Example #1
def GetTypeFromExt(ext):
    """Get the filetype description string from the given extension.
    The return value defaults to synglob.LANG_TXT if nothing is found.
    @param ext: file extension string (no dot)
    @return: String

    return ExtensionRegister().FileTypeFromExt(ext)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        """Initialize a syntax manager. If the optional
        value config is set the mapping of extensions to
        lexers will be loaded from a config file.
        @keyword config: path of config file to load file extension config from

        if SyntaxMgr.first:
            SyntaxMgr.first = False
            self._extreg = ExtensionRegister()
            self._config = config
            if self._config:
            self._loaded = dict()
Example #3
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        """Initialize a syntax manager. If the optional
        value config is set the mapping of extensions to
        lexers will be loaded from a config file.
        @keyword config: path of config file to load file extension config from

        if SyntaxMgr.first:
            SyntaxMgr.first = False
            self._extreg = ExtensionRegister()
            self._config = config
            self._loaded = dict()

            # Syntax mode extensions
            self._extensions = dict()  # loaded extensions "py" : PythonMode()

Example #4
def GetExtFromId(ext_id):
    """Takes a language ID and fetches an appropriate file extension string
    @param ext_id: language id to get extension for
    @return: file extension
    @rtype: string

    extreg = ExtensionRegister()
    ftype = synglob.GetDescriptionFromId(ext_id)
    return extreg[ftype][0]
def GetIdFromExt(ext):
    """Get the language id from the given file extension
    @param ext: file extension (no dot)
    @return: language identifier id from extension register

    ftype = ExtensionRegister().FileTypeFromExt(ext)
    if ftype in synglob.LANG_MAP:
        return synglob.LANG_MAP[ftype][LANG_ID]
        return synglob.ID_LANG_TXT
Example #6
def GetIdFromExt(ext):
    """Get the language id from the given file extension
    @param ext: file extension (no dot)
    @return: language identifier id from extension register

    ftype = ExtensionRegister().FileTypeFromExt(ext)
    for val in dir(synglob):
        if val.startswith('LANG_') and getattr(synglob, val) == ftype:
            return getattr(synglob, 'ID_' + val, synglob.ID_LANG_TXT)

    return synglob.ID_LANG_TXT
Example #7
def GenFileFilters():
    """Generates a list of file filters
    @return: list of all file filters based on exentsion associations

    extreg = ExtensionRegister()
    # Convert extension list into a formated string
    f_dict = dict()
    for key, val in extreg.iteritems():
        f_dict[key] = u";*." + u";*.".join(val)

    # Build the final list of properly formated strings
    filters = list()
    for key in f_dict:
        tmp = u" (%s)|%s|" % (f_dict[key][1:], f_dict[key][1:])
        filters.append(key + tmp)
    filters.insert(0, u"All Files (*)|*|")
    filters[-1] = filters[-1][:-1] # IMPORTANT trim last '|' from item in list
    return filters
Example #8
def GenFileFilters():
    """Generates a list of file filters
    @return: list of all file filters based on exentsion associations

    extreg = ExtensionRegister()
    # Convert extension list into a formated string
    f_dict = dict()
    for key, val in extreg.iteritems():
        f_dict[key] = u";*." + u";*.".join(val)

    # Build the final list of properly formated strings
    filters = list()
    for key in f_dict:
        tmp = u" (%s)|%s|" % (f_dict[key][1:], f_dict[key][1:])
        filters.append(key + tmp)
    filters.insert(0, u"All Files (*)|*|")
    filters[-1] = filters[-1][:-1] # IMPORTANT trim last '|' from item in list
    return filters
Example #9
def _RegisterExtensionHandler(xml_obj):
    """Register an ExtensionHandler with this module.
    @todo: this is a temporary hack till what to do with the language id's
           is decided.

    # Create an ID value for the lang id string
    langId = xml_obj.GetLangId()
    rid = RegisterNewLangId(langId, xml_obj.GetLanguage())
    setattr(synglob, langId, rid)
    setattr(synglob, langId[3:], xml_obj.GetLanguage())

    # Register file extensions with extension register
                                  u" ".join(xml_obj.FileExtensions))

    # Update static syntax id list
    if rid not in SYNTAX_IDS:

    return rid
Example #10
class SyntaxMgr(object):
    """Class Object for managing loaded syntax data. The manager
    is only created once as a singleton and shared amongst all
    editor windows

    instance = None
    first = True

    def __init__(self, config=None):
        """Initialize a syntax manager. If the optional
        value config is set the mapping of extensions to
        lexers will be loaded from a config file.
        @keyword config: path of config file to load file extension config from

        if SyntaxMgr.first:
            SyntaxMgr.first = False
            self._extreg = ExtensionRegister()
            self._config = config
            if self._config:
            self._loaded = dict()

    def __new__(cls, config=None):
        """Ensure only a single instance is shared amongst
        all objects.
        @return: class instance

        if cls.instance is None:
            cls.instance = object.__new__(cls)
        return cls.instance

    def _ExtToMod(self, ext):
        """Gets the name of the module that is is associated
        with the given extension or None in the event that there
        is no association or that the association is plain text.
        @param ext: extension string to lookup module for

        ftype = self._extreg.FileTypeFromExt(ext)
        lexdat = synglob.LANG_MAP.get(ftype)
        mod = None
        if lexdat:
            mod = lexdat[2]
        return mod

    def GetLangId(self, ext):
        """Gets the language Id that is associated with the file
        @param ext: extension to get lang id for

        ftype = self._extreg.FileTypeFromExt(ext)
        return synglob.LANG_MAP[ftype][0]

    def IsModLoaded(self, modname):
        """Checks if a module has already been loaded
        @param modname: name of module to lookup

        if modname in self._loaded:
            return True
            return False

    def LoadModule(self, modname):
        """Dynamically loads a module by name. The loading is only
        done if the modules data set is not already being managed
        @param modname: name of syntax module to load

        if modname == None:
            return False
        if not self.IsModLoaded(modname):
                self._loaded[modname] = __import__(modname, globals(),
                                                   locals(), [''])
            except ImportError, msg:
                return False
        return True
Example #11
class SyntaxMgr(object):
    """Class Object for managing loaded syntax data. The manager
    is only created once as a singleton and shared amongst all
    editor windows

    instance = None
    first = True
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        """Initialize a syntax manager. If the optional
        value config is set the mapping of extensions to
        lexers will be loaded from a config file.
        @keyword config: path of config file to load file extension config from

        if self.first:
            self.first = False
            self._extreg = ExtensionRegister()
            self._config = config
            if self._config:
            self._loaded = dict()

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs):
        """Ensure only a single instance is shared amongst
        all objects.
        @return: class instance

        if not cls.instance:
            cls.instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kargs)
        return cls.instance

    def _ExtToMod(self, ext):
        """Gets the name of the module that is is associated
        with the given extension or None in the event that there
        is no association or that the association is plain text.
        @param ext: extension string to lookup module for

        ftype = self._extreg.FileTypeFromExt(ext)
        lexdat = synglob.LANG_MAP.get(ftype)
        mod = None
        if lexdat:
            mod = lexdat[2]
        return mod

    def GetLangId(self, ext):
        """Gets the language Id that is associated with the file
        @param ext: extension to get lang id for

        ftype = self._extreg.FileTypeFromExt(ext)
        return synglob.LANG_MAP[ftype][0]

    def IsModLoaded(self, modname):
        """Checks if a module has already been loaded
        @param modname: name of module to lookup

        if modname in self._loaded:
            return True
            return False

    def LoadModule(self, modname):
        """Dynamically loads a module by name. The loading is only
        done if the modules data set is not already being managed
        @param modname: name of syntax module to load

        if modname == None:
            return False
        if not self.IsModLoaded(modname):
                self._loaded[modname] = __import__(modname, globals(), 
                                                   locals(), [''])
            except ImportError:
                return False
        return True

    def SaveState(self):
        """Saves the current configuration state of the manager to
        disk for use in other sessions.
        @return: whether save was successful or not

        if not self._config or not os.path.exists(self._config):
            return False
        path = os.path.join(self._config, self._extreg.config)
            file_h = open(path, "wb")
        except IOError:
            return False
        return True

    def SyntaxData(self, ext):
        """Fetches the language data based on a file extention string. The file
        extension is used to look up the default lexer actions from the EXT_REG
        @see: L{synglob}
        @param ext: a string representing the file extension
        @return: Returns a Dictionary of Lexer Config Data

        # The Return Value
        syn_data = dict()
        lex_cfg = synglob.LANG_MAP[self._extreg.FileTypeFromExt(ext)]

        syn_data[LEXER] = lex_cfg[LEXER_ID]
        if lex_cfg[LANG_ID] == synglob.ID_LANG_TXT:
            syn_data[LANGUAGE] = lex_cfg[LANG_ID]

        # Check if module is loaded and load if necessary
        if not self.LoadModule(lex_cfg[MODULE]):
            # Bail out as nothing else can be done at this point
            return syn_data

        # This little bit of code fetches the keyword/syntax 
        # spec set(s) from the specified module
        mod = self._loaded[lex_cfg[MODULE]]  #HACK
        syn_data[KEYWORDS] = mod.Keywords(lex_cfg[LANG_ID])
        syn_data[SYNSPEC] = mod.SyntaxSpec(lex_cfg[LANG_ID])
        syn_data[PROPERTIES] = mod.Properties(lex_cfg[LANG_ID])
        syn_data[LANGUAGE] = lex_cfg[LANG_ID]
        syn_data[COMMENT] = mod.CommentPattern(lex_cfg[LANG_ID])
        if syn_data[LEXER] == wx.stc.STC_LEX_CONTAINER:
            syn_data[CLEXER] = mod.StyleText
            syn_data[CLEXER] = None
        syn_data[INDENTER] = getattr(mod, 'AutoIndenter', None)

        return syn_data