def mount(self, usbid, usbserial, model): if model == 'h3' or model == 'h3p': deviceid = usbid mounted = False for device in syscalls.sdList(): if syscalls.USBId(device) != deviceid: continue mounted = True if self.mountPoint: return if not os.path.isdir('/media/' + deviceid): os.mkdir('/media/' + deviceid) syscalls.terminal('sudo mount /dev/' + device + '/ /media/' + deviceid) self.mountPoint = '/media/' + deviceid print usbid + ': Mounted at ' + self.mountPoint if mounted == False and self.mountPoint: self.mountPoint = '' self.unmount(usbid, usbserial, model) elif model == 'h4': autoMounts = syscalls.terminal('ls /run/user/1000/gvfs', asUser=True) autoMounts = autoMounts.split('\n') while '' in autoMounts: autoMounts.remove('') usbInfoFromCommand = syscalls.getBusInfo([usbid, usbserial]) for folder in autoMounts: usbInfoFromFolder = syscalls.decodeGPhotoFolder(folder) if usbInfoFromCommand == usbInfoFromFolder: if self.mountPoint == '': self.mountPoint = '/run/user/1000/gvfs/' + folder print usbid + ': Mounted at ' + self.mountPoint return self.mountPoint = '' else: print 'Error in mounting of ' + usbid + ': Model ' + model + ' not supported. Must be h3, h3p or h4'
#Flushes previous hanging instances of program #Run when socket errno 98 turns up #This means that there is still a previous instance binding the port we use #Reproduce: Launch ctrl-z after initialization #NOTE: if the hanging intance is launched from the same terminal as flush, this will kill the terminal aswell from syscalls import terminal processes = terminal('ps -ef') processes = processes.split('\n') for process in processes: if 'python' in process or 'python' in process: process = process.split(' ') while '' in process: process.remove('') print 'Killing: ' + str(process) terminal('kill -9 ' + process[1] + ' ' + process[2])
def unmount(self, usbid, usbserial, model): if model == 'h3' or model == 'h3p': if os.path.isdir('/media/' + usbid): syscalls.terminal('sudo umount /media/' + usbid) os.rmdir('/media/' + usbid) print usbid + '_' + usbserial + ': Unmounted'