def routes(self): lines = [line.strip() for line in open('Logs/Routes')] l = len(lines) for line in lines: if line == 'Routing table = system Destinations = 5 Routes = 13': s = lines.index(line) s = s + 4 if line == 'Routing table = XUA': e = lines.index(line) e = e - 1 system = lines[s:e] xua = lines[e + 5:l] sys_routes = {} for sys in system: route = sys.split() rl = len(route) if rl == 6: route_dic = {} pc = route[0].split('/') pc = pc[0] l = 1 route_dic[l] = route[2:rl] l = l + 1 sys_routes[pc] = route_dic else: route_dic[l] = route l = l + 1 xua_routes = {} for xu in xua: route = xu.split() rl = len(route) pc = route[0].split('/') pc = pc[0] xua_routes[pc] = route[rl - 1] return {'system': sys_routes, 'XUA': xua_routes}
def build_hierarchy_tree(): # builds the tree sturcture of the PODM data to get the location hierarchy lst_chassis = get_chassis_list() podmtree = tree.Tree() podmtree.add_node("0") # Add root node for d in lst_chassis: podmtree.add_node(d["ChassisID"], d) for d in lst_chassis: containedby = d["ContainedBy"] if d["ContainedBy"] else "0" podmtree.add_node(d["ChassisID"], d, containedby) systems = d["ComputerSystems"] for sys in systems: sysname = sys.split("/")[-2] + ":" + sys.split("/")[-1] podmtree.add_node(sys, {"name": sysname}, d["ChassisID"]) return podmtree
# Script to find to most Diverse files for an ensemble # # python file_with_scores #configurations # python scores.csv 10 import sys,os chosen = [] scores = open(sys.argv[1],'r') count = int(sys.argv[2]) for sys in scores: u = sys.split() a = u[0].split('-')[1:-1] x = 0 for i in a: try: x+=int(i)/(a.index(i)+1.0) print x,a except ValueError: pass # Calculates a factor to be multiplied with the average score try: mean = (float(u[2])+float(u[3])+float(u[4])/3)
def draw_instack(variable, label='VBF', select=''): histos = [] varname = variable formula = variables[varname].get('formula',varname) if ':=' in variable: varname = variable.split(':=')[0] formula = variable.split(':=')[1] histfilename = ('histogram_stack_' + varname + '_' + label+ '_' + selection['name']) legend = None if settings.two_colomn_legend: legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.45, 0.72, (1 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()), (0.96 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin())) legend.SetNColumns(2) legend.SetColumnSeparation(0) else: legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.62, (1 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()), (0.96 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin())) cutflow = variable_cutflow(variable,'') if len(cutflow)!=0: cutflow = variable_cutflow(variable,select) hstack = ROOT.THStack('hs_' + varname,'') hstack.SetName('hs_'+ varname) hstack.SetTitle(";" + variables[varname]['title']+";entries") histUpSys = {} histDwSys = {} for sys in treesUpSys: sysname = sys.split('*')[1] histUpSys.update({sysname : None }) for sys in treesDwSys: sysname = sys.split('*')[1] histDwSys.update({sysname : None }) if len(cutflow)!=0 and options.nocuts==False: cutflow = 'weight*(' + cutflow + ')' else: cutflow = 'weight*(1)' if options.nocuts: histfilename = histfilename + '_nocuts' # loop over the samples bar = ProgressBar(widgets=[colored('-- variables:: %20s ' % variable, 'green'), Percentage(),' ' ,Bar('>'), ' ', ETA()], term_width=100) ordsam = OrderedDict(sorted(samples.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['order'])) for proc in bar(ordsam): logger.debug(' -- %17s %12s ' % (proc, samples[proc].get('name'))) tree = samples[proc].get('_root_tree_') sample_cut = samples[proc].get('cut','') _cutflow_ = cutflow if samples[proc].get('cut','') != '': _cutflow_ = cutflow[:-1] + '&&' + samples[proc].get('cut','') + ')' if variables[variable]['blind'] != '' and proc == 'Data': _cutflow_ = cutflow[:-1] + '&&' + variables[variable]['blind']+ ')' if proc != 'Data': tree.Project( 'h_' + varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*%f*%f*%f' % ( treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0))) ) else: tree.Project( 'h_' + varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_ ) #=== systematics for sys in treesUpSys: if proc != 'Data' and 'signal' != samples[proc].get('label',''): sysname = sys.split('*')[1] treeUp = [x for x in samples[proc].get('_root_tree_sysUp_') if sysname in x.GetName()][0] treeUp.Project( 'h_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*%f*%f*%f' % ( treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0))) ) histUp = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname ) histUp.SetDirectory(0) if histUpSys[sysname] == None: histUpSys[sysname] = histUp else: histUpSys[sysname].Add(histUp) for sys in treesDwSys: if proc != 'Data' and 'signal' != samples[proc].get('label',''): #treeDw = samples[proc].get('_root_tree_sysDw_')[0] sysname = sys.split('*')[1] treeDw = [x for x in samples[proc].get('_root_tree_sysDw_') if sysname in x.GetName()][0] treeDw.Project( 'h_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*%f*%f*%f' % ( treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0))) ) histDw = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname ) histDw.SetDirectory(0) if histDwSys[sysname] == None: histDwSys[sysname] = histDw else: histDwSys[sysname].Add(histDw) # ---------------------------------------------- hist = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_' + varname ) hist.SetDirectory(0) hist.SetTitle(";" + variables[variable]['title']+";entries") hcolor = 1 hcolor = samples[proc]['color'] if ('signal'==samples[proc]['label']) or ('spectator'==samples[proc]['label']): hist.SetLineColor(hcolor) hist.SetLineStyle(1) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.SetFillStyle(0) histos.append(hist) if samples[proc].get('kfactor',1) !=1: legend.AddEntry(hist, samples[proc]["title"] + ("#times%i"%samples[proc].get('kfactor',1)), "l" ); else: legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "l" ); if 'data' in samples[proc]['label']: hist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetLineColor (ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist.SetMarkerSize (0.8) # fixme hist.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) hist.SetName(hist.GetName() + 'data') legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "lep" ); histos.append(hist) if 'background' in samples[proc]['label']: hist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetFillColor(hcolor) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "f" ); # drawing c = makeRatioPlotCanvas(name = varname) htmp = histos[0].Clone('__htmp__') bounds = [float(s) for s in re.findall('[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+',variables[variable]['hist'])] htmp.SetTitle(';' + variables[variable]['title'] + (';events %s %s '% ( fformat((bounds[2]-bounds[1])/bounds[0]), variables[variable].get('unit','')) )) htmp.Reset() if options.allloghist or variables[variable]['log']: ymin = 0.01 - 0.003 ymax = hstack.GetMaximum()*1000 htmp.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax) histfilename = histfilename + '_log' ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() else: ymin = 0 ymax = hstack.GetMaximum() + hstack.GetMaximum()*0.5 htmp.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax) customizeHisto(htmp) htmp.Draw('') hstack.Draw('hist,same') herrstat = drawStatErrorBand(hstack.GetStack().Last(), histDwSys, histUpSys) herrstat.Draw('E2,same') hdata = None for h in histos: if 'data' not in h.GetName(): h.Draw('hist,same') else: h.Draw('E,same') hdata = h if len(histUpSys)>0 and len(histDwSys)>0: legend.AddEntry(herrstat, "Stat #oplus Syst", "f" ) else: legend.AddEntry(herrstat, "Stat Uncert", "f" ) # cosmetics draw_cut_line(htmp,variable) draw_categories(variables[varname].get('boudaries',[]), miny=htmp.GetMinimum(), maxy=htmp.GetMaximum()) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis(); # this is for the legend legend.SetTextAlign( 12 ) legend.SetTextFont ( 43 ) legend.SetTextSize ( 18 ) legend.SetLineColor( 0 ) legend.SetFillColor( 0 ) legend.SetFillStyle( 0 ) legend.SetLineColorAlpha(0,0) legend.SetShadowColor(0) legend.Draw() # draw labels if options.nocuts: draw_labels('w/o cuts') else: draw_labels(plotlabels['name']) draw_cms_headlabel(label_right='#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, L = %1.2f fb^{-1}' % treeinfo.get('lumi',2.63)) errorHist = MakeStatProgression(hstack.GetStack().Last(),histDwSys, histUpSys) ROOT.SetOwnership(errorHist,0) errorHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) errorHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/MC') errorHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) customizeHisto(errorHist) errorHist.Draw('E2') ratioHist = None sig_and_bkg_ratio = [] if hdata==None: ratioHist = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_') ratioHist.Clear() ratioHist.SetLineColorAlpha(0,0) ratioHist.SetMarkerColorAlpha(0,0) ROOT.SetOwnership(ratioHist,0) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if settings.ratio_draw_signal: for sig in histos: sig_and_bkg = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_bkg_' + sig.GetName()) sig_and_bkg.Add(sig) sig_and_bkg_ratio_ = makeRatio(sig_and_bkg,hstack.GetStack().Last()) ROOT.SetOwnership(sig_and_bkg_ratio_,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetLineColor(sig.GetLineColor()) sig_and_bkg_ratio.append(sig_and_bkg_ratio_) else: ratioHist = makeRatio(hist1 = hdata, hist2 = hstack.GetStack().Last(), isdata = True) ROOT.SetOwnership(ratioHist,0) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if settings.ratio_draw_signal: for sig in histos: sig_and_bkg = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_bkg_' + sig.GetName()) sig_and_bkg.Add(sig) sig_and_bkg_ratio_ = makeRatio(sig_and_bkg,hstack.GetStack().Last()) ROOT.SetOwnership(sig_and_bkg_ratio_,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetLineColor(sig.GetLineColor()) sig_and_bkg_ratio.append(sig_and_bkg_ratio_) for o in sig_and_bkg_ratio: o.Draw('same,hist') draw_cut_line(errorHist,variable) line = ROOT.TLine(ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1,ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1) line.SetLineColor(4) line.SetLineStyle(7) line.Draw() draw_categories(variables[varname].get('boudaries',[]), miny=htmp.GetMinimum(), maxy=htmp.GetMaximum()) ROOT.SetOwnership(line,0) ratioHist.Draw('same') if variables[variable]['norm']==True or allnormhist==True: histfilename = histfilename + '_norm' c.SaveAs( 'plots/' + histfilename + '.png') c.SaveAs( 'plots/' + histfilename + '.pdf')
def ascii_copy(self, db, switch_cons): """ This method is to """ sys = "" founds = 0 switch_cons.sendline('switchback') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) #For storing the kickstart and the system images switch_cons.sendline('show version | grep "image file is"') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) string = switch_cons.before if "///" in string: sys = string.split('///')[1] sys = sys.split()[0] if sys != "": switch_cons.sendline('dir') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) dir = switch_cons.before imgs = dir.split() if sys in imgs: founds = 1"Found sys %d", founds) if founds == 1: db.update_images(self.switch_name, "", sys) else: db.update_images(self.switch_name, "", "") #Now write erase and copy the running config to file switch_cons.sendline('delete run_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) switch_cons.sendline('delete start_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) #no boot kick and sys switch_cons.sendline('config t') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) switch_cons.sendline('no boot nxos') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) #write erase switch_cons.sendline('write erase') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) #write erase boot switch_cons.sendline('write erase boot') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) "Now copy the running config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline('show running-config vdc-all > run_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect( [defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, r'yes/no', pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]) if i == 0: pass if i == 1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 180) if i == 2 or i == 3: print "Something wrong with switch %s so go ahead and poweroff" % self.switch_name return False "Now copy the startup config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline( 'show startup-config vdc-all > start_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect( [defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, r'yes/no', pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]) if i == 0: pass if i == 1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 180) if i == 2 or i == 3: print "Something wrong with switch %s so go ahead and poweroff" % self.switch_name return False Switch.setip(switch_cons, self.mgmt_ip) #Copy the kickstart and system image to server only if present if founds == 1: d_file = "%s/%s.system.gbin" % (self.switch_name, self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons, s_file=sys, d_file=d_file) d_file = "%s/%s.run_power_config" % (self.switch_name, self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons, s_file='run_power_config', d_file=d_file) d_file = "%s/%s.start_power_config" % (self.switch_name, self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons, s_file='start_power_config', d_file=d_file) return True
def ascii_copy(self, switch_cons): """ This method is to copy the running confing to run_power_config and startup config to start_power_config. Then save both the files to remote server. This will even store the kickstart/system image loaded to the same remote server which will be loaded while reloading the setup. """ kick = sys = "" foundk = founds = 0 switch_cons.sendline('switchback') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) #For storing the kickstart and the system images switch_cons.sendline('show version | grep "kickstart image file is"') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) string = switch_cons.before if "///" in string: kick = string.split('///')[1] kick = kick.split()[0] switch_cons.sendline('show version | grep "system image file is"') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) string = switch_cons.before if "///" in string: sys = string.split('///')[1] sys = sys.split()[0] if kick != "" and sys != "": check_kick = 'dir | grep "%s"' % kick check_sys = 'dir | grep "%s"' % sys switch_cons.sendline(check_kick) switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) dirk = switch_cons.before imgsk = dirk.split() if kick in imgsk: foundk = 1 switch_cons.sendline(check_sys) switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) dirsy = switch_cons.before imgss = dirsy.split() if sys in imgss: founds = 1"Found kick %d and found sys %d", foundk, founds) if foundk==founds==1: Utils.update_images(self.switch_name, kick, sys) else: Utils.update_images(self.switch_name,"","") #Now write erase and copy the running config to file switch_cons.sendline('delete run_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) switch_cons.sendline('delete start_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) #no boot kick and sys switch_cons.sendline('config t') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) switch_cons.sendline('no boot kick') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) switch_cons.sendline('config t') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT) switch_cons.sendline('no boot sys') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) #write erase switch_cons.sendline('write erase') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) #write erase boot switch_cons.sendline('write erase boot') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) Switch.setip(switch_cons, self.mgmt_ip) #Copy the kickstart and system image to server only if present if foundk==founds==1: d_file = "%s/%s.kickstart.gbin"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file=kick,d_file=d_file) d_file = "%s/%s.system.gbin"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file=sys,d_file=d_file) "Now copy the running config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline('show running-config vdc-all > run_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect([SWITCH_PROMPT,r'yes/no',pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], 600) if i==0: pass if i==1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT,600) if i==2 or i==3:"Something wrong with switch %s",self.switch_name) return False d_file = "%s/%s.run_power_config"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file='run_power_config',d_file=d_file) "Now copy the startup config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline('show startup-config vdc-all > start_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect([SWITCH_PROMPT,r'yes/no',pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]) if i==0: pass if i==1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(SWITCH_PROMPT,180) if i==2 or i==3:"Something wrong with switch %s",self.switch_name) return False d_file = "%s/%s.start_power_config"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file='start_power_config',d_file=d_file) return True
def draw_instack(variable, label='VBF', select=''): histos = [] varname = variable formula = variables[varname].get('formula',varname) if ':=' in variable: varname = variable.split(':=')[0] formula = variable.split(':=')[1] histfilename = ('histogram_stack_' + varname + '_' + label+ '_' + selection['name']) legend = None if settings.two_colomn_legend: legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.45, 0.72, (1 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()), (0.96 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin())) legend.SetNColumns(2) legend.SetColumnSeparation(0) else: legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.62, (1 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()), (0.96 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin())) cutflow = variable_cutflow(variable,select) hstack = ROOT.THStack('hs_' + varname,'') hstack.SetName('hs_'+ varname) hstack.SetTitle(";" + variables[varname]['title']+";entries") histUpSys = {} histDwSys = {} for sys in treesUpSys: sysname = sys.split('*')[1] histUpSys.update({sysname : None }) for sys in treesDwSys: sysname = sys.split('*')[1] histDwSys.update({sysname : None }) for sys in branchUpSys: histUpSys.update({sys : None }) for sys in branchDwSys: histDwSys.update({sys : None }) if len(cutflow)!=0 and options.nocuts==False: cutflow = 'weight*(' + cutflow + ')' else: cutflow = 'weight*(1)' if options.nocuts: histfilename = histfilename + '_nocuts' # loop over the samples bar = ProgressBar(widgets=[colored('-- variables:: {0:20!s} '.format(variable), 'green'), Percentage(),' ' ,Bar('>'), ' ', ETA()], term_width=100) ordsam = OrderedDict(sorted(samples.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['order'])) for proc in bar(ordsam): logger.debug(' -- {0:17!s} {1:12!s} '.format(proc, samples[proc].get('name'))) tree = samples[proc].get('_root_tree_') sample_cut = samples[proc].get('cut','') _cutflow_ = cutflow _sample_weight_ = samples[proc].get('weight','1') if samples[proc].get('cut','') != '': _cutflow_ = cutflow[:-1] + '&&' + samples[proc].get('cut','') + ')' if variables[variable]['blind'] != '' and proc == 'Data': _cutflow_ = cutflow[:-1] + '&&' + variables[variable]['blind']+ ')' if proc != 'Data': tree.Project( 'h_' + varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2:f}*{3!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_)) ) else: tree.Project( 'h_' + varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_ ) #=== systematics for sys in treesUpSys: if proc != 'Data' and samples[proc].get('dosysts',True): sysname = sys.split('*')[1] treeUp = [x for x in samples[proc].get('_root_tree_sysUp_') if sysname in x.GetName()][0] print 'sys ::', sys, ' :: treeUp ::', treeUp, ' :: ', treeUp.GetEntries() treeUp.Project( 'h_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2:f}*{3!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_)) ) histUp = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname ) histUp.SetDirectory(0) if histUpSys[sysname] is None: histUpSys[sysname] = histUp else: histUpSys[sysname].Add(histUp) for sys in treesDwSys: if proc != 'Data' and samples[proc].get('dosysts',True): sysname = sys.split('*')[1] treeDw = [x for x in samples[proc].get('_root_tree_sysDw_') if sysname in x.GetName()][0] print 'sys ::', sys, ' :: treeUp ::', treeDw, ' :: ', treeDw.GetEntries() treeDw.Project( 'h_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2:f}*{3!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_)) ) histDw = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname ) histDw.SetDirectory(0) if histDwSys[sysname] is None: histDwSys[sysname] = histDw else: histDwSys[sysname].Add(histDw) # ======= weight systematics for sys in branchUpSys: if proc != 'Data' and samples[proc].get('dosysts',True): print 'sys ::', sys, ' :: treeUp ::', tree, ' :: ', tree.GetEntries(), ' :: ', 'weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2!s}*{3:f}*{4!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), sys, samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_) tree.Project( 'h_weight_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2!s}*{3:f}*{4!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), sys, samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_)) ) histUp = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_weight_UpSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname) histUp.SetDirectory(0) if histUpSys[sys] is None: histUpSys[sys] = histUp else: histUpSys[sys].Add(histUp) for sys in branchDwSys: if proc != 'Data' and samples[proc].get('dosysts',True): print 'sys ::', sys, ' :: treeUp ::', tree, ' :: ', tree.GetEntries(), ' :: ', 'weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2!s}*{3:f}*{4!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), sys, samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_) tree.Project( 'h_weight_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname + variables[variable]['hist'], formula, _cutflow_.replace('weight','weight*{0:f}*{1:f}*{2!s}*{3:f}*{4!s}'.format(treeinfo.get('kfactor',1.0), treeinfo.get('lumi' ,1.0), sys, samples[proc].get('kfactor',1.0), _sample_weight_)) ) histDw = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_weight_DwSys_' + sysname +'_'+ varname) histDw.SetDirectory(0) if histDwSys[sys] is None: histDwSys[sys] = histDw else: histDwSys[sys].Add(histDw) # ---------------------------------------------- hist = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('h_' + varname ) hist.SetDirectory(0) hist.SetTitle(";" + variables[variable]['title']+";entries") hcolor = 1 hcolor = samples[proc]['color'] if ('signal'==samples[proc]['label']) or ('spectator'==samples[proc]['label']): hist.SetLineColor(hcolor) hist.SetLineStyle(1) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.SetFillStyle(0) histos.append(hist) if samples[proc].get('kfactor',1) !=1: legend.AddEntry(hist, samples[proc]["title"] + ("#times{0:d}".format(samples[proc].get('kfactor',1))), "l" ); else: legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "l" ); if 'data' in samples[proc]['label']: hist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetLineColor (ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist.SetMarkerSize (0.8) # fixme hist.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) hist.SetName(hist.GetName() + 'data') legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "lep" ); histos.append(hist) if 'background' in samples[proc]['label']: hist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetFillColor(hcolor) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry( hist, samples[proc]["title"], "f" ); # drawing c = makeRatioPlotCanvas(name = varname) htmp = histos[0].Clone('__htmp__') bounds = [float(s) for s in re.findall('[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+',variables[variable]['hist'])] htmp.SetTitle(';' + variables[variable]['title'] + (';events {0!s} {1!s} '.format(fformat((bounds[2]-bounds[1])/bounds[0]), variables[variable].get('unit','')) )) htmp.Reset() if options.allloghist or variables[variable]['log']: ymin = 0.01 - 0.003 ymax = hstack.GetMaximum()*1000 htmp.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax) histfilename = histfilename + '_log' ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() else: ymin = 0 ymax = hstack.GetMaximum() + hstack.GetMaximum()*0.5 htmp.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax) customizeHisto(htmp) htmp.Draw('') hstack.Draw('hist,same') herrstat = drawStatErrorBand(hstack.GetStack().Last(), histDwSys, histUpSys) herrstat.Draw('E2,same') hdata = None for h in histos: if 'data' not in h.GetName(): h.Draw('hist,same') else: h.Draw('E,same') hdata = h if len(histUpSys)>0 and len(histDwSys)>0: legend.AddEntry(herrstat, "Stat #oplus Syst", "f" ) else: legend.AddEntry(herrstat, "Stat Uncert", "f" ) # cosmetics draw_cut_line(htmp,variable) draw_categories(variables[varname].get('boudaries',[]), miny=htmp.GetMinimum(), maxy=htmp.GetMaximum()) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis(); # this is for the legend legend.SetTextAlign( 12 ) legend.SetTextFont ( 43 ) legend.SetTextSize ( 18 ) legend.SetLineColor( 0 ) legend.SetFillColor( 0 ) legend.SetFillStyle( 0 ) legend.SetLineColorAlpha(0,0) legend.SetShadowColor(0) legend.Draw() # draw labels if options.nocuts: draw_labels('w/o cuts') else: draw_labels(plotlabels['name']) draw_cms_headlabel(label_right='#sqrt{{s}} = 13 TeV, L = {0:1.2f} fb^{{-1}}'.format(treeinfo.get('lumi',2.63))) errorHist = MakeStatProgression(hstack.GetStack().Last(),histDwSys, histUpSys) ROOT.SetOwnership(errorHist,0) errorHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) errorHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/MC') errorHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) customizeHisto(errorHist) errorHist.Draw('E2') ratioHist = None sig_and_bkg_ratio = [] if hdata isNone: ratioHist = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_') ratioHist.Clear() ratioHist.SetLineColorAlpha(0,0) ratioHist.SetMarkerColorAlpha(0,0) ROOT.SetOwnership(ratioHist,0) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if settings.ratio_draw_signal: for sig in histos: sig_and_bkg = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_bkg_' + sig.GetName()) sig_and_bkg.Add(sig) sig_and_bkg_ratio_ = makeRatio(sig_and_bkg,hstack.GetStack().Last()) ROOT.SetOwnership(sig_and_bkg_ratio_,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetLineColor(sig.GetLineColor()) sig_and_bkg_ratio.append(sig_and_bkg_ratio_) else: ratioHist = makeRatio(hist1 = hdata, hist2 = hstack.GetStack().Last(), isdata = True) ROOT.SetOwnership(ratioHist,0) ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if settings.ratio_draw_signal: for sig in histos: sig_and_bkg = hstack.GetStack().Last().Clone('_temp_bkg_' + sig.GetName()) sig_and_bkg.Add(sig) sig_and_bkg_ratio_ = makeRatio(sig_and_bkg,hstack.GetStack().Last()) ROOT.SetOwnership(sig_and_bkg_ratio_,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetXaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.GetYaxis().SetTitle(htmp.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetFillColorAlpha(0,0) sig_and_bkg_ratio_.SetLineColor(sig.GetLineColor()) sig_and_bkg_ratio.append(sig_and_bkg_ratio_) for o in sig_and_bkg_ratio: o.Draw('same,hist') draw_cut_line(errorHist,variable) line = ROOT.TLine(ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1,ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1) line.SetLineColor(4) line.SetLineStyle(7) line.Draw() draw_categories(variables[varname].get('boudaries',[]), miny=htmp.GetMinimum(), maxy=htmp.GetMaximum()) ROOT.SetOwnership(line,0) ratioHist.Draw('same') if variables[variable]['norm']==True or allnormhist==True: histfilename = histfilename + '_norm' c.SaveAs( 'plots/' + histfilename + '.png') c.SaveAs( 'plots/' + histfilename + '.pdf')
def ascii_copy(self, db, switch_cons): """ This method is to """ sys = "" founds = 0 switch_cons.sendline('switchback') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) #For storing the kickstart and the system images switch_cons.sendline('show version | grep "image file is"') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) string = switch_cons.before if "///" in string: sys = string.split('///')[1] sys = sys.split()[0] if sys != "": switch_cons.sendline('dir') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT) dir = switch_cons.before imgs = dir.split() if sys in imgs: founds = 1"Found sys %d", founds) if founds==1: db.update_images(self.switch_name,"",sys) else: db.update_images(self.switch_name,"","") #Now write erase and copy the running config to file switch_cons.sendline('delete run_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) switch_cons.sendline('delete start_power_config n') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) #no boot kick and sys switch_cons.sendline('config t') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) switch_cons.sendline('no boot nxos') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 60) #write erase switch_cons.sendline('write erase') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) #write erase boot switch_cons.sendline('write erase boot') switch_cons.expect('Do you wish to proceed anyway') switch_cons.sendline('y') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT, 120) "Now copy the running config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline('show running-config vdc-all > run_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect([defn.SWITCH_PROMPT,r'yes/no',pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]) if i==0: pass if i==1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT,180) if i==2 or i==3: print "Something wrong with switch %s so go ahead and poweroff" % self.switch_name return False "Now copy the startup config to run_power_config file" switch_cons.sendline('show startup-config vdc-all > start_power_config') i = switch_cons.expect([defn.SWITCH_PROMPT,r'yes/no',pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF]) if i==0: pass if i==1: switch_cons.sendline('yes') switch_cons.expect(defn.SWITCH_PROMPT,180) if i==2 or i==3: print "Something wrong with switch %s so go ahead and poweroff" % self.switch_name return False Switch.setip(switch_cons,self.mgmt_ip) #Copy the kickstart and system image to server only if present if founds==1: d_file = "%s/%s.system.gbin"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file=sys,d_file=d_file) d_file = "%s/%s.run_power_config"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file='run_power_config',d_file=d_file) d_file = "%s/%s.start_power_config"%(self.switch_name,self.switch_name) Switch.copy_files_to_server(switch_cons=switch_cons,s_file='start_power_config',d_file=d_file) return True
# order_params.append(mat_ops.get_local_op(A, rc)) # Goyal thesis, calling Fortran n1, n2 = mat_ops.get_local_op2(A, rc) # Goyal thesis, alternative call # n1, n2 = n1/fA, n2/(1-fA) # rescale to make sense op = float(, n1-n2))/, n1+n2) order_params.append(op) return np.average(order_params) if __name__ == "__main__": args = docopt(__doc__) # print args rc = float(args["<rc>"]) systems = glob.glob(args["<systems>"]) dumpfiles = args["<dumpfiles>"] fAs = list(set([float(sys.split("/")[0].split("_")[1]) for sys in systems])) ABs = list(set([float(sys.split("/")[0].split("_")[3]) for sys in systems])) fAs.sort() ABs.sort() print fAs, "\n", ABs op_mat = np.zeros((len(ABs), len(fAs))) for i in range(len(ABs)): for j in range(len(fAs)): system = "fA_" + str(fAs[j]) + "_AB_" + str(ABs[i]) path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), system, "Dump", dumpfiles) op_mat[i, j] = get_average_op(glob.glob(path), rc, fAs[j]) if args["--gnuplot"]: print ABs[i], fAs[j], op_mat[i, j] save_matrix(op_mat, fAs, ABs, args["--save"])
processRoadMap(cols, row) readArchiSysSoftware() readArchiProperties() readNameMapping() #For each system software in archi match to a roadmap entry for sys in sysSoftware: #Check not in mapping file sysNew = nameMapping.get(sys, sys) #Check not direct match (this will be found in mapping entry) tech = roadMapDates.get(sysNew, None) matched = False if tech == None: #Find the version in the system software words = sys.split() sysVersion = "" for word in words: if isNumber(word): sysVersion = word else: ws = word.split('v') for w in ws: if isNumber(w): sysVersion = w #print sys, sysVersion for tech in roadMapDates: #Check how many words match #Note: first word must match, as should the version (if present) words = tech.split() matchCount = 0
# order_params.append(mat_ops.get_local_op(A, rc)) # Goyal thesis, calling Fortran n1, n2 = mat_ops.get_local_op2(A, rc) # Goyal thesis, alternative call # n1, n2 = n1/fA, n2/(1-fA) # rescale to make sense op = float( - n2, n1 - n2)) / + n2, n1 + n2) order_params.append(op) return np.average(order_params) if __name__ == "__main__": args = docopt(__doc__) # print args rc = float(args["<rc>"]) systems = glob.glob(args["<systems>"]) dumpfiles = args["<dumpfiles>"] fAs = list(set([float(sys.split("/")[0].split("_")[1]) for sys in systems])) ABs = list(set([float(sys.split("/")[0].split("_")[3]) for sys in systems])) fAs.sort() ABs.sort() print fAs, "\n", ABs op_mat = np.zeros((len(ABs), len(fAs))) for i in range(len(ABs)): for j in range(len(fAs)): system = "fA_" + str(fAs[j]) + "_AB_" + str(ABs[i]) path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), system, "Dump", dumpfiles) op_mat[i, j] = get_average_op(glob.glob(path), rc, fAs[j]) if args["--gnuplot"]: print ABs[i], fAs[j], op_mat[i, j]
card_.write("kmax * # number of nuisance parameters \n") card_.write("--------------- \n") card_.write("bin incl \n") card_.write("observation %i \n"%(f_.Get("h_data_obs")).Integral()) card_.write("--------------- \n") card_.write("shapes * * %s h_$PROCESS h_$PROCESS_$SYSTEMATIC \n"%args.infile) card_.write("--------------- \n") card_.write("bin " + "incl "*len(process_order)+"\n") card_.write("process "+' '.join(process_order)+" \n") card_.write("process "+' '.join([process_number_dict[i] for i in process_order])+" \n") card_.write("rate "+' '.join([str(round(i,2)) for i in rates])+" \n") card_.write("--------------- \n") for sys in all_systematics: if "MCStat" in sys: continue tag = sys.split("MCStat")[0] binary_string = " ".join([str(int(i == tag)).replace("0","-") for i in process_order]) card_.write(sys + " " + "shape" + " " + binary_string + "\n") elif "cTagCalib" in sys: card_.write(sys + " " + "shape" + " " + "1 "*len(processes) + "\n") # elif "muR" in sys: # binary_string = " ".join([(str(int("tt" in i)*1.11)).replace("0.0","-") for i in process_order])#.replace("0","-") # card_.write("muR " + "lnN" + " " + binary_string + "\n") # elif "muF" in sys: # binary_string = " ".join([(str(int("tt" in i)*1.04)).replace("0.0","-") for i in process_order])#.replace("0","-") # card_.write("muF " + "lnN" + " " + binary_string + "\n") elif "hdamp" in sys or "JES" in sys or "JER" in sys or "Tune" in sys or "muR" in sys or "muF" in sys:# These are only on the ttbar samples binary_string = " ".join([str(int("tt" in i)).replace("0","-") for i in process_order]) card_.write(sys + " " + "shape" + " " + binary_string + "\n") else:
print sys ttHUp = f.Get("ttH_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Up") ttHDown = f.Get("ttH_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Down") #print ttHUp, ttHUp if ttHUp == None: print "no sys for ttH" ttHUp = f.Get("ttH_" + discr + "_" + c) ttHDown = f.Get("ttH_" + discr + "_" + c) bkgsUp = [] bkgsDown = [] for p in bkgProcs: if "Q2scale" in sys or "PSscale" in sys: print sys, p if p != sys.split("_")[-1]: print "add nom" bkgsUp.append(f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c)) bkgsDown.append(f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c)) else: print "add sys" bkgsUp.append( f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Up")) bkgsDown.append( f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Down")) else: bkgsUp.append( f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Up")) bkgsDown.append( f.Get(p + "_" + discr + "_" + c + "_" + sys + "Down")) #print bkgsUp
#mini yml file time_of_runs = str(sys.argv[1]) with open(time_of_runs, 'r') as infile: data = infile.readlines() x = 0 for i in xrange(len(data)): #because we will need the next line if 'user' in data[i]: z = i #usr_time = data[z].rstrip('\n') usr_time = data[z].split('\t') usr = usr_time[1] usr = usr.rstrip('\n') usr = usr.rstrip('s') usr_l = usr.split('m') usr = usr_l[1].replace('.', '') #sys_time = data[z+1].rstrip('\n') sys_time = data[z + 1].split('\t') sys = sys_time[1] sys = sys.rstrip('\n') sys = sys.rstrip('s') sys_l = sys.split('m') sys = sys_l[1].replace('.', '') time_ = int(usr) + int(sys) run_time.append(str(time_) + '\n') #Output with open('time_total', 'w') as outfile: outfile.writelines(run_time)
def MeasurementData(self, dev, xmldata): global devAddr print print "MeasurementData dev %s" % dev if interpret_data: Measurement(DataList(xmldata)).describe() else: print "=== Data: ", xmldata # H&C data parsing and upload to virtualizer deviceData = parseDeviceXmlData(xmldata) if devAddr == NONIN_PULSEOXYMETER_BT_ADDR: for i in range(len(deviceData)): if i == 0: satO2 = deviceData[i] satO2 = satO2.split(".")[0] print "SatO2: " + satO2 + " %" elif i == 1: pulseOx = deviceData[i] pulseOx = pulseOx.split(".")[0] print "Pulse: " + pulseOx + " BPM" xmlDataToPost = createPulseoxymeterXmlToPost(pulseOx, satO2) elif devAddr == OMRON_SCALE_BT_ADDR: for i in range(len(deviceData)): if i == 0: weight = deviceData[i] print "Weight: " + weight + " kg" elif i == 2: bmi = deviceData[i] print "Body Mass Index (BMI): " + bmi elif i == 3: bodyFat = deviceData[i] print "Body Fat: " + bodyFat elif i == 4: restingMetabolism = deviceData[i] print "Resting Metabolism: " + restingMetabolism + " cal" elif i == 5: visceralFat = deviceData[i] print "Visceral Fat: " + visceralFat elif i == 6: bodyAge = deviceData[i] print "Body Age: " + bodyAge elif i == 7: skeletalMuscle = deviceData[i] print "Skeletal Muscle: " + skeletalMuscle + " %" xmlDataToPost = createScaleXmlToPost(weight, bodyFat, skeletalMuscle) elif devAddr == OMRON_SPHYGMOMANOMETER_BT_ADDR: for i in range(len(deviceData)): if i == 0: pulse = deviceData[i] pulse = pulse.split(".")[0] print "Pulse: " + pulse + " BPM" elif i == 2: sys = deviceData[i] sys = sys.split(".")[0] print "Systolic Pressure: " + sys + " mmHg" elif i == 3: dia = deviceData[i] dia = dia.split(".")[0] print "Diastolic Pressure: " + dia + " mmHg" xmlDataToPost = createSphygmomanometerXmlToPost(sys, dia, pulse) print xmlDataToPost if VIRTUALIZER_UPDATE: updateVirtualizer(xmlDataToPost)