def reflect(self, line): from sympy import atan, Line, Point, Dummy, oo g = self l = line o = Point(0, 0) if l == Line(o, slope=0): return g.scale(y=-1) elif l == Line(o, slope=oo): return g.scale(-1) if not hasattr(g, 'reflect') and not all( isinstance(arg, Point) for arg in g.args): raise NotImplementedError a = atan(l.slope) c = l.coefficients d = -c[-1] / c[1] # y-intercept # apply the transform to a single point x, y = Dummy(), Dummy() xf = Point(x, y) xf = xf.translate(y=-d).rotate(-a, o).scale(y=-1).rotate(a, o).translate(y=d) # replace every point using that transform reps = [(p, xf.xreplace({x: p.x, y: p.y})) for p in g.atoms(Point)] return g.xreplace(dict(reps))
def get_intersection_points2D_with_img(intersection_points: list, plane_range: np.ndarray) -> tuple: x, y = intersection_points p1 = Point(x[0], y[0]) p2 = Point(x[1], y[1]) intersection_line = Line(p1, p2) points1 = Point(plane_range[0, 1], plane_range[0, 0]), Point(plane_range[0, 1], plane_range[1, 0]) points2 = Point(plane_range[0, 1], plane_range[1, 0]), Point(plane_range[1, 1], plane_range[1, 0]) points3 = Point(plane_range[1, 1], plane_range[1, 0]), Point(plane_range[1, 1], plane_range[0, 0]) points4 = Point(plane_range[1, 1], plane_range[0, 0]), Point(plane_range[0, 1], plane_range[0, 0]) line1 = Segment(*points1) line2 = Segment(*points2) line3 = Segment(*points3) line4 = Segment(*points4) result = tuple( filter( lambda x: x != [], intersection_line.intersection(line1) + intersection_line.intersection(line2) + intersection_line.intersection(line3) + intersection_line.intersection(line4))) return (float(result[0].x), float(result[0].y)), (float(result[1].x), float(result[1].y))
def find_valid_corners(mat_size, corners): popped = False top_edge_line = Line(Point(0, 0), Point(100, 0)) while corners and corners[0][1] < 0: pt = corners.popleft() left_line = Line(pt, corners[0]) temp_pt = left_line.intersection(top_edge_line) popped = True if popped: first_pt = corners[0] if first_pt[1] != temp_pt[0].y: new_point = (int(temp_pt[0].x), int(temp_pt[0].y)) if new_point[0] != corners[0][0] and new_point[1] != corners[0[1]]: corners.appendleft(new_point) popped = False bottom_edge_line = Line(Point(0, mat_size[1] - 1), Point(100, mat_size[1] - 1)) while corners[-1][1] >= mat_size[1] and len(corners) > 0: pt = corners.pop() left_line = Line(pt, corners[-1]) temp_pt = left_line.intersection(bottom_edge_line) popped = True if popped: first_pt = corners[0] if first_pt[1] != temp_pt[0].y: new_point = (int(temp_pt[0].x), int(temp_pt[0].y)) if new_point[0] != corners[-1][0] and new_point[1] != corners[-1][1]: corners.append(new_point) return corners
class wire: def __init__(self, left0, left1, right0, right1, planeNo, wireNo, trueWireNo): self.leftBound = Line(left0, left1) self.rightBound = Line(right0, right1) self.planeNo = planeNo self.wireNo = wireNo self.trueWireNo = trueWireNo def rotate(self, angle): self.leftBound = self.leftBound.rotate(angle) self.rightBound = self.rightBound.rotate(angle) def translate(self, x, y): self.leftBound = self.leftBound.translate(x, y) self.rightBound = self.rightBound.translate(x, y) def doesIntersect(self, wire): ll = intersect(self.leftBound.points[0], self.leftBound.points[1], wire.leftBound.points[0], wire.leftBound.points[1]) lr = intersect(self.leftBound.points[0], self.leftBound.points[1], wire.rightBound.points[0], wire.rightBound.points[1]) rl = intersect(self.rightBound.points[0], self.rightBound.points[1], wire.leftBound.points[0], wire.leftBound.points[1]) rr = intersect(self.rightBound.points[0], self.rightBound.points[1], wire.rightBound.points[0], wire.rightBound.points[1]) # print(ll,lr,rl,rr) return ll and lr and rl and rr def __repr__(self): # return str([self.planeNo,self.wireNo,self.trueWireNo]) return str([self.leftBound, self.rightBound])
def Dubins_msg(UAV, target, R0): v = UAV.v phi0 = UAV.phi UAV_p = Point( target_p = Point(target[0:2]) c1 = Point(UAV_p.x + R0 * np.sin(phi0), UAV_p.y - R0 * np.cos(phi0)) c2 = Point(UAV_p.x - R0 * np.sin(phi0), UAV_p.y + R0 * np.cos(phi0)) len1 = c1.distance(target_p) len2 = c2.distance(target_p) center = c1 if len2 > len1: center = c2 center = Point(round(center.x.evalf(), 4), round(center.y.evalf(), 4)) circle = Circle(center, R0) tangent_lines = Tangent_lines(circle, target_p) tangent_line1 = tangent_lines[0] tangent_line1 = Line(tangent_line1.p2, tangent_line1.p1) tangent_point1 = tangent_line1.p1 y = float((target_p.y - tangent_point1.y).evalf()) x = float((target_p.x - tangent_point1.x).evalf()) tangent_angle1 = np.arctan2(y, x) tangent_line2 = tangent_lines[1] tangent_line2 = Line(tangent_line2.p2, tangent_line2.p1) tangent_point2 = tangent_line2.p1 y = float((target_p.y - tangent_point2.y).evalf()) x = float((target_p.x - tangent_point2.x).evalf()) tangent_angle2 = np.arctan2(y, x) vec1 = [UAV_p.x - center.x, UAV_p.y - center.y] vec2 = [np.cos(phi0), np.sin(phi0)] direction = np.sign(vec1[0] * vec2[1] - vec1[1] * vec2[0]) sin1 = float(tangent_point1.distance(UAV_p).evalf()) / (2 * R0) angle1 = 2 * np.arcsin(sin1) sin2 = float(tangent_point2.distance(UAV_p).evalf()) / (2 * R0) angle2 = 2 * np.arcsin(sin2) tangent_point = [] radian = 0 if abs(modf(abs(direction * angle1 + phi0 - tangent_angle1) / (2 * np.pi))[0] - 0.5) > 0.5 - deviation: tangent_point = tangent_point1 radian = angle1 elif abs(modf(abs(direction * (2 * np.pi - angle1) + phi0 - tangent_angle1) / (2 * np.pi))[ 0] - 0.5) > 0.5 - deviation: tangent_point = tangent_point1 radian = 2 * np.pi - angle1 elif abs(modf(abs(direction * angle2 + phi0 - tangent_angle2) / (2 * np.pi))[0] - 0.5) > 0.5 - deviation: tangent_point = tangent_point2 radian = angle2 elif abs(modf(abs(direction * (2 * np.pi - angle2) + phi0 - tangent_angle2) / (2 * np.pi))[ 0] - 0.5) > 0.5 - deviation: tangent_point = tangent_point2 radian = 2 * np.pi - angle2 return direction, radian, (float(tangent_point.x.evalf()), float(tangent_point.y.evalf())), ( float(center.x.evalf()), float(center.y.evalf()))
def __init__(self, left0, left1, right0, right1, planeNo, wireNo, trueWireNo): self.leftBound = Line(left0, left1) self.rightBound = Line(right0, right1) self.planeNo = planeNo self.wireNo = wireNo self.trueWireNo = trueWireNo
def Tangent_lines(circle_C, point_P): # 圆外一点到圆的切线, # 返回从point到切点的line R = float(circle_C.radius.evalf()) circle = [ float(, float( ] point = [float(point_P.x.evalf()), float(point_P.y.evalf())] circle_point_angle = np.arctan2(point[1] - circle[1], point[0] - circle[0]) cos = R / np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(circle) - np.array(point))**2)) hudu_half = np.arccos(cos) tangent_angle1 = circle_point_angle + hudu_half tangent_point1 = Point(circle[0] + R * np.cos(tangent_angle1), circle[1] + R * np.sin(tangent_angle1)) tangent_angle2 = circle_point_angle - hudu_half tangent_point2 = Point(circle[0] + R * np.cos(tangent_angle2), circle[1] + R * np.sin(tangent_angle2)) return [ Line(Point(point), Point(tangent_point1)), Line(Point(point), Point(tangent_point2)) ]
def test(f, col=30, n=200): for i in range(0, n): points = [] while True: points = generate_test(col) if points[0] is points[1] or points[0][0] is points[0][ 1] or points[1][0] is points[1][1]: continue l = Line(P(points[0][0], points[0][1]), P(points[1][0], points[1][1])) if len(l.intersection(P(points[2][0], points[2][1]))) != 0: continue break if i % 50 == 0 and i != 0: print('passed {} tests'.format(i)) for j in range(0, 2 * len(points)): point = np.random.randint(0, 25, size=(2)) answer = check(points, point) for k in range(0, len(points) - 1): points.insert(len(points), points[0]) points.remove(points[0]) result = f(points, point) if result is answer: continue print("Test â„–{} failed".format(i + 1)) print("Expected {}, result {}".format(answer, result)) print("points={}".format(points)) print("point={}".format(point)) draw(points, point) return print("All tests passed")
def compute_distances_between_two_points_set(points1, points2, check = None) : index = 0 distances = [] i = 0 li = [] while i < len(points1): p1 = points1[i] if index >= len(points2) - 1: break if check: if i < len(points1) - 1: if check(points2[index], points2[index+1], points1[i], points1[i+1]): logging.warn("crossing~") line = Line(points2[index], points2[index + 1]) pro = line.projection(p1) if is_projection_between_two_points(pro, points2[index], points2[index + 1]): distances.append(p1.distance(pro)) li.append([p1, pro]) index += 1 else: if pro.distance(points2[index + 1]) < pro.distance(points2[index]): i -= 1 index += 1 i += 1 return distances, li
def slice_file(image_position_patient_array, image_orientation_patient, output_path=None, input_path=None): print("Status: Loading File.") model = STLModel(input_path) stats = model.stats() print(stats) print("Status: Calculating Slices") v1 = Point3D(image_orientation_patient[0][0], image_orientation_patient[0][1], image_orientation_patient[0][2]) v2 = Point3D(image_orientation_patient[1][0], image_orientation_patient[1][1], image_orientation_patient[1][2]) org = Point3D(0, 0, 0) for i, slice_loc in enumerate(image_position_patient_array): slice_loc = Point3D(slice_loc[0], slice_loc[1], slice_loc[2]) dwg = Drawing(output_path + str(i) + '.svg', profile='tiny') plane = Plane(v1 + slice_loc, v2 + slice_loc, org + slice_loc) x_axis = Line(org + slice_loc, v1 + slice_loc) y_axis = Line(org + slice_loc, v2 + slice_loc) pairs = model.slice_at_plane(plane, x_axis, y_axis) for pair in pairs: dwg.add(dwg.line(pair[0], pair[1], stroke=rgb(0, 0, 0, "%"))) print("Status: Finished Outputting Slices")
def locate_puzzle(img, debug=False): # Blurr image to reduce noise in edges thresh = cv.GaussianBlur(img, (3,3), cv.BORDER_REFLECT) param1, param2 = 15, 20 while True: # Canny edge detection edges = cv.Canny(thresh, param1, param2, None, 3) # Dilate and erode edges (from edges = cv.dilate(edges, np.ones((3,3),np.uint8), iterations=1) edges = cv.erode(edges, np.ones((5,5),np.uint8), iterations=1) lines = cv.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 150, None, 0, 0) param1, param2 = param1+5, param2+30 if lines is None: continue if len(lines) <= 35: break # Copy edges to the images that will display the results in BGR cdst = cv.cvtColor(edges, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Find four corners of sudoku board poss_corners = [] for i in range(len(lines)): rho = lines[i][0][0] theta = lines[i][0][1] pt1, pt2 = polar_to_points(rho, theta) cv.line(cdst, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA) p1, p2 = Point(pt1), Point(pt2) l1 = Line(p1, p2) for j in range(len(lines)): if i == j: continue rho = lines[j][0][0] theta = lines[j][0][1] p3, p4 = polar_to_points(rho, theta, return_class=True) l2 = Line(p3, p4) p = l1.intersection(l2) if len(p) == 0: continue p = np.array([int(p[0][1]), int(p[0][0])]) if 0 <= p[0] < len(img) and 0 <= p[1] < len(img[1]): poss_corners.append(p) tl = poss_corners[np.argmin(np.array(list(map(euclidean, poss_corners, [[0,0]]*len(poss_corners)))))] tr = poss_corners[np.argmin(np.array(list(map(euclidean, poss_corners, [[0,len(img[0])]]*len(poss_corners)))))] bl = poss_corners[np.argmin(np.array(list(map(euclidean, poss_corners, [[len(img),0]]*len(poss_corners)))))] br = poss_corners[np.argmin(np.array(list(map(euclidean, poss_corners, [[len(img),len(img[0])]]*len(poss_corners)))))] # Idea for warping using imutils: img = four_point_transform(img, np.array([ [tl[1],tl[0]], [tr[1],tr[0]], [bl[1],bl[0]], [br[1],br[0]]])) if debug: cv.imshow("Lines", cdst) cv.imshow("Cropped", img) cv.waitKey() return img
def on_track(self, line): """Are we still on track (that is, is our distance to the given line small enough? If not, better re-navigate""" if line is None: return False else: line = Line(*line) return line.distance(self.tracker.getPosition()) < THRESHOLD
def __init__(self, p0, p1, center): self.p0 = p0 self.p1 = p1 = center self.radius = line1 = Line(, self.p1) line2 = Line(, self.p0) self.central_angle = line1.angle_between(line2)
def eval_end_pt_tang(self, first): trgt_pt = self.p0 if first else self.p1 res_norm = Line(, trgt_pt).direction.unit res_tang = res_norm.rotate(np.pi / 2.) halfpl = get_halfplane(self.p0, self.p1, if -1 == halfpl: res_tang = -res_tang return res_tang
def extendExWall(P0, P1, l1, msp): l0 = Line(p0, p1) intersectedPoint = l0.intersection(l1) xE, yE = intersectedPoint xS, yS = p1 msp.add_line(((xS, yS, 0), (xE, yE, 0))) l0 = Line(p1, intersectedPoint) return l0
def crossing(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, p4: Point): line1, seg1 = Line(p1, p2), Segment(p1, p2) line2, seg2 = Line(p3, p4), Segment(p3, p4) intersect = line1.intersection(line2) if intersect: seg1 = Segment(p1, p2) seg2 = Segment(p3, p4) pi = intersect[0] return seg1.contains(pi) and seg2.contains(pi)
def calculateFaceTilt(leftEye, rightEye): zeroLine = Line(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 0)) eyeMiddlePoint = Point((leftEye + rightEye) / 2) eyeLine = Line(leftEye, rightEye) angle = mpmath.degrees(eyeLine.angle_between(zeroLine)) if (leftEye.y > rightEye.y): return int(angle) - 180 else: return 180 - int(angle)
def __compute_1st_vanishing_points(self): road_l1 = Line(Point(self.p1), Point(self.p2)) road_l2 = Line(Point(self.p3), Point(self.p4)) road_intersection = intersection(road_l1, road_l2) u0 = float(road_intersection[0][0]) v0 = float(road_intersection[0][1]) return u0, v0
def path_of_white_ball(p1, p2, r): pathBallW[:] = [] middle_ray = Line(p1, p2) cue_circle = Circle(p1, r) normal_line = middle_ray.perpendicular_line(p1) points = intersection(cue_circle, normal_line) pathBallW.append(middle_ray.parallel_line(points[0])) pathBallW.append(middle_ray) pathBallW.append(middle_ray.parallel_line(points[1]))
def projection(self, eye1, eye2): target = self.estimate(eye1, eye2) horizontal, = Line(target, self.abscissa_hinge).intersection(abscissa) vertical, = Line(target, self.ordinate_hinge).intersection(ordinate) x = self.to_width(horizontal.x) y = self.to_height(vertical.y) return float(x), float(y)
def _calculate_angle(line: Line) -> float: angle = line.angle_between(Line((0, 0), (1, 0))).evalf() if line.p2.x <= line.p1.x: if line.p2.y <= line.p1.y: angle = math.pi - angle + math.pi else: if line.p2.y <= line.p1.y: angle = 2 * math.pi - angle return angle
def __compute_2nd_vanishing_points(self): # perp_l1 = Line(Point(self.p2), Point(self.p3)) perp_l1 = Line(Point(self.p1), Point(self.p4)) # horizon_l = Line(Point(0, self.v0), (1, self.v0)) horizon_l = Line(Point(self.p2), Point(self.p3)) perp_intersection = intersection(perp_l1, horizon_l) u1 = float(perp_intersection[0][0]) return u1
def formperpenicularlines(xpos): xpos = xpos.reshape(len(cutpos), 1) xpts = np.insert(xpos, 1, [0], axis=1) xpts = map(Point, xpts) xaxis = Line((0, 0), (1, 0)) cutlines = [] for pt in xpts: cutline = xaxis.perpendicular_line(pt) cutlines.append(cutline) return cutlines
def calculateFaceTilt(faceEyesIrisPoints, regionOfInterestColorObjects): zeroLine = Line (Point (1,0), Point (0,0)); leftEye = Point (faceEyesIrisPoints.pop()); rightEye = Point (faceEyesIrisPoints.pop()); eyeMiddlePoint = Point ((leftEye + rightEye)/2); eyeLine = Line (leftEye, rightEye); faceSymmetryLine = eyeLine.perpendicular_line(eyeMiddlePoint); angle = mpmath.degrees(eyeLine.angle_between(zeroLine)); if (int(angle) > 90): return {'angle':int(angle) - 180, 'tiltline':faceSymmetryLine}; else: return {'angle':int(angle), 'tiltline':faceSymmetryLine};
def get_polygon(left, right, top, bottom): # convert rays to lines left = Line(left.p1, left.p2) right = Line(right.p1, right.p2) top = Line(top.p1, top.p2) bottom = Line(bottom.p1, bottom.p2) top_left = left.intersection(top)[0] top_right = right.intersection(top)[0] bottom_left = left.intersection(bottom)[0] bottom_right = right.intersection(bottom)[0] return Polygon(top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left)
def get_osculating_center(pt, tang, radius, jnc_cntr): init_line = Line(pt, pt + tang) tang_perp = init_line.perpendicular_line(pt).direction.unit cand_cntr1 = pt + tang_perp * radius cand_cntr2 = pt - tang_perp * radius dist_cand1 = jnc_cntr.distance(cand_cntr1) dist_cand2 = jnc_cntr.distance(cand_cntr2) if (dist_cand1 < dist_cand2): res_cntr = cand_cntr1 else: res_cntr = cand_cntr2 return res_cntr
def find_circle(circle,A,C,D,i): AD = Line(A,D) svg.append(AD,"AD",i) K = intersection(circle, AD)[0] svg.append(K,"K",i) tangentK = Line(A,D).perpendicular_line(K) svg.append(tangentK,"tangK",i) P1 = intersection(tangentK, Line(A,C))[0] svg.append(P1,"P1",i) P2 = intersection(tangentK, xaxis)[0] svg.append(P2,"P2",i) T = Triangle(P1,A,P2) svg.append(T,"T",i) return T.incircle
def test_project_on_line_parallel(self): """ Simple test, building line and points near it, which can form parallel line. """ line = Line(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(4, 4)) not_line_points = set() start_point = Point2D(0, -2) points_reference = [] not_line_point = start_point for i in range(0, 5): not_line_points.add(Point2D(not_line_point.x, not_line_point.y)) projected_point = SegmentsInLineFinder.ProjectedPoint(not_line_point, Point2D(not_line_point.x - 1, not_line_point.y + 1), (i - 1) * sqrt(2)) points_reference.append(projected_point) not_line_point = Point2D(not_line_point.x + 1, not_line_point.y + 1) points_test = SegmentsInLineFinder.project_on_line(line, not_line_points) self.assertListEqual(points_test, points_reference)
def calc_prompt_perpendicular_line(p_1: QPointF, p_2: QPointF, p_mouse: QPointF): if p_1 == p_2: return None, None mouse = Point(p_mouse.x(), p_mouse.y()) p_1 = Point(p_1.x(), p_1.y()) p_2 = Point(p_2.x(), p_2.y()) line = Line(p_1, p_2) para_line = line.parallel_line(mouse) perp_line_1 = line.perpendicular_line(p_1) perp_line_2 = line.perpendicular_line(p_2) conj_p1 = para_line.intersection(perp_line_1) conj_p2 = para_line.intersection(perp_line_2) qp1 = QPointF(conj_p1[0].x, conj_p1[0].y) qp2 = QPointF(conj_p2[0].x, conj_p2[0].y) return qp1, qp2
def plotline(ax, rwaypoints, width): pointx, pointy = pointtolist(rwaypoints) ax.plot(pointx, pointy) for i in range(len(rwaypoints) - 1): x = [] y = [] if (rwaypoints[i].x == rwaypoints[i + 1].x and rwaypoints[i].y == rwaypoints[i + 1].y): continue else: line = Line(rwaypoints[i], rwaypoints[i + 1]) diracp = line.direction.unit diracn = diracp.rotate(math.pi / 2) rectpt1 = rwaypoints[i].translate( (diracn.x - diracp.x) * width / 2, (diracn.y - diracp.y) * width / 2) rectpt2 = rwaypoints[i + 1].translate( (diracn.x + diracp.x) * width / 2, (diracn.y + diracp.y) * width / 2) rectpt3 = rwaypoints[i + 1].translate( (diracp.x - diracn.x) * width / 2, (diracp.y - diracn.y) * width / 2) rectpt4 = rwaypoints[i].translate( (-diracp.x - diracn.x) * width / 2, (-diracp.y - diracn.y) * width / 2) x.extend([rectpt1.x, rectpt2.x, rectpt3.x, rectpt4.x]) y.extend([rectpt1.y, rectpt2.y, rectpt3.y, rectpt4.y]) ax.fill(x, y, 'b', alpha=0.2)
def during_collision(cue_point, radius, stick_point, ball_coord): future_point = cue_point collision_ball_info = cue_point min_distance = 1e9 temp_ray = Ray(cue_point, stick_point) temp_Line = Line(cue_point, stick_point) temp_circle = Circle(cue_point, radius) temp_collision_points = intersection(temp_Line, temp_circle) if temp_ray.contains(temp_collision_points[0]): white_ray = Ray(cue_point, temp_collision_points[1]) else: white_ray = Ray(cue_point, temp_collision_points[0]) for coord in ball_coord: enlarged_ball = Circle(Point(coord[0], coord[1]), coord[2] + radius) intersect_point = intersection(white_ray, enlarged_ball) if len(intersect_point) == 2 and cue_point.distance( intersect_point[0]) >= cue_point.distance(intersect_point[1]): temp_point = intersect_point[1] elif len(intersect_point) == 2 or len(intersect_point) == 1: temp_point = intersect_point[0] else: continue dist = cue_point.distance(temp_point) if min_distance > dist: min_distance = dist future_point = temp_point collision_ball_info = coord return future_point, collision_ball_info
def find_direction_split(self, template, x, nn, pre_nn): samples = polytope.sample(10000, template, np.array(x)) preprocessed = pre_nn(torch.tensor(samples).float()) preprocessed_np = preprocessed.detach().numpy() samples_ontput = torch.softmax(nn(preprocessed), 1) predicted_label = samples_ontput.detach().numpy()[:, 0] y = np.clip(predicted_label, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7) inv_sig_y = np.log(y / (1 - y)) # transform to log-odds-ratio space from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression lr = LinearRegression(), inv_sig_y) template_2d: np.ndarray = np.array([Experiment.e(3, 2), Experiment.e(3, 0) - Experiment.e(3, 1)]) def sigmoid(x): ex = np.exp(x) return ex / (1 + ex) preds = sigmoid(lr.predict(samples)) plot_points_and_prediction(samples @ template_2d.T, preds) plot_points_and_prediction(samples @ template_2d.T, predicted_label) coeff = lr.coef_ intercept = lr.intercept_ a = sympy.symbols('x') b = sympy.symbols('y') classif_line1 = Line(coeff[0].item() * a + coeff[1].item() * b + intercept) new_coeff = -coeff[0].item() / coeff[1].item()
def get_anchor_pt(p0, p1, t0, t1, r0, r1): jnc_cntr, jnc_radius = get_junction_circle(p0, p1, t0, t1) if -1 == jnc_radius: # Straight line - "infinite" circle anchor_pt = (p0 + p1) / 2. else: aux_start = get_auxiliary_pt(p0, t0, r0, jnc_cntr, jnc_radius, p1) aux_end = get_auxiliary_pt(p1, t1, r1, jnc_cntr, jnc_radius, p0) aux_mid_pt = (aux_start + aux_end) / 2. if aux_mid_pt.distance(jnc_cntr) < 0.0001: # half a circle. Give the preference to p0 assert abs(aux_mid_pt.distance(aux_start) - jnc_radius) < 0.0001 diameter_line = Line(aux_start, aux_end) bisec_radius_vec = diameter_line.perpendicular_line( jnc_cntr).direction.unit anch_pt_1 = jnc_cntr + bisec_radius_vec * jnc_radius anch_pt_2 = jnc_cntr - bisec_radius_vec * jnc_radius test_pt = p0 + t0 closest_cand = get_closest_pt(anch_pt_1, anch_pt_2, test_pt) if closest_cand == anch_pt_2: bisec_radius_vec = -bisec_radius_vec else: bisec_radius_vec = Line(jnc_cntr, aux_mid_pt).direction.unit anchor_pt = jnc_cntr + bisec_radius_vec * jnc_radius DEBUG = 'IN_DEBUG' in globals() if DEBUG and IN_DEBUG: crc = mpt.Circle( [float(aux_start.x), float(aux_start.y)], radius=float(0.1), color="#D4AC0D", fill=True) plt.gca().add_patch(crc) crc = mpt.Circle( [float(aux_end.x), float(aux_end.y)], radius=float(0.1), color="#D4AC0D", fill=True) plt.gca().add_patch(crc) crc = mpt.Circle( [float(anchor_pt.x), float(anchor_pt.y)], radius=float(0.1), color="#85929E", fill=True) plt.gca().add_patch(crc) return anchor_pt
def _select_optimal_threshold(self, thresholds: np.ndarray, spot_counts: List[int]) -> float: # calculate the gradient of the number of spots grad = np.gradient(spot_counts) self._grad = grad optimal_threshold_index = np.argmin(grad) # only consider thresholds > than optimal threshold thresholds = thresholds[optimal_threshold_index:] grad = grad[optimal_threshold_index:] # if all else fails, return 0. selected_thr = 0 if len(thresholds) > 1: distances = [] # create a line whose end points are the threshold and and corresponding gradient value # for spot_counts corresponding to the threshold start_point = Point(thresholds[0], grad[0]) end_point = Point(thresholds[-1], grad[-1]) line = Line(start_point, end_point) # calculate the distance between all points and the line for k in range(len(thresholds)): p = Point(thresholds[k], grad[k]) dst = line.distance(p) distances.append(dst.evalf()) # remove the end points thresholds = thresholds[1:-1] distances = distances[1:-1] # select the threshold that has the maximum distance from the line # if stringency is passed, select a threshold that is n steps higher, where n is the # value of stringency if distances: thr_idx = np.argmax(np.array(distances)) if thr_idx + self.stringency < len(thresholds): selected_thr = thresholds[thr_idx + self.stringency] else: selected_thr = thresholds[thr_idx] return selected_thr
def compute_distances_between_two_points_set(points1, points2) : index = 0 distances = [] i = 0 li = [] while i < len(points1): p1 = points1[i] if index >= len(points2) - 1: break line = Line(points2[index], points2[index + 1]) pro = line.projection(p1) if is_projection_between_two_points(pro, points2[index], points2[index + 1]): distances.append(p1.distance(pro)) li.append([p1, pro]) index += 1 else: if pro.distance(points2[index + 1]) < pro.distance(points2[index]): i -= 1 index += 1 i += 1 return distances, li
def demonstrate_circle_power(circle): """Demonstrate power-of-a-point theorem.""" A, B, C, D = (circle.random_point() for i in range(4)) P = Line.intersection(Line(A, B), Line(C, D)) assert len(P) == 1 P = P[0] PAPB = P.distance(A) * P.distance(B) PCPD = P.distance(C) * P.distance(D) print("PA * PB =", PAPB.evalf()) print("PC * PD =", PCPD.evalf())
def triangulate(self, vertex): others = [0, 1, 2, 0, 1] others = others[(vertex + 1):(vertex + 3)] segment = Segment(self.triangle[others[0]], self.triangle[others[1]]) vertex_str = 'h' + str(vertex) segment_heights_str = ['h' + str(other) for other in others] new_points = [] counter = 2 for line in self.polygon_lines: perp = line.perpendicular_line(Point2D(self.triangle[vertex][0], self.triangle[vertex][1])) intersections = perp.intersection(segment) if len(intersections) > 0: counter = counter + 1 new_points.append(Point3D(intersections[0].x, intersections[0].y, 'h' + str(counter))) no_vars = counter + 1 all_side_points = [Point3D(segment.points[0][0], segment.points[0][1], segment_heights_str[0])] + new_points + \ [Point3D(segment.points[1][0], segment.points[1][1], segment_heights_str[1])] all_pairs = zip(all_side_points, all_side_points[1:]) h_coefs = matrix(0.0, (len(all_pairs) * len(self.polygon), no_vars)) rhs_coefs = [] for (idx1, pair) in enumerate(all_pairs): # Compute gradient for each triangulation. gradient = compute_plane_gradient( Point3D(self.triangle[vertex][0], self.triangle[vertex][1], vertex_str), pair[0], pair[1]) heights_str = [str(pair[0][2]), str(pair[1][2])] hs = [int(heights_str[0][1:]), int(heights_str[1][1:])] # Ensure that each gradient is with the convex polygon. for (idx2, (prev_point, curr_point, next_point)) in enumerate(self.adj_polygon_points): line = Line(Point2D(next_point), Point2D(curr_point)) line_equation_poly = poly(str(line.equation()), gens=sp.symbols(['x', 'y'])) # Flip equation if necessary. if line_equation_poly.eval(prev_point) > 0: line_equation_poly = -line_equation_poly gradient_poly = poly(str(line_equation_poly.eval(gradient)), gens=sp.symbols([vertex_str, heights_str[0], heights_str[1]])) row = idx1 * len(self.polygon) + idx2 h_coefs[row, 0] = float(gradient_poly.diff(vertex_str).eval((0, 0, 0))) h_coefs[row, hs[0]] = float(gradient_poly.diff(heights_str[0]).eval((0, 0, 0))) h_coefs[row, hs[1]] = float(gradient_poly.diff(heights_str[1]).eval((0, 0, 0))) rhs_coefs.append(-float(gradient_poly.eval((0, 0, 0)))) ones = [1.0] * no_vars # Final LP Problem. # Objective function. objective_function_vector = matrix(ones) # Coefficient matrix. ones_matrix = spmatrix(ones, range(no_vars), range(no_vars)) heights_coef_matrix = h_coefs bounds_coef_matrix = matrix([ones_matrix, -ones_matrix]) coef_matrix = sparse([heights_coef_matrix, bounds_coef_matrix]) # Column vector of right hand sides. column_vector = matrix(rhs_coefs + \ [self.bounds[1]] * no_vars + [-self.bounds[0]] * no_vars) min_sol = solvers.lp(objective_function_vector, coef_matrix, column_vector) is_consistent = min_sol['x'] is not None if is_consistent: self.min_heights = np.array(min_sol['x']) print np.around(self.min_heights, decimals=2) max_sol = solvers.lp(-objective_function_vector, coef_matrix, column_vector) self.max_heights = np.array(max_sol['x']) print np.around(self.max_heights, decimals=2) return is_consistent
def solveLP(self): # Check simple case when gradient of plane is contained within the convex polygon. gradient = compute_plane_gradient(Point3D(self.triangle[0][0], self.triangle[0][1], 'h0'), Point3D(self.triangle[1][0], self.triangle[1][1], 'h1'), Point3D(self.triangle[2][0], self.triangle[2][1], 'h2')) # Get all adjacent pairs of points that make up all sides of the polygon. self.adj_polygon_points = zip(*[[self.polygon[-1]] + self.polygon[:-1], self.polygon, self.polygon[1:] + [self.polygon[0]]]) # Vectors of coefficients. (h1_coefs, h2_coefs, h3_coefs, rhs_coefs) = ([], [], [], []) for (prev_point, curr_point, next_point) in self.adj_polygon_points: # Choose clockwise order when constructing line of eq. a x + b y + c = 0 from 2 given # points. Then the semi-plane containing the convex polygon will be given by: # a x + b y + c <= 0. line = Line(Point2D(next_point), Point2D(curr_point)) self.polygon_lines.append(line) line_equation_poly = poly(str(line.equation()), gens=sp.symbols(['x', 'y'])) # Check if a x + b y + c <= 0 holds; if not, flip the line equation -- critical step! if line_equation_poly.eval(prev_point) > 0: line_equation_poly = -line_equation_poly gradient_poly = poly(str(line_equation_poly.eval(gradient)), gens=sp.symbols(['h0', 'h1', 'h2'])) h1_coefs.append(float(gradient_poly.diff('h0').eval((0, 0, 0)))) h2_coefs.append(float(gradient_poly.diff('h1').eval((0, 0, 0)))) h3_coefs.append(float(gradient_poly.diff('h2').eval((0, 0, 0)))) rhs_coefs.append(-float(gradient_poly.eval((0, 0, 0)))) # Construct LP problem. # Objective function: Minimise/Maximise h1 + h2 + h3 objective_function_vector = matrix([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # Coefficient matrix. ones_matrix = spmatrix([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], range(3), range(3)) heights_coef_matrix = matrix([h1_coefs, h2_coefs, h3_coefs]) bounds_coef_matrix = matrix([ones_matrix, -ones_matrix]) coef_matrix = sparse([heights_coef_matrix, bounds_coef_matrix]) # Column vector of right hand sides. column_vector = matrix(rhs_coefs + [self.bounds[1]] * 3 + [-self.bounds[0]] * 3) min_sol = solvers.lp(objective_function_vector, coef_matrix, column_vector) is_consistent = min_sol['x'] is not None if is_consistent: self.min_heights = np.array(min_sol['x']) print np.around(self.min_heights, decimals=2) max_sol = solvers.lp(-objective_function_vector, coef_matrix, column_vector) self.max_heights = np.array(max_sol['x']) print np.around(self.max_heights, decimals=2) else: # Try to determine triangulation of the given triangle. print "Triangulating..." # Perform triangulation w.r.t to a fixed vertex. return self.triangulate(0) or self.triangulate(1) or self.triangulate(2)
from sympy import Point, Line, Segment p1, p2, p3 = Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2) l1 = Line(p1, p2) print l1.contains(Point(-1,-1)) print l1.contains(Point(1,1)) print l1.contains(Point(0.1,0.1))
def find_left_and_right_points_on_lines_from_corners(corners, mat_size): corners_tmp = deque(list(map(lambda x: list(map(lambda y: int(y), x)), corners))) assert (len(corners_tmp) == 4) left_top_c_id = 0 for c_id, c in enumerate(corners_tmp): if c[1] < corners_tmp[left_top_c_id][1]: left_top_c_id = c_id elif c[1] == corners_tmp[left_top_c_id][1] and c[0] < corners[left_top_c_id][0]: left_top_c_id = c_id corners = deque([]) for i in list(range(left_top_c_id, len(corners_tmp))) + list(range(0, left_top_c_id)): corners.append(corners_tmp[i]) left_corners, right_corners = deque([]), deque([]) if corners[0][1] == corners[1][1]: left_corners.append(corners[0]) right_corners.append(corners[1]) elif corners[0][1] < corners[1][1]: left_corners.append(corners[0]) right_corners.append(corners[0]) right_corners.append(corners[1]) else: left_corners.append(corners[1]) left_corners.append(corners[0]) right_corners.append(corners[1]) if corners[2][1] == corners[3][1]: right_corners.append(corners[2]) left_corners.append(corners[3]) elif corners[2][1] < corners[3][1]: left_corners.append(corners[3]) right_corners.append(corners[2]) right_corners.append(corners[3]) else: left_corners.append(corners[3]) left_corners.append(corners[2]) right_corners.append(corners[2]) left_corners = find_valid_corners(mat_size, left_corners) right_corners = find_valid_corners(mat_size, right_corners) if not (left_corners and right_corners): return [] assert (left_corners[0][1] == right_corners[0][1]) left1 = left_corners.popleft() left2 = left_corners.popleft() left_line = Line(left1, left2) right1 = right_corners.popleft() right2 = right_corners.popleft() right_line = Line(right1, right2) pts_on_lines = [] # y, left_x, right_x curr_y = left1[1] while True: if curr_y > left2[1]: if not left_corners: break else: left1 = left2 left2 = left_corners.popleft() left_line = Line(left1, left2) if curr_y > right2[1]: if not right_corners: break else: right1 = right2 right2 = right_corners.popleft() right_line = Line(right1, right2) hor_line_with_curr_y = Line(Point(0, curr_y), Point(100, curr_y)) temp_pt = left_line.intersection(hor_line_with_curr_y) left_cross = temp_pt[0] left_x = 0 if left_cross.x < 0 else (left_cross.x if left_cross.x < mat_size[0] else (mat_size[0] - 1)) temp_pt = right_line.intersection(hor_line_with_curr_y) right_cross = temp_pt[0] right_x = 0 if right_cross.x < 0 else (right_cross.x if right_cross.x < mat_size[0] else (mat_size[0] - 1)) pts_on_lines.append((curr_y, int(left_x), int(right_x))) curr_y += 1 return pts_on_lines
from sympy import Line, Point f=open('D:\UVA\Python\Q378.txt','r') while f: a=f.readline().strip().split(' ') if a ==['']: break p1,p2,p3,p4=Point(int(a[0]),int(a[1])),Point(int(a[2]),int(a[3])),Point(int(a[4]),int(a[5])),Point(int(a[6]),int(a[7])) l1=Line(p1,p2) l2=Line(p3,p4) if l1.is_similar(l2): print("LINE") elif Line.is_parallel(l1,l2): print("NONE") elif Line.are_concurrent(l1,l2): smaepoint= l1.intersection(l2) print("POINT %.2f %.2f " %(smaepoint[0].x,smaepoint[0].y)) print("END OF OUTPUT")