Example #1
    def test_FSM_end_diff(self):
        """ Example where the transcript is an FSM but has a difference on
            the ends large enough to be novel.
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr2"
        strand = "+"
        positions = [1, 100, 500, 600, 900, 1500]

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info,

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG2", "gene", cursor)
        novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert annotation['end_delta'] == None
Example #2
    def test_genomic_unspliced(self):
        """ Monoexonic fragment that overlaps gene 1 """
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        init_refs.make_temp_monoexonic_transcript_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        strand = "+"
        positions = (1, 990)

        annotation = talon.identify_monoexon_transcript(
            chrom, positions, strand, cursor, location_dict, edge_dict,
            transcript_dict, vertex_2_gene, gene_starts, gene_ends, run_info,
            "temp_gene", "temp_monoexon")

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert "genomic_transcript" in novelty_types
        assert annotation['end_delta'] == -10
Example #3
    def test_FSM_perfect(self):
        """ Example where the transcript is a perfect full splice match.
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        strand = "+"
        positions = [1, 100, 500, 600, 900, 1000]

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info,

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        correct_transcript_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1-001", "transcript",
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert annotation['transcript_ID'] == correct_transcript_ID
        assert annotation['transcript_novelty'] == []
Example #4
    def test_NNC(self):
        """ Example where the transcript skips an exon and has a novel splice
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        strand = "+"
        positions = [1, 50, 900, 1000]

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info,

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert "NNC_transcript" in novelty_types
        assert annotation['start_delta'] == annotation['end_delta'] == 0
Example #5
    def test_gene_update(self):
        """ Try to add novel gene entries to database while ignoring duplicates
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        talon.create_gene("chr4", 1, 1000, "+", cursor, "temp_gene")

        # Write to file
        os.system("mkdir -p scratch/db_updates/")
        with open("scratch/db_updates/genes.tsv", 'w') as f:
            cursor.execute("SELECT gene_ID, strand FROM temp_gene")
            for entry in cursor.fetchall():
                f.write("\t".join([str(x) for x in entry]) + "\n")

        talon.batch_add_genes(cursor, "scratch/db_updates/genes.tsv", 10)

        # Test if gene with ID 6 is there, but make sure we didn't add
        # duplicates of the other genes
        query = "SELECT * FROM genes"
        gene_IDs = [x['gene_ID'] for x in cursor.execute(query)]
        assert 7 in gene_IDs
        assert len(gene_IDs) == 7
Example #6
    def test_match(self):
        """ Example where the transcript is a monoexonic match.
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        init_refs.make_temp_monoexonic_transcript_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "start")
        gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "end")

        chrom = "chr4"
        strand = "-"
        positions = ( 3900, 1100 )

        annotation = talon.identify_monoexon_transcript(chrom, positions, 
                                               strand, cursor,
                                               location_dict, edge_dict,
                                               transcript_dict, vertex_2_gene,
                                               gene_starts, gene_ends, run_info,
                                               'temp_gene', 'temp_monoexon')

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG6", "gene", cursor)
        correct_transcript_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG6-001", "transcript", cursor)
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert annotation['start_delta'] == 100
        assert annotation['end_delta'] == -100

Example #7
    def test_NIC_instead_of_ISM(self):
        """ Test case where the transcript looks like an ISM, but is NIC on
            account of having known starts and ends """
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr3"
        strand = "+"
        positions = (800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200)

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info, "tmp_gene")

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG5", "gene", cursor)
        novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert "NIC_transcript" in novelty_types
Example #8
    def test_antisense(self):
        """ Example where the transcript is antisense """

        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        init_refs.make_temp_monoexonic_transcript_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr4"
        strand = "+"
        positions = (1300, 3900)

        annotation = talon.identify_monoexon_transcript(
            chrom, positions, strand, cursor, location_dict, edge_dict,
            transcript_dict, vertex_2_gene, gene_starts, gene_ends, run_info,
            'temp_gene', 'temp_monoexon')

        anti_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG6", "gene", cursor)
        gene_novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['gene_novelty']]
        t_novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_novelty'][0][-1] == "TRUE"
        assert "antisense_gene" in gene_novelty_types
        assert "antisense_transcript" in t_novelty_types

Example #9
    def test_all(self):
        """ Get all genes in the database """

        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)

        # Count number of entries
        cursor.execute(""" SELECT gene_ID FROM temp_gene """)
        results = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
        assert results == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Example #10
    def test_antisense(self):
        """ Example where the vertices are known but there is no same-strand 
            match """

        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        locations = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(
            cursor, build, "start")
        gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "end")

        # Construct temp novel gene db
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")

        chrom = "chr1"
        start = 1000
        end = 1
        edge_IDs = [talon.edge_counter.value() + 1]
        positions = [1000, 900, 100, 1]
        vertex_IDs = [5, 2]
        strand = "-"
        anti_strand = "+"
        v_novelty = (0, 0, 0, 0)

        # Find antisense match
        gene_ID, transcript_ID, gene_novelty, transcript_novelty, start_end_info = \
                                      talon.process_spliced_antisense(chrom, positions,
                                                                  strand, edge_IDs,
                                                                  edge_dict, locations,
                                                                  vertex_2_gene, run_info,
                                                                  cursor, "temp_gene")
        #anti_gene_ID = talon.find_gene_match_on_vertex_basis(vertex_IDs,
        #                                                     anti_strand,
        #                                                     vertex_2_gene)

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        anti_gene_ID = gene_novelty[-1][-1]
        assert anti_gene_ID == correct_gene_ID
        assert start_end_info["vertex_IDs"] == [6, 5, 2, 1]

Example #11
    def test_non_empty(self):
        """ The specified interval contains one monoexonic transcript """
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"

        cursor.execute(""" SELECT gene_ID FROM temp_gene """)
        results = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
        assert results == [1, 2]
    def test_no_match(self):
        """ Example where no match exists """
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        db = "scratch/toy.db"
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(db, build)
        vertex2gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)

        vertex_IDs = (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000)
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID = talon.find_gene_match_on_vertex_basis(vertex_IDs, strand, vertex2gene)

        assert gene_ID == None
Example #13
    def test_empty_interval(self):
        """ The specified interval contains no monoexonic transcripts """

        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"

        # Count number of entries
        cursor.execute(""" SELECT gene_ID FROM temp_gene """)
        assert cursor.fetchall() == []

Example #14
    def test_intergenic(self):
        """ Example where the transcript is an NIC match to an existing one by
            virtue of a new splice donor.
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(
            cursor, build, "start")
        gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "end")
        correct_gene_ID = talon.gene_counter.value() + 1

        # Construct temp novel gene db
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")

        chrom = "chrX"
        positions = [1, 100, 900, 1000]
        edge_IDs = [
            talon.edge_counter.value() + 1,
            talon.edge_counter.value() + 2
        vertex_IDs = [
            talon.vertex_counter.value() + 1,
            talon.vertex_counter.value() + 2
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID, transcript_ID, gene_novelty, transcript_novelty, start_end_info = \
                             talon.process_remaining_mult_cases(chrom, positions,
                                                                strand, edge_IDs,
                                                                gene_starts, gene_ends,
                                                                edge_dict, location_dict,
                                                                vertex_2_gene, run_info,
                                                                cursor, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == correct_gene_ID
        assert transcript_dict[frozenset(start_end_info["edge_IDs"])] != None
        assert gene_novelty[0][-2] == "intergenic_novel"
Example #15
    def test_genomic(self):
        """ Example where the transcript overlaps a gene but contains no known
            splice vertices
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(
            cursor, build, "start")
        gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "end")

        # Construct temp novel gene db
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")

        chrom = "chr1"
        positions = [1000, 950, 700, 600]
        edge_IDs = [
            talon.edge_counter.value() + 1,
            talon.edge_counter.value() + 2
        vertex_IDs = [
            talon.vertex_counter.value() + 1,
            talon.vertex_counter.value() + 2
        strand = "-"

        gene_ID, transcript_ID, gene_novelty, transcript_novelty, start_end_info = \
                             talon.process_remaining_mult_cases(chrom, positions,
                                                                strand, edge_IDs,
                                                                gene_starts, gene_ends,
                                                                edge_dict, location_dict,
                                                                vertex_2_gene, run_info,
                                                                cursor, "temp_gene")
        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG3", "gene", cursor)
        assert gene_ID == correct_gene_ID
        assert transcript_dict[frozenset(start_end_info["edge_IDs"])] != None
        assert gene_novelty == []
        assert transcript_novelty[-1][-2] == "genomic_transcript"
Example #16
    def test_create_temp_table(self):
        """ Create the table and make sure it is accessible even if it is 
            empty, and make sure it doesn't clash with the TALON database
        # Open TALON database at the same time
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"

        # Now run the temp table creation
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
            query = """SELECT * FROM temp_gene"""
            results = cursor.fetchall()
            pytest.fail("Something went wrong with temp table query")
    def test_perfect_match(self):
        """ Example where the vertices perfectly match a gene.
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        db = "scratch/toy.db"
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(db, build)
        vertex2gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)

        vertex_IDs = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID = talon.find_gene_match_on_vertex_basis(vertex_IDs, strand, vertex2gene)

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        assert gene_ID == correct_gene_ID
    def test_single_match(self):
        """ Example where the interval overlaps exactly one gene """
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build, tmp_dir="scratch/tmp/")

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [0, 1500]
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        assert match_strand == strand
Example #19
    def test_NIC_with_all_known_edges(self):
        """ Test case derived from a real mouse Map2k4 read. All of edges are
            known (except 3'), yet the read is NIC not FSM/ISM """

        database = "scratch/Map2k4.db"
        conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        build = "mm10"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr11"
        strand = "-"
        positions = [
            65788254, 65788136, 65775765, 65775733, 65756371, 65756269,
            65735366, 65735192, 65719603, 65719484, 65712297, 65712178,
            65709983, 65709932, 65707111, 65706984, 65696365, 65696288,
            65693570, 65693422, 65691773, 65691728, 65690804, 65689322

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info,

        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == 1
        assert annotation['transcript_ID'] == 8
        novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert "NIC_transcript" in novelty_types

    def test_antisense_match(self):
        """ Example where interval overlaps one gene in the antisense direction.

        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [1400, 2100]
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == fetch_correct_ID("TG3", "gene", cursor)
        assert match_strand == "-"
    def test_same_strand_match_left_overlap(self):
        """ Example where the overlap is on the same strand. Query start is to 
            the left of the gene, and query end is before the end of the gene. """

        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [550, 1700]
        strand = "-"

        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == fetch_correct_ID("TG3", "gene", cursor)
        assert match_strand == strand
    def test_same_strand_match_with_two_genes(self):
        """ Example where interval overlaps two genes, one of which is on the 
            same strand. """

        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [1500, 910]
        strand = "-"

        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == fetch_correct_ID("TG3", "gene", cursor)
        assert match_strand == strand
    def test_2_genes_same_strand(self):
        """ Example where query overlaps two genes. Must choose the one with 
            more overlap """

        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [800, 5050]
        strand = "+"

        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")

        assert gene_ID == fetch_correct_ID("TG1", "gene", cursor)
        assert match_strand == "+"
Example #24
    def test_partial_match(self):
        """ Example where the transcript overlaps a single-exon transcript,
            but is shorter. In the past, the start would be assigned to the 
            annotated start, and the end would be novel. This is no longer
            the case- at this time, the transcript will be assigned to
            the annotated match. """

        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        init_refs.make_temp_monoexonic_transcript_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "start")
        gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_or_end_dict(cursor, build, "end")

        chrom = "chr4"
        strand = "-"
        positions = ( 3900, 2900 )

        annotation = talon.identify_monoexon_transcript(chrom, positions,
                                               strand, cursor,
                                               location_dict, edge_dict,
                                               transcript_dict, vertex_2_gene,
                                               gene_starts, gene_ends, run_info,
                                               'temp_gene', 'temp_monoexon')

        correct_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG6", "gene", cursor)
        correct_transcript_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG6-001", "transcript", cursor)
        assert annotation['gene_ID'] == correct_gene_ID
        assert annotation['transcript_ID'] == correct_transcript_ID
        assert annotation['start_delta'] == 100
        assert annotation['end_delta'] == -1900

    def test_no_match(self):
        """ Example where the supplied interval should not match anything
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build, tmp_dir="scratch/tmp/")
        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, "toy_build")
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build, tmp_dir="scratch/tmp/")

        chrom = "chr1"
        pos = [3000, 4000]
        strand = "+"
        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")
        assert gene_ID == None

        # Should get same results for flipped interval
        gene_ID, match_strand = talon.search_for_overlap_with_gene(
            chrom, pos[0], pos[1], strand, cursor, run_info, "temp_gene")
        assert gene_ID == None
Example #26
    def test_spliced_antisense(self):
        """ Example where the transcript matches known vertices but is antisense
        conn, cursor = get_db_cursor()
        build = "toy_build"
        database = "scratch/toy.db"

        init_refs.make_temp_novel_gene_table(cursor, build)
        edge_dict = init_refs.make_edge_dict(cursor)
        location_dict = init_refs.make_location_dict(build, cursor)
        run_info = talon.init_run_info(database, build)
        transcript_dict = init_refs.make_transcript_dict(cursor, build)
        vertex_2_gene = init_refs.make_vertex_2_gene_dict(cursor)
        gene_starts, gene_ends = init_refs.make_gene_start_and_end_dict(
            cursor, build)

        chrom = "chr2"
        strand = "-"
        positions = [1000, 900, 600, 500, 100, 1]

        annotation = talon.identify_transcript(chrom, positions, strand,
                                               cursor, location_dict,
                                               edge_dict, transcript_dict,
                                               vertex_2_gene, gene_starts,
                                               gene_ends, run_info,

        anti_gene_ID = fetch_correct_ID("TG2", "gene", cursor)
        gene_novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['gene_novelty']]
        t_novelty_types = [x[-2] for x in annotation['transcript_novelty']]
        assert annotation['gene_novelty'][0][-1] == "TRUE"
        assert "antisense_gene" in gene_novelty_types
        assert "antisense_transcript" in t_novelty_types
        assert annotation['start_delta'] == annotation['end_delta'] == 0