def download_file(
    download_request: DownloadRequest,
    max_concurrent_parts: int = None,
    Main driver for the multi-threaded download. Users an ExecutorService, either set externally onto a thread
    local by an outside process, or creating one as needed otherwise.

    :param client: A synapseclient
    :param download_request: A batch of DownloadRequest objects specifying what Synapse files to download
    :param max_concurrent_parts: The maximum concurrent number parts to download at once when downloading this file

    # we obtain an executor from a thread local if we are in the context of a Synapse sync
    # and wan't to re-use the same threadpool as was created for that
    executor = getattr(_thread_local, 'executor', None)
    shutdown_after = False
    if not executor:
        shutdown_after = True
        executor = get_executor(client.max_threads)

    max_concurrent_parts = max_concurrent_parts or client.max_threads
        downloader = _MultithreadedDownloader(client, executor, max_concurrent_parts)
        # if we created the Executor for the purposes of processing this download we also
        # shut it down. if it was passed in from the outside then it's managed by the caller
        if shutdown_after:
    def test_upload__error(self, syn):
        """Verify that if an item upload fails the error is raised in the main thread
        and any running Futures are cancelled"""

        item_1 = _SyncUploadItem(File(path='/tmp/foo', parentId='syn123'), [],
                                 [], {})
        item_2 = _SyncUploadItem(File(path='/tmp/bar', parentId='syn123'), [],
                                 [], {})
        items = [item_1, item_2]

        def syn_store_side_effect(entity, *args, **kwargs):
            if entity.path == entity.path:
                raise ValueError()
            return Mock()

        uploader = _SyncUploader(syn, get_executor())
        original_abort = uploader._abort

        def abort_side_effect(futures):
            return original_abort(futures)

        with patch.object(syn, 'store') as mock_syn_store, \
                patch.object(uploader, '_abort') as mock_abort:

            mock_syn_store.side_effect = syn_store_side_effect
            mock_abort.side_effect = abort_side_effect
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):

            # it would be aborted with Futures
            isinstance(mock_abort.call_args_list[0][0], Future)
Example #3
def _executor(max_threads, shutdown_wait):
    """Yields an executor for running some asynchronous code, either obtaining the executor
    from the shared_executor or otherwise creating one.

    :param max_threads: the maxmimum number of threads a created executor should use
    :param shutdown_wait: whether a created executor should shutdown after running the yielded to code
    executor = getattr(_thread_local, 'executor', None)
    shutdown_after = False
    if not executor:
        shutdown_after = True
        executor = pool_provider.get_executor(thread_count=max_threads)

        yield executor
        if shutdown_after:
    def test_upload(self, mock_os_isfile, syn):
        """Ensure that an upload including multiple items which depend on each other through
        provenance are all uploaded and in the expected order."""
        mock_os_isfile.return_value = True

        item_1 = _SyncUploadItem(
            File(path='/tmp/foo', parentId='syn123'),
            [],  # used
            [],  # executed
            {},  # annotations
        item_2 = _SyncUploadItem(
            File(path='/tmp/bar', parentId='syn123'),
            ['/tmp/foo'],  # used
            [],  # executed
            {},  # annotations
        item_3 = _SyncUploadItem(
            File(path='/tmp/baz', parentId='syn123'),
            ['/tmp/bar'],  # used
            [],  # executed
            {},  # annotations

        items = [

        convert_provenance_calls = 2 * len(items)
        convert_provenance_condition = threading.Condition()

        mock_stored_entities = {
            item_1.entity.path: Mock(),
            item_2.entity.path: Mock(),
            item_3.entity.path: Mock(),

        uploader = _SyncUploader(syn, get_executor())

        convert_provenance_original = uploader._convert_provenance

        def patched_convert_provenance(provenance, finished_items):
            # we hack the convert_provenance method as a way of ensuring that
            # the first item doesn't finish storing until the items that depend on it
            # have finished one trip through the wait loop. that way we ensure that
            # our locking logic is being exercised.
            nonlocal convert_provenance_calls
            with convert_provenance_condition:
                convert_provenance_calls -= 1

                if convert_provenance_calls == 0:

            return convert_provenance_original(provenance, finished_items)

        def syn_store_side_effect(entity, *args, **kwargs):
            if entity.path == item_1.entity.path:
                with convert_provenance_condition:
                    if convert_provenance_calls > 0:
                            lambda: convert_provenance_calls == 0)

            return mock_stored_entities[entity.path]

        with patch.object(uploader, '_convert_provenance') as mock_convert_provenance, \
                patch.object(syn, 'store') as mock_syn_store:

            mock_convert_provenance.side_effect = patched_convert_provenance
            mock_syn_store.side_effect = syn_store_side_effect


        # all three of our items should have been stored
        stored = [args[0][0].path for args in mock_syn_store.call_args_list]
        assert [i.entity.path for i in items] == stored
Example #5
 def test_get_executor_for_multiple_thread(self):
     with _patch_config(False):
         assert isinstance(get_executor(), ThreadPoolExecutor)
Example #6
 def test_get_executor_for_single_thread(self):
     with _patch_config(True):
         assert isinstance(get_executor(), SingleThreadExecutor)