def generate_channel_matrices(self, transform_channel_operators_list):
        Generates a list of 4x4 symbolic matrices describing the channel defined from the given

             transform_channel_operators_list (list): A list of tuples of matrices which represent
             Kraus operators.
             The identity matrix is assumed to be the first element in the list
             [(I, ), (A1, B1, ...), (A2, B2, ...), ..., (An, Bn, ...)]
             e.g. for a Pauli channel, the matrices are:
             [(I,), (X,), (Y,), (Z,)]
             for relaxation they are:
             [(I, ), (|0><0|, |0><1|), |1><0|, |1><1|)]

        We consider this input to symbolically represent a channel in the following manner:
        define indeterminates x0, x1, ..., xn which are meant to represent probabilities
        such that xi >=0 and x0 = 1-(x1 + ... + xn)
        Now consider the quantum channel defined via the Kraus operators
        {sqrt(x0)I, sqrt(x1)A1, sqrt(x1)B1, ..., sqrt(xn)An, sqrt(xn)Bn, ...}
        This is the channel C symbolically represented by the operators

            list: A list of 4x4 complex matrices ([D1, D2, ..., Dn], E) such that:
            The matrix x1*D1 + ... + xn*Dn + E represents the operation of the channel C
            on the density operator.
            we find it easier to work with this representation of C when performing the
            combinatorial optimization.

        from sympy import symbols as sp_symbols, sqrt
        symbols_string = " ".join([
            for i in range(len(transform_channel_operators_list))
        symbols = sp_symbols(symbols_string, real=True, positive=True)
        exp = symbols[
            1]  # exp will contain the symbolic expression "x1 +...+ xn"
        for i in range(2, len(symbols)):
            exp = symbols[i] + exp
        # symbolic_operators_list is a list of lists; we flatten it the next line
        symbolic_operators_list = [[
            sqrt(symbols[i]) * op for op in ops
        ] for (i, ops) in enumerate(transform_channel_operators_list)]
        symbolic_operators = [
            op for ops in symbolic_operators_list for op in ops
        # channel_matrix_representation() performs the required linear
        # algebra to find the representing matrices.
        operators_channel = self.channel_matrix_representation(
            symbolic_operators).subs(symbols[0], 1 - exp)
        return self.generate_channel_quadratic_programming_matrices(
            operators_channel, symbols[1:])
Example #2
        def __init__(self, SC, PTensor, which_sol, eps_val):
            self.SC, self.PTensor = SC, PTensor
            # defining epsilon
            if eps_val is None:
                self.eps_val = \
                self.eps_val = eps_val
            print("eps_val:", self.eps_val)

            self.beta_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['\beta'](
            self.sigma_c_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['\sigma_c'](
            self.tolman_c_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['t_c'](
            self.dndx = None
            # defining symbols
            self.p_0, self.n_g, self.n_l, self.n_p, self.d_n = \
                sp_symbols("p_0 n_g n_l n' \\frac{dn}{dr}")
            self.eps = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\epsilon']
            self.beta = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\beta']
            self.sigma_c = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\sigma_c']
            self.tolman_c = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['t_c']
            # Defining the integrand
            self.integrand = (self.p_0 - self.SC.P) * self.SC.d_psi_f / (
                self.SC.psi_f**(1 + self.eps))
            # Substituting \theta and e_2 and psi and eps and G
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.theta,
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.e2, 1)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.psi, self.SC.psi_f)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.eps, self.eps_val)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.G, self.SC.G_val)
            # Make a function of n and p_0
            self.integrand_np = \
                (lambda n_, p_ :
                 self.integrand.subs(self.SC.n, n_).subs(self.p_0, p_).evalf())

            # Numerical value of the Maxwell Construction's Integral
            self.maxwell_integral = \
                (lambda target_values:
                 integrate.quad((lambda n_ : self.integrand_np(n_, target_values[0][1])),
                                target_values[0][0], target_values[1][0])[0])
            # Numerical value as a function of the delta density
            self.maxwell_integral_delta = \
                (lambda delta_: self.maxwell_integral(self.GuessDensitiesFlat(delta_)))
Example #3
device_str, lang, _dpi = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3])


from pathlib import Path
reproduced_results = Path("reproduced-results")

from sympy import exp as sp_exp
from sympy import symbols as sp_symbols
from sympy import Rational as sp_Rational
from sympy import lambdify as sp_lambdify
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

n = sp_symbols('n')
psis = [sp_exp(-1 / n), 1 - sp_exp(-n)]
psi_codes = {
    psis[0]: 'exp((NType)(-1./ln))',
    psis[1]: '1. - exp(-(NType)ln)',

Gs = {psis[0]: [-3.6], psis[1]: [-1.4, -1.6]}

Ls = [255]

E6_P2F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(6)}_{P2\,F6}")
E8_P2F8_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P2\,F8}")
E6_P4F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(6)}_{P4\,F6}")
E8_P4F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P4\,F6}")
Example #4
from sympy import symbols as sp_symbols
from sympy import Rational as sp_Rational
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np

from idpy.Utils.ManageData import ManageData
from idpy.LBM.LBM import XIStencils
from idpy.LBM.SCFStencils import SCFStencils, BasisVectors
from idpy.LBM.SCThermo import ShanChanEquilibriumCache

from pathlib import Path
reproduced_results = Path("reproduced-results")


n = sp_symbols('n')
psis = [sp_exp(-1 / n), 1 - sp_exp(-n)]
psi_codes = {
    psis[0]: 'exp((NType)(-1./ln))',
    psis[1]: '1. - exp(-(NType)ln)',

Gs = {psis[0]: [-2.6, -3.1, -3.6], psis[1]: [-1.4, -1.6, -1.75]}

Ls = [127, 159, 191, 223, 255, 287, 319, 351]

E6_P2F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(6)}_{P2\,F6}")
E6_P4F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(6)}_{P4\,F6}")
E8_P2F8_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P2\,F8}")
E8_P4F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P4\,F6}")
E10_P2F10_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(10)}_{P2\,F10}")
Example #5
from sympy import Rational as sp_Rational
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np

from idpy.Utils.ManageData import ManageData
from idpy.LBM.LBM import XIStencils
from idpy.LBM.SCFStencils import SCFStencils, BasisVectors
from idpy.LBM.SCThermo import ShanChanEquilibriumCache

from pathlib import Path

reproduced_results = Path("reproduced-results")


n = sp_symbols('n')
psis = [sp_exp(-1 / n), 1 - sp_exp(-n)]
psi_codes = {
    psis[0]: 'exp((NType)(-1./ln))',
    psis[1]: '1. - exp(-(NType)ln)',

Gs = {psis[0]: [-2.6, -3.1, -3.6], psis[1]: [-1.4, -1.6]}

Ls = [127, 159, 191, 223, 255, 287, 319, 351]

E8_P2F8_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P2\,F8}")
E8_P4F6_sym = sp_symbols("\\boldsymbol{E}^{(8)}_{P4\,F6}")
Getting usual weights
Example #6
class ShanChen:
    # Symbols should be safe here
    n, G, theta, psi, d_psi, e2 = \
        sp_symbols("n G \\theta \\psi \\psi' e_{2}")
    P = theta * n + Rational('1/2') * G * e2 * psi**2

    def __init__(self,

        # Variables Init
        self.psi_f = sympy_exp(-1 / self.n) if psi_f is None else psi_f
        self.G_val, self.theta_val, self.e2_val = G_val, theta_val, e2_val
        self.n_eps = n_eps
        self.d_psi_f = diff(self.psi_f, self.n)

        self.P_subs = self.P.subs(self.psi,
                                  self.psi_f).subs(self.G, self.G_val)
        self.P_subs = self.P_subs.subs(self.theta, self.theta_val).subs(
            self.e2, self.e2_val)
        self.P_subs_lamb = sp_lambdify(self.n, self.P_subs)

        # Find Critical Point
        ## This substitution leaves both n and G free
        P_subs_swap = self.P.subs(self.psi, self.psi_f)
        P_subs_swap = P_subs_swap.subs(self.theta, self.theta_val)
        P_subs_swap = P_subs_swap.subs(self.e2, self.e2_val)

        self.d_P = diff(P_subs_swap, self.n)
        self.dd_P = diff(self.d_P, self.n)
        #print([self.d_P, self.dd_P])
        self.critical_point = solve([self.d_P, self.dd_P], [self.G, self.n])

        self.G_c, self.n_c = float(self.critical_point[0][0]), float(
        self.P_c = P_subs_swap.subs(self.n, self.n_c).subs(self.G, self.G_c)

        if self.G_val * self.e2_val > self.G_c * self.e2_val:
                "The value of G: %f is above the critical point G_c: %f for the chosen %s"
                % (self.G_val, self.G_c,
                   str(self.psi) + " = " + str(self.psi_f)))
            print("-> No phase separation")
            # Find Extrema
            lambda_tmp = sp_lambdify(self.n, self.P_subs - self.P_c)
            ## Here I want to find the value of the density that correxpond to the critical
            ## pressure because by construction this value of the density is larger than
            ## any coexistence extreme, and there is only one
            self.range_ext = FindSingleZeroRange(lambda_tmp, self.n_eps,
            ## Hence we can look for extrema starting from self.n_eps to self.range_ext
            ## Cannot begin from zero because for some choices of \psi the derivative
            ## might be singular
            print("Extrema:", self.range_ext)
            self.extrema = FindExtrema(self.P_subs,
                                       arg_range=(self.n_eps, self.range_ext))
            self.coexistence_range = self.FindCoexistenceRange()
            print("Coexistence range (n, P): ", self.coexistence_range)

        ### Init Ends

    def PressureTensorInit(self, py_stencil):
        self.PTensor = self.PressureTensor(py_stencil)

    def FlatInterfaceProperties(self, which_sol=0, eps_val=None):
        self.FInterface = self.FlatInterface(self, self.PTensor, which_sol,

    def FindCoexistenceRange(self):
        coexistence_range = []
        With this check we can manage values of the coupling for which one has
        negative pressures
        if self.extrema[1][1] > 0:
            func_f = lambda f_arg_: (self.P_subs.subs(self.n, f_arg_) - self.
            # Looking for the LEFT limit starting from ZERO
            # and ending after the first stationary point
            arg_swap = bisect(func_f, self.n_eps, self.extrema[0][0])
            p_swap = self.P_subs.subs(self.n, arg_swap)
            coexistence_range.append((arg_swap, p_swap))
            coexistence_range.append((0, 0))

        # Looking for the RIGHT limit starting from the RIGHT extremum
        # that is certainly at the LEFT of the value we are looking for
        func_f = lambda f_arg_: (self.P_subs.subs(self.n, f_arg_) - self.
        arg_swap = bisect(func_f, self.extrema[1][0] + self.n_eps,
                          self.range_ext + self.n_eps)
        p_swap = self.P_subs.subs(self.n, arg_swap)
        coexistence_range.append((arg_swap, p_swap))
        return coexistence_range

    ### Subclass: FlatInterface

    class FlatInterface:
        def __init__(self, SC, PTensor, which_sol, eps_val):
            self.SC, self.PTensor = SC, PTensor
            # defining epsilon
            if eps_val is None:
                self.eps_val = \
                self.eps_val = eps_val
            print("eps_val:", self.eps_val)

            self.beta_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['\beta'](
            self.sigma_c_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['\sigma_c'](
            self.tolman_c_val = self.PTensor.p_consts_wf['t_c'](
            self.dndx = None
            # defining symbols
            self.p_0, self.n_g, self.n_l, self.n_p, self.d_n = \
                sp_symbols("p_0 n_g n_l n' \\frac{dn}{dr}")
            self.eps = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\epsilon']
            self.beta = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\beta']
            self.sigma_c = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['\sigma_c']
            self.tolman_c = self.PTensor.p_consts_sym['t_c']
            # Defining the integrand
            self.integrand = (self.p_0 - self.SC.P) * self.SC.d_psi_f / (
                self.SC.psi_f**(1 + self.eps))
            # Substituting \theta and e_2 and psi and eps and G
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.theta,
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.e2, 1)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.psi, self.SC.psi_f)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.eps, self.eps_val)
            self.integrand = self.integrand.subs(self.SC.G, self.SC.G_val)
            # Make a function of n and p_0
            self.integrand_np = \
                (lambda n_, p_ :
                 self.integrand.subs(self.SC.n, n_).subs(self.p_0, p_).evalf())

            # Numerical value of the Maxwell Construction's Integral
            self.maxwell_integral = \
                (lambda target_values:
                 integrate.quad((lambda n_ : self.integrand_np(n_, target_values[0][1])),
                                target_values[0][0], target_values[1][0])[0])
            # Numerical value as a function of the delta density
            self.maxwell_integral_delta = \
                (lambda delta_: self.maxwell_integral(self.GuessDensitiesFlat(delta_)))

        def GuessDensitiesFlat(self, delta):
            target_values = []

            arg_init = self.SC.coexistence_range[0][0] + delta

            func_init = self.SC.P_subs.subs(self.SC.n, arg_init)
            target_values.append((arg_init, func_init))
            arg_range, arg_bins = [arg_init,
                                   self.SC.coexistence_range[1][0]], 2**10
            arg_delta = (arg_range[1] - arg_range[0]) / arg_bins

            delta_func_f = (lambda arg_:
                            (self.SC.P_subs.subs(self.SC.n, arg_) - self.SC.
                             P_subs.subs(self.SC.n, arg_range[0])))

            zero_ranges = FindZeroRanges(delta_func_f,

            # Always pick the last range for the stable solution: -1
            #print("zero_ranges:", zero_ranges)
            #print(bisect(delta_func_f, zero_ranges[0][0], zero_ranges[0][1]))
            #print(bisect(delta_func_f, zero_ranges[-1][0], zero_ranges[-1][1]))

            solution = bisect(delta_func_f, zero_ranges[-1][0],

            arg_swap = solution
            func_swap = self.SC.P_subs.subs(self.SC.n, arg_swap)
            target_values.append((arg_swap, func_swap))

            return target_values

        def MechanicEquilibrium(self, n_bins=32):
            # Need to find the zero of self.maxwell_integral_delta
            # Delta can vary between (0, and the difference between the gas maximum
            # and the beginning of the coexistence region
            search_range = \
                 self.SC.extrema[0][0] - self.SC.coexistence_range[0][0] - self.SC.n_eps]
            search_range = \
                 self.SC.extrema[0][0] - self.SC.coexistence_range[0][0]]

            search_delta = (search_range[1] - search_range[0]) / n_bins
            mech_eq_range = FindZeroRanges(self.maxwell_integral_delta,

            mech_eq_delta = bisect(self.maxwell_integral_delta,
                                   mech_eq_range[0][0], mech_eq_range[0][1])

            self.mech_eq_zero = self.maxwell_integral_delta(mech_eq_delta)
            self.mech_eq_target = self.GuessDensitiesFlat(mech_eq_delta)

        def DNDXLambda(self, rho_g):
            prefactor = 24 * (
                (self.SC.psi_f)**self.eps) / (self.beta * self.SC.G *
            prefactor = prefactor.subs(self.beta, self.beta_val)
            prefactor = prefactor.subs(self.SC.G, self.SC.G_val)
            prefactor = prefactor.subs(self.eps, self.eps_val)
            prefactor_n = lambda n_: prefactor.subs(self.SC.n, n_).evalf()
            self.dndx = lambda n_: math.sqrt(
                prefactor_n(n_) * self.maxwell_integral(
                    [rho_g, [n_, rho_g[1]]]))

        def SurfaceTension(self, mech_eq_target):
            prefactor = self.SC.G_val * self.sigma_c_val
            integrand_n = lambda n_: self.dndx(n_) * (self.SC.d_psi_f**2).subs(
                self.SC.n, n_).evalf()
            integral = integrate.quad(integrand_n, mech_eq_target[0][0],
            self.sigma_f = prefactor * integral[0]
            return self.sigma_f

    ### Subclass: PressureTensor

    class PressureTensor:
        def __init__(self, py_stencil):
            # One stencil at the time
            self.py_stencil = py_stencil
            # Associating weights symbols
            self.w_sym = self.py_stencil.w_sym
            self.w_sym_list = self.py_stencil.w_sym_list
            # Get e_expr
            if not hasattr(self.py_stencil, 'e_expr'):
            if not hasattr(self.py_stencil, 'typ_eq_s'):

            self.e_expr = self.py_stencil.e_expr
            self.typ_eq_s = self.py_stencil.typ_eq_s
            self.B2q_expr = self.py_stencil.B2q_expr
            self.B2n_expr = self.py_stencil.B2n_expr

            # Initializing Pressure Tensor symbols

        def GetExprValues(self, w_sol=None):
            ## Need to add the new constants: Chi/Lambda
            if w_sol is None:
                w_sol = self.py_stencil.w_sol[0]

            print("Isotropy constants")
            for elem in self.e_expr:
                w_i = 0
                swap_expr = self.e_expr[elem]
                for w in self.w_sym_list:
                    swap_expr = swap_expr.subs(w, w_sol[w_i])
                    w_i += 1
                print(self.e_expr[elem], swap_expr)

            print("Pressure Tensor Constants")
            for elem in self.p_consts_sym:
                w_i = 0
                swap_expr = self.p_consts_w[elem]
                for w in self.w_sym_list:
                    swap_expr = swap_expr.subs(w, w_sol[w_i])
                    w_i += 1
                print(self.p_consts_sym[elem], swap_expr)

            print("Typical Equations")
            for elem in self.typ_eq_s:
                for eq in self.typ_eq_s[elem]:
                    swap_expr = eq
                    w_i = 0
                    for w_sym in self.w_sym_list:
                        swap_expr = swap_expr.subs(w_sym, w_sol[w_i])
                        w_i += 1

                    print(elem, self.typ_eq_s[elem], swap_expr)

            print("Wolfram Equations: B2q")
            for elem in self.B2n_expr:
                for eq in self.B2n_expr[elem]:
                    swap_expr = eq
                    w_i = 0
                    for w_sym in self.w_sym_list:
                        swap_expr = swap_expr.subs(w_sym, w_sol[w_i])
                        w_i += 1

                    print(elem, self.B2n_expr[elem], swap_expr)

            print("Wolfram Equations: B2q")
            for elem in self.B2q_expr:
                for eq in self.B2q_expr[elem]:
                    swap_expr = eq
                    w_i = 0
                    for w_sym in self.w_sym_list:
                        swap_expr = swap_expr.subs(w_sym, w_sol[w_i])
                        w_i += 1

                    print(elem, self.B2q_expr[elem], swap_expr)

        def InitPCoeff(self):
            # List of coefficients for the pressure tensor constants
            # Need to do this because each stencil can have a different
            # number of groups: for now: no more than the first 5!
            self.alpha_c, self.beta_c, self.gamma_c, self.eta_c, self.kappa_c, self.lambda_c = \
                [0] * 25, [0] * 25, [0] * 25, [0] * 25, [0] * 25, [0] * 25
            self.sigma_c_c, self.tolman_c_c = [0] * 25, [0] * 25
            self.lambda_i_c, self.lambda_t_c, self.lambda_n_c = [0] * 25, [
            ] * 25, [0] * 25
            self.chi_i_c, self.chi_t_c, self.chi_n_c = [0] * 25, [0] * 25, [
            ] * 25

            # alpha
            self.alpha_c[4], self.alpha_c[5], self.alpha_c[8] = 2, 4, 4
            self.alpha_c[9], self.alpha_c[10] = 12, 24
            self.alpha_c[13], self.alpha_c[16], self.alpha_c[17] = Rational(
                88, 3), 40, 80
            # beta
            self.beta_c[1], self.beta_c[2], self.beta_c[4], self.beta_c[5], self.beta_c[8] = \
                Rational("1/2"), 1, 6, 13, 12
            self.beta_c[9], self.beta_c[10] = Rational(57, 2), 58
            self.beta_c[13], self.beta_c[16], self.beta_c[17] = Rational(
                203, 3), 88, 177
            # gamma
            self.gamma_c[5], self.gamma_c[8], self.gamma_c[
                10] = 1, 4, Rational(8, 3)
            self.gamma_c[13], self.gamma_c[17] = Rational(68, 3), 5
            # eta
            self.eta_c[2], self.eta_c[5], self.eta_c[8], self.eta_c[
                10] = 1, 7, 12, Rational(46, 3)
            self.eta_c[13], self.eta_c[17] = Rational(148, 3), 27
            # kappa
            self.kappa_c[5], self.kappa_c[8] = 4, 8
            # lambda
            self.lambda_c[2], self.lambda_c[5], self.lambda_c[8] = 2, 12, 24
            # sigma_c
            self.sigma_c_c[1], self.sigma_c_c[4], self.sigma_c_c[
                5] = -6, -96, -108
            self.sigma_c_c[9], self.sigma_c_c[10] = -486, -768
            self.sigma_c_c[13], self.sigma_c_c[16], self.sigma_c_c[
                17] = -300, -1536, 2700
            # tolman_c
            self.tolman_c_c[1], self.tolman_c_c[4], self.tolman_c_c[5] = \
                -Rational('1/2'), -6, -6
            # Lambda_s
            self.lambda_i_c[1], self.lambda_i_c[2], self.lambda_i_c[
                4] = Rational('1/2'), -2, 6
            self.lambda_i_c[5], self.lambda_i_c[8] = -6, -24

            self.lambda_t_c[2], self.lambda_t_c[5], self.lambda_t_c[
                8] = 2, 12, 24
            self.lambda_n_c[2], self.lambda_n_c[5], self.lambda_n_c[
                8] = 1, 7, 12
            # chi_s
            self.chi_i_c[4], self.chi_i_c[5], self.chi_i_c[8] = 2, -1, -8
            self.chi_t_c[5], self.chi_t_c[8] = 4, 8
            self.chi_n_c[5], self.chi_n_c[8] = 1, 4

        def PConstants(self):
            # Defining symbols
            self.p_consts_sym = {}
            self.p_consts_sym['\alpha'] = sp_symbols('\\alpha')
            self.p_consts_sym['\beta'] = sp_symbols('\\beta')
            self.p_consts_sym['\gamma'] = sp_symbols('\\gamma')
            self.p_consts_sym['\eta'] = sp_symbols('\\eta')
            self.p_consts_sym['\kappa'] = sp_symbols('\\kappa')
            self.p_consts_sym['\lambda'] = sp_symbols('\\lambda')
            self.p_consts_sym['\epsilon'] = sp_symbols('\\epsilon')
            self.p_consts_sym['\sigma_c'] = sp_symbols('\\sigma_c')
            self.p_consts_sym['t_c'] = sp_symbols('t_c')
            # These symbols are not good anymore for higher order expansions
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{N}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{N}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{T}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{T}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{I}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{I}')

            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{N}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{N}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{T}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{T}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{I}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{I}')

        def PExpressW(self):
            # Defining expressions: e
            # Should use a dictionary for the coefficients
            self.p_consts_w = {}
            self.p_consts_w['\alpha'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\alpha'] += -12 * self.alpha_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\beta'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\beta'] += 12 * self.beta_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\gamma'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\gamma'] += -4 * self.gamma_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\eta'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\eta'] += 4 * self.eta_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\kappa'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\kappa'] += self.kappa_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\lambda'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\lambda'] += self.kappa_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\sigma_c'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\sigma_c'] += self.sigma_c_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2] / 12

            self.p_consts_w['t_c'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    't_c'] += self.tolman_c_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            # Lambdas, Chis
            self.p_consts_w['\Lambda_{I}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\Lambda_{I}'] += self.lambda_i_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\Lambda_{T}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\Lambda_{T}'] += self.lambda_t_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\Lambda_{N}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\Lambda_{N}'] += self.lambda_n_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\chi_{I}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\chi_{I}'] += self.chi_i_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\chi_{T}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\chi_{T}'] += self.chi_t_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\chi_{N}'] = 0
            for len2 in self.py_stencil.len_2s:
                    '\chi_{N}'] += self.chi_n_c[len2] * self.w_sym[len2]

            self.p_consts_w['\epsilon'] = -2 * self.p_consts_w[
                '\alpha'] / self.p_consts_w['\beta']

            # Defining Lambdas
            self.p_consts_wf = {}
            for elem in self.p_consts_w:
                self.p_consts_wf[str(elem)] = \
Example #7
    def __init__(self,
        ManageData.__init__(self, dump_file=dump_file)

        if stencil is None:
            raise Exception("Missing argument stencil")

        if G is None:
            raise Exception("Missing argument G")

        if c2 is None:
            raise Exception("Missing argument c2")

        if psi_f is None:
            raise Exception("Missing argument psi_f")
        Looking for the file and data
        self.is_file, self.is_key = ManageData.Read(self), False
        self.dict_string = (str(psi_f) + "_" + str(float(G)) + "_" + str(c2) +
                            "_" + str(stencil.w_sol[0]))
        if self.is_file:
            if self.dict_string in ManageData.WhichData(self):
       = ManageData.PullData(self, self.dict_string)
                self.is_key = True

        if self.is_key is False:
            I need to do this until I write a new pressure tensor class
            that also computes the Taylor expansion for the flat interface
            and consequently the expression for \varepsilon
            w1, w2, w4, w5, w8 = sp_symbols("w(1) w(2) w(4) w(5) w(8)")
            w9, w10, w13, w16, w17 = sp_symbols("w(9) w(10) w(13) w(16) w(17)")
            w_sym_list = [w1, w2, w4, w5, w8, w9, w10, w13, w16, w17]

            _eps_expr = (+48 * w4 + 96 * w5 + 96 * w8 + 288 * w9 + 576 * w10 +
                         704 * w13 + 960 * w16 + 1920 * w17)

            _eps_expr /= (+6 * w1 + 12 * w2 + 72 * w4 + 156 * w5 + 144 * w8 +
                          342 * w9 + 696 * w10 + 812 * w13 + 1056 * w16 +
                          2124 * w17)

            self.eps_lambda = sp_lambdify([w_sym_list], _eps_expr)

            _e2_expr = stencil.e_expr[2]
            self.e2_lambda = sp_lambdify([w_sym_list], _e2_expr)

            _weights_list = None
            if len(stencil.w_sol[0]) != 10:
                len_diff = 10 - len(stencil.w_sol[0])
                if len_diff < 0:
                    raise Exception("The number of weights must be 5 at most!")
                _weights_list = stencil.w_sol[0] + [0 for i in range(len_diff)]
                _weights_list = stencil.w_sol[0]

            _shan_chen = \
                ShanChen(psi_f = psi_f, G_val = G,
                         theta_val = c2,
                         e2_val = self.e2_lambda(_weights_list))


            _mech_eq_target = _shan_chen.FInterface.mech_eq_target

            _sigma_f = \

            _n_g = _shan_chen.FInterface.mech_eq_target[0][0]
            _n_l = _shan_chen.FInterface.mech_eq_target[1][0]
            _p_0 = _shan_chen.FInterface.mech_eq_target[1][1]
            _n_c = _shan_chen.n_c
            _G_c = _shan_chen.G_c

            _data_dict = {
                'G_c': _G_c,
                'n_c': _n_c,
                'n_l': _n_l,
                'n_g': _n_g,
                'p_0': _p_0,
                'sigma_f': _sigma_f

            self.PushData(data=_data_dict, key=self.dict_string)

Example #8
        def PConstants(self):
            # Defining symbols
            self.p_consts_sym = {}
            self.p_consts_sym['\alpha'] = sp_symbols('\\alpha')
            self.p_consts_sym['\beta'] = sp_symbols('\\beta')
            self.p_consts_sym['\gamma'] = sp_symbols('\\gamma')
            self.p_consts_sym['\eta'] = sp_symbols('\\eta')
            self.p_consts_sym['\kappa'] = sp_symbols('\\kappa')
            self.p_consts_sym['\lambda'] = sp_symbols('\\lambda')
            self.p_consts_sym['\epsilon'] = sp_symbols('\\epsilon')
            self.p_consts_sym['\sigma_c'] = sp_symbols('\\sigma_c')
            self.p_consts_sym['t_c'] = sp_symbols('t_c')
            # These symbols are not good anymore for higher order expansions
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{N}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{N}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{T}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{T}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\Lambda_{I}'] = sp_symbols('\\Lambda_{I}')

            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{N}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{N}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{T}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{T}')
            self.p_consts_sym['\chi_{I}'] = sp_symbols('\\chi_{I}')