Example #1
def test_simple_8():
    assert O(sqrt(-x)) == O(sqrt(x))
    assert O(x**2 * sqrt(x)) == O(x**(S(5) / 2))
    assert O(x**3 * sqrt(-(-x)**3)) == O(x**(S(9) / 2))
    assert O(x**(S(3) / 2) * sqrt((-x)**3)) == O(x**3)
    assert O(x * (-2 * x)**(I / 2)) == O(x * (-x)**(I / 2))
Example #2
def test_ln_args():
    assert O(log(x)) + O(log(2 * x)) == O(log(x))
    assert O(log(x)) + O(log(x**3)) == O(log(x))
    assert O(log(x * y)) + O(log(x) + log(y)) == O(log(x * y))
Example #3
def test_order_leadterm():
    assert O(x**2)._eval_as_leading_term(x) == O(x**2)
Example #4
def test_ignore_order_terms():
    eq = exp(x).series(x,0,3) + sin(y+x**3) - 1
    assert cse(eq) == ([], [sin(x**3 + y) + x + x**2/2 + O(x**3)])
Example #5
def test_simple_7():
    assert 1 + O(1) == O(1)
    assert 2 + O(1) == O(1)
    assert x + O(1) == O(1)
    assert 1 / x + O(1) == 1 / x + O(1)
Example #6
def test_issue_9192():
    assert O(1) * O(1) == O(1)
    assert O(1)**O(1) == O(1)
Example #7
def test_issue_15539():
    assert O(1 / x**2 + 1 / x**4, (x, -oo)) == O(1 / x**2, (x, -oo))
    assert O(1 / x**4 + exp(x), (x, -oo)) == O(1 / x**4, (x, -oo))
    assert O(1 / x**4 + exp(-x), (x, -oo)) == O(exp(-x), (x, -oo))
    assert O(1 / x, (x, oo)).subs(x, -x) == O(-1 / x, (x, -oo))
Example #8
def test_erf_series():
    assert erf(x).series(x, 0, 7) == 2*x/sqrt(pi) - \
        2*x**3/3/sqrt(pi) + x**5/5/sqrt(pi) + O(x**7)
def test_piecewise_series():
    from sympy import sin, cos, O
    p1 = Piecewise((sin(x), x < 0), (cos(x), x > 0))
    p2 = Piecewise((x + O(x**2), x < 0), (1 + O(x**2), x > 0))
    assert p1.nseries(x, n=2) == p2
Example #10
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, x0, n):
        from sympy import powsimp, collect

        def geto(e):
            "Returns the O(..) symbol, or None if there is none."
            if e.is_Order:
                return e
            if e.is_Add:
                for x in e.args:
                    if x.is_Order:
                        return x

        def getn(e):
            Returns the order of the expression "e".

            The order is determined either from the O(...) term. If there
            is no O(...) term, it returns None.

            >>> getn(1+x+O(x**2))
            >>> getn(1+x)
            o = geto(e)
            if o is None:
                return None
                o = o.expr
                if o.is_Symbol:
                    return Integer(1)
                if o.is_Pow:
                    return o.args[1]
                n, d = o.as_numer_denom()
                if isinstance(d, log):
                    # i.e. o = x**2/log(x)
                    if n.is_Symbol:
                        return Integer(1)
                    if n.is_Pow:
                        return n.args[1]

            raise NotImplementedError()

        base, exp = self.args
        if exp.is_Integer:
            if exp > 0:
                # positive integer powers are easy to expand, e.g.:
                # sin(x)**4 = (x-x**3/3+...)**4 = ...
                return (base.nseries(x, x0, n) ** exp).expand()
            elif exp == -1:
                # this is also easy to expand using the formula:
                # 1/(1 + x) = 1 + x + x**2 + x**3 ...
                # so we need to rewrite base to the form "1+x"
                from sympy import log
                if base.has(log(x)):
                    # we need to handle the log(x) singularity:
                    assert x0 == 0
                    y = Symbol("y", dummy=True)
                    p = self.subs(log(x), -1/y)
                    if not p.has(x):
                        p = p.nseries(y, x0, n)
                        p = p.subs(y, -1/log(x))
                        return p

                base = base.nseries(x, x0, n)
                if base.has(log(x)):
                    # we need to handle the log(x) singularity:
                    assert x0 == 0
                    y = Symbol("y", dummy=True)
                    self0 = 1/base
                    p = self0.subs(log(x), -1/y)
                    if not p.has(x):
                        p = p.nseries(y, x0, n)
                        p = p.subs(y, -1/log(x))
                        return p
                prefactor = base.as_leading_term(x)
                # express "rest" as: rest = 1 + k*x**l + ... + O(x**n)
                rest = powsimp(((base-prefactor)/prefactor).expand(),\
                deep=True, combine='exp')
                if rest == 0:
                    # if prefactor == w**4 + x**2*w**4 + 2*x*w**4, we need to
                    # factor the w**4 out using collect:
                    return 1/collect(prefactor, x)
                if rest.is_Order:
                    return ((1+rest)/prefactor).expand()
                n2 = getn(rest)
                if n2 is not None:
                    n = n2

                term2 = collect(rest.as_leading_term(x), x)
                k, l = Wild("k"), Wild("l")
                r = term2.match(k*x**l)
                k, l = r[k], r[l]
                if l.is_Integer and l>0:
                    l = int(l)
                elif l.is_number and l>0:
                    l = float(l)
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                s = 1
                m = 1
                while l * m < n:
                    s += ((-rest)**m).expand()
                    m += 1
                r = (s/prefactor).expand()
                if n2 is None:
                    # Append O(...) because it is not included in "r"
                    from sympy import O
                    r += O(x**n)
                return powsimp(r, deep=True, combine='exp')
                # negative powers are rewritten to the cases above, for example:
                # sin(x)**(-4) = 1/( sin(x)**4) = ...
                # and expand the denominator:
                denominator = (base**(-exp)).nseries(x, x0, n)
                if 1/denominator == self:
                    return self
                # now we have a type 1/f(x), that we know how to expand
                return (1/denominator).nseries(x, x0, n)

        if exp.has(x):
            import sympy
            return sympy.exp(exp*sympy.log(base)).nseries(x, x0, n)

        if base == x:
            return powsimp(self, deep=True, combine='exp')

        order = C.Order(x**n, x)
        x = order.symbols[0]
        e = self.exp
        b = self.base
        ln = C.log
        exp = C.exp
        if e.has(x):
            return exp(e * ln(b)).nseries(x, x0, n)
        if b==x:
            return self
        b0 = b.limit(x,0)
        if b0 is S.Zero or b0.is_unbounded:
            lt = b.as_leading_term(x)
            o = order * lt**(1-e)
            bs = b.nseries(x, x0, n-e)
            if bs.is_Add:
                bs = bs.removeO()
            if bs.is_Add:
                # bs -> lt + rest -> lt * (1 + (bs/lt - 1))
                return (lt**e * ((bs/lt).expand()**e).nseries(x,
                        x0, n-e)).expand() + order

            return bs**e+order
        o2 = order * (b0**-e)
        # b -> b0 + (b-b0) -> b0 * (1 + (b/b0-1))
        z = (b/b0-1)
        #r = self._compute_oseries3(z, o2, self.taylor_term)
        x = o2.symbols[0]
        ln = C.log
        o = C.Order(z, x)
        if o is S.Zero:
            r = (1+z)
            if o.expr.is_number:
                e2 = ln(o2.expr*x)/ln(x)
                e2 = ln(o2.expr)/ln(o.expr)
            n = e2.limit(x,0) + 1
            if n.is_unbounded:
                # requested accuracy gives infinite series,
                # order is probably nonpolynomial e.g. O(exp(-1/x), x).
                r = (1+z)
                    n = int(n)
                except TypeError:
                    #well, the n is something more complicated (like 1+log(2))
                    n = int(n.evalf()) + 1
                assert n>=0,`n`
                l = []
                g = None
                for i in xrange(n+2):
                    g = self.taylor_term(i, z, g)
                    g = g.nseries(x, x0, n)
                r = Add(*l)
        return r * b0**e + order
Example #11
def test_fresnel():
    assert fresnels(0) == 0
    assert fresnels(oo) == S.Half
    assert fresnels(-oo) == -S.Half

    assert fresnels(z) == fresnels(z)
    assert fresnels(-z) == -fresnels(z)
    assert fresnels(I * z) == -I * fresnels(z)
    assert fresnels(-I * z) == I * fresnels(z)

    assert conjugate(fresnels(z)) == fresnels(conjugate(z))

    assert fresnels(z).diff(z) == sin(pi * z**2 / 2)

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One + I) / 4 * (erf(
        (S.One + I) / 2 * sqrt(pi) * z) - I * erf(
            (S.One - I) / 2 * sqrt(pi) * z))

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        pi*z**3/6 * hyper([S(3)/4], [S(3)/2, S(7)/4], -pi**2*z**4/16)

    assert fresnels(z).series(z, n=15) == \
        pi*z**3/6 - pi**3*z**7/336 + pi**5*z**11/42240 + O(z**15)

    assert fresnels(w).is_real is True

    assert fresnels(z).as_real_imag() == \
        ((fresnels(re(z) - I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))/2 +
          fresnels(re(z) + I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))/2,
          I*(fresnels(re(z) - I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z))) -
          fresnels(re(z) + I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))) *

    assert fresnels(2 + 3 * I).as_real_imag() == (
        fresnels(2 + 3 * I) / 2 + fresnels(2 - 3 * I) / 2,
        I * (fresnels(2 - 3 * I) - fresnels(2 + 3 * I)) / 2)

    assert expand_func(integrate(fresnels(z), z)) == \
        z*fresnels(z) + cos(pi*z**2/2)/pi

    assert fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**(S(9)/4) * \
        meijerg(((), (1,)), ((S(3)/4,),
        (S(1)/4, 0)), -pi**2*z**4/16)/(2*(-z)**(S(3)/4)*(z**2)**(S(3)/4))

    assert fresnelc(0) == 0
    assert fresnelc(oo) == S.Half
    assert fresnelc(-oo) == -S.Half

    assert fresnelc(z) == fresnelc(z)
    assert fresnelc(-z) == -fresnelc(z)
    assert fresnelc(I * z) == I * fresnelc(z)
    assert fresnelc(-I * z) == -I * fresnelc(z)

    assert conjugate(fresnelc(z)) == fresnelc(conjugate(z))

    assert fresnelc(z).diff(z) == cos(pi * z**2 / 2)

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One - I) / 4 * (erf(
        (S.One + I) / 2 * sqrt(pi) * z) + I * erf(
            (S.One - I) / 2 * sqrt(pi) * z))

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper) == \
        z * hyper([S.One/4], [S.One/2, S(5)/4], -pi**2*z**4/16)

    assert fresnelc(z).series(z, n=15) == \
        z - pi**2*z**5/40 + pi**4*z**9/3456 - pi**6*z**13/599040 + O(z**15)

    assert fresnelc(w).is_real is True

    assert fresnelc(z).as_real_imag() == \
        ((fresnelc(re(z) - I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))/2 +
          fresnelc(re(z) + I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))/2,
          I*(fresnelc(re(z) - I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z))) -
          fresnelc(re(z) + I*re(z)*Abs(im(z))/Abs(re(z)))) *

    assert fresnelc(2 + 3 * I).as_real_imag() == (
        fresnelc(2 - 3 * I) / 2 + fresnelc(2 + 3 * I) / 2,
        I * (fresnelc(2 - 3 * I) - fresnelc(2 + 3 * I)) / 2)

    assert expand_func(integrate(fresnelc(z), z)) == \
        z*fresnelc(z) - sin(pi*z**2/2)/pi

    assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**(S(3)/4) * \
        meijerg(((), (1,)), ((S(1)/4,),
        (S(3)/4, 0)), -pi**2*z**4/16)/(2*(-z)**(S(1)/4)*(z**2)**(S(1)/4))

    from sympy.utilities.randtest import test_numerically

    test_numerically(re(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)
    test_numerically(im(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)
    test_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper), z)
    test_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)

    test_numerically(re(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)
    test_numerically(im(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)
    test_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper), z)
    test_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)
Example #12
def test_issue_1756():
    x = Symbol('x')
    f = Function('f')
    assert 1 / O(1) != O(1)
    assert 1 / O(x) != O(1 / x)
    assert 1 / O(f(x)) != O(1 / x)
Example #13
def test_issue_1180():
    a, b = symbols('a b')
    assert O(a + b, a, b) + O(1, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
Example #14
def test_factorial_series():
    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

    assert factorial(n).series(n, 0, 3) == \
        1 - n*EulerGamma + n**2*(EulerGamma**2/2 + pi**2/12) + O(n**3)
Example #15
def test_issue_6753():
    assert (1 + x**2)**10000 * O(x) == O(x)
Example #16
def test_nan():
    assert O(nan) is nan
    assert not O(x).contains(nan)
Example #17
def test_order_at_some_point():
    assert Order(x, (x, 1)) == Order(1, (x, 1))
    assert Order(2 * x - 2, (x, 1)) == Order(x - 1, (x, 1))
    assert Order(-x + 1, (x, 1)) == Order(x - 1, (x, 1))
    assert Order(x - 1, (x, 1))**2 == Order((x - 1)**2, (x, 1))
    assert Order(x - 2, (x, 2)) - O(x - 2, (x, 2)) == Order(x - 2, (x, 2))
Example #18
def test_O1():
    assert O(1, x) * x == O(x)
    assert O(1, y) * x == O(1, y)
Example #19
def test_performance_of_adding_order():
    l = list(x**i for i in range(1000))
    assert Add(*l).subs(x, 1) == O(1)
Example #20
def test_diff():
    assert O(x**2).diff(x) == O(x)
Example #21
def test_caching_bug():
    #needs to be a first test, so that all caches are clean
    #cache it
    #and test that this won't raise an exception
    O(w**(-1 / x / log(3) * log(5)), w)
Example #22
def test_getO():
    assert (x).getO() is None
    assert (x).removeO() == x
    assert (O(x)).getO() == O(x)
    assert (O(x)).removeO() == 0
    assert (z + O(x) + O(y)).getO() == O(x) + O(y)
    assert (z + O(x) + O(y)).removeO() == z
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: (O(x) + O(y)).getn())
Example #23
    def _eval_nseries(self, x, n, logx):
        # NOTE! This function is an important part of the gruntz algorithm
        #       for computing limits. It has to return a generalized power
        #       series with coefficients in C(log, log(x)). In more detail:
        # It has to return an expression
        #     c_0*x**e_0 + c_1*x**e_1 + ... (finitely many terms)
        # where e_i are numbers (not necessarily integers) and c_i are
        # expressions involving only numbers, the log function, and log(x).
        from sympy import powsimp, collect, exp, log, O, ceiling
        b, e = self.args
        if e.is_Integer:
            if e > 0:
                # positive integer powers are easy to expand, e.g.:
                # sin(x)**4 = (x-x**3/3+...)**4 = ...
                return expand_multinomial(self.func(
                    b._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx), e),
            elif e is S.NegativeOne:
                # this is also easy to expand using the formula:
                # 1/(1 + x) = 1 - x + x**2 - x**3 ...
                # so we need to rewrite base to the form "1+x"

                nuse = n
                cf = 1

                    ord = b.as_leading_term(x)
                    cf = C.Order(ord, x).getn()
                    if cf:
                        nuse = n + 2 * cf
                        cf = 1
                except NotImplementedError:

                b_orig = b
                b = b_orig._eval_nseries(x, n=nuse, logx=logx)
                prefactor = b.as_leading_term(x)

                while prefactor.is_Order:
                    nuse += 1
                    b = b_orig._eval_nseries(x, n=nuse, logx=logx)
                    prefactor = b.as_leading_term(x)

                # express "rest" as: rest = 1 + k*x**l + ... + O(x**n)
                rest = expand_mul((b - prefactor) / prefactor)

                if rest == 0:
                    # if prefactor == w**4 + x**2*w**4 + 2*x*w**4, we need to
                    # factor the w**4 out using collect:
                    return 1 / collect(prefactor, x)
                if rest.is_Order:
                    return 1 / prefactor + rest / prefactor + O(x**n, x)
                n2 = rest.getn()
                if n2 is not None:
                    # remove the O - powering this is slow
                    if logx is not None:
                        rest = rest.removeO()

                k, l = rest.leadterm(x)
                if l.is_Rational and l > 0:
                elif l.is_number and l > 0:
                    l = l.evalf()
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                if cf < 0:
                    cf = S.One / abs(cf)

                terms = [1 / prefactor]
                for m in xrange(1, ceiling(n / l * cf)):
                    new_term = terms[-1] * (-rest)
                    if new_term.is_Pow:
                        new_term = new_term._eval_expand_multinomial(
                        new_term = expand_mul(new_term, deep=False)
                terms.append(O(x**n, x))

                # Append O(...), we know the order.
                if n2 is None or logx is not None:
                return powsimp(Add(*terms), deep=True, combine='exp')
                # negative powers are rewritten to the cases above, for
                # example:
                # sin(x)**(-4) = 1/( sin(x)**4) = ...
                # and expand the denominator:
                nuse, denominator = n, O(1)
                while denominator.is_Order:
                    denominator = (b**(-e))._eval_nseries(x, n=nuse, logx=logx)
                    nuse += 1
                if 1 / denominator == self:
                    return self
                # now we have a type 1/f(x), that we know how to expand
                return (1 / denominator)._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)

        if e.has(Symbol):
            return exp(e * log(b))._eval_nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)

        # see if the base is as simple as possible
        bx = b
        while bx.is_Pow and bx.exp.is_Rational:
            bx = bx.base
        if bx == x:
            return self

        # work for b(x)**e where e is not an Integer and does not contain x
        # and hopefully has no other symbols

        def e2int(e):
            """return the integer value (if possible) of e and a
            flag indicating whether it is bounded or not."""
            n = e.limit(x, 0)
            unbounded = n.is_unbounded
            if not unbounded:
                # XXX was int or floor intended? int used to behave like floor
                # so int(-Rational(1, 2)) returned -1 rather than int's 0
                    n = int(n)
                except TypeError:
                    #well, the n is something more complicated (like 1+log(2))
                        n = int(n.evalf()) + 1  # XXX why is 1 being added?
                    except TypeError:
                        pass  # hope that base allows this to be resolved
                n = _sympify(n)
            return n, unbounded

        order = O(x**n, x)
        ei, unbounded = e2int(e)
        b0 = b.limit(x, 0)
        if unbounded and (b0 is S.One or b0.has(Symbol)):
            # XXX what order
            if b0 is S.One:
                resid = (b - 1)
                if resid.is_positive:
                    return S.Infinity
                elif resid.is_negative:
                    return S.Zero
                raise ValueError('cannot determine sign of %s' % resid)

            return b0**ei

        if (b0 is S.Zero or b0.is_unbounded):
            if unbounded is not False:
                return b0**e  # XXX what order

            if not ei.is_number:  # if not, how will we proceed?
                raise ValueError('expecting numerical exponent but got %s' %

            nuse = n - ei

            if e.is_real and e.is_positive:
                lt = b.as_leading_term(x)

                # Try to correct nuse (= m) guess from:
                # (lt + rest + O(x**m))**e =
                # lt**e*(1 + rest/lt + O(x**m)/lt)**e =
                # lt**e + ... + O(x**m)*lt**(e - 1) = ... + O(x**n)
                    cf = C.Order(lt, x).getn()
                    nuse = ceiling(n - cf * (e - 1))
                except NotImplementedError:

            bs = b._eval_nseries(x, n=nuse, logx=logx)
            terms = bs.removeO()
            if terms.is_Add:
                bs = terms
                lt = terms.as_leading_term(x)

                # bs -> lt + rest -> lt*(1 + (bs/lt - 1))
                return ((self.func(lt, e) * self.func(
                    (bs / lt).expand(), e).nseries(
                        x, n=nuse, logx=logx)).expand() + order)

            if bs.is_Add:
                from sympy import O
                # So, bs + O() == terms
                c = Dummy('c')
                res = []
                for arg in bs.args:
                    if arg.is_Order:
                        arg = c * arg.expr
                bs = Add(*res)
                rv = (bs**e).series(x).subs(c, O(1))
                rv += order
                return rv

            rv = bs**e
            if terms != bs:
                rv += order
            return rv

        # either b0 is bounded but neither 1 nor 0 or e is unbounded
        # b -> b0 + (b-b0) -> b0 * (1 + (b/b0-1))
        o2 = order * (b0**-e)
        z = (b / b0 - 1)
        o = O(z, x)
        #r = self._compute_oseries3(z, o2, self.taylor_term)
        if o is S.Zero or o2 is S.Zero:
            unbounded = True
            if o.expr.is_number:
                e2 = log(o2.expr * x) / log(x)
                e2 = log(o2.expr) / log(o.expr)
            n, unbounded = e2int(e2)
        if unbounded:
            # requested accuracy gives infinite series,
            # order is probably non-polynomial e.g. O(exp(-1/x), x).
            r = 1 + z
            l = []
            g = None
            for i in xrange(n + 2):
                g = self._taylor_term(i, z, g)
                g = g.nseries(x, n=n, logx=logx)
            r = Add(*l)
        return expand_mul(r * b0**e) + order
Example #24
def test_leading_term():
    from sympy import digamma
    assert O(1 / digamma(1 / x)) == O(1 / log(x))
Example #25
def test_simple_8():
    assert O(sqrt(-x)) == O(sqrt(x))
    assert O(x**2 * sqrt(x)) == O(x**Rational(5, 2))
    assert O(x**3 * sqrt(-((-x)**3))) == O(x**Rational(9, 2))
    assert O(x**Rational(3, 2) * sqrt((-x)**3)) == O(x**3)
    assert O(x * (-2 * x)**(I / 2)) == O(x * (-x)**(I / 2))
Example #26
def test_eval():
    assert Order(x).subs(Order(x), 1) == 1
    assert Order(x).subs(x, y) == Order(y)
    assert Order(x).subs(y, x) == Order(x)
    assert Order(x).subs(x, x + y) == Order(x + y, (x, -y))
    assert (O(1)**x).is_Pow
Example #27
def test_leading_order2():
    assert set((2 + pi + x**2).extract_leading_order(x)) == set(
        ((pi, O(1, x)), (S(2), O(1, x))))
    assert set((2 * x + pi * x + x**2).extract_leading_order(x)) == set(
        ((2 * x, O(x)), (x * pi, O(x))))
Example #28
def test_issue_4279():
    a, b = symbols('a b')
    assert O(a, a, b) + O(1, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
    assert O(b, a, b) + O(1, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
    assert O(a + b, a, b) + O(1, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
    assert O(1, a, b) + O(a, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
    assert O(1, a, b) + O(b, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
    assert O(1, a, b) + O(a + b, a, b) == O(1, a, b)
Example #29
def test_order_symbols():
    e = x * y * sin(x) * Integral(x, (x, 1, 2))
    assert O(e) == O(x**2 * y, x, y)
    assert O(e, x) == O(x**2)
Example #30
def test_issue_3654():
    assert (1 + x**2)**10000 * O(x) == O(x)