def html_index(remotepath, localdir, recursive=False, topdir=False, verbose=False): """Generate a HTML index of the remote path in the local directory. Returns the sum of the file sizes in the directory. """ if not os.path.isdir(localdir): raise IOError("No such directory.") if verbose: print_("Creating index for %s..."%(remotepath,)) with temp_dir() as tempdir: index_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "index.html") size = 0 maxsize = 1 with open(index_name, 'wt') as f: f.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>%s</title></head><body><h3>%s</h3><table>\n"%(remotepath,remotepath)) f.write("<tr><th>size</th><th>modified</th><th>name</th></tr>\n") if topdir: # link to dir one level up f.write("<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\">-</td><td>-</td><td><a href=\"../index.html\">../</a></td></tr>\n") for entry in path = posixpath.join(remotepath, if dm.is_dir(path): if recursive: newdir = os.path.join(localdir, try: os.mkdir(newdir) except OSError: # directory probably exists pass sub_size = html_index(path, newdir, recursive=True, topdir=True, verbose=verbose) f.write("<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td><a href=\"%s/index.html\">%s/</a></td></tr>\n"%(_bgstyle(sub_size), _format_number(sub_size), entry.modified,, size += sub_size maxsize = max(maxsize, sub_size) else: f.write("<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s/</td></tr>\n"%(_format_number(entry.size), entry.modified, else: # Not a dir f.write("<tr><td style=\"text-align:right;%s\">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n"%(_bgstyle(entry.size), _format_number(entry.size), entry.modified, if entry.size > 0: size += entry.size maxsize = max(maxsize, entry.size) f.write("</table><p>Total size: %s</p><style>:root{--maxsize: %d} td,th{padding-left:3pt; padding-right:3pt;}</style></body></html>\n"%(_format_number(size),maxsize)) # Move file over, localdir, _tty_out=False) return size
def remote_iter_recursively(remotepath, regex=None): """Iter over remote paths recursively. If `regex` is given, only consider files/folders that match the reular expression. """ if isinstance(regex, str): regex = re.compile(regex) if t2kdm.is_dir(remotepath): for entry in if regex is None or new_path = posixpath.join(remotepath, for path in remote_iter_recursively(new_path, regex): yield path else: yield remotepath
def ls(*args, **kwargs): """Print the contents of a directory on screen.""" long = kwargs.pop('long', False) entries =*args, **kwargs) if long: # Detailed listing for e in entries: print_( "{mode:<11} {links:4d} {uid:5} {gid:5} {size:13d} {modified:>12} {name}" .format(, mode=e.mode, links=e.links, uid=e.uid, gid=e.gid, size=e.size, modified=e.modified)) else: # Just the names for e in entries: print_( return 0
def _condition_argument(name, value, localdir=None, remotedir=None): """Apply some processing to the arguments when needed.""" # Make local paths absolute if localdir is not None and 'localpath' in name and not path.isabs( value): value = path.normpath(path.join(localdir, value)) # Make remote paths absolute if remotedir is not None and 'remotepath' in name and not posixpath.isabs( value): value = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(remotedir, value)) # Special case: remote basename == @ if 'remotepath' in name: # Get all entries in the directory and replace the @ with the (lexigraphically) last one dirname, basename = posixpath.split(value) if basename == '@': entries = [ for x in] entries.sort() value = posixpath.join(dirname, entries[-1]) return value
def ls(*args, **kwargs): return [ for x in*args, cached=True, **kwargs)]