Example #1
def refract(I, N, eta):
    R = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - ti.dot(N, I) * ti.dot(N, I))
    if (k < 0.0):
        R = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        R = eta * I - (eta * ti.dot(N, I) + ti.sqrt(k)) * N
    return R
Example #2
def sdf_Capsule(p, a, b, r):
    ab = b - a
    ap = p - a

    t = ti.dot(ab, ap) / ti.dot(ab, ab)
    t_clamped = clamp(t)
    c = a + t_clamped * ab
    return length(p - c) - r
Example #3
def ray_plane_intersect(pos, d, pt_on_plane, norm):
    dist = inf
    hit_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    denom = ti.dot(d, norm)
    if abs(denom) > eps:
        dist = ti.dot((pt_on_plane - pos), norm) / denom
        hit_pos = pos + d * dist
    return dist, hit_pos
Example #4
 def brdf(self, normal, viewdir, lightdir, color):
     halfway = ts.normalize(viewdir + lightdir)
     ndotv = max(ti.dot(viewdir, normal), self.eps)
     ndotl = max(ti.dot(lightdir, normal), self.eps)
     diffuse = self.kd * color / math.pi
     specular = self.microfacet(normal, halfway)\
                 * self.frensel(viewdir, halfway, color)\
                 * self.geometry(ndotv, ndotl)
     specular /= 4 * ndotv * ndotl
     return diffuse + specular
Example #5
def intersect_light(pos, d):
    light_loc = ti.Vector(light_pos)
    dot = -ti.dot(d, ti.Vector(light_normal))
    dist = ti.dot(d, light_loc - pos)
    dist_to_light = inf
    if dot > 0 and dist > 0:
        D = dist / dot
        dist_to_center = (light_loc - (pos + D * d)).norm_sqr()
        if dist_to_center < light_radius**2:
            dist_to_light = D
    return dist_to_light
Example #6
def out_dir(indir, n, mat):
    u = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if mat == mat_lambertian:
        if abs(n[1]) < 1 - eps:
            u = ti.normalized(ti.cross(n, ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
        v = ti.cross(n, u)
        phi = 2 * math.pi * ti.random()
        ay = ti.sqrt(ti.random())
        ax = ti.sqrt(1 - ay**2)
        u = ax * (ti.cos(phi) * u + ti.sin(phi) * v) + ay * n
    elif mat == mat_metal:
        u = reflect(indir, n)
        # glass
        cos = ti.dot(indir, n)
        ni_over_nt = refr_idx
        outn = n
        if cos > 0.0:
            outn = -n
            cos = refr_idx * cos
            ni_over_nt = 1.0 / refr_idx
            cos = -cos
        has_refr, refr_dir = refract(indir, outn, ni_over_nt)
        refl_prob = 1.0
        if has_refr:
            refl_prob = schlick(cos, refr_idx)
        if ti.random() < refl_prob:
            u = reflect(indir, n)
            u = refr_dir
    return ti.normalized(u)
Example #7
 def render_func(self, pos, normal, viewdir, light, color):
     lightdir = light.get_dir(pos)
     costheta = max(0, ti.dot(normal, lightdir))
     l_out = ts.vec3(0.0)
     if costheta > 0:
         l_out = self.brdf(normal, -viewdir, lightdir, color)\
              * costheta * light.get_color(pos)
     return l_out
Example #8
def get_gi_factors(camera, scene, pos, fragpos, normal, radius, color):
    a = camera.untrans_pos(pos)
    f = form_factor_ball(normal, (pos - fragpos), radius)
    cosfactor = 0.0
    for light in ti.static(scene.lights):
        cosfactor += max(0.5, ti.dot(light.get_dir(a), ts.normalize(pos - a)))
    gi = min(f, gi_clamp) / gi_clamp / 5 * color * cosfactor
    return f / ff_clamp, gi
Example #9
def GetLight(p, t, hit, nor, step, rd):
    lightPos = ti.Vector([0, 37, 1.0])

    l = normalize(lightPos - p)
    n = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if hit == PARTICLES:  #particles
        n = nor
    else:  #sphere or plane
        n = GetNormal(p, t, hit)
    # attenuating the light
    atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + l * 0.2 + l * l * 0.1)
    spec = pow(max(ti.dot(reflect(-l, n), -rd), 0.0), 8.0)
    diff = clamp(ti.dot(n, l))
    diff = (diff + 1.0) / 2.0

    sceneCol = (getColor(hit) * (diff + 0.15) +
                ti.Vector([0.8, 0.8, 0.2]) * spec * 0.5) * atten
    return sceneCol, n
Example #10
    def voxelize_triangles(self, num_triangles: ti.i32,
                           triangles: ti.ext_arr()):
        for i in range(num_triangles):
            jitter_scale = ti.cast(0, self.precision)
            if ti.static(self.precision is ti.f32):
                jitter_scale = 1e-4
                jitter_scale = 1e-8
            # We jitter the vertices to prevent voxel samples from lying precicely at triangle edges
            jitter = ti.Vector([-0.057616723909439505, -0.25608986292614977, 0.06716309129743714]) * jitter_scale
            a = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 0], triangles[i, 1], triangles[i, 2]]) + jitter
            b = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 3], triangles[i, 4], triangles[i, 5]]) + jitter
            c = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 6], triangles[i, 7], triangles[i, 8]]) + jitter

            bound_min = ti.Vector.zero(self.precision, 3)
            bound_max = ti.Vector.zero(self.precision, 3)
            for k in ti.static(range(3)):
                bound_min[k] = min(a[k], b[k], c[k])
                bound_max[k] = max(a[k], b[k], c[k])

            p_min = int(ti.floor(bound_min[0] * self.inv_dx))
            p_max = int(ti.floor(bound_max[0] * self.inv_dx)) + 1
            p_min = max(self.padding, p_min)
            p_max = min(self.res[0] - self.padding, p_max)

            q_min = int(ti.floor(bound_min[1] * self.inv_dx))
            q_max = int(ti.floor(bound_max[1] * self.inv_dx)) + 1
            q_min = max(self.padding, q_min)
            q_max = min(self.res[1] - self.padding, q_max)

            normal = ti.normalized(ti.cross(b - a, c - a))
            if abs(normal[2]) < 1e-10:

            a_proj = ti.Vector([a[0], a[1]])
            b_proj = ti.Vector([b[0], b[1]])
            c_proj = ti.Vector([c[0], c[1]])

            for p in range(p_min, p_max):
                for q in range(q_min, q_max):
                    pos2d = ti.Vector([(p + 0.5) * self.dx, (q + 0.5) * self.dx])
                    if inside_ccw(pos2d, a_proj, b_proj, c_proj) or inside_ccw(pos2d, a_proj, c_proj, b_proj):
                        base_voxel = ti.Vector([pos2d[0], pos2d[1], 0])
                        height = int(
                            -ti.dot(normal, base_voxel - a) /
                            normal[2] * self.inv_dx + 0.5)
                        height = min(height, self.res[1] - self.padding)
                        inc = 0
                        if normal[2] > 0:
                            inc = 1
                            inc = -1
                        self.fill(p, q, height, inc)
Example #11
        def collide(dt: ti.f32):
            for I in ti.grouped(self.grid_m):
                offset = I * self.dx - ti.Vector(point)
                n = ti.Vector(normal)
                if ti.dot(offset, n) < 0:
                    if ti.static(surface == self.surface_sticky):
                        self.grid_v[I] = ti.Vector.zero(ti.f32, self.dim)
                        v = self.grid_v[I]
                        normal_component = ti.dot(n, v)

                        if ti.static(surface == self.surface_slip):
                            # Project out all normal component
                            v = v - n * normal_component
                            # Project out only inward normal component
                            v = v - n * min(normal_component, 0)

                        self.grid_v[I] = v
Example #12
def get_color(z, timef32):
    zoo = 0.62 + 0.38 * ti.cos(0.02 * timef32)
    coa = ti.cos(0.1 * (1.0 - zoo) * timef32)
    sia = ti.sin(0.1 * (1.0 - zoo) * timef32)
    zoo = ti.pow(zoo, 8.0)
    xy = ti.Vector([z[0] * coa - z[1] * sia, z[0] * sia + z[1] * coa])
    cc = (
        ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0])
        + smoothstep(1.0, 0.5, zoo) * ti.Vector([0.24814, 0.7369])
        + xy * zoo * 2.0
    col = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    sc = ti.Vector([ti.abs(cc[0] - 1.0) - 1.0, cc[1]])
    if ti.dot(sc, sc) >= 1.0:
        co = 0.0
        w = ti.Vector([0.5, 0.0])
        for _ in range(256):
            if ti.dot(w, w) > 1024:
            w = cmul(cc, cmul(w, cadd(1.0, -w)))
            co += 1.0

        sco = co + 1.0 - log2(0.5 * (log2(ti.dot(cc, cc)) + log2(ti.dot(w, w))))
        col = 0.5 + 0.5 * ti.cos(3.0 + sco * 0.1 + ti.Vector([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]))
        if co > 255.5:
            col = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    if ti.abs(cc.x - 1.0) < 3.0:
        al = smoothstep(17.0, 12.0, timef32)
        col = clamp(col, 0.0, 1.0)
        x = 0.5
        for _ in range(200):
            x = cc[0] * (1.0 - x) * x
        for _ in range(200):
            x = cc[0] * (1.0 - x) * x
            col = col + mix(
                ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
                0.15 + 0.85 * ti.pow(clamp(ti.abs(sc.x + 1.0) * 0.4, 0.0, 1.0), 4.0),
            ) * al * 0.06 * ti.exp(-15000.0 * (cc.y - x) * (cc.y - x))

    return col
Example #13
def form_factor_ball(n, dpos, r):
    d = dpos.norm()
    z = ti.dot(n, dpos) / d
    f = ff_clamp if z > 0 else 0.0
    if d > r and z > 0:
        #f1 = (d ** 2 + r ** 2 - d * r) / (d - r)
        #f2 = ti.sqrt((d - r) * (d + r))
        #f = min(2.0 * z / (3.0 * d) * (f1 - f2), ff_clamp)
        x = d / r
        f = min(2.0 * z / (3.0 * x) * (1. / (x - 1.) + 1. / 2. / x), ff_clamp)
    return f
Example #14
def refract(d, n, ni_over_nt):
    # Assuming |d| and |n| are normalized
    has_r, rd = 0, d
    dt = ti.dot(d, n)
    discr = 1.0 - ni_over_nt * ni_over_nt * (1.0 - dt * dt)
    if discr > 0.0:
        has_r = 1
        rd = ti.normalized(ni_over_nt * (d - n * dt) - n * ti.sqrt(discr))
        rd *= 0.0
    return has_r, rd
Example #15
 def intensity(self, pos):
     Calculate the distance from the object to the light
     as the distance to the normal plane of the light position,
     i.e., x0x+y0y+z0z=0.
     dist = self.lightdist[None] - ti.dot(pos - self.viewtarget[None],
     f = 0.0
     if dist > 0:
         f = 1. / (1. + self.c1 * dist + self.c2 * dist**2)
     return f
Example #16
 def calc_gi(self, camera):
     scene = camera.scene
     for X in ti.grouped(camera.img):
         if self.enable_gi[None] == 0:
         # use an additional normal buffer at this time
         if camera.zbuf[X] > 0:
             z = 1 / camera.zbuf[X]
             pos = cook_coord(camera,
                              ti.cast(ti.Vector([X.x, X.y, z]), ti.f32))
             pos_world = camera.trans_pos(pos)
             norm_world = camera.trans_dir(camera.nbuf[X])
             dy = pos_world[1] - floor_y
             ftot = 0.0
             if dy > 0:
                 ftot = form_factor_floor(norm_world, dy, self.radius)
             gtot = ts.vec3(0.0)
             if ti.static(self.grid is not None):
                 base = self.grid.grid_index(pos_world)
                 for dI in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange((-4, 5), (-4, 5),
                                                 (-4, 5))):
                     I = max(0, min(base + dI, self.grid.gridsize - 1))
                     for p in range(self.grid_n[I + dI]):
                         i = self.grid_list[I + dI, p]
                         if (self.particles[i] - pos_world).norm_sqr() \
                                 > (self.gi_cutoff * self.boxlength) ** 2:
                         f, gi = get_gi_factors(camera, scene,
                                                pos_world, norm_world,
                         ftot += f
                         gtot += gi
                 for i in range(self.particles.shape[0]):
                     # don't compute for particles behind the normal
                     if ti.dot(self.particles[i] - pos_world,
                               norm_world) < 0:
                     f, gi = get_gi_factors(camera, scene,
                                            self.particles[i], pos_world,
                                            norm_world, self.radius,
                     ftot += f
                     gtot += gi
             camera.img[X] = camera.img[X] * ts.vec3(max(1 - ftot,
                                                         0)) + gtot * 0.3
Example #17
def render_cylinder(model, camera, v1, v2, radius, c1, c2):
    scene = model.scene
    a = camera.untrans_pos(v1)
    b = camera.untrans_pos(v2)
    A = camera.uncook(a)
    B = camera.uncook(b)
    bx = int(ti.ceil(camera.fx * radius / min(a.z, b.z)))
    by = int(ti.ceil(camera.fy * radius / min(a.z, b.z)))

    M, N = ti.floor(min(A, B)), ti.ceil(max(A, B))
    M.x -= bx
    N.x += bx
    M.y -= by
    N.y += by
    M.x, N.x = min(max(M.x, 0),
                   camera.img.shape[0]), min(max(N.x, 0), camera.img.shape[1])
    M.y, N.y = min(max(M.y, 0),
                   camera.img.shape[0]), min(max(N.y, 0), camera.img.shape[1])
    if (M.x < N.x and M.y < N.y):
        for X in ti.grouped(ti.ndrange((M.x, N.x), (M.y, N.y))):
            t = ti.dot(X - A, B - A) / (B - A).norm_sqr()
            if t < 0 or t > 1:
            proj = a * (1 - t) + b * t
            W = ti.cast(ti.Vector([X.x, X.y, proj.z]), ti.f32)
            w = cook_coord(camera, W)
            dw = w - proj
            dw2 = dw.norm_sqr()
            if dw2 > radius**2:
            dz = ti.sqrt(radius**2 - dw2)
            n = ti.Vector([dw.x, dw.y, -dz])
            zindex = 1 / (proj.z - dz)

            if zindex >= ti.atomic_max(camera.zbuf[X], zindex):
                basecolor = c1 if t < 0.5 else c2
                normal = ts.normalize(n)
                view = ts.normalize(a + n)
                color = get_ambient(camera, normal, view) * basecolor
                for light in ti.static(scene.lights):
                    light_color = scene.opt.render_func(a + n, normal, \
                        view, light, basecolor)
                    color += light_color
                camera.img[X] = color
                camera.nbuf[X] = normal
Example #18
        def collide(dt: ti.f32):
            for I in ti.grouped(self.grid_m):
                offset = I * self.dx - ti.Vector(center)
                if offset.norm_sqr() < radius * radius:
                    if ti.static(surface == self.surface_sticky):
                        self.grid_v[I] = ti.Vector.zero(ti.f32, self.dim)
                        v = self.grid_v[I]
                        normal = ti.Vector.normalized(offset, eps=1e-5)
                        normal_component = ti.dot(normal, v)

                        if ti.static(surface == self.surface_slip):
                            # Project out all normal component
                            v = v - normal * normal_component
                            # Project out only inward normal component
                            v = v - normal * min(normal_component, 0)

                        self.grid_v[I] = v
Example #19
def grid_op():
    for i, j in grid_m:
        if grid_m[i, j] > 0:
            inv_m = 1 / grid_m[i, j]
            grid_v[i, j] = inv_m * grid_v[i, j]
            grid_v(1)[i, j] -= dt * 9.8

            # center sticky circle
            dist = ti.Vector([i * dx - 0.5, j * dx - 0.5])
            if dist.norm_sqr() < 0.005:
                dist = ti.Vector.normalized(dist)
                grid_v[i, j] -= dist * ti.dot(grid_v[i, j], dist)

            # box
            if i < bound and grid_v(0)[i, j] < 0:
                grid_v(0)[i, j] = 0
            if i > n_grid - bound and grid_v(0)[i, j] > 0:
                grid_v(0)[i, j] = 0
            if j < bound and grid_v(1)[i, j] < 0:
                grid_v(1)[i, j] = 0
            if j > n_grid - bound and grid_v(1)[i, j] > 0:
                grid_v(1)[i, j] = 0
Example #20
def grid_op():
    for i, j in grid_m:
        if grid_m[i, j] > 0:
            inv_m = 1 / grid_m[i, j]
            v_out = inv_m * grid_v_in[i, j]  # momentum to velocity
            v_out[1] -= dt * gravity  # gravity

            # center sticky circle
            dist = ti.Vector([i * dx - 0.5, j * dx - 0.5])
            if dist.norm_sqr() < 0.005:
                dist = ti.normalized(dist)
                v_out -= dist * ti.dot(v_out, dist)

            # boundary conditions
            if i < bound and v_out[0] < 0:
                v_out[0] = 0
            if i > n_grid - bound and v_out[0] > 0:
                v_out[0] = 0
            if j < bound and v_out[1] < 0:
                v_out[1] = 0
            if j > n_grid - bound and v_out[1] > 0:
                v_out[1] = 0

            grid_v_out[i, j] = v_out
Example #21
def reflect(d, n):
    # Assuming |d| and |n| are normalized
    return d - 2.0 * ti.dot(d, n) * n
Example #22
def capsule(grid_pos, a, b):
    ab = a - b
    ap = grid_pos - b
    t = ti.dot(ab, ap) / ti.dot(ab, ab)
    t_clamped = clamp(t)
    return b + t_clamped*ab
Example #23
 def frensel(self, view, halfway, color):
     f0 = ts.mix(ts.vec3(self.specular), color, self.metallic)
     hdotv = min(1, max(ti.dot(halfway, view), 0))
     return (f0 + (1.0 - f0) * (1.0 - hdotv)**5) * self.ks
Example #24
 def microfacet(self, normal, halfway):
     alpha = self.roughness
     ggx = alpha**2 / math.pi
     ggx /= (ti.dot(normal, halfway)**2 * (alpha**2 - 1.0) + 1.0)**2
     return ggx
Example #25
def planeSDF(p, n):
    nxyz = ti.Vector([n[0], n[1], n[2]])
    return ti.dot(p, nxyz) + n[3]
Example #26
def reflect(I, N):
    return I - 2.0 * ti.dot(N, I) * N