Example #1
def test_asdict():
    """_asdict() should return a dictionary."""
    t_task = Task('do something', 'okken', True, 21)
    t_dict = t_task._asdict()
    expected = {'summary': 'do something',
                'owner': 'okken',
                'done': True,
                'id': 21}
    assert t_dict == expected
Example #2
def test_unique_id_2():
    """unique_id() should return an unused id."""
    ids = []
    # grab a unique id
    uid = tasks.unique_id()
    # make sure it isn't in the list of existing ids
    assert uid not in ids
Example #3
def tasks_mult_per_owner():
    """Several owners with several tasks each."""
    return (Task('Make a cookie', 'Raphael'), Task('Use an emoji', 'Raphael'),
            Task('Move to Berlin', 'Raphael'), Task('Create', 'Michelle'),
            Task('Inspire', 'Michelle'), Task('Encourage', 'Michelle'),
            Task('Do a handstand',
                 'Daniel'), Task('Write some books',
                                 'Daniel'), Task('Eat ice cream', 'Daniel'))
def test_add_1(tasks_db):
    """tasks.get() using id returned from add() works."""
    task = Task('breathe', 'BRIAN', True)
    task_id = tasks.add(task)
    t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
    # everything but the id should be the same
    assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)
Example #5
def test_add_returns_valid_id():
    """tasks.add(<valid task>) should return an integer."""
    # GIVEN an initialized tasks db
    # WHEN a new task is added
    # THEN returned task_id is of type int
    new_task = Task('do something')
    task_id = tasks.add(new_task)
    assert isinstance(task_id, int)
Example #6
def test_add_increases_count(db_with_3_tasks):
    """Test tasks.add() affect on tasks.count()."""
    # GIVEN a db with 3 tasks
    #  WHEN another task is added
    tasks.add(Task('throw a party'))

    #  THEN the count increases by 1
    assert tasks.count() == 4
Example #7
def test_added_task_has_id_set():
    """Make sure the task_id field is set by tasks.add()."""
    # GIVEN an initialized tasks db
    #   AND a new task is added
    new_task = Task('sit in chair', owner='me', done=True)
    task_id = tasks.add(new_task)

    # WHEN task is retrieved
    task_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)

    # THEN task_id matches id field
    assert task_from_db.id == task_id
Example #8
def test_added_task_has_id_set(tasks_db):
    """Make sure the task_id field is set by tasks.add()."""
    # GIVEN an initialized tasks db
    #   AND a new task is added
    new_task = Task('sit in chair', owner='me', done=True)
    task_id = tasks.add(new_task)

    # WHEN task is retrieved
    task_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)

    # THEN task_id matches id field
    assert task_from_db.id == task_id

    # AND contents are equivalent (except for id)
    # the [:-1] syntax returns a list with all but the last element
    assert task_from_db[:-1] == new_task[:-1]
Example #9
def test_dict_equality():
    """Different tasks compared as dicts should not be equal."""
    t1_dict = Task('make sandwich', 'okken')._asdict()
    t2_dict = Task('make sandwich', 'okkem')._asdict()
    assert t1_dict == t2_dict
def test_add_3(tasks_db, summary, owner, done):
    """Demonstrate parametrize with multiple parameters."""
    task = Task(summary, owner, done)
    task_id = tasks.add(task)
    t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
    assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)
    task = Task('breathe', 'BRIAN', True)
    task_id = tasks.add(task)
    t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
    # everything but the id should be the same
    assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)

def equivalent(t1, t2):
    """Check two tasks for equivalence."""
    # Compare everything but the id field
    return ((t1.summary == t2.summary) and (t1.owner == t2.owner)
            and (t1.done == t2.done))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('task', [
    Task('sleep', done=True),
    Task('wake', 'brian'),
    Task('breathe', 'BRIAN', True),
    Task('exercise', 'BrIaN', False)
def test_add_2(tasks_db, task):
    """Demonstrate parametrize with one parameter."""
    task_id = tasks.add(task)
    t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
    assert equivalent(t_from_db, task)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('summary, owner, done', [
    ('sleep', None, False),
    ('wake', 'brian', False),
    ('breathe', 'BRIAN', True),
Example #12
"""Test the tasks.add() API function."""

import pytest
from tasks_proj.src import tasks
from tasks_proj.src.tasks import Task

tasks_to_try = (Task('sleep', done=True), Task('wake', 'brian'),
                Task('breathe', 'BRIAN', True), Task('exercise', 'BrIaN',

task_ids = [
    'Task({},{},{})'.format(t.summary, t.owner, t.done) for t in tasks_to_try

def equivalent(t1, t2):
    """Check two tasks for equivalence."""
    return ((t1.summary == t2.summary) and (t1.owner == t2.owner)
            and (t1.done == t2.done))

def a_task(request):
    return request.param

def test_add_a(tasks_db, a_task):
    task_id = tasks.add(a_task)
    t_from_db = tasks.get(task_id)
    assert equivalent(t_from_db, a_task)
Example #13
def test_replace():
    """replace() should change passed in fields."""
    t_before = Task('finish book', 'brian', False)
    t_after = t_before._replace(id=10, done=True)
    t_expected = Task('finish book', 'brian', True, 10)
    assert t_after == t_expected
Example #14
def tasks_just_a_few():
    """All summaries and owners are unique."""
    return (Task('Write some code', 'Brian',
                 True), Task("Code review Brian's code", 'Katie', False),
            Task('Fix what Brian did', 'Michelle', False))
Example #15
def test_task_equality():
    """Different tasks should not be equal."""
    t1 = Task('sit there', 'brian')
    t2 = Task('do something', 'okken')
    assert t1 != t2
Example #16
def test_defaults():
    """Using no parameters should invoke defaults."""
    t1 = Task()
    t2 = Task(None, None, False, None)
    assert t1 == t2
Example #17
def test_member_access():
    """Check .field functionality of namedtuple."""
    t = Task('buy milk', 'brian')
    assert t.summary == 'buy milk'
    assert t.owner == 'brian'
    assert (t.done, t.id) == (False, None)