def get_log_directory(): """ Returns the directory where the Skyline log files may be found. :return: Path to the Skyline log directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): return os.path.join(get_application_data_directory(), 'Logs') return '/var/log/systemlink'
def get_configuration_directory(): """ Returns the directory where the Skyline configuration files may be found. :return: Path to the Skyline configuration directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): return os.path.join(get_base_configuration_directory(), 'Config') return os.path.join(get_base_configuration_directory(), 'config')
def get_base_configuration_directory(): """ Returns the directory where the Skyline configuration files may be found. :return: Path to the Skyline configuration directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): return get_application_data_directory() if _IS_LEGACY_LINUX: return '/etc/natinst/niskyline' return '/etc/systemlink'
def get_application_directory(): """ Returns the directory where the Skyline binaries may be found. :return: Path to the Skyline application directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): # Get Program Files directory ni_shared_path = _get_ni_shared_dir() path = os.path.join(ni_shared_path, 'Skyline') return path return '/usr/local/bin'
def get_service_descriptor_install_directory(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Returns the directory where the service descriptors are added and removed during install time. :return: Path to the service descriptor install directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): return os.path.join(get_base_configuration_directory(), 'Install', 'Services', 'Descriptors') return os.path.join(get_base_configuration_directory(), 'install', 'services', 'descs')
def get_application_data_directory(): """ Returns the directory where the Skyline data files may be found. :return: Path to the Skyline date file directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows(): # Get APPDATA directory ni_appdata_path = _get_ni_common_appdata_dir() path = os.path.join(ni_appdata_path, 'Skyline') return path if _IS_LEGACY_LINUX: return '/etc/natinst/niskyline' return '/var/lib/systemlink'
def get_skyline_configurations_directory(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Return path to the Skyline AMQP configurations directory. :return: Path to Skyline AMQP configurations directory. :rtype: str """ if is_windows() or _IS_LEGACY_LINUX: return os.path.join( get_base_configuration_directory(), 'SkylineConfigurations', ) return os.path.join( get_base_configuration_directory(), 'amqp_config', )
def stop_service_manager(silent=False): """ Stop the NI Skyline Service Manager. :param silent: If ``False``, will print status to stdout/stderr. If ``True``, will not print status. :type silent: bool :return: ``True`` if the NI Skyline Service Manager was successfully stopped. ``False`` if the NI Skyline Service Manager was already stopped. :rtype: bool """ if not utils.is_windows(): msg = 'This operation is currently only supported in Windows' if not silent: utils.eprint(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) sysdir = shell.SHGetFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_SYSTEM, 0, 0) net_exe = os.path.join(sysdir, 'net.exe') if not silent: print('Stopping NI Skyline Service Manager') retcode =[net_exe, 'stop', WINDOWS_SERVICE_NAME, '/y']) if retcode == NET_EXE_RETCODE_ALREADY_STOPPED: if not silent: print('NI Skyline Service Manager already stopped') return False if retcode != 0: msg = ('Failed to stop the NI Skyline Service Manager ' 'with return code {0}'.format(retcode)) if not silent: utils.eprint(msg) raise OSError(msg) if not silent: print('NI Skyline Service Manager successfully started') return True
# Import python libs import os.path import subprocess # Import local libs # pylint: disable=import-error from systemlink.messagebus import service_manager_messages # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from systemlink.messagebus import utils from systemlink.messagebus.amqp_connection_manager import AmqpConnectionManager from systemlink.messagebus.exceptions import SystemLinkException from systemlink.messagebus.message_service import MessageService from systemlink.messagebus.message_service_builder import MessageServiceBuilder # pylint: enable=import-error if utils.is_windows(): from import shellcon, shell # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error WINDOWS_SERVICE_NAME = 'NI Skyline Service Manager' SC_EXE_RETCODE_ALREADY_RUNNING = 1056 NET_EXE_RETCODE_ALREADY_STOPPED = 2 def start_service_manager(silent=False): """ Start the NI Skyline Service Manager. :param silent: If ``False``, will print status to stdout/stderr. If ``True``, will not print status. :type silent: bool :return: ``True`` if the NI Skyline Service Manager was successfully
try: from systemlink.messagebus.utils import is_windows except ImportError: # Import as relative libs (for relocatability) # Add the current directory to the search path. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) try: from utils import is_windows finally: # Remove the extra search path that we added to sys.path del sys.path[-1:] # pylint: enable=import-error _IS_LEGACY_LINUX = False if is_windows(): # pylint: disable=import-error import winreg # pylint: enable=import-error NI_INSTALLERS_REG_PATH = 'SOFTWARE\\National Instruments\\Common\\Installer' NI_INSTALLERS_REG_KEY_APP_DATA = 'NIPUBAPPDATADIR' NI_INSTALLERS_REG_KEY_SHARED = 'NISHAREDDIR64' def _get_ni_shared_dir(): """ Return the National Instruments Shared Application Directory. This looks like: 'C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared' :return: The National Instruments Shared Application Directory. :rtype: str
def _read_configurations_from_env(): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Attempt to read a configuration by reading the environment variables. :return: A dictionary with key of the configuration ID and value an instance of :class:`systemlink.messagebus.amqp_configuration.AmqpConfiguration`. Will return an empty dictionary if there is no configuration in the environment variables. :rtype: dict(str, systemlink.messagebus.amqp_configuration.AmqpConfiguration) """ configurations = {} host = os.environ.get(Environment.HOST) if not host: return configurations port = os.environ.get(Environment.PORT) exchange = os.environ.get(Environment.EXCHANGE) user = os.environ.get(Environment.USER) password = os.environ.get(Environment.PASSWORD) cert = os.environ.get(Environment.CERTIFICATE) cert_path = os.environ.get(Environment.CERTIFICATE_PATH) # The certificate is optional. if not port or not exchange or not user or password is None: return configurations actual_cert_path = None if cert_path: actual_cert_path = cert_path elif cert: if is_windows(): raise NotImplementedError( 'Passing a TLS certificate via the environment is not supported on Windows' ) temp_cert_dir = os.path.dirname(_TEMP_CERT_PATH) if not os.path.isdir(temp_cert_dir): os.makedirs(temp_cert_dir) with open(_TEMP_CERT_PATH, 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(cert) actual_cert_path = _TEMP_CERT_PATH try: port_num = int(port) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise SystemLinkException.from_name('Skyline.FailedToParse') configuration = { 'Id': 'skyline_localhost', 'DisplayName': 'Local', 'ConnectionType': 'Local', 'ExchangeName': exchange, 'Host': host, 'Port': port_num, 'User': user, 'Password': password, 'UseTls' : actual_cert_path is not None, 'TlsServerName': host if actual_cert_path is not None else None, 'CertPath': actual_cert_path } amqp_config = AmqpConfiguration(None, configuration) configurations[SKYLINE_LOCALHOST_CONFIGURATION_ID] = amqp_config return configurations