Example #1
    def align_region_canvas_rect(self, region):
        if region.rect:
            horizontal_margin = self.theme.get_int_value(
                "screen_overlay_region_horizontal_margin", 10)
            vertical_margin = self.theme.get_int_value(
                "screen_overlay_region_vertical_margin", 2)

            y = region.rect.y
            if self.expand_direction == "up":
                y += region.rect.height - self.height - vertical_margin
                y += vertical_margin

            x = region.rect.x
            if self.alignment == "right":
                x = region.rect.x + region.rect.width - self.limit_width - horizontal_margin
            elif self.alignment == "center":
                x = region.rect.x + (region.rect.width - self.limit_width) / 2
                x += horizontal_margin

            if region.vertical_centered:
                y = region.rect.y + (region.rect.height - self.height) / 2

            return ui.Rect(x, y, self.limit_width, self.limit_height)
            return ui.Rect(x, y, 0, 0)
Example #2
 def draw_header_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
     header_height = dimensions["header_height"]    
     dimensions = dimensions["rect"]    
     # Header button tray 
     x = dimensions.x
     for index, icon in enumerate(self.icons):
         # Minimize / maximize icon
         icon_position = Point2d(x + dimensions.width - (self.icon_radius * 1.5 + ( index * self.icon_radius * 2.2 )),
             dimensions.y + self.icon_radius + self.padding[0] / 2)
         self.icons[index].pos = icon_position
         paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
         if icon.id == "minimize":
             hover_colour = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "999999") if self.icon_hovered == index \
                 else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (hover_colour, hover_colour))
             canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
             text_colour = self.theme.get_colour("icon_colour", "000000")
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (text_colour, text_colour))
             if not self.minimized:
                 canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - 1, self.icon_radius, 2))
                 paint.style = paint.Style.STROKE
                 canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect( 1 + icon_position.x - self.icon_radius / 2, icon_position.y - self.icon_radius / 2, 
                     self.icon_radius - 2, self.icon_radius - 2))                
         elif icon.id == "close":
             close_colour = self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_hover_colour") if self.icon_hovered == index else self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_accent_colour")            
             paint.shader = linear_gradient(self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + header_height, (self.theme.get_colour("close_icon_colour"), close_colour))
             canvas.draw_circle(icon_position.x, icon_position.y, self.icon_radius, paint)
Example #3
    def start_setup(self, setup_type, mouse_position=None):
        if not self.canvas:

        self.mark_layout_invalid = True

        # Make sure the canvas is still the right size after canceling resizing
        if setup_type == "cancel":
            self.drag_position = []
            if (self.setup_type != ""):
                self.load({}, False)
                self.setup_type = ""
                if self.canvas:
                    self.canvas.rect = ui.Rect(self.limit_x, self.limit_y,
        elif setup_type == "reload":
            self.drag_position = []
            self.setup_type = ""
            if self.canvas:
                # Only do a rect change if it has actually changed to prevent costly operations
                if self.canvas.rect.x != self.limit_x or self.canvas.rect.y != self.limit_y or \
                    self.canvas.rect.width != self.limit_width or self.canvas.rect.height != self.limit_height:
                    self.canvas.rect = ui.Rect(self.limit_x, self.limit_y,
            super().start_setup(setup_type, mouse_position)
Example #4
def on_ready():
    actions.user.hud_add_poller("mode", PartialModePoller("mode", mode_poller), True) # This poller needs to be kept alive so that the sleep state is properly sent to all widgets
    actions.user.hud_add_poller("mode_toggle", PartialModePoller("mode_toggle", mode_poller))

    add_mode_option = HudButton("command_icon", "Add mode indicator", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: add_mode_toggle())
    remove_mode_option = HudButton("command_icon", "Remove mode indicator", ui.Rect(0,0,0,0), lambda widget: remove_mode_toggle())
    mode_option = HudStatusOption("mode_toggle", add_mode_option, remove_mode_option)
    actions.user.hud_publish_status_option("mode_option", mode_option)
Example #5
 def draw_animation(self, canvas, animation_tick):
     if self.enabled:
         paint = canvas.paint
         if self.mark_layout_invalid and animation_tick == self.animation_max_duration - 1:
             self.layout = self.layout_content(canvas, paint)
             if self.page_index > len(self.layout) - 1:
                 self.page_index = len(self.layout) -1
         dimensions = self.layout[self.page_index]["rect"]
         # Determine colour of the animation
         animation_progress = ( animation_tick - self.animation_max_duration ) / self.animation_max_duration
         red = self.intro_animation_start_colour[0] - int( self.blink_difference[0] * animation_progress )
         green = self.intro_animation_start_colour[1] - int( self.blink_difference[1] * animation_progress )
         blue = self.intro_animation_start_colour[2] - int( self.blink_difference[2] * animation_progress )
         red_hex = "0" + format(red, "x") if red <= 15 else format(red, "x")
         green_hex = "0" + format(green, "x") if green <= 15 else format(green, "x")
         blue_hex = "0" + format(blue, "x") if blue <= 15 else format(blue, "x")
         paint.color = red_hex + green_hex + blue_hex
         if self.minimized:
              self.draw_background(canvas, paint, dimensions)
              header_height = self.layout[self.page_index]["header_height"]
              growth = (self.animation_max_duration - animation_tick ) / self.animation_max_duration
              easeInOutQuint = 16 * growth ** 5 if growth < 0.5 else 1 - pow(-2 * growth + 2, 5) / 2
              rect = ui.Rect(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.width, max(header_height, dimensions.height * easeInOutQuint))
              self.draw_background(canvas, paint, rect)
         if animation_tick == 1:
             return self.draw(canvas)
         return True
         return False
Example #6
def get_url_rect(canvas):
    rect = canvas.paint.measure_text(instructions_text)[1]
    width = rect.width + 2 * line_height
    height = line_height + padding
    cr = canvas.rect
    return ui.Rect(cr.x + cr.width - width, cr.y + cr.height - height, width,
Example #7
    def draw(self, canvas) -> bool:
        if not self.mark_position_invalid:
            return super().draw(canvas)
            # Reposition the canvas to fit the contents in the screen
            screen = determine_screen_for_pos(Point2d(self.x, self.y))
            layout = self.layout_content(canvas, canvas.paint)
            dimensions = layout[self.page_index]["rect"]
            if dimensions is not None and screen is not None:
                should_go_left = dimensions.x + dimensions.width >= screen.x + screen.width
                should_go_up = dimensions.y + dimensions.height >= screen.y + screen.height
                can_go_middle_hor = dimensions.x + dimensions.width / 2 < screen.x + screen.width
                can_go_middle_ver = dimensions.y + dimensions.height / 2 < screen.y + screen.height

                if can_go_middle_hor:
                    self.limit_x = int(dimensions.x - dimensions.width / 2)
                elif should_go_left:
                    self.limit_x = int(dimensions.x - dimensions.width)
                self.x = self.limit_x

                if can_go_middle_ver:
                    self.limit_y = int(dimensions.y - dimensions.height / 2 if
                                       not can_go_middle_hor else self.limit_y)
                if should_go_up:
                    self.limit_y = int(dimensions.y - dimensions.height)
                self.y = self.limit_y

                if self.canvas:
                    self.canvas.move(self.x, self.y)
                    self.mouse_capture_canvas.rect = ui.Rect(
                        self.x, self.y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height)
                self.mark_position_invalid = False
            return True
Example #8
def move_screen(off):
    win = ui.active_window()
    src_screen = win.screen
    screens = sorted_screens()
    dst_screen = screens[(screens.index(src_screen) + off) % len(screens)]
    if src_screen == dst_screen:

    src = src_screen.visible_rect
    dst = dst_screen.visible_rect
    old = win.rect

    change_screen_mode = config.get("window_management.change_screen_mode",
    if change_screen_mode == "same":
        new_rectangle = ui.Rect(
            dst.left + (old.left - src.left) / src.width * dst.width,
            dst.top + (old.top - src.top) / src.height * dst.height,
            old.width / src.width * dst.width,
            old.height / src.height * dst.height,
    elif change_screen_mode == "full":
        new_rectangle = dst
        raise ValueError("{} screen mode not understood." (change_screen_mode))

    win.rect = new_rectangle
    win.rect = new_rectangle
    win.rect = new_rectangle
Example #9
 def layout_content(self, canvas, paint):
     # Determine the dimensions and positions of the content
     return [{
         ui.Rect(self.limit_x, self.limit_y, self.limit_width,
Example #10
    def draw_content_text(self, canvas, paint, layout):
        """Draws the text, choices and confirm button"""
        super().draw_content_text(canvas, paint, layout)
        if self.minimized:
        self.draw_choices(canvas, paint, layout)

        # Draw multiple choice confirm button
        if self.panel_content.choices and self.panel_content.choices.multiple:
            base_button_x = layout["rect"].x
            self.confirm_button.rect = ui.Rect(
                layout["confirm"]["rect"].x, layout["confirm"]["rect"].y,
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour(
                "AAAAAA") if self.confirm_hovered else self.theme.get_colour(
                    "button_background", "CCCCCC")
            button_rect = ui.Rect(base_button_x, self.confirm_button.rect.y,
            canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(button_rect, x=10,

            confirm_icon = self.confirm_button.image
            if confirm_icon:
                image = self.theme.get_image(confirm_icon)
                    image, base_button_x + self.padding[3],
                    self.confirm_button.rect.y +
                    self.confirm_button.rect.height / 2 - image.height / 2)

            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour(
                "000000") if self.confirm_hovered else self.theme.get_colour(
                    "button_text_colour", "000000")
            line_height = (self.confirm_button.rect.height - self.padding[0] -
                           self.padding[2]) / layout["confirm"]["line_count"]
                canvas, paint, layout["confirm"]["rich_text"], base_button_x +
                self.padding[3] * 2 if not confirm_icon else base_button_x +
                self.padding[3] * 2 + self.image_size,
                self.confirm_button.rect.y + self.padding[0], line_height)
Example #11
    def draw_choices(self, canvas, paint, layout):
        """Draws the choice buttons"""
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        content_dimensions = layout["rect"]
        self.visible_indecis = []

        base_button_x = content_dimensions.x + self.padding[3] / 2
        icon_button_x = base_button_x + self.image_size + self.padding[3] / 2

        for index, choice_layout in enumerate(layout["choice_layouts"]):
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "AAAAAA") if self.choice_hovered == choice_layout["choice_index"] \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")

            button_height = self.padding[0] / 2 + choice_layout[
                "text_height"] + self.padding[2] / 2
            rect = ui.Rect(
                base_button_x, choice_layout["choice_y"],
                content_dimensions.width -
                (self.padding[3] + self.padding[1]) / 2, button_height)
            self.choices[choice_layout["choice_index"]].rect = rect
            canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=10, y=10))

            # Selected style applied
            if choice_layout["choice"].selected:
                selected_colour = self.theme.get_colour(
                    "success_colour", "00CC00")
                if len(selected_colour) == 6:
                    selected_colour = selected_colour + "33"
                paint.color = selected_colour
                canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=10, y=10))
                paint.color = "000000"
                image = self.theme.get_image("check_icon")
                    image, content_dimensions.x + content_dimensions.width -
                    self.padding[1] - image.width, choice_layout["choice_y"] +
                    button_height / 2 - image.height / 2)

            # Draw choice icon on the left in the middle
            choice_icon = choice_layout["choice"].image
            if choice_icon:
                image = self.theme.get_image(choice_icon)
                    image, content_dimensions.x + self.padding[3],
                    choice_layout["choice_y"] + button_height / 2 -
                    image.height / 2)

            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_text_colour", "000000") if self.choice_hovered == choice_layout["choice_index"] \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_text_colour", "000000")
                canvas, paint, choice_layout["rich_text"], base_button_x +
                self.padding[3] if not choice_icon else base_button_x +
                self.padding[3] + self.image_size,
                choice_layout["choice_y"] - self.padding[0] / 2,
Example #12
    def update_buttons(self):
        buttons = []
            HudButton("", "Keep alive", ui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
                      lambda widget: widget.set_log_ttl(-1)))
        if self.ttl_duration_seconds == self.infinite_ttl:
            buttons[0].text = "Timed live"
            buttons[0].callback = lambda widget: widget.set_log_ttl(
                self.theme.get_float_value("event_log_ttl_duration_seconds", 9)
                          "Unlock entries" if self.locked else "Lock entries",
                          ui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
                          lambda widget: widget.set_lock(not widget.locked)))

            HudButton("", "Clear logs", ui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
                      lambda widget: widget.clear_logs()))
        self.buttons = buttons
Example #13
def _set_window_pos(window, x, y, width, height):
    """Helper to set the window position."""
    # TODO: Special case for full screen move - use os-native maximize, rather
    #   than setting the position?

    # 2020/10/01: While the upstream Talon implementation for MS Windows is
    #   settling, this may be buggy on full screen windows. Aegis doesn't want a
    #   hacky solution merged, so for now just repeat the command.
    # TODO: Audit once upstream Talon is bug-free on MS Windows
    window.rect = ui.Rect(round(x), round(y), round(width), round(height))
Example #14
 def resize(self, width: int, height: int):
     if not self.need_resize:
     self.need_resize = False
     screen = ui.main_screen()
     rect = ui.Rect(
         screen.x + (screen.width - width) / 2,
         screen.y + (screen.height - height) / 2,
     self.canvas.rect = rect
Example #15
    def layout_content(self, canvas, paint):
        paint.textsize = self.font_size

        horizontal_alignment = "right" if self.limit_x < self.x else "left"
        vertical_alignment = "bottom" if self.limit_y < self.y else "top"

        total_width = 0
        button_layout = []
        total_text_width = 0
        total_button_height = self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]
        for index, button in enumerate(self.buttons):
            icon_offset = 0
            if button.image:
                icon_offset = self.image_size + self.padding[3] * 3
            button_rich_text = layout_rich_text(paint, button.text, \
                self.limit_width - icon_offset - self.padding[3] * 2 - self.padding[1] * 2, self.limit_height)

            line_count = 0
            button_text_height = self.font_size
            for index, text in enumerate(button_rich_text):
                line_count = line_count + 1 if text.x == 0 else line_count
                current_line_length = current_line_length + text.width if text.x != 0 else text.width + icon_offset
                total_text_width = max(total_text_width, current_line_length)
                button_text_height = button_text_height + self.font_size + self.line_padding if text.x == 0 and index != 0 else button_text_height

            if button.image != None:
                total_button_height += max(
                    self.image_size + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2],
                    button_text_height + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2])
                total_button_height += button_text_height + self.padding[
                    0] + self.padding[2]

                "button": button,
                "rich_text": button_rich_text,
                "line_count": line_count,
                "text_height": button_text_height

        # Add the padding between the buttons
        total_button_height += (len(button_layout) - 1) * self.padding[0]
        content_width = min(
                total_text_width + self.padding[1] * 2 + self.padding[3] * 2))
        content_height = min(self.limit_height,
                             max(self.height, total_button_height))

        return [{
            "rect": ui.Rect(self.x, self.y, content_width, content_height),
            "button_layouts": button_layout
Example #16
    def draw_footer(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        footer_height = dimensions["header_height"]
        dimensions = dimensions["rect"]

        # Small divider between the content and the header
        x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        start_y = dimensions.y + dimensions.height - self.padding[0] - self.padding[2] / 2
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
        canvas.draw_text(str(self.page_index + 1 ) + " of " + str(len(self.layout)), x, start_y)
        paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_line", "000000")        
        canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(x - self.padding[3], start_y - footer_height, dimensions.width, 1))
Example #17
    def resize_mouse_canvas(self, content_dimensions):
        rect = content_dimensions["rect"]
        if self.confirm_button.rect.height > 0:
            rect = ui.Rect(
                rect.x, rect.y, rect.width,
                rect.height + self.confirm_button.rect.height +
                self.padding[0] + self.padding[2])

        self.capture_rect = rect
        self.mouse_capture_canvas.rect = rect
        self.mark_layout_invalid = False
Example #18
 def hud_create_choices(choices_list: list[Any],
                        callback: Callable[[Any], None],
                        multiple: Union[bool, int] = False) -> HudChoices:
     """Creates a list of choices with a single list of dictionaries"""
     choices = []
     for index, choice_data in enumerate(choices_list):
         image = choice_data["image"] if "image" in choice_data else ""
                 image, choice_data["text"], choice_data,
                 "selected" in choice_data and choice_data["selected"],
                 ui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)))
     return HudChoices(choices, callback, multiple)
Example #19
    def load_widgets(self):
        """Load the user defined widgets"""

        # TODO - Make the widgets properly user-definable
        # By making them addable and removable
        # With subscribed content, topics etc for specific widgets
        # For now, we will just use the default widgets taken from the display widgets array
        self.widgets = self.get_default_widgets()

        self.previous_screen_rects = []
        for screen in ui.screens():
                ui.Rect(screen.x, screen.y, screen.width, screen.height))
Example #20
 def draw_header(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
     header_height = dimensions["header_height"]
     dimensions = dimensions["rect"]
     paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_colour")
     paint.font.embolden = True
     x = dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
     canvas.draw_text(self.panel_content.title if self.panel_content.title else self.id, x, dimensions.y + self.font_size)
     # Small divider between the content and the header
     if not self.minimized:
         paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("text_box_line", "000000")
         canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(x - self.padding[3], dimensions.y + header_height + self.padding[0] * 2, dimensions.width, 1))
Example #21
    def update_buttons(self):
        buttons = []
            HudButton("", "Content toolkit", ui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
                      lambda widget: actions.user.hud_toolkit_options()))
        status_options = self.content.get_topic("status_options")
        for status_option in status_options:
            if status_option.icon_topic in self.current_topics:
                if status_option.activated_option:
                if status_option.default_option:

        self.buttons = buttons
Example #22
    def __init__(self, preferences: HeadUpDisplayUserPreferences,
                 theme: HeadUpDisplayTheme,
                 event_dispatch: HeadUpEventDispatch):
        self.default_screen_rect = ui.Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1080)
        self.default_screen_mm_size = [527.0, 296.0]

        self.previous_talon_hud_environment = ""
        self.previous_screen_rects = []
        self.preferences = preferences
        self.theme = theme
        self.event_dispatch = event_dispatch

        # Reload the preferences according to the monitor sizes if the given file does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(
            self.previous_screen_rects = [
                ui.Rect(self.default_screen_rect.x, self.default_screen_rect.y,
            self.reload_preferences(True, self.previous_talon_hud_environment)
Example #23
 def hud_create_screen_region(topic: str,
                              colour: str = None,
                              icon: str = None,
                              title: str = None,
                              hover_visibility: Union[bool, int] = False,
                              x: int = 0,
                              y: int = 0,
                              width: int = 0,
                              height: int = 0,
                              relative_x: int = 0,
                              relative_y: int = 0):
     """Create a HUD screen region, where by default it is active all over the available space and it is visible only on a hover"""
     rect = ui.Rect(x, y, width, height) if width * height > 0 else None
     point = Point2d(x + relative_x, y + relative_y)
     return HudScreenRegion(topic, title, icon, colour, rect, point,
Example #24
    def draw_key(self, canvas, text):
        canvas.paint.typeface = command_font
        rect = canvas.paint.measure_text(text)[1]

        canvas.paint.color = command_background_color
        radius = 4
        rrect = ui.Rect(self.x, self.y, rect.width + 2 * padding,
                        text_size + 2 * padding)
        rrect = skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rrect, x=radius, y=radius)

        canvas.paint.color = command_text_color
        draw_text(canvas, text, self.x + padding, self.y)

        self.y += line_height
        self.w = max(self.w, rect.width)
Example #25
    def draw_content_buttons(self, canvas, paint, dimensions):
        """Draws the content buttons"""
        paint.textsize = self.font_size
        content_dimensions = dimensions["rect"]

        base_button_x = content_dimensions.x + self.padding[3]
        icon_button_x = base_button_x + self.image_size + self.padding[3]
        button_y = content_dimensions.y + self.padding[0]

        for index, button_layout in enumerate(dimensions["button_layouts"]):
            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_background", "AAAAAA") if self.button_hovered == index \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_background", "CCCCCC")
            button_height = self.padding[0] + button_layout[
                "text_height"] + self.padding[2]

            button_icon = button_layout["button"].image
            if button_icon:
                button_height = max(
                    self.image_size + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2],
            rect = ui.Rect(
                base_button_x, button_y,
                content_dimensions.width - self.padding[3] - self.padding[1],
            self.buttons[index].rect = rect
            canvas.draw_rrect(skia.RoundRect.from_rect(rect, x=10, y=10))

            button_text_y = button_y + self.padding[0] / 2

            # Draw button icon on the left in the middle
            if button_icon:
                image = self.theme.get_image(button_icon)
                    image, base_button_x + self.padding[3],
                    button_y + button_height / 2 - image.height / 2)
                if button_layout["text_height"] < self.image_size:
                    button_text_y += (self.image_size -
                                      button_layout["text_height"]) / 2

            paint.color = self.theme.get_colour("button_hover_text_colour", "000000") if self.button_hovered == index \
                else self.theme.get_colour("button_text_colour", "000000")

                canvas, paint, button_layout["rich_text"], base_button_x +
                self.padding[3] if not button_icon else icon_button_x +
                self.padding[3] / 2, button_text_y, self.line_padding)
            button_y += button_height + self.padding[0]
Example #26
def move_screen(off):
    win = ui.active_window()
    src_screen = win.screen
    screens = ui.screens()
    dst_screen = screens[(screens.index(src_screen) + off) % len(screens)]
    if src_screen == dst_screen:

    src = src_screen.visible_rect
    dst = dst_screen.visible_rect
    old = win.rect
    win.rect = ui.Rect(
        dst.left + (old.left - src.left) / src.width * dst.width,
        dst.top + (old.top - src.top) / src.height * dst.height,
        old.width / src.width * dst.width,
        old.height / src.height * dst.height,
Example #27
 def draw_animation(self, canvas, animation_tick):
     if self.enabled and self.should_enable():
         paint = canvas.paint
         if self.mark_layout_invalid and animation_tick == self.animation_max_duration - 1:
             self.layout = self.layout_content(canvas, paint)
             if self.page_index > len(self.layout) - 1:
                 self.page_index = len(self.layout) -1
         dimensions = self.layout[self.page_index]["rect"]
         # Determine colour of the animation
         animation_progress = ( animation_tick - self.animation_max_duration ) / self.animation_max_duration
         red = self.intro_animation_start_colour[0] - int( self.blink_difference[0] * animation_progress )
         green = self.intro_animation_start_colour[1] - int( self.blink_difference[1] * animation_progress )
         blue = self.intro_animation_start_colour[2] - int( self.blink_difference[2] * animation_progress )
         red_hex = "0" + format(red, "x") if red <= 15 else format(red, "x")
         green_hex = "0" + format(green, "x") if green <= 15 else format(green, "x")
         blue_hex = "0" + format(blue, "x") if blue <= 15 else format(blue, "x")
         paint.color = red_hex + green_hex + blue_hex
         horizontal_alignment = "right" if self.limit_x < self.x else "left"
         if self.alignment == "center" or \
             ( self.x + self.width < self.limit_x + self.limit_width and self.limit_x < self.x ):
             horizontal_alignment = "center"
         growth = (self.animation_max_duration - animation_tick ) / self.animation_max_duration
         easeInOutQuint = 16 * growth ** 5 if growth < 0.5 else 1 - pow(-2 * growth + 2, 5) / 2
         width = dimensions.width * easeInOutQuint            
         if horizontal_alignment == "left":
             x = dimensions.x
         elif horizontal_alignment == "right":
             x = self.limit_x + self.limit_width - width
         elif horizontal_alignment == "center":
             x = self.limit_x + ( self.limit_width / 2 ) - ( width / 2 )
         rect = ui.Rect(x, dimensions.y, width, dimensions.height - self.layout[self.page_index]["footer_height"])
         if animation_tick == 1:
             return self.draw(canvas)
             self.draw_background(canvas, paint, rect)
         return True
         return False
Example #28
    def move_screen(direction: int):
        """Moves a window between screens"""
        win = ui.active_window()
        src_screen = win.screen
        screens = ui.screens()
        dst_screen = screens[(screens.index(src_screen) + direction) %
        if src_screen == dst_screen:

        src = src_screen.rect
        dst = dst_screen.rect
        old = win.rect
        win.rect = ui.Rect(
            dst.left + (old.left - src.left) / src.width * dst.width,
            dst.top + (old.top - src.top) / src.height * dst.height,
            old.width / src.width * dst.width,
            old.height / src.height * dst.height,
Example #29
        def draw(self, canvas):
            text = self.history[:]
            if not text:
            paint = canvas.paint
            paint.filter_quality = paint.FilterQuality.LOW
            paint.textsize = 15
            paint.antialias = True

            # canvas.draw_res is a long testct(ui.Rect(x - 50, y - 50, 100, 100))
            x = canvas.x + 1595
            y = canvas.y + 50
            text_pad = 0
            rect_pad = 6

            # measure text
            width = 0
            text_top = y
            text_bot = y
            line_spacing = 0
            for line in text:
                _, trect = paint.measure_text(line)
                width = max(width, trect.width)
                line_spacing = max(line_spacing, trect.height)
                text_top = min(text_top, y - trect.height)

            line_spacing += text_pad
            text_bot = y + (len(text) - 1) * line_spacing
            height = text_bot - text_top

            rect = ui.Rect(x - rect_pad, text_top - 2, -width - rect_pad * 2,
                           height + rect_pad + 2)
            paint.color = 'ffffffaa'
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            canvas.draw_round_rect(rect, 3, 3)

            paint.color = '000000'
            paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
            for line in text:
                _, trect = paint.measure_text(line)

                canvas.draw_text(line, x - trect.width - rect_pad * 2, y)
                y += line_spacing
Example #30
    def draw(self, canvas):
        text = self.history[:]
        if not text or not self.enabled:
        paint = canvas.paint
        paint.filter_quality = paint.FilterQuality.LOW
        paint.textsize = 15
        paint.antialias = True

        # canvas.draw_rect(ui.Rect(x - 50, y - 50, 100, 100))
        x = canvas.x + 20
        y = canvas.y + 50
        text_pad = 0
        rect_pad = 10

        # measure text
        width = 0
        text_top = y
        text_bot = y
        line_spacing = 0
        for line in text:
            _, trect = paint.measure_text(line)
            width = max(width, trect.width)
            line_spacing = max(line_spacing, trect.height)
            text_top = min(text_top, y - trect.height)

        x = canvas.x + ui.main_screen().width - 2 * rect_pad - width

        line_spacing += text_pad
        text_bot = y + (len(text) - 1) * line_spacing
        height = text_bot - text_top

        rect = ui.Rect(x - rect_pad, text_top - 2, width + rect_pad * 2,
                       height + rect_pad + 2)
        paint.color = 'ffffffbb'
        paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
        canvas.draw_round_rect(rect, 10, 10)

        paint.color = '000000'
        paint.style = paint.Style.FILL
        for line in text:
            canvas.draw_text(line, x, y)
            y += line_spacing