max_terms=20).expand() == 1 + r2/3 + r3/5 + r5 + r7
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*3)) == \
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r3 + r5 + r7)) == 1/(r2*a + r3 + r5 + r7)
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r2*b + r3 + r7)) == \
        ((sqrt(42)*(a + b) +
        sqrt(3)*(-a**2 - 2*a*b - b**2 - 2)  +
        sqrt(7)*(-a**2 - 2*a*b - b**2 + 2)  +
        sqrt(2)*(a**3 + 3*a**2*b + 3*a*b**2 - 5*a + b**3 - 5*b))/
        ((a**4 + 4*a**3*b + 6*a**2*b**2 - 10*a**2  +
        4*a*b**3 - 20*a*b + b**4 - 10*b**2 + 4)))/2
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r2*b + r2*c + r2*d)) == \
        (sqrt(2)/(a + b + c + d))/2
    assert radsimp(1/(1 + r2*a + r2*b + r2*c + r2*d)) == \
        ((sqrt(2)*(-a - b - c - d) + 1)/
        (-2*a**2 - 4*a*b - 4*a*c - 4*a*d - 2*b**2 -
        4*b*c - 4*b*d - 2*c**2 - 4*c*d - 2*d**2 + 1))
    assert radsimp((y**2 - x)/(y - sqrt(x))) == \
        sqrt(x) + y
    assert radsimp(-(y**2 - x)/(y - sqrt(x))) == \
        -(sqrt(x) + y)
    assert radsimp(1/(1 - I + a*I)) == \
        (I*(-a + 1) + 1)/(a**2 - 2*a + 2)
    assert radsimp(1/((-x + y)*(x - sqrt(y)))) == (x + sqrt(y))/((-x + y)*(x**2 - y))
    e = (3 + 3*sqrt(2))*x*(3*x - 3*sqrt(y))
    assert radsimp(e) == 9*x*(1 + sqrt(2))*(x - sqrt(y))
    assert radsimp(1/e) == (-1 + sqrt(2))*(x + sqrt(y))/(9*x*(x**2 - y))
    assert radsimp(1 + 1/(1 + sqrt(3))) == Mul(S(1)/2, 1 + sqrt(3), evaluate=False)
    A = symbols("A", commutative=False)
    assert radsimp(x**2 + sqrt(2)*x**2 - sqrt(2)*x*A) == x**2 + sqrt(2)*(x**2 - x*A)
    assert radsimp(1/sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6))) == -sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    assert radsimp(1/sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6))**3) == -11*sqrt(2) + 9*sqrt(3)

    # coverage not provided by above tests
    assert collect_const(2*sqrt(3) + 4*a*sqrt(5)) == Mul(2, (2*sqrt(5)*a + sqrt(3)), evaluate=False)
    assert collect_const(2*sqrt(3) + 4*a*sqrt(5), sqrt(3)) == 2*(2*sqrt(5)*a + sqrt(3))
    assert collect_const(sqrt(2)*(1 + sqrt(2)) + sqrt(3) + x*sqrt(2)) == \
        sqrt(2)*(x + 1 + sqrt(2)) + sqrt(3)
Example #44
def test_fraction():
    x, y, z = map(Symbol, 'xyz')

    assert fraction(Rational(1, 2)) == (1, 2)

    assert fraction(x) == (x, 1)
    assert fraction(1/x) == (1, x)
    assert fraction(x/y) == (x, y)
    assert fraction(x/2) == (x, 2)

    assert fraction(x*y/z) == (x*y, z)
    assert fraction(x/(y*z)) == (x, y*z)

    assert fraction(1/y**2) == (1, y**2)
    assert fraction(x/y**2) == (x, y**2)

    assert fraction((x**2+1)/y) == (x**2+1, y)
    assert fraction(x*(y+1)/y**7) == (x*(y+1), y**7)

    assert fraction(exp(-x), exact=True) == (exp(-x), 1)
## DC Gain
dc_gain = simplify(res_simp).limit('s',0)
print ""
print "DC Gain:"
print ""

## AC Transfer function
tf = collect(res_simp,s)
print "AC Transfer function:"
print ""

## Denominator of transfer function
tf_denom = fraction(tf)[1]
tf_denom = tf_denom.expand()
print "Denominator of transfer function times R[1]:"
print ""

## Poles
tf_poles = solve(tf_denom,s) 
tf_poles = simplify(tf_poles)
print "Poles of transfer function:"
print tf_poles
p1 = tf_poles # Need to exctract one pole
p2 = tf_poles # Need to extract one pole
print ""
Example #46
def sym_rpoly(na=None, nb=None, nk=None, nterms=None):
    """Compute the R polynomial as defined above.

    Internally the construction of R is done symbolically. If the numerical
    variables (na, nb, nk) were supplied, these values are substituted at the
    end and a sympy.Poly object with numerical coefficients is returned.  If
    (na, nb, nk) are not given, then nterms *must* be given, and a symbolic
    answer is returned.

    na : ndarray, optional
      Numerical array of 'a' coefficients.

    nb : ndarray, optional
      Numerical array of 'b' coefficients.

    k : float, optional
      Numerical value of k.

    nterms : int, optional.
      Number of terms. This is only used if na, nb and nk are *not* given, in
      which case a symbolic answer is returned with nterms total.

    poly : sympy.Poly instance
      A univariate polynomial in x.

    With only nterms, a symbolic polynomial is returned:
    >>> sym_rpoly(nterms=1)
    Poly(x**2 - k*x - b_0*k/a_0, x)

    But if numerical values are supplied, the output polynomial has numerical
    >>> sym_rpoly([2], [5], 3)
    Poly(x**2 - 3*x - 15/2, x)
    >>> sym_rpoly([1, 2], [4, 6], 1)
    Poly(x**3 + 3*x**2 - 7/2*x - 6, x)
    if na is None and nterms is None:
        raise ValueError('You must provide either arrays or nterms')

    if nterms is None:
        na = np.asarray(na)
        nb = np.asarray(nb)
        # We have input arrays, return numerical answer
        if na.ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError('Input arrays must be one-dimensional')
        nterms = na.shape
        mode = 'num'
        # We have only a length, return symbolic answer.
        mode = 'sym'
    # Create symbolic variables
    k, x = sym.symbols('k x')
    a = symarray(nterms, 'a')
    b = symarray(nterms, 'b')

    # Construct polynomial symbolically
    t = [ ai/(ai*x+bi) for (ai, bi) in zip(a,b)]
    P, Q = sym.fraction(sym.together(sum(t)))
    Rs = sym.Poly(x**2*P -k*Q, x)

    if mode == 'num':
        # Substitute coefficients for numerical values
        Rs = Rs.subs([(k, nk)] + zip(a, na) + zip(b, nb))

    # Normalize
    Rs /= Rs.lead_coeff
    return Rs
Example #47
File: eqm.py Project: kpws/AdS-CFT

'''L=L.subs({A[0]:0, A[3]:0}).doit()
Axeqm=sum(sp.simplify(e,ratio=1).collect(A[1]) for e in Axeqm.args)

#psieqm=simpSum( sp.fraction((fieldEqn(L,psi,M.x)/2).together())[0].collect(psi) )

psieqm, phieqm, Axeqm=[sp.fraction(fieldEqn(L,f,M.x).together())[0].expand().collect(f) for f in [psi,A[1],A[2]]]


hpsiexp=[hpsieqm.diff(t,deg).limit(t,0).subs(A[1].subs(M.x[0],M.zh),0) for deg in range(2)]
sp.pprint( sp.solve(hpsiexp[1],psi.subs(M.x[0],M.zh))) #.diff(M.x[0]).subs(M.x[0],M.zh)) )
#phieqm=simpSum( (phieqm/(phieqm.subs(A[1].diff(M.x[0],2),d).diff(d))).together().ratsimp().collect(A[1]) )
#assert len(sol)==1
if __name__=='__main__':
def design_z_filter_single_pole(filt_str, max_gain_freq):
  Finds the coefficients for a simple lowpass/highpass filter.

  This function just prints the coefficient values, besides the given
  filter equation and its power gain. There's 3 constraints used to find the

  1. The G value is defined by the max gain of 1 (0 dB) imposed at a
     specific frequency
  2. The R value is defined by the 50% power cutoff frequency given in
  3. Filter should be stable (-1 < R < 1)

  filt_str :
    Filter equation as a string using the G, R, w and z values.
  max_gain_freq :
    A value of zero (DC) or pi (Nyquist) to ensure the max gain as 1 (0 dB).

  The R value is evaluated only at pi/4 rad/sample to find whether -1 < R < 1,
  and the max gain is assumed to be either 0 or pi, using other values might
  print("H(z) = " + filt_str) # Avoids printing as "1/z"
  filt = sympify(filt_str, dict(G=G, R=R, w=w, z=z))

  # Finds the power magnitude equation for the filter
  freq_resp = filt.subs(z, exp(I * w))
  frr, fri = freq_resp.as_real_imag()
  power_resp = fcompose(expand_complex, cancel, trigsimp)(frr ** 2 + fri ** 2)
  pprint(Eq(Symbol("Power"), power_resp))

  # Finds the G value given the max gain value of 1 at the DC or Nyquist
  # frequency. As exp(I*pi) is -1 and exp(I*0) is 1, we can use freq_resp
  # (without "abs") instead of power_resp.
  Gsolutions = factor(solve(Eq(freq_resp.subs(w, max_gain_freq), 1), G))
  assert len(Gsolutions) == 1
  pprint(Eq(G, Gsolutions[0]))

  # Finds the unconstrained R values for a given cutoff frequency
  power_resp_no_G = power_resp.subs(G, Gsolutions[0])
  half_power_eq = Eq(power_resp_no_G, S.Half)
  Rsolutions = solve(half_power_eq, R)

  # Constraining -1 < R < 1 when w = pi/4 (although the constraint is general)
  Rsolutions_stable = [el for el in Rsolutions if -1 < el.subs(w, pi/4) < 1]
  assert len(Rsolutions_stable) == 1

  # Constraining w to the [0;pi] range, so |sin(w)| = sin(w)
  Rsolution = Rsolutions_stable[0].subs(abs(sin(w)), sin(w))
  pprint(Eq(R, Rsolution))

  # More information about the pole (or -pole)
  print("\n  ** Alternative way to write R **\n")
  if has_sqrt(Rsolution):
    x = Symbol("x") # A helper symbol
    xval = sum(el for el in Rsolution.args if not has_sqrt(el))
    pprint(Eq(x, xval))
    pprint(Eq(R, expand(Rsolution.subs(xval, x))))
    # That's also what would be found in a bilinear transform with prewarping
    pprint(Eq(R, Rsolution.rewrite(tan).cancel())) # Not so nice numerically

    # See whether the R denominator can be zeroed
    for root in solve(fraction(Rsolution)[1], w):
      if 0 <= root <= pi:
        power_resp_r = fcompose(expand, cancel)(power_resp_no_G.subs(w, root))
        Rsolutions_r = solve(Eq(power_resp_r, S.Half), R)
        assert len(Rsolutions_r) == 1
        print("\nDenominator is zero for this value of " + pretty(w))
        pprint(Eq(w, root))
        pprint(Eq(R, Rsolutions_r[0]))
Example #49
def test_radsimp():
    r2 = sqrt(2)
    r3 = sqrt(3)
    r5 = sqrt(5)
    r7 = sqrt(7)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/r2)) == (sqrt(2), 2)
    assert radsimp(1/(1 + r2)) == \
        -1 + sqrt(2)
    assert radsimp(1/(r2 + r3)) == \
        -sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(1 + r2 + r3))) == \
        (-sqrt(6) + sqrt(2) + 2, 4)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(r2 + r3 + r5))) == \
        (-sqrt(30) + 2*sqrt(3) + 3*sqrt(2), 12)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(1 + r2 + r3 + r5))) == (
        (-34*sqrt(10) - 26*sqrt(15) - 55*sqrt(3) - 61*sqrt(2) + 14*sqrt(30) +
        93 + 46*sqrt(6) + 53*sqrt(5), 71))
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/(r2 + r3 + r5 + r7))) == (
        (-50*sqrt(42) - 133*sqrt(5) - 34*sqrt(70) - 145*sqrt(3) + 22*sqrt(105)
        + 185*sqrt(2) + 62*sqrt(30) + 135*sqrt(7), 215))
    z = radsimp(1/(1 + r2/3 + r3/5 + r5 + r7))
    assert len((3616791619821680643598*z).args) == 16
    assert radsimp(1/z) == 1/z
    assert radsimp(1/z, max_terms=20).expand() == 1 + r2/3 + r3/5 + r5 + r7
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*3)) == \
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r3 + r5 + r7)) == (
        (8*sqrt(2)*a**7 - 8*sqrt(7)*a**6 - 8*sqrt(5)*a**6 - 8*sqrt(3)*a**6 -
        180*sqrt(2)*a**5 + 8*sqrt(30)*a**5 + 8*sqrt(42)*a**5 + 8*sqrt(70)*a**5
        - 24*sqrt(105)*a**4 + 84*sqrt(3)*a**4 + 100*sqrt(5)*a**4 +
        116*sqrt(7)*a**4 - 72*sqrt(70)*a**3 - 40*sqrt(42)*a**3 -
        8*sqrt(30)*a**3 + 782*sqrt(2)*a**3 - 462*sqrt(3)*a**2 -
        302*sqrt(7)*a**2 - 254*sqrt(5)*a**2 + 120*sqrt(105)*a**2 -
        795*sqrt(2)*a - 62*sqrt(30)*a + 82*sqrt(42)*a + 98*sqrt(70)*a -
        118*sqrt(105) + 59*sqrt(7) + 295*sqrt(5) + 531*sqrt(3))/(16*a**8 -
        480*a**6 + 3128*a**4 - 6360*a**2 + 3481))
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r2*b + r3 + r7)) == (
        (sqrt(2)*a*(a + b)**2 - 5*sqrt(2)*a + sqrt(42)*a + sqrt(2)*b*(a +
        b)**2 - 5*sqrt(2)*b + sqrt(42)*b - sqrt(7)*(a + b)**2 - sqrt(3)*(a +
        b)**2 - 2*sqrt(3) + 2*sqrt(7))/(2*a**4 + 8*a**3*b + 12*a**2*b**2 -
        20*a**2 + 8*a*b**3 - 40*a*b + 2*b**4 - 20*b**2 + 8))
    assert radsimp(1/(r2*a + r2*b + r2*c + r2*d)) == \
        sqrt(2)/(2*a + 2*b + 2*c + 2*d)
    assert radsimp(1/(1 + r2*a + r2*b + r2*c + r2*d)) == (
        (sqrt(2)*a + sqrt(2)*b + sqrt(2)*c + sqrt(2)*d - 1)/(2*a**2 + 4*a*b +
        4*a*c + 4*a*d + 2*b**2 + 4*b*c + 4*b*d + 2*c**2 + 4*c*d + 2*d**2 - 1))
    assert radsimp((y**2 - x)/(y - sqrt(x))) == \
        sqrt(x) + y
    assert radsimp(-(y**2 - x)/(y - sqrt(x))) == \
        -(sqrt(x) + y)
    assert radsimp(1/(1 - I + a*I)) == \
        (-I*a + 1 + I)/(a**2 - 2*a + 2)
    assert radsimp(1/((-x + y)*(x - sqrt(y)))) == \
        (-x - sqrt(y))/((x - y)*(x**2 - y))
    e = (3 + 3*sqrt(2))*x*(3*x - 3*sqrt(y))
    assert radsimp(e) == x*(3 + 3*sqrt(2))*(3*x - 3*sqrt(y))
    assert radsimp(1/e) == (
        (-9*x + 9*sqrt(2)*x - 9*sqrt(y) + 9*sqrt(2)*sqrt(y))/(9*x*(9*x**2 -
    assert radsimp(1 + 1/(1 + sqrt(3))) == \
        Mul(S.Half, -1 + sqrt(3), evaluate=False) + 1
    A = symbols("A", commutative=False)
    assert radsimp(x**2 + sqrt(2)*x**2 - sqrt(2)*x*A) == \
        x**2 + sqrt(2)*x**2 - sqrt(2)*x*A
    assert radsimp(1/sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6))) == -sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    assert radsimp(1/sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6))**3) == -(-sqrt(3) + sqrt(2))**3

    # issue 6532
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/sqrt(x))) == (sqrt(x), x)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/sqrt(2*x + 3))) == (sqrt(2*x + 3), 2*x + 3)
    assert fraction(radsimp(1/sqrt(2*(x + 3)))) == (sqrt(2*x + 6), 2*x + 6)

    # issue 5994
    e = S('-(2 + 2*sqrt(2) + 4*2**(1/4))/'
        '(1 + 2**(3/4) + 3*2**(1/4) + 3*sqrt(2))')
    assert radsimp(e).expand() == -2*2**(S(3)/4) - 2*2**(S(1)/4) + 2 + 2*sqrt(2)

    # issue 5986 (modifications to radimp didn't initially recognize this so
    # the test is included here)
    assert radsimp(1/(-sqrt(5)/2 - S(1)/2 + (-sqrt(5)/2 - S(1)/2)**2)) == 1

    # from issue 5934
    eq = (
        (-240*sqrt(2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5)*sqrt(8*sqrt(5) + 40) -
        360*sqrt(2)*sqrt(-8*sqrt(5) + 40)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5) -
        120*sqrt(10)*sqrt(-8*sqrt(5) + 40)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5) +
        120*sqrt(2)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5)*sqrt(8*sqrt(5) + 40) +
        120*sqrt(2)*sqrt(-8*sqrt(5) + 40)*sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5) +
        120*sqrt(10)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5)*sqrt(8*sqrt(5) + 40) +
        120*sqrt(10)*sqrt(-8*sqrt(5) + 40)*sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5))/(-36000 -
        7200*sqrt(5) + (12*sqrt(10)*sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5) +
        24*sqrt(10)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5))**2))
    assert radsimp(eq) is S.NaN  # it's 0/0

    # work with normal form
    e = 1/sqrt(sqrt(7)/7 + 2*sqrt(2) + 3*sqrt(3) + 5*sqrt(5)) + 3
    assert radsimp(e) == (
        -sqrt(sqrt(7) + 14*sqrt(2) + 21*sqrt(3) +
        35*sqrt(5))*(-11654899*sqrt(35) - 1577436*sqrt(210) - 1278438*sqrt(15)
        - 1346996*sqrt(10) + 1635060*sqrt(6) + 5709765 + 7539830*sqrt(14) +
        8291415*sqrt(21))/1300423175 + 3)

    # obey power rules
    base = sqrt(3) - sqrt(2)
    assert radsimp(1/base**3) == (sqrt(3) + sqrt(2))**3
    assert radsimp(1/(-base)**3) == -(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))**3
    assert radsimp(1/(-base)**x) == (-base)**(-x)
    assert radsimp(1/base**x) == (sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))**x
    assert radsimp(root(1/(-1 - sqrt(2)), -x)) == (-1)**(-1/x)*(1 + sqrt(2))**(1/x)

    # recurse
    e = cos(1/(1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert radsimp(e) == cos(-sqrt(2) + 1)
    assert radsimp(e/2) == cos(-sqrt(2) + 1)/2
    assert radsimp(1/e) == 1/cos(-sqrt(2) + 1)
    assert radsimp(2/e) == 2/cos(-sqrt(2) + 1)
    assert fraction(radsimp(e/sqrt(x))) == (sqrt(x)*cos(-sqrt(2)+1), x)

    # test that symbolic denominators are not processed
    r = 1 + sqrt(2)
    assert radsimp(x/r, symbolic=False) == -x*(-sqrt(2) + 1)
    assert radsimp(x/(y + r), symbolic=False) == x/(y + 1 + sqrt(2))
    assert radsimp(x/(y + r)/r, symbolic=False) == \
        -x*(-sqrt(2) + 1)/(y + 1 + sqrt(2))

    # issue 7408
    eq = sqrt(x)/sqrt(y)
    assert radsimp(eq) == umul(sqrt(x), sqrt(y), 1/y)
    assert radsimp(eq, symbolic=False) == eq

    # issue 7498
    assert radsimp(sqrt(x)/sqrt(y)**3) == umul(sqrt(x), sqrt(y**3), 1/y**3)

    # for coverage
    eq = sqrt(x)/y**2
    assert radsimp(eq) == eq
Example #50
def eqSimp(e):
    return sp.fraction(e.together())[0]
Example #51
    L=sp.sympify(load(open('cache/L')),dict(zip([str(s) for s in syms],syms)))
except IOError:
dofs=reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,[[f, f.diff(M.x[0])] for f in fields]) #list of fields and derivatives
dummies=[sp.Dummy('d'+str(i)) for i in range(len(dofs))]
Le=L.subs(A[2],0).subs(zip(dofs, dummies)[::-1]).subs(M.x[1],0).doit()
Lfun=sp.lambdify([M.x[0]]+varParams+dummies, Le)

print('Calculating equations of motion...')
eqm=[fieldEqn(L,f,M.x).subs(A[2],0).doit().simplify() for f in fields[:2]]
oeqm=eqm=[sp.fraction(e.cancel())[0] for e in eqm]
del A

print('Solving indicial equations...')
except IOError:
    sing=[0,1]  #singular points to do expansion around
    ind=[indicial(eqm[:2],fields[:2], M.x[0], z0=s,verbose=True) for s in sing] #get solutions to indicial equation
    ind[1]=[i for i in ind[1] if i[1]>0] #remove solutions not satisfying z=1 BC
    for i in range(len(sing)): #some lousy code to first solve without A, and then add A. Because small A lim
        for j in range(len(ind[i])):
            ind2=indicial([eqm[2].subs([(fields[fi],M.x[0]**ind[i][j][fi]) for fi in range(2)])],
                    fields[2:], M.x[0], z0=sing[i],verbose=True) 
Example #52
def test_fraction():
    x, y, z = map(Symbol, 'xyz')
    A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)

    assert fraction(Rational(1, 2)) == (1, 2)

    assert fraction(x) == (x, 1)
    assert fraction(1/x) == (1, x)
    assert fraction(x/y) == (x, y)
    assert fraction(x/2) == (x, 2)

    assert fraction(x*y/z) == (x*y, z)
    assert fraction(x/(y*z)) == (x, y*z)

    assert fraction(1/y**2) == (1, y**2)
    assert fraction(x/y**2) == (x, y**2)

    assert fraction((x**2+1)/y) == (x**2+1, y)
    assert fraction(x*(y+1)/y**7) == (x*(y+1), y**7)

    assert fraction(exp(-x), exact=True) == (exp(-x), 1)

    assert fraction(x*A/y) == (x*A, y)
    assert fraction(x*A**-1/y) == (x*A**-1, y)
import numpy as np
from sympy import fraction, Rational
from time import time
start_time = time()

ll = []
for a in xrange(10, 100):
    for b in xrange(a + 1, 100):
        sa = str(a)
        sb = str(b)
        a_set = set(list(sa))
        b_set = set(list(sb))
        if len(a_set) == 2 and len(b_set) == 2:
            unn = a_set & b_set
            if unn:
                if list(unn)[0] != str(0):
                    dup = list(unn)[0]
                    stripa = float(sa.strip(dup))
                    stripb = float(sb.strip(dup))
                    if stripb != 0. and stripa != 0.:
                        diff = stripa / stripb
                        if diff == float(a) / float(b):
                            ll.append((a, b))
arr = np.array(ll)
ans = fraction(Rational(arr.prod(axis=0)[0], arr.prod(axis=0)[1]))[1]

running_time = time()
elapsed_time = running_time - start_time
print 'Total Execution time is ', elapsed_time, 'seconds'
Example #54
def get_roots(expr):
    """Given the transfer function ``expr``, returns ``poles, zeros``.
    num, den = sympy.fraction(expr)
    return sympy.solve(den, s), sympy.solve(num, s)
Example #55
def get_roots(expr):
    num, den = sympy.fraction(expr)
    return sympy.solve(den, s), sympy.solve(num, s)
Example #56
    def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
        from sympy import sign, multiplicity
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import powdenest, fraction

        if not old.is_Mul:
            return None

        if old.args[0] == -1:
            return self._subs(-old, -new)

        def base_exp(a):
            # if I and -1 are in a Mul, they get both end up with
            # a -1 base (see issue 3322); all we want here are the
            # true Pow or exp separated into base and exponent
            if a.is_Pow or a.func is C.exp:
                return a.as_base_exp()
            return a, S.One

        def breakup(eq):
            """break up powers of eq when treated as a Mul:
                   b**(Rational*e) -> b**e, Rational
                commutatives come back as a dictionary {b**e: Rational}
                noncommutatives come back as a list [(b**e, Rational)]

            (c, nc) = (defaultdict(int), list())
            for a in Mul.make_args(eq):
                a = powdenest(a)
                (b, e) = base_exp(a)
                if e is not S.One:
                    (co, _) = e.as_coeff_mul()
                    b = Pow(b, e/co)
                    e = co
                if a.is_commutative:
                    c[b] += e
                    nc.append([b, e])
            return (c, nc)

        def rejoin(b, co):
            Put rational back with exponent; in general this is not ok, but
            since we took it from the exponent for analysis, it's ok to put
            it back.

            (b, e) = base_exp(b)
            return Pow(b, e*co)

        def ndiv(a, b):
            """if b divides a in an extractive way (like 1/4 divides 1/2
            but not vice versa, and 2/5 does not divide 1/3) then return
            the integer number of times it divides, else return 0.
            if not b.q % a.q or not a.q % b.q:
                return int(a/b)
            return 0

        # give Muls in the denominator a chance to be changed (see issue 2552)
        # rv will be the default return value
        rv = None
        n, d = fraction(self)
        if d is not S.One:
            self2 = n._subs(old, new)/d._subs(old, new)
            if not self2.is_Mul:
                return self2._subs(old, new)
            if self2 != self:
                self = rv = self2

        # Now continue with regular substitution.

        # handle the leading coefficient and use it to decide if anything
        # should even be started; we always know where to find the Rational
        # so it's a quick test

        co_self = self.args[0]
        co_old = old.args[0]
        co_xmul = None
        if co_old.is_Rational and co_self.is_Rational:
            # if coeffs are the same there will be no updating to do
            # below after breakup() step; so skip (and keep co_xmul=None)
            if co_old != co_self:
                co_xmul = co_self.extract_multiplicatively(co_old)
        elif co_old.is_Rational:
            return rv

        # break self and old into factors

        (c, nc) = breakup(self)
        (old_c, old_nc) = breakup(old)

        # update the coefficients if we had an extraction
        # e.g. if co_self were 2*(3/35*x)**2 and co_old = 3/5
        # then co_self in c is replaced by (3/5)**2 and co_residual
        # is 2*(1/7)**2

        if co_xmul and co_xmul.is_Rational:
            n_old, d_old = co_old.as_numer_denom()
            n_self, d_self = co_self.as_numer_denom()

            def _multiplicity(p, n):
                p = abs(p)
                if p is S.One:
                    return S.Infinity
                return multiplicity(p, abs(n))
            mult = S(min(_multiplicity(n_old, n_self),
                         _multiplicity(d_old, d_self)))
            c[co_old] = mult
            co_residual = co_self/co_old**mult
            co_residual = 1

        # do quick tests to see if we can't succeed

        ok = True
        if len(old_nc) > len(nc):
            # more non-commutative terms
            ok = False
        elif len(old_c) > len(c):
            # more commutative terms
            ok = False
        elif set(i[0] for i in old_nc).difference(set(i[0] for i in nc)):
            # unmatched non-commutative bases
            ok = False
        elif set(old_c).difference(set(c)):
            # unmatched commutative terms
            ok = False
        elif any(sign(c[b]) != sign(old_c[b]) for b in old_c):
            # differences in sign
            ok = False
        if not ok:
            return rv

        if not old_c:
            cdid = None
            rat = []
            for (b, old_e) in old_c.items():
                c_e = c[b]
                rat.append(ndiv(c_e, old_e))
                if not rat[-1]:
                    return rv
            cdid = min(rat)

        if not old_nc:
            ncdid = None
            for i in range(len(nc)):
                nc[i] = rejoin(*nc[i])
            ncdid = 0  # number of nc replacements we did
            take = len(old_nc)  # how much to look at each time
            limit = cdid or S.Infinity  # max number that we can take
            failed = []  # failed terms will need subs if other terms pass
            i = 0
            while limit and i + take <= len(nc):
                hit = False

                # the bases must be equivalent in succession, and
                # the powers must be extractively compatible on the
                # first and last factor but equal inbetween.

                rat = []
                for j in range(take):
                    if nc[i + j][0] != old_nc[j][0]:
                    elif j == 0:
                        rat.append(ndiv(nc[i + j][1], old_nc[j][1]))
                    elif j == take - 1:
                        rat.append(ndiv(nc[i + j][1], old_nc[j][1]))
                    elif nc[i + j][1] != old_nc[j][1]:
                    j += 1
                    ndo = min(rat)
                    if ndo:
                        if take == 1:
                            if cdid:
                                ndo = min(cdid, ndo)
                            nc[i] = Pow(new, ndo)*rejoin(nc[i][0],
                                    nc[i][1] - ndo*old_nc[0][1])
                            ndo = 1

                            # the left residual

                            l = rejoin(nc[i][0], nc[i][1] - ndo*

                            # eliminate all middle terms

                            mid = new

                            # the right residual (which may be the same as the middle if take == 2)

                            ir = i + take - 1
                            r = (nc[ir][0], nc[ir][1] - ndo*
                            if r[1]:
                                if i + take < len(nc):
                                    nc[i:i + take] = [l*mid, r]
                                    r = rejoin(*r)
                                    nc[i:i + take] = [l*mid*r]

                                # there was nothing left on the right

                                nc[i:i + take] = [l*mid]

                        limit -= ndo
                        ncdid += ndo
                        hit = True
                if not hit:

                    # do the subs on this failing factor

                i += 1

                if not ncdid:
                    return rv

                # although we didn't fail, certain nc terms may have
                # failed so we rebuild them after attempting a partial
                # subs on them

                failed.extend(range(i, len(nc)))
                for i in failed:
                    nc[i] = rejoin(*nc[i]).subs(old, new)

        # rebuild the expression

        if cdid is None:
            do = ncdid
        elif ncdid is None:
            do = cdid
            do = min(ncdid, cdid)

        margs = []
        for b in c:
            if b in old_c:

                # calculate the new exponent

                e = c[b] - old_c[b]*do
                margs.append(rejoin(b, e))
                margs.append(rejoin(b.subs(old, new), c[b]))
        if cdid and not ncdid:

            # in case we are replacing commutative with non-commutative,
            # we want the new term to come at the front just like the
            # rest of this routine

            margs = [Pow(new, cdid)] + margs
        return co_residual*Mul(*margs)*Mul(*nc)
Example #57
def test_fraction():
    x, y, z = map(Symbol, 'xyz')
    A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)

    assert fraction(Rational(1, 2)) == (1, 2)

    assert fraction(x) == (x, 1)
    assert fraction(1/x) == (1, x)
    assert fraction(x/y) == (x, y)
    assert fraction(x/2) == (x, 2)

    assert fraction(x*y/z) == (x*y, z)
    assert fraction(x/(y*z)) == (x, y*z)

    assert fraction(1/y**2) == (1, y**2)
    assert fraction(x/y**2) == (x, y**2)

    assert fraction((x**2 + 1)/y) == (x**2 + 1, y)
    assert fraction(x*(y + 1)/y**7) == (x*(y + 1), y**7)

    assert fraction(exp(-x), exact=True) == (exp(-x), 1)
    assert fraction((1/(x + y))/2, exact=True) == (1, Mul(2,(x + y), evaluate=False))

    assert fraction(x*A/y) == (x*A, y)
    assert fraction(x*A**-1/y) == (x*A**-1, y)

    n = symbols('n', negative=True)
    assert fraction(exp(n)) == (1, exp(-n))
    assert fraction(exp(-n)) == (exp(-n), 1)

    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert fraction(exp(-p)*log(p), exact=True) == (exp(-p)*log(p), 1)
# ## Code to exit script. Used for debugging.
# sys.exit()
# ##
HcS_Bandstop = simplify(HcS_Bandstop)
print 'HcS_Bandstop', HcS_Bandstop
# HcW_Bandstop = HcS_Bandstop.subs(s,1j*2.0*pi*s)
# plot(abs(HcW_Bandstop),(s,0,50))
# bilinear = 2.0*f_sampling*(1.0 - x)/(1.0 + x)
bilinear = (1.0 - x)/(1.0 + x)
Hz = HcS_Bandstop.subs(s, bilinear)
Hz = simplify(Hz)
Hz = cancel(Hz)
print 'Hz: ', Hz
# print 'Numerator: ', fraction(Hz)[0]
# print 'Denominator: ', fraction(Hz)[1]
ax = Poly(fraction(Hz)[0], x) # Separating out the numerator
ax = ax.all_coeffs() # Array of size [(order of ax) + 1] with ax[0] being coeff of x^n
ax = list(reversed(ax)) # Reversing it so that ax[0] is coeff of order x^0
ay = Poly(fraction(Hz)[1], x) # Separating out the denominator
ay = ay.all_coeffs()
ay = list(reversed(ay))
norm_fac = ay[0]
ax = [i/norm_fac for i in ax]
ay = [i/norm_fac for i in ay]
# print 'Length of ax: ', len(ax)
# print 'Length of ay: ', len(ay)
# ax[i] and ay[i] are the coefficients of x[n-i] and y[n-i]  respectively in the difference equation.
# The difference equation is implemented by the function 'filter' on any specified x[n]
# print 'Coefficients of numerator: ', ay
seq_len = 512 # 32768
Example #59
def denom( f ):
	return fraction( f )[1]
Example #60
def get_roots(expr):
    num, den = sympy.fraction(expr)
    s = sympy.Symbol('s', complex=True)
    return sympy.solve(den, s), sympy.solve(num, s)