Example #1
    def test_add_app(self):

        self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.create_app_settings, "test_engine", "test_app")
        self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.create_app_settings, "unknown_engine", "test_app")

        # get raw environment before
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        with open(env_file) as fh:
            env_before = yaml.load(fh)

        self.env.create_app_settings("test_engine", "new_app")

        # get raw environment after
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        with open(env_file) as fh:
            env_after = yaml.load(fh)

        # ensure that disk was updated
        self.assertNotEqual(env_after, env_before)
        env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["apps"]["new_app"] = {}
        env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["apps"]["new_app"]["location"] = {}
        self.assertEqual(env_after, env_before)

        # ensure memory was updated
        cfg_after = self.env.get_app_settings("test_engine", "new_app")
        self.assertEqual(cfg_after, {})
Example #2
    def test_add_app(self):

        self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.create_app_settings,
                          "test_engine", "test_app")
        self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.create_app_settings,
                          "unknown_engine", "test_app")

        # get raw environment before
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        fh = open(env_file)
        env_before = yaml.load(fh)

        self.env.create_app_settings("test_engine", "new_app")

        # get raw environment after
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        fh = open(env_file)
        env_after = yaml.load(fh)

        # ensure that disk was updated
        self.assertNotEqual(env_after, env_before)
        env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["apps"]["new_app"] = {}
            "location"] = {}
        self.assertEqual(env_after, env_before)

        # ensure memory was updated
        cfg_after = self.env.get_app_settings("test_engine", "new_app")
        self.assertEqual(cfg_after, {})
Example #3
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestEnvironment, self).setUp()

        self.test_env = "test"
        self.test_engine = "test_engine"

        # create env object
        self.env = self.tk.pipeline_configuration.get_environment(self.test_env)

        # get raw environment
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        fh = open(env_file)
        self.raw_env_data = yaml.load(fh)

        # get raw app metadata
        app_md = os.path.join(self.project_config, "bundles", "test_app", "info.yml")
        fh = open(app_md)
        self.raw_app_metadata = yaml.load(fh)

        # get raw engine metadata
        eng_md = os.path.join(self.project_config, "bundles", "test_engine", "info.yml")
        fh = open(eng_md)
        self.raw_engine_metadata = yaml.load(fh)
 def test_update_engine_settings(self):
     self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.update_engine_settings, "bad_engine", {}, {})
     # get raw environment before
     env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
     fh = open(env_file)
     env_before = yaml.load(fh)
     prev_settings = self.env.get_engine_settings("test_engine")
     self.env.update_engine_settings("test_engine", {"foo":"bar"}, {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"})
     # get raw environment after
     env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
     fh = open(env_file)
     env_after = yaml.load(fh)
     # ensure that disk was updated
     self.assertNotEqual(env_after, env_before)
     env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["foo"] = "bar"
     env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["location"] = {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"}
     self.assertEqual(env_after, env_before)
     # ensure memory was updated
     new_settings = self.env.get_engine_settings("test_engine")
     self.assertEqual(new_settings, prev_settings)
     desc_after = self.env.get_engine_descriptor("test_engine")
     self.assertEqual(desc_after.get_location(), {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"})
Example #5
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestEnvironment, self).setUp()

        self.test_env = "test"
        self.test_engine = "test_engine"

        # create env object
        self.env = self.tk.pipeline_configuration.get_environment(

        # get raw environment
        env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
        fh = open(env_file)
        self.raw_env_data = yaml.load(fh)

        # get raw app metadata
        app_md = os.path.join(self.project_config, "bundles", "test_app",
        fh = open(app_md)
        self.raw_app_metadata = yaml.load(fh)

        # get raw engine metadata
        eng_md = os.path.join(self.project_config, "bundles", "test_engine",
        fh = open(eng_md)
        self.raw_engine_metadata = yaml.load(fh)
Example #6
 def test_update_engine_settings(self):
     self.assertRaises(TankError, self.env.update_engine_settings, "bad_engine", {}, {})
     # get raw environment before
     env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
     fh = open(env_file)
     env_before = yaml.load(fh)
     prev_settings = self.env.get_engine_settings("test_engine")
     self.env.update_engine_settings("test_engine", {"foo":"bar"}, {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"})
     # get raw environment after
     env_file = os.path.join(self.project_config, "env", "test.yml")
     fh = open(env_file)
     env_after = yaml.load(fh)
     # ensure that disk was updated
     self.assertNotEqual(env_after, env_before)
     env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["foo"] = "bar"
     env_before["engines"]["test_engine"]["location"] = {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"}
     self.assertEqual(env_after, env_before)
     # ensure memory was updated
     new_settings = self.env.get_engine_settings("test_engine")
     self.assertEqual(new_settings, prev_settings)
     desc_after = self.env.get_engine_descriptor("test_engine")
     self.assertEqual(desc_after.get_location(), {"type":"dev", "path":"foo"})
Example #7
def get_location(sgtk, app_bootstrap):
    Returns a location dictionary for the bundled framework.

    :param sgtk: Handle to the Toolkit API
    :param app_bootstrap: Instance of the application bootstrap.

    :returns: A dictionary with keys and values following the Toolkit location
        convention. Read more at https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95442678#Code%20Locations
    dev_descriptor = {
        "type": "dev",
        "path": app_bootstrap.get_startup_location_override()
    # If the startup location had been overriden, the descriptor is automatically
    # a dev descriptor.
    if app_bootstrap.get_startup_location_override():
        return dev_descriptor
    # If we are running the bundled startup, it is possible to override it's
    # value on first run in order to trigger the system into pulling from
    # another location that the app_store, namely git. This is done through an
    # environment variable. This is also great for testing app_store updates
    # by pretending you have an older version of the code bundled and need an update.

    # Local import since sgtk is lazily loaded.
    from tank_vendor import yaml
    if app_bootstrap.runs_bundled_startup() and "SGTK_DESKTOP_BUNDLED_DESCRIPTOR" in os.environ:
            return yaml.load(os.environ["SGTK_DESKTOP_BUNDLED_DESCRIPTOR"])
        except yaml.YAMLError, e:
            raise BundledDescriptorEnvVarError(e)
Example #8
    def get_associated_core_version(self):
        Returns the version string for the core api associated with this config.
        This method is 'forgiving' and in the case no associated core API can be 
        found for this pipeline configuration, None will be returned rather than 
        an exception raised. 
        associated_api_root = self.get_install_location()
        info_yml_path = os.path.join(associated_api_root, "core", "info.yml")

        if os.path.exists(info_yml_path):
                info_fh = open(info_yml_path, "r")
                    data = yaml.load(info_fh)
                data = data.get("version")
                data = None
            data = None

        return data
Example #9
def get_pc_roots_metadata(pipeline_config_root_path):
    Loads and validates the roots metadata file.
    The roots.yml file is a reflection of the local storages setup in Shotgun
    at project setup time and may contain anomalies in the path layout structure.
    The roots data will be prepended to paths and used for comparison so it is 
    critical that the paths are on a correct normalized form once they have been 
    loaded into the system.    
    # now read in the roots.yml file
    # this will contain something like
    # {'primary': {'mac_path': '/studio', 'windows_path': None, 'linux_path': '/studio'}}
    roots_yml = os.path.join(pipeline_config_root_path, "config", "core", "roots.yml")

    if not os.path.exists(roots_yml):
        raise TankError("Roots metadata file '%s' missing! Please contact support." % roots_yml)

    fh = open(roots_yml, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
    except Exception, e:
        raise TankError("Looks like the roots file is corrupt. Please contact "
                        "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (roots_yml, e))
Example #10
    def _get_metadata(self):
        Loads the pipeline config metadata (the pipeline_configuration.yml) file from disk.

        :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
        :returns: deserialized content of the file in the form of a dict.

        # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
        cfg_yml = self._get_pipeline_config_file_location()

        if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
            raise TankError("Configuration metadata file '%s' missing! "
                            "Please contact support." % cfg_yml)

        fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
            data = yaml.load(fh)
            if data is None:
                raise Exception("File contains no data!")
        except Exception as e:
            raise TankError("Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                            "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))

        return data
Example #11
def get_pc_registered_location(pipeline_config_root_path):
    Loads the location metadata file from install_location.yml
    This contains a reflection of the paths given in the pc entity.

    Returns the path that has been registered for this pipeline configuration 
    for the current OS.
    This is the path that has been defined in shotgun. It is also the path that is being
    used in the inverse pointer files that exist in each storage.
    This is useful when drive letter mappings or symlinks are being used - in these
    cases get_path() may not return the same value as get_registered_location_path().
    This may return None if no path has been registered for the current os.
    # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
    cfg_yml = os.path.join(pipeline_config_root_path, "config", "core",

    if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
        raise TankError(
            "Location metadata file '%s' missing! Please contact support." %

    fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
    except Exception, e:
        raise TankError("Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                        "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
Example #12
def get_pc_registered_location(pipeline_config_root_path):
    Loads the location metadata file from install_location.yml
    This contains a reflection of the paths given in the pc entity.

    Returns the path that has been registered for this pipeline configuration 
    for the current OS.
    This is the path that has been defined in shotgun. It is also the path that is being
    used in the inverse pointer files that exist in each storage.
    This is useful when drive letter mappings or symlinks are being used - in these
    cases get_path() may not return the same value as get_registered_location_path().
    This may return None if no path has been registered for the current os.
    # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
    cfg_yml = os.path.join(pipeline_config_root_path, "config", "core", "install_location.yml")

    if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
        raise TankError("Location metadata file '%s' missing! Please contact support." % cfg_yml)

    fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
    except Exception, e:
        raise TankError("Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                        "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
def _get_pc_disk_metadata(pipeline_config_root_path):
    Helper method.
    Loads the pipeline config metadata (the pipeline_configuration.yml) file from disk.
    :returns: deserialized content of the file in the form of a dict.

    # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
    cfg_yml = os.path.join(pipeline_config_root_path, "config", "core",

    if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
        raise TankError(
            "Configuration metadata file '%s' missing! Please contact support."
            % cfg_yml)

    fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
        if data is None:
            raise Exception("File contains no data!")
    except Exception, e:
        raise TankError("Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                        "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
Example #14
def get_location(app_bootstrap):
    Returns a location dictionary for the bundled framework.

    :param app_bootstrap: Instance of the application bootstrap.

    :returns: A dictionary with keys and values following the Toolkit location
        convention. Read more at https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95442678#Code%20Locations
    dev_descriptor = {
        "type": "dev",
        "path": app_bootstrap.get_startup_location_override()
    # If the startup location had been overriden, the descriptor is automatically
    # a dev descriptor.
    if app_bootstrap.get_startup_location_override():
        return dev_descriptor
    # If we are running the bundled startup, it is possible to override it's
    # value on first run in order to trigger the system into pulling from
    # another location that the app_store, namely git. This is done through an
    # environment variable. This is also great for testing app_store updates
    # by pretending you have an older version of the code bundled and need an update.

    # Local import since sgtk is lazily loaded.
    from tank_vendor import yaml

    location = _get_location_yaml_location(app_bootstrap.get_startup_path())
    # If the file is missing, we're in dev mode.
    if not os.path.exists(location):
        return {"type": "dev", "path": app_bootstrap.get_startup_path()}

    # Read the location.yml file.
    with open(location, "r") as location_file:
        # If the file is empty, we're in dev mode.
        return yaml.load(location_file) or dev_descriptor
Example #15
    def _load_nuke_publish_snapshot_comments(self, snapshot_file_path):
        Load old nuke-style snapshot comments if they exist.  These are only
        ever read - all new comments are saved to the new file.
        comments = {}
            # look for old nuke style path:
            snapshot_dir = os.path.dirname(snapshot_file_path)
            fields = self._snapshot_template.get_fields(snapshot_file_path)

            SNAPSHOT_COMMENTS_FILE = r"%s_comments.yml"
            comments_file_name = SNAPSHOT_COMMENTS_FILE % fields.get(
                "name", "unknown")
            comments_file_path = os.path.join(snapshot_dir, comments_file_name)

            comments = {}
            if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
                raw_comments = yaml.load(open(comments_file_path, "r"))
                for (name, timestamp), comment in raw_comments.iteritems():
                    fields["name"] = name
                    fields["timestamp"] = timestamp
                    snapshot_path = self._snapshot_template.apply_fields(

                    if os.path.exists(snapshot_path):
                        # add comment to dictionary in new style:
                        comments_key = os.path.basename(snapshot_path)
                        comments[comments_key] = {"comment": comment}
            # it's not critical that this succeeds so just ignore any exceptions

        return comments
Example #16
    def _get_snapshot_comments(self, snapshot_file_path):
        Return the snapshot comments for the specified file path
        # first, attempt to load old-nuke-publish-style comments:
        comments = self._load_nuke_publish_snapshot_comments(

        # now load new style comments:
        comments_file_path = self._get_comments_file_path(snapshot_file_path)
        raw_comments = {}
        if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
            raw_comments = yaml.load(open(comments_file_path, "r"))

        # process raw comments to convert old-style to new if need to:
        for key, value in raw_comments.iteritems():
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                # old style string
                comments[key] = {"comment": value}
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                # new style dictionary
                comments[key] = value
                # value isn't valid!

        # ensure all comments are returned as utf-8 strings rather than
        # unicode - this is due to a previous bug where the snapshot UI
        # would return the comment as unicode!
        for comment_dict in comments.values():
            comment = comment_dict.get("comment")
            if comment and isinstance(comment, unicode):
                comment_dict["comment"] = comment.encode("utf8")

        return comments
Example #17
def _get_install_locations(path):
    Given a pipeline configuration OR core location, return paths on all platforms.
    :param path: Path to a pipeline configuration on disk.
    :returns: dictionary with keys linux2, darwin and win32
    # basic sanity check
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise TankError("The core path '%s' does not exist on disk!" % path)

    # for other platforms, read in install_location
    location_file = os.path.join(path, "config", "core",
    if not os.path.exists(location_file):
        raise TankError(
            "Cannot find core config file '%s' - please contact support!" %

    # load the config file
        open_file = open(location_file)
            location_data = yaml.load(open_file)
    except Exception, error:
        raise TankError("Cannot load core config file '%s'. Error: %s" %
                        (location_file, error))
def get_core_descriptor(pipeline_config_path,
    Returns a descriptor object for the uri/dict defined in the config's
    ``core_api.yml`` file (if it exists).

    If the config does not define a core descriptor file, then ``None`` will be

    :param str pipeline_config_path: The path to the pipeline configuration
    :param shotgun_connection: An open connection to shotgun
    :param bundle_cache_fallback_paths: bundle cache search path

    :return: A core descriptor object

    # avoid circular dependencies
    from .descriptor import Descriptor, create_descriptor, is_descriptor_version_missing

    descriptor_file_path = _get_core_descriptor_file(pipeline_config_path)

    if not os.path.exists(descriptor_file_path):
        return None

    # the core_api.yml contains info about the core:
    # | location:
    # |   name: tk-core
    # |   type: app_store
    # |   version: v0.16.34

    logger.debug("Found core descriptor file '%s'" % descriptor_file_path)

    # read the file first
    fh = open(descriptor_file_path, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        core_descriptor_dict = data["location"]
    except Exception as e:
        raise TankError("Cannot read invalid core descriptor file '%s': %s" %
                        (descriptor_file_path, e))

    # we have a core descriptor specification. Get a descriptor object for it
        "Config has a specific core defined in core/core_api.yml: %s" %

    # when core is specified, check if it defines a specific version or not
    use_latest = is_descriptor_version_missing(core_descriptor_dict)

    return create_descriptor(
        fallback_roots=bundle_cache_fallback_paths or [],
def _get_install_locations(path):
    Given a pipeline configuration OR core location, return paths on all platforms.
    :param path: Path to a pipeline configuration on disk.
    :returns: dictionary with keys linux2, darwin and win32
    # basic sanity check
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise TankError("The core path '%s' does not exist on disk!" % path)
    # for other platforms, read in install_location
    location_file = os.path.join(path, "config", "core", "install_location.yml")
    if not os.path.exists(location_file):
        raise TankError("Cannot find core config file '%s' - please contact support!" % location_file)

    # load the config file
        open_file = open(location_file)
            location_data = yaml.load(open_file)
    except Exception, error:
        raise TankError("Cannot load core config file '%s'. Error: %s" % (location_file, error))
 def _get_metadata(self):
     Returns the info.yml metadata associated with this descriptor.
     Note that this call involves deep introspection; in order to
     access the metadata we normally need to have the code content
     local, so this method may trigger a remote code fetch if necessary.
     if self.__manifest_data is None:
         # make sure payload exists locally
         if not self.exists_local():
         # get the metadata
         bundle_root = self.get_path()
         file_path = os.path.join(bundle_root, constants.BUNDLE_METADATA_FILE)
         if not os.path.exists(file_path):
             raise TankError("Toolkit metadata file '%s' missing." % file_path)
             file_data = open(file_path)
                 metadata = yaml.load(file_data)
         except Exception, exp:
             raise TankError("Cannot load metadata file '%s'. Error: %s" % (file_path, exp))
         # cache it
         self.__manifest_data = metadata
    def _get_metadata(self):
        Loads the pipeline config metadata (the pipeline_configuration.yml) file from disk.

        :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
        :returns: deserialized content of the file in the form of a dict.

        # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
        cfg_yml = self._get_pipeline_config_file_location()

        if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
            raise TankError("Configuration metadata file '%s' missing! "
                            "Please contact support." % cfg_yml)

        fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
            data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
            if data is None:
                raise Exception("File contains no data!")
        except Exception as e:
            raise TankError(
                "Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))

        return data
Example #22
    def _get_roots_data(self):
        Returns roots.yml data for this config.
        If no root file can be loaded, {} is returned.

        :returns: Roots data yaml content, usually a dictionary

        # get the roots definition
        root_file_path = os.path.join(

        roots_data = {}

        if os.path.exists(root_file_path):
            root_file = open(root_file_path, "r")
                # if file is empty, initializae with empty dict...
                roots_data = yaml.load(root_file) or {}

        return roots_data
Example #23
    def test_project_root_mismatch(self):
        Case that root name specified in projects yml file does not exist in roots file.
        # remove root name from the roots file
        self.tk = tank.Tank(self.project_root)
        # should be fine
        folder.configuration.FolderConfiguration(self.tk, self.schema_location)

        roots_file = os.path.join(self.tk.pipeline_configuration.get_path(), "config", "core", "schema", "alternate_1.yml")
        fh = open(roots_file, "r")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
        data["root_name"] = "some_bogus_Data"
        fh = open(roots_file, "w")

        self.tk = tank.Tank(self.project_root)

Example #24
    def _get_metadata(self):
        Loads the pipeline config metadata (the pipeline_configuration.yml) file from disk.
        :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
        :returns: deserialized content of the file in the form of a dict.

        # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
        cfg_yml = os.path.join(self.get_config_location(), "core",

        if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
            raise TankError("Configuration metadata file '%s' missing! "
                            "Please contact support." % cfg_yml)

        fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
            data = yaml.load(fh)
            if data is None:
                raise Exception("File contains no data!")
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError(
                "Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
                "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
Example #25
    def _update_deploy_file(self,
        Updates the deploy file.

        :param generation: If set, will update the generation number of the config.
        :param descriptor: If set, will update the descriptor of the config.
        :param corrupt: If set, will corrupt the configuration file.
        path = self._cached_config._config_writer.get_descriptor_metadata_file(
        if corrupt:
            data = "corrupted"
            with open(path, "rt") as fh:
                data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
                if generation is not None:
                    data["deploy_generation"] = generation
                if descriptor is not None:
                    data["config_descriptor"] = descriptor

        with open(path, "wt") as fh:
            yaml.dump(data, fh)
Example #26
    def _get_metadata(self):
        Returns the info.yml metadata associated with this descriptor.
        Note that this call involves deep introspection; in order to
        access the metadata we normally need to have the code content
        local, so this method may trigger a remote code fetch if necessary.
        if self.__manifest_data is None:
            # make sure payload exists locally
            if not self.exists_local():

            # get the metadata
            bundle_root = self.get_path()

            file_path = os.path.join(bundle_root,

            if not os.path.exists(file_path):
                raise TankError("Toolkit metadata file '%s' missing." %

                file_data = open(file_path)
                    metadata = yaml.load(file_data)
            except Exception, exp:
                raise TankError("Cannot load metadata file '%s'. Error: %s" %
                                (file_path, exp))

            # cache it
            self.__manifest_data = metadata
    def test_project_root_mismatch(self):
        Case that root name specified in projects yml file does not exist in roots file.
        # remove root name from the roots file

        # should be fine
        folder.configuration.FolderConfiguration(self.tk, self.schema_location)

        roots_file = os.path.join(

        fh = open(roots_file, "r")
        data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        data["root_name"] = "some_bogus_Data"
        fh = open(roots_file, "w")

Example #28
 def _get_snapshot_comments(self, snapshot_file_path):
     Return the snapshot comments for the specified file path
     # first, attempt to load old-nuke-publish-style comments:
     comments = self._load_nuke_publish_snapshot_comments(snapshot_file_path)
     # now load new style comments:
     comments_file_path = self._get_comments_file_path(snapshot_file_path)
     raw_comments = {}
     if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
         raw_comments = yaml.load(open(comments_file_path, "r"))
     # process raw comments to convert old-style to new if need to:
     for key, value in raw_comments.iteritems():
         if isinstance(value, basestring):
             # old style string
             comments[key] = {"comment":value}
         elif isinstance(value, dict):
             # new style dictionary
             comments[key] = value
             # value isn't valid!
     # ensure all comments are returned as utf-8 strings rather than
     # unicode - this is due to a previous bug where the snapshot UI
     # would return the comment as unicode!
     for comment_dict in comments.values():
         comment = comment_dict.get("comment")
         if comment and isinstance(comment, unicode):
             comment_dict["comment"] = comment.encode("utf8")
     return comments        
Example #29
    def associated_core_descriptor(self):
        The descriptor dict or url required for this core or None if not defined.

        :returns: Core descriptor dict or uri or None if not defined
        core_descriptor_dict = None


        core_descriptor_path = os.path.join(
            self._io_descriptor.get_path(), "core",

        if os.path.exists(core_descriptor_path):
            # the core_api.yml contains info about the core config:
            # location:
            #    name: tk-core
            #    type: app_store
            #    version: v0.16.34

            log.debug("Detected core descriptor file '%s'" %

            # read the file first
            fh = open(core_descriptor_path, "rt")
                data = yaml.load(fh)
                core_descriptor_dict = data["location"]
            except Exception, e:
                raise TankDescriptorError(
                    "Cannot read invalid core descriptor file '%s': %s" %
                    (core_descriptor_path, e))
Example #30
 def _load_nuke_publish_snapshot_comments(self, snapshot_file_path):
     Load old nuke-style snapshot comments if they exist.  These are only
     ever read - all new comments are saved to the new file.
     comments = {}
         # look for old nuke style path:        
         snapshot_dir = os.path.dirname(snapshot_file_path)
         fields = self._snapshot_template.get_fields(snapshot_file_path)
         SNAPSHOT_COMMENTS_FILE = r"%s_comments.yml"
         comments_file_name = SNAPSHOT_COMMENTS_FILE % fields.get("name", "unknown")
         comments_file_path = os.path.join(snapshot_dir, comments_file_name)
         comments = {}
         if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
             raw_comments = yaml.load(open(comments_file_path, "r"))
             for (name, timestamp), comment in raw_comments.iteritems():
                 fields["name"] = name
                 fields["timestamp"] = timestamp
                 snapshot_path = self._snapshot_template.apply_fields(fields)
                 if os.path.exists(snapshot_path):
                     # add comment to dictionary in new style:
                     comments_key = os.path.basename(snapshot_path)
                     comments[comments_key] = {"comment":comment}
         # it's not critical that this succeeds so just ignore any exceptions
     return comments
Example #31
    def test_url_cleanup(self):

        # Make sure that if a file has the url saved incorrectly...
        with patch("sgtk.util.shotgun.connection.sanitize_url", wraps=lambda x: x):
            # ... then sure we indeed disabled cleanup and that the malformed value was written to disk...
            self.assertEquals("https://host.cleaned.up.on.read/", session_cache.get_current_host())

        # ... and finaly that the value is filtered when being read back from disk.
        self.assertEquals("https://host.cleaned.up.on.read", session_cache.get_current_host())

        # Make sure we're cleaning up the hostname when saving it.

        with open(
        ) as fh:
            # Let's read the file directly to see if the data was cleaned up.
            data = yaml.load(fh)
    def test_url_cleanup(self):

        # Make sure that if a file has the url saved incorrectly...
        with patch("sgtk.util.shotgun.connection.sanitize_url",
                   wraps=lambda x: x):
            # ... then sure we indeed disabled cleanup and that the malformed value was written to disk...

        # ... and finaly that the value is filtered when being read back from disk.

        # Make sure we're cleaning up the hostname when saving it.

        with open(
                        LocalFileStorageManager.CACHE), "authentication.yml"),
                "r") as fh:
            # Let's read the file directly to see if the data was cleaned up.
            data = yaml.load(fh)
Example #33
    def _get_demo_info(self, demo_class):
        Given a demo class, parse the ``demo.yml`` file for more info.

        :param demo_class: The demo ``QtGui.QWidget`` subclass

        :returns: A dict of info about the demo class.

        # read the demo.yml file from the demo_class's directory
        demo_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(demo_class))

        # construct the full path to the manifest
        manifest = os.path.join(demo_dir, "demo.yml")

        if not os.path.exists:
            # no path fo the manifest
                "No manifest file exists for this demo class: %s." % (demo_class,)
            return None

        # attempt to read the manifest file
            fh = open(manifest, "r")
        except Exception as e:
                "Could not open demo manifest file '%s'.\n"
                " Error reported: '%s'" % (manifest, e)
            return None

        # now try to parse it
            demo_info = yaml.load(fh)
        except Exception as e:
                "Could not parse demo manifest file '%s'.\n"
                " Error reported: '%s'" % (manifest, e)
            return None

        # make sure the required fields are present
        for field in ["display_name", "description", "documentation_url"]:
            if field not in demo_info:
                    "The `%s` field is missing from the demo "
                    "manifest file: %s." % (field, manifest)
                return None

        # add the directory and class in there as well so that we have one stop
        # shopping for all the demo information
        demo_info["widget_class"] = demo_class
        demo_info["directory"] = demo_dir

        return demo_info
def _process_includes_r(file_name, data, context):
    Recursively process includes for an environment file.
    Algorithm (recursive):
    1. Load include data into a big dictionary X
    2. recursively go through the current file and replace any 
       @ref with a dictionary value from X
    :param file_name:   The root yml file to process
    :param data:        The contents of the root yml file to process
    :param context:     The current context

    :returns:           A tuple containing the flattened yml data 
                        after all includes have been recursively processed
                        together with a lookup for frameworks to the file 
                        they were loaded from.
    # first build our big fat lookup dict
    include_files = _resolve_includes(file_name, data, context)
    lookup_dict = {}
    fw_lookup = {}
    for include_file in include_files:
        # path exists, so try to read it
        fh = open(include_file, "r")
            included_data = yaml.load(fh) or {}
        # now resolve this data before proceeding
        included_data, included_fw_lookup = _process_includes_r(include_file, included_data, context)

        # update our big lookup dict with this included data:
        if "frameworks" in included_data and isinstance(included_data["frameworks"], dict):
            # special case handling of frameworks to merge them from the various
            # different included files rather than have frameworks section from
            # one file overwrite the frameworks from previous includes!
            lookup_dict = _resolve_frameworks(included_data, lookup_dict)

            # also, keey track of where the framework has been referenced from:
            for fw_name in included_data["frameworks"].keys():
                fw_lookup[fw_name] = include_file


    # now go through our own data, recursively, and replace any refs.
    # recurse down in dicts and lists
        data = _resolve_refs_r(lookup_dict, data)
        data = _resolve_frameworks(lookup_dict, data)
    except TankError, e:
        raise TankError("Include error. Could not resolve references for %s: %s" % (file_name, e))
Example #35
    def run(self, log, args):
        if len(args) != 4:

            log.info("Syntax: move_studio_install current_path linux_path windows_path mac_path")
            log.info("This command will move the main location of the Toolkit config.")
            log.info("Specify the current location of your studio install in the first parameter. "
                     "Specify the new location for each platform in the subsequent parameters.")
            log.info("You typically need to quote your paths, like this:")
            log.info('> tank move_studio_install /projects/tank /tank_install/studio "p:\\tank_install\\studio" /tank_install/studio')
            log.info("If you want to leave a platform blank, just just empty quotes:")
            log.info('> tank move_studio_install "P:\\projects\\tank" "" "p:\\tank_install\\studio" ""')
            raise TankError("Wrong number of parameters!")
        current_path = args[0]
        linux_path = args[1]
        windows_path = args[2]
        mac_path = args[3]
        new_paths = {"mac_path": mac_path, 
                     "windows_path": windows_path, 
                     "linux_path": linux_path}
        storage_map = {"linux2": "linux_path", "win32": "windows_path", "darwin": "mac_path" }
        local_target_path = new_paths.get(storage_map[sys.platform])

        # basic checks
        if not os.path.exists(current_path):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not exist!" % current_path)
        if os.path.exists(local_target_path):
            raise TankError("The path %s already exists on disk!" % local_target_path)
        # probe for some key file
        api_file = os.path.join(current_path, "install", "core", "_core_upgrader.py")
        if not os.path.exists(api_file):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not look like an Toolkit install!" % current_path)
        # make sure this is NOT a PC
        pc_file = os.path.join(current_path, "config", "info.yml")
        if os.path.exists(pc_file):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not look like a pipeline configuration. Move it "
                            "using the move_configuration command instead!" % current_path)
        # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
        # to find out the locations for all other platforms
        cfg_yml = os.path.join(current_path, "config", "core", "install_location.yml")
        if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
            raise TankError("Location metadata file '%s' missing!" % cfg_yml)
        fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
            data = yaml.load(fh)
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Config file %s is invalid: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
Example #36
    def run_interactive(self, log, args):
        if len(args) != 4:

            log.info("Syntax: move_studio_install current_path linux_path windows_path mac_path")
            log.info("This command will move the main location of the Toolkit config.")
            log.info("Specify the current location of your studio install in the first parameter. "
                     "Specify the new location for each platform in the subsequent parameters.")
            log.info("You typically need to quote your paths, like this:")
            log.info('> tank move_studio_install /projects/tank /tank_install/studio "p:\\tank_install\\studio" /tank_install/studio')
            log.info("If you want to leave a platform blank, just just empty quotes:")
            log.info('> tank move_studio_install "P:\\projects\\tank" "" "p:\\tank_install\\studio" ""')
            raise TankError("Wrong number of parameters!")
        current_path = args[0]
        linux_path = args[1]
        windows_path = args[2]
        mac_path = args[3]
        new_paths = {"mac_path": mac_path, 
                     "windows_path": windows_path, 
                     "linux_path": linux_path}
        storage_map = {"linux2": "linux_path", "win32": "windows_path", "darwin": "mac_path" }
        local_target_path = new_paths.get(storage_map[sys.platform])

        # basic checks
        if not os.path.exists(current_path):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not exist!" % current_path)
        if os.path.exists(local_target_path):
            raise TankError("The path %s already exists on disk!" % local_target_path)
        # probe for some key file
        if not pipelineconfig_utils.is_localized(current_path):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not look like an Toolkit install!" % current_path)
        # make sure this is NOT a PC
        pc_file = os.path.join(current_path, "config", "info.yml")
        if os.path.exists(pc_file):
            raise TankError("Path '%s' does not look like a pipeline configuration. Move it "
                            "using the move_configuration command instead!" % current_path)
        # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
        # to find out the locations for all other platforms
        cfg_yml = os.path.join(current_path, "config", "core", "install_location.yml")
        if not os.path.exists(cfg_yml):
            raise TankError("Location metadata file '%s' missing!" % cfg_yml)
        fh = open(cfg_yml, "rt")
            data = yaml.load(fh)
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Config file %s is invalid: %s" % (cfg_yml, e))
Example #37
 def __load_data(self, path):
     loads the main data from disk, raw form
     # load the data in 
         env_file = open(path, "r")
         data = yaml.load(env_file)
     except Exception, exp:
         raise TankError("Could not parse file %s. Error reported: %s" % (path, exp))
Example #38
 def __load_data(self, path):
     loads the main data from disk, raw form
     # load the data in
         env_file = open(path, "r")
         data = yaml.load(env_file)
     except Exception, exp:
         raise TankError("Could not parse file %s. Error reported: %s" %
                         (path, exp))
Example #39
 def __refresh(self):
     """Refreshes the environment data from disk
     if not os.path.exists(self.__env_path):
         raise TankError("Attempting to load non-existent environment file: %s" % self.__env_path)
         env_file = open(self.__env_path, "r")
         data = yaml.load(env_file)
     except Exception, exp:
         raise TankError("Could not parse file %s. Error reported: %s" % (self.__env_path, exp))
Example #40
 def _populate_cache_item_data(self, item):
     Loads the CacheItem's YAML data from disk.
     path = item.path
         with open(path, "r") as fh:
             raw_data = yaml.load(fh)
     except IOError:
         raise TankFileDoesNotExistError("File does not exist: %s" % path)
     except Exception, e:
         raise TankError("Could not open file '%s'. Error reported: '%s'" % (path, e))
def find_reference(file_name, context, token):
    Non-recursive. Looks at all include files and searches
    for @token. Returns the file in which it is found.
    # load the data in 
        fh = open(file_name, "r")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
    except Exception, exp:
        raise TankError("Could not parse file %s. Error reported: %s" % (file_name, exp))
    def _get_shotgun_yml_content(self, cw):
        Retrieves the content of the shotgun.yml file based on the configuration writer passed in.

        :param cw: Configuration writer used to write the shotgun.yml file.

        :returns: Path to the Shotgun file.
        shotgun_yml_path = os.path.join(cw.path.current_os, "config", "core", "shotgun.yml")
        with open(shotgun_yml_path, "rb") as fh:
            return yaml.load(fh)
Example #43
    def _get_shotgun_yml_content(self, cw):
        Retrieves the content of the shotgun.yml file based on the configuration writer passed in.

        :param cw: Configuration writer used to write the shotgun.yml file.

        :returns: Path to the Shotgun file.
        shotgun_yml_path = os.path.join(cw.path.current_os, "config", "core", "shotgun.yml")
        with open(shotgun_yml_path, "rb") as fh:
            return yaml.load(fh)
Example #44
 def _populate_cache_item_data(self, item):
     Loads the CacheItem's YAML data from disk.
     path = item.path
         with open(path, "r") as fh:
             raw_data = yaml.load(fh)
     except IOError:
         raise TankFileDoesNotExistError("File does not exist: %s" % path)
     except Exception, e:
         raise TankError("Could not open file '%s'. Error reported: '%s'" %
                         (path, e))
Example #45
def find_reference(file_name, context, token):
    Non-recursive. Looks at all include files and searches
    for @token. Returns the file in which it is found.

    # load the data in
        fh = open(file_name, "r")
        data = yaml.load(fh)
    except Exception, exp:
        raise TankError("Could not parse file %s. Error reported: %s" %
                        (file_name, exp))
Example #46
def _initialize_manager(plugin_root_path):
    Initializes a ToolkitManager for use in zero-config mode.
    # running in situ as part of zero config. sgtk has already added sgtk
    # to the python path. need to extract the plugin info from info.yml

    # import the yaml parser
    from tank_vendor import yaml

    # build the path to the info.yml file
    plugin_info_yml = os.path.join(plugin_root_path, "info.yml")

    # open the yaml file and read the data
    with open(plugin_info_yml, "r") as plugin_info_fh:
        plugin_info = yaml.load(plugin_info_fh, yaml.SafeLoader)

    base_config = plugin_info["base_configuration"]
    plugin_id = plugin_info["plugin_id"]

    import sgtk


    # get a logger for the plugin
    sgtk_logger = sgtk.LogManager.get_logger("plugin")
    sgtk_logger.debug("Booting up toolkit plugin.")

    sgtk_logger.debug("Executable: %s", sys.executable)

        # Authenticates with Toolkit. If already logged in, this will
        # return the current user.
        user = sgtk.authentication.ShotgunAuthenticator().get_user()
    except sgtk.authentication.AuthenticationCancelled:
        # Show a "Shotgun > Login" menu.
        sgtk_logger.info("Shotgun login was cancelled by the user.")

    # Create a boostrap manager for the logged in user with the plug-in
    # configuration data.
    toolkit_mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager(user)

    toolkit_mgr.progress_callback = lambda pct, msg: print("{0} - {1}".format(
        int(pct * 100), msg))

    # Pulls the latest Unreal configuration from the master branch.
    toolkit_mgr.base_configuration = base_config
    toolkit_mgr.plugin_id = plugin_id

    return toolkit_mgr
Example #47
    def _add_snapshot_comment(self, snapshot_file_path, comment):
        Add a comment to the comment file for a snapshot file.  The comments are stored
        in the following format:

        {<snapshot file name> : {
            comment:    String - comment to store
            sg_user:    Shotgun entity dictionary representing the user that created the snapshot

        :param str file_path: path to the snapshot file.
        :param str comment: comment string to save.

        # validate to make sure path is sane
        if not self._snapshot_template.validate(snapshot_file_path):
            self._app.log_warning("Could not add comment to "
                                  "invalid snapshot path %s!" %

        # get comments file path:
        comments_file_path = self._get_comments_file_path(snapshot_file_path)
        self._app.log_debug("Snapshot: Adding comment to file %s" %

        # load yml file
        comments = {}
        if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
            with open(comments_file_path, "r") as fp:
                comments = yaml.load(fp) or {}

        # comment is now a dictionary so that we can also include the user:
        comments_value = {
            "comment": comment,
            "sg_user": self._app.context.user

        # add entry for snapshot file:
        comments_key = os.path.basename(snapshot_file_path)
        comments[comments_key] = comments_value

        # and save yml file
        old_umask = os.umask(0)
            with open(comments_file_path, "w") as fp:
                yaml.dump(comments, fp)
Example #48
class WritableEnvironment(Environment):
    Represents a mutable environment.
    If you need to make change to the environment, this class should be used
    rather than the Environment class. Additional methods are added
    to support modification and updates and handling of writing yaml
    content back to disk.
    def __init__(self, env_path, pipeline_config, context=None):
        Environment.__init__(self, env_path, pipeline_config, context)

    def __load_writable_yaml(self, path):
        Loads yaml data from disk.
        :param path: Path to yaml file
        :returns: yaml object representing the data structure
            fh = open(path, "r")
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Could not open file '%s'. Error reported: '%s'" %
                            (path, e))

            # the ruamel parser doesn't have 2.5 support so
            # only use it on 2.6+
            if self._use_ruamel_yaml_parser and not (sys.version_info <
                                                     (2, 6)):
                # note that we use the RoundTripLoader loader here. This ensures
                # that structure and comments are preserved when the yaml is
                # written back to disk.
                # the object returned back is a dictionary-like object
                # which also holds the additional contextual metadata
                # required by the parse to maintain the lexical integrity
                # of the content.
                from tank_vendor import ruamel_yaml
                yaml_data = ruamel_yaml.load(fh, ruamel_yaml.RoundTripLoader)
                # use pyyaml parser
                yaml_data = yaml.load(fh)
        except Exception, e:
            raise TankError("Could not parse file '%s'. Error reported: '%s'" %
                            (path, e))
    def __get_nuke_path(self):

        # Get the shotgun paths.yml file
        current_engine = sgtk.platform.current_engine()
        context = current_engine.context
        tk = tank.tank_from_path(context.tank.roots["primary"])
        config_path = tk.pipeline_configuration.get_path() + "\\config\\env\\includes\\paths.yml"

        # use yaml to extract the path location
        with open(config_path, 'r') as yml_config_file:
            config_file = yaml.load(yml_config_file)

        nuke_path = config_file["nuke_windows"]
        return nuke_path
Example #50
def __get_sg_config_data(shotgun_cfg_path, user="******"):
    Returns the shotgun configuration yml parameters given a config file.
    The shotgun.yml may look like:

        host: str
        api_script: str
        api_key: str
        http_proxy: str
        or may now look like:
            host: str
            api_script: str
            api_key: str
            http_proxy: str
            host: str
            api_script: str
            api_key: str
            http_proxy: str

    The optional user param refers to the <User> in the shotgun.yml.
    If a user is not found the old style is attempted.    
    :param shotgun_cfg_path: path to config file
    :param user: Optional user to pass when a multi-user config is being read 

    :returns: dictionary with key host and optional keys api_script, api_key and http_proxy

    # read in settings from shotgun.yml
    if not os.path.exists(shotgun_cfg_path):
        raise TankError("Could not find shotgun configuration file '%s'!" %

    # load the config file
        open_file = open(shotgun_cfg_path)
            file_data = yaml.load(open_file)
    except Exception, error:
        raise TankError("Cannot load config file '%s'. Error: %s" %
                        (shotgun_cfg_path, error))
Example #51
    def get_pipeline_configs(self):
        Returns a list of current os paths to pipeline configs
        data = []

        if os.path.exists(self._config_file):
            # we have a config already - so read it in
            fh = open(self._config_file, "rt")
                data = yaml.load(fh)
            except Exception, e:
                raise TankError("Looks like the config lookup file %s is corrupt. Please contact "
                                "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (self._config_file, e))
 def _populate_cache_item_data(self, item):
     Loads the CacheItem's YAML data from disk.
     path = item.path
         fh = open(path, "r")
         raw_data = yaml.load(fh)
     except IOError:
         raise TankFileDoesNotExistError("File does not exist: %s" % path)
     except Exception, e:
         raise TankError("Could not open file '%s'. Error reported: '%s'" % (path, e))
         # Since it wasn't an IOError it means we have an open
         # filehandle to close.
Example #53
def __tank_startup_node_callback():    
    Callback that fires every time a node gets created.
    Carefully manage exceptions here so that a bug in Tank never
    interrupts the normal workflows in Nuke.    
        # look for the root node - this is created only when a new or existing file is opened.
        tn = nuke.thisNode()
        if tn != nuke.root():
        if nuke.root().name() == "Root":
            # file->new
            # base it on the context we 'inherited' from the prev session
            # get the context from the previous session - this is helpful if user does file->new
            project_root = os.environ.get("TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_PROJECT_ROOT")
            tk = tank.Tank(project_root)
            ctx_yaml = os.environ.get("TANK_NUKE_ENGINE_INIT_CONTEXT")
            if ctx_yaml:
                    new_ctx = yaml.load(ctx_yaml)
                    new_ctx = tk.context_empty()
                new_ctx = tk.context_empty()
            # file->open
            file_name = nuke.root().name()
                tk = tank.tank_from_path(file_name)
            except tank.TankError, e:
            # try to get current ctx and inherit its values if possible
            curr_ctx = None
            if tank.platform.current_engine():
                curr_ctx = tank.platform.current_engine().context                
            new_ctx = tk.context_from_path(file_name, curr_ctx)
        # now restart the engine with the new context
        __engine_refresh(tk, new_ctx)
    def save_comments(self, file_path, comment):
        Add a comment to the comment file for the saved file.  The comments 
        are stored in the following format:
        {<file name> : {
            comment:    String - comment to store
            sg_user:    Shotgun entity dictionary representing the user that created the snapshot

        :param str file_path: path to the snapshot file.
        :param str comments: comment string to save.

        # clense the comment string
        orig_comment = comment
        comment = ""
        for c in orig_comment:
            if c in ['\n', ';', '\'', '}', '{', '`', '~', ':', '@', '<', '>', '\\']:
                comment += '_'
                comment += c

        # get comments file path:
        comments_file_path = self._get_comments_file_path(file_path)
        self._app.log_debug("Save_As: Adding comment to file %s" % comments_file_path)
        # load yml file
        comments = {}
        if os.path.exists(comments_file_path):
            comments = yaml.load(open(comments_file_path, "r"))

        # comment is now a dictionary so that we can also include the user:
        comments_value = {"comment":comment, "sg_user":self._app.context.user}
        # add entry for snapshot file:
        comments_key = os.path.basename(file_path)
        comments[comments_key] = comments_value
        # and save yml file
        old_umask = os.umask(0)
            yaml.dump(comments, open(comments_file_path, "w"))
Example #55
def __get_sg_config_data(shotgun_cfg_path, user="******"):
    Returns the shotgun configuration yml parameters given a config file.
    The shotgun.yml may look like:

        host: str
        api_script: str
        api_key: str
        http_proxy: str
        or may now look like:
            host: str
            api_script: str
            api_key: str
            http_proxy: str
            host: str
            api_script: str
            api_key: str
            http_proxy: str

    The optional user param refers to the <User> in the shotgun.yml.
    If a user is not found the old style is attempted.    
    :param shotgun_cfg_path: path to config file
    :param user: Optional user to pass when a multi-user config is being read 

    :returns: dictionary with key host and optional keys api_script, api_key and http_proxy

    # read in settings from shotgun.yml
    if not os.path.exists(shotgun_cfg_path):
        raise TankError("Could not find shotgun configuration file '%s'!" % shotgun_cfg_path)

    # load the config file
        open_file = open(shotgun_cfg_path)
            file_data = yaml.load(open_file)
    except Exception, error:
        raise TankError("Cannot load config file '%s'. Error: %s" % (shotgun_cfg_path, error))
Example #56
    def get_manifest(self, file_location):
        Returns the info.yml metadata associated with this descriptor.
        Note that this call involves deep introspection; in order to
        access the metadata we normally need to have the code content
        local, so this method may trigger a remote code fetch if necessary.

        :param file_location: Path relative to the root of the bundle where info.yml
            can be found.

        :returns: dictionary with the contents of info.yml
        if self.__manifest_data is None:
            # make sure payload exists locally
            if not self.exists_local():
                # @todo - at this point add to a metadata cache for performance
                # we can either just store it in a pickle, in order to avoid yaml parsing, which
                # is expensive, or if we want to be more fancy, we can maintain a single
                # "registry" file which holds the metadata for all known bundles in a single place.
                # given that all descriptors are immutable (except the ones where the immutable)
                # property returns false, we can keep adding to this global cache file over time.

            # get the metadata

            bundle_root = self.get_path()
            file_path = os.path.join(bundle_root, file_location)

            if not os.path.exists(file_path):
                # at this point we have downloaded the bundle, but it may have
                # an invalid internal structure.
                raise TankMissingManifestError("Toolkit metadata file '%s' missing." % file_path)

                file_data = open(file_path)
                    metadata = yaml.load(file_data)
            except Exception as exp:
                raise TankDescriptorError("Cannot load metadata file '%s'. Error: %s" % (file_path, exp))

            # cache it
            self.__manifest_data = metadata

        return self.__manifest_data
Example #57
def get_core_api_version_for_pc(pc_root):
    Returns the version number string for the core API, based on a given path
    # read this from info.yml
    info_yml_path = os.path.join(pc_root, "install", "core", "info.yml")
        info_fh = open(info_yml_path, "r")
            data = yaml.load(info_fh)
        data = str(data.get("version", "unknown"))
        data = "unknown"

    return data