def plot_price_model(seed=0, num_days=1000): # Create a simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the enviroment with the given seed env.reset(seed) # Create an array to hold the daily stock price for the given number of days price_hist = np.zeros(num_days) # Get the simulated stock price movement from the environment for i in range(num_days): _, _, _, info = env.step(i) price_hist[i] = info.price # Print Average and Standard Deviation in Stock Price print('Average Stock Price: ${:,.2f}'.format(price_hist.mean())) print('Standard Deviation in Stock Price: ${:,.2f}'.format( price_hist.std())) # print('Standard Deviation of Random Noise: {:,.5f}'.format(np.sqrt(env.singleStepVariance * env.tau))) # Plot the price history for the given number of days price_df = pd.DataFrame(data=price_hist, columns=['Stock'], dtype='float64') ax = price_df.plot(colormap='cool', grid=False) ax.set_facecolor(color='k') ax = plt.gca() yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('${x:,.2f}') ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) plt.ylabel('Stock Price') plt.xlabel('days')
def get_optimal_vals(lq_time=60, nm_trades=60, tr_risk=1e-6, title=''): # Create a simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the enviroment with the given parameters env.reset(liquid_time=lq_time, num_trades=nm_trades, lamb=tr_risk) # Set the title for the AC Optimal Strategy table if title == '': title = 'AC Optimal Strategy' else: title = 'AC Optimal Strategy for ' + title # Get the AC optimal values from the environment E = env.get_AC_expected_shortfall(env.total_shares) V = env.get_AC_variance(env.total_shares) U = env.compute_AC_utility(env.total_shares) left_col = [('Number of Days to Sell All the Shares:', ['{}'.format(env.liquidation_time)]), ('Half-Life of The Trade:', ['{:,.1f}'.format(1 / env.kappa)]), ('Utility:', ['${:,.2f}'.format(U)])] right_col = [('Initial Portfolio Value:', ['${:,.2f}'.format(env.total_shares * env.startingPrice)]), ('Expected Shortfall:', ['${:,.2f}'.format(E)]), ('Standard Deviation of Shortfall:', ['${:,.2f}'.format(np.sqrt(V))])] # Generate the table with the AC optimal values val_table = generate_table(left_col, right_col, title) return val_table
def get_av_std(lq_time=60, nm_trades=60, tr_risk=1e-6, trs=100): # Create simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the enviroment env.reset(liquid_time=lq_time, num_trades=nm_trades, lamb=tr_risk) # Get the trading list trl = env.get_trade_list() # Since we are not selling fractional shares we round up the shares in the trading list trade_list = round_trade_list(trl) # Set the initial shortfall to zero shortfall_hist = np.array([]) for episode in range(trs): # Print current episode every 100 episodes if (episode + 1) % 100 == 0: print('Episode [{}/{}]'.format(episode + 1, trs), end='\r', flush=True) # Reset the enviroment env.reset(seed=episode, liquid_time=lq_time, num_trades=nm_trades, lamb=tr_risk) # set the environment to make transactions env.start_transactions() for trade in trade_list: action = trade / env.shares_remaining _, _, _, info = env.step(action) if info.done: shortfall_hist = np.append(shortfall_hist, info.implementation_shortfall) break print('Average Implementation Shortfall: ${:,.2f}'.format( shortfall_hist.mean())) print( 'Standard Deviation of the Implementation Shortfall: ${:,.2f}'.format( shortfall_hist.std())) plt.plot(shortfall_hist, 'cyan', label='') plt.xlim(0, trs) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor('k') ax.set_xlabel('Episode', fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel('Implementation Shortfall (US $)', fontsize=15) ax.axhline(shortfall_hist.mean(), 0, 1, color='m', label='Average') yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('${x:,.0f}') ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) plt.legend()
def implement_trade_list(seed=0, lq_time=60, nm_trades=60, tr_risk=1e-6): # Create simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the environment with the given parameters env.reset(seed=seed, liquid_time=lq_time, num_trades=nm_trades, lamb=tr_risk) # Get the trading list from the environment trl = env.get_trade_list() # Since we are not selling fractional shares we round up the shares in the trading list trade_list = round_trade_list(trl) # set the environment to make transactions env.start_transactions() # Create an array to hold the impacted stock price price_hist = np.array([]) # Implement the trading list in our similation environment for trade in trade_list: # Convert the number of shares to sell in each trade into an action action = trade / env.shares_remaining # Take a step in the environment my selling the number of shares in the current trade _, _, _, info = env.step(action) # Get the impacted price from the environment price_hist = np.append(price_hist, info.exec_price) # If all shares have been sold, stop making transactions and get the implementation sortfall if info.done: print('Implementation Shortfall: ${:,.2f} \n'.format( info.implementation_shortfall)) break # Plot the impacted price price_df = pd.DataFrame(data=price_hist, columns=['Stock'], dtype='float64') ax = price_df.plot(colormap='cool', grid=False) ax.set_facecolor(color='k') ax.set_title('Impacted Stock Price') ax = plt.gca() yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('${x:,.2f}') ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) plt.plot(price_hist, 'o') plt.ylabel('Stock Price') plt.xlabel('Trade Number')
def plot_efficient_frontier(tr_risk = 1e-6): # Create a simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the enviroment with the given trader's risk aversion env.reset(lamb = tr_risk) # Get the expected shortfall and corresponding variance for the given trader's risk aversion tr_E = env.get_AC_expected_shortfall(env.total_shares) tr_V = env.get_AC_variance(env.total_shares) # Create empty arrays to hold our values of E, V, and U E = np.array([]) V = np.array([]) U = np.array([]) # Set the number of plot points for our frontier num_points = 7000 # Set the values of the trader's risk aversion to plot lambdas = np.linspace(1e-7, 1e-4, num_points) # Calclate E, V, U for each value of llambda for llambda in lambdas: env.reset(lamb = llambda) E = np.append(E, env.get_AC_expected_shortfall(env.total_shares)) V = np.append(V, env.get_AC_variance(env.total_shares)) U = np.append(U, env.compute_AC_utility(env.total_shares)) # Plot E vs V and use U for the colorbar cm ='gist_rainbow') sc = plt.scatter(V, E, s = 20, c = U, cmap = cm) plt.colorbar(sc, label = 'AC Utility', format = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('${x:,.0f}')) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor('k') ymin = E.min() * 0.7 ymax = E.max() * 1.1 plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('${x:,.0f}') xNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('{x:,.0f}') ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xNumFmt) plt.xlabel('Variance of Shortfall') plt.ylabel('Expected Shortfall') # Get the annotation label and the correction factors an_st, xcrf, ycrf, scrf = get_crfs(tr_risk) # Plot the annotation in the above plot plt.annotate(an_st, xy = (tr_V, tr_E), xytext = (tr_V * xcrf, tr_E * ycrf), color = 'w', size = 'large', arrowprops = dict(facecolor = 'cyan', shrink = scrf, width = 3, headwidth = 10))
def get_env_param(): # Create a simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Set the title for the financial parameters table fp_title = 'Financial Parameters' # Get the default financial parameters from the simulation environment fp_left_col = [('Annual Volatility:', ['{:.0f}%'.format(env.anv * 100)]), ('Daily Volatility:', ['{:.1f}%'.format(env.dpv * 100)])] fp_right_col = [('Bid-Ask Spread:', ['{:.3f}'.format(env.basp)]), ('Daily Trading Volume:', ['{:,.0f}'.format(])] # Set the title for the Almgren and Chriss Model parameters table acp_title = 'Almgren and Chriss Model Parameters' # Get the default Almgren and Chriss Model Parameters from the simulation environment acp_left_col = [('Total Number of Shares for Agent1 to Sell:', ['{:,}'.format(env.total_shares1)]), ('Total Number of Shares for Agent2 to Sell:', ['{:,}'.format(env.total_shares2)]), ('Starting Price per Share:', ['${:.2f}'.format(env.startingPrice)]), ('Price Impact for Each 1% of Daily Volume Traded:', ['${}'.format(env.eta)]), ('Number of Days to Sell All the Shares:', ['{}'.format(env.liquidation_time)]), ('Number of Trades:', ['{}'.format(env.num_n)])] acp_right_col = [ ('Fixed Cost of Selling per Share:', ['${:.3f}'.format(env.epsilon)]), ('Trader\'s Risk Aversion for Agent 1:', ['{}'.format(env.llambda1)]), ('Trader\'s Risk Aversion for Agent 2:', ['{}'.format(env.llambda2)]), ('Permanent Impact Constant:', ['{}'.format(env.gamma)]), ('Single Step Variance:', ['{:.3f}'.format(env.singleStepVariance)]), ('Time Interval between trades:', ['{}'.format(env.tau)]) ] # Generate tables with the default financial and AC Model parameters fp_table = generate_table(fp_left_col, fp_right_col, fp_title) acp_table = generate_table(acp_left_col, acp_right_col, acp_title) return fp_table, acp_table
def plot_trade_list(lq_time=60, nm_trades=60, tr_risk=1e-6, show_trl=False): # Create simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Reset the environment with the given parameters env.reset(liquid_time=lq_time, num_trades=nm_trades, lamb=tr_risk) # Get the trading list from the environment trade_list = env.get_trade_list() # Add a zero at the beginning of the trade list to indicate that at time 0 we don't sell any stocks new_trl = np.insert(trade_list, 0, 0) # We create a dataframe with the trading list and trading trajectory df = pd.DataFrame(data=list(range(nm_trades + 1)), columns=['Trade Number'], dtype='float64') df['Stocks Sold'] = new_trl df['Stocks Remaining'] = (np.ones(nm_trades + 1) * env.total_shares) - np.cumsum(new_trl) # Create a figure with 2 plots in 1 row fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) # Make a scatter plot of the trade list df.iloc[1:].plot.scatter(x='Trade Number', y='Stocks Sold', c='Stocks Sold', colormap='gist_rainbow', alpha=1, sharex=False, s=50, colorbar=False, ax=axes[0]) # Plot a line through the points of the scatter plot of the trade list axes[0].plot(df['Trade Number'].iloc[1:], df['Stocks Sold'].iloc[1:], linewidth=2.0, alpha=0.5) axes[0].set_facecolor(color='k') yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('{x:,.0f}') axes[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) axes[0].set_title('Trading List') # Make a scatter plot of the number of stocks remaining after each trade df.plot.scatter(x='Trade Number', y='Stocks Remaining', c='Stocks Remaining', colormap='gist_rainbow', alpha=1, sharex=False, s=50, colorbar=False, ax=axes[1]) # Plot a line through the points of the scatter plot of the number of stocks remaining after each trade axes[1].plot(df['Trade Number'], df['Stocks Remaining'], linewidth=2.0, alpha=0.5) axes[1].set_facecolor(color='k') yNumFmt = mticker.StrMethodFormatter('{x:,.0f}') axes[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(yNumFmt) axes[1].set_title('Trading Trajectory') # Set the spacing between plots plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4) print('\nNumber of Shares Sold: {:,.0f}\n'.format(new_trl.sum())) if show_trl: # Since we are not selling fractional shares we round up the shares in the trading list rd_trl = round_trade_list(new_trl) # rd_trl = new_trl # We create a dataframe with the modified trading list and trading trajectory df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=list(range(nm_trades + 1)), columns=['Trade Number'], dtype='float64') df2['Stocks Sold'] = rd_trl df2['Stocks Remaining'] = (np.ones(nm_trades + 1) * env.total_shares) - np.cumsum(rd_trl) df2.set_index('Trade Number', inplace=True) # return{'Trade Number': '{:.0f}', 'Stocks Sold': '{:,.0f}', 'Stocks Remaining': '{:,.0f}'}) return{ 'Stocks Sold': '{:,.0f}', 'Stocks Remaining': '{:,.0f}' })
import utils # Get the default financial and AC Model parameters financial_params, ac_params = utils.get_env_param() financial_params ac_params import numpy as np import syntheticChrissAlmgren as sca from ddpg_agent import Agent from collections import deque # Create simulation environment env = sca.MarketEnvironment() # Initialize Feed-forward DNNs for Actor and Critic models. agent = Agent(state_size=env.observation_space_dimension(), action_size=env.action_space_dimension(), random_seed=0) # Set the liquidation time lqt = 60 # Set the number of trades n_trades = 60 # Set trader's risk aversion tr = 1e-6 # Set the number of episodes to run the simulation episodes = 10000