Example #1
def test_logcombine_complex_coeff():
    # TODO: Make the expand() call in logcombine smart enough so that both
    # these hold.
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x), force=True) == \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)+ (2+3*I)*log(x), \
        force=True) == log(x**2)+3*I*log(x) + \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
Example #2
def test_logcombine_complex_coeff():
    # TODO: Make the expand() call in logcombine smart enough so that both
    # these hold.
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x), force=True) == \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)+ (2+3*I)*log(x), \
        force=True) == log(x**2)+3*I*log(x) + \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
Example #3
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx):
        # NOTE Please see the comment at the beginning of this file, labelled
        #      IMPORTANT.
        from sympy import cancel, Order, logcombine
        if not logx:
            logx = log(x)
        if self.args[0] == x:
            return logx
        arg = self.args[0]
        k, l = Wild("k"), Wild("l")
        r = arg.match(k * x**l)
        if r is not None:
            k, l = r[k], r[l]
            if l != 0 and not l.has(x) and not k.has(x):
                r = log(k) + l * logx  # XXX true regardless of assumptions?
                return r

        # TODO new and probably slow
        s = self.args[0].nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        while s.is_Order:
            n += 1
            s = self.args[0].nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        a, b = s.leadterm(x)
        p = cancel(s / (a * x**b) - 1)
        if p.has(exp):
            p = logcombine(p)
        g = None
        l = []
        for i in range(n + 2):
            g = log.taylor_term(i, p, g)
            g = g.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        return log(a) + b * logx + Add(*l) + Order(p**n, x)
Example #4
def get_ILR_labels(df, mode="latex", **kwargs):
    Get symbolic labels for ILR coordinates based on dataframe columns.

    df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataframe to generate ILR labels for.
    mode : :class:`str`
        Mode of label to return (:code:`LaTeX`, :code:`simple`).

        List of ILR coordinates corresponding to dataframe columns.

    Some variable names are protected in :mod:`sympy` and if used can result in errors.
    If one of these column names is found, it will be replaced with a title-cased
    duplicated version of itself (e.g. 'S' will be replaced by 'Ss').
    D = df.columns.size
    # encode symbolic variables
    vars = [sympy.var("c_{}".format(ix)) for ix in range(D)]
    arr = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.ln(v) for v in vars]])

    # this is the CLR --> ILR transform
    helmert = symbolic_helmert_basis(D, **kwargs)
    expr = sympy.simplify(
        sympy.logcombine(sympy.simplify(arr @ helmert.transpose()), force=True)
    expr = expr.applyfunc(_aggregate_sympy_constants)
    # sub in Phi (the CLR normalisation variable)
    names = [
        r"{} / γ".format(
            if c not in __sympy_protected_variables__
            else __sympy_protected_variables__[c],
        for c in df.columns
    named_expr = expr.subs({k: v for (k, v) in zip(vars, names)})
    # format latex labels
    if mode.lower() == "latex":
        labels = [
            r"${}$".format(sympy.latex(l, mul_symbol="dot", ln_notation=True))
            for l in named_expr
    elif mode.lower() == "simple":
        # here we could exclude scaling terms and just use ILR(A/B)
        unscaled_components = named_expr.applyfunc(
            lambda x: x.func(*[term for term in x.args if term.free_symbols])
        labels = [str(l).replace("log", "ILR") for l in unscaled_components]
        msg = "Label mode {} not recognised.".format(mode)
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)
    return labels
Example #5
def test_logcombine_2():
    # The same as one of the tests above, but with Rational(a, b) replaced with a/b.
    # This fails because of a bug in matches.  See issue 1274.
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    assert logcombine((x*y+sqrt(x**4+y**4)+log(x)-log(y))/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)), \
        force=True) == log(x**(1/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)))*y**(-1/\
        (pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)))) + (x**4 + y**4)**(1/2)/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)) + \
Example #6
def combines_log(expression):
    Applies identities (1) and (2)
    This function uses sympy.logcombine() 
    to combine a log expression.
    return logcombine(expression)
Example #7
def test_logcombine_2():
    # The same as one of the tests above, but with Rational(a,b) replaced with a/b.
    # This fails because of a bug in matches.  See issue 1274.
    x, y = symbols("xy")
    assert logcombine((x*y+sqrt(x**4+y**4)+log(x)-log(y))/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)), \
        assume_pos_real=True) == log(x**(1/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)))*y**(-1/\
        (pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)))) + (x**4 + y**4)**(1/2)/(pi*x**(2/3)*y**(3/2)) + \
def extra_simple(mul):
    """Simplification of pysb rates
        mul: psyb reaction (sympy.Mul object)
        a simplified version denested of exponents. 
        TODO: make sure it fully simplifies!
    return sp.powsimp((sp.expand_power_base(sp.powdenest(sp.logcombine(
        sp.expand_log(mul.simplify(), force=True), force=True),
Example #9
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx, cdir=0):
        # NOTE Please see the comment at the beginning of this file, labelled
        #      IMPORTANT.
        from sympy import im, cancel, I, Order, logcombine
        if not logx:
            logx = log(x)
        if self.args[0] == x:
            return logx
        arg = self.args[0]
        k, l = Wild("k"), Wild("l")
        r = arg.match(k * x**l)
        if r is not None:
            k, l = r[k], r[l]
            if l != 0 and not l.has(x) and not k.has(x):
                r = log(k) + l * logx  # XXX true regardless of assumptions?
                return r

        # TODO new and probably slow
            a, b = arg.leadterm(x)
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n + b, logx=logx)
        except (ValueError, NotImplementedError):
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
            while s.is_Order:
                n += 1
                s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        a, b = s.removeO().leadterm(x)
        p = cancel(s / (a * x**b) - 1)
        if p.has(exp):
            p = logcombine(p)
        g = None
        l = []
        for i in range(n + 2):
            g = log.taylor_term(i, p, g)
            g = g.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)

        res = log(a) + b * logx
        if cdir != 0:
            cdir = self.args[0].dir(x, cdir)
        if a.is_real and a.is_negative and im(cdir) < 0:
            res -= 2 * I * S.Pi
        return res + Add(*l) + Order(p**n, x)
Example #10
    def logcombine_include_negative_power(expr, force=False):
        """Perform a more powerful logcombine than SymPy's logcombine.

        In SymPy:
        logcombine(-log(x)) = -log(x), rather than log(1/x).

        This behaviour is implemented here.

        >>> SolveLogEquation.logcombine_include_negative_power(-sympy.log(2 * x + 1))
        log(1/(2*x + 1))

        expr = sympy.logcombine(expr, force)

        if expr.could_extract_minus_sign():
            interior = expr.match(coeff0 * sympy.log(x0))[x0]
            expr *= -1
            expr = sympy.log(1 / interior)

        return expr
Example #11
    def log_solver(expr, check_validity=False):
        """Return valid solutions (i.e. solutions that don't evaluate any log that's part of the expression as complex)
        for an expression that is the addition/subtraction of logs.

        >>> SolveLogEquation.log_solver(sympy.log(x - 1))

        >>> SolveLogEquation.log_solver(sympy.log(3 * x - 2) - 2 * sympy.log(x))
        [1, 2]

        single_log = sympy.logcombine(expr, force=True)
        interior = single_log.match(coeff0 * sympy.log(x0))[x0]

        numerator, denominator = interior.as_numer_denom()

        solutions = sympy.solve(numerator - denominator)

        if check_validity:
            return [solution for solution in solutions if SolveLogEquation.is_valid_solution(expr, solution)]
            return solutions
Example #12
    def normalize_transformations(w):
        # same as
        #    lambda w: w.doit().expand().ratsimp().expand()
        # except catch Polynomial error that could be triggered by ratsimp()
        # and catch attribute error for objects like Interval
        from sympy import PolynomialError

        w = w.doit()
            w = w.expand()
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        if w.has(sympy_log):
            from sympy import logcombine

                w = logcombine(w)
            except TypeError:
            w = w.ratsimp().expand()
        except (AttributeError, PolynomialError, UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError):
        return w
Example #13
def test_logcombine_1():
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    a = Symbol("a")
    z, w = symbols("z,w", positive=True)
    b = Symbol("b", real=True)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2 * log(y)) == log(x) + 2 * log(y)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2 * log(y), force=True) == log(x * y**2)
    assert logcombine(a * log(w) + log(z)) == a * log(w) + log(z)
    assert logcombine(b * log(z) + b * log(x)) == log(z**b) + b * log(x)
    assert logcombine(b * log(z) - log(w)) == log(z**b / w)
    assert logcombine(log(x) * log(z)) == log(x) * log(z)
    assert logcombine(log(w) * log(x)) == log(w) * log(x)
    assert logcombine(cos(-2 * log(z) + b * log(w))) == cos(log(w**b / z**2))
    assert logcombine(log(log(x)-log(y))-log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2 + I) * log(x), force=True) == I * log(x) + log(x**2)
    assert logcombine((x**2+log(x)-log(y))/(x*y), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine(log(x)*2*log(y)+log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((x*y+sqrt(x**4+y**4)+log(x)-log(y))/(pi*x**Rational(2, 3)*\
        sqrt(y)**3), force=True) == \
        log(x**(1/(pi*x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3))*y**(-1/(pi*\
        x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3))) + sqrt(x**4 + y**4)/(pi*\
        x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3) + x**Rational(1, 3)/(pi*sqrt(y))
    assert logcombine(Eq(log(x), -2*log(y)), force=True) == \
        Eq(log(x*y**2), Integer(0))
    assert logcombine(Eq(y, x*acos(-log(x/y))), force=True) == \
        Eq(y, x*acos(log(y/x)))
    assert logcombine(gamma(-log(x/y))*acos(-log(x/y)), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2+3*I)*log(x), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine(Eq(y, -log(x)), force=True) == Eq(y, log(1 / x))
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x), force=True) == \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)+ (2+3*I)*log(x), \
        force=True) == log(x**2)+3*I*log(x) + \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
Example #14
def test_logcombine_1():
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    a = Symbol("a")
    z, w = symbols("z,w", positive=True)
    b = Symbol("b", real=True)
    assert logcombine(log(x)+2*log(y)) == log(x) + 2*log(y)
    assert logcombine(log(x)+2*log(y), force=True) == log(x*y**2)
    assert logcombine(a*log(w)+log(z)) == a*log(w) + log(z)
    assert logcombine(b*log(z)+b*log(x)) == log(z**b) + b*log(x)
    assert logcombine(b*log(z)-log(w)) == log(z**b/w)
    assert logcombine(log(x)*log(z)) == log(x)*log(z)
    assert logcombine(log(w)*log(x)) == log(w)*log(x)
    assert logcombine(cos(-2*log(z)+b*log(w))) in [cos(log(w**b/z**2)),
    assert logcombine(log(log(x)-log(y))-log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2+I)*log(x), force=True) == I*log(x)+log(x**2)
    assert logcombine((x**2+log(x)-log(y))/(x*y), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine(log(x)*2*log(y)+log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((x*y+sqrt(x**4+y**4)+log(x)-log(y))/(pi*x**Rational(2, 3)*\
        sqrt(y)**3), force=True) == \
        log(x**(1/(pi*x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3))*y**(-1/(pi*\
        x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3))) + sqrt(x**4 + y**4)/(pi*\
        x**Rational(2, 3)*sqrt(y)**3) + x**Rational(1, 3)/(pi*sqrt(y))
    assert logcombine(Eq(log(x), -2*log(y)), force=True) == \
        Eq(log(x*y**2), Integer(0))
    assert logcombine(Eq(y, x*acos(-log(x/y))), force=True) == \
        Eq(y, x*acos(log(y/x)))
    assert logcombine(gamma(-log(x/y))*acos(-log(x/y)), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2+3*I)*log(x), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine(Eq(y, -log(x)), force=True) == Eq(y, log(1/x))
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x), force=True) == \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
    assert logcombine(Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)+ (2+3*I)*log(x), \
        force=True) == log(x**2)+3*I*log(x) + \
        Integral((sin(x**2)+cos(x**3))/x, x)
Example #15
def test_logcombine_1():
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    a = Symbol("a")
    z, w = symbols("z,w", positive=True)
    b = Symbol("b", real=True)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2*log(y)) == log(x) + 2*log(y)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2*log(y), force=True) == log(x*y**2)
    assert logcombine(a*log(w) + log(z)) == a*log(w) + log(z)
    assert logcombine(b*log(z) + b*log(x)) == log(z**b) + b*log(x)
    assert logcombine(b*log(z) - log(w)) == log(z**b/w)
    assert logcombine(log(x)*log(z)) == log(x)*log(z)
    assert logcombine(log(w)*log(x)) == log(w)*log(x)
    assert logcombine(cos(-2*log(z) + b*log(w))) in [cos(log(w**b/z**2)),
    assert logcombine(log(log(x) - log(y)) - log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2 + I)*log(x), force=True) == (2 + I)*log(x)
    assert logcombine((x**2 + log(x) - log(y))/(x*y), force=True) == \
        (x**2 + log(x/y))/(x*y)
    # the following could also give log(z*x**log(y**2)), what we
    # are testing is that a canonical result is obtained
    assert logcombine(log(x)*2*log(y) + log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((x*y + sqrt(x**4 + y**4) + log(x) - log(y))/(pi*x**Rational(2, 3)*
            sqrt(y)**3), force=True) == (
            x*y + sqrt(x**4 + y**4) + log(x/y))/(pi*x**(S(2)/3)*y**(S(3)/2))
    assert logcombine(gamma(-log(x/y))*acos(-log(x/y)), force=True) == \

    assert logcombine(2*log(z)*log(w)*log(x) + log(z) + log(w)) == \
        log(z**log(w**2))*log(x) + log(w*z)
    assert logcombine(3*log(w) + 3*log(z)) == log(w**3*z**3)
    assert logcombine(x*(y + 1) + log(2) + log(3)) == x*(y + 1) + log(6)
    assert logcombine((x + y)*log(w) + (-x - y)*log(3)) == (x + y)*log(w/3)
Example #16
def test_logcombine_1():
    x, y = symbols("x,y")
    a = Symbol("a")
    z, w = symbols("z,w", positive=True)
    b = Symbol("b", real=True)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2 * log(y)) == log(x) + 2 * log(y)
    assert logcombine(log(x) + 2 * log(y), force=True) == log(x * y**2)
    assert logcombine(a * log(w) + log(z)) == a * log(w) + log(z)
    assert logcombine(b * log(z) + b * log(x)) == log(z**b) + b * log(x)
    assert logcombine(b * log(z) - log(w)) == log(z**b / w)
    assert logcombine(log(x) * log(z)) == log(x) * log(z)
    assert logcombine(log(w) * log(x)) == log(w) * log(x)
    assert logcombine(cos(-2 * log(z) + b * log(w))) in [
        cos(log(w**b / z**2)), cos(log(z**2 / w**b))
    assert logcombine(log(log(x) - log(y)) - log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine((2 + I) * log(x), force=True) == (2 + I) * log(x)
    assert logcombine((x**2 + log(x) - log(y))/(x*y), force=True) == \
        (x**2 + log(x/y))/(x*y)
    # the following could also give log(z*x**log(y**2)), what we
    # are testing is that a canonical result is obtained
    assert logcombine(log(x)*2*log(y) + log(z), force=True) == \
    assert logcombine(
        (x * y + sqrt(x**4 + y**4) + log(x) - log(y)) /
        (pi * x**Rational(2, 3) * sqrt(y)**3),
        force=True) == (x * y + sqrt(x**4 + y**4) +
                        log(x / y)) / (pi * x**(S(2) / 3) * y**(S(3) / 2))
    assert logcombine(gamma(-log(x/y))*acos(-log(x/y)), force=True) == \

    assert logcombine(2*log(z)*log(w)*log(x) + log(z) + log(w)) == \
        log(z**log(w**2))*log(x) + log(w*z)
    assert logcombine(3 * log(w) + 3 * log(z)) == log(w**3 * z**3)
    assert logcombine(x * (y + 1) + log(2) + log(3)) == x * (y + 1) + log(6)
    assert logcombine((x + y) * log(w) +
                      (-x - y) * log(3)) == (x + y) * log(w / 3)
Example #17
def test_issue_5950():
    x, y = symbols("x,y", positive=True)
    assert logcombine(log(3) - log(2)) == log(Rational(3,2), evaluate=False)
    assert logcombine(log(x) - log(y)) == log(x/y)
    assert logcombine(log(Rational(3,2), evaluate=False) - log(2)) == \
        log(Rational(3,4), evaluate=False)
Example #18
sympy.exp(I * (a - b) * x).expand(power_exp=True)

# ## Factor

# In[85]:

sympy.factor(x**2 - 1)

# In[86]:

sympy.factor(x * sympy.cos(y) + sympy.sin(z) * x)

# In[87]:

sympy.logcombine(sympy.log(a) - sympy.log(b))

# In[88]:

expr = x + y + x * y * z

# In[89]:


# In[90]:


# In[91]:
Example #19
print('expand:',sympy.expand((a * b)**x, power_base=True))

# 因式分解、合并同类项,
expr = sympy.factor(x**2 - 1)

# 三角函数因式分解
z = sympy.Symbol('z')
expr = sympy.factor(x * sympy.cos(y) + sympy.sin(z) * x)

# 对数函数合并
a = sympy.Symbol('a')
b = sympy.Symbol('b')
expr = sympy.logcombine(sympy.log(a) - sympy.log(b))

# 合并某个同类项
expr = x + y + x * y * z
print('collect x:',expr.collect(x))
print('collect y:',expr.collect(y))

# 通过apart函数简化表达式
expr = 1/(x**2 + 3*x + 2)
print('apart',sympy.apart(expr, x))

# 通过together函数简化表达式
print('together:',sympy.together(1 / (y * x + y) + 1 / (1+x)))

# 通过cancel函数简化表达式
Example #20
sympy.exp((a - b) * x).expand(
    power_exp=True)  #expending the exponent of a power expression

#%% md
### Factor, collect, and combine ###

sympy.factor(x**2 - 1)

sympy.factor(x * sympy.cos(y) + sympy.sin(z) * x)

sympy.logcombine(sympy.log(a) - sympy.log(b))  #combine

expr = x + y + x * y * z


expr = sympy.cos(x + y) + sympy.sin(x - y)
expr.expand(trig=True).collect([sympy.cos(x), sympy.sin(x)
                                ]).collect(sympy.cos(y) - sympy.sin(y))

#%% md
### Apart, together, and cancel ###
Example #21
 def mysimp(expr):
     from sympy import expand, logcombine, powsimp
     return expand(
         powsimp(logcombine(expr, force=True), force=True, deep=True),
         force=True).replace(exp_polar, exp)
Example #22
 def mysimp(expr):
     from sympy import expand, logcombine, powsimp
     return expand(powsimp(logcombine(expr, force=True),
                   force=True).replace(exp_polar, exp)
Example #23
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy import im, logcombine, re
        if isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()
        elif global_parameters.exp_is_pow:
            return Pow(S.Exp1, arg)
        elif arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg.is_zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
            if coeff:
                if (2 * coeff).is_integer:
                    if coeff.is_even:
                        return S.One
                    elif coeff.is_odd:
                        return S.NegativeOne
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_even:
                        return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                    elif (coeff + S.Half).is_odd:
                        return S.ImaginaryUnit
                elif coeff.is_Rational:
                    ncoeff = coeff % 2  # restrict to [0, 2pi)
                    if ncoeff > 1:  # restrict to (-pi, pi]
                        ncoeff -= 2
                    if ncoeff != coeff:
                        return cls(ncoeff * S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                if terms.is_number:
                    if coeff is S.NegativeInfinity:
                        terms = -terms
                    if re(terms).is_zero and terms is not S.Zero:
                        return S.NaN
                    if re(terms).is_positive and im(terms) is not S.Zero:
                        return S.ComplexInfinity
                    if re(terms).is_negative:
                        return S.Zero
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                term_ = logcombine(term)
                if isinstance(term_, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term_.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            argchanged = False
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
                    if newa.args[0] != a:
                        argchanged = True
            if out or argchanged:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        if arg.is_zero:
            return S.One
Example #24
def test_logcombine_complex_coeff():
    i = Integral((sin(x**2) + cos(x**3))/x, x)
    assert logcombine(i, force=True) == i
    assert logcombine(i + 2*log(x), force=True) == \
        i + log(x**2)
Example #25
from sympy import I, pi, oo

x = sympy.Symbol("x")
y = sympy.Symbol("y")
z = sympy.Symbol("z")
b = sympy.Symbol("a", positive=True)
a = sympy.Symbol("b", positive=True)

f = x**2 - 1
print(sympy.factor(f))  # (x - 1)*(x + 1)
f = x * sympy.cos(y) + sympy.sin(y) * x
print(sympy.factor(f))  # x*(sin(y) + cos(y))

f = sympy.log(a) - sympy.log(b)
print(sympy.logcombine(f))  # log(b/a)

f = x + y + x * y * z
print(f.collect(x))  # x*(y*z + 1) + y
print(f.collect(y))  # x + y*(x*z + 1)

f = sympy.cos(x + y) + sympy.sin(x - y)
# (-sin(y) + cos(y))*cos(x) - sin(x)*sin(y) + sin(x)*cos(y)
        [sympy.cos(x), sympy.sin(x),
         sympy.sin(y), sympy.cos(y)]))
# (-sin(y) + cos(y))*sin(x) + (-sin(y) + cos(y))*cos(x)
def test_issue_5950():
    x, y = symbols("x,y", positive=True)
    assert logcombine(log(3) - log(2)) == log(Rational(3, 2), evaluate=False)
    assert logcombine(log(x) - log(y)) == log(x / y)
    assert logcombine(log(Rational(3,2), evaluate=False) - log(2)) == \
        log(Rational(3,4), evaluate=False)
Example #27
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy import logcombine
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            if arg.is_number or arg.is_Symbol:
                coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
                if coeff:
                    if ask(Q.integer(2*coeff)):
                        if ask(Q.even(coeff)):
                            return S.One
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff)):
                            return S.NegativeOne
                        elif ask(Q.even(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                term_ = logcombine(term)
                if isinstance(term_, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term_.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
            if out:
                return Mul(*out)*cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()
Example #28
def test_logcombine_complex_coeff():
    i = Integral((sin(x**2) + cos(x**3)) / x, x)
    assert logcombine(i, force=True) == i
    assert logcombine(i + 2*log(x), force=True) == \
        i + log(x**2)
    def eval(cls, arg):
        from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q
        from sympy.calculus import AccumBounds
        from sympy.sets.setexpr import SetExpr
        from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
        from sympy import logcombine
        if arg.is_Number:
            if arg is S.NaN:
                return S.NaN
            elif arg is S.Zero:
                return S.One
            elif arg is S.One:
                return S.Exp1
            elif arg is S.Infinity:
                return S.Infinity
            elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return S.Zero
        elif arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
            return S.NaN
        elif isinstance(arg, log):
            return arg.args[0]
        elif isinstance(arg, AccumBounds):
            return AccumBounds(exp(arg.min), exp(arg.max))
        elif isinstance(arg, SetExpr):
            return arg._eval_func(cls)
        elif arg.is_Mul:
            if arg.is_number or arg.is_Symbol:
                coeff = arg.coeff(S.Pi * S.ImaginaryUnit)
                if coeff:
                    if ask(Q.integer(2 * coeff)):
                        if ask(Q.even(coeff)):
                            return S.One
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff)):
                            return S.NegativeOne
                        elif ask(Q.even(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
                        elif ask(Q.odd(coeff + S.Half)):
                            return S.ImaginaryUnit

            # Warning: code in risch.py will be very sensitive to changes
            # in this (see DifferentialExtension).

            # look for a single log factor

            coeff, terms = arg.as_coeff_Mul()

            # but it can't be multiplied by oo
            if coeff in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity]:
                return None

            coeffs, log_term = [coeff], None
            for term in Mul.make_args(terms):
                term_ = logcombine(term)
                if isinstance(term_, log):
                    if log_term is None:
                        log_term = term_.args[0]
                        return None
                elif term.is_comparable:
                    return None

            return log_term**Mul(*coeffs) if log_term else None

        elif arg.is_Add:
            out = []
            add = []
            for a in arg.args:
                if a is S.One:
                newa = cls(a)
                if isinstance(newa, cls):
            if out:
                return Mul(*out) * cls(Add(*add), evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(arg, MatrixBase):
            return arg.exp()
Example #30
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx, cdir=0):
        # NOTE Please see the comment at the beginning of this file, labelled
        #      IMPORTANT.
        from sympy import im, cancel, I, Order, logcombine
        from itertools import product
        if not logx:
            logx = log(x)
        if self.args[0] == x:
            return logx
        arg = self.args[0]
        k, l = Wild("k"), Wild("l")
        r = arg.match(k * x**l)
        if r is not None:
            k, l = r[k], r[l]
            if l != 0 and not l.has(x) and not k.has(x):
                r = log(k) + l * logx  # XXX true regardless of assumptions?
                return r

        def coeff_exp(term, x):
            coeff, exp = S.One, S.Zero
            for factor in Mul.make_args(term):
                if factor.has(x):
                    base, exp = factor.as_base_exp()
                    if base != x:
                            return term.leadterm(x)
                        except ValueError:
                            return term, S.Zero
                    coeff *= factor
            return coeff, exp

        # TODO new and probably slow
            a, b = arg.leadterm(x)
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n + b, logx=logx)
        except (ValueError, NotImplementedError):
            s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
            while s.is_Order:
                n += 1
                s = arg.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
        a, b = s.removeO().leadterm(x)
        p = cancel(s / (a * x**b) - 1).expand().powsimp()
        if p.has(exp):
            p = logcombine(p)
        if isinstance(p, Order):
            n = p.getn()
        _, d = coeff_exp(p, x)
        if not d.is_positive:
            return log(a) + b * logx + Order(x**n, x)

        def mul(d1, d2):
            res = {}
            for e1, e2 in product(d1, d2):
                ex = e1 + e2
                if ex < n:
                    res[ex] = res.get(ex, S.Zero) + d1[e1] * d2[e2]
            return res

        pterms = {}

        for term in Add.make_args(p):
            co1, e1 = coeff_exp(term, x)
            pterms[e1] = pterms.get(e1, S.Zero) + co1.removeO()

        k = S.One
        terms = {}
        pk = pterms

        while k * d < n:
            coeff = -(-1)**k / k
            for ex in pk:
                terms[ex] = terms.get(ex, S.Zero) + coeff * pk[ex]
            pk = mul(pk, pterms)
            k += S.One

        res = log(a) + b * logx
        for ex in terms:
            res += terms[ex] * x**(ex)

        if cdir != 0:
            cdir = self.args[0].dir(x, cdir)
        if a.is_real and a.is_negative and im(cdir) < 0:
            res -= 2 * I * S.Pi
        return res + Order(x**n, x)
Example #31
#### 인수 구분 ####
print(">>> 수식 전개 <<<")
expr = x**2 -1
expr = x * sympy.cos(y) + sympy.sin(z) * x

print("\n"+">>> 로그함수 병합 <<<")
expr = sympy.log(a) - sympy.log(b)

print("\n"+">>> 기호 전개 <<<")
expr = x + y + x*y*z
print("\n"+">>> 기호 전개 응용<<<")
expr = sympy.cos(x + y) + sympy.sin(x - y)
print(expr.expand(trig=True).collect([sympy.cos(x), sympy.sin(x)]))
                                          sympy.cos(y) - sympy.sin(y)))
# 위와 같이 기호 전개를 체인콜 시키는게 가능하다!