Example #1
    def recast_depth_to_map(self, depthmap: ti.ext_arr(), texture: ti.ext_arr(), w: ti.i32, h: ti.i32, K:ti.ext_arr(), Kcolor:ti.ext_arr()):
        fx = K[0]
        fy = K[4]
        cx = K[2]
        cy = K[5]

        for j in range(h):
            for i in range(w):
                if depthmap[j, i] == 0 or depthmap[j, i]/1000 > ti.static(self.max_ray_length):
                dep = depthmap[j, i]/1000.0
                pt = ti.Vector([
                pt_map = self.input_R[None]@pt + self.input_T[None]
                if ti.static(self.TEXTURE_ENABLED):
                    fx_c = Kcolor[0]
                    fy_c = Kcolor[4]
                    cx_c = Kcolor[2]
                    cy_c = Kcolor[5]
                    color_i = ti.cast((i-cx)/fx*fx_c+cx_c, ti.int32)
                    color_j = ti.cast((j-cy)/fy*fy_c+cy_c, ti.int32)

                    if color_i < 0 or color_i >= 640 or color_j < 0 or color_j >= 480:

                    self.process_point(pt_map, [texture[color_j, color_i, 0], texture[color_j, color_i, 1], texture[color_j, color_i, 2]])
Example #2
 def initialize_particle(self, x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(),
                         color: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(self.num_particles[None]):
         for c in ti.static(range(3)):
             self.particle_x[i][c] = x[i, c]
             self.particle_v[i][c] = v[i, c]
             self.particle_color[i][c] = color[i, c]
Example #3
 def init_particles(p: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(cur_num_particles[None]):
         velocity[i] = ti.Vector([v[i, 0], -5.0])
         for c in ti.static(range(dim)):
             old_positions[i][c] = p[i, c]
             # velocity[i][c] = v[i, c]
             density[i] = rho0
Example #4
 def init(p: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(num_particles):
         radius[i] = particle_radius_in_world
         for c in ti.static(range(dim)):
             positions[i][c] = p[i, c]
             velocities[i][c] = v[i, c]
     board_states[None] = ti.Vector([boundary[0] - epsilon, -0.0])
Example #5
 def initialize_particle(self, x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(),
                         color: ti.ext_arr(), begin: ti.i32, end: ti.i32):
     for i in range(begin, end):
         for c in ti.static(range(3)):
             self.particle_x[i][c] = x[i - begin, c]
             if ti.static(self.enable_motion_blur):
                 self.particle_v[i][c] = v[i - begin, c]
             self.particle_color[i][c] = color[i - begin, c]
 def readframe(self, f: ti.i32, x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(),
               F: ti.ext_arr(), C: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(self.n_particles):
         for j in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
             x[i, j] = self.x[f, i][j]
             v[i, j] = self.v[f, i][j]
             for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                 F[i, j, k] = self.F[f, i][j, k]
                 C[i, j, k] = self.C[f, i][j, k]
 def setframe(self, f: ti.i32, x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(),
              F: ti.ext_arr(), C: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(self.n_particles):
         for j in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
             self.x[f, i][j] = x[i, j]
             self.v[f, i][j] = v[i, j]
             for k in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                 self.F[f, i][j, k] = F[i, j, k]
                 self.C[f, i][j, k] = C[i, j, k]
Example #8
 def recast_pcl_to_map(self, xyz_array: ti.ext_arr(), rgb_array: ti.ext_arr(), n: ti.i32):
     for index in range(n):
         pt = ti.Vector([
         pt = self.input_R[None]@pt + self.input_T[None]
         if ti.static(self.TEXTURE_ENABLED):
             self.process_point(pt, rgb_array[index])
Example #9
  def initialize_particle_x(x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(), color: ti.ext_arr()):
    for i in range(num_particles[None]):
      for c in ti.static(range(3)):
        particle_x[i][c] = x[i, c]
        particle_v[i][c] = v[i, c]
        particle_color[i][c] = color[i, c]

      for k in ti.static(range(27)):
        base_coord = (inv_dx * particle_x[i] - 0.5).cast(ti.i32) + ti.Vector(
            [k // 9, k // 3 % 3, k % 3])
        grid_density[base_coord // grid_visualization_block_size] = 1
Example #10
    def init(self, p_list:ti.ext_arr(), w_list:ti.ext_arr()):
        for i in range(self.particle_numbers):
            for j in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
                self.particle_positions[i][j] = p_list[i,j]
                self.particle_velocity[i][j] = ti.cast(0.0, ti.f32)
            self.d_velocity[i][0] = ti.cast(0.0, ti.f32)
            self.d_velocity[i][1] = ti.cast(-9.8, ti.f32)

            self.wall_mark_list[i][0] = w_list[i]
            self.d_density[i][0] = ti.cast(0.0, ti.f32)
            self.particle_pressure[i][0] = ti.cast(0.0, ti.f32)
            self.particle_density[i][0] = ti.cast(1000.0, ti.f32)
Example #11
def copyback_grid(np_idx: ti.ext_arr(), np_val: ti.ext_arr(),
                  grid: ti.template(), solver: ti.template()):
    num_active_cell = np_idx.shape[0]
    for i in range(num_active_cell):
        idx = []
        val = []
        for j in ti.static(range(solver.dim)):
            idx.append(int(np_idx[i, j]))
            val.append(np_val[i, j])

        ti_idx = ti.Vector(idx)
        ti_val = ti.Vector(val)
        grid[ti_idx] = ti_val
Example #12
    def add_obj(self, vn: ti.i32, en: ti.i32, node: ti.ext_arr(),
                element: ti.ext_arr()):

        for i in range(vn):
            self.node[self.vn_object_index[self.count] +
                      i] = [node[i, 0], node[i, 1]]
            self.prev_node[self.vn_object_index[self.count] +
                           i] = [node[i, 0], node[i, 1]]
            self.prev_t_node[self.vn_object_index[self.count] +
                             i] = [node[i, 0], node[i, 1]]
            self.bar_node[self.vn_object_index[self.count] +
                          i] = [node[i, 0], node[i, 1]]
            self.node_obj_idx[self.vn_object_index[self.count] +
                              i] = self.count + 1

        for i in range(en):
            # Mapping single object element id to system-wide
            self.element[self.en_object_index[self.count] + i] = \
                [self.vn_object_index[self.count] + element[i, 0],
                 self.vn_object_index[self.count] + element[i, 1],
                 self.vn_object_index[self.count] + element[i, 2]]
            self.element_obj_idx[self.en_object_index[self.count] +
                                 i] = self.count + 1

        # update vn_object_index and en_object_index
        self.vn_object_index[self.count +
                             1] = self.vn_object_index[self.count] + vn
        self.en_object_index[self.count +
                             1] = self.en_object_index[self.count] + en
        self.count += 1

        for i in range(self.en_object_index[self.count - 1],
            D = self.D(i)
            self.B[i] = D.inverse()
            a, b, c = self.element[i][0], self.element[i][1], self.element[i][
            self.element_volume[i] = abs(D.determinant()) / 2  # space in 2d
            self.element_mass[i] = self.element_volume[i]
            self.node_mass[a] += self.element_mass[i]
            self.node_mass[b] += self.element_mass[i]
            self.node_mass[c] += self.element_mass[i]
            self.neighbor_element_count[a] += 1
            self.neighbor_element_count[b] += 1
            self.neighbor_element_count[c] += 1

        for i in range(self.vn_object_index[self.count - 1],
            self.node_mass[i] /= max(self.neighbor_element_count[i], 1)
Example #13
    def initialize_particle_x(x: ti.ext_arr(), v: ti.ext_arr(),
                              color: ti.ext_arr()):
        for i in range(max_num_particles):
            if i < num_particles:
                for c in ti.static(range(3)):
                    particle_x[i][c] = x[i, c]
                    particle_v[i][c] = v[i, c]
                    particle_color[i][c] = color[i, c]

                # reconstruct grid using particle position and MPM p2g.
                for k in ti.static(range(27)):
                    base_coord = (inv_dx * particle_x[i] - 0.5).cast(
                        ti.i32) + ti.Vector([k // 9, k // 3 % 3, k % 3])
                    grid_density[base_coord //
                                 grid_visualization_block_size] = 1
Example #14
def vector_to_fast_image(img: ti.template(), out: ti.ext_arr()):
    # FIXME: Why is ``for i, j in img:`` slower than:
    for i, j in ti.ndrange(*img.shape):
        u, v, w = min(255, max(0, int(img[i, img.shape[1] - 1 - j] * 255)))
        # We use i32 for |out| since OpenGL and Metal doesn't support u8 types
        # TODO: treat Cocoa and Big-endian machines, with XOR logic
        out[j * img.shape[0] + i] = w + (v << 8) + (u << 16)
Example #15
    def apply_mouse_input_and_render(self, vf: ti.template(),
                                     dyef: ti.template(),
                                     imp_data: ti.ext_arr(),
                                     dt: ti.template()):

        for i, j in vf:
            mdir = ti.Vector([imp_data[0], imp_data[1]])
            omx, omy = imp_data[2], imp_data[3]
            # move to cell center
            dx, dy = (i + 0.5 - omx), (j + 0.5 - omy)
            d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
            # ref: https://developer.download.nvidia.cn/books/HTML/gpugems/gpugems_ch38.html
            # apply the force
            factor = ti.exp(-d2 * self.cfg.inv_force_radius)
            momentum = mdir * self.cfg.f_strength * dt * factor

            vf[i, j] += momentum
            # add dye
            dc = dyef[i, j]
            # TODO what the hell is this?
            if mdir.norm() > 0.5:
                dc += ti.exp(-d2 * self.cfg.inv_dye_denom) * ti.Vector(
                    [imp_data[4], imp_data[5], imp_data[6]])
            dc *= self.cfg.dye_decay
            dyef[i, j] = dc
Example #16
def set_color_by_material(material_colors: ti.ext_arr()):
    for i in range(n_particles):
        mat = materials[i]
        colors[i] = ti.Vector([
            material_colors[mat, 0], material_colors[mat, 1],
            material_colors[mat, 2], 1.0
Example #17
def copy_back_and_clear(img: ti.ext_arr()):
    for i in range(res[0]):
        for j in range(res[1]):
            coord = ((res[1] - 1 - j) * res[0] + i) * 3
            for c in ti.static(range(3)):
                img[coord + c] = screen[i, j][2 - c]
                screen[i, j][2 - c] = 0
Example #18
 def set_vertices(self, data: ti.ext_arr()):
     self.n_vertices[None] = min(ti.Expr(self.pos.shape[0]), data.shape[0])
     for i in range(self.n_vertices[None]):
         for j in ti.static(range(3)):
             self.pos[i][j] = data[i, 0, j]
             self.tex[i][j] = data[i, 1, j]
             self.nrm[i][j] = data[i, 2, j]
Example #19
def copy_grid(np_idx: ti.ext_arr(), np_val: ti.ext_arr(), grid: ti.template(),
              solver: ti.template()):
    save the sparse grid_v or grid_m
    :param np_idx:
    :param np_val:
    :param grid:
    i = 0
    for I in ti.grouped(grid):
        j = ti.atomic_add(i, 1)
        # print(j, I)
        for d in ti.static(range(solver.dim)):
            np_idx[j, d] = I[d]
            np_val[j, d] = grid[I][d]
Example #20
    def translate(self, vec3: ti.ext_arr()):
        _vec3 = ti.Vector([vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2]])

        for i in ti.ndrange(self.ver.shape[0]):
            self.ver[i] = self.ver[i] + _vec3
        # 更新bounding box的边界范围
Example #21
 def render(self, out: ti.ext_arr(), res: ti.template()):
     for i in range(res[0] * res[1]):
         r, g, b = self.image_at(i % res[0], res[1] - 1 - i // res[0])
         if ti.static(ti.get_os_name() != 'osx'):
             out[i] = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
             alpha = -16777216
             out[i] = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r + alpha
Example #22
    def scale(self, vec3: ti.ext_arr()):
        _ti_mat = ti.Matrix([[vec3[0], 0, 0], [0, vec3[1], 0], [0, 0,

        for i in ti.ndrange(self.ver.shape[0]):
            self.ver[i] = _ti_mat @ self.ver[i]
        # 更新bounding box的边界范围
Example #23
def step_flowfield(z: ti.f32, ff: ti.ext_arr(), nsarr: ti.ext_arr()):
    t = z
    for x in range(nx):
        for y in range(ny):
            # [0:2]: normalized delta direction of flow
            # [2:4]: current mouse xy
            # [4:7]: color
            ns = nsarr[x, y]
            # ns = 1
            radians = ns * math.tau
            c = ti.cos(radians)
            s = ti.sin(radians)
            v = ti.Vector([c, s])
            c = v[0]
            s = v[1]

            ff[x, y, 0] = -c
            ff[x, y, 1] = -s
            cx = ff[x, y, 2]
            cy = ff[x, y, 3]
            ## these store the velocity
            speed = 1
            # vel
            accel = 0.05
            ax = (accel * c)
            ay = (accel * s)
            # x, y = np.linalg.norm((sx,sy))
            ## velocity
            minS = -3
            maxS = 3
            ff[x, y, 8] = min(max(ff[x, y, 8] + ax, minS), maxS)
            ff[x, y, 9] = min(max(ff[x, y, 9] + ay, minS), maxS)
            # ff[x, y, 8] = ff[x, y, 8] * sx
            # ff[x, y, 9] =
            Nx = cx + ff[x, y, 8]
            Ny = cy + ff[x, y, 9]
            dx = Nx - cx
            dy = Ny - cy
            ff[x, y, 2] = Nx % res
            ff[x, y, 3] = Ny % res
            ### Colors
            ff[x, y, 4] = ns
            ff[x, y, 5] = ns * ns
            ff[x, y, 6] = 1 - ns
            ff[x, y, 7] = 0.0
Example #24
def ext_arr_to_matrix(arr: ti.ext_arr(), mat: ti.template(), as_vector: ti.template()):
  for I in ti.grouped(mat):
    for p in ti.static(range(mat.n)):
      for q in ti.static(range(mat.m)):
        if ti.static(as_vector):
          mat[I][p] = arr[I, p]
          mat[I][p, q] = arr[I, p, q]
Example #25
 def reset_kernel(self, x: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i in range(self.n_particles):
         for j in ti.static(range(self.dim)):
             self.x[0, i][j] = x[i, j]
         self.v[0, i] = ti.Vector.zero(self.dtype, self.dim)
         self.F[0, i] = ti.Matrix.identity(
             self.dtype, self.dim)  #ti.Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
         self.C[0, i] = ti.Matrix.zero(self.dtype, self.dim, self.dim)
def set_color(ti_color: ti.template(), material_color: ti.ext_arr(),
              ti_material: ti.template()):
    for I in ti.grouped(ti_material):
        material_id = ti_material[I]
        color_4d = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        for d in ti.static(range(3)):
            color_4d[d] = material_color[material_id, d]
        ti_color[I] = color_4d
Example #27
 def hub_get_image(imgout: ti.ext_arr()):
     for I in ti.grouped(img):
         if ti.static(isinstance(img, ti.Matrix)):
             for j in ti.static(range(img.n)):
                 imgout[I, j] = cook_color(img[I][j])
             val = cook_color(img[I])
             for j in ti.static(range(3)):
                 imgout[I, j] = val
Example #28
    def voxelize_triangles(self, num_triangles: ti.i32,
                           triangles: ti.ext_arr()):
        for i in range(num_triangles):
            jitter_scale = ti.cast(0, self.precision)
            if ti.static(self.precision is ti.f32):
                jitter_scale = 1e-4
                jitter_scale = 1e-8
            # We jitter the vertices to prevent voxel samples from lying precicely at triangle edges
            jitter = ti.Vector([-0.057616723909439505, -0.25608986292614977, 0.06716309129743714]) * jitter_scale
            a = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 0], triangles[i, 1], triangles[i, 2]]) + jitter
            b = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 3], triangles[i, 4], triangles[i, 5]]) + jitter
            c = ti.Vector([triangles[i, 6], triangles[i, 7], triangles[i, 8]]) + jitter

            bound_min = ti.Vector.zero(self.precision, 3)
            bound_max = ti.Vector.zero(self.precision, 3)
            for k in ti.static(range(3)):
                bound_min[k] = min(a[k], b[k], c[k])
                bound_max[k] = max(a[k], b[k], c[k])

            p_min = int(ti.floor(bound_min[0] * self.inv_dx))
            p_max = int(ti.floor(bound_max[0] * self.inv_dx)) + 1
            p_min = max(self.padding, p_min)
            p_max = min(self.res[0] - self.padding, p_max)

            q_min = int(ti.floor(bound_min[1] * self.inv_dx))
            q_max = int(ti.floor(bound_max[1] * self.inv_dx)) + 1
            q_min = max(self.padding, q_min)
            q_max = min(self.res[1] - self.padding, q_max)

            normal = ti.normalized(ti.cross(b - a, c - a))
            if abs(normal[2]) < 1e-10:

            a_proj = ti.Vector([a[0], a[1]])
            b_proj = ti.Vector([b[0], b[1]])
            c_proj = ti.Vector([c[0], c[1]])

            for p in range(p_min, p_max):
                for q in range(q_min, q_max):
                    pos2d = ti.Vector([(p + 0.5) * self.dx, (q + 0.5) * self.dx])
                    if inside_ccw(pos2d, a_proj, b_proj, c_proj) or inside_ccw(pos2d, a_proj, c_proj, b_proj):
                        base_voxel = ti.Vector([pos2d[0], pos2d[1], 0])
                        height = int(
                            -ti.dot(normal, base_voxel - a) /
                            normal[2] * self.inv_dx + 0.5)
                        height = min(height, self.res[1] - self.padding)
                        inc = 0
                        if normal[2] > 0:
                            inc = 1
                            inc = -1
                        self.fill(p, q, height, inc)
Example #29
 def add_texture_2d(self, offset_x: ti.f32, offset_y: ti.f32,
                    texture: ti.ext_arr()):
     for i, j in ti.ndrange(texture.shape[0], texture.shape[1]):
         if texture[i, j] > 0.1:
             pid = ti.atomic_add(self.n_particles[None], 1)
             x = ti.Vector([
                 offset_x + i * self.dx * 0.5, offset_y + j * self.dx * 0.5
             self.seed_particle(pid, x, self.material_elastic, 0xFFFFFF,
Example #30
    def recast_depth_to_map_debug(self, depthmap: ti.ext_arr(), rgb_array: ti.ext_arr(), w: ti.i32, h: ti.i32, K:ti.ext_arr()):
        fx = K[0]
        fy = K[4]
        cx = K[2]
        cy = K[5]
        self.num_export_particles[None] = 0

        for j in range(h):
            for i in range(w):
                if depthmap[j, i] == 0 or depthmap[j, i]/1000 > ti.static(self.max_ray_length):
                dep = depthmap[j, i]/1000.0
                pt = ti.Vector([
                pt = self.input_R@pt + self.input_T
                index = ti.atomic_add(self.num_export_particles[None], 1)
                self.export_x[index] = pt