Example #1
	def Test_C_poll(self):
		log_level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel()

		poll_fd, poll_send = self.self_pipe()

		poll = taskforce.poll.poll()
		poll.register(poll_fd, taskforce.poll.POLLIN)

		#  Check active poll
		os.write(poll_send, '\0'.encode('utf-8'))
		evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
		self.dump_evlist(poll, 'active poll', evlist)
		assert evlist
		assert len(os.read(poll_fd, 10)) == 1

		#  Check timeout
		evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
		self.dump_evlist(poll, 'timeout poll', evlist)
		assert evlist == []

		#  Check timeout accuracy
		start = time.time()
		delay = 500
		evlist = poll.poll(timeout=500)
		self.dump_evlist(poll, 'timeout accuracy', evlist)
		assert evlist == []
		delta = abs(time.time() - start - delay/1000.0)
		self.log.info("%s poll timeout delta from wall clock %s", my(self), deltafmt(delta, decimals=6))
		assert delta < 0.1

		if poll.get_mode() == taskforce.poll.PL_SELECT:
			self.log.warning("%s Default mode is PL_SELECT so retest skipped", my(self))
			poll = taskforce.poll.poll()
			poll.register(poll_fd, taskforce.poll.POLLIN)

			#  Check active poll
			os.write(poll_send, '\0'.encode('utf-8'))
			evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
			self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select active poll', evlist)
			assert evlist
			assert len(os.read(poll_fd, 10)) == 1

			#  Check timeout
			evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
			self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select timeout poll', evlist)
			assert evlist == []

			#  Check timeout accuracy
			start = time.time()
			delay = 500
			evlist = poll.poll(timeout=500)
			self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select timeout accuracy', evlist)
			assert evlist == []
			delta = abs(time.time() - start - delay/1000.0)
			self.log.info("%s select poll timeout delta from wall clock %s", my(self), deltafmt(delta, decimals=6))
			assert delta < 0.1

Example #2
    def get_process_count(self, httpc, taskname, expect=None):
        count = None
        initial_delay = 0.5
        backoff_delay = 3.0
        max_delay = 8.0
        max_attempts = 10
        delay = initial_delay
        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
            self.log.debug("%s Attempt %d", my(self), attempt + 1)
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks')
            if taskname in resp and 'processes' in resp[taskname]:
                count = 0
                for proc in resp[taskname]['processes']:
                    if proc.get('pid'):
                        count += 1
                if attempt + 1 < max_attempts:
                        "%s Task '%s' has %d process%s, expecting %s, next attempt in %s",
                        my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect,
                        "%s Task '%s' has %d process%s, expecting %s, giving up",
                        my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect)
                count = None
                self.log.info("%s Task '%s' not found, expecting %s processes",
                              my(self), taskname, expect)
            if expect is None:
                    "%s Task '%s' has %d process%s with no expectation",
                    my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
                return count
            elif count == expect:
                self.log.info("%s Task '%s' has all %d expected process%s",
                              my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
                return count
            for tname in resp.keys():
                count = 0
                for proc in resp[tname]['processes']:
                    if proc.get('pid'):
                        count += 1
                self.log.debug("While waiting, task '%s' has %d process%s",
                               tname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
            self.log.debug("%s Next attempt in %s", my(self), deltafmt(delay))
            delay += backoff_delay
            if delay > max_delay: delay = max_delay

        if count is None:
            raise Exception("No processes seen for task '%s', %d expected" %
                            (taskname, expected))
            raise Exception("Task '%s' has %d process%s, %d expected" %
                            (taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect))
Example #3
    def Test_C_poll(self):
        log_level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel()

        poll_fd, poll_send = self.self_pipe()

        poll = taskforce.poll.poll()
        poll.register(poll_fd, taskforce.poll.POLLIN)

        #  Check active poll
        os.write(poll_send, '\0'.encode('utf-8'))
        evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
        self.dump_evlist(poll, 'active poll', evlist)
        assert evlist
        assert len(os.read(poll_fd, 10)) == 1

        #  Check timeout
        evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
        self.dump_evlist(poll, 'timeout poll', evlist)
        assert evlist == []

        #  Check timeout accuracy
        start = time.time()
        delay = 500
        evlist = poll.poll(timeout=500)
        self.dump_evlist(poll, 'timeout accuracy', evlist)
        assert evlist == []
        delta = abs(time.time() - start - delay/1000.0)
        self.log.info("%s poll timeout delta from wall clock %s", my(self), deltafmt(delta, decimals=6))
        assert delta < 0.1

        if poll.get_mode() == taskforce.poll.PL_SELECT:
            self.log.warning("%s Default mode is PL_SELECT so retest skipped", my(self))
            poll = taskforce.poll.poll()
            poll.register(poll_fd, taskforce.poll.POLLIN)

            #  Check active poll
            os.write(poll_send, '\0'.encode('utf-8'))
            evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
            self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select active poll', evlist)
            assert evlist
            assert len(os.read(poll_fd, 10)) == 1

            #  Check timeout
            evlist = poll.poll(timeout=30)
            self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select timeout poll', evlist)
            assert evlist == []

            #  Check timeout accuracy
            start = time.time()
            delay = 500
            evlist = poll.poll(timeout=500)
            self.dump_evlist(poll, 'select timeout accuracy', evlist)
            assert evlist == []
            delta = abs(time.time() - start - delay/1000.0)
            self.log.info("%s select poll timeout delta from wall clock %s", my(self), deltafmt(delta, decimals=6))
            assert delta < 0.1

Example #4
    def get_process_count(self, httpc, taskname, expect=None):
        count = None
        initial_delay = 0.5
        backoff_delay = 3.0
        max_delay = 8.0
        max_attempts = 10
        delay = initial_delay
        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
            self.log.debug("%s Attempt %d", my(self), attempt+1)
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks')
            if taskname in resp and 'processes' in resp[taskname]:
                count = 0
                for proc in resp[taskname]['processes']:
                    if proc.get('pid'):
                        count += 1
                if attempt+1 < max_attempts:
                    self.log.info("%s Task '%s' has %d process%s, expecting %s, next attempt in %s",
                            my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect, deltafmt(delay))
                    self.log.error("%s Task '%s' has %d process%s, expecting %s, giving up",
                            my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect)
                count = None
                self.log.info("%s Task '%s' not found, expecting %s processes", my(self), taskname, expect)
            if expect is None:
                self.log.info("%s Task '%s' has %d process%s with no expectation",
                            my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
                return count
            elif count == expect:
                self.log.info("%s Task '%s' has all %d expected process%s",
                            my(self), taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
                return count
            for tname in resp.keys():
                count = 0
                for proc in resp[tname]['processes']:
                    if proc.get('pid'):
                        count += 1
                self.log.debug("While waiting, task '%s' has %d process%s", tname, count, ses(count, 'es'))
            self.log.debug("%s Next attempt in %s", my(self), deltafmt(delay))
            delay += backoff_delay
            if delay > max_delay: delay = max_delay

        if count is None:
            raise Exception("No processes seen for task '%s', %d expected" % (taskname, expected))
            raise Exception("Task '%s' has %d process%s, %d expected" % (taskname, count, ses(count, 'es'), expect))
Example #5
 def start_client(self, address, use_ssl=None):
     start = time.time()
     give_up = start + 10
     last_exc = None
     while time.time() < give_up:
             httpc = taskforce.http.Client(address=address, use_ssl=use_ssl, log=self.log)
             last_exc = None
         except Exception as e:
             last_exc = e
             self.log.debug("%s Connection attempt failed after %s -- %s",
                             my(self), deltafmt(time.time() - start), str(e))
     if last_exc:
         self.log.error("%s Connection attempt failed after %s -- %s",
                         my(self), deltafmt(time.time() - start), str(e), exc_info=True)
         raise last_exc
     return httpc
Example #6
 def start_client(self, address, use_ssl=None):
     start = time.time()
     give_up = start + 10
     last_exc = None
     while time.time() < give_up:
             httpc = taskforce.http.Client(address=address, use_ssl=use_ssl, log=self.log)
             last_exc = None
         except Exception as e:
             last_exc = e
             self.log.debug("%s Connection attempt failed after %s -- %s",
                             my(self), deltafmt(time.time() - start), str(e))
     if last_exc:
         self.log.error("%s Connection attempt failed after %s -- %s",
                         my(self), deltafmt(time.time() - start), str(e), exc_info=True)
         raise last_exc
     return httpc
Example #7
    def Test_D_deltafmt(self):

        short_match = re.compile(r'^0\.\d+s$')
        now = time.time()
        delta = utils.deltafmt(time.time()-now, decimals=6)
        self.log.info("Delta = %s", delta)
        assert short_match.match(delta)

        assert utils.deltafmt(time.time()-now) == '0.00s'

        assert utils.deltafmt('abc') == '(bad delta: abc)'

        known_deltas = {
            60.0: '1m0.0s',
            600.0: '10m0s',
            3600.0: '1h0m0s',
            2*24*3600+60.0: '48h1m0s'
        for delta, expected in known_deltas.items():
            res = utils.deltafmt(delta)
            self.log.info("Delta of %.2f = %s", delta, res)
            assert res == expected
Example #8
    def Test_A_https_tcp_status(self):

        httpc = self.start_tf(self.tcp_address, use_ssl=False)

        #  Check the version info is sane
        resp = httpc.getmap('/status/version')
        self.log.info("Version info: %s", str(resp))
        assert 'taskforce' in resp
        assert 'platform' in resp
        #  This is not a control path, so the os release and platform should be hidden
        assert 'release' not in resp['platform']
        assert 'platform' not in resp['platform']

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/version?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'version' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'version' exception on bad format: %s",
                          my(self), str(e))

        give_up = time.time() + 30
        toi = 'db_server'
        toi_started = None
        while time.time() < give_up:
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks')
            self.log.debug('Resp %s', json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
            if toi in resp:
                if 'processes' in resp[toi] and len(
                        resp[toi]['processes']) > 0:
                    if 'started_t' in resp[toi]['processes'][0]:
                        toi_started = resp[toi]['processes'][0]['started_t']
                            "%s Task of interest '%s' started %s ago",
                            my(self), toi, deltafmt(time.time() - toi_started))
                        self.log.info("%s Task of interest '%s' is has procs",
                                      my(self), toi)
                    self.log.info("%s Task of interest '%s' is known",
                                  my(self), toi)

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'tasks' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'tasks' exception on bad format: %s",
                          my(self), str(e))

        #  Check the config info is sane
        resp = httpc.getmap('/status/config?pending=0')
        assert 'tasks' in resp

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/config?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'config' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'config' exception on bad format: %s",
                          my(self), str(e))

        support.check_procsim_errors(self.__module__, env, log=self.log)

        assert toi_started is not None
Example #9
    def Test_A_https_tcp_status(self):

        httpc = self.start_tf(self.tcp_address, use_ssl=False)

        #  Check the version info is sane
        resp = httpc.getmap('/status/version')
        self.log.info("Version info: %s", str(resp))
        assert 'taskforce' in resp
        assert 'platform' in resp
        #  This is not a control path, so the os release and platform should be hidden
        assert 'release' not in resp['platform']
        assert 'platform' not in resp['platform']

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/version?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'version' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'version' exception on bad format: %s", my(self), str(e))

        give_up = time.time() + 30
        toi = 'db_server'
        toi_started = None
        while time.time() < give_up:
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks')
            self.log.debug('Resp %s', json.dumps(resp, indent=4))
            if toi in resp:
                if 'processes' in resp[toi] and len(resp[toi]['processes']) > 0:
                    if 'started_t' in resp[toi]['processes'][0]:
                        toi_started = resp[toi]['processes'][0]['started_t']
                        self.log.info("%s Task of interest '%s' started %s ago",
                                my(self), toi, deltafmt(time.time() - toi_started))
                        self.log.info("%s Task of interest '%s' is has procs", my(self), toi)
                    self.log.info("%s Task of interest '%s' is known", my(self), toi)

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/tasks?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'tasks' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'tasks' exception on bad format: %s", my(self), str(e))

        #  Check the config info is sane
        resp = httpc.getmap('/status/config?pending=0')
        assert 'tasks' in resp

        #  Try a bogus format
            resp = httpc.getmap('/status/config?indent=4&fmt=xml')
            assert "No 'config' exception on bad 'fmt'" is False
        except taskforce.http.HttpError as e:
            self.log.info("%s Expected 'config' exception on bad format: %s", my(self), str(e))

        support.check_procsim_errors(self.__module__, env, log=self.log)

        assert toi_started is not None
Example #10
    def Test_L_pidclaim(self):
        args = list(sys.argv)
        pidfile = './%s-%s.pid' % (utils.appname(), env.edition)

        #  Run the test as a forked process so we can test for
        #  pid file creation and removal.
        start = time.time()
        pid = os.fork()
        if pid == 0:
            args = ['pidclaim']
            self.set_path('PYTHONPATH', env.base_dir)
            if 'NOSE_WITH_COVERAGE' in os.environ:
                exe = 'coverage'
                exe = 'python'
            args.extend(['tests/scripts/pidclaim', pidfile])
            self.log.info("%s child, running '%s' %s", my(self), exe, args)
            os.execvp(exe, args)
            self.log.info("Child PID is: %d", pid)
            with open(pidfile, 'r') as f:
                claim_pid = int(f.readline().strip())
                self.log.info("PID read back as: %d", claim_pid)
            assert claim_pid == pid
            (wpid, status) = os.wait()
            self.log.info("Child ran %s", utils.deltafmt(time.time() - start, decimals=3))
            self.log.info("Child %s", utils.statusfmt(status))
            assert status == 0
            assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)

        #  Bad pid param
        log_level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel()
            #  Mask the log message as we expect a failure
            expected_error_occurred = False
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.info("%s Received expected bad pid error -- %s", my(self), str(e))
            expected_error_occurred = True
        assert expected_error_occurred

        #  Invalid pid param
        log_level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel()
            #  Mask the log message as we expect a failure
            expected_error_occurred = False
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.info("%s Received expected invalid pid error -- %s", my(self), str(e))
            expected_error_occurred = True
        assert expected_error_occurred