Example #1
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        foreign_obj = None
        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', 0)

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value."
                    % (previous_obj, attr))

            return None

        self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        fk_bundle.depth = depth + 1
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)
Example #2
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        foreign_obj = None

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None
        elif callable(self.attribute):
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))

            return None

        self.fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        if depth is not None:
            fk_bundle.depth = depth - 1
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, self.fk_resource)
Example #3
    def dehydrate(self, bundle, for_list=True):
        foreign_obj = None

        if callable(self.attribute):
            previous_obj = bundle.obj
            foreign_obj = self.attribute(bundle)
        elif isinstance(self.attribute, six.string_types):
            foreign_obj = bundle.obj

            for attr in self._attrs:
                previous_obj = foreign_obj
                    foreign_obj = getattr(foreign_obj, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    foreign_obj = None

        if not foreign_obj:
            if not self.null:
                if callable(self.attribute):
                    raise ApiFieldError("The related resource for resource %s could not be found." % (previous_obj))
                    raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))
            return None

        fk_resource = self.get_related_resource(foreign_obj)
        fk_bundle = Bundle(obj=foreign_obj, request=bundle.request)
        fk_bundle.fields = getattr(bundle, 'fields', None)
        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        if depth is not None:
            fk_bundle.depth = depth - 1
        return self.dehydrate_related(fk_bundle, fk_resource, for_list=for_list)
Example #4
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context."
                    % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None
        previous_obj = bundle.obj
        attr = self.attribute

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            the_m2ms = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = the_m2ms
                    the_m2ms = getattr(the_m2ms, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    the_m2ms = None

                if not the_m2ms:

        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError(
                    "The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value."
                    % (previous_obj, attr))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        #       ``Manager`` there.
        for m2m in the_m2ms.all():
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)
            if depth is not None:
                m2m_bundle.depth = depth - 1
                self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))

        return m2m_dehydrated
Example #5
    def dehydrate(self, bundle):
        if not bundle.obj or not bundle.obj.pk:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' does not have a primary key and can not be used in a ToMany context." % bundle.obj)

            return []

        the_m2ms = None
        previous_obj = bundle.obj
        attr = self.attribute

        if isinstance(self.attribute, basestring):
            attrs = self.attribute.split('__')
            the_m2ms = bundle.obj

            for attr in attrs:
                previous_obj = the_m2ms
                    the_m2ms = getattr(the_m2ms, attr, None)
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    the_m2ms = None

                if not the_m2ms:

        elif callable(self.attribute):
            the_m2ms = self.attribute(bundle)

        if not the_m2ms:
            if not self.null:
                raise ApiFieldError("The model '%r' has an empty attribute '%s' and doesn't allow a null value." % (previous_obj, attr))

            return []

        self.m2m_resources = []
        m2m_dehydrated = []

        depth = getattr(bundle, 'depth', None)
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.max_depth
        # TODO: Also model-specific and leaky. Relies on there being a
        #       ``Manager`` there.
        for m2m in the_m2ms.all():
            m2m_resource = self.get_related_resource(m2m)
            m2m_bundle = Bundle(obj=m2m, request=bundle.request)
            if depth is not None:
                m2m_bundle.depth = depth - 1
            m2m_dehydrated.append(self.dehydrate_related(m2m_bundle, m2m_resource))

        return m2m_dehydrated