def test_easycert_user_sign(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--ca', '--certdir', path, 'testca'] self.assertEqual(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.assertTrue(str(outp).find('cert saved')) argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '*****@*****.**'] self.assertEqual(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.assertTrue(str(outp).find('cert saved'))
def test_easycert_server_sign(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--ca', '--certdir', path, 'testca'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(str(outp).find('cert saved')) argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--server', '' ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(str(outp).find('cert saved'))
def test_easycert_csr(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('key saved')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) self.true(outp.expect('csr saved')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) # Generate a server CSR outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '', '--server'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('key saved')) self.true(outp.expect('')) self.true(outp.expect('csr saved')) self.true(outp.expect('')) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, 'intermed', '--ca'] self.raises(NotImplementedError, s_easycert.main, argv, outp=outp) # Ensure that duplicate files won't be overwritten outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) self.true(outp.expect('file exists:')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) self.make_testca(path) # Sign the user csr outp = self.getTestOutp() csrpath = os.path.join(path, 'users', '*****@*****.**') argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', csrpath, ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('cert saved:')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) # Ensure we can do server certificate signing outp = self.getTestOutp() csrpath = os.path.join(path, 'hosts', '') argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', csrpath, '--server'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('cert saved:')) self.true(outp.expect('')) # test nonexistent csr outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', 'lololol', ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) self.true(outp.expect('csr not found: lololol')) # Test bad input outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--certdir', path, '--sign-csr', 'lololol', ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) self.true(outp.expect('--sign-csr requires --signas'))
def test_easycert_user_p12(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: self.make_testca(path) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('key saved')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) self.true(outp.expect('cert saved')) self.true(outp.expect('*****@*****.**')) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--certdir', path, '--p12', '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('client cert saved')) self.true(outp.expect('[email protected]'))
def make_testca(self, path): ''' Helper for making a testca named "testca" ''' outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--ca', '--certdir', path, 'testca'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('key saved')) self.true(outp.expect('testca.key')) self.true(outp.expect('cert saved')) self.true(outp.expect('testca.crt'))
def test_easycert_csr(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '*****@*****.**'] self.assertEqual(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('csr saved:') outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--ca', '--certdir', path, 'testca'] self.assertEqual(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('cert saved:') outp = self.getTestOutp() csrpath = os.path.join(path, 'users', '*****@*****.**') argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', csrpath ] self.assertEqual(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('cert saved:')
def test_easycert_server_sign(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: self.make_testca(path) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--server', ''] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) self.true(outp.expect('key saved')) self.true(outp.expect('')) self.true(outp.expect('cert saved')) self.true(outp.expect(''))
def test_easycert_importfile(self): with self.getTestDir() as tstpath: outp = self.getTestOutp() fname = 'coolfile.crt' srcpath = s_common.genpath(tstpath, fname) ftype = 'cas' argv = ['--importfile', ftype, '--certdir', tstpath, srcpath] with s_common.genfile(srcpath) as fd: self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp = self.getTestOutp() fname = '*****@*****.**' srcpath = s_common.genpath(tstpath, fname) ftype = 'cas' argv = ['--importfile', ftype, '--certdir', tstpath, srcpath] with s_common.genfile(srcpath) as fd: self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--importfile', 'cas', '--certdir', tstpath, 'nope'] self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchFile, s_easycert.main, argv, outp=outp)
def test_easycert_importfile(self): with self.getTestDir() as tstpath: outp = self.getTestOutp() fname = 'coolfile.crt' srcpath = s_common.genpath(tstpath, fname) ftype = 'cas' argv = ['--importfile', ftype, '--certdir', tstpath, srcpath] with s_common.genfile(srcpath) as fd: self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp = self.getTestOutp() fname = '*****@*****.**' srcpath = s_common.genpath(tstpath, fname) ftype = 'cas' argv = ['--importfile', ftype, '--certdir', tstpath, srcpath] with s_common.genfile(srcpath) as fd: self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--importfile', 'cas', '--certdir', tstpath, 'nope'] self.raises(NoSuchFile, s_easycert.main, argv, outp=outp)
def test_easycert_csr(self): with self.getTestDir() as path: outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('csr saved:') # Generate a server CSR outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '', '--server'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('csr saved:') # Ensure that duplicate files won't be overwritten outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--csr', '--certdir', path, '*****@*****.**'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) outp.expect('file exists:') outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = ['--ca', '--certdir', path, 'testca'] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('cert saved:') outp = self.getTestOutp() csrpath = os.path.join(path, 'users', '*****@*****.**') argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', csrpath, ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('cert saved:') # Ensure we can do server certificate signing outp = self.getTestOutp() csrpath = os.path.join(path, 'hosts', '') argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', csrpath, '--server' ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), 0) outp.expect('cert saved:') outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--signas', 'testca', '--sign-csr', 'lololol', ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) outp.expect('csr not found') # Test bad input outp = self.getTestOutp() argv = [ '--certdir', path, '--sign-csr', 'lololol', ] self.eq(s_easycert.main(argv, outp=outp), -1) outp.expect('--sign-csr requires --signas')