def refresh_timestamps(task): ''' It refreshes the timestamps of the task. ''' # XXX split this function LOG.debug("Updating timestamps of task.") LOG.debug("Original task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(json.dumps(task))[:1024]) artifacts = task['payload'].get('artifacts', {}) for artifact, definition in artifacts.iteritems(): definition['expires'] = taskcluster_client.fromNow('%s days' % 365) # # TC workers create public logs which are 365 days; if the task expiration # date is the same or less than that we won't have logs for the task task['expires'] = taskcluster_client.fromNow('%s days' % (365 + 1)) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) task['created'] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(now) task['deadline'] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(tomorrow) LOG.debug("Contents of new task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(task)[:1024]) return task
def _recreate_task(task_id): one_year = 365 queue = taskcluster_client.Queue() task = queue.task(task_id) LOG.debug("Original task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(json.dumps(task))[:1024]) # Start updating the task task["taskId"] = taskcluster_client.slugId() artifacts = task["payload"].get("artifacts", {}) for artifact, definition in artifacts.iteritems(): definition["expires"] = taskcluster_client.fromNow("%s days" % one_year) # # TC workers create public logs which are 365 days; if the task expiration # date is the same or less than that we won't have logs for the task task["expires"] = taskcluster_client.fromNow("%s days" % (one_year + 1)) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) task["created"] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(now) task["deadline"] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(tomorrow) LOG.debug("Contents of new task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(task)[:1024]) return task
def _craft_default_task_definition( self, worker_type, provisioner_id, name, description, payload, dependencies=None, routes=None, scopes=None, treeherder=None, ): dependencies = [] if dependencies is None else dependencies scopes = [] if scopes is None else scopes routes = [] if routes is None else routes treeherder = {} if treeherder is None else treeherder created = deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') expires = taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN) if self.trust_level == 3: routes.append("tc-treeherder.v2.reference-browser.{}".format( self.commit)) return { "provisionerId": provisioner_id, "workerType": worker_type, "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "tags": {}, "priority": self.tasks_priority, "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "requires": "all-completed", "routes": routes, "scopes": scopes, "payload": payload, "extra": { "treeherder": treeherder, }, "metadata": { "name": "Reference-Browser - {}".format(name), "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source, }, }
def generate_task(name, description, command, dependencies=[], artifacts={}, scopes=[], routes=[]): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 month') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": "b-linux", "taskGroupId": TASK_ID, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "schedulerId": "taskcluster-github", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [TASK_ID] + dependencies, "routes": routes, "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "features": { "taskclusterProxy": True }, "maxRunTime": 7200, "image": "mozillamobile/focus-android:1.6", "command": [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", "git fetch %s %s && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout %s && %s" % (REPO_URL, BRANCH, COMMIT, command) ], "artifacts": artifacts, "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline) }, "provisionerId": "mobile-3", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": OWNER, "source": SOURCE } }
def create_fxaclient_task(): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": 'github-worker', "taskGroupId": TASK_ID, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "schedulerId": "taskcluster-github", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [TASK_ID], "routes": [], "scopes": [], "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "features": {}, "maxRunTime": 7200, "image": "mozillamobile/rust-component:buildtools-27.0.3-ndk-r15c-ndk-version-21-rust-stable-rust-beta", "command": [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-cx", "export TERM=dumb && git clone %s && cd application-services && git fetch %s %s && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout %s && ./scripts/" % (REPO_URL, REPO_URL, BRANCH, COMMIT) ], "artifacts": { "public/bin/mozilla/": { "type": "file", "path": "/build/application-services/fxa-client/", }, }, "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline) }, "provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1", "metadata": { "name": "application-services - FxA client library", "description": "Building FxA client Rust library and native code dependencies", "owner": "*****@*****.**", "source": "" } }
def build_push_task(self, signing_task_id, name, description, apks=[], scopes=[], channel='internal', commit=False): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": 'mobile-3-pushapk', "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id, signing_task_id], "routes": [], "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "commit": commit, "channel": channel, "upstreamArtifacts": [{ "paths": apks, "taskId": signing_task_id, "taskType": "signing" }] }, "provisionerId": "scriptworker-k8s", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": "*****@*****.**", "source": "" } }
def massager_task(self, name, description, command, dependencies=[], scopes=[], features={}, artifacts={}, upstreamZip=[]): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": "gecko-focus", "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "schedulerId": "taskcluster-github", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "routes": [], "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "maxRunTime": 3600, "features": features, "image": "mozillamobile/android-components:1.4", "command": [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-cx", command, ], "artifacts": artifacts, "upstreamZip": upstreamZip, "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline) }, "provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source } }
def craft_assemble_release_task(self, architectures, channel, is_staging, version_name): artifacts = { 'public/target.{}.apk'.format(arch): { "type": 'file', "path": '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/' '{arch}/{channel}/app-{arch}-{channel}-unsigned.apk'.format( arch=arch, channel=channel), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate( taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } for arch in architectures } if is_staging: secret_index = 'garbage/staging/project/mobile/fenix' else: secret_index = 'project/mobile/fenix/{}'.format(channel) pre_gradle_commands = ( 'python automation/taskcluster/helper/ -s {} -k {} -f {}' .format(secret_index, key, target_file) for key, target_file in ( ('sentry_dsn', '.sentry_token'), ('leanplum', '.leanplum_token'), ('adjust', '.adjust_token'), )) capitalized_channel = upper_case_first_letter(channel) gradle_commands = ( './gradlew --no-daemon -PversionName={} clean test assemble{}'. format(version_name, capitalized_channel), ) command = ' && '.join(cmd for commands in (pre_gradle_commands, gradle_commands) for cmd in commands if cmd) routes = [] if is_staging else [ "[email protected]" ] return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='Build {} task'.format(capitalized_channel), description='Build Fenix {} from source code'.format( capitalized_channel), command=command, scopes=["secrets:get:{}".format(secret_index)], artifacts=artifacts, routes=routes, treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'build', 'machine': { 'platform': 'android-all', }, 'symbol': '{}-A'.format(channel), 'tier': 1, }, )
def _craft_shell_task(self, name, script, scopes, artifacts): single_command = ' && '.join([line.strip() for line in script.split('\n') if line.strip()]) bash_command = [ '/bin/bash', '--login', '-cx', f'export TERM=dumb && {single_command}' ] return { 'taskGroupId': self.task_group_id, 'provisionerId': 'aws-provisioner-v1', 'schedulerId': 'taskcluster-github', 'workerType': 'github-worker', 'created': taskcluster.stringDate(, 'deadline': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 day')), 'scopes': scopes, 'payload': { 'maxRunTime': 3600, 'image': 'mozillamobile/firefox-tv:2.3', 'command': bash_command, 'artifacts': artifacts, 'features': { 'taskclusterProxy': True, } }, 'metadata': { 'name': name, 'description': '', 'owner': self.owner, 'source': f'{self.repo_url}/raw/{self.commit}/.taskcluster.yml', } }
def generate_build_task(apks, is_staging): artifacts = { 'public/{}'.format(os.path.basename(apk)): { "type": 'file', "path": apk, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 year')), } for apk in apks } checkout = ("export TERM=dumb && git fetch {} {} --tags && " "git config advice.detachedHead false && " "git checkout {}".format(GITHUB_HTTP_REPOSITORY, HEAD_BRANCH, HEAD_REV)) sentry_secret = '{}project/mobile/fenix/sentry'.format( 'garbage/staging/' if is_staging else '') return taskcluster.slugId(), BUILDER.build_task( name="(Fenix) Build task", description="Build Fenix from source code.", command= (checkout + ' && python automation/taskcluster/helper/' ' -s {} -k dsn -f .sentry_token'.format(sentry_secret) + ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReports=true clean test assembleRelease' ), features={ "chainOfTrust": True, "taskclusterProxy": True }, artifacts=artifacts, scopes=["secrets:get:{}".format(sentry_secret)])
def generate_ui_test_task(dependencies): task_name = "(Focus for Android) UI tests" task_description = "Run UI tests for Focus for Android." build_dir = "assembleFocusDebug" build_dir_test = "assembleFocusDebugAndroidTest" return taskcluster.slugId(), generate_task( name=task_name, description=task_description, command=('echo "--" > .adjust_token' ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon clean ' + build_dir + ' ' + build_dir_test + ' ' ' && ./tools/taskcluster/' ' && ./tools/taskcluster/'), dependencies=dependencies, scopes=['secrets:get:project/focus/firebase'], routes=['notify.irc-channel.#android-ci.on-any'], artifacts={ "public": { "type": "directory", "path": "/opt/focus-android/test_artifacts", "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 week')) } })
def generate_build_task(apks): artifacts = { 'public/{}'.format(os.path.basename(apk)): { "type": 'file', "path": "/build/reference-browser/{}".format(apk), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 year')), } for apk in apks } checkout = 'git clone {} && cd reference-browser && git checkout {}'.format( GITHUB_HTTP_REPOSITORY, HEAD_REV) return taskcluster.slugId(), BUILDER.build_task( name="(Reference Browser) Build task", description="Build Reference Browser from source code.", command= ('cd .. && ' + checkout + ' && python automation/taskcluster/helper/' ' -s project/mobile/reference-browser/sentry -k dsn -f .sentry_token' ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReportEnabled=true -Ptelemetry=true clean test assembleRelease' ), features={ "chainOfTrust": True, "taskclusterProxy": True }, artifacts=artifacts, scopes=["secrets:get:project/mobile/reference-browser/sentry"])
def generate_build_task(info): checkout = ("export TERM=dumb && git fetch {} {} && " "git config advice.detachedHead false && " "git checkout {} ".format(REPO_URL, BRANCH, HEAD_REV)) artifacts = { info["artifact"]: { 'type': 'file', 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 year')), 'path': info['path'] } } module_name = ":{}".format(info['name']) return taskcluster.slugId(), BUILDER.build_task( name='Android Components - Module {}'.format(module_name), description='Building and testing module {}'.format(module_name), command=(checkout + ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon clean ' + "-Psnapshot " + " ".join([ "{}:{}".format(module_name, gradle_task) for gradle_task in ['assemble', 'test', 'lint'] ]) + " uploadArchives zipMavenArtifacts"), features={ "chainOfTrust": True, "taskclusterProxy": True }, worker_type='gecko-focus', scopes=[], artifacts=artifacts, )
def generate_release_task(uiTestTaskId): return taskcluster.slugId(), generate_task( name="(Focus for Android) Preview release", description= "Build preview versions for testing Focus/Klar for Android.", command=( 'echo "--" > .adjust_token' ' && ./gradlew clean assembleBeta' ' && python tools/taskcluster/' ' && touch /opt/focus-android/builds/`date +"%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%-H-%%M"`' ' && touch /opt/focus-android/builds/' + COMMIT), dependencies=[uiTestTaskId], scopes=[ "secrets:get:project/focus/preview-key-store", "" ], routes=[""], artifacts={ "public": { "type": "directory", "path": "/opt/focus-android/builds", "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 week')) } })
def test_putUrl_upload(randbytes): """Test that upload works with a custom sync reader factory.""" data = randbytes(10240) # >8k to avoid using dataInline uploaded_data = b'' class Server(httptest.Handler): def do_PUT(self): nonlocal uploaded_data uploaded_data = self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() def readerFactory(): return io.BytesIO(data) with httptest.Server(Server) as ts: objectService = FakeObject(ts) upload.upload( projectId="taskcluster", expires=taskcluster.fromNow('1 hour'), contentType="text/plain", contentLength=len(data), name="some/object", readerFactory=readerFactory, objectService=objectService) assert uploaded_data == data
async def test_file_upload_download(objectService, tmp_path): src = tmp_path / "src" dest = tmp_path / "dest" data = secrets.token_bytes(102400) with open(src, "wb") as f: f.write(data) name = f"taskcluster/test/client-py/{taskcluster.slugid.v4()}" with open(src, "rb") as file: await upload.uploadFromFile( projectId="taskcluster", name=name, contentType="text/plain", contentLength=len(data), expires=taskcluster.fromNow('1 hour'), file=file, objectService=objectService) with open(dest, "wb") as file: contentType = await download.downloadToFile( name=name, file=file, objectService=objectService) with open(dest, "rb") as f: got = assert got == data assert contentType == 'text/plain'
def craft_dependencies_task(self): # Output the dependencies to an artifact. This is used by the # telemetry probe scraper to determine all of the metrics that # Fenix might send (both from itself and any of its dependent # libraries that use Glean). return self._craft_clean_gradle_task( name='dependencies', description='Write dependencies to a build artifact', gradle_task= 'app:dependencies --configuration implementation > dependencies.txt', treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'test', 'machine': { 'platform': 'lint', }, 'symbol': 'dependencies', 'tier': 1, }, routes=[ '{}'. format(self.commit) ], artifacts={ 'public/dependencies.txt': { "type": 'file', "path": '/opt/fenix/dependencies.txt', "expires": taskcluster.stringDate( taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } }, )
async def test_putUrl_upload_fails_retried_succeeds(randbytes): "When a putUrl upload's PUT fails with a 500, an exception is raised" data = randbytes(10240) # >8k to avoid using dataInline attempts = 0 class Server(httptest.Handler): def do_PUT(self): nonlocal attempts attempts += 1 if attempts > 2: self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(500) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'uhoh') with httptest.Server(Server) as ts: objectService = FakeObject(ts) await upload.upload_from_buf( projectId="taskcluster", expires=taskcluster.fromNow('1 hour'), contentType="text/plain", contentLength=len(data), name="some/object", data=data, objectService=objectService) assert attempts == 3
def craft_build_task(self, module_name, gradle_tasks, subtitle='', run_coverage=False, is_snapshot=False, component=None, artifacts=None, timestamp=None): taskcluster_artifacts = {} # component is not None when this is a release build, in which case artifacts is defined too if component is not None: taskcluster_artifacts = { artifact['taskcluster_path']: { 'type': 'file', 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), 'path': artifact['build_fs_path'], } for artifact in artifacts } scopes = [ "secrets:get:project/mobile/android-components/public-tokens" ] if run_coverage else [] snapshot_flag = '-Psnapshot -Ptimestamp={} '.format(timestamp) if is_snapshot else '' coverage_flag = '-Pcoverage ' if run_coverage else '' gradle_command = ( './gradlew --no-daemon clean ' + coverage_flag + snapshot_flag + gradle_tasks ) post_gradle_command = 'automation/taskcluster/action/' if run_coverage else '' command = ' && '.join(cmd for cmd in (gradle_command, post_gradle_command) if cmd) return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='Android Components - Module {} {}'.format(module_name, subtitle), description='Execute Gradle tasks for module {}'.format(module_name), command=command, scopes=scopes, artifacts=taskcluster_artifacts )
def generate_build_task(apks, tag): artifacts = {} for apk in apks: artifact = { "type": 'file', "path": apk, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 year')) } artifacts["public/%s" % os.path.basename(apk)] = artifact checkout = "git fetch origin && git reset --hard origin/master" if tag is None else "git fetch origin && git checkout %s" % (tag) assemble_task = 'assembleNightly' if tag: # Non-tagged (nightly) builds should contain all languages checkout = checkout + ' && python tools/l10n/' assemble_task = 'assembleRelease' return taskcluster.slugId(), BUILDER.build_task( name="(Focus for Android) Build task", description="Build Focus/Klar from source code.", command=(checkout + ' && python tools/taskcluster/' ' && python tools/taskcluster/' ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon clean test ' + assemble_task), features = { "chainOfTrust": True }, artifacts = artifacts, worker_type='gecko-focus', scopes=[ "secrets:get:project/focus/tokens" ])
def craft_ui_tests_task(self): artifacts = { "public": { "type": "directory", "path": "/build/reference-browser/results", "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)) } } env_vars = { "GOOGLE_PROJECT": "moz-reference-browser-230023", "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": ".firebase_token.json" } gradle_commands = ( './gradlew --no-daemon clean assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest', ) test_commands = ( 'automation/taskcluster/androidTest/ arm -1', ) command = ' && '.join(cmd for commands in (gradle_commands, test_commands) for cmd in commands if cmd) return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='UI tests', description='Execute Gradle tasks for UI tests', command=command, scopes=['secrets:get:project/mobile/reference-browser/firebase'], artifacts=artifacts, env_vars=env_vars, )
def generate_build_task(version, artifact_info, is_snapshot): checkout = ("export TERM=dumb && git fetch {} {} --tags && " "git config advice.detachedHead false && " "git checkout {}".format(REPO_URL, BRANCH, HEAD_REV)) artifacts = { artifact_info['artifact']: { 'type': 'file', 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow('1 year')), 'path': artifact_info['path'] } } snapshot_flag = '-Psnapshot ' if is_snapshot else '' module_name = _get_gradle_module_name(artifact_info['name']) gradle_tasks_for_this_module_only = ' '.join( '{}:{}{}'.format(module_name, gradle_task, '' if is_snapshot else 'Release') for gradle_task in BUILD_GRADLE_TASK_NAMES) return taskcluster.slugId(), BUILDER.craft_build_ish_task( name='Android Components - Module {} ({})'.format( module_name, version), description='Building and testing module {}'.format(module_name), command=(checkout + ' && ./gradlew --no-daemon clean ' + snapshot_flag + gradle_tasks_for_this_module_only + ' uploadArchives zipMavenArtifacts'), features={ 'chainOfTrust': True, }, scopes=[], artifacts=artifacts)
def test_putUrl_upload_fails_retried(randbytes): "When a putUrl upload's PUT fails with a 500, an exception is raised" data = randbytes(10240) # >8k to avoid using dataInline attempts = 0 class Server(httptest.Handler): def do_PUT(self): nonlocal attempts attempts += 1 self.send_response(500) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b'uhoh') with httptest.Server(Server) as ts: objectService = FakeObject(ts) with pytest.raises(aiohttp.ClientResponseError): upload.uploadFromBuf( projectId="taskcluster", expires=taskcluster.fromNow('1 hour'), contentType="text/plain", contentLength=len(data), name="some/object", data=data, objectService=objectService) assert attempts == 6 # one try plus five retries
def craft_push_task(self, signing_task_id, name, description, is_staging, apks=[], scopes=[], track='internal', commit=False): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": 'mobile-pushapk-dep-v1' if is_staging else 'mobile-pushapk-v1', "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id, signing_task_id], "routes": [], "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "commit": commit, "google_play_track": track, "upstreamArtifacts": [{ "paths": apks, "taskId": signing_task_id, "taskType": "signing" }] }, "provisionerId": "scriptworker-prov-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source } }
def build_task(self, name, description, command, dependencies=[], artifacts={}, scopes=[], routes=[], features={}, worker_type='github-worker'): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') features = features.copy() features.update({"taskclusterProxy": True}) return { "workerType": worker_type, "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "schedulerId": "taskcluster-github", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "routes": routes, "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "features": features, "maxRunTime": 7200, "image": "mozillamobile/android-components:1.4", "command": ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-cx", command], "artifacts": artifacts, "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline) }, "provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source } }
def beetmover_task(self, name, description, version, artifact_id, dependencies=[], upstreamArtifacts=[], scopes=[], worker_type='mobile-beetmover-v1', is_snapshot=False): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": worker_type, "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "routes": [], "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "maxRunTime": 600, "upstreamArtifacts": upstreamArtifacts, "releaseProperties": { "appName": "snapshot_components" if is_snapshot else "components", }, "version": "{}-SNAPSHOT".format(version) if is_snapshot else version, "artifact_id": artifact_id }, "provisionerId": "scriptworker-prov-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source } }
def craft_default_task_definition(self, worker_type, provisioner_id, dependencies, routes, scopes, name, description, payload, treeherder): created = deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') expires = taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN) return { "provisionerId": provisioner_id, "workerType": worker_type, "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "tags": {}, "priority": self.tasks_priority, "dependencies": [self.task_id] + dependencies, "requires": "all-completed", "routes": ["tc-treeherder.v2.reference-browser.{}".format(self.commit)] + routes, "scopes": scopes, "payload": payload, "extra": { "treeherder": treeherder, }, "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source, }, }
def craft_assemble_release_task(self, architectures, is_staging=False): artifacts = { 'public/target.{}.apk'.format(arch): { "type": 'file', "path": '/opt/fenix/app/build/outputs/apk/' '{}Greenfield/release/app-{}-greenfield-release-unsigned.apk'. format(arch, arch), "expires": taskcluster.stringDate( taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } for arch in architectures } sentry_secret = '{}project/mobile/fenix/sentry'.format( 'garbage/staging/' if is_staging else '') leanplum_secret = '{}project/mobile/fenix/leanplum'.format( 'garbage/staging/' if is_staging else '') pre_gradle_commands = ( 'python automation/taskcluster/helper/ -s {} -k {} -f {}' .format(secret, key, target_file) for secret, key, target_file in ( (sentry_secret, 'dsn', '.sentry_token'), (leanplum_secret, 'production', '.leanplum_token'), )) gradle_commands = ( './gradlew --no-daemon -PcrashReports=true -Ptelemetry=true clean test assembleRelease', ) command = ' && '.join(cmd for commands in (pre_gradle_commands, gradle_commands) for cmd in commands if cmd) routes = [] if is_staging else [ "[email protected]" ] return self._craft_build_ish_task( name='Build task', description='Build Fenix from source code', command=command, scopes=[ "secrets:get:{}".format(secret) for secret in (sentry_secret, leanplum_secret) ], artifacts=artifacts, routes=routes, treeherder={ 'jobKind': 'build', 'machine': { 'platform': 'android-all', }, 'symbol': 'NA', 'tier': 1, }, )
def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant): return { 'public/target.apk': { 'type': 'file', 'path': _craft_apk_full_path_from_variant(variant), 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } }
def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant): return { DEFAULT_APK_ARTIFACT_LOCATION: { 'type': 'file', 'path': variant.apk_absolute_path(), 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } }
def _craft_artifacts_from_variant(variant): return { apk.taskcluster_path: { 'type': 'file', 'path': apk.absolute_path(variant.build_type), 'expires': taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN)), } for apk in variant.apks }
def craft_signing_task(self, build_task_id, name, description, signing_format, is_staging, apks=[], scopes=[], routes=[]): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": 'mobile-signing-dep-v1' if is_staging else 'mobile-signing-v1', "taskGroupId": self.task_id, "schedulerId": self.scheduler_id, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [self.task_id, build_task_id], "routes": routes, "scopes": scopes, "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "maxRunTime": 3600, "upstreamArtifacts": [{ "paths": apks, "formats": [signing_format], "taskId": build_task_id, "taskType": "build" }] }, "provisionerId": "scriptworker-prov-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": self.owner, "source": self.source } }
def create_task(name, description, command): created = expires = taskcluster.fromNow('1 year') deadline = taskcluster.fromNow('1 day') return { "workerType": 'github-worker', "taskGroupId": TASK_ID, "expires": taskcluster.stringDate(expires), "retries": 5, "created": taskcluster.stringDate(created), "tags": {}, "priority": "lowest", "schedulerId": "taskcluster-github", "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline), "dependencies": [ TASK_ID ], "routes": [], "scopes": [], "requires": "all-completed", "payload": { "features": {}, "maxRunTime": 7200, "image": "mozillamobile/mentat:1.1", "command": [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-cx", "export TERM=dumb && git fetch %s %s && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout %s && cd sdks/android/Mentat && ./gradlew --no-daemon clean %s" % (REPO_URL, BRANCH, COMMIT, command) ], "artifacts": {}, "deadline": taskcluster.stringDate(deadline) }, "provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1", "metadata": { "name": name, "description": description, "owner": "*****@*****.**", "source": "" } }
def retrigger_task(task_id, dry_run=False): """ Given a task id (our uuid) we query it and build a new task based on the old one which we schedule on TaskCluster. We don't call the rerun API since we can't rerun a task past its deadline, instead we create a new task with a new taskGroupId, expiration, creation and deadline values. task_id (int) - ID that identifies a task on Taskcluster dry_run (bool) - Default to False. If True, it won't trigger a task. returns - 0 for dry_run case, -1 for any failure or the task id (int) of a succesful retriggered task. """ one_year = 365 new_task_id = 0 try: queue = taskcluster_client.Queue() task = queue.task(task_id) LOG.debug("Original task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(json.dumps(task))[:1024]) new_task_id = taskcluster_client.slugId() artifacts = task['payload'].get('artifacts', {}) for artifact, definition in artifacts.iteritems(): definition['expires'] = taskcluster_client.fromNow('%s days' % one_year) # The task group will be identified by the ID of the only # task in the group task['taskGroupId'] = new_task_id # # TC workers create public logs which are 365 days; if the task expiration # date is the same or less than that we won't have logs for the task task['expires'] = taskcluster_client.fromNow('%s days' % (one_year + 1)) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=24) task['created'] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(now) task['deadline'] = taskcluster_client.stringDate(tomorrow) LOG.debug("Contents of new task: (Limit 1024 char)") LOG.debug(str(task)[:1024]) if not dry_run:"Attempting to schedule new task with task_id: {}".format(new_task_id)) result = queue.createTask(new_task_id, task) LOG.debug(json.dumps(result))"{}/task-inspector/#{}".format(TASKCLUSTER_TOOLS_HOST, new_task_id)) else:"Dry-run mode: Nothing was retriggered.") except taskcluster_client.exceptions.TaskclusterRestFailure as e: traceback.print_exc() new_task_id = -1 except taskcluster_client.exceptions.TaskclusterAuthFailure as e: # Hack until we fix it in the issue if str(e) == "Authorization Failed": LOG.error("The taskclaster client that you specified is lacking " "the right set of scopes.") LOG.error("Run this same command with --debug and you will see " "the missing scopes (the output comes from the " "taskcluster python client)") elif str(e) == "Authentication Error": LOG.error("Make sure that you create permanent credentials and you " "set these environment variables: TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID & " "TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN") new_task_id = -1 return new_task_id
def from_now_json(self, offset): """ Same as `taskcluster.fromNowJSON`, but uses the creation time of `self` for “now”. """ return taskcluster.stringDate(taskcluster.fromNow(offset,