def display_steps(expr, string_msg="", is_ipython=False): if string_msg != "": pp(string_msg) if is_ipython: display(expr) else: pp(expr)
def translate(): """ Using col3 for the translation as opposed to glm/OpenGL approach of row3 for the translation is a transpose of the translation matrix, which means need to transpose the point for shape consistency and multiply in other order. """ print("P1") pp(P1) print("T") pp(T) P1_T = P1 * T print("P1*T") pp(P1_T) print("P1*T*T") pp(P1 * T * T) P1_T_reverse_transpose_check = (T.T * P1.T).T print("(T.T*P1.T).T") pp(P1_T_reverse_transpose_check) assert P1_T_reverse_transpose_check == P1_T
def rotateY(): """ This demonstrates that HepRotation::rotateY is multiplying to the rhs:: Rxyz*Ry 079 HepRotation & HepRotation::rotateY(double a){ 80 double c1 = std::cos(a); 81 double s1 = std::sin(a); 82 double x1 = rzx, y1 = rzy, z1 = rzz; 83 rzx = c1*x1 - s1*rxx; 84 rzy = c1*y1 - s1*rxy; 85 rzz = c1*z1 - s1*rxz; 86 rxx = s1*x1 + c1*rxx; 87 rxy = s1*y1 + c1*rxy; 88 rxz = s1*z1 + c1*rxz; 89 return *this; 90 } """ x1, y1, z1 = sp.symbols("x1,y1,z1") v_rz = [(rzx, x1), (rzy, y1), (rzz, z1)] Ylhs = (Ry * R).subs(v_rz) Yrhs = (R * Ry).subs(v_rz) print(rotateY.__doc__) print("\nR") pp(R) print("\nv_rz") pp(v_rz) print("\nYrhs = (R*Ry).subs(v_rz) ") pp(Yrhs)
def rotateX(): """ This demonstrates that HepRotation::rotateX is multiplying to the rhs:: Rxyz*Rx 66 HepRotation & HepRotation::rotateX(double a) { // g4-cls Rotation 67 double c1 = std::cos(a); 68 double s1 = std::sin(a); 69 double x1 = ryx, y1 = ryy, z1 = ryz; 70 ryx = c1*x1 - s1*rzx; 71 ryy = c1*y1 - s1*rzy; 72 ryz = c1*z1 - s1*rzz; 73 rzx = s1*x1 + c1*rzx; 74 rzy = s1*y1 + c1*rzy; 75 rzz = s1*z1 + c1*rzz; 76 return *this; 77 } """ pass x1, y1, z1 = sp.symbols("x1,y1,z1") v_ry = [(ryx, x1), (ryy, y1), (ryz, z1)] Xlhs = (Rx * R).subs(v_ry) Xrhs = (R * Rx).subs( v_ry) # HepRotation::rotateX is multiplying on the rhs print(rotateX.__doc__) print("\nR") pp(R) print("\nv_ry") pp(v_ry) print("\nXrhs = (R*Rx).subs(v_ry) ") pp(Xrhs)
def rotateZ(): """ This demonstrates that HepRotation::rotateZ is multiplying to the rhs:: Rxyz*Rz 092 HepRotation & HepRotation::rotateZ(double a) { 93 double c1 = std::cos(a); 94 double s1 = std::sin(a); 95 double x1 = rxx, y1 = rxy, z1 = rxz; 96 rxx = c1*x1 - s1*ryx; 97 rxy = c1*y1 - s1*ryy; 98 rxz = c1*z1 - s1*ryz; 99 ryx = s1*x1 + c1*ryx; 100 ryy = s1*y1 + c1*ryy; 101 ryz = s1*z1 + c1*ryz; 102 return *this; 103 } """ x1, y1, z1 = sp.symbols("x1,y1,z1") v_rx = [(rxx, x1), (rxy, y1), (rxz, z1)] Zlhs = (Rz * R).subs(v_rx) Zrhs = (R * Rz).subs(v_rx) print(rotateZ.__doc__) print("\nR") pp(R) print("\nv_rx") pp(v_rx) print("\nZrhs = (R*Rz).subs(v_rx) ") pp(Zrhs)
(b) $\begin{pmatrix} 3 & 1 & -4 \\ 4 & 3 & 1 \\ 1 & 4 & -3 \end{pmatrix} and \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 7 & -5 \\ -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 6 & 3 & 4 \end{pmatrix}$ ###**Solution/Code/Answer** """ # (a) Solution pp('(a)\n\t') A = Matrix([[2, -1], [-7, 4]]) B = Matrix([[-3, 0], [7, -4]]) C = A + B display(C) pp('\n\t') # (b) Solution pp('(b)\n\t') D = Matrix([[3, 1, -4], [4, 3, 1], [1, 4, -3]]) E = Matrix([[2, 7, -5], [-2, 1, 0], [6, 3, 4]]) F = D + E display(F) """###**Problem 2.** Subtract
from sympy import pretty_print as pp from import a, b, n expr = (a * b)**n pp(expr) print("===========") a, b, n = 2, 1, 5 expr = (a * b)**n pp(expr)
c[j][i] = ((((rho[j])**2)*((a[i])**2))+((rho[j])*gamma*(a[i])))*((1-((rho[j])**2)-(gamma**2)-(2*(rho[j])*gamma*(a[i])))**0.5) plt.plot(rho,c[:,7],'r--') #SYMPY import sympy from sympy import expand, symbols from sympy import pretty_print as pp, latex s,d,c = sympy.symbols('s d c') delete = ((s**2)+(2*s*d*c)) pp(delete.expand(), use_unicode=True) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WC2 Odd or Even a =50 phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 1000) WC2 = (np.sin(phi))*((a-(np.cos(phi)))**0.5) plt.plot(phi,WC2,'r--')
def translate_rotate(): """ P1 x y z 1 TR rxx ryx rzx 0 rxy ryy rzy 0 rxz ryz rzz 0 tx ty tz tw P*TR rxx x + rxy y + rxz z + tx w ryx x + ryy y + ryz z + ty w rzx x + rzy y + rzz z + tz w tw w P*TR.subs(v_rid) tx w + x ty w + y tz w + z tw w """ print("R") pp(R) print("T") pp(T) print( "T*R : row3 has translation and rotation mixed up : ie translation first and then rotation which depends " ) pp(T * R) print( "R*T : familiar row3 as translation : that means rotate then translate " ) pp(R * T) print("RT") pp(RT) assert RT == R * T print("P1") pp(P1) print( "P*RT : notice that the translation just gets added to rotated coordinates : ie rotation first and then translation" ) pp(P * RT) P_RT = P * RT print("P*RT.subs(v_rid) : setting rotation to identity ") pp(P_RT.subs(v_rid))
def G4GDMLReadStructure(): """ 289 void G4GDMLReadStructure:: 290 PhysvolRead(const xercesc::DOMElement* const physvolElement, 291 G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly) 292 { ... 372 G4Transform3D transform(GetRotationMatrix(rotation).inverse(),position); 373 transform = transform*G4Scale3D(scale.x(),scale.y(),scale.z()); 132 G4RotationMatrix 133 G4GDMLReadDefine::GetRotationMatrix(const G4ThreeVector& angles) 134 { 135 G4RotationMatrix rot; 136 137 rot.rotateX(angles.x()); 138 rot.rotateY(angles.y()); 139 rot.rotateZ(angles.z()); 140 rot.rectify(); // Rectify matrix from possible roundoff errors 141 142 return rot; 143 } g4-cls Transform3D (icc) 029 inline 30 Transform3D::Transform3D(const CLHEP::HepRotation & m, const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & v) { 31 xx_= m.xx(); xy_= m.xy(); xz_= m.xz(); 32 yx_= m.yx(); yy_= m.yy(); yz_= m.yz(); 33 zx_= m.zx(); zy_= m.zy(); zz_= m.zz(); 34 dx_= v.x(); dy_= v.y(); dz_= v.z(); 35 } NB the order (rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ).inverse() In [18]: t[3218] # use the instance index to give the instance transform : rot matrix and tlate look familiar Out[18]: array([[ -0.1018, 0.2466, 0.9638, 0. ], [ -0.9243, -0.3817, 0. , 0. ], [ 0.3679, -0.8908, 0.2668, 0. ], [-7148.948 , 17311.74 , -5184.257 , 1. ]], dtype=float32) In [70]: pp((Rx*Ry*Rz).transpose().subs(v_rot)*T.subs(v_pos)) -0.101820513179743 0.24656591428434 0.963762332221457 0 -0.924290430171623 -0.381689927419044 8.32667268468867e-17 0 0.367858374634817 -0.890796300632177 0.266762379264878 0 -7148.9484 17311.741 -5184.2567 1 In [52]: (P*IT*R1).subs(v_hit+v_pos+v_rot) ### << MATCHES << Out[52]: Matrix([[-112.670723956843, 165.921754136086, 109.638786999275, 1.0]]) In [100]: (P*IT*Rx*Ry*Rz).subs(v_hit+v_pos+v_rot) Out[100]: Matrix([[-112.670723956843, 165.921754136086, 109.638786999275, 1]]) In [101]: (P*Rx*Ry*Rz*IT).subs(v_hit+v_pos+v_rot) Out[101]: Matrix([[7036.28119031864, -17145.8318197405, -14140.1045440872, 1]]) (gdb) p local_pos $7 = {dx = -112.67072395684227, dy = 165.92175413608675, dz = 109.63878699927591, static tolerance = 2.22045e-14} (gdb) p trans ## 4th row matches the GDML 71423 <physvol copynumber="11336" name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90"> 71424 <volumeref ref="HamamatsuR12860lMaskVirtual0x3290b70"/> 71425 <position name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90_pos" unit="mm" x="-7148.9484" y="17311.741" z="-5184.2567"/> 71426 <rotation name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90_rot" unit="deg" x="-73.3288783033161" y="-21.5835981926051" z="-96.2863976680901"/> 71427 </physvol> { rxx = -0.10182051317974285, rxy = -0.92429043017162327, rxz = 0.36785837463481702, ryx = 0.24656591428433955, ryy = -0.38168992741904467, ryz = -0.89079630063217707, rzx = 0.96376233222145669, rzy = 0, rzz = 0.26676237926487772, tx = -0.0035142754759363015, ty = 0.012573876562782971, tz = 19434.000031086449} THIS IS THE INVERSE TRANSFORM From examples/UseGeant4/ dbg_affine_trans Transformation: rx/x,y,z: -0.101821 -0.92429 0.367858 ry/x,y,z: 0.246566 -0.38169 -0.890796 rz/x,y,z: 0.963762 0 0.266762 tr/x,y,z: -0.00351428 0.0125739 19434 """ R0 = Rx * Ry * Rz R0T = (Rx * Ry * Rz).T R1 = Rz * Ry * Rx R1T = (Rz * Ry * Rx).T print(G4GDMLReadStructure.__doc__) if 0: print("\nR0 = Rx*Ry*Rz \n") pp(R0) pp(R) pp(R0.subs(va)) pass print( "\nR0T = (Rx*Ry*Rz).T THIS MATCHES THE ROTATION PART OF THE ITRANSFORM \n" ) pp(R0T) pp(R) pp(R0T.subs(v_rot)) if 0: print("\nR1 = Rz*Ry*Rx\n") pp(R1) pp(R) pp(R1.subs(va)) pass
T2 = sp.Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [tx, ty, tz, 1]]) assert T == T2, (T, T2) IT = sp.Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [-tx, -ty, -tz, 1]]) """ 71423 <physvol copynumber="11336" name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90"> 71424 <volumeref ref="HamamatsuR12860lMaskVirtual0x3290b70"/> 71425 <position name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90_pos" unit="mm" x="-7148.9484" y="17311.741" z="-5184.2567"/> 71426 <rotation name="pLPMT_Hamamatsu_R128600x353fc90_rot" unit="deg" x="-73.3288783033161" y="-21.5835981926051" z="-96.2863976680901"/> 71427 </physvol> """ if 0: print("\nRx") pp(Rx) print("\nRy") pp(Ry) print("\nRz") pp(Rz) def rotateX(): """ This demonstrates that HepRotation::rotateX is multiplying to the rhs:: Rxyz*Rx 66 HepRotation & HepRotation::rotateX(double a) { // g4-cls Rotation 67 double c1 = std::cos(a); 68 double s1 = std::sin(a);
## for Palatino and other serif fonts use: rc('font', **{'family': 'Computer Modern Roman'}) rc('text', usetex=True) print("\n\n---------------- 1 ----------------\n\n") # year_of_birth will be matrix A year_of_birth = np.array([[1, 1920], [1, 1930], [1, 1940], [1, 1950], [1, 1960], [1, 1970], [1, 1980], [1, 1990]]) # life_expectancy will be matrix b life_expectancy = np.array([[54.1], [59.7], [62.9], [68.2], [69.7], [70.8], [73.7], [75.4]]) # Pretty-Printing A matrix print("Matrix A will be: \n") pp(sp.Matrix(year_of_birth)) # Pretty-Printing b matrix print("\n\nMatrix b will be: \n") pp(sp.Matrix(life_expectancy)) # Normal Equations equation_1 = ( A**T * A )**T # I'm using (A^T * A)^T to Pretty-Print in the correct format i.e. A^T*A instead of A*A^T which is de default in sp.pprint() equation_2 = (A**T * b) At = year_of_birth.transpose() AtA =, year_of_birth) Atb =, life_expectancy) # Pretty-Printing Normal Equations
# Base of power x n_value = make_non_zero_num(-4, 4) while n_value == 1 or n_value == -1: n_value = make_non_zero_num(-4, 4) # Constant after x c_value = make_non_zero_num(-3, 3) while c_value == 1 or c_value == -1: c_value = make_non_zero_num(-3, 3) # Vertical shift d_value = random.randint(-10, 10) # Base of the function of x n_value = random.randint(2, 3) c = c_value d = d_value n = n_value x_value = random.randint(-c_value, 4 - c_value) solution = (n_value**(x_value + c_value)) + d_value equation = n**(x + c) + d print("Solve the following exponential equation for x = {}.\n\n".format(x_value)) pp(equation) print("\nSolution: {}".format(solution))