Example #1
    def onApply(self, data):
        """Reads the information from the dialog and saves the task."""
        # Get the information from the dialog and save it to the database
        t = Task()

        # Make sure that there was text in the text box
        if len(self.widgets.get_widget('TaskEntry').get_text()) > 1:
            # Set the task name to the value of the text box
            t.name = self.widgets.get_widget('TaskEntry').get_text()

            # Set the priority to the value of the combo box
            t.priority = self.widgets.get_widget('PriorityEntry').get_active()

            # Set the status to not completed
            t.status = self.widgets.get_widget('StatusEntry').get_active()

            # Set the id of the task
            t.id = self.taskid

            # Set the due date of the task
            t.duedate = self.widgets.get_widget('DateEntry').get_date()

            # Save the task in the database

        # Close the dialog
Example #2
            errordialog = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_OK, 'Error in reading a task from database:\n\n' + message.message)

        # Fetch one result and store it
        result = cursor.fetchone()

        # Create a Task object to store the information in
        t = Task()

        # Set the values from the database results
        t.name = result[0]
        t.priority = result[1]
        t.status = result[2]
        t.id = result[3]
        t.duedate = (result[4], result[5], result[6])

        # Return the task object
        return t

    def readTasks(self):
        """Reads all of the tasks from the database and returns them in a list"""
        # Create a cursor for the database
        cursor = sqlite.connect(DBPATH).cursor()

        # Create a tuple with the constant for completed tasks for the query
        data = task.TASK_COMPLETED,

        # Try to get all of the tasks that are not completed
            cursor.execute('SELECT * from tasks\