Example #1
def playSound(strFilename, bWait=True, bDirectPlay=False, nSoundVolume=100):
    "Play a sound, return True if ok"
    "bDirectPlay: play it Now! (could fragilise system and video drivers"
    "nSoundVolume: if bDirectPlay is on, will play the sound with a specific volume (ndev)"

        "playSound( '%s', bWait = %s, bDirectPlay = %s, nSoundVolume = %d )" %
        (strFilename, str(bWait), str(bDirectPlay), nSoundVolume))

    if (config.bRemoveDirectPlay):
            "WRN: DISABLING_DIRECTPLAY SETTINGS for testing/temporary purpose")
        bDirectPlay = False

        # If strFilename has an absolute path, go ahead with this path !
        if strFilename.startswith(pathtools.getDirectorySeparator()):
            strSoundFile = strFilename
            strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath(
            ) + "wav/0_work_free/" + strFilename
            if (not filetools.isFileExists(strSoundFile)):
                # then try another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath(
                ) + "wav/1_validated/" + strFilename
            if (not filetools.isFileExists(strSoundFile)):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath(
                ) + "wav/0_work_copyright/" + strFilename
            if (not filetools.isFileExists(strSoundFile)):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath(
                ) + "wav/" + strFilename
            if (not filetools.isFileExists(strSoundFile)):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getNaoqiPath(
                ) + "/share/naoqi/wav/" + strFilename
            if (not filetools.isFileExists(strSoundFile)):
                print("ERR: appu.playSound: can't find file '%s'" %
                return False

        if (bDirectPlay):
            system.mySystemCall("aplay -q " + strSoundFile, bWait)
            global_proxyAudioPlayer = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALAudioPlayer")
            if (global_proxyAudioPlayer == None):
                    "ERR: sound.playSound: can't find module 'ALAudioPlayer'")
                if (bWait):
    except BaseException, err:
        debug.debug("playSound: ERR: " + str(err))
        print("errr: " + str(err))
Example #2
def setMasterMute( bMute ):
  "mute nao sound volume"
  if( bMute ):
    strVal = "off";
    strVal = "on";
  debug.debug( "setMasterMute: %s" % strVal );
  system.mySystemCall( "amixer -q sset Master " + strVal );
Example #3
def setMasterMute(bMute):
    "mute nao sound volume"
    if (bMute):
        strVal = "off"
        strVal = "on"
    debug.debug("setMasterMute: %s" % strVal)
    system.mySystemCall("amixer -q sset Master " + strVal)
Example #4
def sayMumbled( strText ):
    sayAndCache( strText, bJustPrepare = True );
    strText = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings( strText );
    szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename( strText );
    szPathFilename = pathtools.getVolatilePath() + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() + szFilename + ".raw";
    szProcessed = szPathFilename + "_mumbled.raw";
    if( not processSoundMumbled( szPathFilename, szProcessed ) ):
        return False;
    nFreq = 22050;
    system.mySystemCall( "aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" % ( nFreq, szProcessed ) );    
    return True;
Example #5
def sayMumbled(strText):
    sayAndCache(strText, bJustPrepare=True)
    strText = assumeTextHasDefaultSettings(strText)
    szFilename = sayAndCache_getFilename(strText)
    szPathFilename = pathtools.getVolatilePath(
    ) + "generatedvoices" + pathtools.getDirectorySeparator(
    ) + szFilename + ".raw"
    szProcessed = szPathFilename + "_mumbled.raw"
    if (not processSoundMumbled(szPathFilename, szProcessed)):
        return False
    nFreq = 22050
    system.mySystemCall("aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" % (nFreq, szProcessed))
    return True
Example #6
def playSound( strFilename, bWait = True, bDirectPlay = False, nSoundVolume = 100 ):
    "Play a sound, return True if ok"
    "bDirectPlay: play it Now! (could fragilise system and video drivers"
    "nSoundVolume: if bDirectPlay is on, will play the sound with a specific volume (ndev)"
    print( "playSound( '%s', bWait = %s, bDirectPlay = %s, nSoundVolume = %d )" % ( strFilename, str( bWait ), str( bDirectPlay ), nSoundVolume ) );
    if( config.bRemoveDirectPlay ):
        print( "WRN: DISABLING_DIRECTPLAY SETTINGS for testing/temporary purpose" );
        bDirectPlay = False;
        # If strFilename has an absolute path, go ahead with this path !
        if strFilename.startswith( pathtools.getDirectorySeparator() ):
            strSoundFile = strFilename
            strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath() + "wav/0_work_free/" + strFilename;
            if( not filetools.isFileExists( strSoundFile ) ):
                # then try another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath() + "wav/1_validated/" + strFilename;
            if( not filetools.isFileExists( strSoundFile ) ):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath() + "wav/0_work_copyright/" + strFilename;
            if( not filetools.isFileExists( strSoundFile ) ):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getApplicationSharedPath() + "wav/" + strFilename;
            if( not filetools.isFileExists( strSoundFile ) ):
                # and another path
                strSoundFile = pathtools.getNaoqiPath() + "/share/naoqi/wav/" + strFilename;
            if( not filetools.isFileExists( strSoundFile ) ):
                print( "ERR: appu.playSound: can't find file '%s'" % strFilename );
                return False;

        analyseSound_pause( bWait );
        if( bDirectPlay ):
            system.mySystemCall( "aplay -q " + strSoundFile, bWait );
            global_proxyAudioPlayer = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALAudioPlayer" );            
            if( global_proxyAudioPlayer == None ):
                print( "ERR: sound.playSound: can't find module 'ALAudioPlayer'" );
                if( bWait ):
                    global_proxyAudioPlayer.playFile( strSoundFile );
                    global_proxyAudioPlayer.post.playFile( strSoundFile );
        analyseSound_resume( bWait );
    except BaseException, err:
        debug.debug( "playSound: ERR: " + str( err ) );
        print( "errr: " + str( err ) );
Example #7
def setMasterPanning(nPanning=0):
    "change the sound master panning: 0: center -100: left +100: right"
    "current bug: currently volume is louder when at border, than at center, sorry"
        debug.debug("setMasterPanning to %d" % nPanning)
        nVol = getCurrentMasterVolume()
        nCoefR = nVol + nVol * nPanning / 100
        nCoefL = nVol - nVol * nPanning / 100
        nCoefR = nCoefR * 32 / 100
        nCoefL = nCoefL * 32 / 100
        system.mySystemCall("amixer -q sset Master %d,%d" % (nCoefL, nCoefR))
        system.mySystemCall("amixer -q sset PCM 25")
        system.mySystemCall("amixer -q sset \"Master Mono\" 32")
    except BaseException, err:
        print("setMasterPanning: error '%s'" % str(err))
Example #8
def setMasterPanning( nPanning = 0 ):
    "change the sound master panning: 0: center -100: left +100: right"
    "current bug: currently volume is louder when at border, than at center, sorry"
        debug.debug( "setMasterPanning to %d" % nPanning );
        nVol = getCurrentMasterVolume();
        nCoefR = nVol + nVol*nPanning/100;
        nCoefL = nVol - nVol*nPanning/100;
        nCoefR = nCoefR * 32 / 100;
        nCoefL = nCoefL * 32 / 100;
        system.mySystemCall( "amixer -q sset Master %d,%d" % ( nCoefL, nCoefR ) );
        system.mySystemCall( "amixer -q sset PCM 25" );
        system.mySystemCall( "amixer -q sset \"Master Mono\" 32" );
    except BaseException, err:
        print( "setMasterPanning: error '%s'" % str( err ) );
Example #9
                print( "WRN: getHtmlPage: CPP method error: return empty, trying other method" );
        except BaseException, err:
            print( "WRN: getHtmlPage: CPP method error: %s" % str( err ) );
            pass # use oldies version

    print( "WRN: nettools.getHtmlPage: using old one using fork and shell!" );

    # not very efficient: should store it in var/volatile (but less os independent)
    debug.debug( "getHtmlPage( %s, bWaitAnswer = %d, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec = %d )" % ( strHtmlAdress, bWaitAnswer, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec ) );
    strRandomFilename = pathtools.getVolatilePath() + "getHtmlPage_%s.html" % filetools.getFilenameFromTime();
    # sous windows wget peut geler, donc on va l'appeller avec un timeout (qui ne fonctionne pas, c'est drole...)
#    threadWGet = system.mySystemCall( "wget %s --output-document=%s --tries=16 --timeout=60 --cache=off -q" % ( strHtmlAdress, strRandomFilename ), False, True ); # commenter cette ligne pour avoir toujours le meme fichier
    # en fait plein d'options n'existe pas sur Nao, donc on ne laisse que celle ci:
    if( strSaveAs != None ):
        strRandomFilename = strSaveAs;
    threadWGet = system.mySystemCall( "wget \"%s\" --output-document=%s -q" % ( strHtmlAdress, strRandomFilename ), bWaitEnd = False, bStoppable = True ); # commenter cette ligne pour avoir toujours le meme fichier
    if( not bWaitAnswer ):
        debug.debug( "getHtmlPage( %s, %d ) - direct return" % ( strHtmlAdress, bWaitAnswer ) );
        return "";

    timeBegin = time.time();
    timeElapsed = 0.0;

    time.sleep( 1.0 ); # time for the process to be created !
    if( isinstance( threadWGet, int ) ):
        # on est ici dans un post d'un systemCall thréadé sur un UsageRemoteTools
            usage = naoqitools.myGetProxy( 'UsageRemoteTools', True );
            usage.wait( threadWGet, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec*1000 ); # On a très souvent cette erreur la: "'Function wait exists but parameters are wrong'" la tache est peut etre deja fini ?
        except BaseException, err:
Example #10
  if( not bJustPrepare ):
#    debug.debug( "speech::sayAndCache: launching sound now!" );
    if( bWaitEnd ):
        sound.analyseSound_pause( True );
    if( bDirectPlay ):
        nLang = nUseLang;
        if( nLang == -1 ):
            nLang = getSpeakLanguage();
        nFreq = 22050;
        if( nLang == constants.LANG_CH or nLang == constants.LANG_KO ):
            nFreq = 17000; # parce que c'est beau, (ca fait a peu pres du speed a 72%) # todo: ca désynchronise les yeux qui se lisent trop vite ! argh !
        if( strUseVoice == None ):
            strUseVoice = getVoice();
        if( 'Antoine16' in strUseVoice ):
            nFreq = 16000;
        system.mySystemCall( "aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" % ( nFreq, szPathFilename ), bWaitEnd = bWaitEnd );
        leds = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALLeds", True );
        leds.post.fadeRGB( "RightFootLeds", 0xFF0000, 0.7 ); # right in red (skip)
        audioProxy = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALAudioPlayer", True );
        # read it in background and check if someone press the right feet a long times => skip text playing
        id = audioProxy.post.playFile(szPathFilename);
        if( not bWaitEnd ):
            # attention: no unpause of analyse dans ce cas la!
            return rLength;
        nbrFramesBumpersPushed = 0;
        nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip = 2;
        strTemplateKeyName = "Device/SubDeviceList/%sFoot/Bumper/%s/Sensor/Value";
        stm = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "ALMemory" );
        while( audioProxy.isRunning( id ) ):
Example #11
        nVolPercent = 100;
    debug.debug( "setMasterVolume to %d%%" % nVolPercent );
        ad = naoqitools.myGetProxy( 'ALAudioDevice' );
        ad.setOutputVolume( nVolPercent );
    except BaseException, err:
        print( "getCurrentMasterVolume: error '%s'" % str( err ) );
    print( "WRN: => using old one using fork and shell!" );
    strCommand = "amixer -q sset Master " + str( nVolPercent * 32 / 100 );
    strCommand += "; amixer  -q sset \"Master Mono\" 32";
    strCommand += "; amixer  -q sset PCM 25";    
    system.mySystemCall( strCommand );
# setMasterVolume - end

def volumeFadeOut():
    "Fade out master sound system"
    nVol = getCurrentMasterVolume();
    print( "volumeFadeOut: %d -----> 0" % nVol );
    nCpt = 0;
    while( nVol > 0 and nCpt < 30 ): # when concurrent calls are made with other fade type, it could go to a dead lock. because getCurrentMasterVolume take some time, we prefere to add some counter
        # ramping
        if( nVol > 55 ):
            nVol -= 3;
            nVol -= 9;
Example #12
def unPauseMusic():
    system.mySystemCall("killall -CONT mpg321b")
Example #13
def pauseMusic():
    "pause the music player"
    system.mySystemCall("killall -STOP mpg321b")
Example #14
        nVolPercent = 100
    debug.debug("setMasterVolume to %d%%" % nVolPercent)

        ad = naoqitools.myGetProxy('ALAudioDevice')
    except BaseException, err:
        print("getCurrentMasterVolume: error '%s'" % str(err))

    print("WRN: => using old one using fork and shell!")

    strCommand = "amixer -q sset Master " + str(nVolPercent * 32 / 100)
    strCommand += "; amixer  -q sset \"Master Mono\" 32"
    strCommand += "; amixer  -q sset PCM 25"

# setMasterVolume - end

def volumeFadeOut():
    "Fade out master sound system"
    nVol = getCurrentMasterVolume()
    print("volumeFadeOut: %d -----> 0" % nVol)
    nCpt = 0
    while (
            nVol > 0 and nCpt < 30
    ):  # when concurrent calls are made with other fade type, it could go to a dead lock. because getCurrentMasterVolume take some time, we prefere to add some counter
        # ramping
Example #15
        if (bWaitEnd):
        if (bDirectPlay):
            nLang = nUseLang
            if (nLang == -1):
                nLang = getSpeakLanguage()
            nFreq = 22050
            if (nLang == constants.LANG_CH or nLang == constants.LANG_KO):
                nFreq = 17000
                # parce que c'est beau, (ca fait a peu pres du speed a 72%) # todo: ca désynchronise les yeux qui se lisent trop vite ! argh !
            if (strUseVoice == None):
                strUseVoice = getVoice()
            if ('Antoine16' in strUseVoice):
                nFreq = 16000
            system.mySystemCall("aplay -c1 -r%d -fS16_LE -q %s" %
                                (nFreq, szPathFilename),
            leds = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALLeds", True)
            leds.post.fadeRGB("RightFootLeds", 0xFF0000, 0.7)
            # right in red (skip)
            audioProxy = naoqitools.myGetProxy("ALAudioPlayer", True)
            # read it in background and check if someone press the right feet a long times => skip text playing

            id = audioProxy.post.playFile(szPathFilename)
            if (not bWaitEnd):
                # attention: no unpause of analyse dans ce cas la!
                return rLength
            nbrFramesBumpersPushed = 0
            nbrFramesBumpersPushedMinToSkip = 2
            strTemplateKeyName = "Device/SubDeviceList/%sFoot/Bumper/%s/Sensor/Value"
Example #16
def unPauseMusic():
  debug.debug( "unPauseMusic" );
  system.mySystemCall( "killall -CONT mpg321b" );
Example #17
def pauseMusic():
  "pause the music player"
  debug.debug( "pauseMusic" );
  system.mySystemCall( "killall -STOP mpg321b" );