Example #1
 def config(_, unset=False, get=False, all=False):
     ''' Define, display or remove a global configuration parameter. '''
     value = ((_.options.setconfig if not get else
               (_.options.getconfig if not all else None))
              if not unset else _.options.unsetconfig)
     if value is None and not all:
         warn("No configuration key provided")
         return 1
     if not unset and not get and "=" not in value:
             "Configuration entry must be specified in the form <key>=<value>"
         return 2
     key, value = safeSplit(
         value, "=")[:2] if not unset and not get else (value, None)
     key = wrapExc(
         lambda: key.lower())  # config keys are normalized to lower case
     folder, meta = getRoot(_.options, _.args)
     cfg = Configuration()
     if get:  # get operation
         if all:
             for k, v in ((_k, cfg.__dict__[_k]) for _k in cfg.__dict__
                          if _k != "paths"):
                 warn(f"Configuration entry: {k} = {v}")
             return 0
         elif key in cfg.__dict__:
             warn(f"Configuration entry: {key} = {cfg.__dict__[key]}")
             return 0
             warn(f"Configuration key '{key}' not found")
             return 3
     if '' not in cfg.paths: cfg.paths[''] = dd()  # create global section
     entries = dictGetSet(cfg.paths[''], GLOBAL, [])
     index = wrapExc(lambda: lindex(
          for kv in entries], key))  # find index for specified key, or None
     if not unset:  # set operation
         if index is not None:
             entries[index] = f"{key}={value}"
             warn(f"Updated configuration entry: {key} = {value}")
             warn(f"Added configuration entry: {key} = {value}")
         cfg.__dict__[key] = value if value.lower() not in (
             "true", "false") else value.lower() == "true"
     else:  # unset operation
         if index is not None:
             del entries[index]
             warn(f"Removed configuration entry for key '{key}'")
             warn("Configuration entry not found, nothing to do")
             del cfg.__dict__[key]  # remove in-memory global configuration
     if not _.options.simulate: cfg.store(meta)
     return 0
Example #2
def getRoot(options, args):
    ''' Determine tagsPlorer repository root folder by checking program arguments with some fall-back logic.
      returns 2-tuple(root folder absolute path, index/config file folder absolute path), depending on options
  >>> class O:
  ...   def __init__(_): _.index = _.root = None  # options object
  >>> os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir, "_test-data"))  # change into folder that contains .tagsplorer.cfg
  >>> o = O(); rela = lambda a, b: (os.path.relpath(a, start = os.getcwd()), os.path.relpath(b, start = os.getcwd()))  # helper to pass with any current folder
  >>> rela(*getRoot(o, []))  # no options nor arguments: root folder == index folder
  ('.', '.')
  >>> o.root = "./x"; rela(*getRoot(o, []))  # given a root: root = index
  ('x', 'x')
  >>> o.index = "./y"; rela(*getRoot(o, []))  # given both
  ('x', 'y')
  >>> o.root = None; o.index = "abc"; rela(*getRoot(o, []))
  ('abc', 'abc')
    if options.index:  # given folder to place the index
        if options.root is None:
            options.root = str(options.index)  # copy by value
        return (os.path.abspath(options.root), os.path.abspath(options.index))
    # determine root folder by finding the config/index files
    folder = options.root  # None if not defined
    if folder is None:
        folder = wrapExc(
            lambda: os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(findRootFolder(CONFIG))))
    if folder is None: folder = os.curdir  # fallback
    root, meta = os.path.abspath(folder), os.path.abspath(
        options.index if options.index else folder)
    debug(f"Root and index folders found at {root} {meta}")
    return root, meta
Example #3
 def tmp2():
   i = lib.Indexer(REPO)
   i.load(os.path.join(REPO, INDEX), ignore_skew = True, recreate_index = False)
   print(utils.wrapExc(lambda: set(i.getPaths(i.tagdir2paths[i.tagdirs.index("a")], {})), lambda: set()))  # print output is captured
Example #4
from tagsplorer.utils import caseCompareKey, casefilter, dd, dictGetSet, isDir, isGlob, isUnderRoot, lindex, normalizer, pathNorm, removeTagPrefixes, safeRSplit, safeSplit, sjoin, splitByPredicate, splitTags, wrapExc, xany
from tagsplorer import lib, simfs, utils  # for setting the log level dynamically

STREAM = sys.stdout if '--stdout' in sys.argv else sys.stderr
    level=logging.DEBUG if '-V' in sys.argv or '--debug' in sys.argv
    or os.environ.get("DEBUG", "False").lower() == "true" else (
        logging.INFO if '-v' in sys.argv or '--verbose' in sys.argv
        or os.environ.get("VERBOSE", "False").lower() == "true" else
    ),  # must be set here to already limit writing to info and debug (e.g. "Started at...")
    stream=STREAM,  # log to stderr, write results to stdout
    '%(asctime)-8s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-4s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s',
wrapExc(lambda: sys.argv.remove('--stdout'))  # remove if present
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def log(func):
    return (lambda *s: func(
        sjoin([_() if callable(_) else _ for _ in s]),
            "stacklevel": 2
        } if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) else {})))

debug, info, warn, error = log(_log.debug), log(_log.info), log(
    _log.warning), log(_log.error)

with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'VERSION'),
Example #5
 def __exists(path):
     return wrapExc(lambda: _exists(_realPath(path)),
                    False)  # also for file handles
Example #6

    def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore):
        ''' Queried by unittest. '''
        return tests


    SIMFS = False

if __name__ == '__main__':
        level=logging.DEBUG if os.environ.get(
            "DEBUG", "False").lower() == "true" else logging.INFO,
        "%(asctime)-23s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s")
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
            "Testing on Windows makes no sense. This is a Windows file system simulator!"
        os.path.abspath(__file__))))  # main repo folder
    unittest.main()  # warnings = "ignore")
    for file in ("_X.x", "_x.X"):
        wrapExc(lambda: _unlink(file))