def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
   wind_dir, wind_spd, beach_orientation = symbols('wind_dir wind_spd beach_orientation')
   vb_func =  -wind_spd * cos((wind_dir - beach_orientation) * pi / 180)
   result = vb_func.evalf(subs={wind_dir: symFloat(self.args[0]),
                                wind_spd: symFloat(self.args[1]),
                                beach_orientation: symFloat(self.args[2])})
   return result
 def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
   obs = symbols('obs_symbol')
   if self.args[0] != 0:
     sub_val = symFloat(self.args[0])
     sub_val = symFloat(self.args[1])
   vb_func =  sign(obs) * (1 / abs(obs))
   result = vb_func.evalf(subs={obs: sub_val})
   return result
 def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
   #bs_val = 0
   obs_symbol,a,b,c = symbols('obs_symbol a b c')
   poly_func = poly(a + b * obs_symbol + c * obs_symbol**2)
   #if self.args[0] != 0:
   #  obs_val = symFloat(self.args[0])
   result = poly_func.evalf(subs={obs_symbol: symFloat(self.args[0]), a: symFloat(self.args[1]), b: symFloat(self.args[2]), c: symFloat(self.args[3])})
   #If the obs value is 0, then no need to calc the polynomial, the value is going
   #to be the value of "a" since "b" and "c" are zeroed out.
   return result
  def runTest(self, data):

    if self.logger:
      self.logger.debug("runTest start Site: %s model name: %s formula: %s" % (, self.model_name, self.formula))

    start_time = time.time()
      #Get the variables from the formula, then verify the passed in data has the observation and a valid value.
      valid_data = True
      sym_expr = sympify(self.formula, globals())

      observation_variables = sym_expr.free_symbols
      mlr_symbols = {}
      for obs_var in observation_variables:
        self.data_used[] = None
        if in data:
          self.data_used[] = data[]
          mlr_symbols[obs_var] = symFloat(data[])
          if data[] == wq_defines.NO_DATA:
            valid_data = False
          valid_data = False
      if valid_data:
        self.log10MLRResult = sym_expr.evalf(subs=mlr_symbols)
        if self.logger:
          self.logger.debug("Model: %s Result: %f Data Used: %s" % (self.model_name, self.log10MLRResult, self.data_used))
          self.mlrResult = pow(10,self.log10MLRResult)
        except OverflowError,e:
          if self.logger:
  def runTest(self, data):

    if self.logger:
      self.logger.debug("runTest start Site: %s model name: %s formula: %s" % (, self.model_name, self.formula))

    start_time = time.time()
      #Get the variables from the formula, then verify the passed in data has the observation and a valid value.      valid_data = True
      valid_data = True
      sym_expr = sympify(self.formula, globals())

      observation_variables = sym_expr.free_symbols
      mlr_symbols = {}
      for obs_var in observation_variables:
        self.data_used[] = None
        if in data:
          self.data_used[] = data[]
          if data[] != 0:
            mlr_symbols[obs_var] = symFloat(data[])
            mlr_symbols[obs_var] = int(data[])
          if data[] == wq_defines.NO_DATA:
            valid_data = False
          valid_data = False
      if valid_data:
          self.mlrResult = sym_expr.evalf(subs=mlr_symbols, n=4)
          self.mlrResult = int(self.mlrResult + 0.5)
          if self.logger:
            self.logger.debug("Model: %s Result: %f Data Used: %s" % (self.model_name, self.mlrResult, self.data_used))
        except (TypeError, OverflowError) as e:
          if self.logger:
        if self.logger:
          self.logger.debug("Model: %s test not performed, one of more invalid data points: %s" % (self.model_name, self.data_used))
    except Exception,e:
      if self.logger:
 def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
   obs = symbols('obs_symbol')
   vb_func = sign(obs) * (abs(obs)**.5)
   result = vb_func.evalf(subs={obs: symFloat(self.args[0])})
   return result
 def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
     obs_symbol, a, b, c= symbols('obs_symbol a b c')
     test_func = a + b * obs_symbol + c * obs_symbol**2
     result = test_func.evalf(subs={obs_symbol: symFloat(self.args[0]), a: symFloat(self.args[1]), b: symFloat(self.args[2]), c: symFloat(self.args[3])})
     return result
 def _eval_evalf(self, nprec):
   obs = symbols('obs_symbol')
   vb_func = log(obs, 10)
   result = vb_func.evalf(subs={obs: symFloat(self.args[0])})
   return result