Example #1
def status_label(inst):
    """Return a span label styled based on the instance's current status"""
    inst_type = utils.get_type_from_instance(inst)
    state = get_status_from_instance(inst).upper()
    state_cls = 'info'

    if inst_type == 'user':
        if not inst.email_verified or not inst.moderated:
            state_cls = 'warning'
        elif inst.is_rejected:
            state_cls = 'danger'
        elif inst.is_active:
            state_cls = 'success'
        elif not inst.is_active:
            state_cls = 'inverse'
        state_cls = status_map[inst_type].get(state, 'info')

    label_cls = "label label-%s" % state_cls

    if inst_type in ["project", "application"]:
        name = inst_type.capitalize() + " Status: "
        name = ""

    deleted_label = ""
    if getattr(inst, 'deleted', False):
        deleted_label = '<span class="label label-danger">Deleted</span>'
    return '%s\n<span class="%s">%s%s</span>' % (deleted_label, label_cls,
                                                 name, state)
Example #2
def status_label(inst):
    """Return a span label styled based on the instance's current status"""
    inst_type = utils.get_type_from_instance(inst)
    state = get_status_from_instance(inst).upper()
    state_cls = 'info'

    if inst_type == 'user':
        if not inst.email_verified or not inst.moderated:
            state_cls = 'warning'
        elif inst.is_rejected:
            state_cls = 'danger'
        elif inst.is_active:
            state_cls = 'success'
        elif not inst.is_active:
            state_cls = 'inverse'
        state_cls = status_map[inst_type].get(state, 'info')

    label_cls = "label label-%s" % state_cls

    if inst_type in ["project", "application"]:
        name = inst_type.capitalize() + " Status: "
        name = ""

    deleted_label = ""
    if getattr(inst, 'deleted', False):
        deleted_label = '<span class="label label-danger">Deleted</span>'
    return '%s\n<span class="%s">%s%s</span>' % (deleted_label, label_cls,
                                                 name, state)
Example #3
def details_url(inst, target):
    """Get a url for the details of an instance's field."""
    # Get instance type and import the appropriate utilities module.
    inst_type = utils.get_type_from_instance(inst)
    mod = import_module("synnefo_admin.admin.resources.{}s.utils".format(inst_type))

    # Call the details_href function for the provided target.
    func = getattr(mod, "get_{}_details_href".format(target), None)
    if func:
        return func(inst)
        raise Exception("Wrong target name: {}".format(target))
Example #4
def details_url(inst, target):
    """Get a url for the details of an instance's field."""
    # Get instance type and import the appropriate utilities module.
    inst_type = utils.get_type_from_instance(inst)
    mod = import_module("synnefo_admin.admin.resources.{}s.utils".format(inst_type))

    # Call the details_href function for the provided target.
    func = getattr(mod, "get_{}_details_href".format(target), None)
    if func:
        return func(inst)
        raise Exception("Wrong target name: {}".format(target))