Example #1
def join(delimiter, iterable, **kwargs):
    """Returns a string which is a concatenation of strings in ``iterable``,
    separated by given ``delimiter``.

    :param delimiter: Delimiter to put between strings
    :param iterable: Iterable to join

    Optional keyword arguments control the exact joining strategy:

    :param errors:
        What to do with erroneous non-strings in the input.
        Possible values include:

            * ``'ignore'`` (or ``None``)
            * ``'cast'`` (or ``False``) -- convert non-strings to strings
            * ``'raise'`` (or ``True``) -- raise exception for any non-strings
            * ``'replace'`` -- replace non-strings with alternative value

    :param with_: Replacement used when ``errors == 'replace'``.
                  This can be a string, or a callable taking erroneous value
                  and returning a string replacement.

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.3
       Allow to specify error handling policy through ``errors`` parameter

    ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('errors', 'with_'))
    errors = kwargs.get('errors', True)

    if errors in ('raise', True):
        iterable = imap(ensure_string, iterable)
    elif errors in ('ignore', None):
        iterable = ifilter(is_string, iterable)
    elif errors in ('cast', False):
        iterable = imap(delimiter.__class__, iterable)
    elif errors == 'replace':
        if 'with_' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError("'replace' error policy requires specifying "
                             "replacement through with_=")

        with_ = kwargs['with_']
        if is_string(with_):
            replacement = lambda x: with_
        elif callable(with_):
            replacement = with_
            raise TypeError("error replacement must be a string or function, "
                            "got %s" % type(with_).__name__)

        iterable = (x if is_string(x) else ensure_string(replacement(x))
                    for x in iterable)
        raise TypeError("%r is not a valid error handling policy for join()" %
                        (errors, ))

    return delimiter.join(iterable)
Example #2
def join(delimiter, iterable, **kwargs):
    """Returns a string which is a concatenation of strings in ``iterable``,
    separated by given ``delimiter``.

    :param delimiter: Delimiter to put between strings
    :param iterable: Iterable to join

    Optional keyword arguments control the exact joining strategy:

    :param errors:
        What to do with erroneous non-strings in the input.
        Possible values include:

            * ``'ignore'`` (or ``None``)
            * ``'cast'`` (or ``False``) -- convert non-strings to strings
            * ``'raise'`` (or ``True``) -- raise exception for any non-strings
            * ``'replace'`` -- replace non-strings with alternative value

    :param with_: Replacement used when ``errors == 'replace'``.
                  This can be a string, or a callable taking erroneous value
                  and returning a string replacement.

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.3
       Allow to specify error handling policy through ``errors`` parameter

    ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('errors', 'with_'))
    errors = kwargs.get('errors', True)

    if errors in ('raise', True):
        iterable = imap(ensure_string, iterable)
    elif errors in ('ignore', None):
        iterable = ifilter(is_string, iterable)
    elif errors in ('cast', False):
        iterable = imap(delimiter.__class__, iterable)
    elif errors == 'replace':
        if 'with_' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError("'replace' error policy requires specifying "
                             "replacement through with_=")

        with_ = kwargs['with_']
        if is_string(with_):
            replacement = lambda x: with_
        elif callable(with_):
            replacement = with_
            raise TypeError("error replacement must be a string or function, "
                            "got %s" % type(with_).__name__)

        iterable = (x if is_string(x) else ensure_string(replacement(x))
                    for x in iterable)
        raise TypeError(
            "%r is not a valid error handling policy for join()" % (errors,))

    return delimiter.join(iterable)
Example #3
def replace(needle, with_=None, in_=None):
    """Replace occurrences of string(s) with other string(s) in (a) string(s).

    Unlike the built in :meth:`str.replace` method, this function provides
    clean API that clearly distinguishes the "needle" (string to replace),
    the replacement string, and the target string to perform replacement in
    (the "haystack").

    Additionally, a simultaneous replacement of several needles is possible.
    Note that this is different from performing multiple separate replacements
    one after another.


        replace('foo', with_='bar', in_=some_text)
        replace('foo', with_='bar').in_(other_text)
        replace(['foo', 'bar']).with_('baz').in_(perhaps_a_long_text)
        replace({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qud'}).in_(even_longer_text)

    :param needle: String to replace, iterable thereof,
                   or a mapping from needles to corresponding replacements
    :param with_: Replacement string, if ``needle`` was not a mapping
    :param in_: Optional string to perform replacement in

    :return: If all parameters were provided, result is the final string
             after performing a specified replacement.
             Otherwise, a :class:`Replacer` object is returned, allowing
             e.g. to perform the same replacements in many haystacks.
    if needle is None:
        raise TypeError("replacement needle cannot be None")
    if not needle:
        raise ValueError("replacement needle cannot be empty")

    if is_string(needle):
        replacer = Replacer((needle,))
        if not is_mapping(needle):
            if all(imap(is_pair, needle)):
                needle = dict(needle)
            elif not all(imap(is_string, needle)):
                raise TypeError("invalid replacement needle")
        replacer = Replacer(needle)

    if with_ is not None:
        replacer = replacer.with_(with_)

    if in_ is not None:
        return replacer.in_(in_)

    return replacer
Example #4
def replace(needle, with_=None, in_=None):
    """Replace occurrences of string(s) with other string(s) in (a) string(s).

    Unlike the built in :meth:`str.replace` method, this function provides
    clean API that clearly distinguishes the "needle" (string to replace),
    the replacement string, and the target string to perform replacement in
    (the "haystack").

    Additionally, a simultaneous replacement of several needles is possible.
    Note that this is different from performing multiple separate replacements
    one after another.


        replace('foo', with_='bar', in_=some_text)
        replace('foo', with_='bar').in_(other_text)
        replace(['foo', 'bar']).with_('baz').in_(perhaps_a_long_text)
        replace({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qud'}).in_(even_longer_text)

    :param needle: String to replace, iterable thereof,
                   or a mapping from needles to corresponding replacements
    :param with_: Replacement string, if ``needle`` was not a mapping
    :param in_: Optional string to perform replacement in

    :return: If all parameters were provided, result is the final string
             after performing a specified replacement.
             Otherwise, a :class:`Replacer` object is returned, allowing
             e.g. to perform the same replacements in many haystacks.
    if needle is None:
        raise TypeError("replacement needle cannot be None")
    if not needle:
        raise ValueError("replacement needle cannot be empty")

    if is_string(needle):
        replacer = Replacer((needle, ))
        if not is_mapping(needle):
            if all(imap(is_pair, needle)):
                needle = dict(needle)
            elif not all(imap(is_string, needle)):
                raise TypeError("invalid replacement needle")
        replacer = Replacer(needle)

    if with_ is not None:
        replacer = replacer.with_(with_)

    if in_ is not None:
        return replacer.in_(in_)

    return replacer
Example #5
def split(s, by=None, maxsplit=None):
    """Split a string based on given delimiter(s).
    Delimiters can be either strings or compiled regular expression objects.

    :param s: String to split
    :param by: A delimiter, or iterable thereof.
    :param maxsplit: Maximum number of splits to perform.
                     ``None`` means no limit,
                     while 0 does not perform a split at all.

    :return: List of words in the string ``s``
             that were separated by delimiter(s)

    :raise ValueError: If the separator is an empty string or regex

    # TODO(xion): Consider introducing a case for ``split('')``
    # to make it return ``['']`` rather than default ``[]`` thru ``str.split``.
    # It's the so-called "whitespace split" that normally eliminates
    # empty strings from result. However, ``split(s)`` for any other ``s``
    # always returns ``[s]`` so these two approaches are at odds here.
    # (Possibly refer to split functions in other languages for comparison).

    # string delimiter are handled by appropriate standard function
    if by is None or is_string(by):
        return s.split(by) if maxsplit is None else s.split(by, maxsplit)

    # regex delimiters have certain special cases handled explicitly below,
    # so that we do the same things that ``str.split`` does
    if is_regex(by):
        if not by.pattern:
            return s.split('')  # will fail with proper exception & message
        if maxsplit == 0:
            return [s]
        return by.split(s, maxsplit=maxsplit or 0)

    # multiple delimiters are handled by regex that matches them all
    if is_iterable(by):
        if not by:
            raise ValueError("empty separator list")
        by = list(imap(ensure_string, by))
        if not s:
            return ['']  # quickly eliminate trivial case
        or_ = s.__class__('|')
        regex = join(or_, imap(re.escape, by))
        return split(s, by=re.compile(regex), maxsplit=maxsplit)

    raise TypeError("invalid separator")
Example #6
def split(s, by=None, maxsplit=None):
    """Split a string based on given delimiter(s).
    Delimiters can be either strings or compiled regular expression objects.

    :param s: String to split
    :param by: A delimiter, or iterable thereof.
    :param maxsplit: Maximum number of splits to perform.
                     ``None`` means no limit,
                     while 0 does not perform a split at all.

    :return: List of words in the string ``s``
             that were separated by delimiter(s)

    :raise ValueError: If the separator is an empty string or regex

    # TODO(xion): Consider introducing a case for ``split('')``
    # to make it return ``['']`` rather than default ``[]`` thru ``str.split``.
    # It's the so-called "whitespace split" that normally eliminates
    # empty strings from result. However, ``split(s)`` for any other ``s``
    # always returns ``[s]`` so these two approaches are at odds here.
    # (Possibly refer to split functions in other languages for comparison).

    # string delimiter are handled by appropriate standard function
    if by is None or is_string(by):
        return s.split(by) if maxsplit is None else s.split(by, maxsplit)

    # regex delimiters have certain special cases handled explicitly below,
    # so that we do the same things that ``str.split`` does
    if is_regex(by):
        if not by.pattern:
            return s.split('')  # will fail with proper exception & message
        if maxsplit == 0:
            return [s]
        return by.split(s, maxsplit=maxsplit or 0)

    # multiple delimiters are handled by regex that matches them all
    if is_iterable(by):
        if not by:
            raise ValueError("empty separator list")
        by = list(imap(ensure_string, by))
        if not s:
            return ['']  # quickly eliminate trivial case
        or_ = s.__class__('|')
        regex = join(or_, imap(re.escape, by))
        return split(s, by=re.compile(regex), maxsplit=maxsplit)

    raise TypeError("invalid separator")
Example #7
    def assertAny(self, arg, iterable=ABSENT, msg=None):
        """Assert that at least one element of an iterable is truthy
        or satisfies given predicate.

        :param arg: Predicate, or iterable of elements to check for truthiness
        :param iterable: Iterable of predicate arguments
                         (if predicate was given)


            # check if any element satisfies a predicate
            self.assertAny(is_valid, iterable)

            # check if any element is already truthy
        if callable(arg):
            if not any(imap(arg, iterable)):
                self.__fail(msg, "predicate not satisfied for any element")

            # shift arguments to the left
            if msg is None and iterable is not ABSENT:
                msg = iterable

            if not any(arg):
                self.__fail(msg, "no truthy elements found")
Example #8
    def in_(self, haystack):
        """Perform replacement in given string.

        :param haystack: String to perform replacements in

        :return: ``haystack`` after the replacements

        :raise TypeError: If ``haystack`` if not a string
        :raise ReplacementError: If no replacement(s) have been provided yet
        from taipan.collections import dicts

        if not is_mapping(self._replacements):
            raise ReplacementError("string replacements not provided")

        # handle special cases
        if not self._replacements:
            return haystack
        if len(self._replacements) == 1:
            return haystack.replace(*dicts.peekitem(self._replacements))

        # construct a regex matching any of the needles in the order
        # of descending length (to prevent issues if they contain each other)
        or_ = haystack.__class__('|')
        regex = join(or_, imap(
            re.escape, sorted(self._replacements, key=len, reverse=True)))

        # do the substituion, looking up the replacement for every match
        do_replace = lambda match: self._replacements[match.group()]
        return re.sub(regex, do_replace, haystack)
Example #9
def nor(*fs):
    """Creates a function that returns true for given arguments
    iff every given function evalutes to false for those arguments.

    :param fs: Functions to combine

    :return: Short-circuiting function performing logical NOR operation
             on results of ``fs`` applied to its arguments
    ensure_argcount(fs, min_=1)
    fs = list(imap(ensure_callable, fs))

    if len(fs) == 1:
        return not_(fs[0])
    if len(fs) == 2:
        f1, f2 = fs
        return lambda *args, **kwargs: not (f1(*args, **kwargs) or f2(
            *args, **kwargs))
    if len(fs) == 3:
        f1, f2, f3 = fs
        return lambda *args, **kwargs: not (f1(*args, **kwargs) or f2(
            *args, **kwargs) or f3(*args, **kwargs))

    def g(*args, **kwargs):
        for f in fs:
            if f(*args, **kwargs):
                return False
        return True

    return g
Example #10
    def assertAny(self, arg, iterable=ABSENT, msg=None):
        """Assert that at least one element of an iterable is truthy
        or satisfies given predicate.

        :param arg: Predicate, or iterable of elements to check for truthiness
        :param iterable: Iterable of predicate arguments
                         (if predicate was given)


            # check if any element satisfies a predicate
            self.assertAny(is_valid, iterable)

            # check if any element is already truthy
        if callable(arg):
            if not any(imap(arg, iterable)):
                self.__fail(msg, "predicate not satisfied for any element")

            # shift arguments to the left
            if msg is None and iterable is not ABSENT:
                msg = iterable

            if not any(arg):
                self.__fail(msg, "no truthy elements found")
Example #11
def compose(*fs):
    """Creates composition of the functions passed in.

    :param fs: One-argument functions, with the possible exception of last one
               that can accept arbitrary arguments

    :return: Function returning a result of functions from ``fs``
             applied consecutively to the argument(s), in reverse order
    ensure_argcount(fs, min_=1)
    fs = list(imap(ensure_callable, fs))

    if len(fs) == 1:
        return fs[0]
    if len(fs) == 2:
        f1, f2 = fs
        return lambda *args, **kwargs: f1(f2(*args, **kwargs))
    if len(fs) == 3:
        f1, f2, f3 = fs
        return lambda *args, **kwargs: f1(f2(f3(*args, **kwargs)))


    def g(*args, **kwargs):
        x = fs[0](*args, **kwargs)
        for f in fs[1:]:
            x = f(x)
        return x

    return g
Example #12
    def in_(self, haystack):
        """Perform replacement in given string.

        :param haystack: String to perform replacements in

        :return: ``haystack`` after the replacements

        :raise TypeError: If ``haystack`` if not a string
        :raise ReplacementError: If no replacement(s) have been provided yet
        from taipan.collections import dicts

        if not is_mapping(self._replacements):
            raise ReplacementError("string replacements not provided")

        # handle special cases
        if not self._replacements:
            return haystack
        if len(self._replacements) == 1:
            return haystack.replace(*dicts.peekitem(self._replacements))

        # construct a regex matching any of the needles in the order
        # of descending length (to prevent issues if they contain each other)
        or_ = haystack.__class__('|')
        regex = join(
            imap(re.escape, sorted(self._replacements, key=len, reverse=True)))

        # do the substituion, looking up the replacement for every match
        do_replace = lambda match: self._replacements[match.group()]
        return re.sub(regex, do_replace, haystack)
Example #13
def batch(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    """Batches the elements of given iterable.

    Resulting iterable will yield tuples containing at most ``n`` elements
    (might be less if ``fillvalue`` isn't specified).

    :param n: Number of items in every batch
    :param fillvalue: Value to fill the last batch with. If None, last batch
                      might be shorter than ``n`` elements

    :return: Iterable of batches

    .. note::

        This is an extended version of grouper() recipe
        from the :module:`itertools` module documentation.
    if not isinstance(n, Integral):
        raise TypeError("invalid number of elements in a batch")
    if not (n > 0):
        raise ValueError("number of elements in a batch must be positive")

    # since we must use ``izip_longest``
    # (``izip`` fails if ``n`` is greater than length of ``iterable``),
    # we will apply some 'trimming' to resulting tuples if necessary
    if fillvalue is None:
        fillvalue = object()
        trimmer = lambda item: tuple(x for x in item if x is not fillvalue)
        trimmer = identity()

    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    zipped = izip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
    return imap(trimmer, zipped)
Example #14
def concat(list_):
    """Concatenates a list of lists into a single resulting list."""

    # we don't use ``itertools.chain.from_iterable``, because that would
    # inadvertenly allow strings, treating them as lists of characters
    # and potentially producing very difficult bugs
    return sum(imap(ensure_sequence, list_), [])
Example #15
def _harmonize_subset_types(set_, subset_tuples):
    """Possibly convert an iterable of tuples with subsets of given "set",
    to an iterable of :class:`set` objects if original "set" was so too.
    # if argument is originally a set, return subsets also as sets;
    # otherwise (for non-set collection), return subsets as tuples
    if is_tuple(set_):
        return subset_tuples
        subset_class = set_.__class__ if is_set(set_) else tuple
        return imap(subset_class, subset_tuples)
Example #16
def extend(dict_, *dicts, **kwargs):
    """Extend a dictionary with keys and values from other dictionaries.

    :param dict_: Dictionary to extend

    Optional keyword arguments allow to control the exact way
    in which ``dict_`` will be extended.

    :param overwrite:

        Whether repeated keys should have their values overwritten,
        retaining the last value, as per given order of dictionaries.
        This is the default behavior (equivalent to ``overwrite=True``).
        If ``overwrite=False``, repeated keys are simply ignored.


            >> foo = {'a': 1}
            >> extend(foo, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=True)
            {'a': 10, 'b': 2}
            >> foo = {'a': 1}
            >> extend(foo, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=False)
            {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    :param deep:

        Whether extending should proceed recursively, and cause
        corresponding subdictionaries to be merged into each other.
        By default, this does not happen (equivalent to ``deep=False``).


            >> foo = {'a': {'b': 1}}
            >> extend(foo, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=False)
            {'a': {'c': 2}}
            >> foo = {'a': {'b': 1}}
            >> extend(foo, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=True)
            {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}}

    :return: Extended ``dict_``

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.2
    dicts = list(imap(ensure_mapping, dicts))

    ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('deep', 'overwrite'))

    return _nary_dict_update([dict_] + dicts,
                             deep=kwargs.get('deep', False),
                             overwrite=kwargs.get('overwrite', True))
Example #17
def intertwine(*iterables):
    """Constructs an iterable which intertwines given iterables.

    The resulting iterable will return an item from first sequence,
    then from second, etc. until the last one - and then another item from
    first, then from second, etc. - up until all iterables are exhausted.
    iterables = tuple(imap(ensure_iterable, iterables))

    empty = object()
    return (item
            for iterable in izip_longest(*iterables, fillvalue=empty)
            for item in iterable if item is not empty)
Example #18
def merge(*dicts, **kwargs):
    """Merges two or more dictionaries into a single one.

    Optional keyword arguments allow to control the exact way
    in which the dictionaries will be merged.

    :param overwrite:

        Whether repeated keys should have their values overwritten,
        retaining the last value, as per given order of dictionaries.
        This is the default behavior (equivalent to ``overwrite=True``).
        If ``overwrite=False``, repeated keys are simply ignored.


            >> merge({'a': 1}, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=True)
            {'a': 10, 'b': 2}
            >> merge({'a': 1}, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=False)
            {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

    :param deep:

        Whether merging should proceed recursively, and cause
        corresponding subdictionaries to be merged into each other.
        By default, this does not happen (equivalent to ``deep=False``).


            >> merge({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=False)
            {'a': {'c': 2}}
            >> merge({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=True)
            {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}}

    :return: Merged dictionary

    .. note:: For ``dict``\ s ``a`` and ``b``, ``merge(a, b)`` is equivalent
              to ``extend({}, a, b)``.

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.2
       The ``overwrite`` keyword argument.
    ensure_argcount(dicts, min_=1)
    dicts = list(imap(ensure_mapping, dicts))

    ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('deep', 'overwrite'))

    return _nary_dict_update(dicts,
                             deep=kwargs.get('deep', False),
                             overwrite=kwargs.get('overwrite', True))
Example #19
    def _get_terminators(self, ctor_kwargs):
        """Retrieve fluent terminators from decorator's arguments."""
        terminators = []

        for terminator_arg in ('terminator', 'terminators'):
            if terminator_arg not in ctor_kwargs:
            terminator_arg_value = ctor_kwargs[terminator_arg]
            if is_string(terminator_arg_value):
            elif is_iterable(terminator_arg_value):
                terminators.extend(imap(ensure_string, terminator_arg_value))
                raise TypeError(
                    "expected name or list of names of terminator methods; "
                    "got %r instead" % type(terminator_arg_value))

        return frozenset(terminators)
Example #20
    def _get_terminators(self, ctor_kwargs):
        """Retrieve fluent terminators from decorator's arguments."""
        terminators = []

        for terminator_arg in ('terminator', 'terminators'):
            if terminator_arg not in ctor_kwargs:
            terminator_arg_value = ctor_kwargs[terminator_arg]
            if is_string(terminator_arg_value):
            elif is_iterable(terminator_arg_value):
                terminators.extend(imap(ensure_string, terminator_arg_value))
                raise TypeError(
                    "expected name or list of names of terminator methods; "
                    "got %r instead" % type(terminator_arg_value))

        return frozenset(terminators)
Example #21
def mapitems(function, dict_):
    """Return a new dictionary where the keys and values come from applying
    ``function`` to key-value pairs from given dictionary.

    .. warning::

        If ``function`` returns a key-value pair with the same key
        more than once, it is undefined which value will be chosen
        for that key in the resulting dictionary.

    :param function: Function taking a key-value pair as a single argument,
                     and returning a new key-value pair; or None
                     (corresponding to identity function)

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.2
    function = identity() if function is None else ensure_callable(function)
    return dict_.__class__(imap(function, iteritems(dict_)))
Example #22
def merge(arg, *rest, **kwargs):
    """Merge a collection, with functions as items, into a single function
    that takes a collection and maps its items through corresponding functions.

    :param arg: A collection of functions, such as list, tuple, or dictionary
    :param default: Optional default function to use for items
                    within merged function's arguments that do not have
                    corresponding functions in ``arg``

    Example with two-element tuple::

        >> dict_ = {'Alice': -5, 'Bob': 4}
        >> func = merge((str.upper, abs))
        >> dict(map(func, dict_.items()))
        {'ALICE': 5, 'BOB': 4}

    Example with a dictionary::

        >> func = merge({'id': int, 'name': str.split})
        >> data = [
            {'id': '1', 'name': "John Doe"},
            {'id': '2', 'name': "Anne Arbor"},
        >> list(map(func, data))
        [{'id': 1, 'name': ['John', 'Doe']},
         {'id': 2, 'name': ['Anne', 'Arbor']}]

    :return: Merged function

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.2
    ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('default', ))

    has_default = 'default' in kwargs
    if has_default:
        default = ensure_callable(kwargs['default'])

    # if more than one argument was given, they must all be functions;
    # result will be a function that takes multiple arguments (rather than
    # a single collection) and returns a tuple
    unary_result = True
    if rest:
        fs = (ensure_callable(arg), ) + tuple(imap(ensure_callable, rest))
        unary_result = False
        fs = arg

    if is_mapping(fs):
        if has_default:
            return lambda arg_: fs.__class__(
                (k, fs.get(k, default)(arg_[k])) for k in arg_)
            return lambda arg_: fs.__class__((k, fs[k](arg_[k])) for k in arg_)
        if has_default:
            # we cannot use ``izip_longest(fs, arg_, fillvalue=default)``,
            # because we want to terminate the generator
            # only when ``arg_`` is exhausted (not when just ``fs`` is)
            func = lambda arg_: fs.__class__((fs[i]
                                              if i < len(fs) else default)(x)
                                             for i, x in enumerate(arg_))
            # we cannot use ``izip(fs, arg_)`` because it would short-circuit
            # if ``arg_`` is longer than ``fs``, rather than raising
            # the required ``IndexError``
            func = lambda arg_: fs.__class__(fs[i](x)
                                             for i, x in enumerate(arg_))
        return func if unary_result else lambda *args: func(args)
Example #23
 def __fail_unless_strings(self, arg):
     """Fail the test unless argument is a string or iterable thereof."""
     if not is_string(arg):
         if not (is_iterable(arg) and all(imap(is_string, arg))):
             self.fail("%r is not a string or iterable of strings" % (arg,))
Example #24
 def __fail_unless_strings(self, arg):
     """Fail the test unless argument is a string or iterable thereof."""
     if not is_string(arg):
         if not (is_iterable(arg) and all(imap(is_string, arg))):
             self.fail("%r is not a string or iterable of strings" %
                       (arg, ))